This is part of the reason I deleted my social media. There's just such a constant barrage of information, most of it not being good, that it's just mentally draining. I try to keep reasonably up-to-date on what's going on in the world, but I've stopped trying to keep as up-to-date as possible. It's just not worth it.
same only thing i have is youtube and I only watch the people I'm already subbed to, had to unsub from pyrocynical's slop channel cause it is genuinely terrible for peoples mental health, constant new drama that no one cares about in a month
Just dont let it be an excuse to care about nothing instead. Find something that matters to you, without needing other people pushing it on you, and try to work on that passion, and help people.
The way it's been put to me - 'Infinite caring is self destruction." You DO need to care. You do need to stay informed. But you also need to keep in mind what you can realistically do. And also that it's the rare current even that you can influence at the drop of a hat.
This is very true and I learned it the hard way. I used to hold the belief that you don't deserve to have an opinion on a topic unless you have taken the time to get informed on it yourself. I do still feel that it is important to be able to admit when you don't know enough about a situation to give a take on it especially if you are someone in the public eye. However, I think it is fair to look a situation and say: "Yeah, on the surface, that doesn't look good" or "I don't know if I would have said/done that" without fully diving into the topic. My biggest thing is people should learn how to fact check information for themselves and think critically so they can glance at something and know whether it deserves a higher level of scrutiny.
It's always the people who say they're "so tired" of politics, things they disagree with or their political "enemies" that spend the most time caring. They're also the most likely to push it onto you too, even if they know you are politically polar opposites and know you don't want to hear it. I lost a bunch of friends over this actually.
EXACTLY. I am already hella exhausted ALL THE DAMNED TIME. I suffer depression and other things, my life is a whole ass mess. I ain't got the mental energy to give a damn about other their issues. Not because i don't want to care but simply because if i paid attention to all that, i might actually end up hurting myself because it's all so much.
Same man, I've been pretty happy go lucky my whole life so it kind of surprised even myself when I had a bout of horrible depression in my 30s. Need to eliminate all possible things that could potentially get you down, even if you think you're strong enough, chances are you aren't haha
Glad you have the introspection and self awareness to realize something is negatively affecting you. I was like this for awhile in 2016 to like 2018 but just stopped caring. Everything he's said about your own mental health and wellbeing is true but also it has social impacts on you. If all you care about is politics and world news then you're going to be THAT one obnoxious friend that everyone dislikes inviting over/to do stuff with because you always find ways to make references to politics or turn casual fun conversations into politics.
@@etZZeUs This is a key point. People get super invested in things out of their control - it's extremely unhealthy. If the news is about something that is immediate to you that you should know about, like storms, war, earthquakes, famine, plagues, covid, whatever it is, then sure, but for 99.9% of news coverage, it won't have any negative effect on you, and you won't have any ability to change its outcome. I stopped watching news for this for reason, as if it's actually something important like a zombie outbreak, I'm going to hear about it regardless.
I remember seeing one of those cavalcade of talking head interview pseudo-documentaries, and I forget what the main point was originally trying to be made, but I clearly remember Jay Leno (of all people) popping up and saying "If you don't read the newspaper for a a week, then you miss everything. If you don't read the newspaper for a year, then you miss nothing."
A while ago I purged my social media services from any political / drama crap and just kept it as hobbies and IRL friends. Much better for mental health. If I need political insight into a situation, I'll do my own research rather than receive it through an algorithmic feed.
This is the reason why I am rather quick to unfollow and maybe even block other people on social media. If I notice they are angry about something very often I decide to prioritize my own mental health and unfollow because those people drag my mental health down very quickly.
Caring is a resource. The more time you spend worrying about “current events”, the less energy you have left for issues within your immediate sphere of influence, like family, friends, or community.
yep and some people hate their family and have no friends, poor mental health, and think they have all of the answers when it comes to global geopolitics lol
The last point is something I've seen all over the political spectrum. And these groups are going far enough to re-phrase every single disagreement as a potential direct attack on their existence while radicalizing themselves in their little bubbles about being attacked and needing to retaliate. My response to seeing it now is closing the tab, not engaging with it and just focusing on niche hobbies. Turns out, even Twitter is fairly useable if you limit yourself like that.
Fair point, I can wholeheartedly agree on that. Such cognitive overloads are not good at all. But it is quite hard to not do that when you are in some specific predicament, like being inside a country at war, etc. Speaking from the Ukraine here, btw. I would love to ignore news, but I cannot - otherwise I may not see new rocket attack notification, will not know what are the rolling blackout schedules for next 48 hours, or miss some major developments of overall situation like e.g. North Korea becoming involved, or IRBM hitting your country, etc. It's not an exagerration to say that now we _need_ to know what Trump says and plans to do about helping us. Cause that may significantly impact what I can and what I plan to do in near-short and short term.
For real... I work in the tech space... It's given me crippling depression, specifically with AI news. There is always so much happening (and content curatoris MILK it), its exhausting to wake up to every. single. day only to have an existential crisis. At the same time, if you unlpug, you fall behind.
Fall behind on what though? Fitting for a Josh video, i'll use an MMO as an example. What you think of as "falling behind" isn't true, just like in WoW, if you skip the whole expansion and just jump on in the end, you will gear up to current levels very fast and be on par with all the other players in a few days. Ask any of these people who live to keep up with current news cycle about last years most important info and they will know as much as you, it's all in and out info that amounts to nothing special, if something happens that actually affects you and that grabs your attention, you can be up to speed with whatever the public knowledge is very fast, people who live for current event obsessions won't be any more in the know than know, they will just be significantly more stressed about about all things and not know why as they are overloaded.
@@forsetigodofjusticeexcelle7506 what are you talking about... I have to keep up with technology updates because it's my profession. Its not a 1:1 example but the same concept applies. I didn't bother reading the rest of this essay.
@@kylemichel3006 i read like first 3-4 lines and I thought the same.. wtf is he talking about, if you fall behind in tech, you're gonna be useless immediately.
