I am American and I have no right to comment on British politics. But our problems and struggles as Christians are the same. Thank you for speaking out when they just want us to be quiet.
All,this nonsense comes from the forces of evil who are trying to destroy Christianity and the church cos they know we are in the end times and they are trying to ruin as many people as possible before the return of Jesus Christ
Think about those pple who your culture abused beyond measures, and they prayed for justice and they are still praying. A christian american makes ne shiver. Who is your Lord?
I am so grateful to God for sending Calvin Robinson to be a voice crying in the wilderness!! We need to take seriously that the Bible is the very breath of God and accept nothing that stands against it.
Well, you can either chase after Putin, or Trump, or both. Pretending to be a Christian has never been easier. Just make sure to practice making pious faces in the mirror. 😏 You are such goofballs, with your made up "problems", your imaginary fears, and your inflated, childish self-righteousness. 🙄 Do you know, that there is a terrible war going on in Ukraine, right, goofballs???
He recently asked for prayers on social media for the recent victims of the shooting in Nashville. He’s never asked for prayers for a mass shooting before despite having hundreds to choose from but suddenly does when the shooter is trans, doesn’t take a genius to figure out where Mr. Robinson’s motives are.
I'm an atheist, so my opinion doesn't mean much here, but he seems like a good sort. Defending his faith without trying to overlap that into the lives of non-followers, it's pretty great. Christianity needs stronger walls. We need to stop doing things like turning churches into apartments.
As a Catholic, I regard Rev Calvin as a man of faith and courage and admire him greatly. May he remain strong in his mission of proclaiming God's Truth.
Calvin Robinson has been on Sky NewsAustralia on and off for quite a while. I was bitterly disappointed when I realised he was ordained in Henry viii Church and not in the Catholic Church. Still hoping Rev Robinson...God be with you
Thanks be to God. Calvin, stand firm. You have spoken for millions both living and departed. It appears that many Christian leaders have sold out to Satan and instead of being lights to disperse darkness, they are darkness hell-bent on eclipsing the Light Of The World. Calvin, keep up your eloquent spot-on declaration. The Lord is with you. Blessings.
Finally - the voice of reason, intelligent, a brilliant communicator, clear and succinct, brave and speaking the truth in a wise but gentle manner! Keep going Calvin, you are doing a brilliant job!
What an absolutely amazing man, standing up for Jesus + for the gospel for Christian fundamental truth this is what all Christians should be saying!! May God continue to bless and provide for him in every aspect of his life❤
Well done Calvin!. Please continue to stand and defend your Faith in God and His Holy words. The truth shall set us free! God is using you to challenge and wake up the dying church in our world. May God bless you. 🙏🙏
I am neither anglican or Catholic, but this brother in Christ is speaking God’s truth. The word of God in the book of Thessalonians, says, that in the last days there WILL BE a great falling away from the truth and people will not adhere to sound doctrine but run after people who will tell them what their itching ears want to hear, thank you Brother Calvin for standing for biblical truth, and reminding those opposed that it is GOD who creates the standard and NOT man. Stand strong brother in Christ! I don’t know you, but I pray we will meet in heaven and both of us bow to our king and God!🧡
Hmm. Then there’s Jesus’s warning about bad actors pretending they represent him “they will come among you like ravenous wolves” Calvin is not what he seems.
@@tabiripetrovich517 leftism: Otherwise known as “progressivism” and even more inaccurately as “liberalism”, leftism is a term originating from the French Revolution of 1789, in reference to the political faction that opposed the French (so-called) king. However, the term is currently used in common discourse to describe those criminals who actively support (or at least tacitly condone) a host of OBJECTIVELY-WICKED ideologies and practices that contravene dharma, such as non-monarchical governances and corrupt economic systems (particularly socialism, communism, fascism, and liberal democracies), egalitarianism, feminism, perverse sexuality (especially homosexuality, bestiality, and transvestism), multiculturalism, and the illegitimate abortion of innocent, defenceless, unborn children. Cf. “dharma”. In the past decade or two, the mass media, especially the motion picture industry and television production companies, has been aggressively promoting all the above CRIMINAL ideologies and practices, helping to expedite the destruction of human civilization. Recently, large corporations have jumped on the leftist bandwagon (so to speak), in order to profit. As explicated in Chapter 11 of this “A Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, the state of being of any particular human (or any other animal for that matter) is due entirely to his or her genetic sequencing and his or her conditioning. Therefore, the explosion of the leftist/liberal mentality in recent decades, particularly in Western countries, has been caused by poor breeding strategies overtaking the more conservative tradition of mate-selection of previous centuries (and indeed, millennia). In other words, due to the fact that criminal behaviour (especially the deviant sexual acts mentioned above) has become increasingly more tolerated, condoned, and even GLORIFIED in most countries, there has been a proliferation of corrupt genetic codes within the wider human population. According to genealogists, for (almost) the entire history of humanity, most women have successfully reproduced, whilst a far far smaller percentage of males have bequeathed their genetic sequence to proceeding generations. Due to the gradual phasing-out of polygamous marriages in even the most conservative societies, as well as the eradication of poverty in most every country, more and more men (as well as women) have been producing offspring. Thus, the human genome has rapidly become adulterated by inferior genetic material (that is, DNA from truly pathetic, uxorious beta-males, bisexuals, and even homosexual couples who engage surrogate mothers or sperm donors in order to conceive children - something of a rare occurrence in previous centuries/millennia). Unsurprisingly, the majority of leftists find it difficult to accept the fact that their criminal mentality is largely inherited (and of course, they are unwilling to acknowledge the blatantly-obvious fact that their ideologies and practices are intrinsically sinful, wicked, evil, and immoral in the first place). It seems the consensus amongst leftist "intellectuals" is that every human mental trait is due entirely to one's environmental conditioning, rather than as a consequence of BOTH one's genetic sequence and one’s conditioning - a fundamentally-flawed assertion that cannot be scientifically-supported. This term was very reluctantly used in the chapter on feminism. I say “reluctantly” because it is unlikely that the term will perdure for many decades longer. This is simple deductive logic, since, as clearly demonstrated in certain chapters in “F.I.S.H”, human civilization cannot survive with such leftist practices and ideologies in place. If you happen to be reading this Holy Scripture a century or more after its conception, you will probably be residing in a nation (as opposed to a country) ruled by a monarch, following the implosion of post-modern, decadent societies. So, either the term “leftism” will eventually become redundant and obsolete, or else, human civilization will devolve into a decadent, diseased state of existence similar to that of the prehistoric era, when the peoples of the world resided in caves or shacks, subsisting on whatever food can be sourced from the surrounding bushland. I trust that you who are reading these wise words will endeavour to influence your social circles to adhere to right-leaning ideologies, such as monarchical governance, an entirely free-market economy, sexual purity, and all other virtuous principles. Fear not, for GOD is with you! P.S. As a general rule, it seems (at least anecdotally) that the farther left-leaning is a person, the more physically (and of course, psychologically) UGLY is that person. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to prevent leftists from propagating their mutant genes. 🤡
We all need to do that, especially parents of young children. Better still, remove them from a school system dictated and governed by "experts in sex education." Go to the BISH blog and read the credentials of that "expert in sex" and be horrified and outraged on behalf of the little children God has given us to love and protect, who are being dropped off at school gates, five days a week, to be thus "educated." None of this is appropriate, let alone "age appropriate." Where is the outcry?
