Ashraf, you are a lucky person to have an excellent and fair mother-in-law who loves you very much. You should have a lot of respect for her and do as she says. 👍🌹💗💖💝🙏🏻🇹🇭
Twoj Film powinien byc zdjety z youtube bo pokazujesz przemoc i nieszczescie, ten Film mial pomoc tej kobiecie atymczasem jest coraz gorzej wstydz sie!!!!!!!
Xã hội này bất công đối với người phụ nữ quá ! Tại sao người đàn ông lại được hưởng nhiều đặc quyền , đặc lợi hơn người phụ nữ nhiều đến vậy ? họ có quyền lấy nhiều vợ , khi lấy vợ khác họ có quyền đuổi vợ cả và các con ra khỏi nhà để chiếm đất chiếm nhà , mặc cho vợ con vất vả đói khát . Người vợ phải vất vả làm việc nuôi con nhưng họ đâu có được yên , người chồng tìm mọi cách quấy phá cuộc sống của họ .Đến khi con lớn khôn người đàn ông lại có quyền đến bắt con đi.Tôi hoàn toàn không hiểu về luật lệ vô lý như vậy .
@@eglantinelhdpэто что ж за религия такая,где женщина является полной рабой мужчины,где права женщин полностью игнорируются,и не надо писать,что живёте по законам божьим,живёте по изуверским законам,где права имеют только мужики,а у женщин одни обязанности.Конечно над женщинами легче издеваться,они отпор дать не могут,ещё и бахвалятся тем,что женщин унижают.
Que foi Ashraf você tem argumento com várias situaçoes sabe da agressividade de teu marido e agora fica em dúvida de divorciar depois de tudo o que voces já passaram ...tenha atitude como você sempre tem quando enfrenta problemas no lugar dos outros
Dói o coração de ver Ashraf à chorar meu Deus que pouca sorte operadora por favor traduza pára Português gostava de compreender o que Ashraf e a vovó Deus abençoe ❤❤❤
Pauvre Achraf,cest très difficile de divorcer du père de tes enfants,car les sentiments sont toujours la ,bon courage a toi a ta famille que Dieu te vienne en aide ❤🌹❤🌹
How can she continue to built the house? Don't you see that her husband sold the land to someone? I think that she should sell back the land and run away from there near her mother-in-law.
Ashraf una donna incredibile, tenace e coraggiosa, la suocera molto saggia, ma il più simpatico è il piccolo Muhammad, così tenero che cerca sempre la mamma! Storia appassionante con risvolti a volte tristi.
esas personas que nada más andan por la vida haciendo el mal a otras personas deberían de darles años de cárcel para que dejen de molestar a mujeres , ellas cómo mujer que tenga en su casa algo para poder defenderse , porque parece que las autoridades no hacen su trabajo ,
How long is she going to allow Iman do this crap and not call the police and complain she puts up with way to much now her to older kids are gone. My heart breaks for her she works so hard and can't get a break
Why does her ex hate her so much when he is the one who did her and the kids wrong ? He got a new woman and threw them out with no place to live. Yeah he follows them around and destroys their homes. What a piece of crap
This poor woman. I feel so bad for her, she tries so hard to do the right thing. Bless her and Gramma. Dear God please protect her and find the children.
That child is hype active, he needs chores and talked to before they go anywhere. He still stuff's large amounts of food in his mouth. Needs to be around grandma, the two others are very well behaved. The police should know everything this man does, rack up the charges. He's will continue if he continually gets away with crimes. He's a animal and doesn't learn from anything.
Моя милая добрая трудалюбива Ашраф не плач у тебя все будет хорошо потому что ти из уважение к матери мужа не хочеш подат на ево сина в суд нехочеш обидет старших изаетой тебе Аллах вознаградить вдвайне наши молитви стобой и с доброй любимой нашей бабушке очен уважаю бабушку дай Аллах ей здоровя ❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Que Ashraf pida el divorcio y que el Tio le ayude a arreglar los papeles del terreno y a construir una buena casa para que viva con sus hijos y la abuela,está familia ha sufrido mucho,dios los bendiga🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️
Komyonette kendin otruyorsun oğlunada oturmasını söyle her yere onu götürüyorsun gitti yer yeri karıştırıyor çok ahlaksız büyük oğlan ve kız çok cekingen
Que denuncie a Iman. Por entrar en propiedad privada, por atacar a su madre....Segun las leyes de ese pais pir llevarse a los niños no tiene delito. No se si los niños pueden opinar ante el juez. Y es muy impoortante que se divorcie. A lo mejor asi Ashraf tiene mas derechos ante la ley. Ese tema hay wue estudiarlo bien.
