Great interview. So happy this information is going viral. Btw, the name of the book Ky couldn't remember about Asher is: A Mind Beyond Words. I wrote it.
My girlfriends son is Autistic and when he learned to type we found out he had all these abilities. he talks about how he prays all the time. he talks to angels, God and deceased relatives. he can read minds and when he goes around other Autistic people they talk to each other telepathically. He knows multiple languages and all about true history. So many mind blowing things. I am so glad this is finally getting out to the masses. for so long we had no way to explain this to the world. keep up the good work.
@@anonony9081I love this comment even though I'm not sure it is sincere. I think we should be asking these questions we don't know the answers to - like who built the pyramids - to see what they can come up with. Doesn't hurt to ask
The Telepathy Tapes is an amazing podcast. It is actually paradigm shifting. I have difficulties to wrap my head around the vicious comments from scientists who claim that the children are manipulated or articles by journalists who actually claim that Ky Dickens has "contempt for science" and that this is all just wishful thinking. What are they so afraid of? What if all this IS actually true and what if they ARE about to prove that we had it all backwards all along? I believe that consciousness is the basis of everything. And wouldn't that just be great? What a world we could all live in. Thank you, Ky. I love the Telepathy Tapes. In fact it's been all I can think about.
Great comments. I think people react differently to confrontation and emotions. This podcast activates both in us. I try to get curious and lean in, but I see how others may respond from a place of anger or fear. Strong beliefs loosely held.
Telepathy Tapes has made me have such a strong desire to help and work with people with autism and help them express themselves ! I wish I were younger and could choose a new career.. I would actually love to learn what I'd need to do to do such a thing even now!
@@paulagenovesi8639me too Paula....I'm 67 and retired.. but am so inspired to try and help in some way....and in turn, spread the word. We are one consciousness... love ,love, and love some more!💜🙏😉
My friend sent me this link- we are going to send this out to all of our contacts. I have been experiencing and studying these topics since the 70s, fascinated with measuring the unmeasurable, seeing the unseen, explaining the unknowable and always felt like a fish out of water, flapping aimlessly without finding a foothold, only suspecting these experiences are real. Ky has done the deep dive on these topics and I feel so grounded because of her work. Thank you/-I feel a smidge less flappy ❤
@@DrJeremyGoldberg yes, a book “NonLocal Universe, The New Physics and Matters of the Mind” and Jesse Michael’s when he talks about telepathy- (specifically his YT video ‘The Most Important UFO Investigation…” at the 1hr40min. where he discusses remote viewing) altho in these cases they call it “quantum entanglement,” and when receiving information faster than the speed of light-it is more correctly sharing a connection at “the speed of thought”. Rumi the 13-century poet described it: “meet me at the place beyond words, I’ll be there.” When I’m in a channeling state, I and my friends have had the experience of knowing something yet not being able to describe it with words. I believe that place is similar to Ky’s Hill. It is a real ‘place’ where verbal-words are not used. I suspect Rumi experienced it and tried to explain it with poetry. I think the wordless experience is what moves many of us to join spiritual centers to find community and understanding of this very moving experience. My group has studied prayer, meditation, eating clean food, we’ve recreated aspects of the Scole Experiments, I’ve learned to channel, remote view, and find each experience expands my knowledge, my group of fellow searchers, and leads me to fascinating podcasts like yours. My group is meeting this Saturday to discuss your podcast. There is a deep hunger for this knowledge.
I have studied this sort of thing for decades, and I am convinced it is true. But the telepathy tapes have been very reassuring and really eye-opening. In many way thank you very much.
@@DrJeremyGoldberg for telepathy and consciousness I’d start with International Association of Near Death Studies (IANDS) Google “Near death experiences IANDS” After years of research one NDE/shared NDE story stands out above and beyond- Dr. Jeff O’Driscoll a retired MD in emergency medicine (level 1 trauma center in Utah) and Jeff Olsen NDEers often come back from the other side with gifts Groups who experience telepathy Autistic NDEers UFO abductions Gifted psychics and mediums
@@DrJeremyGoldberg I listened to some of thetelepathy tapes But it REALLY turned me and a lot of people off with its endless fake "victim" persecution complex and BULLSHIT antimaterialism philosophy. I wanted to hear just the quantifiable falsifiable physical scientific facts of telepathy between nonverbal autists. If what I heard on the tapes is true and TESTED BY INDEPENDENT SOURCES then I think there is something to it. Instead, most of the tapes were just some BULLSHIT STRAWMAN against academia and some MAKE BELIEVE NONEXISTENT "persecution" by so-called "materialists". My older brother and I have long known aliens with advanced technology are real and abduct people, and have not only telepathic mind reading power but also powerful mind control powers. We have fought for disclosure for decades. Aliens have psychic powers due to millions of years of INTENTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. Meanwhile, every human claiming to be "psychic" has been tested, falsified: proven to be a lying fraud.
It's not just people with nonverbal autism. We all have this ability, it's just been socialized out of us. People give up on nonverbal people so there's is no reason to shame them for their observations. As they never speak them. People thought i was crazy, so i stopped saying when i could "speak" mentally. I've only met one person who could speak back consciously.
I listened to some of thetelepathy tapes But it REALLY turned me and a lot of people off with its endless fake "victim" persecution complex and BULLSHIT antimaterialism philosophy. I wanted to hear just the quantifiable falsifiable physical scientific facts of telepathy between nonverbal autists. If what I heard on the tapes is true and TESTED BY INDEPENDENT SOURCES then I think there is something to it. Instead, most of the tapes were just some BULLSHIT STRAWMAN against academia and some MAKE BELIEVE NONEXISTENT "persecution" by so-called "materialists". My older brother and I have long known aliens with advanced technology are real and abduct people, and have not only telepathic mind reading power but also powerful mind control powers. We have fought for disclosure for decades. Aliens have psychic powers due to millions of years of INTENTIONAL TECHNOLOGY. Meanwhile, every human claiming to be "psychic" has been tested, falsified: proven to be a lying fraud.
@@alexvlair9290 she was a friend, i wanted to ask her a sensitive question, so while i was cooking in the other room i was going over how to bring it up in my head. i thought i was just imagining her answering in my head. when i walked out with the food in my hands and looked up. we realized our lips weren't moving. there was a lot of "did we just.. did you... are we.." once we realized this was something we could do we just used it for everything. like "hey can you pass the ashtray" lol its very natural feeling and practical btw.
Ky, you and Dr. Powell are amazing, latching onto this phenomenon and bringing it out publicly! Thank you so much! These kids are going to help open everyone's eyes to reality. ❤❤❤
Stop! Omg I'm in further on the video. My time theory! You literally said verbatim what I've been saying about time for 20 years! It is a sphere, i jokingly call it the "time bucket" to make it easier for my friends to understand, how everything can be happening in the same place. I can't believe I'm hearing this! This is amazing.
My view of non-verbal autistic people is that because they are not wired to their bodies (at least not like a “normal” person), they are not subject to the laws of our space-time and can therefore act relatively freely in metaphysical space. It must be said that they are truly a gift and it is no coincidence that they are there... and who knows... maybe they put the idea of the podcast into the collective consciousness, encoded with a certain frequency that Ky resonates with.
