things aren't going as planned | Aja Dang | first time homebuyer

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @catharinab8860
    @catharinab8860 Рік тому +688

    Girl, do one thing at the time. Only focus on getting the gutters. Let the house look the way it does now for now. Everything doesn’t have to happen right away.

    • @AlexandraSpinolo
      @AlexandraSpinolo Рік тому +35

      I can’t believe it’s even legal to not have gutters in the US! Get gutters!!! It will help with water issues so much!

    • @NoelPendergrass
      @NoelPendergrass Рік тому +22

      That’s what I’m saying. You knew it didn’t have gutters when you purchased so that (or any structural issues for that matter) should be the top priority

    • @Madison-tf6qf
      @Madison-tf6qf Рік тому +21

      Gutters first and then move onto flooring. Gotta fix the problem first

    • @MadisonFalcoFoods
      @MadisonFalcoFoods Рік тому +10

      Yeah gutters definitely before floors or it will happen again

    • @ST-rj8iu
      @ST-rj8iu Рік тому +4

      Yeah. The gutters seem to be the most important. We had a damaged gutter when I was a kid and it can literally put a hole in the side of your house if you don't get it fixed. Water does serious damage.

  • @biancaterrier3070
    @biancaterrier3070 Рік тому +184

    Hey, Aja. My husband says don’t pull up the floors. You can just replace the part that is rotten. Those hardwood floor can be sanded and refinished. They can last forever
    For the leaking about the door, go to Lowe’s and Home Depot and get some gutters. You can temporarily divert that water until you get the gutters professionally done

    • @SarahMukai
      @SarahMukai Рік тому +3

      I hope she sees this!

    • @taraskinner3847
      @taraskinner3847 Рік тому

      Yes! I had the same issue with water seeping into our hardwood floors. Thankfully we were able to fully dry it out with minimal damage, but my plan was to just replace that area if needed.

    • @thisuniquechica
      @thisuniquechica Рік тому

      Yes, stop the leak, then repair the damage.

    • @loveydovey89
      @loveydovey89 Рік тому

      Yes, those look like nice wood floors that can be restored. Maybe just add a small area of tiling by the doors or patch with new wood if that part is too damaged already!
      Hardwood is expensive. You can just resurface the floors you already have for a brand new floor look. Get them sanded and re-stained. No need to rip them out!!!

  • @Queenb2001
    @Queenb2001 Рік тому +366

    I can feel your anxiety through the screen. As someone saving for their first home, This is eye opening. Sending postive thoughts to you, rough patches don't last forever. This is just a moment in time that you'll get on the other side of.

    • @AjaDang
      @AjaDang  Рік тому +53

      start putting aside money for all these little incidents and furniture!

    • @elisevanassche
      @elisevanassche Рік тому

      One step at a time. You can do it!

  • @YourRav
    @YourRav Рік тому +598

    THIS is what people don’t tell you about home buying. Home buying is so glorified but these are the unexpected costs after buying a house that we often don’t hear of

    • @thisuniquechica
      @thisuniquechica Рік тому +4

      And a lot of sellers never maintained their properties :(

    • @AllTheArtsy
      @AllTheArtsy 10 місяців тому

      home maintenance and renovation costs are literally all people talk about about havving a home lol

  • @bhibbs
    @bhibbs Рік тому +173

    Aja, you’re not alone in your feelings!!!
    My partner and I bought our first home (built in 1939) in a new city last July and the first few months were really tough for me. My anxiety literally kept me up until 3am every night and I felt like I was crying everyday. I started going to a therapist, hoping there was a magic fix to make things better and it didn’t seem to work. There was a point that I made my partner promise that if it kept feeling like this, then we would sell our house at the one year mark and move even if it meant taking a big hit to our finances. It felt terrible feeling so horrible about buying a house, when it feels like it’s this big exciting life moment that everyone celebrates. Slowly, things started to get better and a year in I’m really happy we did it. We haven’t been able to do any of the big projects on the house that we first planned, but small stuff has really made it feel like more of a home. I guess I’m writing to let you know you’re not alone in feeling like this, but also things will get better. And if they don’t, that’s okay too and at least you’ve learned what you don’t want!
    This is probably the most I’ve shared with a complete stranger 😂 But don’t forget your worth and how amazing you are! Even if your house is the priority right now and other things have to take a bit of a pause, look at what you’ve created for yourself and achieved. You and Brian bought a mf’ing house!!!! You’re a boss.

    • @bethallenia
      @bethallenia Рік тому +1

      Thank you for sharing your story and experience ❤

  • @qcspt
    @qcspt Рік тому +145

    Heyo, homeowner here with unsolicited thoughts - I think that diverting the water away from your door is definitely a need to prevent further moisture intrusion but maybe you don't need to replace the floor yet; let it dry out and save up for new floors. Gutters and drainage to divert water away from the house foundation might be a greater need to ensure that the house foundation itself isn't compromised with all of the moisture. You should keep an eye on the area around the door frame as well since it's getting so much moisture and ensure that there's no dry rot developing in that area. Good luck!

    • @Spanishgirl1994
      @Spanishgirl1994 Рік тому +11

      Agreed !! I would prioritize water drainage away from the house. Water problems are no fun

    • @vankhanh1
      @vankhanh1 Рік тому +5

      Yes, THIS. This is the culprit of so many home issues that are often neglected until too late (even though it’s accumulative) if you can do this you can save yourself a lot of distress and money.

    • @HanaHasi
      @HanaHasi Рік тому +2

      Yes, you're going to need more than gutters with that much water intrusion. Grading the ground away fro. The house and putto g in some kind of canopy or awning over the doors and windows that is tied into the waterproofing of the house.