When babies are killed in the womb and few people care, the damage to families is an abomination. God’s gift of pregnancy is treated as a disease - contraception sterilisation vasectomy abortion same sex relationships, Big Pharma, the education curriculum, and the Caring Professions all militate against God’s plan for marriage and family.
South African, living in South African and a very recent listener to Rev Calvin , I'm amazed at his Spiritual Wisdom and I'm now a big fan of his. My Son and I actually listened, I think this morning to him. We used to be Anglican , left many years ago and now I am so glad we did. We are no more liberals , but rather conservative when it comes to Biblical belief and understanding. Praise God 🙏
@@robertagabor9128: 🐟 20. THE PRIESTHOOD: A PRIEST (“brāhmaṇa”, in Sanskrit) is defined as a man who promulgates teachings and performs rituals on behalf of a particular religious or metaphysical tradition. He should possess all saintly qualities, such as cleanliness (which, as they say, is “next to godliness”), peacefulness, austerity, intelligence, wisdom, renunciation, tolerance, patience, humility, and of course, moral uprightness and religiosity. This does not imply that a priest must possess those virtues to a perfect extent, but he ought to have each quality to at least a reasonably-high degree. Even if a man seems to be a genuine priest superficially, if he is severely lacking in even one of the clerical qualities, he cannot rightly be called a “priest”. Therefore, a dumb cleric or a dirty cleric does not exist, by definition, so be wary of the multitude of PHONEY “priests” in the world! There are literally hundreds of thousands of individuals in this world who claim to be religious leaders/teachers (“guru”, in Sanskrit). Most of them are either working-class guys, businessmen, or women, acting under pretence. However, as mentioned in the chapter distinguishing enlightenment from liberation and awakening (Chapter 17), a genuinely-enlightened spiritual preceptor is VERY rare indeed. Even some of the teachings of universally-recognized Avatars (incarnations of the Godhead/Brahman) were far from accurate, what to speak of the teachings of lesser authorities! This lack of authentic spiritual guidance is the major reason for the decadent state of present-day society (and previous decadent societies), apart, perhaps, from the paucity of legitimate government leadership (see Chapter 22 regarding illegitimate governance). It is crucial to note that a priest is not required to teach just anyone and everyone in his community. Traditionally, priests (at least those who are worthy of the title) were commissioned to teach two groups of MALES: the rulers of society (see the following chapter regarding the monarchy), and monastics (normally boys and adolescents) in his school (“gurukula”, in Sanskrit). Furthermore, it is imperative that priests assess the qualifications of each prospective disciple, such as the man's level of intelligence, sincerity, and humility, to ascertain his suitability as a student. As Lord Jesus so rightly suggested, one should desist giving what is holy to dogs (i.e. those who are hostile to righteous precepts). A PERFECT analogy of why a priest should teach only the two aforementioned groups of males is with any world-class musician. Arguably the greatest pianist in history was Franz Liszt Ferenc, an Hungarian virtuoso who lived in the nineteenth century. Not only did he tutor other concert pianists, but, just like priests, he did so at no monetary charge whatsoever. If he had taught novice musicians, he would have misused his valuable time, because his advanced students could have easily have taught beginners (or at least taught the teachers of those novices). Contrary to popular understanding, the clergy not only teach religious studies, but all things necessary for living a healthy and happy life, such as languages, history, basic mathematics, hygiene, diet and food preparation. If a particular student shows himself to NOT be inclined towards the life of a monastic, the guru will send him to another master, in order to be apprenticed in a different occupation, such as the military, business, engineering, medicine, accounting, labouring, etcetera, etcetera. The modern system of schooling, in which every child is taught the same curriculum (and, invariably, indoctrinated into being a servile minion of the state) has been the source of much misery for society. As explained elsewhere in this “Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, the priest's disciples instruct, in turn, their OWN subordinates, including their wives and children. It is not practical, or even possible, for a clergyman to effectively teach every single individual in his community on a personal level. Fortunately, there is a system in place where all citizens may benefit of the teaching of a true priest (see Chapters 19 and 27). On occasion, “God” (or to be more precise, The Impersonal Self, acting via the preordained narrative of this universe) gives specific messages via chosen individuals, whether they be priests or not. However, such messages are usually intended to be spoken to an individual, or group of individuals, with specific (and invariably, temporal) repercussions for those individuals in question. This is akin to the ancient lineage of prophetic figures found in monotheistic traditions. Such “prophets” can NEVER replace a man who has evolved (over millions of lifetimes?) to be a fully-enlightened saintly prophet, appointed to teach “truth” to humanity. Unfortunately, such World Teachers incarnate very rarely on earth, and when they do appear, are often assassinated by the illegitimate rulers of their nations, or by other demonic elements of society. Even the most vile political leaders have a certain proportion of the populace which adores them. However, virtually everyone despises the gentle, humble, holy men who dare speak the truth about the state of contemporary society, and point-out the multitude of sins extant. The most HEINOUS action possible is to persecute a Prophet or World Teacher (“jagadguru”, in Sanskrit). Thus, exterminating thousands of workers is less sinful than murdering a World Teacher, because when a Prophet's mission is ended, or merely hampered by persecution, the whole of society suffers from lack of knowledge and direction. Only a wise person can find the logic in such a seemingly-audacious statement. When the life of a World Teacher is constantly threatened, or he is assassinated (as in the case of so many great Prophets of the past, such as Lord Jesus Christ), society is likened to a chicken which runs directionless around the coop, just after its head has been severed. Unfortunately, the more we progress into this current dark epoch (“Kali Yuga”, in Sanskrit), the more society's head (priests/prophets) are being persecuted, and soon there will be hardly any ACTUAL spiritual guides remaining on the planet. At that point in time, the end of humanity is assured. So, to put it succinctly, there may be hundreds of thousands of “priests” on earth at a given time, yet there are only an EXTREMELY small number of true sages, who understand life definitively, and are both willing and able to lead others to self-realization (“adhyātma-vidyā", "ātma-jñana", or “brahma-jñana”, in Sanskrit). As a general rule, the greater number of disciples following a particular teacher, the more perverse and corrupt are his teachings, because the truth is very difficult to accept. Unfortunately, the typical person wants to hear predominately sentimental tenets, which gives him or her merely emotional solace. The current World Teacher has never had a true disciple, sad to say. Cont...
Best and most eloquent speaker and ambassador for Christ I have heard in a while, never compromising, never sidestepping. Thank you Calvin, you are a man off truth. God bless you. See you in Heaven.
Calvin, God is using you mightily to speak the truth clearly and succinctly. The battle is just beginning ...may you have strength to rely on Christ and run the race set before you.
I love Calvin Robinson. He speaks the truth. He speaks Gods word. I’m a Roman Catholic and I’m so surprised by Calvin Robinson’s beliefs because they come straight from the Roman Catholic Catechism
Thank you Calvin Robinson for standing up and speaking out for millions of Christians within the Anglican Communion and other Christian denominations. God is in your side and we’re all with you. The truth of the Word of God shall prevail in the midst of adversaries that we’re facing in this wokism season.