@@kylemichel3006 What sort of profession do you work in that requires you to keep up to date on everything? I understand some professions like cybersecurity or academia need to keep up to date on the current industry status, and that some news (like current major CVEs) is important enough to warrant dealing with now, but I would say the vast majority of the time, people do not need to keep up to date on specific news.
I used to read the news and watch podcasts for hours and hours. Like... imagine if I spent all that time on something productive instead, like leveling in classic classic. And making friends.
A big part of why I stopped using Twitter for anything besides following artists is because I am very much over the idea of having to hear the latest thing to be mad about and having those things pushed into my view. It's nice not having to look at dumb takes other people feel the need to share.
My depressions got so bad that I now live in a happy bubble of ignorance to most things that are going on. I've fought bullshit for 30 years, I need a break.
No its not. If you think so, maybe reflect on what youve allowed yourself to be, and see if it is abhorrent to natures way. An elephant is not a horse, just because they both have four legs. Dont be an elephant trying to act like a horse.
I have a friend who is in the same position and is terrified that they'll have to flee to a different country because of it. From my privileged position of not being in danger from anything I quietly wonder if there is as much danger/risk as my friend thinks there is. I'm not doubting my friend or their feelings, I'm doubting how much the news and just most information sources these days hype things up to make them seem bigger or worse than they actually are. (I also don't doubt that there are people who do have very real danger from these things, but I think my friend is in a relatively safe area and may be highly influenced by the general panic around issues at the moment). I didn't express my doubt to my friend because that is the last thing they need at the moment. What I did do is help them with making a plan for the worst case scenario. Because I know with my own anxiety where I get stressed etc about things going wrong the thing that helps me most is using that to my advantage. So I think of the worst thing that can happen, then I start considering what I could do to make that worst case scenario not quite as bad. Even though I obviously don't want the worst case scenario to happen, it means I at least know I have a plan of action prepared to make things less worse and help if it does happen. It also means I'm not left scrambling with my head not in a good space trying to figure out what to do when something goes wrong, because past me already thoroughly thought about it and prepared things in advance. For my friend as my country is one they would be able to flee to if something happened I've been bombarding them with tons of information about moving here and the differences that I've picked up over the years. For you I would suggest doing the above if it is possible and you think it might help, so trying to plan and allow for things going wrong. Secondly, although it is important to stay informed in case something happens, its also important to give yourself a break. If you have a friend in a similar situation perhaps pick a day or two each week and just say you're taking a break from all the news but if they can inform you should anything really important arise, you can do the same for them. And use that time to just relax and try not to think about the news, I imagine immersing yourself in a game, book, or movie/show would work. Or perhaps instead of reading/watching entire articles about news events, just read the headlines (which I know are usually clickbaity, still) to see what is happening and leave it at that unless it seems like something very important. Anything to lessen the amount of time you have to spend scouring current events and increase the amount of time you can spend actually enjoying yourself. (Apologies for the textwall)
This is exactly what I needed. I have been absorbing gaming info for the past decade. I am just tired and this definitely helps me go forward. I will step away from learning about upcoming releases and distance myself from knowing everything about games I care about, because that number is too big.
7:40 is this why conspiracy theories become so popular for people to actually believe? My aunt joined what is basically a conspiracy cult a few years ago and it's like everything she talks about makes her angry and sad and frustrated, and when she talks to her family about it, we tell her that... none of what she thinks is real is real. We'll even give her direct counters that prove that what she's worrying about and what she's angry about isn't real. But then she goes online or talks with other members of this cult about all this nonsense that is making her angry and she'll learn more stuff that isn't actually real that makes her angry and the cycle repeats. So, this line just really stood out to me as someone who witnessed her go from this very happy, supportive person, to basically the complete opposite.
Aye, mental health and your own well being is the priority. There is a difference between limiting your activity and being completely inactive. I do find it difficult to find the balance. It is also difficult being honest with yourself on how much you social media. The whole “this is the most important thing” comes from that strong desire of in-group vs out-group.
It's tiring to keep up with angry people. Angry at everything. The fact that Josh doesn't follow the most current reactionary takes, especially in gaming is why I watch tbh. Plays what he wants, when he wants and judges it based on its own merits and not some weirdo cultural war politics lens. Also the dapper looks do help.
I have a select number of videos I keep in a playlist of "pick me up" videos. I've put this in there because eventually im going to make myself miserably by following news, as I have done in the past. Thank you for your boundless wisdom Josh, you are making my life better on a regular basis with nothing more than your words.
The “This Video will make you Angry” video by CGP Grey is seriously good. Handling the topics how the human psyche interacts with information, and how the internet is interacting with all of it. I would consider it one of the most important pieces of media on youTube.
i personally like to gather as much information about the word as possible but i am accepting of the terrible and horrible things that happen and am able to look past it. My greatest joy in life is learning everything i can even if it is terrible. I understand that not everyone enjoys this and even if you do it can be exhausting.
Should specify this is mainstream news media that does this, many youtubers and podcasters who actually practice real journalism gives the real news ant the pace required to cover it.
"caring takes mental energy." One of the clever little details about Ghost in the Shell, is during the opening when the Major is listening to static and Batou is confused. It's because she has the strength to listen to all the signals at once. It sounds like static to others, but being able to keep up with intense data loads is a skill set. And it absolutely burns people out.
I long ago just said nah to keeping up with current events and just focusing on my hobbies, studies, and improving myself. A lot more healthier for myself and mindset than trying to keep up with everything that's happening. I am English and like football, my National Team already has the mental damage reserved for me, I realistically can handle more than can I...