    • @theangriestoftabbies
      @theangriestoftabbies Рік тому +6

      Seriously mold is NO JOKE

    • @taraskinner3847
      @taraskinner3847 Рік тому

      @HanaHasi I think the canopy or awning would be a GREAT idea. Absolutely agree about the grading too. French drain can always be considered if the grading can only be changed so much. I know they can be pricey, but would be much less than dealing with foundation issues. Agree that gutters is just one part of the solution. Dealing with water is unfortunately challenging. 😔

  • @naiapapayatube
    @naiapapayatube Рік тому +75

    From your school loan journey, wedding budget, and now the home, I find it so comforting to be reminded that I am not alone in being overwhelmed going through the motions of these financial decisions. With a house purchase, my emotions have been a roller coaster of one day I’m excited and proud, to the next day I’m freaking out about can me and my family really handle this. I think a saw a comment on your previous video saying the first 2 years are the worse and I have been trying to believe that an embrace the difficulties will simmer eventually. Celebrating the small wins

  • @Dhsu33
    @Dhsu33 Рік тому +80

    Only a minute in and I’m already relating so much! My husband and I bought a house in February and it’s felt like one disaster after the next. I just keep telling myself we are catching up with everything the last owners neglected and that it won’t be like this forever. Hang in there. We got this! ❤

    • @pixie0714
      @pixie0714 Рік тому +6

      I just bought a house this month and said the same thing to myself. The last owners neglected a bunch.

    • @Kenya1984
      @Kenya1984 Рік тому +10

      Nahh just homes in America are built so cheaply. They don’t hire engineers. I’ve owned 2 homes in California an older built 1986 and 2010 built. Both had leakage when it rains. It wasn’t the windows either, but the actual structure. The roof was newly installed along with the rain gutters on the 1986. The newer built was from the structure around the windows, and same thing happened with my neighbors. They replaced their windows and it ain’t it. Sold both homes in California and cashed a home in Finland. Never have any issues with this condo built 1984. Red bricks and concrete, super sturdy, arctic windows 6 pane windows, glass balcony, and free geo heating. My first home in Finland, same never had any issues for 3 years of owning it, never had to spent a dime on repairs, just built to last. They do pipe renovations every 50 years to ensure clean water. Everything is engineered, even the bathrooms you cannot renovate your own bathroom, must get an engineer and licensed contractor. Anything wrong you hold them accountable for life.

    • @RF_Andy
      @RF_Andy Рік тому

      Lol it will be like that forever

  • @aohamer
    @aohamer Рік тому +20

    Aja, I promise you'll get through it. I felt the exact same way when my husband and I purchased our 1st home in August 2021. We had over $25k in repairs that were not caught during the inspection, including a sewer line rupture that had our home smelling awful for months. I cried almost every day and I thought we made the biggest mistake of our adult lives. Almost 2 years later our home is a stunning, fresh smelling, safe haven for our future family 💕 It makes me so grateful on days when nothing is broken, the sun is shining, and the grass is cut. The most important thing is your sleep and stress management (good for you for setting up the bed). That will help prevent more incidents spreading into other aspects of your life, like the car crashes. Maintaining a good relationship with my partner was key, too. We were a team and it made me so grateful that I wasn't doing it alone. Keep the joy and the fun. Have game night and a glass of wine with your hubby. You'll look back on these moments and laugh. Now, when one of us stinks up the bathroom, we chuckle because it's nothing compared to having 4 inches of waste in your crawl space 🫠😅 Hang in there, your home will be everything you dreamed and more! 💕

  • @shannonwong655
    @shannonwong655 Рік тому +29

    I feel you Aja. It's hard and no one talks about this. I had so much regret and anxiety after buying my first home because of the renos. I'm a perfectionist and everything was HARD and took TIME and I couldn't control things the way I wanted to. I hope that things will come together with time for you. Just know that nothing is permanent. It feels like a MASSIVE amount of time and money but in the end it's just a home. You can take your time with it, it'll come together. It doesn't need to be perfect NOW it just needs to be shelter and it'll slowly come together.

  • @anonamemiss
    @anonamemiss Рік тому +18

    Hi Aja, my husband and I just bought our new home in November, and just letting you know what you're going through is what all new homeowners go through. I was 28 weeks pregnant when we moved in and we had little help. Within a month, we had a plumbing disaster, got COVID, then immediately we both got Strep. Since it's nearing summer we now have a bug infestation (carpenter ant and wasps) we are dealing with (cause we thought it was romantic to live in the woods 🙄) and the masonry on the back patio is crumbling. Things are still in boxes and bubble wrap. But I'd like to say it gets easier managing these events! just know you are learning your house and you're building a new life all while transitioning out of an old one - it takes time. Just remember that the intention and energy you brought into this endeavor won't be in vain. Everything in time. I find what helps me is saying "this is temporary." It helps me get out of catastrophizing and feeling like there is no end.You'll learn to prioritize what needs to be done. And don't forget your strengths. You're smart, persistent, dedicated, a great planner and problem solver. You have ALL the skills to help you meet this new era of your life. Sending hugs!

    • @zingara76
      @zingara76 Рік тому

      Lol, same here. Our home is in the woods, We been dealing with all this annoying “neighbors” that a raccoon family that lived underneath the house. All this type of animals that will show up uninvited. Also, a mama bear that will come with all her cubs and get any trash out. Gardening $ composting 👩‍🌾 outside is also almost impossible. Another thing is the trees, you always have to make sure they’ll not come down and destroyed your property. However we still love living up here, but there’s lots of stuff that lots of people don’t understand about living in the woods.

  • @sierralaibarnett
    @sierralaibarnett Рік тому +21

    You got this girl. I was 19 when I bought my first home. I was still in college and I was renovating a property for the first time. I was so so so broke so I was renovating it all with my father's help (go dad!). I ate my meals, did my homework and watched movies on the floor for MONTHS. It's rough, but realizing that the home is YOURS is powerful. It's yours in every way.... And yes, NOTHING goes to plan. "Doing everything and getting nothing done"... You are not alone in that feeling. Take breaths, be grateful for a good partner (and doggies) and a roof and keep on rolling with it. It will all settle in time. Keep breathing...You got this...

    • @notanotherseahorse8369
      @notanotherseahorse8369 Рік тому +2

      if you stop paying your property tax, your big daddy government takes it away. It is never truly "yours" theres always string attached to it.

