EL84 Boutique Amp Shootout: Dr. Z Maz 18, Suhr Badger & Morgan AC20

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @tomquayleguitar
    @tomquayleguitar 5 років тому +43

    Damn it Jack! Unreal playing once again!

  • @charveljackson6346
    @charveljackson6346 5 років тому +46

    DrZ sounds pretty nice ! I love Suhr, but the DrZ is the winner for studio n live stuff!

    • @MrWetrock
      @MrWetrock 5 років тому +6

      Dr Z amps rule across the board.

  • @Pantalooj
    @Pantalooj 5 років тому +10

    Most comments seem to favour the Maz ... The Badger did it for me ... And an excellent demo of all of them!

  • @joshmuz9018
    @joshmuz9018 4 роки тому +24

    The suhr seems the best choice to cover multiple styles and guitar types.
    I'm not usually into telecaster but man that one sounds amazing

    • @MT-mt8bd
      @MT-mt8bd 2 роки тому +3

      Telecasters do it all.

  • @ToonDeWachter
    @ToonDeWachter 5 років тому +9

    Awesome playing again, Jack. I loved the Morgan and I was surprised by how much I liked the Suhr too. Thanks for sharing!

  • @roberthouston6130
    @roberthouston6130 5 років тому +8

    DrZ Maz 18 and the Tele, what a combination! Telecaster and the Suhr was might bit polite. The Dr. Z turned that 335 into a Doberman. Great review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • @_RLP
    @_RLP 5 років тому +20

    Amazing playing as always, Jack. And that 335 sounds amazing. Especially the neck.
    They all sound good, but I think I'd go with the Z.
    Thanks for sharing.

  • @teruki302293
    @teruki302293 4 роки тому +9

    Wow, Dr. Z sounds incredible! All amps sounds good but man..... Dr.Z got a chime sound I really love and Dr. Z got the most responsive tone character with the volume adjustment and picking attacks. Great play by the way.

  • @aboukal
    @aboukal 5 років тому +7

    Great video. Here's my favorite sounds per configuration:
    Single coil T style
    1 Maz
    2 Badger
    3 AC
    Humbucker ES
    1 AC
    2 Badger
    3 Maz
    ES Maz cranked wins overall best tone.
    All things equal I'd go with the Badger. I like the versatility and the squishy nature of both single coils and buckers in the early break-up stage the best.

    • @kj053910
      @kj053910 2 роки тому +1

      I 100% agree with this assessment.

  • @Jakal-pw8yq
    @Jakal-pw8yq 3 роки тому +2

    I'm a dyed-in-the-wool world Dr Z fanatic! I own 2 of them. A 2007 MAZ18JR w/revervb and the Z Wreck head/cab. But I have to say that Suhr amplifier just was overwhelming! I was really surprised. One Boutique amp that was missing and I think it's because it has 6v6 in the power section is the Tone King Imperial MKI which I also own. That amplifier is hands-down the best amplifier I've ever owned and for years my rig was a 1966 Fender Super Reverb paired with 1965 Pro Reverb in stereo and that was totally gravy of the Gods! But my Tone King slays them all!

  • @SeanZetterlund
    @SeanZetterlund 5 років тому +10

    dude, seriously unbelievable playing. definitely inspiring, which is amazing considering im watching a gear demo

  • @chriskilian2325
    @chriskilian2325 4 роки тому +9

    Came for the amps stayed for the playing. AMAZING

  • @teslacoil3286
    @teslacoil3286 5 років тому +74

    Came here for the Z, leaving with the Badger.

    • @robertalsbury
      @robertalsbury 2 роки тому +2

      No doubt just seeing this and agree

    • @JakeTeee
      @JakeTeee Рік тому

      I do have both now ❤😂🎉

    • @aaronwong4642
      @aaronwong4642 4 місяці тому +2

      @@JakeTeeewhat do you prefer

  • @Five0Music
    @Five0Music 4 роки тому +11

    All three sound great, and each had their moments as “best” during the comparison. I’m going Morgan with a 2x12 Alnico Blue cabinet, but I wouldn’t turn down a chance to score any of these. Great time to be a guitarist!

