✅ Install Raid for Free Mobile and PC: clik.cc/OBpey and get a special starter pack with an Epic champion Drake 🎉Log into the game for 7 days between now and July 24th and get a free legendary champion Artak 💥Check out Raid’s new limited animated series Call of the Arbiter here: ua-cam.com/video/H32dvyCVkfk/v-deo.html&pp=iAQB If you have any questions, feel free to ask! EDIT: I made a HUGE mistake by not censoring the names of certain people that appear on this video. Even if the texts are public and you can find them easily by searching on google, please I ask everyone in the community *DO NOT HARRASS THEM UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE* and do not interact or go after them to explain anything. They have their right to hold their opinion. If you go to attack anyone that is featured in this video in any way, I do not welcome you in my community! EDIT 2: Some of the entries have been removed from this Iceberg. While the total ended up being 68, I originally fully intended to cover 100 entries, but this task was too demanding for my PC. The last 20 minutes of this video were agonizing to edit, as each cut, move or effect took 5 seconds to appear and I was constantly crashing. So if you see an entry that appears on a tier, but it's missing, that's because I forgot to remove it from the final result! EDIT 3: The Problematic Content Creators section was going to cover one of the most morbid cases of a DBD Content Creator. I hate drama and cancel culture, so I didn't add any prominent content creators that might have said a slur in the past or a controversial take. The person I was talking about has been sentenced to prison, but due to how bad the copyright system in youtube is, I decided not to risk all my effort going in the drain for this video, and instead I might cover it in the soon future!
A Game Director advising the community to play other games if they are unsatisfied might be shitty from a PR standpoint, but he was genuine and he does have a point lol
Even Yoshi P says it about FFXIV players. When there's nothing to do or no patches with new content, or people are bored or tired he even encourages them to play some other things.
He has a point but it made absolutely no fucking sense to say that to the question being asked as it also came off as dismissive of actual doing something with killer experience
One note about the NFT one, BHVR didnt support NFTs, but due to the chapter being licensed, they give the license holders full access to the assets used for the chapter, including the box, the skins, and the pinhead model itself. They also give the license holders codes to receive the chapters, for giveaway purposes In other words, BHVR mentioned after the fact that what the license holders do with the assets after the fact is entirely separate from them, and also mentioned how pinhead will not receive any other cosmetics
@@buraaqwasti7729 The word "polemico" means controversial in spanish, so it's possible that english is their second language and just didn't know the proper translation.
if devs believe that a thing being bad irl means they wont ever add such thing into game, then why does this game even exists in the first place if it consists of murdering and torturing people? is kicking, torturing and murdering adults ok? a classic hypocricy
To add a little bit more to the fog creatures section there’s also a part in vittorios tome lore that has him fighting against a monster while he’s traveling through the entities realm
Honestly the nerf the pig meme goes deeper. Because the first change you mentioned was that her terror radius was changed to match her speed, despite this other stealth killers with her exact speed during this change and that came out after did not have as big of a terror radius. The other one is pretty self explanatory. But the changes go even further as tons of updates for an entire year had some nerf for the pig without once buffing her. There’s a great video about it and it’s absolutely bizarre that they just kept nerfing her and haven’t really buffed her since.
The only 'nerf' that was needed was the one adding more jigsaw boxes so she can't camp them, besides that she really didn't need to be balanced at all she was a ton of fun to play before the changes! Poor Amanda.. :/
You missed the point of why people were upset about ableist nurse Behavior themselves had made it clear that Nurse (and Wraith) had her humanity intact more than anyone else and actually pushed the whole "angel of mercy" thing themselves. In a way, you were supposed to be able to kind of root for the nurse, and thats why her writing was so spectacular. Then, they made a character who was supposed to have their humanity into an ableist, which is not something that someone with humanity would do. To put it simply, the problem was her character inconsistency
yup i agree 100%. she was completely unique - she killed survivors because she still believed/felt she was relieving them from suffering, even in the fog. it's why her perk, Nurse's Calling, alerts her to wounded people nearby--so she can go finish them off, give them the coup de grace, mercy kill them. it's also ridic that people get mad about Oreo, which doesn't even make sense for an asian. she isn't black. asian people are called "bananas", because they're "yellow outside, white inside". i swear people are so dumb these days.
@@roflmows Oreo sounds like Onryo. At best it would be offensive to Onryos (which do not exist and even if they did they have more serious greivances than being called Oreo). The idea is that it's a mythological creature from japan and mispronoucing the name funny is somehow offensive. (I am Romanian , you can call "Iele" Yale if you want )
@@yogitavyas1324 It’s all cool! You are probably referring to the “Ultimate DBD Iceberg” video by Liuss (Which is a fantastic iceberg btw) and yeah, we both are doing the same “template” which is the Iceberg trend! I tried to choose entries that were not the same as his just to make it a little more different, or go more in depth about some of the most popular ones! But the Iceberg trend existed before his video, and this has been planned for months, I only did it now because I found a sponsor!
I knew about the “kick the baby” meme, but never knew BHVR wanted people to stop saying it. I would understand if BHVR wanted people to stop saying it if the community just made up the line, but the thing is they didn’t and most people know that “kick the baby” came from the show South Park.
I actually got to play alongside Cardi B while going for my David Adept. I remember it so clearly. It was against a Hillbilly on The Temple map of Yamaoka. Cardi B was playing Dwight. He kept on locker stunning the killer while the killer was stunned like a million times slower so he just never got to move. I had the privilege of asking him some questions after the game ended. I asked him why he was doing what he did, all the hacking. He made it very clear that he was extremely unhappy with the state of the game, that the devs refused to fix hot button issues, and that he'd never be stopped. I asked him how much the hacks cost and he said at least $500 a month. I then asked him to sign my profile but he refused because it'd be easier to get his account banned if he had traces of himself on other people's profiles. I never saw him again after that.