I'm so anxious lately that I'm close to have a panic attack, so i needed this right now so badly. I can't focus on the important things i'm planning for my future because of all the news that are not even related to my country. Screw social media, screw television. Really.
also a point to mention is that knowing these things doesn't... do much, if you can't do anything about it. acting on a piece of news is far more important than knowing. i had a friend read the global news all the time and they genuinely became depressed taking in all this information that we had to have an intervention. you dont have to know everything, hell, you dont have to know anything at all; know what you can act on within your community, if you want to make a difference
7:16 it's well documented psychology, that to incite action, high emotion gives the highest rate of incitement. And few things are of higher emotional energy than rage and in-group preferences sharing that rage. That's why ragebaiters exist. Because they get money for each incitement they create.
I pretty much did this for nearly a decade trying to keep up with day to day politics. All of them. While helpful in forming some of my core values and beliefs, it was also something that probably scarred me for life. The emotional anguish and toil it takes on someone and the societal pressures just trying to keep up with everything and having us versus them issues crop up because of it - it's just so goddamn exhausting.
Im sympathetic to this but I think you need to have a balance. If everyone checks out of current events, we can all be marched into even more exploitation and not even realize it. Awareness is the first step to organizing, which is necessary to create change. There are many folks who may be directly being targeted by policies being pushed by certain factions, they don't have the luxury of just checking out. Tldr I agree that trying to keep track of everything always is exhausting and impossible. I just think you need to balance it with living your life and avoid going full ostrich.
I don't follow any current affairs. I know so very little about what is going on and I have no desire to. Constant reminders of how sinister the world is are not what I want to experience.
This is good for a lot of reasons. I recently reviewed my stock portfolio, then tried reviewing the current affairs of my stocks. I eventually got information overload and decided to focus on ETFs, which are just stock bundles to put it simply.
THIS. Yes. I'm chronically ill and have a stressful life. There is just no mental or physical way I could keep up with all the current events without completely burning out. It's good to know what's happening in the world but you just can't hyper-focus on everything going on. Human brains weren't meant to handle ALL of this constant information 24 hours a day, day in and day out.
The only reason I am up-to-date on current events is that i now work at a news station.... I forget most of it before I get home. Never used to follow it much before, figured the most important things would make it to me, and they did. At that point if it seamed important enough I would do my own research
This. I feel Covid exacerbated toxic behaviour and people are still trapped in this mindset. Because of the nonstop input the brain is distracted and can't cope with the trauma. The pain stacks and people get more and more upset even about minor stuff. Nowadays i only consume local or good news, touch grass, occasionally be bored and don't care about opinions and hate. Life is much easier that way.
Having something you care about is great. Forcing others to care about it is not. I find X can keep me up to date on everything I care about for about 15 mins a day. Just follow the right people, stay out of the algorithmic for you and the comments.
Keeping up with current events in any meaningful way is literally a job; An insanely well paid one and often requires nearly a dozen people each focusing on a different aspect of the current events. And the more granular and in-depth we want to go, the harder keeping track becomes. Expecting someone to be up to date with everything? That's genuinely unrealistic.
The hyperbole of "this is the worst/greatest/most important thing EVER" for pretty much everything has done more to put me off of "staying connected" more than anything.
OSRS leagues straight into POE2 took my attention away from the news cycle for long enough to help me realize that I was much happier and less stressed by not keeping up with it
I stopped being politically involved (really I call it politically obsessed because that's what 99% of people who are politically involved are) about 8 years ago and it's such a better life to be living. You can tell from all of the "you're so privileged" comments that they didn't watch the video or listen at all. He said you shouldn't follow ALL of current affairs. You can still have a few key issues you inform yourself on somewhat regularly. Just don't let it consume your day or your free time. Work on yourself, go to the gym, go spend time with friends and enjoy life. I see people shitting on him for this take but I 100% bet those people have the personality of a billboard where politics is all they know and they constantly find ways to rope it into casual conversations with friends and they secretly wish you wouldn't. No one likes talking to someone who is politically obsessed. Stay informed on some issues, sure, but if you are watching news every single night and political commentary channels on youtube constantly for hours... you need help. Turn off the internet and go do something ACTUALLY beneficial for you.
It is much easier to not care about current events, when the outcome of current events does not drastically alter your life. While I agree that too much immersion in the shit soup is definitely bad for you, there are many people who need to check the bubbling shit pot because their lives may be at immediate risk of being forced to change.
Why even would you? Just keep up with what you care about to a reasonable extent. Focus on your own life man, its already hard enough just making it day to day. We dont need to stress about everything.
iirc the "This will make you angry" video he's referring to is from CGP Grey (he's probably also the reason why you started hearing "hexagons are the bestagons")
I'd rather be in Argentina where I see the outcome is better. 128 years since the country was posting a profit. The Fascist man that is a nazi happened to not be a nazi fascist and fixed the country.
"You may not fuck with politics, but politics will fuck with you". Staying uninformed and uninvolved on certain things is a luxury not everyone can afford. Many people struggle daily to fight for their individual rights or lives. Self care is important, but I would not say the best solution is to embrace ignorance.
I have the same policy as Josh here. Here's the thing: I don't care to be informed about everything and I don't care to be involved in everything. Why? Because I already made up my mind and I accept I can't help everyone. Let me explain: I know who to vote for and who to vote against in my country. I don't need 1000 pieces of evidence, I got 10 and that's enough for me. I know a certain candidate to the presidency is a traitor and psychopath, I don't need to know all the ways in which he's a traitor and a psychopath. But I will vote. Just because they managed to disengage me from politics, seeing bad news all the time, doesn't mean I will give up on voting. That would mean giving them (the media and politicians) what they want: apathy. Then accepting I can't help everyone. I'm not a leader, except my own leader. I vote, I'm a member of a political party and I donate money to that party, but don't expect me to go and campaign (I'm too old for it) and don't expect me to fix or take upon myself everyone's problems. I won't do it. If the country wants to vote for the traitor psychopath, I won't let it affect me. Let those who vote for him cry and go f themselves. I did my duty, let others do theirs. I refuse to do the work others should do themselves. Is it ignorance? Maybe, but I will watch the world burn if that's what the world wants. I vote the right way. If the world votes the wrong way, so be it. If the world won't learn through reason, it will learn through pain. And if it won't learn at all, I'm not a superhero and I've made my peace with the idea. I will take care of my friends and family. I can't save the world. And why worry about things you have no power over?
