RUINS(of civilisation)

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • A once-proud civilisation lay in dust...
    music by Toroidh


  • @megaswenson
    @megaswenson 14 років тому

    ...and the ideologies that enabled them in destroying it.... The photos mesh with the Toroidh seamlessly. Kudos.

  • @uwu-sc7hm
    @uwu-sc7hm 6 років тому

    oml this was posted when i was born lol! keep up with the good work!!!!!!

  • @thortila
    @thortila 16 років тому

    good video i

  • @Filmaker25
    @Filmaker25 15 років тому

    beautiful photography!! Very sad of course. I can imagine at one time thier was alot of life and activity in these buildings.

  • @ehipassiko
    @ehipassiko 14 років тому

    Excellent shots! Did you take them? Most of those shots are... beautiful! Your framing is excellent!

  • @Jamerican28
    @Jamerican28 14 років тому

    Bing is probably the best I've seen thus far. He seems to have a genuine interest in improving the city but there is so much needed.

  • @crotchrot31
    @crotchrot31 14 років тому

    Best Detroit Decay video yet!

  • @tatavega2217
    @tatavega2217 11 років тому +1

    When the host organism finally has enough and picks up and leaves, the parasites are left with no sustainable food source and at that point will feed off of each other and the relics the host organism leaved behind until there is noting else left.

  • @Ameerah.G
    @Ameerah.G 15 років тому

    It's funny how we find old ruins from past civilizations and ponder about why anyone would leave such a great looking place but we have abandonded palaces in our own time and don't ask the same questions.

  • @Chris9273
    @Chris9273 15 років тому

    This is a good video, but I live in Detroit and I love my city. We all should get proactive in restoring this beautiful city.

  • @fubecabr
    @fubecabr 15 років тому

    Thank you UAW!!!

  • @theKennyHalt
    @theKennyHalt 14 років тому

    i love how it looks i know its sad but i would love to go do some urban exploration there

  • @kblopp
    @kblopp 14 років тому

    Yep, I remember when Soulman Young said that.

  • @puck30
    @puck30 14 років тому

    Ah yes, Robert Moses. Read about him in school. Where can you NOT walk or drive with out running into something he did in NYC & Long Island. He had the vision and the backing. Though if Jane Jacobs were here today she would have something different to say. As bad as the Cross Bronx is when I use it, I'm so glad he built it. I think Bloomberg has a little RM in him.

  • @synthknobs
    @synthknobs 9 років тому +1

    You can tell these pictures are over 10 years old, there is still metal objects in these pictures. Today you will not find old ovens lockers, even the metal stack on the train station is gone.

  • @puck30
    @puck30 14 років тому

    SAFE! Satch you nailed it! That's why NYC survives and doesn't fold.
    80's:Scary, 90's: turned it around, 00's: So safe a white guy can even walk in Harlem! Now where do you think business will want to go, NYC or Detroit?

  • @SatchmoSings
    @SatchmoSings 15 років тому

    New York City and Chicago acheived the majority of THEIR renaissance with private investment; people are willing to make such investment if they know that they're not going to mugged, assaulted and their apartments broken in to.
    There is much to be said for Urban Life; these are the reasons great cities grew in the first place. Keep people safe, and they will come.

  • @SatchmoSings
    @SatchmoSings 15 років тому

    The amount of time and energy involved on vandalizing all this property is quite considerable, yet the same people that spend all their time lugging sledge hammers up 35 flights to wreak havoc, can't seem to find the same time and energy TO GO TO WORK EVERYDAY!!
    And what's worse is that the political leadership of Detroit supports and justifies all this!

  • @IKhanNot
    @IKhanNot 16 років тому

    It is just so hard to take in the fact that this was once a bustling city. I remember when I visited Detroit. It had somehwhat of an errie feeling to it, you see the bitterness in some of the people's faces and the amount of derelict buildings was beyond belief. At this point in time Detroit seems too far gone in the wrong direction and will never escape this vicious cycle of downfalling. The only good thing I can say about Detroit right now is that the traffic is good since its underpopulated.