I just want to point this out but at 51:47 the perk that Otzdarva was actually using was Claustrophobia and not Zanshin's tactics. I just wanted to point this out but this video was great and I learned a lot of facts about dbd that I didn't know about. Great video❤
@MintSkull could you please please make a video on the lery's third floor, like what happens when u noclip through it or something, idk you made me very very VERY curious dont leave me like this😭😭
@@fwrenjiro Agreed, we need someone to jump back on this version if DBD and noclip to this area ! @MintSkull make this happen ! you know the people capable of doing this ☺
One fact that many people don’t realize is that ALL chase themes are overloaded with drums, all except for Pinhead’s chase music. It’s the only one in the game where drums don’t completely take over the theme.
Hey, I wanted to make a comment to add a few more details on these topics! 18:25 (And later talked about at 01:00:10 ) - Each licensed killer (for the most part) has a "general perk name" for each of their teachables, in case the licensing is lost. Once it was seen that Bubba had gotten his, people jumped to conclusions assuming that he would be lost; Solely because Stranger Things has had the same thing happen. 26:18 - Kate originally had a different voice actor that was changed before release. As said, this was because it was far too annoying to listen to. 29:25 - People being able to "see fog creatures" while looking out of the map was actually an old bug. While being sacrificed on hook (as well as afterwards) there was an asset of the "dissolved" body that would often appear nearby someone. I can't remember when this bug was patched, nor if it was stated in any patch notes; However there is certainly clips/videos of it happening in people's games. 38:19 - Adding onto the offerings brought up, there used to be lower rarity map offerings that had a lowered chance to bring you somewhere. Some of these can be seen in the clip shown, and they can still be seen on the wiki. As well, there used to be "Bouquets" which brightened/darkened the map by varying degrees, which are now retired. Furthermore, there were iridescent offerings called "splinters" allowing you to play as DLC characters, without perks or addons. 50:54 - Lerys doesn't actually have a 3rd floor, which is visible through old Space Billy videos. It's actually just empty above the 1st floor roof, albeit there's various floating walls in random areas; Likely to be where they store unused assets (just like the window seen in the clip)
Tbf the "Just play something else" mentality is a really healthy one. FF14's director talks about the importance of respecting people's time and letting them just leave so they can come back later whenever they feel like it. Alot of people stick around too long and begin to resent something due to addiction. Look at the entire community of League of Legends for instance. He shouldn't have gotten flak for that
I was thinking the same thing. I mean, I get why people could be “bothered” by that comment he made. But I’m reality, he was speaking the hard truth. I’ve definitely had many moments where I start to hate hate a game if I play for too long. And taking any kind of break, helps so much and I just go back to it later and have fun again.
Games are also designed to take you hostage these days which results in general burnout. People keep asking "Why do I just not enjoy games anymore?" And honestly the answer is modern game design. Limited time events, battlepasses, grinding etc. People don't realize it but their games are mirroring jobs, not fun entertainment@@orlandoservin5492
This was during a time of horrible imbalance people are gunna love a game and want it to stick around this was them telling us to f off. It may not seem like it now but that most definitely what they ment. if you find that tweet you can find a response that wasn’t in the video. Where they responded to a well written question about balance and them fixing the game. I mean they obviously didn’t stick with their guns because the very minute people called their bluff they folded.
The part that’s missing was that was his answer to someone bringing up some of the more frustrating things about playing killer and asking if there were any plans to Nerf some things (OG DS and DH for example)
That's crazy, I remember being in Otz's stream during that Lery's third floor theory. I never noticed that window, but I do remember thinking "damn he wasn't kidding, that's a lot of windows"
The “hackers are customers” part wasn’t what I expected. I expected it to be a way to explain how cheaters enter trials with their cheats. Like people bribing the entity or something like that. Nevertheless, it’s my new head canon
I think itd be cool if they made a killer that is meant to be fog creature from behind the walls. The publicity they could get if they handle the build up right could be incredible.
I'd argue that the Dredge is almost certainly a fog creature, based on it's Lore. It seems to be a being separate from the entity that still originates from within the entities realm, after all
I have no idea how anyone could find the nickname Oreo offensive. Its not like its making fun of asian stereotypes or anything. Its just a dumb nickname that kind of sounds like Onryo.
@@davedave4514 I know but you know there is those people who twist that into calling someone a name based on their colour. Not saying it is racism but people will believe it is so they can complain about it
I have a theory that maybe the fog creatures could be the dead survivors getting drained by the entity in "The Void" the sounds are all their combined screams as the entity feeds on them. or just those cythlu type creatures the observer fights in one of the tomes.
@@outofsortsoneI’ve had this happen before on both killer and survivor where I could see vaults on killer and hooks and a hex on survivor. Finally, only aura esque perk I ran was windows.
Great job on the video. One small correction I noticed (though I haven’t completed the video yet) was the kick the baby reference. It wasn’t started by Mondo, and is actually a reference to the show South Park, where Kyle kicks his brother Ike as a “game.”
ngl, i miss not Queen! she was so fun to interact with and seemed very grounded with Mcote, two of them were like the unoffical Batman and Robin of the devs that kept it together.
21:33 Yes Predators do use drones. The Falconer Predator of Predators (2010) used bird drones to scan for targets throughout the jungles of the planet.
@@Atomic207 I had a feeling. I never liked that guy, I heard about his charges shortly after my team played against him in a tournament way back. He even got arrested on stream.