Si el esposo no le dió dote a Arhafat cuando se casó en el divorcio le dan el derecho de quedarse ella con los niños porque él marido no pagó su dote. Según r visto en otras familias Nómadas de Irán
Postoji li zakon koji moze da pomogne Asraf? Njoj niko nema pravo da oduzima decu,sama je radila i mucila se da bi ih odgojila. Zastite i pomozite Asraf🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Esta mujer es muy trabajadora pero a la vez cobarde porque no denuncia al mal parió de su dique esposo esto aveces no me deja dormir con tantos dramas 😢 estor cooperando y trato de ayudar pero esto no tiene fin bendito sean la familias bendiciones 🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🇺🇸💯
I am so sorry that this has happened Ashraf!!! You must feel afraid for the children, distressed, sad, angry and exhausted!!! Look how many things you have overcome already. NEVER lose sight of your goal to build a home for you and the children!!! Grandmother is right. Get a divorce, make a complaint and get help from the police and courts to find your children. He is a nasty man and you must show him that he will not, CAN NOT defeat you. I really feel your feelings. The children need you to find them! Please rest and go in the morning with grandmother to the lawyer and complain, she said she will sign anything. I feel very sad for her too, he is her son. Please make sure you eat properly too, you need strength, determination and you need your rights!!! I am sending you a hug and as much energy and love as I can!! The children are going to be ok in the end you will find them or they will find you. They are clever and their great warrior mother!!!🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗💞💞💞💞💞
Encore une fois que du malheur, pourquoi mettre toujours de l’angoisse aux auditeurs ? Pourquoi ne pas faire des vidéos avec du bonheur ? Dieu nous donne aussi de la joie et du bonheur 🙏🙏😡😡😡
La abuela es una mujer sabia, Ashraf's está asustada y tiene temor de los cambios que se avecinan en su vida, ojalá y todos los cambios sean para bien, el divorcio puede ser bueno cuando el vínculo matrimonial ya está roto, ya no hay ni amor ni respeto, debe haber algún medio, institución, o ley que la proteja y le de seguridad en relación a sus hijos. yo me pregunto, ¿Ashraf's no cuenta con familiares como padres y hermanos?, ¿o es la costumbre que cuando se casa la mujer pierde todo contacto con su familia?, a ella la he visto siempre muy solita sin ningún familiar consanguíneo cerca de ella.
Зачем она возит. Собой двоих детей бабушка есть ведь бабушка очень хорошая оставляй с ней и самой будет легче и старшие дети есть они смогут посмотреть
A vovó, uma mulher sábia, amorosa e o seu filho tão mau, não quer saber onde os filhos moram e se passam fome! Quer a guarda dos filhos para para fazer eles e a mãe sofrerem! Não respeita nem a pobre mãe! Segue os consenhos de sua sogra e tudo vai ficar bem🙏🙏🙏🇧🇷
Laki laki tidak tau diri, selalu bikin sengsara anak istri, udah dia yang salah, gak ngasih nafkah, skrang malah jadi pengacau, smoga asraf dan anak anak dilindungi
I am not happy because I look forward to looking at this channel everyday. I am not happy because I can't understand your language. Where are the English subtitles.
Those two older children know where their mums house is ! They are old enough to run away from the dad after school and get a ride home. 🤷♀️ Kidnapping them would never work. Plus he is scared of his mother he would never beat her up 🙄 That I dont believe. I don’t believe any of this! Its all just acting! Maybe a fraction of it might be reality but mostly acting.
