Livestream with the Line6 HX Stomp

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @timothyhuh3310
    @timothyhuh3310 4 роки тому +1

    A good way to think of pre-delay is to think of your direct sound, and then the amount of time it takes for that sound to bounce off the wall behind you, or next to you. The further you are away from the wall, the longer the pre-delay.

  • @davidhenderson5051
    @davidhenderson5051 4 роки тому +1

    *ahhh the man is a wealth of knowledge....... !!* _Well done brother!_

  • @andypastor4693
    @andypastor4693 4 роки тому +1

    Great info, maybe a video on the top of the line floor Helix in the future.... Matt has some really good presets for sale for the Helix, saves a lot of time doing it yourself. Thanks Matt

  • @Firstinversion899
    @Firstinversion899 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks for doing this!

  • @seanmalroy
    @seanmalroy 2 роки тому

    what a great video. awesome! I'm betting the reverbs are way better on the Helix than the Boss ME-80

    • @ElectricViolinShop
      @ElectricViolinShop  2 роки тому +1

      They're better, more numerous, and far more customizable. Of course, for the difference in price between the units, you'd expect that.

  • @dalebrownmusic
    @dalebrownmusic 4 роки тому

    I wonder if Matt could be convinced to share a EVS presets on the Line6 CustomTone site. Might be a nice incentive if people were considering picking up a Stomp. ;) (Already have one and love it!)

  • @DrawAndErase
    @DrawAndErase 4 роки тому

    Do you think you can replace a keyboard player in a prog rock band with an electric violin and one of these Line 6 machines? For example to play harmony, lead solos, and general atmospheric effects. It's something I'm interested in seeing but I've never seen someone play the violin like that in a band haha. But I guess anything is possible just depends on how creative you are.

    • @ElectricViolinShop
      @ElectricViolinShop  4 роки тому

      Matt did it for 10 years with a party band in NC. And that's exactly how he did it - with a Helix.

  • @7stringbassist
    @7stringbassist 4 роки тому

    Does this 34A Acoustic Violin patch come in the HX Stomp or is it created by Matt??

    @SARINBABUVIOLIN 4 роки тому

    Which one is good for my cantini violin line 6 hx effect or stomp box ?

    • @ElectricViolinShop
      @ElectricViolinShop  4 роки тому +1

      There are pros and cons to each one. I'd say you can get a good sound either way.

  • @neilmusician1143
    @neilmusician1143 4 роки тому

    is it same like Headrush Gigboard?

  • @347nian
    @347nian 3 роки тому


  • @347nian
    @347nian 2 роки тому +1

    I play by Zoom a1 x four