Po poti ljubezni v Brežicah

  • Опубліковано 3 січ 2025
  • Po poti ljubezni v Brežicah
    Spoznajte mesto na sotočju Save in Krke skozi številne zgodbe, ki mestu dajo edinstven pečat. Ljubezen je rdeča nit, ki povezuje in predstavlja brežiške znamenitosti v starem mestnem jedru. Preko zgodb spoznamo različne vrste ljubezni, ki osmišljajo življenje posameznika in se poglobimo v pomen ljubezni. Ne spoznamo le pročelja stavb, ampak jih doživimo osebno.
    Path of Love in Brežice
    Discover the town at the confluence of the Sava and Krka rivers through numerous stories that give the town a unique character. Love is the common thread that connects and represents the landmarks of Brežice in the old town center. Through stories, we encounter various types of love that give meaning to an individual's life and delve into the significance of love. We don't just get to know the facades of buildings, but experience them personally/intimately.