Daycare should appreciate parents doing anything to improve their child's skills. That can make their daily job easier. Just explain and let them know this is about the child's development and you guys are aiming the good for the child, highlighted: We highly appreciate and believe the school is professional and has been doing the best for your child. (make sure they know the SLP visit is not getting them into trouble, in fact, showing to the gov that the school is doing the best for their children) P.S. If the school is not aiming for the best for your child, that's not a place worth your $ or your child's stay. Everything will be fine. Don't worry too much. Aim for the best for the child. Once the golden development period passed, nothing can send you back in time. A child's development is priceless and always the first priority. If you need help looking for daycare, or looking after the child, my door (including children's food, snacks, and toys, all entertainment) is always open for your family! =D
英文方面基本上完全唔需要擔心, 小朋友正式入學, 上到 Kindergarten (幼兒班) 後自然會突飛猛進, 到 Grade 1 時講英文仲多過廣東話! 你要做既係在家培養佢學好自己既母語- 中文。而每個小朋友既學習速度各有不同, 未必個個都學得咁快。有的 1 年就可以追到,掌握到兩種語言既基本溝通, 有的可能 2 年, 3 年先得, 慢慢來, 唔使心急!
我係好比心機上堂😂 但做唔做到就唔知😂😂
完全正確, 兩者並無直接關係。
No problem!
其實 bilingual 係外國係好普遍 好多人都識講1種以上既語言
當然一開頭有機會令小朋友有少少混亂 但慢慢佢再大啲就會pick up 到
係⋯⋯開頭真係好難🤯 之後第二個應該仲難🥰🥰🥰
Henry 兄,做父母關心子女係好正常,一切順其自然,我個仔四歲過黎,佢一返學就自然自動波了,返屋企我地都係講廣東話,一切慢慢來吧,用多啲時間睇個仔啦❤
你是否用Google translate?有些字句譯錯,睇番吓🙂
為左慳時間,我用AI 自動gen 字幕呀!當然係冇proofread😂😂
Daycare should appreciate parents doing anything to improve their child's skills. That can make their daily job easier. Just explain and let them know this is about the child's development and you guys are aiming the good for the child, highlighted: We highly appreciate and believe the school is professional and has been doing the best for your child. (make sure they know the SLP visit is not getting them into trouble, in fact, showing to the gov that the school is doing the best for their children)
P.S. If the school is not aiming for the best for your child, that's not a place worth your $ or your child's stay.
Everything will be fine. Don't worry too much. Aim for the best for the child. Once the golden development period passed, nothing can send you back in time. A child's development is priceless and always the first priority.
If you need help looking for daycare, or looking after the child, my door (including children's food, snacks, and toys, all entertainment) is always open for your family! =D
Really appreciate it! it is really supportive although using english is really hard to me XD
don't say too much la! let's BBQ this week la gogogo!!!!
語言識唔識不重要,最重要識搵錢。 找搵錢專家好過。
係要用好多時間去學 我講既學都包括家長
但呢排真係太難頂😟 佢又表達唔到,又一直喊 唉
男仔講野係會遲D, 聽多D就會識講
你本身英文唔native , 發音文法vocab 都唔理想, 小朋友係會學得唔好,弊多於利。所有教育文獻都提倡學好第一語言有助第二語言嘅學習'佢已經有足夠學英文嘅環境,你根本就唔需要擔心。我哋都係類似嘅家庭,10分贊同言語治療師嘅建議。而且你唔需要再同小朋友講嗰啲食奶奶嘅BB話。
唔膽心好難嫁😔過咗個階段,調返轉頭就會唔擔心,好似佢撞到 佢會識講痛 但唔會識hurt 係day care 就會唔知佢想點
@@hkhenry0221 你用錯方法只會更差, 人地做哂研究, 你咁樣只會另佢中英都學唔好
我覺得英文/ 發音唔 native 並不重要,最大問題係佢好多好簡單既常用英文單字都唔識,點教小朋友? 現階段應該只集中教小朋友自己既母語。
Hi , Henry , 你們好,我住在多倫多的,多倫多day care 現在政府津助很多,只需$10 一天,BC 省是否一樣?
Bc 省都有$10daycare 呢個係要睇你嘅家庭收入
但只少之前都係中文環境? 唉 佢依家係表達唔到個下 好頭痛
@ 佢仲細個,而家有專業人士幫手好快會有進步💪🏻