I've done it both ways with the clip in place & with out. Its still a hard go with a new seal and no clip. The clip is not what provided the resistance, it is a very small clip. It does make it harder to go in with the clip installed but compressing the new seal into the valve body was the difficult part. I needed the clip in place to snap & lock the line in once it was installed fully.
Are you missing a bolt on your transmission pan?
It broke when tightening. Good eye!. I will remove it with next oil change. I used high quality silicone, not worried about it.
What year is your truck?
Grid heater delete next
@@CivilianAF.1483 ok.
Yes, remove manifold grid heater & install grid heater in intake tube below the intake horn is the plan.
I think you were supposed to take the clips out and put the lines in. Almost painful to watch 😂
I've done it both ways with the clip in place & with out. Its still a hard go with a new seal and no clip. The clip is not what provided the resistance, it is a very small clip. It does make it harder to go in with the clip installed but compressing the new seal into the valve body was the difficult part. I needed the clip in place to snap & lock the line in once it was installed fully.