Pastor Calvin Robinson is amazing. God will raise him to the next level. God is looking for bold people not fearful people who are more concerned about what people will say. Calvin has a spirit of boldness. He is amazing and and an inspiration. ❤. We should be more concerned about not offending God, Jesus, Holy Spirit rather than pleasing a group of people who want to change the natural order of man kind and what God created. We should be focused on pleasing YAWEH.
And here: leftism: Otherwise known as “progressivism” and even more inaccurately as “liberalism”, leftism is a term originating from the French Revolution of 1789, in reference to the political faction that opposed the French (so-called) king. However, the term is currently used in common discourse to describe those criminals who actively support (or at least tacitly condone) a host of OBJECTIVELY-WICKED ideologies and practices that contravene dharma, such as non-monarchical governances and corrupt economic systems (particularly socialism, communism, fascism, and liberal democracies), egalitarianism, feminism, perverse sexuality (especially homosexuality, bestiality, and transvestism), multiculturalism, and the illegitimate abortion of innocent, defenceless, unborn children. Cf. “dharma”. In the past decade or two, the mass media, especially the motion picture industry and television production companies, has been aggressively promoting all the above CRIMINAL ideologies and practices, helping to expedite the destruction of human civilization. Recently, large corporations have jumped on the leftist bandwagon (so to speak), in order to profit. As explicated in Chapter 11 of this “A Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, the state of being of any particular human (or any other animal for that matter) is due entirely to his or her genetic sequencing and his or her conditioning. Therefore, the explosion of the leftist/liberal mentality in recent decades, particularly in Western countries, has been caused by poor breeding strategies overtaking the more conservative tradition of mate-selection of previous centuries (and indeed, millennia). In other words, due to the fact that criminal behaviour (especially the deviant sexual acts mentioned above) has become increasingly more tolerated, condoned, and even GLORIFIED in most countries, there has been a proliferation of corrupt genetic codes within the wider human population. According to genealogists, for (almost) the entire history of humanity, most women have successfully reproduced, whilst a far far smaller percentage of males have bequeathed their genetic sequence to proceeding generations. Due to the gradual phasing-out of polygamous marriages in even the most conservative societies, as well as the eradication of poverty in most every country, more and more men (as well as women) have been producing offspring. Thus, the human genome has rapidly become adulterated by inferior genetic material (that is, DNA from truly pathetic, uxorious beta-males, bisexuals, and even homosexual couples who engage surrogate mothers or sperm donors in order to conceive children - something of a rare occurrence in previous centuries/millennia). Unsurprisingly, the majority of leftists find it difficult to accept the fact that their criminal mentality is largely inherited (and of course, they are unwilling to acknowledge the blatantly-obvious fact that their ideologies and practices are intrinsically sinful, wicked, evil, and immoral in the first place). It seems the consensus amongst leftist "intellectuals" is that every human mental trait is due entirely to one's environmental conditioning, rather than as a consequence of BOTH one's genetic sequence and one’s conditioning - a fundamentally-flawed assertion that cannot be scientifically-supported. This term was very reluctantly used in the chapter on feminism. I say “reluctantly” because it is unlikely that the term will perdure for many decades longer. This is simple deductive logic, since, as clearly demonstrated in certain chapters in “F.I.S.H”, human civilization cannot survive with such leftist practices and ideologies in place. If you happen to be reading this Holy Scripture a century or more after its conception, you will probably be residing in a nation (as opposed to a country) ruled by a monarch, following the implosion of post-modern, decadent societies. So, either the term “leftism” will eventually become redundant and obsolete, or else, human civilization will devolve into a decadent, diseased state of existence similar to that of the prehistoric era, when the peoples of the world resided in caves or shacks, subsisting on whatever food can be sourced from the surrounding bushland. I trust that you who are reading these wise words will endeavour to influence your social circles to adhere to right-leaning ideologies, such as monarchical governance, an entirely free-market economy, sexual purity, and all other virtuous principles. Fear not, for GOD is with you! P.S. As a general rule, it seems (at least anecdotally) that the farther left-leaning is a person, the more physically (and of course, psychologically) UGLY is that person. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to prevent leftists from propagating their mutant genes. 🤡
How delightful to listen to you Calvin! Sort of refreshing to hear the Truth about God's Holy Word spoken boldly.... to interpret the Word for what it says and not what people would 'like' to hear.... something that suits them. Thank you for this talk. God bless ⚘🕯🕯🕯
Marvelous…inspirational young Christian leader…I have no respect for weak lukewarm woke ecumenical sell outs…preferring love of man rather than loving our lovingly kind and gracious Triune God- Father, Son and Holy Spirit 💕🙏🏽☝🏽
Calvin thank you for your truthful words. we should all Rejoice In anticipation for his return. Let us make straight his way let us Stand firm stand up all. Christ will light the way for everlasting hope Truth and prosperity. Thank you calvin for being a strong Leader for those who have faith in the Christ. I pray that all may find peace truth and love for Jesus christ Amen
This was a great interview! It’s so refreshing to hear other people agree that things are most definitely not right within most churches, not just the Anglican Church. I agree that there has been a considered and measured take down of the churches and is still ongoing. I live in Scotland and I feel the pressure of lack of freedom of speech. The only comfort I have is in our King, Lord and Messiah Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Mar 8:38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.
We need to STOP being scared and remind people of God commandments it has become too much evil behaviour and heading for humanity demise Please Calvin keep up the good work
Yes, but Calvin, I would dearly love to hear your services. I don’t even live in England, let alone your lucky parish. I wish you’d change your mind on that one. God bless you.
@Purple Love he never had the power to do that. He lived in a city that had a council who decided such things. The Catholic church, however, they really knew how to burn and torture people!
@@HearGodsWord yes he did, look up Miguel Servitus. His minions were in alliance with Luther, Zwingley & the Catholics trying to exterminate the Anabaptists, drowning & burning them at the stake. The Anabaptists came to America to become the Amish & Menonites.
Thank you Calvin Robinson for your relationship with our Christ Jesus. You are in my prayers. God bless and keep you in his wisdom. In Jesus Holy Name I pray amen and amen.