  • @chrishyne6624
    @chrishyne6624 2 місяці тому

    That improv at 3:52 was absolutely mint!

  • @adamscottv
    @adamscottv 4 роки тому +5

    Nice demo. Great playing. Best sound to me was the 335 into the AC20.

  • @CodyWolfeVevo
    @CodyWolfeVevo 2 роки тому +1

    Morgans are good for studio layers, lot of Nashville cats use them. Not my style amp though, I like the Suhr definitely sounds more Vox Top boost to me, the MAZ kicks ass and its its one thing the breakup is awesome love that squashy midrange honk. Dr.z is the winner

  • @victorsuybio
    @victorsuybio 4 роки тому +4

    Suhr Badger for sure!! Young master with great technique and feeling!!

  • @f674
    @f674 6 місяців тому

    Dang!!!! One of the best Demos I’ve ever seen! Incredible playing! They all had their moments, but I’d have to go with the Good Dr. The Maz 18 is a beast!

  • @acme.videos
    @acme.videos 3 роки тому +2

    Brilliant video comparison of 3 great amps! Love them all but the Badger is my fave, the Morgan AC20 is a close second.

  • @Daniel-es2qy
    @Daniel-es2qy 5 днів тому

    All these amps Sound great!... and Hey OP, that's some sUPERB playing!

  • @DougErapps
    @DougErapps 5 років тому +6

    excellent demo! excellent playing!! thank you!

  • @BillDutton
    @BillDutton 5 років тому +3

    They all sound great! I've owned a Dr. Z Maz 18Jr NR for years and let me say that single coils & humbuckers sound amazing through it. This amp really shines and fits well in a mix too. Well done!

    • @BeautifulGuitars365
      @BeautifulGuitars365 2 роки тому +1

      The Z sounds kind of bright/harsh when cranked. Is that just how he has it setup? Or is it a brighter amp?

    • @BillDutton
      @BillDutton 2 роки тому +1

      @@BeautifulGuitars365 my experience is that these can be a bright amp. The cut control is the key feature and when the speaker breaks in the tone warms up. I started running mine with my '68 Fender Custom Princeton Reverb and that really adds some nice roundness to the sound.

  • @andrewbettis4247
    @andrewbettis4247 5 років тому +3

    They all sound great. The Dr. Z is my favorite esthetically but as far as tone I could go with either one...

  • @daanstam4692
    @daanstam4692 5 років тому +2

    The morgan and the suhr surprised me. The morgan has a bit of warmth I really like. The suhr seems very versitile. Thanks!

  • @heycaptjack
    @heycaptjack 5 років тому +6

    The Maz is best IMO. GREAT playing Jack!

  • @MrDavemiley
    @MrDavemiley 4 роки тому +1

    I played a couple of 1996 Matchless C 30's for 21 years, Also owned Dr Maz 18 and Maz 38 's and the winner is . . . . Todd Sharp JOAT 20 RT the one that weened me off all other EL84 amps.

  • @ToddtheExploder
    @ToddtheExploder 5 років тому +13

    Love how the Morgan blossoms it’s input. You can almost see the notes emerge. Great analog bloom.

  • @julioguitarrista
    @julioguitarrista 4 роки тому +2

    Anything will sound great on the hands of this kid. Great playing!!!

  • @sparkyadams7729
    @sparkyadams7729 5 років тому +2

    Jack What is the riff you are playing at 12:45 it sounds killer on the Z.

  • @scottallen9556
    @scottallen9556 5 років тому +6

    I clicked here to see some nice amps but I'm leaving with a hundred or so, of the best licks video. I mean damn! I'll be taking those with me. (If I'm able) Cheers from over here, Jack. 💪

  • @brianolson_music
    @brianolson_music 4 роки тому +2

    They all sounded great. Nice playing too man! Incredible! ..... I’ll take the Suhr. Thanks for posting

  • @druwk
    @druwk 5 років тому +3

    Great playing as always! Overall with single coils, the Dr. Z, but closely followed by the Morgan...Suhr had the best flat out cranked sound? With the humbuckers, the Z had the most definition and punch/sparkle, but the Suhr had the sweetest sound...if I played humbuggies I would go with the Suhr. The Dr.Z overall has that “cut through the mix” tone, and I know that the cut control can sponge out the sound more if necessary.
    I have played the Maz amp and it’s amazingly clear and defined...meaning, it cuts through, but it’s not forgiving. You need to make sure your playing is precise.
    I would be excited to own any of these amps, but 123 would be Dr.Z, Suhr, Morgan.