@@Atomic207 oh shit, i queued up against him and there was a hacker survivor on my team, he accused them of working with all of us other survivors lmfao
@Lees Gaming yes I know it was a red herring but where was it ever stayed he was the nurse? That's like literally the opposite of a red herring the teacher is the teacher, a fake concept made to turn attention away from what they were actually working on
@@danielorlovaquinn At 28:04 he says "this character later turned out to be the nurse" and it says it at the bottom of the picture on the screen at that time lol
The original axe thrower was trapper I think it was mention in an interview with the king, mcote said the plan when we only had 1 killer was for trapper to change weapons Instead of changing killers
"Oreo" is actually a really cute nickname :3 It's insane to me how people draw racist connections to this. She even got the black and white color scheme, just like an Oreo 🍪😊
Nice video, one thing is missing tho, the running pig. In a prototype of the game there was a pig running around the map that should have made some random noise (the same as a gen exploding), devs conformed this in a livestream back in 2017 iirc
48:48 Second (maybe less likely) theory: He killed someone who had asthma by taking away their inhaler or poisoning it. That or the inhaler contains some other drug meant to enhance his performance.
i think the finger guns emote could be used in soloq to comm to your teammates that youre going against a slinger, you point in the killers general direction, and then do the finger guns emote, to show that the killer is the deathslinger, whos weapon is a gun also give us shirtless wesker cosmetic
1:02:32 They confirmed in an Anniversary stream (I believe year 4 or 5) that Trapper was meant to use hatchets/bear traps with a chain like a sort of hook but the technology was not there yet or at least something along those lines
I think the fourth teachables would change around a bit. Dwight is a bit more cowardly, so i think this is not happening is good for him. Claudette is a botonist, so i think that we'll make it would fit her healing playstyle well. I think jakes and megs makes sense though.
I watched the whole video and I learned a lot but as a ghostface fan and scream franchise expert, I can tell you that the inhaler that was present in the beta was probably a spoiler of the scream v movie. In the franchise nobody used an inhaler until the 5th movie. It has a major role in the movie, it was used by the ghostface character to make the victims go to the wrong house where they could be killed. If you want to see, just watch the scream v till the end and you will agree with me. 46:48
Pig has had more nerfs than you think. I agree with the meme because the nerfs on the DbD page are only the direct nerfs she got but she had many many bugfixes and shadow nerfs for example does Sloppy Butcher no longer apply with her dash attack. Even uf the fixes wasn't that big that she got nerfs even though she was mediocre from the start and the sheer number of nerfs while Nurse was untouched is why the meme was born.
While true in some part, nowadays Hillbilly and Twins got significantly more shafted and forgotten than the Pig, and to be completely fair the endgame collapse nerf was 100% necessary and I will die on this hill 😂
They should introduced, fire extinguisher, in the game. survivors can lay down smoke screen. It can be a tool to use to rescue survivors on a hook. And only put one per map and have a one time use.
Dude, thanks for the sound warning ! My cat is very sensitive and easily scared, he would have freaked out so hard 👀 without even talking about my neighboors. You earned a big fat like!
Honestly I wouldnt be surprised if SM had reused assets from that game. It's extremely normal for game devs to reuse assets from past or other games in their catalog. It's a lot more common than people think.
The Meg and Claudette thing wasn't resolved properly, if racism was the issue(or as you say, prejudice) nerdy computer black girl, and rugged looking white woman who's a track star are both stereotypes as well. We should have got the originals
I dont have time for a 1 hour video. But you deserve the revenue from your work. So ive played the entire video in the background while i worked and watched every single advertisement.
I think the craziest thing that everybody has forgotten that I remember is Michael Myers used to have stalking music play after he stalked you for a set amount of time. I haven't seen any mention of this ever but I remember it from back in the day and have also went back to test in an older version myself and it's real.
1:01:41 Wasn't the Trapper meant to also throw hatchets in the early phases of the development? I remember a very old live developer update where they started showing really old concepts arts of the game when it was just a prototype, and in one of them a survivor was originally searching for a key in a house, the killer (which was essentially Trapper but with a huntress Mask) spotted her and threw a hatchet which missed, to which she ended up being caught in a bear trap after she vaulted a window of the house. My theory is that instead of it being about a cancelled killer, that power was actually meant to be part of the Trapper's kit. I'd link the video where I've seen it, but unfortunately I've looked everywhere and couldn't find it.
17:50 Little correction, these are not the NFT that boss protocol did, i think they're a parody becasue the one we got (yes... i blindly bought one....) was way different. Also, they did a rugpull, then everyone got mad and they refunded everyone without giving any of the promised rewards aside from a poster i think (i never got mine but a lot of people said they got theirs)
the ableist nurse thing isn’t really that people were offended that the Nurse is ableist, moreso that the writing itself was ableist, sloppy, and bad. not that people are mad that a bad person is bad or whatever
Yeah exactly, this guy is just twisting shit to portray it in a way he wants. He left out way too fucking much when talking about why people were pissed.
I can 100% see that. Most of the complaints I saw on Twitter when the Rift released was that “They made Nurse Racist” and that’s it. If I remember correctly only Pixel Bush actually gave a good reasoning as to why it sucked!
Its weird that a lot of dbd players seem to think character licenses are exclusive at all times. There's no reason why LF owners wouldnt want to license him out as much as possible.
There is another Iceberg by Liuss that is fantastic and honestly, significantly better edited than mine that I recommend 100%! It’s also fast paced and contains many entries I did not cover on mine!
The nickname ‘Blendette’ was also briefly used for Zarina when she released by No0b3. I believe the video is titled ‘A New Blendette was Born’ and he also used the term in ‘Once Upon a Toxic Zarina’ but I could be wrong about him saying that in the second video I mentioned.
Mathieu was so fucking right about "play a different game". I left dbd for 2 years, came back, game is now actually enjoyable and fun as killer and is much more balanced. He was actually right.
I don't understand the Dredge original scrapped design, what is Mintskull referring to? 54:00 Edit: Mintskull was talking about Goatse, a popular old image about a man showing his own anus putting his own hands inside it and making it larger, nothing insanely shocking, just a bit disgusting, but not kinkshaming if you are into it
45:13 in either scream 5 or 6 there is a character named Tara. In one of the scenes Tara forgets her inhaler at the house where the killer is at. I think this is what the inhaler was a reference to.
the black huntress mask is from the failed event, it was given right after we failed it, we never got the david one but it was probably be another recolor. It's also possible we were supposed to get cooler cosmetics but they just gave us the recolored mask for fun.