    • @mrsmimi22
      @mrsmimi22 Рік тому

      @@notanotherseahorse8369 😬🙄

    • @annabethyeung8512
      @annabethyeung8512 Рік тому

      @@notanotherseahorse8369 does that alleviate the stress of property repairs or what’s your point

  • @AccordingtoNicole
    @AccordingtoNicole Рік тому +4

    Hey. So I just found your channel. I just wanted to say that I went through this exact situation a year ago. I (somewhat impulsively) bought a house that wound up costing me far more than I had anticipated. I had a nervous breakdown, regretted it more than I could ever explain and generally felt like I made the biggest and most expensive mistake of my life. Like you, I also had the experience of everything going wrong as soon as I took possession and wound up having to borrow even more money to renovate. I also have a dog named Levi :)
    Shortly after I moved in I was sitting with my friend in a sushi restaurant, choking back tears as I explained the mess I had gotten myself into, and how homesick I was for my old place and my old life. She told me that I would feel better about it over time and that in a year I would have a totally different outlook on it all. I wanted to believe her, but just couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel with this one.
    I told her that if that was the case I would owe her an AYCE sushi dinner, as I would have bet anything that this would always feel like the worst thing I've ever done.
    Well, a year has gone by. I still can't say the whole situations was *worth it* because I don't think any material acquisition is worth the immense anxiety, depression and stress that I put myself through. But I am A LOT happier and more comfortable here now. It took many months, many dollars and a lot of renovating, but it does feel like my home. I think I owe my friend some sushi.
    Sorry for the long winded comment. But I just wanted to let you know that even if it doesn't seem possible, this will get better. There will be a time when you're glad you did it. Just keep swimming.

  • @BriteBlaze
    @BriteBlaze Рік тому +71

    thank you for being so raw and open about that you all are going through. So happy no one was injured in the accidents. sending you positive energy to get through all of these challenges. yall will come out on top!

  • @adashofdomestic1251
    @adashofdomestic1251 Рік тому +8

    You are not alone! We bought our “dream home” and it’s been a nightmare. We have only been here 7 months and have had to put in $65,000 on repairs only to find we had mold in our kitchen and had to remove 1/4 of the kitchen and it’s going to cost another $50,000 to redo the entire kitchen. I have spent alot of time crying over this. It isn’t covered by insurance and wasn’t caught at the inspection. Hang in there! Glad to know I’m not the only one.

    • @currency2266
      @currency2266 Рік тому

      It will get better. It might take some time, but things will be better

  • @mplslove
    @mplslove Рік тому +2

    New things are always rough and absolutely uncomfortable. It shows GROWTH. You got this. This is such a huge adjustment. You will overcome, prevail, and succeed

  • @Ms.MD7
    @Ms.MD7 Рік тому +3

    You're not alone Aja. My hubby and I got a house in 2021 and while we're enjoying trying to be an adult figuring things out, what I found so interesting is that I was so stressed for at least a good 2 years because it was a HUGE mess, lots of costs, just not knowing how to design a place, realizing there needs to be more decluttering when I thought I was done etc. It's not glamorous at all but thankfully I have a supportive spouse that helps me emotionally going through this whirlwind. The best tip I can give is focus pne room/space at a time, esp the most important room for you first. Don't do impulse buys esp big ticketed items unless you know you truly love it. Julie Khuu who's an interior designer and has a UA-cam on here says one said "buy what you love" and that always has stuck with me since. I no longer but anything unless I truly love and need it.

  • @izzit1103
    @izzit1103 Рік тому +5

    Omg as a first time home owner I so relate to this. Crying, regret, happiness...such an emotional roller coaster. You are not alone sister.

  • @nikkir1630
    @nikkir1630 Рік тому +9

    You've got this! Six months from now you'll feel much much better about everything!

    • @AjaDang
      @AjaDang  Рік тому +4

      that's what I'm hoping!

  • @Salty-studios.
    @Salty-studios. Рік тому +2

    You got this girl!!!! Think of it as untangling wires/a tangled necklace…..go slow, patience, one thing at a time.

  • @knkk0020
    @knkk0020 Рік тому +4

    Sending lots of virtual support! The joke of house ownership is that the house owns you more than you ever own it. These feelings are 100% normal. As a military spouse who moves a lot, these feelings are common even when you've made the move a few times.
    While it won't fix the water coming in, getting a dehumidifier will help remove the excess moisture from your home. A good shop vac that can suck water is also key to remove excess moisture from your floor boards. Updating the weather stripping around your doors & windows will also help; that's a small trip to the hardware store that can pay dividends.

  • @corinacamarillo1427
    @corinacamarillo1427 Рік тому +3

    Awwww! Don’t feel like buying your house was a mistake. In life, mistakes are lessons in which we learn and it makes us better and stronger in the end. Homeownership is not always easy, especially in the beginning but I’ve owned my house for 10 years and I’m pretty proud of everything I’ve put into it. Things will get better soon! ❤️

  • @vr00mie87
    @vr00mie87 Рік тому +6

    First few months are definitely the hardest; especially, if those come with costly repairs. I feel for you guys and I promise it will get better! It just takes time which makes it seem much more difficult. The house is super cute and you will eventually have it in a place you love and are proud of. This is all coming from experience. Hang in there!

  • @stephaniecarter2735
    @stephaniecarter2735 Рік тому +3

    Take it slow, you have your whole life to make this your home. I felt very much the same, buying my first home and trying to get everything sorted straight away but then I slowed down and just did a little bit here and there and each year I love it more and more. My grandad always says, do a little, leave a lot ☺️ xx

  • @raealdridge8200
    @raealdridge8200 Рік тому +3

    Thank you for your honesty!!!!! I want to be a homeowner one day, but doing it alone scares me... I don't think ownership is ever a mistake, but I do think it changes our priorities. I hope things get better for you and your family 🌻

  • @tenki-no-ko
    @tenki-no-ko Рік тому +1

    I wish you the very best. I was also a first time homebuyer and there was no one in my family or friend circle who could give me advice. It was coincidentally during my worst year at work so I was so stressed and full of anxiety. It was hard for me to even complain to my close people because I was one of the few people in my circle that could even afford a house and it really was a blessing and privilege to do so. It felt like such a first word problem to complain about so I kept everything inside. Even though I didn't have much help during the process, I would never wish this level of stress upon people I know so every time I find our someone I know is looking to buy a house, I offer my support if they want it. When I think back at how I survived that experience, it makes me feel proud at myself and anyone else going through first time home buying. I hope you can overcome this all and feel the same way and proud of yourself.