  • @tellusthetruthmedia5525
    @tellusthetruthmedia5525 5 років тому +4

    The Maz Is my favorite ... Nice Jams Dude

  • @tejasvinashok4431
    @tejasvinashok4431 5 років тому +2

    I initially started watching this channel for the gear reviews. Now I watch it solely to see Jack's playing. Phenomenal. (Gear reviews are great too)

  • @HiHello-ku1fl
    @HiHello-ku1fl 5 років тому +3

    I like the Dr. Z best because it sounds so clear ringey, chimey and spanky but rocks too. Seems like the guitars voice comes through more in that amp. Reminds me of the Beatles with that tele. The Morgan would be my second choice as it gets all fat in the mids like some of the hotter AC30's. I like the Suhr too and think it has a slight Marshall flavor while the other two have different shades of Vox. IDK but it seems like the Suhr is not as loud as the other two.

  • @robertstapleton3598
    @robertstapleton3598 2 роки тому +1

    Really enjoyed it. Great playing.

  • @CraigHlavka
    @CraigHlavka 3 роки тому +1

    Is that the Maz18 the MK2? love them all. Badger and Maz too close to call. Maz very raw, love it.

    • @CraigHlavka
      @CraigHlavka 3 роки тому

      Oh nvm, I see it now, yea it's the Mk II

  • @ramynoureddini5487
    @ramynoureddini5487 4 роки тому +3

    Came in as a hard Morgan fan, but damn that low end on the Suhr. Super nice. The Morgan was actually 3rd for me, sound too trebly and stabby.

  • @CooperKerby
    @CooperKerby 4 роки тому +3

    Recently got a Maz 18 loaded with a Celestion Blue... Now that's some magic right there 🤘👌

    • @PeachGuitars
      @PeachGuitars  4 роки тому

      That's a dream team right there!

    • @telejas
      @telejas 3 роки тому +1

      I've got the same rig... I've had many other Z amps, including the Z-Wreck... But there's something about this rig that is different and probably my favorite ever. I've also got the AC20 Deluxe, but the Maz 18 Mk.II is my absolute favorite.

  • @MintStiles
    @MintStiles 4 роки тому +2

    I personally liked the Morgan, it's just a bit more treble/upper middy and is also much smoother (wider Q lower mids maybe?). The MAZ is a single trick amp, but I can see it being a super usable amp with the nice "tweeddy but thicker" kind of sound. The Suhr is also goos, but more scooped in my opinion. I feel like the like it's not something another fender cannot get some pedals.

  • @philm.2812
    @philm.2812 5 років тому

    Very nicely done demo. Been looking at the AC20 and Maz 18. I can see they both crunch up nicely - so which of those 2 has more clean headroom? I assume the Maz has less since it seems pretty crunchy with the volume at about 10:00 with a Tele ...

  • @Thathugheschap
    @Thathugheschap 5 років тому +5

    Different strokes for different folks but that Dr Z sounded glorious to me.

  • @mlewmisc
    @mlewmisc 5 років тому +2

    Jack, your playing is terrific

  • @marcoscamillo6606
    @marcoscamillo6606 5 років тому +5

    They all sounded great, but for me the Suhr sounds better overall.

  • @Earl00001
    @Earl00001 5 років тому +1

    Awesome! Please do one for us 6v6r's. I liked the Maz for the Xotic and the Badger for the 335. Also some great playing!

  • @MrDavemiley
    @MrDavemiley 5 років тому +2

    I liked the Suhr Badger best for clean sounds .

  • @KrstovicNikola
    @KrstovicNikola 3 роки тому

    Great stuff guys as usual, but details about cabs, speakers and mics is a MUST. Ok, we all see a Friedman 2x12 and a Z cab, but we dont know which one is used (both maybe).