Yeah depends on what country you live in. If you live in a first world country aka any EU country, USA, Canada, the UK, etc. you are not "strugggling in a daily fight for your individual rights and lives." Sorry but you're not. Also yes, the best solution IS to stop doing something that is severely negatively affecting your mental wellbeing. I know that may be a revolutionary idea to you but it's true. That's not to say you can't care or shouldn't care about 1 single issue period. It's saying you should avoid watching hours of political/world news content every day. Live your life. Whether or not you are aware of some issue like trans rights or what country is engaging in armed skirmishes with another doesn't truly matter for you and your life. That's what he is saying.
@@YuYuYuna_ Dog, how can you say all that and literally cite trans rights? Some people's very existence is considered political. Like, you're assuming this higher position of saying essentially 'first world problems' while also saying 'well I just can't be bothered with some of these things'. Are you saying it is dumb for a trans American to keep their ear to the ground about trans rights? I mean, fucking hell man, we just got rid of fucking ABORTION. Your apathy, as well as Josh's, is a luxury some can not afford. Maybe if any of your rights were actually in jeopardy you would understand better. Also what about people with family members in places like Lebanon? There's a bunch of people up in Michigan who would likely disagree with you about how important it is to rail against the government in a situation like this.
I follow no current affairs. I know nothing happening in the world, fellas at a party ask me if I heard the latest news? I say what's news? I am the most confused man alive
After Bush jun. invaded Iraq I decided to study political sciences in order to understand and maybe make the world a bit better. Biggest mistake of my life. Ignore any media!
I completely stopped using reddit two months ago. It just fucked with my mental health and I was very addicted to it. Even though I am kinda missing the doomscrolling, I feel better.
Another point of advice: Streamers (including Josh) are just random people. The advice given in this video should be taken with a grain of salt, as with all other streamers. They're not professionals, they have no insider knowledge. Their domain is entertainment, opinion and speculation. If you want real insight into what to do and what not to do in terms of your mental health dealing with international geopolitics, speak to professionals about it.
I both agree and disagree. I think being on all the time is bad for you, and you shouldn't. But you shouldn't ignore it either. The world has become as bad as it is because so many people didn't want to bother with being stressed about what was going on. But as someone with mental health struggles, I know that paying attention to EVERY LITTLE THING, is bad for you. Some things are more important than others. You don't need to know about every crime that happens everywhere.
Sounds god, until you encounter something that you can not afford to stop caring even for a moment no matter how beneficial this mental pause can be down the line.
Smart people not following it is how we got where we are. Therapy is your friend and can help you deal with difficult things. Sticking your head in the sand isn't good. You are just passing the struggle onto the future.
i like being aware of things going on, but caring about it all? naaah i am 1 dude i would go crazy worrying about everything going on i can baely handle my own life.
To be absolutely clear: the POINT was to make us feel like checking out. That's how the least educated voters keep getting wins - they aren't checking out, they're making it their entire personality. Radicalization is invigorating; they're getting MORE amped up while we wither out. That cannot happen. So literally if you want the news to stop making you angry then you need to KEEP PUSHING. Never give up. Never surrender.
Why? The tides of history happen with or without me, I'm not going to stress about it. If we are to devolve into barbarism or enter into a golden age it doesn't matter, I have no control either way.
This is part of the reason I deleted my social media. There's just such a constant barrage of information, most of it not being good, that it's just mentally draining. I try to keep reasonably up-to-date on what's going on in the world, but I've stopped trying to keep as up-to-date as possible. It's just not worth it.
same only thing i have is youtube and I only watch the people I'm already subbed to, had to unsub from pyrocynical's slop channel cause it is genuinely terrible for peoples mental health, constant new drama that no one cares about in a month
@@TroubleWithCrowdsbased, I did the same
Damn you guys are suck weaklings.
@@TroubleWithCrowds yeah all those "commentary" guys are absolute slop
Just dont let it be an excuse to care about nothing instead. Find something that matters to you, without needing other people pushing it on you, and try to work on that passion, and help people.
"you can´t keep set yourself on fire to keep somebody else warm"... I´ll keep that , fight with my parent at home because the put the news all day...
Dark Souls 2 be like: Immolation anyone? 🔥😝
The way it's been put to me - 'Infinite caring is self destruction."
You DO need to care. You do need to stay informed. But you also need to keep in mind what you can realistically do. And also that it's the rare current even that you can influence at the drop of a hat.
This is very true and I learned it the hard way. I used to hold the belief that you don't deserve to have an opinion on a topic unless you have taken the time to get informed on it yourself. I do still feel that it is important to be able to admit when you don't know enough about a situation to give a take on it especially if you are someone in the public eye. However, I think it is fair to look a situation and say: "Yeah, on the surface, that doesn't look good" or "I don't know if I would have said/done that" without fully diving into the topic. My biggest thing is people should learn how to fact check information for themselves and think critically so they can glance at something and know whether it deserves a higher level of scrutiny.
Damn.. I read the thumbnail as "I can consume you."
Totally different expectations.
oooh behave !!
Now I’m disappointed it wasn’t that. Damn it YT comments.
Josh Strife Vores
People cry about being stressed and then turn around and get obsessed with every news article they come across.
It's always the people who say they're "so tired" of politics, things they disagree with or their political "enemies" that spend the most time caring. They're also the most likely to push it onto you too, even if they know you are politically polar opposites and know you don't want to hear it. I lost a bunch of friends over this actually.
EXACTLY. I am already hella exhausted ALL THE DAMNED TIME. I suffer depression and other things, my life is a whole ass mess. I ain't got the mental energy to give a damn about other their issues. Not because i don't want to care but simply because if i paid attention to all that, i might actually end up hurting myself because it's all so much.