I just finished episode three on spotify. This topic really gets the mind working on theories about how our antenna is tuned. We see the world through our individual limitations. Throughout history many many people have been born with antenna that could pull in something the rest of us cannot fathom. We use the words genius or prophet. So many of these children have recall back into the womb. I bet there are some who remember further back. Back to the understanding. Understanding erases the need to participate in much of the drama this life is about for most of us.
@@DrJeremyGoldberg - Right. There is no turning back. Although I do have a friend of many decades who, after sharing my first experience with him, offered a tirade of 'explanations' to satisfy his own scientific paradigm. I have not shared my experiences with him since.
@@DrJeremyGoldberg - @DrJeremyGoldberg - Right. There is no turning back. Although I do have a friend of many decades who, after sharing my first experience with him, offered a tyrade of 'explanations' to satisfy his own scientific paradigm. I have not shared my experiences with him since.
The late-great Terence McKenna said once, "My voice speaking is a monkey’s mouth making little mouth noises that are carrying agreed-upon meaning, and it is meaning that matters. Without the meaning one has only little mouth noises.” AND i do think it was him that also stated once, "'s possible words and the spoken language was invented so we could lie..." ✌🌏
Incredible topic. How very interesting that a perceived disability that affects the periphery sensors of our body have allowed hidden abilities to communicate with our minds and collective consciousness? Is this true evolution where we are disadvantaged compared to those lacking “normal” sensory abilities. Just wow! Having worked at a school for severely disabled students, many with non-verbal autism, it is so sad that they are typically just babysitting schools yet inside some of these kids have the ability to articulate themselves in a manner which is marvelous! Recognition of this by Ky and those in the community with courage is a game changer.
solipsism .. "nothing exists outside of mind". The big bang is conception, the first bio-photon flash. The universe (the body) comes into being and expands as the the new life evolves. etc etc etc
1) I had an experience of astral travel when my mother was pregnant with me. I was able to observe her conversation with another lady from our church and relay it to her in perfect details including where they were standing and what they were wearing. 2) During college I developed a fear of mortality that I named "the dread." It would come over me usually at night time and I would be just paralyzed with fear about the ending of myself and I had a lot of difficulty calming myself down when these episodes came over me. I had a deep sense of time as a simultaneous (vs a linear) experience where my future self, present self and past self were all still myself experiencing everything all at once so I was deeply in tune with my future old person self and connecting with her in the fear surrounding the experience of my physical death in that moment. It was not until I was 32 and my husband died that I finally conquered my own fear of death. I am 42 now and have not had a single "dread" episode for the past decade since my husband died. I think I was so in love with my life that that was why I feared death whereas now I am just like how much longer do I have to wait to see my husband again. 3) a year ago I encountered a non verbal autistic child at one of my son's hockey practices. I did not know the child but something seemed severely "off" with him. Because of my superstitions and ignorance at that time I had a very unkind thought about him at the exact moment he passed through the door next to me. I thought he was not just mentally delayed in some way but that he appeared to me to actually be demonically possessed. He heard my silent thought and he responded to it by coming back in the room at the exact moment I had the thought and staring at me directly in my face with the creepiest possible look on his face for a full sixty seconds making me and everyone around me very uncomfortable. When he left, my son remarked about how odd his behavior was and I nervously laughed and admitted that I had had a not very nice thought about him that he must have somehow heard me thinking. I believe every word these parents and their children have claimed. I believe we have a lot to learn from them. I would love for Ky to ask the non verbals' about principles of justice on earth and the role that plays in our missions here. Ky talks a lot about the non verbals' communications about love and even Heaven and she mentioned here that none of them have ever mentioned even the existence of Hell. In terms of our mission here, I can appreciate that the goal is love but I am just wondering where social justice for crimes people commit on earth etc falls into the conversation or our purpose here. Is justice a misguided material concept if all is love or (as feels right to me) is justice a necessary part of existence and even a tool to facilitate love and forgiveness in this physical realm? I'd love to hear what the kids think about this.
I binged all Ky's podcasts and have been looking into it even more because it's so amazing. That's how i found this podcast. I just keep thinking that there's going to be a 'catch'. Something was flawed, somebody cheated, it's just a giant entertainment hoax thing. I believe all I've heard and I want to keep believing, but it's almost too awesome to be true.
I binged watched all the episodes as well. I don't believe there's any reason for it to be a hoax. For me personally, I've experienced many strange events in my own life which convinced me beyond doubt there's more to our reality than what the materialist paradigm can tell us - so it's not that hard for me believe this without a catch but I see where you are coming from. People who are skeptical will want to say belief in the supernatural is like taking drugs; "hopium" or "copium" for people for can't face "reality" and for many that argument is convincing and might feel true. I would challenge you think to think honestly about your life experience and ask others; have you ever experienced anything that defies conventional explanation when you think deeply about? Most people say yes. In science, testimonial evidence counts as absolutely nothing, imo it's not that science is wrong, but the purview of science so far had remained in the domain of physicalism that excludes consciousness. Conscious experience CANNOT be explained by mere physical/chemical computations. There's a major disconnect with reality and the mainstream worldview.
@@DrJeremyGoldberg As you started with mentioning you're a scientist yourself I'd assume what to do with this would be to critically evaluate the process and methods of getting to those conclusions cause when confronted with solid scientific evidence we don't have to worry about our previous personal worldview, or do we? So what is your opinion on the methodology described in the podcast? Are you doubting it?
I recently listened to The Telepathy Tapes and I must say, this is mind blowing to learn about those with austim. Non verbals certain know a lot more than we can learn about them. If you haven't to the podcast series, it is definitely worth a listen. I think if we can tap into telepathy and we will learn so much more about a world we don't know.
Of course it is real.. living it.. I am one of those children.. spoke at 5 and im 50 and still in telepathy.. happy this is alll getting some attention..
@ I’m not sure the talking to the crossed over folks is telepathy.. I’ve done that this whole time as well.. the grocery store is full of everyone s people!! I realize people think heaven is some where else.. it’s dimensional .. we overlap a way..soul is everywhere .. it is energy..
@@DrJeremyGoldberg good question..I answered and I’m not sure where the text went ..but basically my whole experience here is in telepathy.. I practice being respectful of others . I do not listen in on others anymore. Unless I’m asked to’s harder to not be in telepathy with another when they say my name or are upset in someway.. for instance, if my sister is upset and says my name I’m in the room .. I can then call her and repeat what she’s upset about.. there is no hiding in our family.. lol. I do check in on my children and family , the grid is a real thing. I talk to others on the grid all day and when you run into a soul you talk to on the grid you know.. it’s brilliant..I’ve talked to angels since I was 3ish and all of nature.. I felt it had to do with the autism adhd dyslexic aspect of our brains..I’d love to be part of adult autism and telepathic abilities study. I didn’t talk until 5 ish and when I did I told people God loved them and everything was ok.. because that’s what Archangel Michael told me.. creeped the adults out.. here I am 45 years later still in that space of telepathy.. finding it easier to just connect thoughts and not try to explain myself in this rambling lol! Gosh thank you so much.. I have a life time of proof that this study is real.. like I said I’ve been living it..