Some great points raised, I think RSE should have an opt out for parents, with regulation for RSE put in place and transparency for parents. Allowing outside organisations into schools without parental knowledge or consent, also hiding details of lessons, isn't right either. Sexualising very young children who have no understanding of sex is very destructive, the same with idiotic concepts of white privilege, critical race theory and gender ideology.
leftism: Otherwise known as “progressivism” and even more inaccurately as “liberalism”, leftism is a term originating from the French Revolution of 1789, in reference to the political faction that opposed the French (so-called) king. However, the term is currently used in common discourse to describe those criminals who actively support (or at least tacitly condone) a host of OBJECTIVELY-WICKED ideologies and practices that contravene dharma, such as non-monarchical governances and corrupt economic systems (particularly socialism, communism, fascism, and liberal democracies), egalitarianism, feminism, perverse sexuality (especially homosexuality, bestiality, and transvestism), multiculturalism, and the illegitimate abortion of innocent, defenceless, unborn children. Cf. “dharma”. In the past decade or two, the mass media, especially the motion picture industry and television production companies, has been aggressively promoting all the above CRIMINAL ideologies and practices, helping to expedite the destruction of human civilization. Recently, large corporations have jumped on the leftist bandwagon (so to speak), in order to profit. As explicated in Chapter 11 of this “A Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, the state of being of any particular human (or any other animal for that matter) is due entirely to his or her genetic sequencing and his or her conditioning. Therefore, the explosion of the leftist/liberal mentality in recent decades, particularly in Western countries, has been caused by poor breeding strategies overtaking the more conservative tradition of mate-selection of previous centuries (and indeed, millennia). In other words, due to the fact that criminal behaviour (especially the deviant sexual acts mentioned above) has become increasingly more tolerated, condoned, and even GLORIFIED in most countries, there has been a proliferation of corrupt genetic codes within the wider human population. According to genealogists, for (almost) the entire history of humanity, most women have successfully reproduced, whilst a far far smaller percentage of males have bequeathed their genetic sequence to proceeding generations. Due to the gradual phasing-out of polygamous marriages in even the most conservative societies, as well as the eradication of poverty in most every country, more and more men (as well as women) have been producing offspring. Thus, the human genome has rapidly become adulterated by inferior genetic material (that is, DNA from truly pathetic, uxorious beta-males, bisexuals, and even homosexual couples who engage surrogate mothers or sperm donors in order to conceive children - something of a rare occurrence in previous centuries/millennia). Unsurprisingly, the majority of leftists find it difficult to accept the fact that their criminal mentality is largely inherited (and of course, they are unwilling to acknowledge the blatantly-obvious fact that their ideologies and practices are intrinsically sinful, wicked, evil, and immoral in the first place). It seems the consensus amongst leftist "intellectuals" is that every human mental trait is due entirely to one's environmental conditioning, rather than as a consequence of BOTH one's genetic sequence and one’s conditioning - a fundamentally-flawed assertion that cannot be scientifically-supported. This term was very reluctantly used in the chapter on feminism. I say “reluctantly” because it is unlikely that the term will perdure for many decades longer. This is simple deductive logic, since, as clearly demonstrated in certain chapters in “F.I.S.H”, human civilization cannot survive with such leftist practices and ideologies in place. If you happen to be reading this Holy Scripture a century or more after its conception, you will probably be residing in a nation (as opposed to a country) ruled by a monarch, following the implosion of post-modern, decadent societies. So, either the term “leftism” will eventually become redundant and obsolete, or else, human civilization will devolve into a decadent, diseased state of existence similar to that of the prehistoric era, when the peoples of the world resided in caves or shacks, subsisting on whatever food can be sourced from the surrounding bushland. I trust that you who are reading these wise words will endeavour to influence your social circles to adhere to right-leaning ideologies, such as monarchical governance, an entirely free-market economy, sexual purity, and all other virtuous principles. Fear not, for GOD is with you! P.S. As a general rule, it seems (at least anecdotally) that the farther left-leaning is a person, the more physically (and of course, psychologically) UGLY is that person. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to prevent leftists from propagating their mutant genes. 🤡
Thank you for pointing out that it is difficult to bring change back to the Truth from within. We often are forced to 'agree to disagree' as a means to silence us and the longer we remain the more and more we find ourselves compromising under the guise of unity and peace. If a church is not able to discuss issues in good faith and demands 'silence' and acquiescence to what they have decided without reference to the whole counsel of God found within the Bible, it is time to leave.
I am American and I have no right to comment on British politics. But our problems and struggles as Christians are the same. Thank you for speaking out when they just want us to be quiet.
Another American who is in 100% agreement
All,this nonsense comes from the forces of evil who are trying to destroy Christianity and the church cos they know we are in the end times and they are trying to ruin as many people as possible before the return of Jesus Christ
As an Englishwoman- I am flattered that your are interested in us, dear cousin.
Think about those pple who your culture abused beyond measures, and they prayed for justice and they are still praying.
A christian american makes ne shiver. Who is your Lord?
@@tabiripetrovich517 oh we're paying for it. Do you have any idea how much white man's money Native Americans get from the casinos they open up?
I am so grateful to God for sending Calvin Robinson to be a voice crying in the wilderness!! We need to take seriously that the Bible is the very breath of God and accept nothing that stands against it.
Don't believe everything you READ. 📖
Incidentally, Slave, are you VEGAN? 🌱
Well, you can either chase after Putin, or Trump, or both. Pretending to be a Christian has never been easier. Just make sure to practice making pious faces in the mirror. 😏
You are such goofballs, with your made up "problems", your imaginary fears, and your inflated, childish self-righteousness. 🙄
Do you know, that there is a terrible war going on in Ukraine, right, goofballs???
Not crying but instead he is growling the truth...
Could have given the fucker a trim first
Gramingo amen to that staysafe and Blessed JESUS love you
What an eloquent intelligent man of Christ - we could do with thousands more of similar calibre. Such a commitment to the Truth.
In your own words, define “TRUTH”. ☝️🤔☝️
Calvin is great a joy to listen to
He recently asked for prayers on social media for the recent victims of the shooting in Nashville. He’s never asked for prayers for a mass shooting before despite having hundreds to choose from but suddenly does when the shooter is trans, doesn’t take a genius to figure out where Mr. Robinson’s motives are.
Thank you Father for this man and I ask that you protect him while he speaks the truth
I admire Rev Calvin, he is a Christian every where he is, and he is not ashamed or apologies for it👏👏
Kindly repeat that in ENGLISH, Miss.☝️
Incidentally, Slave, are you VEGAN? 🌱
Yes, 100%!
Yes, absolutely!
I'm an atheist, so my opinion doesn't mean much here, but he seems like a good sort. Defending his faith without trying to overlap that into the lives of non-followers, it's pretty great. Christianity needs stronger walls. We need to stop doing things like turning churches into apartments.
@@zalfir, great and lowly are RELATIVE. 😉
Incidentally, Slave, are you VEGAN? 🌱
I'm a British rc living in Germany and only recently discovered Calvin. I'm so grateful to and for him.
As a Catholic, I regard Rev Calvin as a man of faith and courage and admire him greatly. May he remain strong in his mission of proclaiming God's Truth.
What God's truth? Defending racism, sexism, lgbt hate and climate change denialism is blind ignorance. Nothing to be proud of!
God bless you Calvin Robinson. A man of faith!
Don't you just love this man!
God bless him and protect him.
Rev. Robinson, I will be praying for you. “And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14.🙏🏼📖✝️
If he was my Vicar - I’d be a regular churchgoer.
I absolutely love Calvin.
Calvin Robinson has been on Sky NewsAustralia on and off for quite a while. I was bitterly disappointed when I realised he was ordained in Henry viii Church and not in the Catholic Church. Still hoping Rev Robinson...God be with you
Thank you Calvin for speaking for us in this woke generation. God is with you and your voice is being heard everywhere
We have a responsibility to tell the truth. Thank-you Calvin.