Same man, I've been pretty happy go lucky my whole life so it kind of surprised even myself when I had a bout of horrible depression in my 30s. Need to eliminate all possible things that could potentially get you down, even if you think you're strong enough, chances are you aren't haha
Might want to try out nofap, see if it helps.
@@Wenedi uhm what now?
@@dudemetslagroom8065 google it :p, it tends to help with a whole bunch of issues
@@Wenedi Yeah something tells me jerking off or not jerking off isn't the reason they are depressed nor the 99.99% that are.
He has probably the most insane Rig ever but still chooses to play on windowed mode capped at 30 fps with the lowest grapic options. What a legend.
Honestly, thank you for this. I really needed to hear this and just... stop.
Right. Just dont focus an things beyond your control.
Be glad you're not too far gone to hear this and take offense to it, like a few people I know
Glad you have the introspection and self awareness to realize something is negatively affecting you. I was like this for awhile in 2016 to like 2018 but just stopped caring. Everything he's said about your own mental health and wellbeing is true but also it has social impacts on you. If all you care about is politics and world news then you're going to be THAT one obnoxious friend that everyone dislikes inviting over/to do stuff with because you always find ways to make references to politics or turn casual fun conversations into politics.
@@etZZeUs This is a key point. People get super invested in things out of their control - it's extremely unhealthy. If the news is about something that is immediate to you that you should know about, like storms, war, earthquakes, famine, plagues, covid, whatever it is, then sure, but for 99.9% of news coverage, it won't have any negative effect on you, and you won't have any ability to change its outcome. I stopped watching news for this for reason, as if it's actually something important like a zombie outbreak, I'm going to hear about it regardless.
I remember seeing one of those cavalcade of talking head interview pseudo-documentaries, and I forget what the main point was originally trying to be made, but I clearly remember Jay Leno (of all people) popping up and saying
"If you don't read the newspaper for a a week, then you miss everything. If you don't read the newspaper for a year, then you miss nothing."
A while ago I purged my social media services from any political / drama crap and just kept it as hobbies and IRL friends. Much better for mental health. If I need political insight into a situation, I'll do my own research rather than receive it through an algorithmic feed.
This is the reason why I am rather quick to unfollow and maybe even block other people on social media. If I notice they are angry about something very often I decide to prioritize my own mental health and unfollow because those people drag my mental health down very quickly.
Caring is a resource. The more time you spend worrying about “current events”, the less energy you have left for issues within your immediate sphere of influence, like family, friends, or community.
yep and some people hate their family and have no friends, poor mental health, and think they have all of the answers when it comes to global geopolitics lol
The last point is something I've seen all over the political spectrum. And these groups are going far enough to re-phrase every single disagreement as a potential direct attack on their existence while radicalizing themselves in their little bubbles about being attacked and needing to retaliate. My response to seeing it now is closing the tab, not engaging with it and just focusing on niche hobbies. Turns out, even Twitter is fairly useable if you limit yourself like that.
Very impressive insight, thank you. And I agree, the CGP Grey "this video will make you angry" video is phenomenal as well, Very highly recommended.
Fair point, I can wholeheartedly agree on that. Such cognitive overloads are not good at all.
But it is quite hard to not do that when you are in some specific predicament, like being inside a country at war, etc. Speaking from the Ukraine here, btw.
I would love to ignore news, but I cannot - otherwise I may not see new rocket attack notification, will not know what are the rolling blackout schedules for next 48 hours, or miss some major developments of overall situation like e.g. North Korea becoming involved, or IRBM hitting your country, etc.
It's not an exagerration to say that now we _need_ to know what Trump says and plans to do about helping us. Cause that may significantly impact what I can and what I plan to do in near-short and short term.
For real... I work in the tech space... It's given me crippling depression, specifically with AI news. There is always so much happening (and content curatoris MILK it), its exhausting to wake up to every. single. day only to have an existential crisis. At the same time, if you unlpug, you fall behind.
Fall behind on what though?
Fitting for a Josh video, i'll use an MMO as an example.
What you think of as "falling behind" isn't true, just like in WoW, if you skip the whole expansion and just jump on in the end, you will gear up to current levels very fast and be on par with all the other players in a few days.
Ask any of these people who live to keep up with current news cycle about last years most important info and they will know as much as you, it's all in and out info that amounts to nothing special, if something happens that actually affects you and that grabs your attention, you can be up to speed with whatever the public knowledge is very fast, people who live for current event obsessions won't be any more in the know than know, they will just be significantly more stressed about about all things and not know why as they are overloaded.
@@forsetigodofjusticeexcelle7506 what are you talking about... I have to keep up with technology updates because it's my profession. Its not a 1:1 example but the same concept applies. I didn't bother reading the rest of this essay.
@@kylemichel3006 i read like first 3-4 lines and I thought the same.. wtf is he talking about, if you fall behind in tech, you're gonna be useless immediately.
@@kylemichel3006 What sort of profession do you work in that requires you to keep up to date on everything? I understand some professions like cybersecurity or academia need to keep up to date on the current industry status, and that some news (like current major CVEs) is important enough to warrant dealing with now, but I would say the vast majority of the time, people do not need to keep up to date on specific news.
@@kylemichel3006 >I have to keep up with technology updates because it's my profession
AI researcher?
Needed to hear this, ty Josh
Don't worry it's not the end of the world, until it actually is.
I used to read the news and watch podcasts for hours and hours. Like... imagine if I spent all that time on something productive instead, like leveling in classic classic. And making friends.
Stress kills
A big part of why I stopped using Twitter for anything besides following artists is because I am very much over the idea of having to hear the latest thing to be mad about and having those things pushed into my view.
It's nice not having to look at dumb takes other people feel the need to share.
From this perspective, which other platforms would you recommend to use then?
I would actually like to know because I make content myself.
My depressions got so bad that I now live in a happy bubble of ignorance to most things that are going on. I've fought bullshit for 30 years, I need a break.
