High School, went in on Monday and my friend would not speak to me because I ignored her at a new Atlanta attraction Saturday night. Nope, not me. Eventually she believed me. I was kind of amazed.
at work at couple of days ago, I asked a customer if anyone had told him he looked like Bryan Cranston (his "Breaking Bad" character) and apparently it happens all.the.time. They even ask to take photos of him. There's also someone who looks a bit like Mark Hamill, a kid who looks like a young Rick Astley, and if memory serves me, someone who looked like David Tennant not long after I started working there, I was asked if I also worked on the paint desk at a hardware store in the next town, but no (and I've never met anyone else who knows that woman). Does a name doppelganger count? Same name besides the middle one, that people I know, know as well
Fresh Prince Of Bethlehem made me LOL. 😂😂😂
These are great!! Thank you! Sure hope I don't have a doppelganger anywhere --I wouldn't wish that on anyone.😊
Used to have people tell me they saw me in another country that I have never been to....
Handsome Hadrian! Handsome Shogun!
High School, went in on Monday and my friend would not speak to me because I ignored her at a new Atlanta attraction Saturday night. Nope, not me. Eventually she believed me. I was kind of amazed.
Several of them are not really Doppelgängers, they just share the same hairdo/beard/glasses.
great video
at work at couple of days ago, I asked a customer if anyone had told him he looked like Bryan Cranston (his "Breaking Bad" character) and apparently it happens all.the.time. They even ask to take photos of him. There's also someone who looks a bit like Mark Hamill, a kid who looks like a young Rick Astley, and if memory serves me, someone who looked like David Tennant
not long after I started working there, I was asked if I also worked on the paint desk at a hardware store in the next town, but no (and I've never met anyone else who knows that woman). Does a name doppelganger count? Same name besides the middle one, that people I know, know as well
The guy who has his "own" ken figure 😂😊
@ 1:00 *Yes* indeed he does. lol.... I haven't found my doppelganger as yet. Maybe I haven't been looking? O.O Oh no! What if I'm unique? :D
The fascinating thing for me is most of them had the same hair styles .
Been told a few times that l look like another woman from an agency in different places i worked in
The lookalike on the wall in liverpool is Jürgen Klopp!
Reincarnated ?