How refreshing to listen to Calvin taking such a brave stand for Christians and being a person of such common sense
Thanks be to God. Calvin, stand firm. You have spoken for millions both living and departed. It appears that many Christian leaders have sold out to Satan and instead of being lights to disperse darkness, they are darkness hell-bent on eclipsing the Light Of The World. Calvin, keep up your eloquent spot-on declaration. The Lord is with you. Blessings.
One can stand up for Christians, does not mean you are one sympathy does not cut with God only a new birth.
Just another weapon to defend bigotry and hate.Calvin just another far Right loop. He would Lynch the Pope if he could.
Brave stand? Fake news is fictional nonsense.
Calvin is a wonderful presence on GBNews. Its fantastic that Calvin is free to be a Christian on British TV and he should be applauded and encouraged.
Wow I never knew how spot on biblical ly he was. I've seen him a couple of times on TV but never heard him speak like this. Bravo
What a pleasure to hear someone talk common sense as it was before it became rare
Watch Mike Winger
Finally - the voice of reason, intelligent, a brilliant communicator, clear and succinct, brave and speaking the truth in a wise but gentle manner! Keep going Calvin, you are doing a brilliant job!
A man who needs our prayers. God bless him.
What an absolutely amazing man, standing up for Jesus + for the gospel for Christian fundamental truth this is what all Christians should be saying!! May God continue to bless and provide for him in every aspect of his life❤
Well done Calvin!. Please continue to stand and defend your Faith in God and His Holy words. The truth shall set us free! God is using you to challenge and wake up the dying church in our world. May God bless you. 🙏🙏
Absolutely a legend, it's a pleasure to see a Brother in the faith like You Calvin 😊
May the Heavenly Father who called you to serve the truth in this darkest time pour out the GRACE through Jesus Christ! I pray for you!!!
Any politicians who follow this man's integrity and Christian values would get my vote.
Calvin Robinson is the only person who gives me hope for the UK now.
We need more people like this man! God Bless You Calvin.👍🙏
A true Christian leader
Wonderful , thank you for standing true to the Word!
I am neither anglican or Catholic, but this brother in Christ is speaking God’s truth. The word of God in the book of Thessalonians, says, that in the last days there WILL BE a great falling away from the truth and people will not adhere to sound doctrine but run after people who will tell them what their itching ears want to hear, thank you Brother Calvin for standing for biblical truth, and reminding those opposed that it is GOD who creates the standard and NOT man. Stand strong brother in Christ! I don’t know you, but I pray we will meet in heaven and both of us bow to our king and God!🧡
In your own words, define “TRUTH”. ☝️🤔☝️
@@ReverendDr.Thomas Jesus Christ! He is the way, the TRUTH and the life
Hmm. Then there’s Jesus’s warning about bad actors pretending they represent him “they will come among you like ravenous wolves”
Calvin is not what he seems.
@@deborah777, Good Girl! 👌
Incidentally, Slave, are you VEGAN? 🌱
Don't give up on being ordained, Calvin. The Church needs you.
Absolutely the church needs him, we the people also need him!👍🙏
The whole world needs pple like against of this madness
Otherwise known as “progressivism” and even more inaccurately as “liberalism”, leftism is a term originating from the French Revolution of 1789, in reference to the political faction that opposed the French (so-called) king. However, the term is currently used in common discourse to describe those criminals who actively support (or at least tacitly condone) a host of OBJECTIVELY-WICKED ideologies and practices that contravene dharma, such as non-monarchical governances and corrupt economic systems (particularly socialism, communism, fascism, and liberal democracies), egalitarianism, feminism, perverse sexuality (especially homosexuality, bestiality, and transvestism), multiculturalism, and the illegitimate abortion of innocent, defenceless, unborn children. Cf. “dharma”.
In the past decade or two, the mass media, especially the motion picture industry and television production companies, has been aggressively promoting all the above CRIMINAL ideologies and practices, helping to expedite the destruction of human civilization. Recently, large corporations have jumped on the leftist bandwagon (so to speak), in order to profit.
As explicated in Chapter 11 of this “A Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, the state of being of any particular human (or any other animal for that matter) is due entirely to his or her genetic sequencing and his or her conditioning. Therefore, the explosion of the leftist/liberal mentality in recent decades, particularly in Western countries, has been caused by poor breeding strategies overtaking the more conservative tradition of mate-selection of previous centuries (and indeed, millennia). In other words, due to the fact that criminal behaviour (especially the deviant sexual acts mentioned above) has become increasingly more tolerated, condoned, and even GLORIFIED in most countries, there has been a proliferation of corrupt genetic codes within the wider human population.
According to genealogists, for (almost) the entire history of humanity, most women have successfully reproduced, whilst a far far smaller percentage of males have bequeathed their genetic sequence to proceeding generations. Due to the gradual phasing-out of polygamous marriages in even the most conservative societies, as well as the eradication of poverty in most every country, more and more men (as well as women) have been producing offspring. Thus, the human genome has rapidly become adulterated by inferior genetic material (that is, DNA from truly pathetic, uxorious beta-males, bisexuals, and even homosexual couples who engage surrogate mothers or sperm donors in order to conceive children - something of a rare occurrence in previous centuries/millennia).
Unsurprisingly, the majority of leftists find it difficult to accept the fact that their criminal mentality is largely inherited (and of course, they are unwilling to acknowledge the blatantly-obvious fact that their ideologies and practices are intrinsically sinful, wicked, evil, and immoral in the first place). It seems the consensus amongst leftist "intellectuals" is that every human mental trait is due entirely to one's environmental conditioning, rather than as a consequence of BOTH one's genetic sequence and one’s conditioning - a fundamentally-flawed assertion that cannot be scientifically-supported.
This term was very reluctantly used in the chapter on feminism. I say “reluctantly” because it is unlikely that the term will perdure for many decades longer. This is simple deductive logic, since, as clearly demonstrated in certain chapters in “F.I.S.H”, human civilization cannot survive with such leftist practices and ideologies in place. If you happen to be reading this Holy Scripture a century or more after its conception, you will probably be residing in a nation (as opposed to a country) ruled by a monarch, following the implosion of post-modern, decadent societies. So, either the term “leftism” will eventually become redundant and obsolete, or else, human civilization will devolve into a decadent, diseased state of existence similar to that of the prehistoric era, when the peoples of the world resided in caves or shacks, subsisting on whatever food can be sourced from the surrounding bushland. I trust that you who are reading these wise words will endeavour to influence your social circles to adhere to right-leaning ideologies, such as monarchical governance, an entirely free-market economy, sexual purity, and all other virtuous principles.
Fear not, for GOD is with you!
P.S. As a general rule, it seems (at least anecdotally) that the farther left-leaning is a person, the more physically (and of course, psychologically) UGLY is that person. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to prevent leftists from propagating their mutant genes. 🤡
This gentleman is the John Knox of our generation.
God bless you reverend.
Thank for standing up for Truth!
In your own words, define “TRUTH”. ☝️🤔☝️
Great interview with a fascinating personality - many thanks.
Love your conversation 🤩 Yes, massive concern for school kids as well as the parents.
Keep speaking out 👍
We all need to do that, especially parents of young children. Better still, remove them from a school system dictated and governed by "experts in sex education." Go to the BISH blog and read the credentials of that "expert in sex" and be horrified and outraged on behalf of the little children God has given us to love and protect, who are being dropped off at school gates, five days a week, to be thus "educated." None of this is appropriate, let alone "age appropriate." Where is the outcry?
