  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @Arie_Br
    @Arie_Br Місяць тому +1

    hi i had very weird dream tonight i was collecting stories of Jews like diary but there was also theirs understanding of Tora , and the reason was because we will start writing Tora again like in times of David and we needed their stories , very vivid still feel the stories

  • @Arie_Br
    @Arie_Br Місяць тому +1

    Shabbat Shalom Mordehay

  • @kunjimoncm1501
    @kunjimoncm1501 Місяць тому +1

    That's right, but it is not easy , very complicated

      @THEGATESOFMORDEHAY  Місяць тому +1

      Very very complicated but doable and a prerequisite

    • @kunjimoncm1501
      @kunjimoncm1501 Місяць тому

      @@THEGATESOFMORDEHAY I don't know that why God does like this. Anyway this is not good for world. This generation far away from truth. Somebodes doing somethings . But, how long?

      @THEGATESOFMORDEHAY  Місяць тому +1

      @@kunjimoncm1501As long as it takes to humble humanity…

  • @annfrancis6287
    @annfrancis6287 Місяць тому +1

    The Messiah will come to fulfill Daniel 2: 44 on the date already set by Jehovah . That date cannot be altered. Jehovah is not one that obeys the whims of men . If you understand Daniel chapter 2 and the prophecy of the Immense Image you get a good idea of where we are in Jehovah's stream of time and be prepared in advance . But no one can delay or bring forward that day .

      @THEGATESOFMORDEHAY  Місяць тому

      I think so too. Can you post the verse?
      Please subscribe share and like🙏

    @SONOFDAVID-u8i Місяць тому +1

    Im sorry. Young Mordecai. Forgive them. The people love MOSHIACH.
    You must understand. Their kids. I like your face i would t want to mess it up. .. forgive them.

  • @jfmudey
    @jfmudey Місяць тому

    In the End, any that struggle to survive, they throw away all their beliefs and come into Faith with God.
    See, it's your beliefs that are destroying you because they come from the World. Open your eyes and see the One that comes from God. It is there where you find God and become his Child.
    My Father is taking everything away from the wicked. Now the wicked struggle and live in fear. I have neither, because God is my Strength. My Father feeds me, clothes me, and keeps my bank account leveled so that I don't suffer with the World. I AM RICH like a King from God. No, not like a King of the World. I AM RICH with the LOVE of God. I AM his Son, and he is my Father.
    If you haven't put it together, you are all orphans because my Father has rejected you all. Salvation comes to those who reject the World and bend their knees before my Father and ask for Forgiveness. It is there where he Breathes LIFE back into your Spirit and he calls you his Child.
    This is TRUTH. This is TORAH.

      @THEGATESOFMORDEHAY  Місяць тому

      Can you sum it up in one sentence?

    • @jfmudey
      @jfmudey Місяць тому

      @THEGATESOFMORDEHAY A Relationship with God is TORAH.

      @THEGATESOFMORDEHAY  Місяць тому

      @@jfmudeywell. He commanded us to follow His commandments in order to have a relationship with Him

    • @jfmudey
      @jfmudey Місяць тому

      @THEGATESOFMORDEHAY Listen. Water is pure and clean until mud is thrown in it. The Commandments are like water, but you added 603 more. You added mud to the water, and right now, you are all filthy.
      Hold True to the Original Laws of the World given by Moshe and set yourself Free from the Shackles of the World. The Original Laws of the Spirit are embedded in the First 4 Commandments of the First Tablet.

    • @jfmudey
      @jfmudey Місяць тому

      @THEGATESOFMORDEHAY All of you disobey the Commandments because there is no Temple. Without a Temple, you are all enemies to my Father. The Two Sacrafices of Yom Kippur release all from Judgement, but only if the person accepts them. My Father has put the Sins of the Spirit and the Sins of Man on the Two Messiahs. Any who follow in FAITH with them will be Freed from the Judgement that comes against all in Creation.
      Remember, you all wanted a Temple, but my Father didn't. So now you've made your bed and now you have to sleep in it.
      You all made unachievable Laws, so now my Father holds you accountable to them. Trust me. You are all in violation and are Condemned by your laws.