ya lo desia yo todo esto de la venta del terreno es una treta para hacer daño a asrafno le importo ni su madre que se puede esperar de el ojala y los niños se le escapen antes de que los separe y asraf tiene que vender ahy de urgencia y comprar donde este mas poblado por su seguridad donde vive mas gente entre todos se cuidan y se apollan y ella siempre a estado sola en las montañas dios la ayude y cuide a todos con sus niños bendiciones
5eu fico triste com o comportamento deste menino ele e muito atrevido não respeita as pessoas meche em tudo eu sigo outra pessoa ela se chama tayeba ela é mãe solo tem quatro filhos são crianças educadas obediente ale não tem. Educação orriveu este pia
Pobre asarht ahora le toca buscar a sus hijos y ls ley este a favor de ella y muy buena sus suegra Dios esta contigo asarht y encuentres s tus levantate asarht tu eres fuerte y verás que vas s encontrar a tus hijos vende esa tierra y vete lejos donde nadie te conozca y puedas vivir en paz con tus hijos bendiciones para ti y tu suegra Dios siempre con ustedes
Ashraf, you are a lucky person to have an excellent and fair mother-in-law who loves you very much. You should have a lot of respect for her and do as she says. 👍🌹💗💖💝🙏🏻🇹🇭
Me ruot do ban , khg phai me chong.
Twoj Film powinien byc zdjety z youtube bo pokazujesz przemoc i nieszczescie, ten Film mial pomoc tej kobiecie atymczasem jest coraz gorzej wstydz sie!!!!!!!
O Reza é um menino muito legal e obediente e bonito também, Deus te abençoe e não parem de estudar ame a mamãe e ajude sempre.
😢 Việc này phải nộp đơn khiếu nại và tố cáo anh ta ở Tòa Án.
Chủ đất và mẹ sẽ bảo vệ bạn🎉❤
Конечно!Ашраф ,разводись.дети с тобой остануться.Какая свекровь ХОРОШАЯ!!!дай Бог ей здоровья.всё понимает,она умная
Бабушка молодец грамотная. Всегда нужные вещи говорит
Que ser humano especial essa vovó dos meninos....linda criatura!
Какя умная грамотная бабушка мои восхишение и уважение бабушке всех уважаю мира и добра всему миру ❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Me ruot khg phai me chong .
Xã hội này bất công đối với người phụ nữ quá !
Tại sao người đàn ông lại được hưởng nhiều đặc quyền , đặc lợi hơn người phụ nữ nhiều đến vậy ? họ có quyền lấy nhiều vợ , khi lấy vợ khác họ có quyền đuổi vợ cả và các con ra khỏi nhà để chiếm đất chiếm nhà , mặc cho vợ con vất vả đói khát . Người vợ phải vất vả làm việc nuôi con nhưng họ đâu có được yên , người chồng tìm mọi cách quấy phá cuộc sống của họ .Đến khi con lớn khôn người đàn ông lại có quyền đến bắt con đi.Tôi hoàn toàn không hiểu về luật lệ vô lý như vậy .
ใช่มันเป็นกฏหมายที่แย่มากๆประเทศนี้ พวกเขากดขี่ผู้หญิง😢
C’est la religion musulmane
Lisez le coran vous comprendrez tout
@@eglantinelhdpэто что ж за религия такая,где женщина является полной рабой мужчины,где права женщин полностью игнорируются,и не надо писать,что живёте по законам божьим,живёте по изуверским законам,где права имеют только мужики,а у женщин одни обязанности.Конечно над женщинами легче издеваться,они отпор дать не могут,ещё и бахвалятся тем,что женщин унижают.
Tama ka hinde patas ang batas sa bansa na yan, kawawa ang babae sa mga lalake, sila ang sobrang naghihirap sa buhay , hinde patas ang batas
Que foi Ashraf você tem argumento com várias situaçoes sabe da agressividade de teu marido e agora fica em dúvida de divorciar depois de tudo o que voces já passaram ...tenha atitude como você sempre tem quando enfrenta problemas no lugar dos outros
Courage mesdames dans ce monde cruel ❤🌹❤🌹
Dói o coração de ver Ashraf à chorar meu Deus que pouca sorte operadora por favor traduza pára Português gostava de compreender o que Ashraf e a vovó Deus abençoe ❤❤❤
Essa mulher nunca tem paz, não existe justiça nesse lugar 😔
Стока многа проблем у этой бедой Ашраф дай Аллах чтобы у тебя все стала хорошо терпение тебе будем молитца за тваих детей чтобы их вернули 😢😢😢❤❤❤
Asrah grow potatoes and lettuce and tomatoes they are very easy to grow Also grow an apple tree and orange tree
Operadora ajuda essa mulher amenizar o sofrimento Deus no comando sempre ❤
Pauvre Achraf,cest très difficile de divorcer du père de tes enfants,car les sentiments sont toujours la ,bon courage a toi a ta famille que Dieu te vienne en aide ❤🌹❤🌹
Operator please find a master to help ashraf build her house.