  • @DanielGFerguson
    @DanielGFerguson 15 років тому

    I wanna live there. I'd set up in the train station. Tear most the houses down around it. I'd have a twenty thousand square foot studio. I'd pay all the gangsters to work for me.

  • @Joehatrix
    @Joehatrix 15 років тому

    Sad and scary like the film I am Legend.

  • @sh1768
    @sh1768 15 років тому

    Some people from CCS presented a proposal for the revitalization of the train station several years ago, but the old guy who owns it (and who owns most of Mexican Town) refuses to do anything with it. So sad. Now the "train station" is just a little trailer next to the building. :(

  • @MrStanleybigfare
    @MrStanleybigfare 11 років тому

    There was acouple of buildings I just loved in this vid that should be saved!!! One of them was at 0:34.

  • @konnii1
    @konnii1 13 років тому +1

    i saw a super mutant

  • @SashaPoberailo
    @SashaPoberailo 14 років тому

    Look at it another way: all the iron can sell on Metal, and the building dismantled and the bricks are sold, too.

  • @WinstonCathedral
    @WinstonCathedral 11 років тому

    Tata you coming out with any new disco records?

  • @MrUnidyne
    @MrUnidyne 15 років тому

    Whose fault? Outsourcing auto manufacturers, real estate speculators, predatory loan brokers... There's plenty of blame to go around.

  • @SatchmoSings
    @SatchmoSings 14 років тому

    Bloomberg has more than a little RM in him in the way he deals with real-estate developement in the City.

  • @volunteerz
    @volunteerz 13 років тому

    I thought dynamite was cheaper than drugs over there

  • @YksiSuomalainen
    @YksiSuomalainen 11 років тому

    If I ever make a post apocalyptic film. I will film it in Detroit.

  • @SatchmoSings
    @SatchmoSings 15 років тому

    The average home in Detroit is now worth only $18,000.
    If it's destroyed by fire or whatever, it doesn't even pay to repair; just tear it down and move somewhere else.

  • @SatchmoSings
    @SatchmoSings 15 років тому

    That was NOT the point I was making with the previous poster.

  • @ToyotaBear96
    @ToyotaBear96 12 років тому

    When did these buildings of Detroit start to be abandonded?

  • @bavarikus
    @bavarikus 14 років тому

    @Vengeance4Me79 - I like you question!!! But I don´t have the anwer.

  • @SatchmoSings
    @SatchmoSings 15 років тому

    Implicit in renovation and restoration is that there would ultimately be an economic viability behind it, whether commercial or even subsidized by taxpayers.
    There is no viability here; the electorate of Detroit (who willfully created this ruins), of Michigan and the USA have all spoken.

  • @OneManOnFire
    @OneManOnFire 15 років тому

    Wow im speechless. I'm not from that area so i have to ask who's fault is this? GM, Ford, .....?

  • @homehazard
    @homehazard 14 років тому

    @25Doesntmatter the list of problems is complex. The short and narrow is the hollowing of american industry to 3rd world countries for reduced labor costs. There are other significant factors attributed to social dysfunction as illustrated in the race riots circa 1967. The domestic industries got driven away from both competitive forces, complacency and poor national economic strategies. I could go on.....

  • @BanjoNaps
    @BanjoNaps 15 років тому

    blame that group, blame this group.
    This is the natural consequence of when individuals give up freedom for temporary gain.
    Are you free?

  • @SatchmoSings
    @SatchmoSings 15 років тому

    The main reason for the destruction of Detroit is the fact that it was run by "Super-Liberal" politicians.
    Indeed, all the factors that made Detroit such a desirable location still all exist.
    When you have Super Liberal Politicians that make every kind of excuse for every kind of human failure (such as crime and "social promotion" in schools), this is clearly what you wind up with!
    Compare Detroit's crime rate to that of Chicago and New York City; there is no comparison!

  • @UtahImplosion
    @UtahImplosion 15 років тому

    Where is this horrible place .... Michigan?

  • @rickster348
    @rickster348 13 років тому

    I'm Not raising my children where I'm constantly afraid., End of conversation.

  • @DrCruel
    @DrCruel 14 років тому

    @externalpower Why does an unchecked virus eventually kill its host?

