“Was Jesus a Human Sacrifice?” Bible Q/A with Pr. John Bradshaw and Pr. Eric Flickinger

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @TookieKnows
    @TookieKnows 29 днів тому +6

    That is by far the most logical, rational description. I swear humans are divided by the most ridiculous arguments. Jesus was Middle Eastern.

  • @hondovasquez8570
    @hondovasquez8570 Місяць тому +4

    No matter he is Jesus air savor

  • @CelineHarrison
    @CelineHarrison Місяць тому +5

    Regardless of what jesus looked like he is still my saviour. Amen. What Jesus look like shouldnt matter.

  • @wisemansangalala1159
    @wisemansangalala1159 Місяць тому +1

    Be humble..We know in part. Blessings..
    Bible based answers are priceless..more especially when they address other verses that seem to suggest otherwise.

  • @Roseforres
    @Roseforres Місяць тому +5

    While some flesh foods are permissible according to the word of God, it is healthier to keep flesh foods to a minimum or not at all.

  • @NormaHepburn
    @NormaHepburn Місяць тому +2

    God sees the little sparrow fall he notes its tender view, if God so loves the little birds, shouldn’t I love them too?I lost a beloved pet I raised from a tiny baby. I loved that tiny soul like a child. I know Gods love extends to his animal creation and I thought if I could love this tiny animal so much that God loves them more and so I gave up meat eating. I tell people I will not eat anything with a face. It’s been about a year now and I still miss my animal baby but I don’t miss meat. No pun intended but I went cold turkey.

  • @clc7378
    @clc7378 Місяць тому +2

    🎉 Blessed!

  • @ledellemondmond2200
    @ledellemondmond2200 29 днів тому +1

    lol the ‘oink’ cracked me up!

  • @emmanuelshangase6790
    @emmanuelshangase6790 Місяць тому +8

    Wow...I have learned something new today about Pieters' dream....i always know that it was meant the real thing to eat

    • @Martins913
      @Martins913 Місяць тому

      Who was Pieter's?

    • @blueticks8423
      @blueticks8423 Місяць тому +2

      @@Martins913it absolutely means you can eat any animal you want. These guys are completely missing the point. They are reading proof texts; not doing biblical theology. Don’t be fooled.

    • @Martins913
      @Martins913 Місяць тому +10

      @@blueticks8423 What!? Did you even watch the video? What does Peter's vision have to do with eating anything you want?
      You know, a text without context turns into a pretext! No, you can't eat anything you want. 🤦🏻‍♂️

    • @blueticks8423
      @blueticks8423 Місяць тому +1

      @@Martins913 show me one verse in the Bible that says that God forbid anybody except Jews who were under the Sinai Covenant that they can’t eat unclean meats, or that the purpose was for health reasons. You won’t find it.
      The purpose God gave for giving the food laws to Israel was to set them apart as a distinct people amongst the nations. See Lev 11:44-47, 20:24-26, Deut 14:21.
      With this in mind, in Acts chapter 10, God gives Peter a dream of unclean animals and tells Peter to kill and eat. Peter understands the implications. This is opening up the Gospel to the gentiles and tearing down the walls of separation and distinction between Israel and the Gentile world. God did not tell Peter something untrue in order to teach him something true. He took away the unclean meat laws because they had fulfilled their purpose. It’s a both and kind of thing, not either or. The dream BOTH, loosed the Jews from their dietary restrictions AND broke the barrier between the Jews and Gentiles. This is abundantly clear in the rest of the New Testament.
      And we know from scripture that Peter went on to live like a Gentile. Gal 2:14
      This doesn’t speak specifically about what he ate, but to assume that it didn’t include what he ate is just that; an assumption.
      In Acts 15, the question on the table is how much of the Torah do Gentiles need to observe. Unclean meats never comes up at all. This is evidence enough, but we also have the abundantly clear teaching of Paul in Romans 14, 1 Cor 8, and others, but especially in 1 Tim 4:1-5 “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will DEPART FROM THE FAITH, giving heed to deceiving spirits and DOCTRINES OF DEMONS,
      2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron,
      3 forbidding to marry, and COMMANDING TO ABSTAIN FROM FOODS which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.
      4 For EVERY CREATURE OF GOD IS GOOD, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving;
      5 for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.”
      Paul is clear. Diet is not a part of the Gospel, and anyone trying to yoke you with that is teaching doctrines of demons. Whether or not these things are healthy is another discussion and I’m open to hearing the science in that. BUT, we are not restricted from eating them COVENANTALLY, or as a LAW, by God.
      “ the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”
      This is why I say these men are not doing theology. They are simply proof texting. They aren’t understanding the entire teaching of scripture on a subject.