  • @KristynRaeV
    @KristynRaeV Рік тому +2

    You did not make a mistake going on this new adventure of homeownership/moving. Car wrecks suck but I am so glad neither of you were injured!! thank you for being so vulnerable in sharing with us. I wish I could say it isn’t all too relatable - The perpetual anxiety is hard to shake. I swear it’s coincidental but my timeline is so aligned with yours: got engaged July 2021, married September 2022. We bought a house and closed on it 10 days before our wedding. I got in a car wreck while leaving the realtors office after signing our closing papers. Add to that career stress, etc… For me it’s gotten to a point I’m seeing a professional about it. It’s like the universe sees all these good things and wants to throw some 💩 in the mix to see how resilient we can be. Gratitude and a support system [including our pets] helps but don’t be afraid to reach out for more help 💗

  • @Camtoterz
    @Camtoterz Рік тому +2

    I can totally relate to this. We recently move in to our new home (First week of March) and it has been a hard 2 months initial transition. Unpacking, getting everything organized, fixing/installing things that needs to be addressed, buying/installing appliances, buying/arranging furnitures, and these are on top of everything else going on on a day to day basis (kid needs to go to school, fed, daily chores, dogs needs care, etc.)

  • @ilonna9623
    @ilonna9623 Рік тому +1

    When we finelly bought our house we did not move in for a month. It was such a painful experiance, that we just could not look at it. Now 8 years down the line, not everything is done yet- never will ( and I had to accept it), I love my house. Stay strong, you will get there. Just do not put all that pressure on your self to have 'everything covered'❤

  • @mnicangyn
    @mnicangyn Рік тому

    I want to give you a big hug! Please give yourself some grace. You are in a place where you cant do anything well because youre spread too thin. Focus on one thing at a time and celebrate the small wins. I love that you are showing this side and being authentic and vulnerable. It just sucks to hear and not be able to do anything for you. Don't be scared to lean on your community in Houston. Everything is going to be okay!! One. Step. At. A. Time. You got this.

  • @gussta1
    @gussta1 Рік тому +2

    Give it some time, you'll figure it all out. Just tackle one thing at a time...the rain coming in and the breaker tripping should be first. Don't worry about the floors until the water issue is fixed.

  • @nemoneon
    @nemoneon Рік тому

    I like it that your real with your vlog. Everyone try to make their life look so perfect on their vlogs. We just purchase our first townhome and it’s wasn’t easy trying to make the place look’s always one thing after another..hang in there got this.

  • @DogMomStephanie
    @DogMomStephanie Рік тому +1

    You got this! One day at a time. We’re always where we’re meant to be. You guys and the dogs are safe and healthy so all is fine and the house issues will get resolved.

  • @KJx185
    @KJx185 Рік тому +4

    I've always appreciated your transparency with financial struggles and stress. It's possible that buying a home was a mistake or maybe it'll turn out to be one of your greatest decisions - But I think it's too soon to make that assessment anyways. Give it at least six months to iron out the urgent to-do's and build back up your safety net. It'll get better!

  • @stephaniestylianou9129
    @stephaniestylianou9129 Рік тому

    I felt EXACTLY all of this the first year in our new home… sooo much regret, anxiety, the other families “juju”, never could feel like my safe space… after a year of renovating and surprises it finally is a place we love coming home too… birds don’t build a nest in a day… it will take time to feel like YOUR space and a safe space. Lots of surprises in the first year is normal- it’s like starting a relationship. Then you get the hang of it, you know the houses strengths and weaknesses, you find the contractors you trust, and you do one thing at a time. I wish I hadn’t rushed renovating for it to be prettier… I made some decisions now I regret but nothing major, anything is fixable. Your house is a living breathing thing… it’s getting to know you as you are getting to know it. Be curious, don’t judge yourself or the home, and trust that this is a place you will make some amazing memories ❤️

  • @QuyenNHokom
    @QuyenNHokom Рік тому +1

    Hey Aja! Im sorry that you guys got into car accidents but so thankful you both werent injured. I feel like you havent done anything fun for just yourself in long time?! I would love to see you experience that and share w the channel. You're going through bad times and having the one thing to be excited about just for you would help negate this temporary stressful times. If you look too far into the future you will be anxious and if you keep going back to the past you will get depressed.

  • @OrdinaryEverydays
    @OrdinaryEverydays Рік тому +3

    We’re saving for our first house (late house-bloomers due to renting in HCOL cities for 10+ years) and these are all the things I’m worried about but also seems like these are things you can overcome little by little! Thank you for sharing the realities!

  • @emilyt1322
    @emilyt1322 Рік тому +1

    Buyer’s remorse doesn’t mean you made a mistake Aja, you’re just processing. I just bought my 3rd home that needed fully renovated. Even with all of my experience and planning things just went wrong. 😅You are a problem solver so you want to fix everything at once and it’s just not possible (I am the same). My very best piece of advice is the pick one room ONE (we always start with the master bedroom) and finish it completely and quickly. I mean top to bottom paint it, furnish it, window treatments the whole thing so at the end of the day you can go in there shut the door and your eye and you brain can rest. You are going to need a sanctuary from the storm. It seriously helps.

  • @dearnemaree8355
    @dearnemaree8355 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for sharing something so raw. It normalises these emotions. This is completely normal. You will get there. You have done so much and achieved big goals in your life. ❤

  • @jackietugs8700
    @jackietugs8700 Рік тому

    The first few months of moving is always hard. Regardless of how much you prepare for it or think you are ready. Pretty sure it will feel the same with parenthood. These are all chapters of our lives that we go through. The one thing we can do is just keep moving forward. I know by the end of the year you will be much happier and in a better place. And remember, we are always here for you too!! I respect that you are able to take a step back thru this hard time and think of everything you’re grateful for. Girl, you literally bought a house!!! You had the money in your savings. You are doing it! Keep slaying!!

  • @Ingrid.braun-ricks
    @Ingrid.braun-ricks Рік тому

    Oh aja! I bought my first home at the same time but i promise it gets better! It does knock you down a bit though realizing the cost of repairs or renovations but you just have to adjust your timeline and kind of go back to the bare bones! Im on fb marketplace every dang day because to fill my home with furniture my budget is so so small to make sure i have enough for those big repairs. Just know it gets better and sometimes bad days compound on each other but you always get through it!!