Fantastic interview. I am not sure if I am experiencing an existential crisis or ontological shock not induced by close contact with extra terrestrials. I have no words, except to say this conversation needs to keep going.
Hi Jeremy, thank you a lot for doing this interview, your questions are amazing and you're not afraid of asking the hard ones! One thing that I would like to share with you is that "heaven" and "hell" aren't concepts like how Christianity or similar religions tend to teach. Jesus himself told that heaven is inside us, not outside. This concept predates Jesus by many many years and it was always an internal state, not a place or whatsoever. On the other hand, it's important to understand what's the spiritual world, because there are places where you go depending on what you did in this life, and although I'm almost sure the autistic kids wouldn't like to talk about it, they would confirm that this indeed exists. So "bad" people do go to a "bad" place, but nothing is eternal and there's always chance to try again, even in there. That's why we need to spread love, since the best thing we can do to others is being a better person ourselves. Once again, thank you a lot for this and for the hard work. Stay safe!
Im in deep.. I can't stop thinking and talking about the Telepathy Tapes. But we really need the film to solidify these claims as truth. Its kinda hard to fully believe these stories through the audio podcast.
Given the care and rigor Ky brought to the audio, and the future research plans she discussed on our chat, I'm hopeful that what you desire will shine through. It's such a wild topic and contentious to the worldview of so many that it's important to get the documentary right. And you can check the videos out on her website!
@ Yes, I’ve watched all those videos-lol. And don’t get me wrong, I believe it’s real. I just think a lot of people will need more than an audio podcast to fully accept these claims. I talk about it every day, but no one seems to take it as seriously as I do, aside from a handful of UA-camrs and interviewers like yourself. That said, I think the film will be a much better catalyst. Let’s just hope the world is ready for it. Worse than no one caring would be a rapid surge of interest, leading to things spiraling out of control. It could create an overwhelming situation for many involved and possibly result in the exploitation of these wonderful people and their gifts. But it does seem like, if there were a perfect set of people to handle it, it would be Ky and Dr. Powell. I’m definitely feeling excited for the future.
This fits with the new paradigm of quantum reality. Michio Kaku's books are a good place to start; also Lynne McTaggart's books on "The Field" and the mind.
Research Near Death Experiences International Association of Near Death Studies (IANDS) Near death experiencers often come back from the other side with gifts - telepathy being one This topic goes so deep
Have been reading about consciousness since 2019. This isn't surprising, but is miraculous that it is coming out now. Ky's podcast connects the dots to the fact that consciousness is fundamental. Thank you Ky and Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell! This is raising consciousness of humans on the planet. Blessings and safety to you and these children and their families. 🥰🥰🥰 Here's another book that explains some of the physics... My Big Toe: A Trilogy Unifying Philosophy, Physics, and Metaphysics: Awakening, Discovery, Inner Workings by Thomas Campbell The Complete My Big Toe Trilogy. My Big TOE, written by a nuclear physicist in the language contemporary culture, unifies science and philosophy, physics and metaphysics, mind and matter, purpose and meaning, the normal and the paranormal. The entirety of human experience (mind, body, and spirit) including both our objective and subjective worlds is brought together under one seamless scientific understanding. If you have a logical, open and inquisitive mind - an attitude of scientific pragmatism that appreciates the elegance of fundamental truth and the thrill of breakthrough - you will enjoy this journey of personal and scientific discovery. This trilogy delivers the next major scientific conceptual breakthrough since relativity and quantum mechanics raised scientific eyebrows in the first half of the twentieth century. No catch, no megalomania, no hypothetical wackiness, no goofy believe, no unusual assumptions - just straight forward science that better describes the totality of our experience and provides a wealth of practical results and new understanding that can be applied personally and professionally by scientists and nonscientists alike. This is the real thing.
Everything is conscious! Rocks, trees, animals, water, earth! We're all connected through consciousness. Love yourself, your neighbor and everything on this planet. Be kind. End goal: Realization that we are one. ☮❤
😅 people with different levels of ASD have known this. Now…. This is culturally epic to see the normal world discover this idea and asking good questions 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Hope ok to put here….. i wrote a book that just came out but was written in 2023. Here’s the back cover: The Road to Magic, Paved by Connection is a personal and magical memoir. Chronicling both traditional and non-traditional healing methods, it is a mother’s story of encountering and overcoming trauma, anxiety, and depression due to her daughter’s early medical challenges stemming from a newborn stroke and intense ongoing seizure activity. It is also a critical examination of how disability is viewed and treated in the United States and about the neurodiversity movement. It involves a tremendous and beautiful paradigm shift in the way one family views autism and disability in general. It is also a love letter of sorts, written to all the real-life characters who are part of this phenomenal story. It is about our common humanity, the interconnectedness of all of us, and rediscovering joy and magic.
There’s s chapter about synchronicity… there’s spiritual bits… and the last sentence is “I truly believe lifting one another up and sharing these types of stories can affect the collective consciousness in a way that can only lead to more magic, and who wouldn’t want that?” No joke.
The Telepathy Tapes are awesome and having experienced ESP/ Telepathy/ Psi all my life I know these kids speak the truth when they speak about communing with deceased ones this happened me when i was 6-8 i communed with my deceased brother
Great interview! I'm really stymied by her comment about not being afraid of death. Are Ki's reactions with creating the podcast replicatable with your average podcast listener? Is it actually a good thing to not fear death? The implication of all of this could have serious knockon effect if this podcast goes global. Also, what is the point of earth and our current lives?!!? The subject matter needs a LOT of research to ensure it's true.
@DrJeremyGoldberg yup. It's turning into a rollercoaster ride. If you fancy an alternative narrative, search out interviews with paranormal investigators Steve Mera or Barry Fitzgerald. Pure cognitive dissonance when sat next to Ky.
There's still an aversion to death, its still painful, its still loss. What she means is that it's no longer the feeling they are completely gone, so it isn't as traumatic
This is like the next step in human evolution. We went from single cells to groups of cells and now we will become groups of connectes humans. We had to evolve to a point where society could care for these individuals to the point where they can thrive and return the favor to us neurotypical people. Maybe this is the normal course of evolution for any advanced society?
I have OCD and knowing people have things like harm OCD or POCD exist, i wonder how both non-verbal autistic people and OCD people could exist in a room together without a lot of confusion .
I think that part of the reluctance of those of a scientific bent to accept the existence of telepathy is because the implications and ramifications of its existence are so far-reaching that it has to lead to a complete re-evaluation of one's world-view.
I agree. And that is very confronting, to say the least. We're hardwired to avoid discomfort, too, which doesn't help! (I say this as a recovering PhD scientist). Thanks for watching!