    • @earlskie78castillo77
      @earlskie78castillo77 Місяць тому +4

      @@blueticks8423if you think Peter’s vision say its about food then that is very absurd because that is not what the visionnis all about

  • @lakeisharhyant2045
    @lakeisharhyant2045 Місяць тому +6

    Revelation (1:14-15) "hair like wool" and "feet like bronze,"

  • @TheHolyAvatior
    @TheHolyAvatior Місяць тому +1

    Interesting I just bumped into this broadcast

  • @simeonaengwo8416
    @simeonaengwo8416 Місяць тому

    Greetings my friends. Your faces are glowing 😍.God is good

  • @edol777
    @edol777 Місяць тому +2


  • @AreLL
    @AreLL Місяць тому +1

    Jesus is definitely coloured

    • @user-qe1tv1bu2f
      @user-qe1tv1bu2f Місяць тому

      😂😂😂 comes from cape town bru

    • @southernyankee2300
      @southernyankee2300 Місяць тому +1

      Idc what color He is, I’m just thankful He gave His life to save fallen man!

    • @tmo4330
      @tmo4330 Місяць тому

      You didn't give book, chapter and verse. Show me, thanks!

  • @martinduplooy259
    @martinduplooy259 Місяць тому +1

    Thank you It is written!

  • @JensMusic-kh8qf
    @JensMusic-kh8qf Місяць тому

    Amen🙏🙂done sharing Pastor🙂

  • @sgt_slobber.7628
    @sgt_slobber.7628 Місяць тому

    ‘Not what goes into the Mouth defiles a Man, but what comes out of his Mouth, this defiles a Man!!!!’
    -Matt 15:11

    • @southernyankee2300
      @southernyankee2300 Місяць тому

      So cannibalism is okay by you. What state you live in bruh?😅

    • @naciamaJYute
      @naciamaJYute Місяць тому

      Sure. So the one who eats unclean meat is defiled by the internal decision to defy God's command.

    • @robertbaker231
      @robertbaker231 28 днів тому

      It's knowledge Jesus was talking about

    • @naciamaJYute
      @naciamaJYute 26 днів тому +2

      Well Mat 15:18 says: "But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man."
      So properly understood its the decision in the heart/mind to eat unclean foods that defile the man. Consciously choosing to break God's commands defile.
      God does not condemn us for not knowing, but winks at our ignorance. However when we know it is wrong and still choose to do it, the soul is defiled. Even if something prevents you from carrying out your decision.

    • @leoncarter7034
      @leoncarter7034 22 дні тому

      Sin defile a man it come from your mind

  • @ubercow21
    @ubercow21 Місяць тому +7

    The Israeli now is not the Israeli then. Migration prevent us from truly knowing but your other answer is 300%. The color doesn't matter

  • @Yapmeister10
    @Yapmeister10 Місяць тому +4

    Curry goat is a common Jamaican dish -delicious

  • @promiselongiii1793
    @promiselongiii1793 Місяць тому

    Speaking on Acts 8,.....Peter in vision, knew he was talking to the Lord and he told Jesus no about eating unclean foods.

    • @sisterbecky411
      @sisterbecky411 Місяць тому

      Ok but then what did God answer him..

    • @promiselongiii1793
      @promiselongiii1793 22 дні тому

      @@sisterbecky411 read the rest of the chapter.........