  • @paullaughton3440
    @paullaughton3440 5 років тому +1

    Thanks Jack, you really can make that Tele sing. Booster just adds that little bit extra😀

  • @FLdb-wj4wc
    @FLdb-wj4wc 2 роки тому

    I'll take one of each. Was trying to buy a Dr Z Maz 18 mkII combo grey and black but can't find a dealer with one.

  • @markusnowak6191
    @markusnowak6191 5 років тому +3

    As far as I know, all three of them are based on three different amps, the AC is based von Vox-style amp, the Badger is based on a Marshall-style amp and the Dr. Z is a blend of american and british sound.. but maybe I'm wrong..

  • @ebeep
    @ebeep 5 років тому +5

    Absolutely incredible playing and pinnacle tone from all three.
    My favorite tone is the intro amp!
    Maz 18! Perfect.
    Tone aside, the Cut control is essential for me, and I notice it lacking on the Badger. Also, the lack of Bass and Treble controls on the Morgan is a deal-breaker. Glad I didn't favor either of these!

  • @bluejavelina5335
    @bluejavelina5335 5 років тому

    loved it all ...but for us country players? i would love to hear dynamics of bends... i can pedal all day

  • @michael_caz_nyc
    @michael_caz_nyc 5 років тому +1

    All great / no doubt - but I'd take the Suhr. Great playing and demo.

  • @stilllifewithguitar184
    @stilllifewithguitar184 2 роки тому

    Do you remember what speakers were in these cabs? It matters a lot with EL84's/Vox type amps. A celestion alncio blue gives a totally different tone than a greenback.

  • @lc11s
    @lc11s 4 роки тому +3

    And the winner is.... Jack !!! Kudos for tasty playing ;) Dr. Z it is ;)

  • @kootab
    @kootab 3 роки тому

    Nice playing young fella!!! I was wondering if you would look at some solid state amps!? Particularly the new Quilter Aviator Cub and possibly the Roland Blues Cube to see if those amps would honestly pass muster for someone like yourself who is used to "boutique" style amps! Not all of us can afford top shelf models you usually focus on!!! BTW love you videos!!!

  • @ewoltrev
    @ewoltrev 3 роки тому

    this amp comparison wud be one thatd be interesting if all three were on at the same time and different ones set for either bass or mid/top.. or two as a stereo pair and one set to mid bias..

  • @TheRobertEnglish
    @TheRobertEnglish 2 роки тому +1

    What pedal are you using in this demo? I had the Badger 18. Got rid of it. Going to pick up a Badger 35.

  • @Ollonskog
    @Ollonskog 5 років тому +3

    Sick skills, great tones

  • @lastofthe4horsemen279
    @lastofthe4horsemen279 3 роки тому

    Did Pete Thorn do your hair?
    Jack I could not resist. The style is gone now and your playing is top notch as well as the Peach channel. Keep in up!

  • @landocalrisianguitars
    @landocalrisianguitars 3 роки тому +3

    I like Morgan, more presence V equalized, more bass and crispy, second Badger

    • @trixlee5102
      @trixlee5102 3 роки тому

      Me too. Can only assume the Dual AC20 by Morgan would even be a better competitor here. Also like the power scaling.

  • @Prettynoise
    @Prettynoise 5 років тому +1

    I’ll with the Dr Z. Love the definition .

  • @DominikDubik
    @DominikDubik 5 років тому +1

    All these amps sound awesome! Did you run them all through the same cab? Which cab did you use?

  • @colaboytje
    @colaboytje 5 років тому +3

    Suhr seems to be the best in features and sound.

  • @rangerjonoutdoors6429
    @rangerjonoutdoors6429 4 місяці тому

    Loved this video! Anyone know what cab/speaker is being used? Or was it direct? Thanks!

  • @chrisbradshaw159
    @chrisbradshaw159 5 років тому +4

    Excellent sounds and playing but I.M.H.O a Vox AC should have been included for comparison!

    • @jellytroid
      @jellytroid 4 роки тому +1

      chris bradshaw it can do just about everything these amps can, it’s just not considered boutique

  • @elvis_chen
    @elvis_chen 5 років тому +1

    Awesome! Please have more amp reviews!