When babies are killed in the womb and few people care, the damage to families is an abomination. God’s gift of pregnancy is treated as a disease - contraception sterilisation vasectomy abortion same sex relationships, Big Pharma, the education curriculum, and the Caring Professions all militate against God’s plan for marriage and family.
Doing God’s work. Thankyou.
Sings: “It ain’t necessarily so...” 🎤
South African, living in South African and a very recent listener to Rev Calvin , I'm amazed at his Spiritual Wisdom and I'm now a big fan of his. My Son and I actually listened, I think this morning to him. We used to be Anglican , left many years ago and now I am so glad we did. We are no more liberals , but rather conservative when it comes to Biblical belief and understanding. Praise God 🙏
He seems to be a true Pastor and Shepherd.
A PRIEST (“brāhmaṇa”, in Sanskrit) is defined as a man who promulgates teachings and performs rituals on behalf of a particular religious or metaphysical tradition. He should possess all saintly qualities, such as cleanliness (which, as they say, is “next to godliness”), peacefulness, austerity, intelligence, wisdom, renunciation, tolerance, patience, humility, and of course, moral uprightness and religiosity. This does not imply that a priest must possess those virtues to a perfect extent, but he ought to have each quality to at least a reasonably-high degree.
Even if a man seems to be a genuine priest superficially, if he is severely lacking in even one of the clerical qualities, he cannot rightly be called a “priest”. Therefore, a dumb cleric or a dirty cleric does not exist, by definition, so be wary of the multitude of PHONEY “priests” in the world!
There are literally hundreds of thousands of individuals in this world who claim to be religious leaders/teachers (“guru”, in Sanskrit). Most of them are either working-class guys, businessmen, or women, acting under pretence. However, as mentioned in the chapter distinguishing enlightenment from liberation and awakening (Chapter 17), a genuinely-enlightened spiritual preceptor is VERY rare indeed. Even some of the teachings of universally-recognized Avatars (incarnations of the Godhead/Brahman) were far from accurate, what to speak of the teachings of lesser authorities! This lack of authentic spiritual guidance is the major reason for the decadent state of present-day society (and previous decadent societies), apart, perhaps, from the paucity of legitimate government leadership (see Chapter 22 regarding illegitimate governance).
It is crucial to note that a priest is not required to teach just anyone and everyone in his community. Traditionally, priests (at least those who are worthy of the title) were commissioned to teach two groups of MALES: the rulers of society (see the following chapter regarding the monarchy), and monastics (normally boys and adolescents) in his school (“gurukula”, in Sanskrit). Furthermore, it is imperative that priests assess the qualifications of each prospective disciple, such as the man's level of intelligence, sincerity, and humility, to ascertain his suitability as a student. As Lord Jesus so rightly suggested, one should desist giving what is holy to dogs (i.e. those who are hostile to righteous precepts).
A PERFECT analogy of why a priest should teach only the two aforementioned groups of males is with any world-class musician. Arguably the greatest pianist in history was Franz Liszt Ferenc, an Hungarian virtuoso who lived in the nineteenth century. Not only did he tutor other concert pianists, but, just like priests, he did so at no monetary charge whatsoever. If he had taught novice musicians, he would have misused his valuable time, because his advanced students could have easily have taught beginners (or at least taught the teachers of those novices).
Contrary to popular understanding, the clergy not only teach religious studies, but all things necessary for living a healthy and happy life, such as languages, history, basic mathematics, hygiene, diet and food preparation. If a particular student shows himself to NOT be inclined towards the life of a monastic, the guru will send him to another master, in order to be apprenticed in a different occupation, such as the military, business, engineering, medicine, accounting, labouring, etcetera, etcetera. The modern system of schooling, in which every child is taught the same curriculum (and, invariably, indoctrinated into being a servile minion of the state) has been the source of much misery for society.
As explained elsewhere in this “Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, the priest's disciples instruct, in turn, their OWN subordinates, including their wives and children. It is not practical, or even possible, for a clergyman to effectively teach every single individual in his community on a personal level. Fortunately, there is a system in place where all citizens may benefit of the teaching of a true priest (see Chapters 19 and 27).
On occasion, “God” (or to be more precise, The Impersonal Self, acting via the preordained narrative of this universe) gives specific messages via chosen individuals, whether they be priests or not. However, such messages are usually intended to be spoken to an individual, or group of individuals, with specific (and invariably, temporal) repercussions for those individuals in question. This is akin to the ancient lineage of prophetic figures found in monotheistic traditions. Such “prophets” can NEVER replace a man who has evolved (over millions of lifetimes?) to be a fully-enlightened saintly prophet, appointed to teach “truth” to humanity. Unfortunately, such World Teachers incarnate very rarely on earth, and when they do appear, are often assassinated by the illegitimate rulers of their nations, or by other demonic elements of society. Even the most vile political leaders have a certain proportion of the populace which adores them. However, virtually everyone despises the gentle, humble, holy men who dare speak the truth about the state of contemporary society, and point-out the multitude of sins extant.
The most HEINOUS action possible is to persecute a Prophet or World Teacher (“jagadguru”, in Sanskrit). Thus, exterminating thousands of workers is less sinful than murdering a World Teacher, because when a Prophet's mission is ended, or merely hampered by persecution, the whole of society suffers from lack of knowledge and direction. Only a wise person can find the logic in such a seemingly-audacious statement.
When the life of a World Teacher is constantly threatened, or he is assassinated (as in the case of so many great Prophets of the past, such as Lord Jesus Christ), society is likened to a chicken which runs directionless around the coop, just after its head has been severed. Unfortunately, the more we progress into this current dark epoch (“Kali Yuga”, in Sanskrit), the more society's head (priests/prophets) are being persecuted, and soon there will be hardly any ACTUAL spiritual guides remaining on the planet. At that point in time, the end of humanity is assured.
So, to put it succinctly, there may be hundreds of thousands of “priests” on earth at a given time, yet there are only an EXTREMELY small number of true sages, who understand life definitively, and are both willing and able to lead others to self-realization (“adhyātma-vidyā", "ātma-jñana", or “brahma-jñana”, in Sanskrit). As a general rule, the greater number of disciples following a particular teacher, the more perverse and corrupt are his teachings, because the truth is very difficult to accept. Unfortunately, the typical person wants to hear predominately sentimental tenets, which gives him or her merely emotional solace. The current World Teacher has never had a true disciple, sad to say.
@@ReverendDr.Thomas I prefer the Priest spoken of in the Book of Hebrews. He is a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
@@robertagabor9128, Good Girl! 👌
Incidentally, Slave, are you VEGAN? 🌱
Best and most eloquent speaker and ambassador for Christ I have heard in a while, never compromising, never sidestepping. Thank you Calvin, you are a man off truth. God bless you. See you in Heaven.
This is wonderful! Father Calvin is a Godsend speaking the truth in love and a much needed voice of reason in this dying world.
In your own words, define “TRUTH”. ☝️🤔☝️
@@ReverendDr.Thomas and what is your definition of the word "truth"?