    • @sisterbecky411
      @sisterbecky411 22 дні тому

      @@promiselongiii1793 .. lol, that’s what I wanted you to do!

  • @pilgrimhere652
    @pilgrimhere652 Місяць тому +6

    We can eat meat, if we are believers, we should eat what God pointed as clean meat, But one thing many dont know is that the end time people will not eat meat at all, You dont believe ? The end time chosen believers will find even hurts to kill or hurt a little ant or lizard ,The Holly Spirit sanctified them to receive Jesus in the clouds, A sinner will not be in the present of the Glory ,burning, flaming fire of Jesus, many christians yhinks or believe that Jesus will change their character at the second coming , Thats false, The mark of the beast will show their intentions and their hipocresy , The majority of Christians will accept the mark of the beast with joy, They thought they couldn't be deceive by satan.🕵️

    • @endtimeslips4660
      @endtimeslips4660 Місяць тому +2

      jesus him self found by his disciple doing cleaning fish and prepared bread he ate with 2 sons of Zebedee john 20
      end time is not about food. it was survival game,
      people who not prepared from now will found them self caught off guard

    • @tmo4330
      @tmo4330 Місяць тому

      Giving scripture to support this would be nice. I normally point out Genesis 9:3 to vegans.

    • @PamelaAnderson-p2d
      @PamelaAnderson-p2d Місяць тому

      Remember we have to leave our salvation up to God. He does it all for us and we are to cooperate with Him. While we are on this earth there's sin. The only perfect world is to come.and Jesus is the leader. Meanwhile we have to our utmost best and that is what God requires of us. Marantha

  • @deavenalajenio6777
    @deavenalajenio6777 Місяць тому


  • @tmo4330
    @tmo4330 Місяць тому

    Genesis 9:3.

  • @martytitmus2307
    @martytitmus2307 21 день тому

    What about Jesus declaring all foods clean oh or Noah anything that's moving

  • @simeonaengwo8416
    @simeonaengwo8416 Місяць тому +1

    Pastor John and Erick are getting younger everyday😅

  • @buttonsferreira1147
    @buttonsferreira1147 Місяць тому

  • @earlskie78castillo77
    @earlskie78castillo77 Місяць тому +1

    What about duck

  • @user-zs6it8jh2p
    @user-zs6it8jh2p Місяць тому

    Peter's vision is about Jesus Christ"s sacrifice for all, not just the Jew. The focus is on Jesus Christ, not Peter being a racist. The Mosaic Law provided a means of purifying oneself from ritual uncleanness before entering into the temple. The nation Israel was set apart but, to be accepting to the foreigners of the land and providing for them and allowing them to join the nation and in worship at the temple. They had always been taught not to be racist. Acts 9:43 Peter is staying at a tanner's house in Joppa. He already is ritually unclean. But when going to Jerusalem, he is confronted about being unclean but stands his ground that all have been made clean by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ the Lord.
    Continue reading the passage in Acts through to chapter 15. The Gospel is in full focus here.
    Eat whatever and however you want. If you want to follow Old Covenant Law go for it. But if you insist that others should also, you might be advocating that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ isn't enough. But it most certainly is.

  • @jerrykelly8388
    @jerrykelly8388 Місяць тому +2

    What about Genesis 9:3 "Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs. 4 But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood."? There is no distinction here between clean and unclean here. Prior to this the clean and unclean must have been for sacrifice since there was no meat eating permitted.

