  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024


  • @stephenmason5682
    @stephenmason5682 13 днів тому

    Why does it matter so much what others think or follow? Why cant they just be happy in themselves?

    • @Jesus-Yeshua-saves
      @Jesus-Yeshua-saves 13 днів тому

      Nobody cares about your life my brother you don't want to believe in God then let peoples that believe in God alone. It should not bother you this much.

    • @Slaw6602
      @Slaw6602 13 днів тому

      It looks like it does matter if so many people are willing to debate.
      People are searching for truth

    • @stephenmason5682
      @stephenmason5682 13 днів тому

      @@Slaw6602 That's why I'm asking? WHY does it matter?

    • @stephenmason5682
      @stephenmason5682 13 днів тому

      @@Jesus-Yeshua-saves I agree, but I'm curious as to why, if some people believe why not just get on with believing?

    • @Jesus-Yeshua-saves
      @Jesus-Yeshua-saves 13 днів тому

      @@stephenmason5682 You've been taught there is no God or that you cannot know the truth and that's a lie simple. There is a God and there is a truth .

  • @Team-Jesus
    @Team-Jesus 13 днів тому +1

    Matthew 14:27 found in the Aramaic Bible? I am the living God!

    • @thebrokencross9912
      @thebrokencross9912 11 днів тому

      I have to send this to you coz the owner of the channel always deleted my comments.
      In QS 20:14 Allah says ""Verily, I am Allah: There is no god but I: So serve thou Me (only), and establish regular prayer for celebrating My praise."
      In the Bible Christians can only prove Jesus says he is God from John 10:30 " I and My Father are One" .
      That statementt made the holy ghost so angry for not counting him in and Jesus got crucified as punishment for lying and not for salvation..

    • @thebrokencross9912
      @thebrokencross9912 11 днів тому

      Ha ! ha.... there is not vesre in the Bible the Father says Jesus is God coz in the Isiah 42:8 God Himself says "I am the Lord; that is My name. And My glory will I not give to another, neither My praise to graven images". So, this Fake Ex-Muslim telling lie on his own Bible.

    • @thebrokencross9912
      @thebrokencross9912 11 днів тому

      God had sent Abraham, David..Jacob..Moses before and why he had to come down to represent mankind inside Jesus Body.
      It proved theat the Biblical God is never Almighty as he cannot manage and control his own creation till he need to pay his blood and life and being humiliated.

    • @thebrokencross9912
      @thebrokencross9912 11 днів тому

      In the Quran Allah sent a soul into Mary womb thru his Faraj to prove Allah is Almighty that can create human being from a woman without man's sperm.
      In the Bible, God sent holy ghost to rape underaged girls, Mary to pregnant his son, Jesus, and later to be found Jesus is God himself.
      So, God in the Bible is a Pedophile and committed incest with his own mother for making him possible to enter the World.
      What kind d of Weakest God the christians have to worship?.

  • @Jesus-Yeshua-saves
    @Jesus-Yeshua-saves 13 днів тому

    The christian guy said jesus never taught anywhone to worship him because he was"humble" it's a lie jesus said he will answer prayers read verse 13 and 14 belowJohn 14:12-14 Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 I WILL DO WHATEVER YOU ASK IN MY NAME , so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14IF IN MY NAME YOU ASK ME FOR ANYTHING ,I WILL DO IT.

    • @stephenmason5682
      @stephenmason5682 13 днів тому

      @@Jesus-Yeshua-saves Then quietly get on with your work, and stop looking for brownie points!

    • @Jesus-Yeshua-saves
      @Jesus-Yeshua-saves 13 днів тому

      @@stephenmason5682 if i see peoples lying about jesus i post a verses to prevent peopeles from getting deceived. If you got a problem then we can meet up , i don't like coward sending me this kind of message it's a commen,t section i just send verses to help when it's needed

    • @Jesus-Yeshua-saves
      @Jesus-Yeshua-saves 13 днів тому

      @@stephenmason5682 You got peoples watching thoses videos that get deceived by hearing christians saying jesus never taught peoples to worship him, that's why i comment on thoses channels it's to prevent peoples to get deceived and help new christians.