I wish i didnt need to follow all the current affairs. Because... My life and existence is a current major current event hot button...
fking same
Lemme guess, you're trans
No its not. If you think so, maybe reflect on what youve allowed yourself to be, and see if it is abhorrent to natures way. An elephant is not a horse, just because they both have four legs. Dont be an elephant trying to act like a horse.
@@umoramayori cringe
I have a friend who is in the same position and is terrified that they'll have to flee to a different country because of it. From my privileged position of not being in danger from anything I quietly wonder if there is as much danger/risk as my friend thinks there is. I'm not doubting my friend or their feelings, I'm doubting how much the news and just most information sources these days hype things up to make them seem bigger or worse than they actually are. (I also don't doubt that there are people who do have very real danger from these things, but I think my friend is in a relatively safe area and may be highly influenced by the general panic around issues at the moment).
I didn't express my doubt to my friend because that is the last thing they need at the moment. What I did do is help them with making a plan for the worst case scenario. Because I know with my own anxiety where I get stressed etc about things going wrong the thing that helps me most is using that to my advantage. So I think of the worst thing that can happen, then I start considering what I could do to make that worst case scenario not quite as bad. Even though I obviously don't want the worst case scenario to happen, it means I at least know I have a plan of action prepared to make things less worse and help if it does happen. It also means I'm not left scrambling with my head not in a good space trying to figure out what to do when something goes wrong, because past me already thoroughly thought about it and prepared things in advance.
For my friend as my country is one they would be able to flee to if something happened I've been bombarding them with tons of information about moving here and the differences that I've picked up over the years.
For you I would suggest doing the above if it is possible and you think it might help, so trying to plan and allow for things going wrong. Secondly, although it is important to stay informed in case something happens, its also important to give yourself a break. If you have a friend in a similar situation perhaps pick a day or two each week and just say you're taking a break from all the news but if they can inform you should anything really important arise, you can do the same for them. And use that time to just relax and try not to think about the news, I imagine immersing yourself in a game, book, or movie/show would work.
Or perhaps instead of reading/watching entire articles about news events, just read the headlines (which I know are usually clickbaity, still) to see what is happening and leave it at that unless it seems like something very important. Anything to lessen the amount of time you have to spend scouring current events and increase the amount of time you can spend actually enjoying yourself.
(Apologies for the textwall)
This is exactly what I needed. I have been absorbing gaming info for the past decade. I am just tired and this definitely helps me go forward. I will step away from learning about upcoming releases and distance myself from knowing everything about games I care about, because that number is too big.
7:40 is this why conspiracy theories become so popular for people to actually believe? My aunt joined what is basically a conspiracy cult a few years ago and it's like everything she talks about makes her angry and sad and frustrated, and when she talks to her family about it, we tell her that... none of what she thinks is real is real. We'll even give her direct counters that prove that what she's worrying about and what she's angry about isn't real. But then she goes online or talks with other members of this cult about all this nonsense that is making her angry and she'll learn more stuff that isn't actually real that makes her angry and the cycle repeats. So, this line just really stood out to me as someone who witnessed her go from this very happy, supportive person, to basically the complete opposite.
Fully worth listening to, sharing and making viral if you ask me, the more I listen to josh the more I respect and relate to him :)
Aye, mental health and your own well being is the priority. There is a difference between limiting your activity and being completely inactive.
I do find it difficult to find the balance. It is also difficult being honest with yourself on how much you social media.
The whole “this is the most important thing” comes from that strong desire of in-group vs out-group.
It's tiring to keep up with angry people. Angry at everything.
The fact that Josh doesn't follow the most current reactionary takes, especially in gaming is why I watch tbh. Plays what he wants, when he wants and judges it based on its own merits and not some weirdo cultural war politics lens.
Also the dapper looks do help.
yeah i have my own beliefs but honestly both sides of the "culture war" are extremely annoying
it's worth it to stay informed but limit how much time you spend thinking about how miserable the world is right now
I have a select number of videos I keep in a playlist of "pick me up" videos. I've put this in there because eventually im going to make myself miserably by following news, as I have done in the past. Thank you for your boundless wisdom Josh, you are making my life better on a regular basis with nothing more than your words.
The “This Video will make you Angry” video by CGP Grey is seriously good. Handling the topics how the human psyche interacts with information, and how the internet is interacting with all of it.
I would consider it one of the most important pieces of media on youTube.
i personally like to gather as much information about the word as possible but i am accepting of the terrible and horrible things that happen and am able to look past it. My greatest joy in life is learning everything i can even if it is terrible. I understand that not everyone enjoys this and even if you do it can be exhausting.
Should specify this is mainstream news media that does this, many youtubers and podcasters who actually practice real journalism gives the real news ant the pace required to cover it.
"caring takes mental energy."
One of the clever little details about Ghost in the Shell, is during the opening when the Major is listening to static and Batou is confused. It's because she has the strength to listen to all the signals at once. It sounds like static to others, but being able to keep up with intense data loads is a skill set. And it absolutely burns people out.
I sorta knew this. But... I really needed this. Thank you, Josh
For saying.
If only the hierarchy of needs weren't under attack on every level of existence.
I can’t get over how awesome the set up looks
I long ago just said nah to keeping up with current events and just focusing on my hobbies, studies, and improving myself. A lot more healthier for myself and mindset than trying to keep up with everything that's happening. I am English and like football, my National Team already has the mental damage reserved for me, I realistically can handle more than can I...
I'm so anxious lately that I'm close to have a panic attack, so i needed this right now so badly. I can't focus on the important things i'm planning for my future because of all the news that are not even related to my country. Screw social media, screw television. Really.
also a point to mention is that knowing these things doesn't... do much, if you can't do anything about it. acting on a piece of news is far more important than knowing. i had a friend read the global news all the time and they genuinely became depressed taking in all this information that we had to have an intervention. you dont have to know everything, hell, you dont have to know anything at all; know what you can act on within your community, if you want to make a difference
You are truly wise beyond your years, Josh. This is such fantastic advice expressed in such a thoughtful way.