    • @Martins913
      @Martins913 Місяць тому +3

      The passage does seem to support your suggestion, but only if its context is ignored. There are also matters related to the
      meaning of the terminology used that have to be taken into consideration as we seek to better understand this passage.
      1. Clean and Unclean Animals: The narrative of the Deluge introduces a distinction between clean and unclean
      animals for the first time in the Bible. The text appears to assume that they could be distinguished from each other, even
      though they all belonged to the same general categories of animals: cattle (or beasts), birds, and creeping creatures (Gen. 6:18,
      19; 7:2, 3; 8:17). The distinction antedates the giving of the law of clean/unclean animals to the Israelites in Sinai (Lev. 11).
      Although in the Flood narrative we are not given an explicit rationale for the distinction, the differentiation plays an important
      role in the narrative. The value of clean animals is particularly emphasized by taking seven pairs of each of them into the ark,
      while only one pair of the unclean are preserved.
      All animals are taken into the ark for survival purposes, in order to preserve their class. After the Flood they would
      multiply and populate the earth again (Gen. 9:17). But in the case of clean animals more was intended than survival. This is
      indicated by that which took place immediately after Noah and the animals came out of the ark. Noah “built an altar to the Lord
      and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it” (Gen. 8:20). Clean animals were
      used as sacrificial victims offered to God in gratitude for the preservation of Noah and his family. These sacrifices were placed
      on His altar (the table of the Lord, so to speak), and He accepted them.
      2. Terminology Used: The phrase “everything that lives and moves” appears to be all-inclusive, but that’s not
      necessarily the case. “Everything,” or “all,” is used in the story to refer to “all” unclean animals (Gen. 6:19) as well as to “all”
      clean animals (Gen. 7:2). The phrase “that lives and moves” is problematic and is not employed anywhere else in the Flood
      narrative. While “what lives” is used in other parts of the story to refer to living creatures (Gen. 6:19; 8:21), “what moves”
      (Hebrew remeś, “creeping things”) designates mainly small animals such as reptiles (e.g., Gen. 6:7; 7:23). A literal translation
      would read “All living creeping animals will be food for you.” The other possibility is to interpret the Hebrew term as
      designating animals in general based on the use of the verb rather than on the use of the noun (e.g., Gen. 7:21; Ps. 104:20). This
      is the most common interpretation of the phrase among Bible students. But the singularity of the expression, as well as the use
      of “all/everything” to designate all clean or unclean animals, suggest that the biblical writer was not necessarily referring to all
      types of animals, only to clean ones.
      3. Dietary Determination: The passage is about food for humans and therefore regulates human diet. God modified
      the human diet immediately after the Fall, allowing Adam and Eve to eat “green plants” (Gen. 9:3). Interestingly, according to
      Genesis 1:30, the phrase “green plants” (yereq
      ēśv) was a general designation for the food of animals. But in Genesis 9:3 the
      same phrase is used to refer to “seed-bearing plants” (e.g., legumes and cereals), as indicated in Genesis 3:18. The all-inclusive
      phrase “green plants” is not all-inclusive but is restricted to the meaning found in Genesis 3:18. Now the Lord is allowing
      humans to eat animal flesh as food for them; and again, it is not flesh in general but certain types of it. The context strongly
      indicates that this is the flesh of all clean animals.

    • @promiselongiii1793
      @promiselongiii1793 Місяць тому

      you is a lie. Before the flood, G-d amde the distinction. Read and study you Bible again.

    • @jerrykelly8388
      @jerrykelly8388 Місяць тому

      @@promiselongiii1793 I IS not a lie. Read my comment. Genesis 9:3 says EVERY MOVING THING. There is no distinction for clean and unclean here. Yes, I know before the flood God told Noah the take into the ark unclean animals 2 by 2 and clean animals 7 by 7. There IS distinction here, but they were not being used for food YET, only for sacrifice. My point is simply that the FIRST time God tells man he can eat meat He tells him EVERY MOVING THING with no distinction between clean and unclean specified in Gen 9:3. That is all I was saying.

    • @promiselongiii1793
      @promiselongiii1793 Місяць тому

      @@jerrykelly8388 God is not wishy washy as we sinful human being.......God does not change. He dsys that clearly in Scripture. Use deductive reasoning......why would G-d make distinction before the flood, then less than 200 days later after the waters subsided, change His mind about what is clean and unclean. All He did was give man the permission to eat the flesh of the clean animals, without the blood in them. The blood must be completely drained out of the corpse because eating blood is an abomination. The reason He commanded Noah to take into the ark 7 pairs of the clean animals and only 2 pairs of the unclean was because the clean animals would be for food and some of them for the ceremonial sacrifices and the unclean to eat and consume trash and dead and decaying matter to help keep the earth clean.