    • @Jesus-Yeshua-saves
      @Jesus-Yeshua-saves 13 днів тому

      @@stephenmason5682 Nobody cares of advices from trolls brother by he way.

    • @stephenmason5682
      @stephenmason5682 13 днів тому

      @@Jesus-Yeshua-saves sorry, I don't understand your point!

  • @thebrokencross9912
    @thebrokencross9912 11 днів тому

    God had sent Abraham, David..Jacob..Moses before and why he had to come down to represent mankind inside Jesus Body.
    It proved theat the Biblical God is never Almighty as he cannot manage and control his own creation till he need to pay his blood and life and being humiliated.

  • @mrdoomsday6848
    @mrdoomsday6848 13 днів тому

    لا إله إلا يهوه يسوع المسيح ابن يهوه
    YHWH is our Creator and we are his creation
    Yashu Masih is our Holy Father are we are his decibels

    • @thebrokencross9912
      @thebrokencross9912 11 днів тому

      Nobody can answer this question since the 4th century when the Bible was printed.
      This question still holding the world record for "NO answer question" till today is, "Where is in the Bible Jesus says "I am God"?
      So, you can see the christians are trying very hard going back to the church and do baranstorming and choose ambiguous verse to justify but more confusion pop-out

    • @thebrokencross9912
      @thebrokencross9912 11 днів тому

      Jesus, the God humbles to his own creation a.k.a become guarantor or Slave?
      The Muslims is the slaves of God.
      But in Christianity, God is the slave of his own creations.- That god must be crazy.

    • @thebrokencross9912
      @thebrokencross9912 11 днів тому

      Perfect God will came to the world in a perfect and clean mode and not thru human waste tube channel.
      He should come by Parachute or a SuperJet from heaven in a readily adult figure and not as a baby need to be breast feed to grow till 30 years before become God.

    • @thebrokencross9912
      @thebrokencross9912 11 днів тому

      In the Bible God humbles to his own creations and die for his blood for salvation a.k.a free ticket to rode to heaven.
      In Islam, the Muslims must humble to God by following his command and stay away from those forbidden for His mercy in the Day of Judgement.
      Which one is making sense?

  • @thebrokencross9912
    @thebrokencross9912 11 днів тому

    Ha! Ha! It true he is a Fake Ex-Muslim reading the Al-Fatihan missing the third verse and the pronunciation is totally like a talking parrot read poem in German.

  • @thebrokencross9912
    @thebrokencross9912 11 днів тому

    Jesus, the God humbles to his own creation a.k.a become guarantor or Slave?
    The Muslims is the slaves of God.
    But in Christianity, God is the slave of his own creations.- That god must be crazy.

  • @thebrokencross9912
    @thebrokencross9912 11 днів тому

    Perfect God will came to the world in a perfect and clean mode and not thru human waste tube channel.
    He should come by Parachute or a SuperJet from heaven in a readily adult figure and not as a baby need to be breast feed to grow till 30 years before become God.

  • @thebrokencross9912
    @thebrokencross9912 11 днів тому

    In QS 20:14 Allah says ""Verily, I am Allah: There is no god but I: So serve thou Me (only), and establish regular prayer for celebrating My praise."
    In the Bible Christians can only prove Jesus says he is God from John 10:30 " I and My Father are One" .
    That statementt made the holy ghost so angry for not counting him in and Jesus got crucified as punishment for lying and not for salvation..

  • @thebrokencross9912
    @thebrokencross9912 11 днів тому

    Ha ! ha.... there is not vesre in the Bible the Father says Jesus is God coz in the Isiah 42:8 God Himself says "I am the Lord; that is My name. And My glory will I not give to another, neither My praise to graven images". So, this Fake Ex-Muslim telling lie on his own Bible.

  • @thebrokencross9912
    @thebrokencross9912 11 днів тому

    In the Bible God humbles to his own creations and die for his blood for salvation a.k.a free ticket to rode to heaven.
    In Islam, the Muslims must humble to God by following his command and stay away from those forbidden for His mercy in the Day of Judgement.
    Which one is making sense?