@@jamesa7506, I'll wait until I get a response. ☝️☝️
God bless you Rev Calvin Robinson. I am blest by your faithfulness to God and the ministry.
Thank you, Calvin. God bless you.
Calvin, God is using you mightily to speak the truth clearly and succinctly. The battle is just beginning ...may you have strength to rely on Christ and run the race set before you.
I admire Calvin’s heartfelt, honest views.
Thank you for speaking out.
Glory to GOD,let us keep Calvin in our prayers
Thank you for tell what is to be a Christian,and to defend the rights we have . God bless you
I really like Calvin Robinson. He is the real deal.
Wonderful interview - thank you Christian Institute. We need more organisations like yours, and more ministers like Calvin!
I love Calvin Robinson. He speaks the truth. He speaks Gods word.
I’m a Roman Catholic and I’m so surprised by Calvin Robinson’s beliefs because they come straight from the Roman Catholic Catechism
This was a very nuanced interview by Ciaran Kelly that did justice to Calvin's deep, thoughtful intellect and unshakable commitment to his calling.
Thank you Calvin Robinson for standing up and speaking out for millions of Christians within the Anglican Communion and other Christian denominations. God is in your side and we’re all with you. The truth of the Word of God shall prevail in the midst of adversaries that we’re facing in this wokism season.
Well stated arguments. With you all the way.
My God protect and guide him as he stands firmly for christ our Lord and redeemer 🙏
Amazing individual! I hope life treats him well.
Pastor Calvin Robinson is amazing. God will raise him to the next level. God is looking for bold people not fearful people who are more concerned about what people will say. Calvin has a spirit of boldness. He is amazing and and an inspiration. ❤. We should be more concerned about not offending God, Jesus, Holy Spirit rather than pleasing a group of people who want to change the natural order of man kind and what God created. We should be focused on pleasing YAWEH.
Thank you Lord that you always maintain the remnant of your people in every generation.
May the Lord uphold you my brother Robinson!
Excellent and ordinary are RELATIVE. 😉
Incidentally, Slave, are you VEGAN? 🌱
Calvin is such a great person, love to hear him speak on Christianity.
Very well said and I absolutely agree.
Some great quotes here.
And here:
Otherwise known as “progressivism” and even more inaccurately as “liberalism”, leftism is a term originating from the French Revolution of 1789, in reference to the political faction that opposed the French (so-called) king. However, the term is currently used in common discourse to describe those criminals who actively support (or at least tacitly condone) a host of OBJECTIVELY-WICKED ideologies and practices that contravene dharma, such as non-monarchical governances and corrupt economic systems (particularly socialism, communism, fascism, and liberal democracies), egalitarianism, feminism, perverse sexuality (especially homosexuality, bestiality, and transvestism), multiculturalism, and the illegitimate abortion of innocent, defenceless, unborn children. Cf. “dharma”.
In the past decade or two, the mass media, especially the motion picture industry and television production companies, has been aggressively promoting all the above CRIMINAL ideologies and practices, helping to expedite the destruction of human civilization. Recently, large corporations have jumped on the leftist bandwagon (so to speak), in order to profit.
As explicated in Chapter 11 of this “A Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, the state of being of any particular human (or any other animal for that matter) is due entirely to his or her genetic sequencing and his or her conditioning. Therefore, the explosion of the leftist/liberal mentality in recent decades, particularly in Western countries, has been caused by poor breeding strategies overtaking the more conservative tradition of mate-selection of previous centuries (and indeed, millennia). In other words, due to the fact that criminal behaviour (especially the deviant sexual acts mentioned above) has become increasingly more tolerated, condoned, and even GLORIFIED in most countries, there has been a proliferation of corrupt genetic codes within the wider human population.
According to genealogists, for (almost) the entire history of humanity, most women have successfully reproduced, whilst a far far smaller percentage of males have bequeathed their genetic sequence to proceeding generations. Due to the gradual phasing-out of polygamous marriages in even the most conservative societies, as well as the eradication of poverty in most every country, more and more men (as well as women) have been producing offspring. Thus, the human genome has rapidly become adulterated by inferior genetic material (that is, DNA from truly pathetic, uxorious beta-males, bisexuals, and even homosexual couples who engage surrogate mothers or sperm donors in order to conceive children - something of a rare occurrence in previous centuries/millennia).
Unsurprisingly, the majority of leftists find it difficult to accept the fact that their criminal mentality is largely inherited (and of course, they are unwilling to acknowledge the blatantly-obvious fact that their ideologies and practices are intrinsically sinful, wicked, evil, and immoral in the first place). It seems the consensus amongst leftist "intellectuals" is that every human mental trait is due entirely to one's environmental conditioning, rather than as a consequence of BOTH one's genetic sequence and one’s conditioning - a fundamentally-flawed assertion that cannot be scientifically-supported.
This term was very reluctantly used in the chapter on feminism. I say “reluctantly” because it is unlikely that the term will perdure for many decades longer. This is simple deductive logic, since, as clearly demonstrated in certain chapters in “F.I.S.H”, human civilization cannot survive with such leftist practices and ideologies in place. If you happen to be reading this Holy Scripture a century or more after its conception, you will probably be residing in a nation (as opposed to a country) ruled by a monarch, following the implosion of post-modern, decadent societies. So, either the term “leftism” will eventually become redundant and obsolete, or else, human civilization will devolve into a decadent, diseased state of existence similar to that of the prehistoric era, when the peoples of the world resided in caves or shacks, subsisting on whatever food can be sourced from the surrounding bushland. I trust that you who are reading these wise words will endeavour to influence your social circles to adhere to right-leaning ideologies, such as monarchical governance, an entirely free-market economy, sexual purity, and all other virtuous principles.
Fear not, for GOD is with you!
P.S. As a general rule, it seems (at least anecdotally) that the farther left-leaning is a person, the more physically (and of course, psychologically) UGLY is that person. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to prevent leftists from propagating their mutant genes. 🤡
How delightful to listen to you Calvin! Sort of refreshing to hear the Truth about God's Holy Word spoken boldly.... to interpret the Word for what it says and not what people would 'like' to hear.... something that suits them.
Thank you for this talk.
God bless ⚘🕯🕯🕯
Amazing man.
I really like his faith I think it is truly lovely
Marvelous…inspirational young Christian leader…I have no respect for weak lukewarm woke ecumenical sell outs…preferring love of man rather than loving our lovingly kind and gracious Triune God- Father, Son and Holy Spirit 💕🙏🏽☝🏽
Please whatever you do, stay with the Word of God, point people to the bible. You can never fail.
Calvin thank you for your truthful words. we should all Rejoice In anticipation for his return. Let us make straight his way let us Stand firm stand up all. Christ will light the way for everlasting hope Truth and prosperity. Thank you calvin for being a strong Leader for those who have faith in the Christ. I pray that all may find peace truth and love for Jesus christ Amen
This was a great interview! It’s so refreshing to hear other people agree that things are most definitely not right within most churches, not just the Anglican Church. I agree that there has been a considered and measured take down of the churches and is still ongoing. I live in Scotland and I feel the pressure of lack of freedom of speech. The only comfort I have is in our King, Lord and Messiah Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
I really agree with you and I am looking for a free Church with a need to move from the CofE.