    • @sisterbecky411
      @sisterbecky411 29 днів тому

      @@jerrykelly8388 I hear this all the time, that man was not to eat meat before the flood, but clean animals were only for sacrifice. God is very clear that He does not like waste, so what happened to the meat and where in the Scriptures does it specifically says they could not eat it?

  • @willieshonga3689
    @willieshonga3689 Місяць тому

    I think in these answers or explanations. I feel everyone interprete their bible their way. Some answers you are ok some they live a lot to be desired. Explain being unequally yoked?

  • @ulindaulinda1406
    @ulindaulinda1406 Місяць тому +2

    What laws off Moses was nailed to the cross and how many did hy wrote in the book,was the whole book that wrote nailed to the cross only a part of it....plz I like to know...

    • @annettemacintosh117
      @annettemacintosh117 Місяць тому

      Colossians 2:14-17 is very specific about which part of the law of Moses has been fulfilled (Hebrews 10:4,10) don’t be reckless with Gods word, to be so is deadly according to 2 Peter 3:16

    • @annettemacintosh117
      @annettemacintosh117 Місяць тому

      Daniel 9:27 tells us that the sacrificial system and all that pertains to it was nailed to the cross. Allow Genesis 26:4,5 and Deuteronomy 5:22 to show how God makes a distinction

  • @korcampbell6096
    @korcampbell6096 Місяць тому +1

    I still don't understand the meat that can eat. I am confused. Please help me to understand what meat to eat

    • @homesteaderfiftywmartha603
      @homesteaderfiftywmartha603 Місяць тому +3

      Maybe. None?😊

    • @korcampbell6096
      @korcampbell6096 Місяць тому +1

      ​@@homesteaderfiftywmartha603 something I said best not to eat

    • @korcampbell6096
      @korcampbell6096 Місяць тому

      ​@sda4ever thank you 😊

    • @Nportiazulu
      @Nportiazulu Місяць тому +2

      The answer is in the Bible. God tells us which meat to eat and which meats not to eat. Please, don't jump to veganism if you don't know what to eat... nutrient deficiency can make you very sick. Pray. God will show you how to be healthy. Love and hugs.

    • @NormaHepburn
      @NormaHepburn Місяць тому +3

      Turkey,chicken,beef,goat,sheep,deer,moose,elk ,fish with fins and scales are all ok biblically. No pig, shellfish, cat, dog, rabbit, bats,horse, bear, skunk, groundhog etc.

  • @homesteaderfiftywmartha603
    @homesteaderfiftywmartha603 Місяць тому +2

    Idk.. an eternal hell seems to help

    • @todddanforth8853
      @todddanforth8853 Місяць тому +1

      Eternal hell perpetuates sin and sinners forever. The universe would never be clean.

    • @marshagreen3030
      @marshagreen3030 Місяць тому

      And that makes God a cruel tyrant

    • @itiswritten
      @itiswritten  Місяць тому

      Hi @homesteaderfiftywmartha603, thanks for watching! Check this link out if you'd like to dig in some more - the Bible has lots to say on this topic: ua-cam.com/video/hXkImgxaNuk/v-deo.html

    • @Eyeshotify
      @Eyeshotify Місяць тому

      ​@@marshagreen3030And a finite hell doesn't?

    • @faithandgrace8244
      @faithandgrace8244 Місяць тому

      ​@@EyeshotifyThere is no hell. It's a grave misunderstanding and false teaching.

  • @Eyeshotify
    @Eyeshotify Місяць тому

    If God detests human sacrifice, why did he accept Jephthah's sacrifice of his own virgin daughter to God?
    Judges 11.