Do you think this is new? Or just been dismissed for all these years? Your guest mentioned several people to check out, also check out Don Hoffman " the case against reality "
People are breaking these ego boundaries down. It’s basically what enlightenment is, or non duality. It can happen, it’s not easy, not everyone is inclined to do this, but people have done it (westerners with normal jobs, not just Buddhist monks). ‘Normally’ people are born and they see the world much like these kids, then we build up filters or protective mechanisms to create a separate self. Through practicing non duality or Buddhism (among other religions or practices) a person can dismantle these barriers. I’m late diagnosed ADHD and probably ASD and have been doing this. I have found it a lot easier than a lot of people - I think because I sit somewhere between neurotypical and the kids in the tapes. I also heard a Buddhist monk talking about a place that sounded very much like ‘the Hill’ about 25 years ago. What these kids are experiencing completely fits with nonduality and liberation.
To start with, the ability to 'download' anything you need from the 'ether' is one of the "woo-woo" skills that almost all channelers and metaphysical folks speak about. Akashic records is the place where all information can be gathered or you can download from your higher self (your oversoul, etc.). Multi-verses, etc. that Ky mentions around the 1-hour mark is also in this realm of the woo-woo, not just comic adaptations for movies of Dr. Strange ;), For those out there that are truly interested in the totality of this information, start by searching on UA-cam, Gaia, etc. for Darryl Anka and his channeling of Bashar as a good start. And God (or Source) is conflicts truly with the Christian Bible narrative (just it's teaching to the masses) or other historic religious texts or stories handled down thru the ages.
@ they are clearly aware of when people are ready to know about their abilities. And it just makes sense…they’ve probably got all sorts of wonderful things in the works! They sense who’s ready, willing and able💙
i have to say i have mixed emotions about this. on the one hand, i am heartened that more and more of the material-minded are having to expand their idea of reality and consciousness. on the other side i keep thinking about these kids having to become guinea pigs for scientific research, i.e. our need to scientifically distill something so precious down to "proof". i'm glad ky is doing what she's doing and acknowledge that the kids feel the importance of acknowledgment and yet i keep thinking about the avatar movie scenario for instance where the beauty and sacredness of a much higher dimension of being is intrused upon, tainted and ultimately destroyed by the lunk-headedness of a way denser understanding of what IT is. what is real is pretty subjective and yet it is assumed crazy or airy-fairy if my sense of reality is too ethereal for muggle-world. i have abso no prob accepting the veracity of extra-sensory experience and this kind of intelligence is also assumed some kind of incompetent by the mainstream mind. this is a big conversation as well...anyone else relate?
I could not stop watching, I finished watching all episodes in 2days. My question throughout watching was….why only non speaking autistic children? Is this something that can be learned?
I totally believe this is true. But I’m feeling a bit like Jim Carrey in The Truman Show. If we are a creation of the soul or collective consciousness, is it part of the plan that we remain unaware? Is the human experience ruined if we know it for what it is? if everything is conscious, or consciousness pervades everything, then it makes sense that someone who is capable of communicating the way the documentary describes could "see" without seeing, and "hear" without hearing. Reading a map while blind folded should be possible if everything, including the map, is conscious. Perhaps it truly is the 6th sense.
In early mainframe IT environments all of the processing was done on a mainframe and you’d connect to that mainframe with dumb terminal in order to access its processors. The mainframe is God and the dumb terminals are you and me. Our consciousness is from God. I see what these kids see and I’m not autistic. Could be on the spectrum I guess.
Great interview. So happy this information is going viral. Btw, the name of the book Ky couldn't remember about Asher is: A Mind Beyond Words. I wrote it.
Ha! That's such a badass comment. How can people find it? I can edit the show notes to include a link.
I wouldn't say 2.7k views is viral
@realDys.She created the top ranked podcast in America with zero marketing. That's viral for sure.
@@DrJeremyGoldberg Yes I know I'm actually cooking eggs while listening to Ky right now but I meant this video.. My bad for confusion
Love this comment. I’m going to go find the book! Can’t wait to read it!
My girlfriends son is Autistic and when he learned to type we found out he had all these abilities. he talks about how he prays all the time. he talks to angels, God and deceased relatives. he can read minds and when he goes around other Autistic people they talk to each other telepathically. He knows multiple languages and all about true history. So many mind blowing things. I am so glad this is finally getting out to the masses. for so long we had no way to explain this to the world. keep up the good work.
What elements of ''true history'' has he spoken about?
Amazing! Ask him how the pyramids were built please
@@anonony9081I love this comment even though I'm not sure it is sincere. I think we should be asking these questions we don't know the answers to - like who built the pyramids - to see what they can come up with. Doesn't hurt to ask
TY for this heart-warming interview and how authentic Ky is! ❤❤
The Telepathy Tapes is an amazing podcast. It is actually paradigm shifting. I have difficulties to wrap my head around the vicious comments from scientists who claim that the children are manipulated or articles by journalists who actually claim that Ky Dickens has "contempt for science" and that this is all just wishful thinking. What are they so afraid of? What if all this IS actually true and what if they ARE about to prove that we had it all backwards all along? I believe that consciousness is the basis of everything. And wouldn't that just be great? What a world we could all live in. Thank you, Ky. I love the Telepathy Tapes. In fact it's been all I can think about.
Great comments. I think people react differently to confrontation and emotions. This podcast activates both in us. I try to get curious and lean in, but I see how others may respond from a place of anger or fear. Strong beliefs loosely held.
Telepathy Tapes has made me have such a strong desire to help and work with people with autism and help them express themselves ! I wish I were younger and could choose a new career.. I would actually love to learn what I'd need to do to do such a thing even now!
@@paulagenovesi8639me too Paula....I'm 67 and retired.. but am so inspired to try and help in some way....and in turn, spread the word. We are one consciousness... love ,love, and love some more!💜🙏😉
The paradigm is shifting. Can you feel it? 🎉❤😊
I'm so excited about this.
My friend sent me this link- we are going to send this out to all of our contacts. I have been experiencing and studying these topics since the 70s, fascinated with measuring the unmeasurable, seeing the unseen, explaining the unknowable and always felt like a fish out of water, flapping aimlessly without finding a foothold, only suspecting these experiences are real. Ky has done the deep dive on these topics and I feel so grounded because of her work. Thank you/-I feel a smidge less flappy ❤
Wow. Thanks for sharing! And do you have any book or resources that you recommend?
@@DrJeremyGoldberg yes, a book “NonLocal Universe, The New Physics and Matters of the Mind” and Jesse Michael’s when he talks about telepathy-
(specifically his YT video ‘The Most Important UFO Investigation…” at the 1hr40min. where he discusses remote viewing)
altho in these cases they call it “quantum entanglement,” and when receiving information faster than the speed of light-it is more correctly sharing a connection at “the speed of thought”.
Rumi the 13-century poet described it: “meet me at the place beyond words, I’ll be there.”
When I’m in a channeling state, I and my friends have had the experience of knowing something yet not being able to describe it with words. I believe that place is similar to Ky’s Hill. It is a real ‘place’ where verbal-words are not used.
I suspect Rumi experienced it and tried to explain it with poetry. I think the wordless experience is what moves many of us to join spiritual centers to find community and understanding of this very moving experience. My group has studied prayer, meditation, eating clean food, we’ve recreated aspects of the Scole Experiments, I’ve learned to channel, remote view, and find each experience expands my knowledge, my group of fellow searchers, and leads me to fascinating podcasts like yours. My group is meeting this Saturday to discuss your podcast. There is a deep hunger for this knowledge.