  • @elliekirk7219
    @elliekirk7219 Рік тому

    My husband and I bought a house in 2021 and had serious buyers remorse even though we loved the property and knew the house needed work. We redid our floors as well..and our electric box and furnace within a short time frame. Things will get better and you’ll catch a groove and get to know your house. Lean on your hubs and take a step back and let it ride!! I had a hard time sleeping once we moved in and totally can relate to the break in routine yucky feeling but soak in your accomplishment even in the chaos..Congratulations on your home❤️❤️ love your videos

  • @chelseacohen3465
    @chelseacohen3465 Рік тому

    Aja, I feel you so much in this video. My husband and I are one year into home ownership and I felt just like you are feeling initially. Plus at that time we were still saving for a wedding so I was majorly overwhelmed. (We joke that we’re only allowed one major life event per year going forward because it was TOO much.) A year in, what I have learned is to give ourselves grace since this is all new, prioritize the most important repairs (in your case gutters, our case roof), and the most important in terms of our happiness - start with small steps to make things feel homier. For instance, last year we suffered through mosquitoes in the house all summer because of the back door being open so often for our dog. Thought we would just have to endure until we could get a screen door with a doggy door. Then our friend told us about bug doors that are just like magnetic screens you can put on the door. Was literally at $15 fix for so much more comfort. Proud of you for not waiting to get the Ikea bed frame. It will start to feel like home with time. Small steps. You got this!

  • @ExquiziteFlower
    @ExquiziteFlower Рік тому +1

    Sending and hoping for good vibes to you! And no, you moving across country to a new state is not a mistake. You can live anywhere in the world, and still have doubts, insecurities and etc. It really takes a lot of self-reflection and intentional healing and progress to work on yourself. As an introvert myself, moving across multiple states to completely start a new life is hard work. It really takes a toll on you mentally and emotionally. I am so proud of you to have the courage to speak about that here on yt, because not a lot of people show and talk about such things. I know that life is so hard for you both right now, and I hope better things will come. I hope that after all of this, you two will come out stronger. Homeownership is hard work. And a reminder: it's better to take care of your home vs neglect your home and watch it fall apart. So props to the both of you for putting in effort!

  • @marieobligacion8226
    @marieobligacion8226 Рік тому

    I’m sorry that this is happening to your family. It’s so hard when things happen all at once and it feels like an endless downhill. Sometimes things fall apart and they get better. Its not that it wasn’t the right move, but things happen when you take risks such as a big purchase. Even though it’s hard try to take breaks from your stressors, like for now the home is not exactly the most relaxing place, maybe try taking the dogs at the park, new restaurant, or go to a workout class or go to a cafe and work. You got this! We are rooting for you and all the new homeowners going through this!

  • @XancelZino
    @XancelZino Рік тому

    I recently just moved out of state of California where I was born and raised. I’m am struggling really bad with anxiety my heart hurts, I’m shaky, and I’m constantly scared. I feel like I made a mistake everyday I’m trying my hardest to stay calm. I feel everything you are feeling right now. You are not alone.❤

  • @alexandreama7393
    @alexandreama7393 Рік тому

    I recently just bought my first place too and let me tell you it has been absolutely hell but believe me girl it is all going to be worth it in the end. It’s challenging at the moment especially because of the things you are hit with financially that no one really talks about with home buying but trust that it’s all going to be okay! This is yours to build and trust that you will learn to love the home you worked so hard to make! You are not alone.

  • @hayleae.450
    @hayleae.450 Рік тому +1

    Girl, yes. This video made me so reminiscent of our first home. We had very similar house issues and then some you’ve described. It’s tough, but every project, hardship, and task you complete you are gaining experience that you will keep with you forever. ❤

  • @krnphan
    @krnphan Рік тому

    I am so sorry to hear you’re waking up sad and feeling regret. I hope talking to us is helping you process and heal a little bit. I just want to thank you for capturing and sharing this. In the media all we see are people buying homes as a something we all have to do and while it is a big accomplishment it somehow makes the renters feel bad… and even people in my social network don’t talk about how difficult it is, just that it is difficult.. and even then they say it like only homeowners understand life struggle. I just think life is hard and we need to just support each other

  • @Deanna0456
    @Deanna0456 Рік тому

    You can do hard things Aja. You can do this. Step back breathe and don’t be afraid to divert from the plan. You’re not a failure if you divert from the plan. You are a winner. Get those gutters fixed though water damage is no joke. The rest can wait. You’ve got this girl!!! Sometimes our dreams don’t show up perfectly packaged but it’s still a blessing. We believe in you lady!!!!

  • @mahamedabdi4616
    @mahamedabdi4616 Рік тому

    You are a great human being and I have enjoyed your content for a long time. Please take care of yourself AND it was a good thing you did, as you bought the house for the right reasons. Hindsight is 10/10 but no one could see it coming.
    My main point is this: you will be in a much better situation in 3-5 years. Keep up the good work and be kind toward yourself!

  • @lisat8383
    @lisat8383 Рік тому

    I feel you Aja. There were so many life lessons I learnt when we bought our house and financially it was so much more than just house/furniture. We’ve lived here for two years now, it does get better! You will find a routine, you will slowly make that house into a home for you and your family and you will be able to budget for house maintenance in the future which will make it a lot easier. Sending love from Australia ❤

  • @heatherbrown4726
    @heatherbrown4726 Рік тому

    Thank you for sharing the real raw emotions of owning a home. I bought a complete fixer upper and only after 8 years of hard work am I happy and proud to show off my home and feel at ease. It still needs work, but one day at a time

  • @meganlovesjonas7
    @meganlovesjonas7 Рік тому

    I bought a house last year and for the first 6 weeks i truly thought it was the worst mistake ive ever made. Everything was expensive and everything seemed important. Our ac went out. floors had to be done. garage door has to be installed. it was so much and felt like it was never ending but now i can say its such a blessing. i love my house now and it just took some growing pains and long therapy sessions lol. The person before you made choices to your home that you cant control now that its in your control you fix the things that are wrong or they didnt take care of and then its your baby. Good luck on your homeowner journey!!