  • @puck30
    @puck30 14 років тому

    As Jerry Doyle says, think of the I-495 loop around DC as a gated community. And when you pass through that gate into DC, throw all logic out the window. BTW: did you know Shiela Jackson Lee is running Homeland Security? Scary, isn't it.

  • @ArmsDealer06
    @ArmsDealer06 15 років тому

    Detroit has been going straight into the shitter for decades. DECADES. The tanking Auto industry is just the cherry on top, not the root cause.

  • @upnorthoutdoors989
    @upnorthoutdoors989 2 роки тому +2

    What the hell happened here??

  • @pumpkinitis
    @pumpkinitis 13 років тому

    It's what happens when people, who build up a city and have pride in what they worked for, suddenly outsource their work to make an extra temporary dollar or just take the job with them to the suburbs further eroding the city's tax base and leaving a shell of a city . Yeah, make it a race issue or blame it on white flight but the one thing that made this city grand is, oddly, one of the things that led to it's demise. The Automobile.

  • @tri2beatme
    @tri2beatme 13 років тому

    Don't you just love the free enterprise system. Example: Mr. Henry builds a car company then becomes a multi-millionaire. Pass it to his son and his son bring on investors and they become a billionaire. Investors get greedy and hire some geek penny pinching accountants. They start slashing workforce and benefits. Then start outsourcing jobs. Now they're muti-billionaires. Now the same people you put out of a job are the ones you expect to buy the cars you produce elsewhere. Kinda crazy u think!!

  • @Olibass24
    @Olibass24 16 років тому

    1:38? Where is this?

  • @puck30
    @puck30 14 років тому

    But at this point, there is no chief of the dept. So isn't she in charge by default?

  • @tmclink
    @tmclink 15 років тому

    Ummm... these aren't all images of Detroit. Sorry I live here. Can someone please tell me where the image at 1:30 is? It's not here.

  • @SatchmoSings
    @SatchmoSings 14 років тому

    First of all, I must tell you that NYC, starting during WWII, had a formal policy of getting rid of its manufacturing base to turn NYC into a "white collar ONLY" town.
    This was an easy thing to do, as the average factory in this city was only about 10 people.
    (Read: "The New York Approach: Robert Moses, Urban Liberals, and Redevelopment of the Inner City" by Joel Schwartz.)

  • @pshsa5
    @pshsa5 15 років тому

    It's sad to see all of these abandoned buildings around the city and it's an interesting feeling being inside them.. to me at least.

  • @ascpgh1
    @ascpgh1 13 років тому

    This is what happens when those who are left do not raise children and politicians with any expectations and desire only short term benefits to themselves. Enjoy the results while those who stick to the concept of greater good through self sacrifice move to more receptive locations where those contributions won't be wasted.

  • @Glargl
    @Glargl 16 років тому

    The pic at 1:31 shows some kind of Soweto type slum. That can't really be USA (yet), right?

  • @Egglesplork
    @Egglesplork 14 років тому

    _____It's the food--the cost of nutritious foods versus the cost of junk food. In America, farmers are given a subsidy for growing high-carb foods, corn-starch and the like. All of those extra carbs go into potato chips (crisps), soda-pop and other nonsense. Meanwhile, the cost of meat goes up. Junk food is a LOT cheaper than fresh foods. Poor folks can't afford fresh fruit, raw meats and the like. When a pound of potato chips is cheaper than an apple...

  • @rickster348
    @rickster348 13 років тому

    all our hero's are dead. Who will save us now?

  • @dillonhillier
    @dillonhillier 16 років тому

    im pretty sure that picture is photo shopped.

  • @firewallx1839
    @firewallx1839 14 років тому

    Once detroit went to poor blacks, that once beautiful city became a cesspool.

  • @xciteful
    @xciteful 16 років тому

    You could film a HL2 movie there. Utter devastation.