  • @neve4020
    @neve4020 5 років тому +12

    The Suhr is great for all kinds of music and takes pedals very well
    The Dr Z is too harsh sounding but very good for Country style music...

    • @kommi1974
      @kommi1974 3 роки тому +2

      Dr. Z harsh? Dude, you need new ears.

    • @BeautifulGuitars365
      @BeautifulGuitars365 2 роки тому +1

      I noticed it was harsh when cranked as well

  • @hootowl6354
    @hootowl6354 3 роки тому

    I think tweeking the knobs could make any one of them sound better than the others. Suhr has power scaling, which is a bonus. What I don't get about the Maz is, Why do they have both a Volume and a Master knob? Is Volume for pre-amp volume, normally called Gain? Why not just call it Gain instead? Confusing. Love the red tolex, BTW.

  • @ajlsrv5490
    @ajlsrv5490 5 років тому +6

    I’ve owned all three. Still have the Maz. It is by far the most versatile.

    • @BeautifulGuitars365
      @BeautifulGuitars365 2 роки тому

      How does it compare to the Badger? The Maz sounded a little harsh when cranked. Is that just how he has it setup?

    • @ajlsrv5490
      @ajlsrv5490 2 роки тому +1

      @@BeautifulGuitars365 they do sound a bit harsh when cranked. IMO, most amps do. Badger is cool, but the MV and power scaling is confusing and not for me. Prefer just a regular PPIMV.

    • @BeautifulGuitars365
      @BeautifulGuitars365 2 роки тому

      Thanks. I’d be getting this amp for more Blues and classic rock crunch. Won’t really be cranking it as much. How is it for those tones? Warm or still a bit bright?

    • @ajlsrv5490
      @ajlsrv5490 2 роки тому

      @@BeautifulGuitars365 they are very bright amps. Cut control helps.

    • @BeautifulGuitars365
      @BeautifulGuitars365 2 роки тому

      Ahhh thanks yah I don’t like really bright, hurts my ears. I noticed that with EL84 based amps

  • @TechMetalRules
    @TechMetalRules 2 роки тому +1

    You really can't go wrong with any of them, but I really love the Maz 18... now I need one, haha

  • @noecuesta7888
    @noecuesta7888 3 роки тому +2

    3 superb amps. But I prefer dr z

  • @screw66
    @screw66 5 років тому +1

    All 3 sound awesome. So... I would like all 3 of them 😅

  • @habsfan170
    @habsfan170 5 років тому

    What a wonderful player, all 3 sounded epic, I'm biased as I own a maz 18 NR 2x12 combo though ;)

  • @jon_the_kanon
    @jon_the_kanon 4 роки тому +3

    1. Morgan AC20
    2. Suhr Badger
    3. Dr Z Maz18
    From sparkling and well balanced to bit spiky and harsh by my opinion. Bought an AC20.

    • @BeautifulGuitars365
      @BeautifulGuitars365 Рік тому

      How is this amp for classic rock? Zep, AC/DC, ZZ Top, etc

    • @jon_the_kanon
      @jon_the_kanon Рік тому

      @@BeautifulGuitars365 AC type amps works great for classic rock and will stick you out in the mix. Great for lead tones if used with overdrive or tube screamer (mid push) style pedals. OD also get you a Marshall type of push for rhythm work (AC/DC etc)

  • @MirrorAshes
    @MirrorAshes Рік тому

    My AC20DLX is my fav amp I’ve owned but I do wish it had an effects loop. Probably made me a better player dialing back on the delay though

    • @BeautifulGuitars365
      @BeautifulGuitars365 Рік тому

      How is this amp for classic rock? Zep, AC/DC, ZZ Top, etc

    • @MirrorAshes
      @MirrorAshes Рік тому

      @@BeautifulGuitars365 hey, you can definitely get great classic rock tones but it is a very true-to-vox amp so you’re not gonna get as much low end and lower mids. If I was specifically going for those sounds I might look at something with EL34 power tubes instead but I also wouldn’t tell anyone not to try an ACDLX, it’s a great amp!

  • @bobs2809
    @bobs2809 4 роки тому +1

    All sounded great. Dr Z sounded best to me.

