@@williamchavez382 It was a solid party for when I was 18 years old. A lot of people came over. Lots of weed and alcohol. Everyone making out with each other lmao
There are thousands of people waiting for your Aire Libre/My Girl Which Is Never Released :(. Please release this song, Please. The Vocals & Beats are amazing. The Track In Which Ronnie Dances With CJ
if u are a bedroom producer (u life for music... all producers know what i mean) and watched this movie it hits u on a fvcking deep mind level that u dont describe it. just unbelievable
RIP Squirrel 🙏🏻
Música, Amigos y Fiesta me trajo aquí, B)
ami igual :)
Leonardo Aleman Alonso
Dj Tecmo A mí también 😁
Christmas Party brought me here.
Austin Jimbun ye
Lil Jon JuicyJ featuring Tyga - BlackOut
Logan brought me here.
just randomly thought of this song and its almost new years
💿Música, Fiesta y Amigos Siempre cera mi película favorita💿
Thank you We are your Friends for bringing me here.
Dope tune.
It's 2021 still we vibing on this track ❤️ guess what em about to black out 🤷
I remember listening to this song on we are your friends thinking being a dj was simple lol
Love that movie lol
Inspired me to make beats and a 2 year old was dancing to my shit bruhhhhhhhhh
After hearing this yesterday I had to look up this song. So glad I found it !!!
Beat so hard Squirrel died
Too soon bro
I listen to this and I can't help but feel like I miss pre-covid times. Sorry to be a buzzkill guys. Song is fuc*ing FIRE though!
Lex is a nepo baby.
we are your friends brought me here, love this song
This shit gets me pumped for New Year's!!😁✨🎉
Cheers happy 2024 this track was on Logan how aren't they no more comments here
0:45 "hey driver!"
"best night ever"
Was feeling uneasy because I couldn’t find this song. I’m glad I did.
Feels good to know a song before it blows up
I'm with you there lol
+Riley Lake Looks to me like it's having trouble blowing up lol
+Pat247x ikr
Never really did :/
How is this not 1M+ views?
We did it reddit
Ahhh we are your friends brought me here💃🔥
I loveeeeeee this song!
Rip squirle😢
2015 best year of production:))
heard it gym before it blew up xD
I LOVE this song!! I blast it when I'm in the car. My son plays it ;-)
last summers jam
Office Christmas Party movie brought me here to this great party song and shout to lil jon
I love it so much 😍
glad i heard this on the radio.
xanax bar + good cannabis + beats by Dre + max volume = #LIFE
this song is killing it!!!
juicy j lil jon and tyga look like canadians from south park
2020 musica amigos y fiesta ♡♡
Old but gold
Can't wait for tomorrow... I'll throw a crazy ass party and play this shit hahahah
How was the party? 5 years later lol
@@williamchavez382 It was a solid party for when I was 18 years old. A lot of people came over. Lots of weed and alcohol. Everyone making out with each other lmao
@@thomas_weinreich as long as no one 🎲.. It's a good time. 🤙🏻
The Americanos x Lil Jon x Juicy J x Tyga 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
Once upon a time you had to have talent to be famous
This infinity we live in is in I ain't heard of them @cant measure it nice song
Last song squirrel heard.. damn good one to go out to
This is me and squad's suit up theme 😅 yeah that's how bad ass we were 🎧🤧😎🎥🙌🤯
The south park type figures are bomb 💣👌
Black is out
Who's there from 2034?
No es falta drogarse para disfrutar esta chingoneria de cancion😎😎😎
this song slaps, how is there only 4 mil views
I didn't know those guys were all Canadian, the greatest place on earth
There are thousands of people waiting for your Aire Libre/My Girl Which Is Never Released :(. Please release this song, Please. The Vocals & Beats are amazing. The Track In Which Ronnie Dances With CJ
if u are a bedroom producer (u life for music... all producers know what i mean) and watched this movie it hits u on a fvcking deep mind level that u dont describe it.
just unbelievable
I feel you brother, watch it high then you really get hit deep
omg ikr...
Tell them lil Jon ! Drink 🍹 till you blackout or pass out! 😅
R.i.p Squirrel
Deyyyuummm so feel this sing!!
Hermosa canción😍
Flames game brought me here
I'm about to just blackout!
Deberíamos recuperar la música de los años de oro/We should get it back the music of the golden years
inb4 song blows up
+Gas_on_deck_420 surprised it didn't
It's about to.
xxthehuskycaboosexx d
Iris de come galletas
that movie bring me here
+Jackbangers what movie?
we are your friends
+Jackbangers i not got friends
I remember this playing on the radio
Wo listening in 2022
When I listen to this I drink Rockstar Blackout energy drink.
Tyga!!!! 🔥🔥🔥
we gonna party till the end of dawn yo
Underground im in love!
This sound is fucking 🔥
This shit is still really fucking 🔥 and still a fucking amazing song and i thought we are your friends was a fucking awesome movie !!!!
I feel like this should be the theme song for Spike TV’s Bar Rescue show.
They must be Canadian
So basically "Shots" with new words.
he did to many shots this time.
We Are Your Friends? Anyone? Ofcourse! :)
Fikuss yep R.I.P. Squirrel!!
Best movie
Duh it’s on the soundtrack simple jack
@@arysonck2753 squirrel will live forever he’s on coles headphones bruhhhhhhh
This song is so sick why only 40k views??????????????
Now 256k views and 2k likes, PEOPLE FREAKING LIKE THIS CRAP!!!!
Now 256k views and 2k likes, PEOPLE FREAKING LIKE THIS CRAP!!!!
Fuck yes! If you haven't drank till you blacked out at least once you don't know what your actual limit is.
I want a healthy liver thank you very much.
John Adam couldnt put it any better
só de ver essa galera aglomerada, me deu gatilho
da homie Zack, he is just an actor
melhor filme (música,festa e amigos) !! so vim aqui por esse filme
CyborgGamer é nois
intao é noix ksks melhor filme👏👏
We Are Your Friends 😍😍😍😍😍
ThIs was squirrel's last song.🙏🙏
In 2:07 there its a guy with a black ops 5 shirt
Always thought that film was a gift from the future
Knew this song for a month, only 87k views?!
so vim por causa do filme é tyga
Logan brought me here 😁 gonna be blasting this in 2029
love this song :-D
Full volume on speakers and the beginning YEAH always jumpscares me..
Damn... Bring the song "My Girl" !!!!
the movie had ONE good song.....THAATS IT
❤❤ Magistri thanks for sharing ❤❤
R.I.P Squirrel
these canadian southpark muppet guys are a delight
Who is here cuz Office Christmas Party movie ? :D
TheDavo6233 i am
Me too! ;)
Por favor regresenme al 2015 la música de ahora está bien puñetas
After the party of Christmas....
This reminds me of "Bingo Players ft. Far East Movement - Get Up"
Who listen in 2022?
thank you Office Christmas Party
Lol great song at least it's nice to know it before the ticking time bomb of excitement explodes. 😃
Logan, Christmas party and we are your friends brought me here. Hit like if you agree