All things aside from Almo. He is actually a super kind person. Played a few games with him and some of the nicest character changes and reworks in the game was lead by him. Yea he has his own opinions that not everyone agrees with. But I'm super glad of the time ive spent talking to him.
Am I the only one that has no idea what the dredge’s original design apparently looks like? ‘Starts with gold/goat and ends with a C?’ Not got a clue lol
i always watch your videos when i go to sleep, played against your wraith yesterday, always nice to see your videos, ggs :D -pebbles, a nea you sacrificed
You are featured in the video then!!! I had to record that gameplay to fill up the 4 teachable slots part, which is why it almost has no cuts or editing, because it was done last second 😂 Glad to have played against you!
I think the "Go play Civilization for a week" comment is honestly a really refreshing one because it has an air of genuine care and compassion behind it. It's not "Fuck off if you don't like our game" or "Buy our other products and play those instead" and that was nice to hear. "Take a break and play a single game of Civilization" is what we need to do when we get tired of DBD.
i cannot express how much i enjoyed this video im already a huge fan of long iceberg videos and a dead by daylight one from you, mintskull was just amazing to watch thanks alot for making this
✅ Install Raid for Free Mobile and PC: clik.cc/OBpey and get a special starter pack with an Epic champion Drake 🎉Log into the game for 7 days between now and July 24th and get a free legendary champion Artak
💥Check out Raid’s new limited animated series Call of the Arbiter here: ua-cam.com/video/H32dvyCVkfk/v-deo.html&pp=iAQB
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
EDIT: I made a HUGE mistake by not censoring the names of certain people that appear on this video. Even if the texts are public and you can find them easily by searching on google, please I ask everyone in the community *DO NOT HARRASS THEM UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE* and do not interact or go after them to explain anything. They have their right to hold their opinion. If you go to attack anyone that is featured in this video in any way, I do not welcome you in my community!
EDIT 2: Some of the entries have been removed from this Iceberg. While the total ended up being 68, I originally fully intended to cover 100 entries, but this task was too demanding for my PC. The last 20 minutes of this video were agonizing to edit, as each cut, move or effect took 5 seconds to appear and I was constantly crashing. So if you see an entry that appears on a tier, but it's missing, that's because I forgot to remove it from the final result!
EDIT 3: The Problematic Content Creators section was going to cover one of the most morbid cases of a DBD Content Creator. I hate drama and cancel culture, so I didn't add any prominent content creators that might have said a slur in the past or a controversial take. The person I was talking about has been sentenced to prison, but due to how bad the copyright system in youtube is, I decided not to risk all my effort going in the drain for this video, and instead I might cover it in the soon future!
I am just gonna comment under this because my comment Bar is missing
Go get that bag man
i don't wanna
people actually play that game?
maybe stop recomending shit games?
i bet that you don't even play it XD
A Game Director advising the community to play other games if they are unsatisfied might be shitty from a PR standpoint, but he was genuine and he does have a point lol
There was no way the community wouldn’t have taken that the wrong way
Even Yoshi P says it about FFXIV players. When there's nothing to do or no patches with new content, or people are bored or tired he even encourages them to play some other things.
He has a point but it made absolutely no fucking sense to say that to the question being asked as it also came off as dismissive of actual doing something with killer experience
@@ToxicQueen2787 I didnt get that at all. To be dismissive his tone of voice or words would have to be different
@@TeemoQuintonhe didn’t answer the question bro, that’s dismissive.
This was the first DBD iceburg that actually showed unknown and obscure information. Amazing
One note about the NFT one, BHVR didnt support NFTs, but due to the chapter being licensed, they give the license holders full access to the assets used for the chapter, including the box, the skins, and the pinhead model itself. They also give the license holders codes to receive the chapters, for giveaway purposes
In other words, BHVR mentioned after the fact that what the license holders do with the assets after the fact is entirely separate from them, and also mentioned how pinhead will not receive any other cosmetics
Great point! I should have mentioned this on that entry, thanks for letting me know!
pinhead doesn't need more cosmetics IMO, maybe the female but i know she's so polemic that she wouldn't make it into the game anyways
@@roxinim6479 I searched up polemic I still don’t understand what u mean??
@@buraaqwasti7729 The word "polemico" means controversial in spanish, so it's possible that english is their second language and just didn't know the proper translation.
@@1danomen thank you
Bhvr: adds a character that has siluette of a toddler and add a kicking option
Players: kick the baby!
Bhvr:suprised pikachu
if devs believe that a thing being bad irl means they wont ever add such thing into game, then why does this game even exists in the first place if it consists of murdering and torturing people? is kicking, torturing and murdering adults ok? a classic hypocricy
To add a little bit more to the fog creatures section there’s also a part in vittorios tome lore that has him fighting against a monster while he’s traveling through the entities realm
I think this stuff will be explored in the upcoming PvE game they announced
@@luigigamerocker wait there would be PVE? Damn I really want to play dbd. Last time I play, 2021
@@tomorrowisyesterday3215 yes its currently in development
Honestly the nerf the pig meme goes deeper.
Because the first change you mentioned was that her terror radius was changed to match her speed, despite this other stealth killers with her exact speed during this change and that came out after did not have as big of a terror radius.
The other one is pretty self explanatory.
But the changes go even further as tons of updates for an entire year had some nerf for the pig without once buffing her.
There’s a great video about it and it’s absolutely bizarre that they just kept nerfing her and haven’t really buffed her since.
The only 'nerf' that was needed was the one adding more jigsaw boxes so she can't camp them, besides that she really didn't need to be balanced at all she was a ton of fun to play before the changes! Poor Amanda.. :/
@@her_she_her i think the endgame change was definitely needed it allows for healthy gameplay especially during egc
@@christianftt3136 I think something in the similar vein but done differently. The change they did NEVER sat well with me and never will
You missed the point of why people were upset about ableist nurse
Behavior themselves had made it clear that Nurse (and Wraith) had her humanity intact more than anyone else and actually pushed the whole "angel of mercy" thing themselves. In a way, you were supposed to be able to kind of root for the nurse, and thats why her writing was so spectacular.