  • @laurengalloway4890
    @laurengalloway4890 Рік тому

    Thank you for sharing this! I bought a place last year and have just had bill after bill after bill to fix urgent things. I’ve felt like such a failure but I’ve had a HUGE flood that went through four floors of the building, a fire in the building and multiple other nightmares. It has really just been a case of trying to ride it out and I’ve definitely been worried about finances. Hang in there, it does get better!

  • @hannahgreenhargreaves9447
    @hannahgreenhargreaves9447 Рік тому +1

    Sending you love and support Aja. You're incredible for being so real with your audience and sharing the struggles of life. Like was said before, try to only think of one task at a time and embrace the chaos/unfinished reality of everything else. Remember yourself and try to get those routines back in the meantime so you're more equipped to tackle the stress. You've got this!!

  • @victoriam.6430
    @victoriam.6430 Рік тому +1

    So sorry you’re both going through so much. Can’t believe you were both in car accidents too! I hope things get better for you soon!

  • @KeenaArtist
    @KeenaArtist Рік тому

    Hi Aja, I have watched you for years and never signed in to comment. I guess today is special...Congratulations on the home. Obviously, no one can tell you how to feel or not to feel your feelings. Becoming a home owner is stressful, however, I would just offer - when multiple things are going wrong, or not according to your plan, slow down. Slow down your mind, slow down your expectations and just move with the process. Prioritize what is the most important thing to do. Give yourself a year or __________ to furnish the home, deal with the things that are coming up without stressing yourself out. Try not to be hard on yourself.

  • @randomsketchings
    @randomsketchings Рік тому

    Hang in there AJA! Transitions can be tough and what you’re feeling is valid, take some time to breath in these new changes. Take a break from worrying about everything, you can do that for yourself cause of all the things on your plate you need to feed you first. Keep up with the affirmations and know that your efforts are not going unnoticed. You’ve come so far and you got this!

  • @stephaniediaz2710
    @stephaniediaz2710 Рік тому

    Don’t underestimate the fact that this place does NOT feel like home. I bawled crying for weeks after moving away even though the condo was OCEANFRONT and perfect in every way! Fast forward and now own a giant fixer upper, every day is a challenge and every feeling you are having is so so normal. Love you and thanks for showing your vulnerable side. You guy have got this! Glad you are ok after your matching his and her car accidents! 😊

  • @ElleMakesIt
    @ElleMakesIt Рік тому

    Hugs! Love your honesty and vulnerability. I felt the same way when I moved states and bought a house. I cried the first 2 months but then things started getting easier, routines started and friends were made. You totally got this and your gratitude at the end was wonderful. Your dogs are a gift and you have done so many amazing things over the years. You got this! Thinking of you and I promise it will get better :)

  • @Kpjulian
    @Kpjulian Рік тому

    The wrecks and everting happening with the house is definitely energy. Clear that and work on 1 thing at a time. Starting with THE most important thing and work your way down. Everything is going to work out. It always does. It literally always does

  • @mylittlesliceolife
    @mylittlesliceolife Рік тому +1

    We love you Aja 😊 Remember to give yourself and the situation plenty of grace as you are learning and adapting to your new life. Allow space for things to flow into your life and take each day as it comes. You’ve got this; we believe in you 😁

  • @duongnt1412
    @duongnt1412 Рік тому

    Oh girl! Homeownership is a big learning curve, homeownership in a whole new city is on another level! Houston in the summer (we're not there yet, this is just pre-heating) is rough on you, both physically to you and your home, but also emotionally. You're doing awesome, curveballs comes all the time (we're on our 2nd home, 3 years in, and still get surprises). Be gentle on yourself and let me know if anything we can help :)

  • @randomizationme
    @randomizationme Рік тому

    Be blessed you have a house! Life is a roller coaster and these are the lows of the roller coaster but as you go through the ride, the highs won't be too far away. Life is full of ups and downs - sometimes it feels like it's because of home ownership but it's a combination of everything in life. You can do this! One step at a time. You will get through this and when you are on the other side, you will be happy to be there. It's not a huge mistake. Also, you are not alone. You have Brian, a home, and your dogs!
    The problems won't magically disappear tomorrow but as days go on, the gutters will be added, the fence will be fixed, and more home improvements will be made. Be strong!

  • @morkmckerr
    @morkmckerr Рік тому +1

    Neem Oil works for mosquitos ....Neem bliss + dish soap + water in a 1 gallon pump sprayer (from lowes/hd) spray it everywhere outside the a bonus works for fungus & bugs on your plants :)

  • @kara.richelle
    @kara.richelle Рік тому

    New viewer and subscriber here! Thank you for being vulnerable and honest! Too many people out here sugar coat the reality of being a homeowner for sure! I honestly think that we all expect things to look and be a certain way and right away, and when it's not, we get upset and depressed which affects the quality of our mental health. Life is not perfect and it will not always look like a Pinterest board or an aesthetic Instagram feed. Things happen all the time, especially with houses and cars! I've learned the hard way throughout the years that it's important to not let normal inconveniences or normal obstacles to deter us away from our main goal and living a happy life. I know it's easy to feel like things are only happening to you, but that is far from the truth! We all go through seasons of our lives that bring different things upon us. When times get tough, we have to stay strong and rise up each day. I love the brick accent wall by the way! ❤

  • @Nana-oz5rm
    @Nana-oz5rm Рік тому

    Give yourself grace. Settling into a new home is a process. Don’t pressure yourself to have everything done at once. Best wishes!

  • @zairaviviana
    @zairaviviana Рік тому +1

    the bigger the struggle the bigger the blessing. you got this🙏🏻❤️

  • @catkernel
    @catkernel Рік тому +3

    This brings back sssoooo many memories when we first bought our house 5 years ago in LA. the first 3 months felt like a money sinkhole with all the repairs we needed to do. But thankfully, we had enough saved up to cover the extra expenses. And we had UA-cam to learn how to do things ourselves. 😂 Hang in there! Take it slow. It gets better over the years.

  • @phiakate5921
    @phiakate5921 Рік тому

    Completely agree, owning a house is a constant track of what to fix next.

  • @fresca133
    @fresca133 Рік тому +1

    Im so sorry Aja. My husband and I brought a 1980's home, which the previous owners did not update at all. There are constant things that we are fixing and updating. Thankfully we don't have any pressing issues like your water damage. However, we only put down 3% and save the rest of our money because we planned on renovating/ fixing things that the previous owners neglected. You taught me to have an emergency fund and I am eternally grateful because we were not pressed when it was time for our repairs. Sending you lots of love. It will all work out.
    Also, look into getting Home Warranty for the first 3 years in case stuff like this happens again.