7:16 it's well documented psychology, that to incite action, high emotion gives the highest rate of incitement.
And few things are of higher emotional energy than rage and in-group preferences sharing that rage.
That's why ragebaiters exist. Because they get money for each incitement they create.
I always at least try to keep up but not in detail, just snippets of what is happening and my response is "oh so that happened, moving on"
Not everything can be "crazy" not every situation is "OMG". Honestly after awhile i get tired of it all
I pretty much did this for nearly a decade trying to keep up with day to day politics. All of them. While helpful in forming some of my core values and beliefs, it was also something that probably scarred me for life. The emotional anguish and toil it takes on someone and the societal pressures just trying to keep up with everything and having us versus them issues crop up because of it - it's just so goddamn exhausting.
Ive remembered that if I want to know, I can go look. I owe no one's editorial/opinion a thing.
Im sympathetic to this but I think you need to have a balance. If everyone checks out of current events, we can all be marched into even more exploitation and not even realize it.
Awareness is the first step to organizing, which is necessary to create change.
There are many folks who may be directly being targeted by policies being pushed by certain factions, they don't have the luxury of just checking out.
Tldr I agree that trying to keep track of everything always is exhausting and impossible. I just think you need to balance it with living your life and avoid going full ostrich.
I don't follow any current affairs. I know so very little about what is going on and I have no desire to. Constant reminders of how sinister the world is are not what I want to experience.
"It can consume you" The things you consume end up consuming you, springs to mind.
This is good for a lot of reasons. I recently reviewed my stock portfolio, then tried reviewing the current affairs of my stocks.
I eventually got information overload and decided to focus on ETFs, which are just stock bundles to put it simply.
THIS. Yes. I'm chronically ill and have a stressful life. There is just no mental or physical way I could keep up with all the current events without completely burning out. It's good to know what's happening in the world but you just can't hyper-focus on everything going on. Human brains weren't meant to handle ALL of this constant information 24 hours a day, day in and day out.
This was great advice Mr Hayes. I still look at headlines but don't get into the detail as much as I used to.
The only reason I am up-to-date on current events is that i now work at a news station.... I forget most of it before I get home. Never used to follow it much before, figured the most important things would make it to me, and they did. At that point if it seamed important enough I would do my own research
Ignorance is bliss. It's true.
I just read whatever comes up on the "In the News" section on the Wikipedia homepage. If something important is going on it will be there eventually.
I feel Covid exacerbated toxic behaviour and people are still trapped in this mindset. Because of the nonstop input the brain is distracted and can't cope with the trauma. The pain stacks and people get more and more upset even about minor stuff.
Nowadays i only consume local or good news, touch grass, occasionally be bored and don't care about opinions and hate. Life is much easier that way.
Having something you care about is great. Forcing others to care about it is not.
I find X can keep me up to date on everything I care about for about 15 mins a day. Just follow the right people, stay out of the algorithmic for you and the comments.
I literally couldnt care less about anything other than if it effects my income, my work or my home. That alone takes up most of my mnetal time.
I needed to hear this. Been follow the geopolitical state of the world obsessively lately and it’s lowkey been eating me alive
Josh! Did you know THE most important thing???
You can't be an ostrich if you want to make it. No matter how much you dont want you deal with it.
Keeping up with current events in any meaningful way is literally a job; An insanely well paid one and often requires nearly a dozen people each focusing on a different aspect of the current events.
And the more granular and in-depth we want to go, the harder keeping track becomes.
Expecting someone to be up to date with everything? That's genuinely unrealistic.
The hyperbole of "this is the worst/greatest/most important thing EVER" for pretty much everything has done more to put me off of "staying connected" more than anything.
Everyone should be aware and active to some degree, imo. But at the same time, you gotta know where the line is so you don't go nuts.
This is why I have next to no social media and turned off notifications wherever I could.
I barely read the news anymore because I do NOT want to care anymore.
Frankly I wish I could go back to being unaware of all the current event stuff. I was happier.
OSRS leagues straight into POE2 took my attention away from the news cycle for long enough to help me realize that I was much happier and less stressed by not keeping up with it
Gotta stay up on all my current affairs. Time to watch Josh strife!
as a turkish person this is stuff you either learn the hard way or you never learn
I enjoy discussing current events and news with friends, so for me it's not exhausting at all.
I stopped being politically involved (really I call it politically obsessed because that's what 99% of people who are politically involved are) about 8 years ago and it's such a better life to be living. You can tell from all of the "you're so privileged" comments that they didn't watch the video or listen at all. He said you shouldn't follow ALL of current affairs. You can still have a few key issues you inform yourself on somewhat regularly. Just don't let it consume your day or your free time. Work on yourself, go to the gym, go spend time with friends and enjoy life. I see people shitting on him for this take but I 100% bet those people have the personality of a billboard where politics is all they know and they constantly find ways to rope it into casual conversations with friends and they secretly wish you wouldn't. No one likes talking to someone who is politically obsessed. Stay informed on some issues, sure, but if you are watching news every single night and political commentary channels on youtube constantly for hours... you need help. Turn off the internet and go do something ACTUALLY beneficial for you.
It is much easier to not care about current events, when the outcome of current events does not drastically alter your life. While I agree that too much immersion in the shit soup is definitely bad for you, there are many people who need to check the bubbling shit pot because their lives may be at immediate risk of being forced to change.
Why even would you? Just keep up with what you care about to a reasonable extent. Focus on your own life man, its already hard enough just making it day to day. We dont need to stress about everything.
John Wolfe has goood Horror Playthrough. Not the one you want probably because he is very nitpicky but never too harsh
iirc the "This will make you angry" video he's referring to is from CGP Grey (he's probably also the reason why you started hearing "hexagons are the bestagons")
Based. Glued and undercoated.
Quitting all news, politics, etc. will make you SO much more optimistic for the future. Try it!
I'd rather be in Argentina where I see the outcome is better. 128 years since the country was posting a profit. The Fascist man that is a nazi happened to not be a nazi fascist and fixed the country.