    • @southernyankee2300
      @southernyankee2300 Місяць тому

      What makes you think he killed her? If you read Judges 11:37-40 (below) it sounds like she wasn’t allowed to marry and have children and that the daughters of Israel went “yearly” to lament her predicament. He gave her to the Lord, thus fulfilling his vow.
      And she said unto her father, Let this thing be done for me: let me alone two months, that I may go up and down upon the mountains, and bewail my virginity, I and my fellows.
      38 And he said, Go. And he sent her away for two months: and she went with her companions, and bewailed her virginity upon the mountains.
      39 And it came to pass at the end of two months, that she returned unto her father, who did with her according to his vow which he had vowed: and she knew no man. And it was a custom in Israel,
      40 That the daughters of Israel went yearly to lament the daughter of Jephthah the Gileadite four days in a year

    • @Eyeshotify
      @Eyeshotify Місяць тому

      @@southernyankee2300 "Then it shall be, that whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, shall surely be the Lord's, AND I WILL OFFER IT UP FOR A BURNT OFFERING."
      Judges 11:31
      "And it came to pass at the end of two months, that she returned unto her father,
      Judges 11:39
      She was executed as a virgin.

    • @southernyankee2300
      @southernyankee2300 Місяць тому

      @@Eyeshotify only problem is that was what he said when he thought it would be an animal. He was shocked to see it was his daughter. He would have been stoned to death if he had sacrificed her (death) to God - that is what the worship of Molech was: “Moloch, a Canaanite deity associated in biblical sources with the practice of child sacrifice” Encyclopedia Brittanica. He was still alive so she must have still been alive which is why every year the maidens would spend four days with her.

    • @Eyeshotify
      @Eyeshotify Місяць тому

      @@southernyankee2300 They went to LAMENT her. e are INSERTING things in the bible which clearly are NOT there. We are PUTTING situations that were not expressed because it is hard for us to accept exactly what the book is saying.

  • @leemary4833
    @leemary4833 Місяць тому +1

    Is duck as clean animal?

    • @leemary4833
      @leemary4833 Місяць тому

      A clean animal?

    • @Paphrusk
      @Paphrusk Місяць тому +2

      Duck is unclean

    • @jowebb7748
      @jowebb7748 Місяць тому

      What's the difference between duck and chicken that makes duck unclean?

    • @angelabucknor4981
      @angelabucknor4981 Місяць тому +3

      ​@@jowebb7748..the duck has web feet ( not parted) feet. The hen's feet are parted.

    • @Yvviesworld
      @Yvviesworld Місяць тому

      Read leviticus 11 ​@@jowebb7748

  • @railalamatawalu2888
    @railalamatawalu2888 Місяць тому

    Pastor John some people believe that Hell is already exist. Is that true???

    • @changesnlatitudes
      @changesnlatitudes Місяць тому

      The dead are sleeping right now.

    • @user-wb9db1tx1x
      @user-wb9db1tx1x Місяць тому

      No hell does not exist

    • @itiswritten
      @itiswritten  Місяць тому

      Hi @railalamatawalu2888, click this link for the answer! ua-cam.com/video/hXkImgxaNuk/v-deo.html

  • @121santhi
    @121santhi Місяць тому

    Cain marriage whos daughter.we have not specify

  • @MrRomucha
    @MrRomucha Місяць тому

    God does care about our health. However, the Bible never says that meat of certain animals were permitted to eat, while meat of some other animals were not, because of our health. The reason given in the Bible is: "You shall not make yourselves abominable with any creeping thing that creeps; nor shall you make yourselves unclean with them, lest you be defiled by them. For I am the Lord your God. You shall therefore consecrate yourselves, and you shall be holy; for I am holy. Neither shall you defile yourselves with any creeping thing that creeps on the earth." Leviticus 11:43-44

    • @annettemacintosh117
      @annettemacintosh117 Місяць тому

      Yet medical studies show the benefit of cancelling meat eating of any kind from one’s diet, remember that we are not to wear blinkers. God Himself made the distinction however between clean vs unclean according to Leviticus 20:22-26 and never did He permit anyone to eat what He has declared as unclean so, is your understanding correct that “the Bible never says that meat of certain animals were not permitted” in light of Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14?