  • @heartgp2391
    @heartgp2391 Рік тому

    You are not alone! My god we experienced the exact same thing at our first home the rain leaks on windows, having no routine, no furnitures etc. But we got them fixed overtime. What I can suggest is concentrate on one thing first. The most important one. Which is the gutters and a window roofing/canopy. Then move to the next one.
    Hang in there! It'll get better!

  • @guylianseashore
    @guylianseashore Рік тому +1

    Girl I feel this so hard! Within the first few months of buying a home we were stung with 5k in electrical repairs, then a sewage pipe blockage, and a roof leak 🥲 I didn’t know home ownership could also be so expensive

  • @ashleebussell6949
    @ashleebussell6949 Рік тому

    I can completely relate. We bought our house a year ago today and was very overwhelmed the first few months when we moved it. There are a bunch of things that pop up with homeownership but all you can do is breathe and take it at a time.
    Sending all the love ❤

  • @bringitdanielle
    @bringitdanielle Рік тому

    Hey sis. Thank you for sharing. I bought my first in Nov 2019. Everything you are feeling is valid. I went through the same feelings and thoughts as you did. Stay positive, reach out for support, and take time to decompress. It’ll get better

  • @karenchu9478
    @karenchu9478 Рік тому

    Hey Aja, I know exactly how you feel. I just closed on my house here in Houston as well 2 months ago and have been in ongoing stress with that, work, and my personal life. It is hard for the first year is what I’ve been told, don’t give up and take it day by day. Rooting for you

  • @isabellakoch5564
    @isabellakoch5564 Рік тому

    Outside of all the house stuff don't forget to give yourself tons of grace because you've moved to a new place!! It takes about a year to feel anything close to settled. I moved from NC to Rochester NY and the first few months were in the winter and freezing and I didn't know anyone or where to go so I just sat in my house (also no furniture) and was depressed. Now I am 1 1/2 years in and it's so much better!!!

  • @alcnwonderlnd
    @alcnwonderlnd Рік тому

    I’m sorry you’re having a rough time and for the car accidents, Houston roads are no joke. Driving is chaos here! But the city has a lot to offer, and it sounds like you have support here which is great ❤ I know things will get better 😊

  • @cheyenne7982
    @cheyenne7982 Рік тому +1

    Totally understand this. We've lived in our home for 4 years and the anger of having to fix things comes and goes. Some days I love our house and can't imagine living somewhere else, and other days I just wish it would burn down. It's been better as of lately since we've been able to pay people to fix things.

  • @veritystothard1664
    @veritystothard1664 Рік тому

    The stress of being a new homeowner is REAL. Our home is a new build, and we moved in the same weekend as our neighbours who live in the attached villa behind us. It turned out that though we'd tested the water and drains, when you suddenly have 5 people showering, washing clothes etc, you'll soon realise there's a problem. I woke up the day after closing to our garage completely flooded. The drain system was full of construction scraps, and as their house was higher, it was all spilling out of the drain in our garage I was so stressed I didn't even cry, and I am a crier.
    But let me tell you Aja, 2 years later we have our furniture and appliances, our home is comfortable and loved, we just painted our bedroom and hung some curtains, and I love it so much. It is such a blessing to have a home, but it can take time for it to feel that way xx

  • @sailormoon8855
    @sailormoon8855 Рік тому

    I get it. Home buying/selling isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be but everyone is in a different situation. You’re not alone! Hugs 🤗

  • @NottyGurlStyle
    @NottyGurlStyle Рік тому

    This how I was feeling last week.. we didn’t even make a year yet and we got the old fence replaced with no issues…now I had wanted to check the old rotted deck the house had and when the contractor started to remove the old wood it just revealed how poorly constructed the deck was like they were playing Jenna with 2 X 4s. Then the foundation that was hidden that the inspector couldn’t see was falling apart…we had a hole in the basement wall, the pantry is on a slope…the contractor had to support it for us until would could knock it down…
    I was stressed and crying..because something so simple turned into a nightmare…my husband and I are 20k in the hole…just by repair alone..the deck wasn’t even started yet…thank God the contractor who is working on this is helping us out because he sees that it’s our first home and he feels bad…anyone else would have taken our money and left everything..
    This is why I was hell bend on not overpaying for a home people lived in and didn’t upkeep it…you spend more money cleaning up the last owners lack of care to the home…
    But I really did feel like I made a mistake in getting a home..because it really cost us a lot In under a year of being here…definitely something to think about..owning a home has a lot of pros and cons…
    Good luck on your journey as well..I definitely know how you feel trust me…I’m going through it too…

  • @katiekennedy8701
    @katiekennedy8701 Рік тому +15

    I feel like your inspection person didn't do a great job because of all the issues you've been having. That really sucks 😕

    • @AjaDang
      @AjaDang  Рік тому +5

      ya I'm feeling that as well. We did all the "major" things he recommended before moving in but don't remember anything else being mentioned as major issues.

  • @taraskinner3847
    @taraskinner3847 Рік тому

    Oh girl, I feel for you because I had similar issues in my previous house, which was my first house.
    Anytime the rain came at an angle towards the back door, water would seep into the hardwood floors just like yours. I would try my best to prevent it by stuffing in paper towels with trays under them (so wet paper towels weren’t sitting on the floor) and even plastic bags to fill any possible gaps, and used multiple fans to dry everything out. I kind of had a system to encourage the water to flow into the trays I set up. It was so frustrating doing all of this, but the floors ended up being fine and didn’t need to be replaced. I kept redoing the weather stripping and had professionals try to weather proof it too, but still no luck. Anything to keep water completely away would be best. In my situation I would’ve needed a cover of some sort to block the rain since it was coming in at an angle. Our patio was completely uncovered. I considered getting a canopy type thing to set up and enjoy on the patio. Or even a huge patio umbrella. If I could go back and needed something budget-friendly, I would try that for sure at least for the short term.
    Gutters are a wonderful investment. They didn’t fix our door issue since that was caused by the rain angle, but it really helped keep rain from pooling near the house. Thankfully our foundation was fine but the grass couldn’t stay alive in those areas. I wish I got the gutters sooner. We had them added right away when building our new home.
    Things will get better! I agree with the comments about taking it one step at a time and focusing on prevention first before replacing anything. Sounds like the gutters will help a ton and the cost is less overwhelming. Maybe your floor won’t need to be replaced and if anything, maybe just the planks in those areas. Hopefully no mold.
    Hang in there! ❤️ it really does get better. I hated being a homeowner at first, but now I’m much happier. I do invest a lot in preventive maintenance now at my current/second house.

