Have you tried 3 star Olaf in bruiser comp with either 2x titans - rageblade. Or Titans, BT and rageblade. If bruiser is open and Olaf is a free, its a free top 4.
No i havent, but i feel like Kata and jinx reroll is the only one who can go sure top 4 and might hit a win with. So i only go for them at the moment. But thanks for the tip!
Great tutorial, everything is well explained and I like how you add very cool tips. Thanks a lot !
Thank you! I’ll keep trying adding tips though my videos
your guides are the best, thank you
Thank you! So many more guides this set incoming 👀
6 guardian 4 superstar, Senna carry is also a good reroll comp. Kennen is a super underrated chosen. His sustain is pretty broken
Thanks for sharing!
work it, tysm
You are welcome! Kata is performing the best atm :)
Have you tried 3 star Olaf in bruiser comp with either 2x titans - rageblade. Or Titans, BT and rageblade. If bruiser is open and Olaf is a free, its a free top 4.
No i havent, but i feel like Kata and jinx reroll is the only one who can go sure top 4 and might hit a win with. So i only go for them at the moment. But thanks for the tip!