Nice! In the summer of 2018 i had a road trip, too, but around the sea in almost all the Balkan peninsula (but with the car): Romania - Serbia - Montenegro (with a short trip to Dubrovnik) - Albania - Greece (Parga - Patras - Foinikounta - Athens - Volos ) - Bulgaria - Romania.
Φιλε Δημητρη απο τα ωραιοτερα βιντεο που εχω δει ,εύχομαι παντα τετοια,
Νεκτάριε σε ευχαριστώ πολύ φιλαράκι μου!!!!
Ωραιο ταξιδι!!και ο Βαγγέλης στην παρεα!!αδερφος
Είναι αδερφός όπως τα λες, πολύ καλός μοτοσυκλετιστης και φυσικά τιμονάρα!!!
Ευχαριστούμε πολύ φίλε μου.
Nice! In the summer of 2018 i had a road trip, too, but around the sea in almost all the Balkan peninsula (but with the car): Romania - Serbia - Montenegro (with a short trip to Dubrovnik) - Albania - Greece (Parga - Patras - Foinikounta - Athens - Volos ) - Bulgaria - Romania.
very nice trip you had.!!.. i hope you liked our Country and hope to visit greece again with your motorcycle this time!!!