I have studied this sort of thing for decades, and I am convinced it is true. But the telepathy tapes have been very reassuring and really eye-opening. In many way thank you very much.
Do you have any resources or books you recommend?
@@DrJeremyGoldberganything by Dr. Dean Radin and/or I.O.N.S.
@@DrJeremyGoldberg for telepathy and consciousness I’d start with International Association of Near Death Studies (IANDS)
“Near death experiences IANDS”
After years of research one NDE/shared NDE story stands out above and beyond- Dr. Jeff O’Driscoll a retired MD in emergency medicine (level 1 trauma center in Utah) and Jeff Olsen
NDEers often come back from the other side with gifts
Groups who experience telepathy
UFO abductions
Gifted psychics and mediums
@@DrJeremyGoldberg I listened to some of thetelepathy tapes But it REALLY turned me and a lot of people off with its endless fake "victim" persecution complex and BULLSHIT antimaterialism philosophy. I wanted to hear just the quantifiable falsifiable physical scientific facts of telepathy between nonverbal autists.
If what I heard on the tapes is true and TESTED BY INDEPENDENT SOURCES then I think there is something to it.
Instead, most of the tapes were just some BULLSHIT STRAWMAN against academia and some MAKE BELIEVE NONEXISTENT "persecution" by so-called "materialists".
My older brother and I have long known aliens with advanced technology are real and abduct people, and have not only telepathic mind reading power but also powerful mind control powers. We have fought for disclosure for decades. Aliens have psychic powers due to millions of years of INTENTIONAL TECHNOLOGY.
Meanwhile, every human claiming to be "psychic" has been tested, falsified: proven to be a lying fraud.
It's not just people with nonverbal autism.
We all have this ability, it's just been socialized out of us.
People give up on nonverbal people so there's is no reason to shame them for their observations. As they never speak them.
People thought i was crazy, so i stopped saying when i could "speak" mentally. I've only met one person who could speak back consciously.
I listened to some of thetelepathy tapes But it REALLY turned me and a lot of people off with its endless fake "victim" persecution complex and BULLSHIT antimaterialism philosophy. I wanted to hear just the quantifiable falsifiable physical scientific facts of telepathy between nonverbal autists.
If what I heard on the tapes is true and TESTED BY INDEPENDENT SOURCES then I think there is something to it.
Instead, most of the tapes were just some BULLSHIT STRAWMAN against academia and some MAKE BELIEVE NONEXISTENT "persecution" by so-called "materialists".
My older brother and I have long known aliens with advanced technology are real and abduct people, and have not only telepathic mind reading power but also powerful mind control powers. We have fought for disclosure for decades. Aliens have psychic powers due to millions of years of INTENTIONAL TECHNOLOGY.
Meanwhile, every human claiming to be "psychic" has been tested, falsified: proven to be a lying fraud.
Who was that person? Howd you find out?
@@alexvlair9290 she was a friend, i wanted to ask her a sensitive question, so while i was cooking in the other room i was going over how to bring it up in my head. i thought i was just imagining her answering in my head. when i walked out with the food in my hands and looked up. we realized our lips weren't moving. there was a lot of "did we just.. did you... are we.." once we realized this was something we could do we just used it for everything. like "hey can you pass the ashtray" lol its very natural feeling and practical btw.
@@dreanki Have you ever shared dreams together at night while you slept?
@@deandeann1541 sometimes i feel like i'm having shared dreams. but i have no way to prove it as it feels like random encounters.
Ky, you and Dr. Powell are amazing, latching onto this phenomenon and bringing it out publicly! Thank you so much! These kids are going to help open everyone's eyes to reality. ❤❤❤
Stop! Omg I'm in further on the video. My time theory! You literally said verbatim what I've been saying about time for 20 years! It is a sphere, i jokingly call it the "time bucket" to make it easier for my friends to understand, how everything can be happening in the same place.
I can't believe I'm hearing this! This is amazing.
I love this!
@@dreanki this is awesome! I wish we could all meet somewhere in person and share all this. I still like meeting fellow telepathy travelers in person!
My view of non-verbal autistic people is that because they are not wired to their bodies (at least not like a “normal” person), they are not subject to the laws of our space-time and can therefore act relatively freely in metaphysical space. It must be said that they are truly a gift and it is no coincidence that they are there... and who knows... maybe they put the idea of the podcast into the collective consciousness, encoded with a certain frequency that Ky resonates with.
Bro that is EXACTLY what ive been thinking, they are more in tune with their out of body state, basically the opposite of us which is crazy
I just finished episode three on spotify. This topic really gets the mind working on theories about how our antenna is tuned. We see the world through our individual limitations. Throughout history many many people have been born with antenna that could pull in something the rest of us cannot fathom. We use the words genius or prophet. So many of these children have recall back into the womb. I bet there are some who remember further back. Back to the understanding. Understanding erases the need to participate in much of the drama this life is about for most of us.
One thing is clear. After an individual has a telepathic experience, it is near impossible to deny the phenomenon.
Steve, can you please elaborate on this? Can you share your experience, if you're comfortable?
It’s like a switch flips, right?
@@DrJeremyGoldberg - Right. There is no turning back. Although I do have a friend of many decades who, after sharing my first experience with him, offered a tirade of 'explanations' to satisfy his own scientific paradigm. I have not shared my experiences with him since.
@@DrJeremyGoldberg - @DrJeremyGoldberg - Right. There is no turning back. Although I do have a friend of many decades who, after sharing my first experience with him, offered a tyrade of 'explanations' to satisfy his own scientific paradigm. I have not shared my experiences with him since.
Huge thanks to you Ky your doing something incredible for humanity and that is extremely rare now days
Loved listening to the telepathy tapes. Cant wait for season 2 :)
The late-great Terence McKenna said once, "My voice speaking is a monkey’s mouth making little mouth noises that are carrying agreed-upon meaning, and it is meaning that matters. Without the meaning one has only little mouth noises.” AND i do think it was him that also stated once, "'s possible words and the spoken language was invented so we could lie..." ✌🌏
So good!
Incredible topic. How very interesting that a perceived disability that affects the periphery sensors of our body have allowed hidden abilities to communicate with our minds and collective consciousness? Is this true evolution where we are disadvantaged compared to those lacking “normal” sensory abilities. Just wow! Having worked at a school for severely disabled students, many with non-verbal autism, it is so sad that they are typically just babysitting schools yet inside some of these kids have the ability to articulate themselves in a manner which is marvelous! Recognition of this by Ky and those in the community with courage is a game changer.
“ The All is mind. The Universe is mental. As above so below. As below so above.”
The Kybalion.
solipsism .. "nothing exists outside of mind". The big bang is conception, the first bio-photon flash. The universe (the body) comes into being and expands as the the new life evolves. etc etc etc
Thank you for mentioning the Kybalion!!! Whoever wrote that book knew exactly how telepathy works, I wish it was a longer and more elaborated book.