Then, they made a character who was supposed to have their humanity into an ableist, which is not something that someone with humanity would do.
To put it simply, the problem was her character inconsistency
I don't consider the tome canon or at least I think it applies to an alternate universe version of nurse
yup i agree 100%. she was completely unique - she killed survivors because she still believed/felt she was relieving them from suffering, even in the fog.
it's why her perk, Nurse's Calling, alerts her to wounded people nearby--so she can go finish them off, give them the coup de grace, mercy kill them.
it's also ridic that people get mad about Oreo, which doesn't even make sense for an asian. she isn't black. asian people are called "bananas", because they're "yellow outside, white inside". i swear people are so dumb these days.
@@roflmows Oreo sounds like Onryo.
At best it would be offensive to Onryos (which do not exist and even if they did they have more serious greivances than being called Oreo).
The idea is that it's a mythological creature from japan and mispronoucing the name funny is somehow offensive.
(I am Romanian , you can call "Iele" Yale if you want )
Finally an Iceberg video from a creator I know and watch since months. Will gladly watch and enjoy every second of this video
I hope that you do enjoy!
Hey man I respect u but I've seen a similar vid recently but didn't find a credit in the description
@@MintSkull again I don't mean to spread hate or anything
@@yogitavyas1324 It’s all cool! You are probably referring to the “Ultimate DBD Iceberg” video by Liuss (Which is a fantastic iceberg btw) and yeah, we both are doing the same “template” which is the Iceberg trend!
I tried to choose entries that were not the same as his just to make it a little more different, or go more in depth about some of the most popular ones! But the Iceberg trend existed before his video, and this has been planned for months, I only did it now because I found a sponsor!
@@MintSkull Hey it's all good
Sorry for the misunderstanding mate
Plus I really really appreciate ur work it always keeps me hooked on ur vids
I knew about the “kick the baby” meme, but never knew BHVR wanted people to stop saying it. I would understand if BHVR wanted people to stop saying it if the community just made up the line, but the thing is they didn’t and most people know that “kick the baby” came from the show South Park.
I actually got to play alongside Cardi B while going for my David Adept. I remember it so clearly. It was against a Hillbilly on The Temple map of Yamaoka. Cardi B was playing Dwight. He kept on locker stunning the killer while the killer was stunned like a million times slower so he just never got to move. I had the privilege of asking him some questions after the game ended. I asked him why he was doing what he did, all the hacking. He made it very clear that he was extremely unhappy with the state of the game, that the devs refused to fix hot button issues, and that he'd never be stopped. I asked him how much the hacks cost and he said at least $500 a month. I then asked him to sign my profile but he refused because it'd be easier to get his account banned if he had traces of himself on other people's profiles. I never saw him again after that.
the fact i knew him aswell cardi b was a friend of mine
Its the spending $500 a month on a game you hate that gets me
@@vh6772 Such a good point. That's a whole other level of petty lmfao
I just want to point this out but at 51:47 the perk that Otzdarva was actually using was Claustrophobia and not Zanshin's tactics. I just wanted to point this out but this video was great and I learned a lot of facts about dbd that I didn't know about. Great video❤
OMG I actually completely missed that 😅 It is indeed Claustrophobia, I had no idea it revealed auras of blocked windows!
@@MintSkull If we want to get technical, back when the OTZ's video was released, the perk was named Cruel Limits
@MintSkull could you please please make a video on the lery's third floor, like what happens when u noclip through it or something, idk you made me very very VERY curious dont leave me like this😭😭
@@fwrenjiro Agreed, we need someone to jump back on this version if DBD and noclip to this area ! @MintSkull make this happen ! you know the people capable of doing this ☺
@@fwrenjiro there's nothing there, it's just the void, there's nothing rendered, that window might be an unused asset.
One fact that many people don’t realize is that ALL chase themes are overloaded with drums, all except for Pinhead’s chase music. It’s the only one in the game where drums don’t completely take over the theme.
Hey, I wanted to make a comment to add a few more details on these topics!
18:25 (And later talked about at 01:00:10 ) - Each licensed killer (for the most part) has a "general perk name" for each of their teachables, in case the licensing is lost. Once it was seen that Bubba had gotten his, people jumped to conclusions assuming that he would be lost; Solely because Stranger Things has had the same thing happen.
26:18 - Kate originally had a different voice actor that was changed before release. As said, this was because it was far too annoying to listen to.
29:25 - People being able to "see fog creatures" while looking out of the map was actually an old bug. While being sacrificed on hook (as well as afterwards) there was an asset of the "dissolved" body that would often appear nearby someone. I can't remember when this bug was patched, nor if it was stated in any patch notes; However there is certainly clips/videos of it happening in people's games.
38:19 - Adding onto the offerings brought up, there used to be lower rarity map offerings that had a lowered chance to bring you somewhere. Some of these can be seen in the clip shown, and they can still be seen on the wiki. As well, there used to be "Bouquets" which brightened/darkened the map by varying degrees, which are now retired. Furthermore, there were iridescent offerings called "splinters" allowing you to play as DLC characters, without perks or addons.
50:54 - Lerys doesn't actually have a 3rd floor, which is visible through old Space Billy videos. It's actually just empty above the 1st floor roof, albeit there's various floating walls in random areas; Likely to be where they store unused assets (just like the window seen in the clip)
54:16 I will say, I do like that they did MORE to them than just swap their race by adding more personality traits and making them actual characters
Tbf the "Just play something else" mentality is a really healthy one. FF14's director talks about the importance of respecting people's time and letting them just leave so they can come back later whenever they feel like it. Alot of people stick around too long and begin to resent something due to addiction. Look at the entire community of League of Legends for instance. He shouldn't have gotten flak for that
I was thinking the same thing. I mean, I get why people could be “bothered” by that comment he made. But I’m reality, he was speaking the hard truth. I’ve definitely had many moments where I start to hate hate a game if I play for too long. And taking any kind of break, helps so much and I just go back to it later and have fun again.