Mar 8:38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.
Enjoyed this so much. May the Lord richly bless Calvin's ministry as he stands faithful. Eph 6:10-18
We need to STOP being scared and remind people of God commandments it has become too much evil behaviour and heading for humanity demise Please Calvin keep up the good work
Proper Hero.
This is a world Christian leader.
I do miss the times when men were men and women women. Men strong providers and women caring for husband and children.
Thank you.
Great interview well done 👏
this has challenged me - this has humbled me - this has convicted me. I will change. thank you
I'm praying for you. You'll have Victory over the satan
Calvin is great
Great and lowly are RELATIVE. 😉
Incidentally, Slave, are you VEGAN? 🌱
Calvin is amazing a true Christian love him
Yes, but Calvin, I would dearly love to hear your services.
I don’t even live in England, let alone your lucky parish.
I wish you’d change your mind on that one.
God bless you.
Que Placer me ha dado escuchar al reverendo C.R.
The best Calvin that the church has had since John 🙂
Pray for him. Don't elevate him. "All men have feet of clay." We thank God for every faithful man and woman in the Gospel.
@@user-re2ey4ti4v its called a complement.
The John Calvin who burned other Christians at the stake?
@Purple Love he never had the power to do that. He lived in a city that had a council who decided such things. The Catholic church, however, they really knew how to burn and torture people!
@@HearGodsWord yes he did, look up Miguel Servitus. His minions were in alliance with Luther, Zwingley & the Catholics trying to exterminate the Anabaptists, drowning & burning them at the stake. The Anabaptists came to America to become the Amish & Menonites.
May the Lord protect you on your journey towards spreading the truth and may many follow you on their path to the Kingdom of Heaven
Pastor Calvin has genuine reason to be SAD 🥺
As usual, Calvin, truth and common sense. I first saw you on GBNews. I told everyone about you. Now they think you are wonderful too.
Thank you Calvin Robinson for your relationship with our Christ Jesus. You are in my prayers. God bless and keep you in his wisdom. In Jesus Holy Name I pray amen and amen.
This man is a true man of God. God bless him and watch is back 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️😇.
Calvin says what most off us think.
May the Lord God Jesus bless you abundantly with safety and success!
Thank-you for speaking truth. Brave men.
God Bless him his lo e for God is
Great chat both.
Welcome Home to the Catholic Church. Glad to have you.
Some great points raised, I think RSE should have an opt out for parents, with regulation for RSE put in place and transparency for parents. Allowing outside organisations into schools without parental knowledge or consent, also hiding details of lessons, isn't right either.
Sexualising very young children who have no understanding of sex is very destructive, the same with idiotic concepts of white privilege, critical race theory and gender ideology.
Otherwise known as “progressivism” and even more inaccurately as “liberalism”, leftism is a term originating from the French Revolution of 1789, in reference to the political faction that opposed the French (so-called) king. However, the term is currently used in common discourse to describe those criminals who actively support (or at least tacitly condone) a host of OBJECTIVELY-WICKED ideologies and practices that contravene dharma, such as non-monarchical governances and corrupt economic systems (particularly socialism, communism, fascism, and liberal democracies), egalitarianism, feminism, perverse sexuality (especially homosexuality, bestiality, and transvestism), multiculturalism, and the illegitimate abortion of innocent, defenceless, unborn children. Cf. “dharma”.
In the past decade or two, the mass media, especially the motion picture industry and television production companies, has been aggressively promoting all the above CRIMINAL ideologies and practices, helping to expedite the destruction of human civilization. Recently, large corporations have jumped on the leftist bandwagon (so to speak), in order to profit.
As explicated in Chapter 11 of this “A Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, the state of being of any particular human (or any other animal for that matter) is due entirely to his or her genetic sequencing and his or her conditioning. Therefore, the explosion of the leftist/liberal mentality in recent decades, particularly in Western countries, has been caused by poor breeding strategies overtaking the more conservative tradition of mate-selection of previous centuries (and indeed, millennia). In other words, due to the fact that criminal behaviour (especially the deviant sexual acts mentioned above) has become increasingly more tolerated, condoned, and even GLORIFIED in most countries, there has been a proliferation of corrupt genetic codes within the wider human population.
According to genealogists, for (almost) the entire history of humanity, most women have successfully reproduced, whilst a far far smaller percentage of males have bequeathed their genetic sequence to proceeding generations. Due to the gradual phasing-out of polygamous marriages in even the most conservative societies, as well as the eradication of poverty in most every country, more and more men (as well as women) have been producing offspring. Thus, the human genome has rapidly become adulterated by inferior genetic material (that is, DNA from truly pathetic, uxorious beta-males, bisexuals, and even homosexual couples who engage surrogate mothers or sperm donors in order to conceive children - something of a rare occurrence in previous centuries/millennia).
Unsurprisingly, the majority of leftists find it difficult to accept the fact that their criminal mentality is largely inherited (and of course, they are unwilling to acknowledge the blatantly-obvious fact that their ideologies and practices are intrinsically sinful, wicked, evil, and immoral in the first place). It seems the consensus amongst leftist "intellectuals" is that every human mental trait is due entirely to one's environmental conditioning, rather than as a consequence of BOTH one's genetic sequence and one’s conditioning - a fundamentally-flawed assertion that cannot be scientifically-supported.
This term was very reluctantly used in the chapter on feminism. I say “reluctantly” because it is unlikely that the term will perdure for many decades longer. This is simple deductive logic, since, as clearly demonstrated in certain chapters in “F.I.S.H”, human civilization cannot survive with such leftist practices and ideologies in place. If you happen to be reading this Holy Scripture a century or more after its conception, you will probably be residing in a nation (as opposed to a country) ruled by a monarch, following the implosion of post-modern, decadent societies. So, either the term “leftism” will eventually become redundant and obsolete, or else, human civilization will devolve into a decadent, diseased state of existence similar to that of the prehistoric era, when the peoples of the world resided in caves or shacks, subsisting on whatever food can be sourced from the surrounding bushland. I trust that you who are reading these wise words will endeavour to influence your social circles to adhere to right-leaning ideologies, such as monarchical governance, an entirely free-market economy, sexual purity, and all other virtuous principles.
Fear not, for GOD is with you!
P.S. As a general rule, it seems (at least anecdotally) that the farther left-leaning is a person, the more physically (and of course, psychologically) UGLY is that person. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to prevent leftists from propagating their mutant genes. 🤡
Excellent Calvin, it was truly shocking behaviour mocking Calvin
Thank you for pointing out that it is difficult to bring change back to the Truth from within. We often are forced to 'agree to disagree' as a means to silence us and the longer we remain the more and more we find ourselves compromising under the guise of unity and peace. If a church is not able to discuss issues in good faith and demands 'silence' and acquiescence to what they have decided without reference to the whole counsel of God found within the Bible, it is time to leave.
In your own words, define “TRUTH”. ☝️🤔☝️
When a church abandon scripture it stops being a church
Maybe the thing you should do is to start a “Old Church of England” get all of the others that agree with you to join this new church
Bravo! 👏👏👍