1) I had an experience of astral travel when my mother was pregnant with me. I was able to observe her conversation with another lady from our church and relay it to her in perfect details including where they were standing and what they were wearing.
2) During college I developed a fear of mortality that I named "the dread." It would come over me usually at night time and I would be just paralyzed with fear about the ending of myself and I had a lot of difficulty calming myself down when these episodes came over me. I had a deep sense of time as a simultaneous (vs a linear) experience where my future self, present self and past self were all still myself experiencing everything all at once so I was deeply in tune with my future old person self and connecting with her in the fear surrounding the experience of my physical death in that moment. It was not until I was 32 and my husband died that I finally conquered my own fear of death. I am 42 now and have not had a single "dread" episode for the past decade since my husband died. I think I was so in love with my life that that was why I feared death whereas now I am just like how much longer do I have to wait to see my husband again.
3) a year ago I encountered a non verbal autistic child at one of my son's hockey practices. I did not know the child but something seemed severely "off" with him. Because of my superstitions and ignorance at that time I had a very unkind thought about him at the exact moment he passed through the door next to me. I thought he was not just mentally delayed in some way but that he appeared to me to actually be demonically possessed. He heard my silent thought and he responded to it by coming back in the room at the exact moment I had the thought and staring at me directly in my face with the creepiest possible look on his face for a full sixty seconds making me and everyone around me very uncomfortable. When he left, my son remarked about how odd his behavior was and I nervously laughed and admitted that I had had a not very nice thought about him that he must have somehow heard me thinking.
I believe every word these parents and their children have claimed. I believe we have a lot to learn from them.
I would love for Ky to ask the non verbals' about principles of justice on earth and the role that plays in our missions here. Ky talks a lot about the non verbals' communications about love and even Heaven and she mentioned here that none of them have ever mentioned even the existence of Hell. In terms of our mission here, I can appreciate that the goal is love but I am just wondering where social justice for crimes people commit on earth etc falls into the conversation or our purpose here. Is justice a misguided material concept if all is love or (as feels right to me) is justice a necessary part of existence and even a tool to facilitate love and forgiveness in this physical realm? I'd love to hear what the kids think about this.
Thank you for your thoughtful and intriguing comment!
I binged all Ky's podcasts and have been looking into it even more because it's so amazing. That's how i found this podcast. I just keep thinking that there's going to be a 'catch'. Something was flawed, somebody cheated, it's just a giant entertainment hoax thing. I believe all I've heard and I want to keep believing, but it's almost too awesome to be true.
I binged watched all the episodes as well. I don't believe there's any reason for it to be a hoax. For me personally, I've experienced many strange events in my own life which convinced me beyond doubt there's more to our reality than what the materialist paradigm can tell us - so it's not that hard for me believe this without a catch but I see where you are coming from.
People who are skeptical will want to say belief in the supernatural is like taking drugs; "hopium" or "copium" for people for can't face "reality" and for many that argument is convincing and might feel true. I would challenge you think to think honestly about your life experience and ask others; have you ever experienced anything that defies conventional explanation when you think deeply about? Most people say yes.
In science, testimonial evidence counts as absolutely nothing, imo it's not that science is wrong, but the purview of science so far had remained in the domain of physicalism that excludes consciousness. Conscious experience CANNOT be explained by mere physical/chemical computations. There's a major disconnect with reality and the mainstream worldview.
I'm right there with you. "I believe this, but it conflicts with my worldview, so now what do I do with this?"
@@DrJeremyGoldberg Do the only thing you can do - keep asking questions. Is it so wrong to challenge your current views? What do you have to lose?
@@ShelleyZile That's the plan!
@@DrJeremyGoldberg As you started with mentioning you're a scientist yourself I'd assume what to do with this would be to critically evaluate the process and methods of getting to those conclusions cause when confronted with solid scientific evidence we don't have to worry about our previous personal worldview, or do we? So what is your opinion on the methodology described in the podcast? Are you doubting it?
I recently listened to The Telepathy Tapes and I must say, this is mind blowing to learn about those with austim. Non verbals certain know a lot more than we can learn about them. If you haven't to the podcast series, it is definitely worth a listen. I think if we can tap into telepathy and we will learn so much more about a world we don't know.
did you watch the videos tho. ? I was told the videos dont accord with the audio claims. is that true ?
Of course it is real.. living it.. I am one of those children.. spoke at 5 and im 50 and still in telepathy.. happy this is alll getting some attention..
How do you mean you're "still in telepathy"? Like what does that look like for you as you go about your day? I'm just curious!
@ I’m not sure the talking to the crossed over folks is telepathy.. I’ve done that this whole time as well.. the grocery store is full of everyone s people!! I realize people think heaven is some where else.. it’s dimensional .. we overlap a way..soul is everywhere .. it is energy..
@ I love talking about all of this.. it’s been my whole life here.. thank you for talking about it
@@DrJeremyGoldberg good question..I answered and I’m not sure where the text went ..but basically my whole experience here is in telepathy.. I practice being respectful of others . I do not listen in on others anymore. Unless I’m asked to’s harder to not be in telepathy with another when they say my name or are upset in someway.. for instance, if my sister is upset and says my name I’m in the room .. I can then call her and repeat what she’s upset about.. there is no hiding in our family.. lol. I do check in on my children and family , the grid is a real thing. I talk to others on the grid all day and when you run into a soul you talk to on the grid you know.. it’s brilliant..I’ve talked to angels since I was 3ish and all of nature.. I felt it had to do with the autism adhd dyslexic aspect of our brains..I’d love to be part of adult autism and telepathic abilities study. I didn’t talk until 5 ish and when I did I told people God loved them and everything was ok.. because that’s what Archangel Michael told me.. creeped the adults out.. here I am 45 years later still in that space of telepathy.. finding it easier to just connect thoughts and not try to explain myself in this rambling lol! Gosh thank you so much.. I have a life time of proof that this study is real.. like I said I’ve been living it..
There is no thinking “ the thinking part of our brains stops the flow connection of telepathy.
Fantastic interview. I am not sure if I am experiencing an existential crisis or ontological shock not induced by close contact with extra terrestrials. I have no words, except to say this conversation needs to keep going.
Try praying. Give it a shot.
Thanks to you and Ky for that really interesting discussion.
Thanks for watching!
Hi Jeremy, thank you a lot for doing this interview, your questions are amazing and you're not afraid of asking the hard ones!
One thing that I would like to share with you is that "heaven" and "hell" aren't concepts like how Christianity or similar religions tend to teach. Jesus himself told that heaven is inside us, not outside. This concept predates Jesus by many many years and it was always an internal state, not a place or whatsoever.
On the other hand, it's important to understand what's the spiritual world, because there are places where you go depending on what you did in this life, and although I'm almost sure the autistic kids wouldn't like to talk about it, they would confirm that this indeed exists. So "bad" people do go to a "bad" place, but nothing is eternal and there's always chance to try again, even in there. That's why we need to spread love, since the best thing we can do to others is being a better person ourselves.
Once again, thank you a lot for this and for the hard work. Stay safe!
Thanks for the comments!
When does she get a ROGAN interview . She’s brilliant .