Games are also designed to take you hostage these days which results in general burnout. People keep asking "Why do I just not enjoy games anymore?" And honestly the answer is modern game design. Limited time events, battlepasses, grinding etc. People don't realize it but their games are mirroring jobs, not fun entertainment@@orlandoservin5492
This was during a time of horrible imbalance people are gunna love a game and want it to stick around this was them telling us to f off. It may not seem like it now but that most definitely what they ment. if you find that tweet you can find a response that wasn’t in the video. Where they responded to a well written question about balance and them fixing the game. I mean they obviously didn’t stick with their guns because the very minute people called their bluff they folded.
The part that’s missing was that was his answer to someone bringing up some of the more frustrating things about playing killer and asking if there were any plans to Nerf some things (OG DS and DH for example)
That's crazy, I remember being in Otz's stream during that Lery's third floor theory. I never noticed that window, but I do remember thinking "damn he wasn't kidding, that's a lot of windows"
The “hackers are customers” part wasn’t what I expected. I expected it to be a way to explain how cheaters enter trials with their cheats. Like people bribing the entity or something like that. Nevertheless, it’s my new head canon
40:32 now we need a WW2 soldier teleporting to ballons
I think itd be cool if they made a killer that is meant to be fog creature from behind the walls. The publicity they could get if they handle the build up right could be incredible.
I'd argue that the Dredge is almost certainly a fog creature, based on it's Lore. It seems to be a being separate from the entity that still originates from within the entities realm, after all
@@Mr.Monacle I like that idea
@@Mr.Monaclethe dredge isn’t a creature of the entity though, he’s from outside the realm
I have no idea how anyone could find the nickname Oreo offensive. Its not like its making fun of asian stereotypes or anything. Its just a dumb nickname that kind of sounds like Onryo.
Also sadako is black and white, just like an oreo
@@wlfrndz8743that’s such a reach
@@jxshkunno he saying it ties into the sweetness of the name. Still zero racism to be found
@@davedave4514 I know but you know there is those people who twist that into calling someone a name based on their colour. Not saying it is racism but people will believe it is so they can complain about it
Oreo 👍
I have a theory that maybe the fog creatures could be the dead survivors getting drained by the entity in "The Void" the sounds are all their combined screams as the entity feeds on them. or just those cythlu type creatures the observer fights in one of the tomes.
Good to know that stranger things character became cool foggy things
This has essentially been confirmed with the new halloween update
This video was good as hell, 1 hour of my life well spent, for sure, I honestly have a lot of admiration for you, Skull, keep making amazing videos
Thank you!
Any idea who that content creator about to spend 12 years in jail is?
@@reductosmash2483 No, I really wanted to know who it is too
52:15 i'm more frightened by Otz not having Zenshin in the bottom right corner than the actual vault 😭😭
I know it’s been months but cruel limits is why it shows up
@@outofsortsoneI’ve had this happen before on both killer and survivor where I could see vaults on killer and hooks and a hex on survivor. Finally, only aura esque perk I ran was windows.
Great job on the video. One small correction I noticed (though I haven’t completed the video yet) was the kick the baby reference. It wasn’t started by Mondo, and is actually a reference to the show South Park, where Kyle kicks his brother Ike as a “game.”
I noticed a lot of comments pointed that out! I completely missed the South Park reference 😅
ngl, i miss not Queen! she was so fun to interact with and seemed very grounded with Mcote, two of them were like the unoffical Batman and Robin of the devs that kept it together.
Did she leave the team?
Have you seen her?
@@spiritupgrades I really don’t keep up with the game anymore, just hear stuff every now and then. I stopped playing years ago
I didn't know that she was gone either :o
she's certainly not the Lead Community Manager, that's Mindy now. i don't know what happened to notQueen
21:33 Yes Predators do use drones. The Falconer Predator of Predators (2010) used bird drones to scan for targets throughout the jungles of the planet.
16:04 the streamer's name is Showstopper
thank you!
I didn't know about this guy until now, what happened? What did he do? I'm curious
@@Yoshiinite he raped 3 women
@@Yoshiinite sexual assault
Who was the bad content creator who’s going to jail? That’s crazy
Couldn’t find anything on google.
@@Atomic207 I had a feeling. I never liked that guy, I heard about his charges shortly after my team played against him in a tournament way back. He even got arrested on stream.
@@Atomic207 oh shit, i queued up against him and there was a hacker survivor on my team, he accused them of working with all of us other survivors lmfao
Its ironic that the teacher had a perk called "underperform" and now the teacher turned out to be the Nurse who overperforms
They knew 💀
But the teacher was never the nurse what?
@@danielorlovaquinn 28:00 The Teacher was a red herring in the files. The teacher later turned out to be the nurse
@Lees Gaming yes I know it was a red herring but where was it ever stayed he was the nurse? That's like literally the opposite of a red herring the teacher is the teacher, a fake concept made to turn attention away from what they were actually working on
@@danielorlovaquinn At 28:04 he says "this character later turned out to be the nurse" and it says it at the bottom of the picture on the screen at that time lol
The original axe thrower was trapper I think it was mention in an interview with the king, mcote said the plan when we only had 1 killer was for trapper to change weapons
Instead of changing killers
"Oreo" is actually a really cute nickname :3
It's insane to me how people draw racist connections to this.
She even got the black and white color scheme, just like an Oreo 🍪😊
Oreo is a racist term against black people who act white, but I don't think it's ever been used towards Asian people though.
I love iceberg videos but they sorta died off in popularity so I’m glad you made this video!!