    • @taraskinner3847
      @taraskinner3847 Рік тому

      We moved because we work from home and wanted a dedicated home office and an extra bathroom. Our first home was a great first home, but we went through many challenges and learned SO much. It’s hard for sure.
      I forgot to mention that my first home probably could’ve benefited from French drains to help with the rain drainage as well. French drains, gutters, canopy or awning over the door, and we probably would’ve been good!

  • @aricufl2214
    @aricufl2214 Рік тому

    Hi Aja. Unsure if you’ll read, but I moved to houston from Mexico 5 years ago and it was a struggle. The people are nice, but you do have to get used to the particularities of the city (like pests, flooding, traffic and scalding heat) which left me wondering the same thing initially, but gradually I saw that culturally and economically it’s a great city. Congratulations on the new home! Give it some time. You can do this!

  • @lazowwwbow
    @lazowwwbow Рік тому

    Sending you lots of love! You’re doing amazing and the best with what you have!! Thank you for sharing the struggles. I don’t think it’s a sign of a huge mistake - I think change is just really hard and sometimes when it rains it freaking pours (literally in this case!)!!!
    Maybe hard is sometimes just a new challenge that we haven’t mastered yet. You’re so strong girl. Look at all the things you’ve accomplished and inspired so many of us. You did that, bish!!! You got this!!! We’re here with and for you ❤ Love you, Aja.

  • @MissBellaMe
    @MissBellaMe Рік тому +1

    The universe knew I needed to see this video. I just bought a house, and even though it was completely renovated, I still got it inspected. Everybody thought I was being extra and that the inspection was a waste of money on a newly renovated property, so I didn't get a survey. Exactly one month to the day after I move in, what do I find? That the previous owner installed an AC unit that is about a foot over on my neighbor's property, so I can't put up a fence for my dogs, and it's going to cost $2000 to move. Had I got the survey, it would have caught this issue and I could have made the seller give me a concession. I've been depressed for 2 days about it. I hate it here. :(

  • @jessicadavis2744
    @jessicadavis2744 Рік тому +1

    It’s a great investment and don’t stress about getting everything done at once. Focus on one room at a time. Front water leak area takes priority and then look up handyman in your area. Ask your neighbors if they have anyone they use- that can help save you money and stress to fix little hiccups that pop up like your gate situation. You got this!!!!

  • @xiaoandbao
    @xiaoandbao Рік тому

    Speak kinder words. Nothing is hard. Positivity is contagious.

  • @PatrickEspanto
    @PatrickEspanto Рік тому

    I can totally relate to this. Hang in there! It will take time to overcome the challenges but you will start to see what you created on you own is your HOME.
    I to had lots of anxiety from the start of the home buying process to couple of years living in the home, then it started to ease. What helps eases it is once in a while I’ll check how much the property value increases. I’ll remind myself I made a smart investment.

  • @NoraTKD
    @NoraTKD Рік тому

    Oh Aja I am so sorry to hear about the troubles😢Pay attention to the signs (double car accident) and pace yourself, you are doing a lot dear but it will all work out just fine!🙏🏻

  • @wo0kie10
    @wo0kie10 Рік тому

    Thank you for sharing your journey and your vulnerability. I'm also a first time single family homeowner and our first year was eye opening. Hang in there, it'll all be worth it once you settle in and things normalize. Sending you love, comfort and strength. I hope your house becomes your home soon enough.

  •  Рік тому

    I live in the Midwest and think the first 12 months are key - you have to figure out how loud your A/C unit gets in the summer when it's right outside your bedroom window... if your sliding door freezes close in the winter... where the rainwater pools, etc., etc.... It's a daunting adventure. But it's a calmer experience on home #2 since I knew a bit more what I was getting into!

  • @moonykmi
    @moonykmi Рік тому

    Hi Aja, I feel your sadness and frustration i. This video. Not sure if you will read this but thought I will send you some of my experience as a homeowner for fifteen years. At first it feels overwhelming (and later too, when there are new issues) but it helps to remember making a house a home takes time. You don’t need to fix all the issues at once. Find solutions that make it better for now while you save to future fixes.
    Make purchases on furniture and some to fix things. We also recently moved to texas and it was hard to find out that it’s not common for homes to have back gutters (🤯) it was a surprise expense that we hadn’t planned or saved for. We had to installed a few but chose to not install all. Slowly we will fix all the issues, for now we just hve to fix what it’s am immediate problem.❤

  • @DivineBella1
    @DivineBella1 Рік тому

    Buying a home and moving is very stressful. When I did it my anxiety was through the roof! But, it does get better and you settle. Take on one project at a time and it will be more manageable. Best of luck

  • @Snowdrop1144
    @Snowdrop1144 Рік тому

    Sending you hugs and prayers, Aja! I hope things turn around for the better soon. Thank you for being real and posting what you have been going through.

  • @alopezzz
    @alopezzz Рік тому

    Thank you for being real. You'll feel better when the emergencies stop. It's only natural to feel all this at the moment. Sending love.

  • @lilaznchick14
    @lilaznchick14 Рік тому

    Sending you the biggest hug, Aja! Not a homeowner myself but my partner is and whewww I saw it being tough ! We are living in the home for about 2 years now and things settled down after about 4-6 months of renovations. I’m glad you have your support system ❤
    As for the mosquitoes, saw a tiktok hack of getting a mosquito dunk , sounds like you can purchase at lowe’s or similar
    You’ll get through this, we are rooting for you! 🎉

  • @abbysarah6011
    @abbysarah6011 Рік тому

    It will all come together Aja!! You got this. Proud of you for reflecting on the things you are grateful for. Keeping you in my thoughts ❤