He's listened to the series, so I would say it's possible!
Because she is brilliant, the very last thing she needs is a Rogan interview. Female brilliance is the antithesis of broganism.
Imo, Rogan shouldn't be a benchmark to anything.
He has the biggest audience, so to raise awareness Rogan would be great.
Plus he is open minded to “woo”.
You mean this guy 😂👍🏽
Great interview! So proud of Ky
Loved the talk, super insightful and deep, yes disregarded habilites, that’s the edge of post materialism.
Thanks for this interview.
This was awesome ❤ thank you guys 😍
This was fabulous! I wonderful isthere is a way to get training in teaching spelling?
Im in deep.. I can't stop thinking and talking about the Telepathy Tapes. But we really need the film to solidify these claims as truth. Its kinda hard to fully believe these stories through the audio podcast.
Given the care and rigor Ky brought to the audio, and the future research plans she discussed on our chat, I'm hopeful that what you desire will shine through. It's such a wild topic and contentious to the worldview of so many that it's important to get the documentary right. And you can check the videos out on her website!
@ Yes, I’ve watched all those videos-lol. And don’t get me wrong, I believe it’s real. I just think a lot of people will need more than an audio podcast to fully accept these claims. I talk about it every day, but no one seems to take it as seriously as I do, aside from a handful of UA-camrs and interviewers like yourself.
That said, I think the film will be a much better catalyst. Let’s just hope the world is ready for it. Worse than no one caring would be a rapid surge of interest, leading to things spiraling out of control. It could create an overwhelming situation for many involved and possibly result in the exploitation of these wonderful people and their gifts.
But it does seem like, if there were a perfect set of people to handle it, it would be Ky and Dr. Powell. I’m definitely feeling excited for the future.
Ky does not yet realize she's changed the course of humanity.
Bold vision! Excited to see how it plays out!
This fits with the new paradigm of quantum reality. Michio Kaku's books are a good place to start; also Lynne McTaggart's books on "The Field" and the mind.
Really interesting stuff. Great pod. Thanks for making this
Thanks for listening!
Research Near Death Experiences
International Association of Near Death Studies (IANDS)
Near death experiencers often come back from the other side with gifts - telepathy being one
This topic goes so deep
I am so exited for these children and for the future of our collective consciousness
Binged season 1 of The Telepathy Tapes in a day. ♡♡
Ha! You legend. It's so good!
Have been reading about consciousness since 2019. This isn't surprising, but is miraculous that it is coming out now. Ky's podcast connects the dots to the fact that consciousness is fundamental. Thank you Ky and Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell! This is raising consciousness of humans on the planet. Blessings and safety to you and these children and their families. 🥰🥰🥰
Here's another book that explains some of the physics...
My Big Toe: A Trilogy Unifying Philosophy, Physics, and Metaphysics: Awakening, Discovery, Inner Workings
by Thomas Campbell
The Complete My Big Toe Trilogy. My Big TOE, written by a nuclear physicist in the language contemporary culture, unifies science and philosophy, physics and metaphysics, mind and matter, purpose and meaning, the normal and the paranormal. The entirety of human experience (mind, body, and spirit) including both our objective and subjective worlds is brought together under one seamless scientific understanding.
If you have a logical, open and inquisitive mind - an attitude of scientific pragmatism that appreciates the elegance of fundamental truth and the thrill of breakthrough - you will enjoy this journey of personal and scientific discovery.
This trilogy delivers the next major scientific conceptual breakthrough since relativity and quantum mechanics raised scientific eyebrows in the first half of the twentieth century. No catch, no megalomania, no hypothetical wackiness, no goofy believe, no unusual assumptions - just straight forward science that better describes the totality of our experience and provides a wealth of practical results and new understanding that can be applied personally and professionally by scientists and nonscientists alike. This is the real thing.
Everything is conscious! Rocks, trees, animals, water, earth! We're all connected through consciousness. Love yourself, your neighbor and everything on this planet. Be kind. End goal: Realization that we are one. ☮❤
You’re the first person to bring up this book! I'll check it out.
😅 people with different levels of ASD have known this. Now…. This is culturally epic to see the normal world discover this idea and asking good questions 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Agreed! Feels like it could be the start of something big...
Hope ok to put here….. i wrote a book that just came out but was written in 2023. Here’s the back cover:
The Road to Magic, Paved by Connection is a personal and magical memoir. Chronicling both traditional and non-traditional healing methods, it is a mother’s story of encountering and overcoming trauma, anxiety, and depression due to her daughter’s early medical challenges stemming from a newborn stroke and intense ongoing seizure activity. It is also a critical examination of how disability is viewed and treated in the United States and about the neurodiversity movement. It involves a tremendous and beautiful paradigm shift in the way one family views autism and disability in general. It is also a love letter of sorts, written to all the real-life characters who are part of this phenomenal story. It is about our common humanity, the interconnectedness of all of us, and rediscovering joy and magic.
There’s s chapter about synchronicity… there’s spiritual bits… and the last sentence is “I truly believe lifting one another up and sharing these types of stories can affect the collective consciousness in a way that can only lead to more magic, and who wouldn’t want that?”
No joke.
@@juliewesterman5322 thanks Julie, this looks like an important book and milestone in your life.
Of course it's true. Everybody knows what's it's like to know what somebody else is thinking
The host says that what you hear on The Telepathy Tapes is "insane", but I believe it is actually a step towards sanity.
Fair. It's more a generic slang word I use to describe anything that shocks me, but this is a good nudge to have less lazy thinking/language!
The Telepathy Tapes are awesome and having experienced ESP/ Telepathy/ Psi all my life
I know these kids speak the truth
when they speak about
communing with deceased ones
this happened me when i was 6-8
i communed with my deceased brother
Whoa. How did you do that? As a kid it must have really affected you?
Great interview!
I'm really stymied by her comment about not being afraid of death. Are Ki's reactions with creating the podcast replicatable with your average podcast listener? Is it actually a good thing to not fear death? The implication of all of this could have serious knockon effect if this podcast goes global.
Also, what is the point of earth and our current lives?!!?
The subject matter needs a LOT of research to ensure it's true.
Ha! Right?! When you pull the thread, it just keeps going and going and going...
@DrJeremyGoldberg yup. It's turning into a rollercoaster ride. If you fancy an alternative narrative, search out interviews with paranormal investigators Steve Mera or Barry Fitzgerald. Pure cognitive dissonance when sat next to Ky.
There's still an aversion to death, its still painful, its still loss. What she means is that it's no longer the feeling they are completely gone, so it isn't as traumatic
When you know for a fact that you aren’t your body, the fear of death disappears.
This really gets my mind spinning thinking about NHI, and if the non verbal may be able to communicate with them. interested in others thoughts!
It’s a great question. I wonder too.
Really good. Thank you.
‘Making Kindness Cool and Compassion Common Place’ - you go Gang
Let's goooooooo
Fascinating and Inspiring
Sherri Divband is an intuitive who works with children and is creating a spiritual learning center for children.
Cool. Got a link for folks to check her stuff out?
this is her youtube channel.