  • @sniker45
    @sniker45 14 років тому

    god it looks like a war zone whole area should be turned into a wild life refuge all these old factory sites must have significant ground contamination looks like nothing has been properly mothballed and cleaned up

  • @gripnsip3000
    @gripnsip3000 15 років тому

    Only part of it. A string of shitty mayors and complete complacency, plus a totally ignorant, welfare-dependent population destroyed it. Remember it as it once was: the third largest city in the nation - a majestic, blossomed accomplishment that could challenge San Francisco in beauty and New York City in economic achievement.

  • @amalek80
    @amalek80 16 років тому

    You cannot have lived in Detroit if you think Europe has anywhere nearly as bad.

  • @John312x
    @John312x 15 років тому

    Anybody know what 1:30 is a picture of?

  • @tubefish666
    @tubefish666 15 років тому

    Images of a dying empire...

  • @JohnRinNoHo
    @JohnRinNoHo 14 років тому

    Unprofitable businesses can not exist for long.
    Do you think that progressive, "redistribute the wealth" government policies had something to do with it?

  • @Mastado
    @Mastado 16 років тому

    Something that has really confused me is how some black people say "stereotypes aren't true" and all of that talk, but they just go right ahead and fit those stereotypes.
    Why is that?

  • @bartjebeltegoed
    @bartjebeltegoed 15 років тому

    It's easy to blame the black poeple for all the troubles.
    The problem is; the economical system treats poeple more and more like machines. It's all about profit, profit for the ceo's and the shareholders. Cut back loans, employ fewer and fewer poeple. Government makes tax-brakes for large companies etc etc. In America some poeple need to work 2 or 3 jobs just to get food on the table. Don't you see anything substantially wrong there?
    It's not about the poeple, it's about the profit.

  • @ximowilson
    @ximowilson 13 років тому +1

    Fallout New Detroit.

  • @al0jzy
    @al0jzy 16 років тому

    Where have you seen bad places in Warsaw? And please, don't say anything about Praga district. It is a bit devastated, that's true, but this process have been stopped now. And also there aren't any slums abandoned skyscrapers, buildings devastated by riots, etc. Only abandoned buildings are these which were destroyed during WW2 and not rebuilt after it (not many) and some state industries closed down after transformations in 90. (also not many and often reused for other purposes).

  • @bartjebeltegoed
    @bartjebeltegoed 15 років тому

    I followed the elections closely, and i noticed this too.
    I was asthonised, is this really the way poeple look at the EU? There are a lot of rich poeple that can buy veyron's and such, and luxembourg has the highest GDP in the world. I think income-difference must exist to motivate poeple.
    But i also think nobody has to work 3 jobs just to get food on the table and a roof above their head.
    A few days ago i read that 10% of the US population uses food stamps.. in such a rich country!

  • @theklrdude
    @theklrdude 13 років тому

    60 + years of liberalism and this is the result !

  • @amalek80
    @amalek80 16 років тому

    I can't speak for Warsaw or Eastern Europe in general, but I am English and there is not (yet) a single corner of the country that is anything like as dangerous as Detroit.

  • @axesata
    @axesata 13 років тому

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Shadow of Detroit

  • @25Doesntmatter
    @25Doesntmatter 14 років тому

    Sorry guys, but I don't get it, I am from Europe. What happened with this city? I mean, it has a beautiful skyline, why is it abandoned?

  • @bartjebeltegoed
    @bartjebeltegoed 15 років тому

    No, the American economical system is based on wasting and making as much profit as possible for the richest of poeple.
    If you should blame a group of poeple, it should be the CEO's of financials and the carcompanies.

  • @sniker45
    @sniker45 14 років тому

    what a sad place how can america live with its self

  • @znuos
    @znuos 14 років тому

    @Vengeance4Me79 because in america water costs more then soda's

  • @YksiSuomalainen
    @YksiSuomalainen 11 років тому

    Welfare payments and government aid are still coming in.

  • @mare652
    @mare652 14 років тому

    I ask the same thing. What happenned?
    Socialist policies forced on a capitolist coutry. I mourn for the future as social progess advances in what used to be the most productive city in the US.
    We used to say "if it is good for GM it is good for the US"
    I guess the welfare mentality and big unions were not so good for General Motors.