    • @MrRomucha
      @MrRomucha Місяць тому

      @@annettemacintosh117 God did permit eating meat of clean animals. He only forbade eating meat of unclean animals. My point was that, contrary to what many people say, there is nothing in the Scriptures that says that the reason why God did what He did was our health. Deut. 14 gives virtually the same reason the we find in Lev. 11 (I quoted it in my previous post): "You are the children of the Lord your God; you shall not cut yourselves nor shave the front of your head for the dead. For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth." (Deut.. 14;1-2) So, the biblical reasons include: 1) not making ourselves abominable, and 2) be holy because God is holy. Anyone that claims that we should not eat meat of unclean animals because of health adds something that is not found in the Scriptures. As for research studies, they did show detrimental impact of eating meats, especially red and processed meat, which includes meat of clean (beef, goat) and unclean animals (pork, horse).

  • @larrythelieutenant1783
    @larrythelieutenant1783 Місяць тому +3

    Eat a curry goat roti, and you'll understand why folks eat goat.

    • @Joanne_uk
      @Joanne_uk Місяць тому

      Just because it tastes good doesn’t make it right to eat. Cyanide tastes like almonds but it’ll kill you.

    • @marshagreen3030
      @marshagreen3030 Місяць тому

      Just because it tastes good doesn't mean it's good for you

    • @nonconformist4802
      @nonconformist4802 Місяць тому +1

      Nothing wrong with goat or bacon. 1 Corinthians 10:25
      Its only these modern day pharisees that have a problem accepting the Word of God as is.

    • @larrythelieutenant1783
      @larrythelieutenant1783 Місяць тому

      @nonconformist4802 No scavengers for me. Pigs are disgusting.

    • @nonconformist4802
      @nonconformist4802 Місяць тому +1

      Nothing wrong with your personal choice

  • @user-qe1tv1bu2f
    @user-qe1tv1bu2f Місяць тому

    Of course things matter.
    So if moses had a dark wife, what colour were the people, who were wondering ???

  • @martytitmus2307
    @martytitmus2307 21 день тому

    Okay so hell is so hot it will burn up your spirit

  • @zamariowilliams
    @zamariowilliams 17 днів тому

    I really thought you would let the person know about God's ideal towards a vegan diet. The answer to the question about meat eating is shameful

  • @martytitmus2307
    @martytitmus2307 21 день тому

    Amazing twists brother John oh wait you have a false Jesus so you're not a brother

  • @nonconformist4802
    @nonconformist4802 Місяць тому

    These two dogs (John Bradshaw /Eric Flickinger) are ever learning and not able to come to the truth.

    • @nonconformist4802
      @nonconformist4802 Місяць тому +1

      Not sure what you are talking about.

    • @NormaHepburn
      @NormaHepburn Місяць тому

      @@nonconformist4802 praise the Lord they have not come to your version of truth but the bibles. What a shame you have not Christ dwelling in your heart, your hatred is evidence of that. You expose your spiritual condition by your words. God said his people would be hated by all nations for his names sake and you are evidence that Jesus was right. You are a despisor of truth and despise those that speak it.

    • @nonconformist4802
      @nonconformist4802 Місяць тому

      Keep in mind that even the Creator did call your kind dogs.

    • @NormaHepburn
      @NormaHepburn Місяць тому

      @@nonconformist4802 may God himself determine who is the dog here, you aren’t God even though you judge others as if you were God. Blasphemer!!

    • @nahshonwanyangu5386
      @nahshonwanyangu5386 26 днів тому

      He did so to the woman to awaken her faith and at last He marvelled at her faith [Matt. 15.28], your intentions are different. Violent, full of hate.​@@nonconformist4802

  • @donnasmith9285
    @donnasmith9285 Місяць тому +1


  • @korcampbell6096
    @korcampbell6096 Місяць тому +1