Your baby is seeing angels. Great interview and so interesting, thank you.
Whoa. I love that idea. My partner and I used to joke with her, "What ancestors are you seeing? Who's here with us?"
This is like the next step in human evolution. We went from single cells to groups of cells and now we will become groups of connectes humans.
We had to evolve to a point where society could care for these individuals to the point where they can thrive and return the favor to us neurotypical people. Maybe this is the normal course of evolution for any advanced society?
Time will tell!
Diane powell made a UA-cam on this about 8 uys ago
Thank you for sharing! 🎉
Thanks for watching!
Going viral because all us mamas know
N know
N have had many things happen to us
That we can not explain
I'll listen to the podcast - but wow, I'd LOVE to read a book of what the spellers have to share!!!
Agreed! I pinned one of the comments that describes a book like that!
Do you think this has been know before, but the information has been suppressed for the fact it would change how we view the world?
Seems like it’s been dismissed rather than suppressed (but perhaps that’s the same thing?)
I think it’s both, dismissed and suppressed.
Just wanna comment. For the algorithm. Like the convo
Ha! You legend.
Telepathy Tapes podcast going viral and drones/orbs showing themselves- coincidence?
Nope I don't think so 😅
It’s wild.
I know right!! I’m so excited for 2025
We are at a confluence in time where Humanity starts to emerge from a cocoon of ignorance into a whole new consciousness paradigm.
I am a Physician, Autistic and I would like to learn this Telepathyskills. Please teach me :)
We are all waiting with bated breath for episode 10. I hope it gets here by my birthday, which is on the 24th.
Agreed! And she said it will be done by the 23rd at the latest. Happy early birthday!
@ thanks
I have OCD and knowing people have things like harm OCD or POCD exist, i wonder how both non-verbal autistic people and OCD people could exist in a room together without a lot of confusion .
@@Yasmine-n3h What would cause the confusion?
I think that part of the reluctance of those of a scientific bent to accept the existence of telepathy is because the implications and ramifications of its existence are so far-reaching that it has to lead to a complete re-evaluation of one's world-view.
I agree. And that is very confronting, to say the least. We're hardwired to avoid discomfort, too, which doesn't help! (I say this as a recovering PhD scientist). Thanks for watching!
Do you think this is new? Or just been dismissed for all these years? Your guest mentioned several people to check out, also check out Don Hoffman " the case against reality "
All of this reminds me of the remake of the sound of silence by Disturbed
Whoa. Didn't know they covered it!
@ gotta check it out! The music video is amazing
@@Cara-nt7ef It has a BILLION VIEWS WTF. Whoa!
People are breaking these ego boundaries down. It’s basically what enlightenment is, or non duality. It can happen, it’s not easy, not everyone is inclined to do this, but people have done it (westerners with normal jobs, not just Buddhist monks).
‘Normally’ people are born and they see the world much like these kids, then we build up filters or protective mechanisms to create a separate self. Through practicing non duality or Buddhism (among other religions or practices) a person can dismantle these barriers.
I’m late diagnosed ADHD and probably ASD and have been doing this. I have found it a lot easier than a lot of people - I think because I sit somewhere between neurotypical and the kids in the tapes.
I also heard a Buddhist monk talking about a place that sounded very much like ‘the Hill’ about 25 years ago.
What these kids are experiencing completely fits with nonduality and liberation.
Thanks for sharing your story. What kind of practices are you doing, and which have been most beneficial/impactful?
To start with, the ability to 'download' anything you need from the 'ether' is one of the "woo-woo" skills that almost all channelers and metaphysical folks speak about. Akashic records is the place where all information can be gathered or you can download from your higher self (your oversoul, etc.). Multi-verses, etc. that Ky mentions around the 1-hour mark is also in this realm of the woo-woo, not just comic adaptations for movies of Dr. Strange ;), For those out there that are truly interested in the totality of this information, start by searching on UA-cam, Gaia, etc. for Darryl Anka and his channeling of Bashar as a good start. And God (or Source) is conflicts truly with the Christian Bible narrative (just it's teaching to the masses) or other historic religious texts or stories handled down thru the ages.
Thanks : )
Just wait until people begin realizing that consciousness is fundamental to the Universe. We are ALL ONE with SOURCE/GOD.
Buckle up!
I’ll bet it was the kids in the hil who sent her the idea of having a podcast.
A lovely idea! But why her? Why then?
@ they are clearly aware of when people are ready to know about their abilities. And it just makes sense…they’ve probably got all sorts of wonderful things in the works! They sense who’s ready, willing and able💙
kinda of sounds like the movie The Green beautiful
i have to say i have mixed emotions about this. on the one hand, i am heartened that more and more of the material-minded are having to expand their idea of reality and consciousness. on the other side i keep thinking about these kids having to become guinea pigs for scientific research, i.e. our need to scientifically distill something so precious down to "proof". i'm glad ky is doing what she's doing and acknowledge that the kids feel the importance of acknowledgment and yet i keep thinking about the avatar movie scenario for instance where the beauty and sacredness of a much higher dimension of being is intrused upon, tainted and ultimately destroyed by the lunk-headedness of a way denser understanding of what IT is. what is real is pretty subjective and yet it is assumed crazy or airy-fairy if my sense of reality is too ethereal for muggle-world. i have abso no prob accepting the veracity of extra-sensory experience and this kind of intelligence is also assumed some kind of incompetent by the mainstream mind. this is a big conversation as well...anyone else relate?
Yes telepathy is real and even people that are not disabled can achieve such connections
I could not stop watching, I finished watching all episodes in 2days. My question throughout watching was….why only non speaking autistic children? Is this something that can be learned?
Good question! I think they'll likely dive deeper into this in following seasons. At least I hope.
Forever conscious research channel
N no were to go for answers because they will call us crazy
Read the Ra material (Law of One) if you want even deeper insights
Never heard of it. What's the main thing you took from it?
I totally believe this is true. But I’m feeling a bit like Jim Carrey in The Truman Show. If we are a creation of the soul or collective consciousness, is it part of the plan that we remain unaware? Is the human experience ruined if we know it for what it is?
Good afternoon, good evening, and good night! But great questions worthy of deep exploration, for sure!
😯 if everything is conscious, or consciousness pervades everything, then it makes sense that someone who is capable of communicating the way the documentary describes could "see" without seeing, and "hear" without hearing. Reading a map while blind folded should be possible if everything, including the map, is conscious. Perhaps it truly is the 6th sense.
Right? It's a really intriguing idea to consider.
Better news than from the Ouija Board...not so bored!!
There are hell NDEs but they’re not “quite” hell according to the stores I’ve heard, if you reach out to God in any way, you get pulled out.
This feels like great life advice in general!
if john paul is telepathic why did he introduce himself to ky by sexually harassing her?
What are you talking about?
In early mainframe IT environments all of the processing was done on a mainframe and you’d connect to that mainframe with dumb terminal in order to access its processors. The mainframe is God and the dumb terminals are you and me. Our consciousness is from God. I see what these kids see and I’m not autistic. Could be on the spectrum I guess.
Interesting analogy!
What's in your nose bro
A nose ring.