I made this! Grilling the chicken well can elevate the dish by adding smokiness. It's flavourful enough and quite spicy. I used 2 kg of casserole pieces and added various vegetables (while using same amount of seasoning and water as shown in the video, and it works wonder!). Perfect dish for winter
3 course ini ya maksudnya? Mungkin bukan "kursus" artinya tapi lebih ke "hidangan". Apa KBS ga ada alih bahasa yang bener2 paham padanan bahasa indonesia ya? Soalnya udah beberapa kali artinya agak ngaco/ga lazim bahasanya..
I made this! Grilling the chicken well can elevate the dish by adding smokiness. It's flavourful enough and quite spicy. I used 2 kg of casserole pieces and added various vegetables (while using same amount of seasoning and water as shown in the video, and it works wonder!). Perfect dish for winter
aku akan menyoba resepnyaa
Say suka manis dan pedas secara bersamaan 😍, wahhh
3 course ini ya maksudnya? Mungkin bukan "kursus" artinya tapi lebih ke "hidangan". Apa KBS ga ada alih bahasa yang bener2 paham padanan bahasa indonesia ya? Soalnya udah beberapa kali artinya agak ngaco/ga lazim bahasanya..