How can she continue to built the house? Don't you see that her husband sold the land to someone? I think that she should sell back the land and run away from there near her mother-in-law.
Que tristeza ; estava feliz por conseguir a térrea , agora isso. Lamentável😔
Hola borok tiene que mirar otros canales para que te instruya y no repita la misma escena de los demás canales.,consejo de una seguidora. Gracias.
Ashraf una donna incredibile, tenace e coraggiosa, la suocera molto saggia, ma il più simpatico è il piccolo Muhammad, così tenero che cerca sempre la mamma! Storia appassionante con risvolti a volte tristi.
Суть видео с трудом понимаем благодаря комментам. Безобразие!!!!!!
Have courage... keep going. Don't give up..fight him. Tell the children to run away and phone you to collect them.
Build a house Ashraf, divorce that no good husband of yours You have a good mother in law that supports you.😊
Sorry you go through the x husband is cruel take care over there ❤❤❤❤❤
esas personas que nada más andan por la vida haciendo el mal a otras personas deberían de darles años de cárcel para que dejen de molestar a mujeres , ellas cómo mujer que tenga en su casa algo para poder defenderse , porque parece que las autoridades no hacen su trabajo ,
Ki sofrimento dessa mulher não sei como ela aguenta
How long is she going to allow Iman do this crap and not call the police and complain she puts up with way to much now her to older kids are gone. My heart breaks for her she works so hard and can't get a break
Why does her ex hate her so much when he is the one who did her and the kids wrong ? He got a new woman and threw them out with no place to live. Yeah he follows them around and destroys their homes. What a piece of crap
Asfrat pon la denuncia, con los gemelos siempre fuiste optimista pusisteis denuncia, fotos y siempre lo recuperastes, a ellos también lo recuperas
This poor woman. I feel so bad for her, she tries so hard to do the right thing. Bless her and Gramma. Dear God please protect her and find the children.
Честно говоря, ужасно смотреть эти комедии, всё это не правда, и нечего людей обманывать, вечные непонятные проблемы...
Эта правда и чистая правда,вам этого не понять😢
Y nosotros aguantando esto sin fin
لو سمحت ايها المصور يا ريت الترجمة للعربي نحن من الاردن❤
سلام به همه زبان ترجمه است
Точно така,невежи са ,без да знаят към кого да се обърнат за помощ .Здравей, България.
That child is hype active, he needs chores and talked to before they go anywhere. He still stuff's large amounts of food in his mouth. Needs to be around grandma, the two others are very well behaved. The police should know everything this man does, rack up the charges. He's will continue if he continually gets away with crimes. He's a animal and doesn't learn from anything.
Iman itu manusia paling jahat dan tidak bermoral, bersabarlah ashraf, Allah bersamamu!
Essa vó uma pessoa maravilhosa só vou curtir o vídeo por causa dela por que da mãe das crianças estou cansada dela
Venda esse terreno compre en outro lugar
I think asraf,she was not complaining eiman her husband to the govt. authority because of her mother in law's is good to her and grandchildren.
😂 It might be that she love him, otherwise her mother-in-law advised her to divorce him.
Моя милая добрая трудалюбива Ашраф не плач у тебя все будет хорошо потому что ти из уважение к матери мужа не хочеш подат на ево сина в суд нехочеш обидет старших изаетой тебе Аллах вознаградить вдвайне наши молитви стобой и с доброй любимой нашей бабушке очен уважаю бабушку дай Аллах ей здоровя ❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Ta louco não dá mais pra assistir isso , um país sem lei😡
Вызывите полицию
Call the police what are you waiting for
Que Ashraf pida el divorcio y que el Tio le ayude a arreglar los papeles del terreno y a construir una buena casa para que viva con sus hijos y la abuela,está familia ha sufrido mucho,dios los bendiga🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️
Easy to fetch water through hose connecting from the source of water down to home site, watering the plAnt.
Tell each other that you love each other. Its wonderful!