I came very late to the trend!
@@MintSkull better late than never too, you delivered a banger of an iceberg video!
Nice video, one thing is missing tho, the running pig. In a prototype of the game there was a pig running around the map that should have made some random noise (the same as a gen exploding), devs conformed this in a livestream back in 2017 iirc
Second (maybe less likely) theory:
He killed someone who had asthma by taking away their inhaler or poisoning it.
That or the inhaler contains some other drug meant to enhance his performance.
You can definitely still hear the fog creatures in game sometimes; I feel like I've heard them on mother's dwelling a lot.
Oh lmao. I paused the video to post this and just finished the fact where he says you can hear it on red forest. Guess I was right :P
@@courtneyfairchild7884 🤑🤑🤑
I always thought it was wind sounds in the basement lol
I miss when you could hear them on the edges of the map
This gonna be fire, I love icebergs so much, I never even knew there was one for this game. Ty Mintskull
I made this Iceberg myself with some knowledge from my videos, leaks and community! The full image is on my community tab :D
Im not gonna lie the way play something else went into the ad for raid shadow legends was so beautifully thought out, wow.
I love how at 23:36 you can just hear MintSkull trying not to laugh 😂 it’s amazing ❤️
For the portion of the "dogs in the suburbs" bit... I think it would be cool you could hear dogs only when play with or against Michael.
It's kinda cool to know that the "hellish screams" are the fog creatures we see in the halloween event of this year.
thanks for adding scary ambience and music at the darker levels its soooo much more scary and experienceful
i think the finger guns emote could be used in soloq to comm to your teammates that youre going against a slinger, you point in the killers general direction, and then do the finger guns emote, to show that the killer is the deathslinger, whos weapon is a gun
also give us shirtless wesker cosmetic
1:02:32 They confirmed in an Anniversary stream (I believe year 4 or 5) that Trapper was meant to use hatchets/bear traps with a chain like a sort of hook but the technology was not there yet or at least something along those lines
I think the fourth teachables would change around a bit. Dwight is a bit more cowardly, so i think this is not happening is good for him. Claudette is a botonist, so i think that we'll make it would fit her healing playstyle well. I think jakes and megs makes sense though.
Brother you are one of the most underrated content creators for this game, awesome video keep up the great work👍
Thank you!
jesus christ i didnt expect this to be such a long video ! Good job
You didn’t even watch it yet
Originally, I wanted this video to be even longer 😵💫 It was impossible to edit the last 20 minutes so I decided to cut it short significantly!
That sponsor transition was so smooth 😂
I watched the whole video and I learned a lot but as a ghostface fan and scream franchise expert, I can tell you that the inhaler that was present in the beta was probably a spoiler of the scream v movie. In the franchise nobody used an inhaler until the 5th movie. It has a major role in the movie, it was used by the ghostface character to make the victims go to the wrong house where they could be killed. If you want to see, just watch the scream v till the end and you will agree with me. 46:48
Pig has had more nerfs than you think. I agree with the meme because the nerfs on the DbD page are only the direct nerfs she got but she had many many bugfixes and shadow nerfs for example does Sloppy Butcher no longer apply with her dash attack. Even uf the fixes wasn't that big that she got nerfs even though she was mediocre from the start and the sheer number of nerfs while Nurse was untouched is why the meme was born.
While true in some part, nowadays Hillbilly and Twins got significantly more shafted and forgotten than the Pig, and to be completely fair the endgame collapse nerf was 100% necessary and I will die on this hill 😂
They should introduced, fire extinguisher, in the game. survivors can lay down smoke screen. It can be a tool to use to rescue survivors on a hook. And only put one per map and have a one time use.
bro had premonition for the 2024 halloween event
Dude, thanks for the sound warning ! My cat is very sensitive and easily scared, he would have freaked out so hard 👀 without even talking about my neighboors.
You earned a big fat like!
Wow I had no idea bunny feng came out as recently 2020. I assumed it was like 2017-18.
A 1 hour Mintskull video? Forget Nextflix and chill, I'm here to Mintskull and chill.
Honestly I wouldnt be surprised if SM had reused assets from that game. It's extremely normal for game devs to reuse assets from past or other games in their catalog. It's a lot more common than people think.
The Meg and Claudette thing wasn't resolved properly, if racism was the issue(or as you say, prejudice) nerdy computer black girl, and rugged looking white woman who's a track star are both stereotypes as well. We should have got the originals
Recently I was thinking about the Meg and Claudette race swap. I came to the conclusion made here but it makes a lot of sense
I dont have time for a 1 hour video. But you deserve the revenue from your work. So ive played the entire video in the background while i worked and watched every single advertisement.
“Kick the baby” is from South Park.
I think the craziest thing that everybody has forgotten that I remember is Michael Myers used to have stalking music play after he stalked you for a set amount of time. I haven't seen any mention of this ever but I remember it from back in the day and have also went back to test in an older version myself and it's real.
didn’t he also have a t3 warning sound?
@@calvinpetri7391 you may be thinking of the same thing, it would trigger after being stalked for “x” seconds no matter what tier he is in.
1:01:41 Wasn't the Trapper meant to also throw hatchets in the early phases of the development? I remember a very old live developer update where they started showing really old concepts arts of the game when it was just a prototype, and in one of them a survivor was originally searching for a key in a house, the killer (which was essentially Trapper but with a huntress Mask) spotted her and threw a hatchet which missed, to which she ended up being caught in a bear trap after she vaulted a window of the house. My theory is that instead of it being about a cancelled killer, that power was actually meant to be part of the Trapper's kit. I'd link the video where I've seen it, but unfortunately I've looked everywhere and couldn't find it.