  • @matskihlberg4247
    @matskihlberg4247 4 роки тому

    Sound extremely good all three, but only two of them have controllable output volume.

  • @joeschlicht
    @joeschlicht 4 роки тому +2

    They all sound great, that EF86 preamp in the Morgan is pretty special. The 335 and the Suhr, though 👌👌👌

  • @TonsOfFun411
    @TonsOfFun411 2 роки тому

    I’m gonna have to go with the Morgan. It sounds best on both guitars hands down. It may have more breakup out the gate, making it less versatile, but that shit is magic. The Z sounds great with the tele, and the Suhr sounds best with the Gibson; which highlights how those are less versatile in their own way. But I think the Z is better than the Suhr but just a hair.

  • @bluejavelina5335
    @bluejavelina5335 5 років тому

    just to clarify most 65 reissue sound great below middle c

  • @ahall3823
    @ahall3823 5 років тому +1

    With the Tele, I like the Suhr best. With the 335 I liked the Dr Z best.

  • @taylormesa
    @taylormesa 3 роки тому +3

    The Morgan wins for me! Great shootout, cheers!

  • @BeefNEggs057
    @BeefNEggs057 5 років тому +5

    Noice. I need Jack teaching me all he knows for the next 10 years.

  • @TheSuperDmyers
    @TheSuperDmyers 9 місяців тому

    If one were to set up the Badger for sort of an edge of breakup tone as a base tone, and hit it with a clean boost would it have enough headroom to give me a volume boost or would it just break up more? I'm trying to find one of these locally to play but having a lot of trouble.

  • @emanuelle350
    @emanuelle350 4 роки тому

    nice sound! nice play too!

  • @CodyWolfeVevo
    @CodyWolfeVevo 2 роки тому

    Wow what speakers on that Maz?

  • @LarryRickenbacker
    @LarryRickenbacker 5 років тому +1

    The Carmen Ghia gets my vote, but since it's not on the ballot, make it the Mazerati 18.

  • @vinirosa
    @vinirosa 5 років тому +4

    This guy can PLAY!

  • @mranalog241
    @mranalog241 4 місяці тому +1

    The Suhr sounds amazing across the full gain range. Clear and composed with a sweet, rounded tone. The Dr Z sounds more raw and raunchy. Very nice. The Morgan couldn’t quite keep up with the other two imo.

  • @Bluestar-1969
    @Bluestar-1969 4 роки тому +1

    For me, The best basic tone is...
    1. Morgan....Lush, Beautiful
    2. Suhr.........Sweet, balanced
    3. Dr. Z.........Crisp, unique character
    I think the Morgan would be my choice amp.

  • @itzikc33
    @itzikc33 5 років тому

    very nice chops!

  • @ShredShed
    @ShredShed 4 роки тому +2

    That doctor Z was magical

  • @roncarter2188
    @roncarter2188 2 роки тому

    I liked the Suhr and the Dr Z next, but I'd like to see all three prices for each.

  • @jonathandiaz2435
    @jonathandiaz2435 4 роки тому

    Came for the Morgan. But damn that Dr. Z and the Suhr sound amazing. I think I like the Suhr a little more but it’s tough to decide

  • @nsantore
    @nsantore 5 років тому +3

    Awesome playing, and this was perfectly executed. The Dr Z has a nice raunchy grit to it, but is a little grating on the ears compared to the other 2. The Suhr seemed nice and full but a bit bass heavy when overdriven and had less clarity than the others. The Morgan had a nice warm rich sound, but flubbed out when the gain was cranked. All had their strong points, and I think it's just a matter of what suits the player best. Great video, thanks!

  • @Ivayloi123
    @Ivayloi123 5 років тому +1

    Been clean guy for the last year or so, but for dirt dr. Z smashed them all in this video.

  • @siliconbronze
    @siliconbronze 4 роки тому

    Don't know about which of these amps, I am more of a 6L6 guy, but awesome playing!

  • @brandonxu1262
    @brandonxu1262 3 роки тому

    Starting 3:36 it says Morgan AC20 clean sound but that's not clean, just boosted and overdrive