Tradução para o português é só clicar na frase abaixo que está escrito: traduzir para o português.
operator please help asraf
Komyonette kendin otruyorsun oğlunada oturmasını söyle her yere onu götürüyorsun gitti yer yeri karıştırıyor çok ahlaksız büyük oğlan ve kız çok cekingen
Eh şimdi bunları yazınca rahatladınmı.
لقد تحول ايمان من شخص مسالم محب لعايلته الي شخص سي شرير لايريدالاستقرار لزوجته واطفاله
Que denuncie a Iman. Por entrar en propiedad privada, por atacar a su madre....Segun las leyes de ese pais pir llevarse a los niños no tiene delito. No se si los niños pueden opinar ante el juez. Y es muy impoortante que se divorcie. A lo mejor asi Ashraf tiene mas derechos ante la ley. Ese tema hay wue estudiarlo bien.
Si el esposo no le dió dote a Arhafat cuando se casó en el divorcio le dan el derecho de quedarse ella con los niños porque él marido no pagó su dote. Según r visto en otras familias Nómadas de Irán
O Ali não quis ficar com a vovó porque ele tem liberdade com a mãe e a vovó coloca ele nos eixos.
Ужас как жалко этих женщин и детей у них никогда незакончиться это проблема бедная женщина дай бог у вас всё уладилась
Postoji li zakon koji moze da pomogne Asraf? Njoj niko nema pravo da oduzima decu,sama je radila i mucila se da bi ih odgojila. Zastite i pomozite Asraf🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
You can go get a warrant on your husband and put him in prison for a long time so go get you a warrant and put him in prison
He can he is ready he scared childrens.
Всё таскает этих детей, оставить нельзя?
Me gusta ver esta historia pero no la veo por no entenderla unas veces esta traducida y otras no no se por que
Büýükanne son sözünde ne demek istedi kamera lutfen siz aciklarmisiniz
Apa lg yg terjadi d kemah asraf...
Kasian d ganggu terus....🙏
Esta mujer es muy trabajadora pero a la vez cobarde porque no denuncia al mal parió de su dique esposo esto aveces no me deja dormir con tantos dramas 😢 estor cooperando y trato de ayudar pero esto no tiene fin bendito sean la familias bendiciones 🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🇺🇸💯
Por favor traducir en español
I am so sorry that this has happened Ashraf!!! You must feel afraid for the children, distressed, sad, angry and exhausted!!! Look how many things you have overcome already. NEVER lose sight of your goal to build a home for you and the children!!! Grandmother is right. Get a divorce, make a complaint and get help from the police and courts to find your children. He is a nasty man and you must show him that he will not, CAN NOT defeat you. I really feel your feelings. The children need you to find them! Please rest and go in the morning with grandmother to the lawyer and complain, she said she will sign anything. I feel very sad for her too, he is her son. Please make sure you eat properly too, you need strength, determination and you need your rights!!! I am sending you a hug and as much energy and love as I can!! The children are going to be ok in the end you will find them or they will find you. They are clever and their great warrior mother!!!🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗💞💞💞💞💞
ممنون و تشکر فراوان دوست عزیز من بوروک
No m creo nada!!
Encore une fois que du malheur, pourquoi mettre toujours de l’angoisse aux auditeurs ? Pourquoi ne pas faire des vidéos avec du bonheur ? Dieu nous donne aussi de la joie et du bonheur 🙏🙏😡😡😡
Come on ashraf get it done girl ❤go get a divorce😊
Cuantas veces derrumban esta choza////esta es la realidad oh es drama por favor alguien puede aclarar …?
Por favor traduzir é dificil a situação dessa mãe que homen mal😢😢 mas peço traduzia esse video🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Ma xchè non mettete la traduzione in Italiano...così capisco cosa succede.. altrimenti non guardo più i video....Grazie❤
La abuela es una mujer sabia, Ashraf's está asustada y tiene temor de los cambios que se avecinan en su vida, ojalá y todos los cambios sean para bien, el divorcio puede ser bueno cuando el vínculo matrimonial ya está roto, ya no hay ni amor ni respeto, debe haber algún medio, institución, o ley que la proteja y le de seguridad en relación a sus hijos. yo me pregunto, ¿Ashraf's no cuenta con familiares como padres y hermanos?, ¿o es la costumbre que cuando se casa la mujer pierde todo contacto con su familia?, a ella la he visto siempre muy solita sin ningún familiar consanguíneo cerca de ella.