  • @karenreuss7432
    @karenreuss7432 11 років тому

    would we have stopped buying from china if we had known

  • @SatchmoSings
    @SatchmoSings 14 років тому

    So what you're saying is that you don't know about the difference between the Legislative and Executive branches of government.

  • @CapitalistOverlord
    @CapitalistOverlord 14 років тому

    They move overseas because they need capital to survive. A corporations prime function is the creation of capital, or really, the keeping of capital.
    This is the problem with capitalism. It has made us all put capital before people.

  • @CharlieHipHop
    @CharlieHipHop 14 років тому

    Poor people are fat because low-quality, high-fat food is cheap but high-quality food that nourishes the body is expensive. If you ate nothing but government cheese and Mickey Ds you'd be fat before long.

  • @CapitalistOverlord
    @CapitalistOverlord 14 років тому

    Oh in a perfect world.
    Capitalism, as you've seen from this video, causes too many problems. For instance, if you don't have unions, the workers will be mistreated, however, if you do have unions, you have the problem of the unions asking for too much. Another example, if you have absolutely no regulation, people will be hurt or exploited in some way (See pre-Teddy Roosevelt market), however, if you do have regulation, you have the problem of it stopping capital from being made.

  • @xxxrrrxxxrrr
    @xxxrrrxxxrrr 14 років тому

    Well, I couldn't disagree, that in many cases unions have been good, but really, in Detroit it has fucked everything up, everything good has it's borders.

  • @DeejGriffin
    @DeejGriffin 14 років тому

    believe me buddy it wont be like that for long

  • @puck30
    @puck30 14 років тому

    Yes I do but, Isn't the head of Homeland being held up in conformation?(so while their is nobody in the front office) oh well. Does it matter? Soon we will probably have a Homeland Security Czar and he will trump everybody but Obama.

  • @badMAck078
    @badMAck078 13 років тому

    every empire falls..... americas is coming..

  • @kblopp
    @kblopp 14 років тому

    Well since you are gonna pray for me I guess I will have to remove the previous post.

  • @exbronco1980
    @exbronco1980 14 років тому

    @Porkykls123 Detroit is a city that is part of Michigan and part of America. John Engler was governor for 12 years. Michigan had other republican governors over the past 50 years. Republicans have controlled MI's legislature on and off over the years. Most of the presidents over the past 40 years have been republican. It is inaccurate to place all the blame on democrats. besides, why would a city that is mostly black have a republican mayor anyway?

  • @al0jzy
    @al0jzy 16 років тому

    But I can (because I live in Warsaw) and it isn't truth that it is dangerous. Of course, you can be robbed or something, but this possibility exists all around the world.

  • @Kane6676
    @Kane6676 13 років тому

    The true result of capitolism

  • @455Transam
    @455Transam 13 років тому

    @chrisman714368 McCain couldn't have done any worse that's for sure!
    I liked MITT ROMNEY best anyway. Great businessman, good family man, and had a lot of experience which OBAMA lacks.

  • @SatchmoSings
    @SatchmoSings 15 років тому

    It was very, very easy, uploadJ.
    All you do is keep parroting, "UAW! UAW! UAW! UAW!
    That makes it rather easy!

  • @thevansmack
    @thevansmack 13 років тому

    This is the result of union greed

  • @leaturk11
    @leaturk11 13 років тому

    this is america's future

  • @manorrd
    @manorrd 15 років тому

    Ha ha!
    Reminds me of Detroit.

  • @Sagemaster00
    @Sagemaster00 14 років тому

    You misspelled Civilization. Change the title to welcome America.

  • @uploadJ
    @uploadJ 15 років тому

    SatchmoSings: "I fail to see the UAW's role in this; try the political leadership. "
    You are changing the direction of the 'argument' or dicusssion. Maybe you are reading someone else's comments and not mine.
    I have not said anything one way or the other about political leadership.
    Do you want to address the subject of 'politcal leadership'?
    Do you? Or just grandstand and make strawman arguments and call people trolls?

  • @raddreamstar
    @raddreamstar 14 років тому

    @Vengeance4Me79 Poor people usually only eat high carbs high sugar foods. A lot of them don't know how to cook or don't know better. This is a result of massive entitlement programs and a nanny state.