Starts with gold and ends with a C? or a Sea? Gold? Goat? I'm confused 54:03
Little correction, these are not the NFT that boss protocol did, i think they're a parody becasue the one we got (yes... i blindly bought one....) was way different. Also, they did a rugpull, then everyone got mad and they refunded everyone without giving any of the promised rewards aside from a poster i think (i never got mine but a lot of people said they got theirs)
Cool video! One thing that not everyone remembers are the killer offerings, that allowed you to test some killers in matches.
the ableist nurse thing isn’t really that people were offended that the Nurse is ableist, moreso that the writing itself was ableist, sloppy, and bad. not that people are mad that a bad person is bad or whatever
Yeah exactly, this guy is just twisting shit to portray it in a way he wants. He left out way too fucking much when talking about why people were pissed.
I can 100% see that. Most of the complaints I saw on Twitter when the Rift released was that “They made Nurse Racist” and that’s it. If I remember correctly only Pixel Bush actually gave a good reasoning as to why it sucked!
yeah it’s a very lazy backstory
Its weird that a lot of dbd players seem to think character licenses are exclusive at all times. There's no reason why LF owners wouldnt want to license him out as much as possible.
I love the progression of icebergs. The further into the video you get, the darker and lonelier it gets haha
I need to know about the creator serving 12 years in prison I knew most of the things in this video but that section really brought up my attention
yeah same.
thank you for uploading this, i have been waiting for a DBD iceberg for years now. Keep up the amazing work ❤️❤️
There is another Iceberg by Liuss that is fantastic and honestly, significantly better edited than mine that I recommend 100%! It’s also fast paced and contains many entries I did not cover on mine!
The nickname ‘Blendette’ was also briefly used for Zarina when she released by No0b3. I believe the video is titled ‘A New Blendette was Born’ and he also used the term in ‘Once Upon a Toxic Zarina’ but I could be wrong about him saying that in the second video I mentioned.
Mathieu was so fucking right about "play a different game". I left dbd for 2 years, came back, game is now actually enjoyable and fun as killer and is much more balanced. He was actually right.
Can someone enlighten me on why calling sadako "sudoku" is cringe? Sounds funny
@@argonianguy6226 i think its just his personal opinion, ya either think its funny or ya dont
I really don’t understand what he’s talking about at 54:09 with the dredge thing?
I don't understand the Dredge original scrapped design, what is Mintskull referring to? 54:00
Edit: Mintskull was talking about Goatse, a popular old image about a man showing his own anus putting his own hands inside it and making it larger, nothing insanely shocking, just a bit disgusting, but not kinkshaming if you are into it
I was wondering what he was referring to and now I don’t need to search it up ever ever ever
Ghostfaces inhaler add on has gotta be a nod to the newer scream, since he’s often been multiple people I don’t think the inhaler would be his.
that raid transition was smoother than dweards head, gg lol
12:41 The fact the killer was willing to side with the person that ran them 2 whole decades is just crazy X_X
the dbd community is and have always been pure chaos and i love it.
45:13 in either scream 5 or 6 there is a character named Tara. In one of the scenes Tara forgets her inhaler at the house where the killer is at. I think this is what the inhaler was a reference to.
44:50 this chase music is really intense, shame it was never used
Watching almo repeatedly fail that super easy skill check hurt me so much
The Nea Prestige descriptions are actually for the Nurse’s prestige cosmetics.
Can anyone tell me what the music is at 47:25 ?? It sounds so familiar it’s driving me nuts
the black huntress mask is from the failed event, it was given right after we failed it, we never got the david one but it was probably be another recolor. It's also possible we were supposed to get cooler cosmetics but they just gave us the recolored mask for fun.
I believe there was recently news about the Stranger things chapter with the recent dev journal. It was basically "Netflix wont return our calls"
I dont know who the problematic content creator is but glad you are keeping your channel safe, amazing video as always ❤❤ so many great memories here
Yeah super curious.
who is it
Maybe Showstopper. That's the only person that I can think of who's Dbd related and was arrested.
that jail line is the funniest thing I've heard in this entire iceberg omg
All things aside from Almo. He is actually a super kind person. Played a few games with him and some of the nicest character changes and reworks in the game was lead by him. Yea he has his own opinions that not everyone agrees with. But I'm super glad of the time ive spent talking to him.
>problematic content creator
“Oh he’s probably talking about Tru3 lololol”
>12 years in prison
What's the "inappropriate" thing in old Dredge's design? I'm genuinely confused, nothing comes to mind that starts with "gold" and ends with C
Same.. did you find out what is it?
Nope, still clueless
Google goat see
All one word
I must say thank you for the pet warning at 26:30, came in clutch for me watching this at 2am after a dbd night :D
Am I the only one that has no idea what the dredge’s original design apparently looks like? ‘Starts with gold/goat and ends with a C?’ Not got a clue lol
A websitecwhere a guy gapes his arse and fist it hatd enough where the inside slides out, donttry finding it
I was also super fuckin confused lol
My god a hour long dbd iceberg thank you mintskull
i always watch your videos when i go to sleep, played against your wraith yesterday, always nice to see your videos, ggs :D
-pebbles, a nea you sacrificed
You are featured in the video then!!! I had to record that gameplay to fill up the 4 teachable slots part, which is why it almost has no cuts or editing, because it was done last second 😂 Glad to have played against you!
i am sorry for the typo, i did play jake that game, my bad, i do main nea
I think the "Go play Civilization for a week" comment is honestly a really refreshing one because it has an air of genuine care and compassion behind it. It's not "Fuck off if you don't like our game" or "Buy our other products and play those instead" and that was nice to hear. "Take a break and play a single game of Civilization" is what we need to do when we get tired of DBD.
i cannot express how much i enjoyed this video
im already a huge fan of long iceberg videos and a dead by daylight one from you, mintskull was just amazing to watch
thanks alot for making this
It was good. However, it has been mass-produced to death
17:14 JAJAJAJA i Just love The joker theme in The background. Love your vids man ❤️
That moment when you find the perfect video to see while eating
42:23 trapper scared me so bad lowkey
I was not expecting the raid sponsor at all