Pubg ban these campers full revenge gameplay pubg mobile

  • Опубліковано 11 жов 2024
  • You're playing PUBG Mobile, fully geared and nearing the final circles. The tension is high as only a few players remain. You've secured a good position, moving cautiously from cover to cover, scanning for enemies.
    The blue zone shrinks, forcing you to move towards a cluster of buildings in the safe zone. You decide to take the risk and enter a two-story house, hoping to get a vantage point from the second floor. You carefully clear the ground floor, checking every corner and behind furniture. Satisfied that it's safe, you proceed to the staircase.
    Just as you step onto the stairs, a gunshot rings out. Before you can react, you're down. The screen shows "Killed by [PlayerName]." Frustration sets in as you realize you were taken out by a camper.
    The kill cam reveals the whole story: The camper was lying prone in a corner of the second-floor room, waiting patiently. They had a clear view of the staircase and the doorway. As soon as you started climbing the stairs, they aimed their weapon and took you down with precise shots.
    You watch helplessly as your character's loot is picked clean by the camper, who continues to wait for the next unsuspecting player to walk into their trap.
    In PUBG Mobile, campers exploit the element of surprise by staying hidden and waiting for players to come to them, often in high-traffic areas or advantageous positions. To counter this, always proceed with caution, check corners thoroughly, and use grenades to flush out potential campers#PUBGMobile #PUBG #GamingFrustrations