@@kylemenos wat
"You may not fuck with politics, but politics will fuck with you". Staying uninformed and uninvolved on certain things is a luxury not everyone can afford. Many people struggle daily to fight for their individual rights or lives. Self care is important, but I would not say the best solution is to embrace ignorance.
I have the same policy as Josh here. Here's the thing: I don't care to be informed about everything and I don't care to be involved in everything. Why? Because I already made up my mind and I accept I can't help everyone. Let me explain: I know who to vote for and who to vote against in my country. I don't need 1000 pieces of evidence, I got 10 and that's enough for me. I know a certain candidate to the presidency is a traitor and psychopath, I don't need to know all the ways in which he's a traitor and a psychopath. But I will vote. Just because they managed to disengage me from politics, seeing bad news all the time, doesn't mean I will give up on voting. That would mean giving them (the media and politicians) what they want: apathy.
Then accepting I can't help everyone. I'm not a leader, except my own leader. I vote, I'm a member of a political party and I donate money to that party, but don't expect me to go and campaign (I'm too old for it) and don't expect me to fix or take upon myself everyone's problems. I won't do it. If the country wants to vote for the traitor psychopath, I won't let it affect me. Let those who vote for him cry and go f themselves. I did my duty, let others do theirs. I refuse to do the work others should do themselves. Is it ignorance? Maybe, but I will watch the world burn if that's what the world wants. I vote the right way. If the world votes the wrong way, so be it. If the world won't learn through reason, it will learn through pain. And if it won't learn at all, I'm not a superhero and I've made my peace with the idea. I will take care of my friends and family. I can't save the world. And why worry about things you have no power over?
Thinking that all information online is relevant to your life IS ignorance.
Yeah depends on what country you live in. If you live in a first world country aka any EU country, USA, Canada, the UK, etc. you are not "strugggling in a daily fight for your individual rights and lives." Sorry but you're not. Also yes, the best solution IS to stop doing something that is severely negatively affecting your mental wellbeing. I know that may be a revolutionary idea to you but it's true. That's not to say you can't care or shouldn't care about 1 single issue period. It's saying you should avoid watching hours of political/world news content every day. Live your life. Whether or not you are aware of some issue like trans rights or what country is engaging in armed skirmishes with another doesn't truly matter for you and your life. That's what he is saying.
@@YuYuYuna_ Dog, how can you say all that and literally cite trans rights? Some people's very existence is considered political. Like, you're assuming this higher position of saying essentially 'first world problems' while also saying 'well I just can't be bothered with some of these things'. Are you saying it is dumb for a trans American to keep their ear to the ground about trans rights? I mean, fucking hell man, we just got rid of fucking ABORTION. Your apathy, as well as Josh's, is a luxury some can not afford. Maybe if any of your rights were actually in jeopardy you would understand better. Also what about people with family members in places like Lebanon? There's a bunch of people up in Michigan who would likely disagree with you about how important it is to rail against the government in a situation like this.
I follow no current affairs. I know nothing happening in the world, fellas at a party ask me if I heard the latest news? I say what's news? I am the most confused man alive
How do you disconnect? Ive become hyper aware and its exhausting
After Bush jun. invaded Iraq I decided to study political sciences in order to understand and maybe make the world a bit better. Biggest mistake of my life. Ignore any media!
I completely stopped using reddit two months ago. It just fucked with my mental health and I was very addicted to it. Even though I am kinda missing the doomscrolling, I feel better.
Another point of advice: Streamers (including Josh) are just random people. The advice given in this video should be taken with a grain of salt, as with all other streamers. They're not professionals, they have no insider knowledge. Their domain is entertainment, opinion and speculation. If you want real insight into what to do and what not to do in terms of your mental health dealing with international geopolitics, speak to professionals about it.
This is why I'm not on Twitter
I both agree and disagree. I think being on all the time is bad for you, and you shouldn't. But you shouldn't ignore it either. The world has become as bad as it is because so many people didn't want to bother with being stressed about what was going on. But as someone with mental health struggles, I know that paying attention to EVERY LITTLE THING, is bad for you. Some things are more important than others. You don't need to know about every crime that happens everywhere.
The AIM chat box sent me
Absolutely, i feel much better daily now that the election is behind us. I find news through memes. That's all i need
Sounds god, until you encounter something that you can not afford to stop caring even for a moment no matter how beneficial this mental pause can be down the line.
Smart people not following it is how we got where we are.
Therapy is your friend and can help you deal with difficult things.
Sticking your head in the sand isn't good. You are just passing the struggle onto the future.
i like being aware of things going on, but caring about it all? naaah i am 1 dude i would go crazy worrying about everything going on i can baely handle my own life.
Bonzai Buddy is the only streamer we need
0:03 DougDoug Mentioned
What in the 90s background is this?!
Throwing in my vote for Vargskelethor Joel being the most entertaining streamer
To be absolutely clear: the POINT was to make us feel like checking out.
That's how the least educated voters keep getting wins - they aren't checking out, they're making it their entire personality.
Radicalization is invigorating; they're getting MORE amped up while we wither out. That cannot happen.
So literally if you want the news to stop making you angry then you need to KEEP PUSHING.
Never give up. Never surrender.
Real. Like, take care of yourself obviously. But don't check out fully. Keep a foot in the door, stay informed and do what you can when you can.
don't think you finished the video
Why? The tides of history happen with or without me, I'm not going to stress about it. If we are to devolve into barbarism or enter into a golden age it doesn't matter, I have no control either way.
You are the type of person that this clip was made for lmao
@@andresano4545 based and clearpilled
I'd recommend Neuro.....Vedal and his creations are hilarious!
Disagree... knowing current events is important **if** they're going to affect History. ...everything else is melodrama inside of an echo chamber.
happened to me
I'm curious. Are you really playing the game with 31fps locked? Doesn't it feel laggy
Who was the horror streamer he wanted to recommend haha