Дурдом продолжается.
No pierdas La fé busca a tu hijos ashraf
Asprah go to police report iman kidnaping your two children and be strong❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Зачем она возит. Собой двоих детей бабушка есть ведь бабушка очень хорошая оставляй с ней и самой будет легче и старшие дети есть они смогут посмотреть
File a case, violence against women and children. File a case for kidnapping
A vovó, uma mulher sábia, amorosa e o seu filho tão mau, não quer saber onde os filhos moram e se passam fome! Quer a guarda dos filhos para para fazer eles e a mãe sofrerem! Não respeita nem a pobre mãe! Segue os consenhos de sua sogra e tudo vai ficar bem🙏🙏🙏🇧🇷
Nie wierzę to chyba celowo nakręcone..... Codziennie kogoś nękać i nic nie można zrobic
Gente e só clicar na frase de tradução em português que está abaixo aprendi agora
Laki laki tidak tau diri, selalu bikin sengsara anak istri, udah dia yang salah, gak ngasih nafkah, skrang malah jadi pengacau, smoga asraf dan anak anak dilindungi
Hepimiz olecez kotuluk niye.Allah bildigi gibi yapsin.Esrefe yardim yapacaginiza yaptiginiza bakin.Insan degilsiniz.
No se que comentario hacer ,no me gusta tanto sufrimiento
Tell that to the people who donate because they think it is real!
Ashraf is not acting she's so sensitive
Sa donne quoi à c'est homme de faire souffrir une femme de cette façon. Je suis vraiment désolée pour elle.
I am not happy because I look forward to looking at this channel everyday. I am not happy because I can't understand your language. Where are the English subtitles.
they are there you have to set them yourself click the wheel and a menu comes up follow that.
Here comes freedom…never give up…..
Those two older children know where their mums house is ! They are old enough to run away from the dad after school and get a ride home. 🤷♀️ Kidnapping them would never work. Plus he is scared of his mother he would never beat her up 🙄 That I dont believe. I don’t believe any of this! Its all just acting! Maybe a fraction of it might be reality but mostly acting.
You continue to not translate, you don’t care about us.
Excuse me, but I have the full translation! Why are you soooo quick to criticize???? Saying "You don't care about us!" Is immature and ridiculous!!!
Touch where it says(more) then you touch transcript and you can see the written conversation.
ya lo desia yo todo esto de la venta del terreno es una treta para hacer daño a asrafno le importo ni su madre que se puede esperar de el ojala y los niños se le escapen antes de que los separe y asraf tiene que vender ahy de urgencia y comprar donde este mas poblado por su seguridad donde vive mas gente entre todos se cuidan y se apollan y ella siempre a estado sola en las montañas dios la ayude y cuide a todos con sus niños bendiciones
I wish she could wake up one day and just have a nice day
Translet in English Thier conversation.
That bag of Ashes has a million lives lol.just leaves it all over the place.who does that.
5eu fico triste com o comportamento deste menino ele e muito atrevido não respeita as pessoas meche em tudo eu sigo outra pessoa ela se chama tayeba ela é mãe solo tem quatro filhos são crianças educadas obediente ale não tem. Educação orriveu este pia
아쉬라프씨 하는일은 답답합니다 어찌 하는일마다 재대로 하는일이 없내요 한때는 쌍둥이내 때문에 엉망이 되었는대 이재는 악마갇은 남편때문에 되는 일이 없어요 길이 보이질 않아요
Traduction en francais
Go back to the last video where Inman tried to take the children, I put full instructions on how to get the translation to any language
Ne demek çocukları satmak.Bu ülkede çocuklar satılıyor mu?
Traduzir em portugues pra nos no Brasil
I heard the two older kids are horrible to him and make his life another misery
Pobre asarht ahora le toca buscar a sus hijos y ls ley este a favor de ella y muy buena sus suegra
Dios esta contigo asarht y encuentres s tus levantate asarht tu eres fuerte y verás que vas s encontrar a tus hijos vende esa tierra y vete lejos donde nadie te conozca y puedas vivir en paz con tus hijos bendiciones para ti y tu suegra Dios siempre con ustedes