  • @aanii2878
    @aanii2878 Місяць тому +1

    What is יין? 🤔
    The best things in life are free 🤔
    Switch to grape juice for the brachot 😊

      @THEGATESOFMORDEHAY  Місяць тому

      Wine 🍷 is on a higher level for the brachot. You’re correct, both are kosher
      Please subscribe share and like if you haven’t already 🙏

  • @prioritytarget7157
    @prioritytarget7157 Місяць тому

    He's on the Earth during the enforcement of the Noahide Laws.
    Luk 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
    Job 19:25 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
    Job 19:26 And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:
    Job 19:27 Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.
    Luk 18:1 And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;
    Luk 18:2 Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man:
    Luk 18:3 And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary.
    Luk 18:4 And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man;
    Luk 18:5 Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.
    Luk 18:6 And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith.
    Luk 18:7 And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?
    Luk 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
    Act 1:10 And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;
    Act 1:11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

      @THEGATESOFMORDEHAY  Місяць тому

      Can you sum it up?

      @THEGATESOFMORDEHAY  Місяць тому

      Can you sum it up?

    • @prioritytarget7157
      @prioritytarget7157 Місяць тому

      @@THEGATESOFMORDEHAY The Messiah has been born, and is on the Earth.
      He came to realisation during his persecutions under the enforcement of the Noahide Laws.
      He is now raising up an army to war against the forced migration pushers.

      @THEGATESOFMORDEHAY  28 днів тому

      How do you know?

    • @prioritytarget7157
      @prioritytarget7157 28 днів тому

      @@THEGATESOFMORDEHAY Let's just say I had a dream about it.

  • @bertlorenz4252
    @bertlorenz4252 Місяць тому +2

    Messiah ben Joseph comes first

      @THEGATESOFMORDEHAY  Місяць тому +1

      Yes. That’s the plan 🙏

    • @yct5745
      @yct5745 Місяць тому

      Is not Mashiach Ben Yosef the first phase in the life of Mashiach Ben David ?
      The Ben Ish Chai said MBY & MbD is one and the same person.
      The Rambam doesn't mention MBY but only MBD. ​

      @THEGATESOFMORDEHAY  Місяць тому +1

      @@yct5745you’re right about the Rambam. Can you tell me where the Ben Ish Chai says that?
      Please subscribe share and like if you haven’t already 🙏

    • @yct5745
      @yct5745 Місяць тому +1

      @@THEGATESOFMORDEHAY I have subscribed a long time ago 😀 great channel! Keep it up!
      The quote for the Ben Ish Chai comes from his commentary on Talmud Sukkah 52a, where he mentions Megalleh Amukot Vaetchanan 252.
      Both these sources view MBY and MBD in harmony with one person in 2 phases !
      Your thoughts would be appreciated also. If you see from Tanakh till the time before the Zohar there's only one Mashiach.
      Besides only 1 place in the Talmud mentioning the title Mashiach Ben Yosef and the opinion is not accepted hence why the Rambam doesn't mention him, we have only the later Midrashim next to the Zohar that appear to speak of MBY.

      @THEGATESOFMORDEHAY  Місяць тому +1

      @@yct5745Thank you my friend. I will look it up and get back to you. Remind me if I don’t 🙏

  • @jfmudey
    @jfmudey Місяць тому

    Over 8 billion people in the World today. All of you without a Father. There is a reason why Chet is significant. My Father has declared that his Children will no longer suffer in this World, so Chet has been reached, and I AM here to wake up the few that will be my Family for all Eternity.
    LIFE is about having a Relationship with God. This is TORAH. This is TRUTH.

      @THEGATESOFMORDEHAY  Місяць тому

      Torah is truth for sure my friend 💪

    • @jfmudey
      @jfmudey Місяць тому

      @@THEGATESOFMORDEHAY You reject my brother Yeshuah because the Christian claimed him. Remember, he was Judean and came to save the Judeans. Don't let Belial deceive you into believing my brother is nothing. Like Moshe and Elijah, my brother Yeshuah is both, just as I AM both. The only difference is I AM also Noah.

    • @jfmudey
      @jfmudey Місяць тому


    • @jfmudey
      @jfmudey Місяць тому

      My Father declared never to destroy again with the waters of Earth in a manner of flooding. I say that this Time, it will be with Fire and will be led by the Winds like in the Time of Pharaoh. It will be like Sodom times a 1000, and the Earth will split open like an over boiled egg. Andromeda and the Milky Way are kept apart by my brother and are due to collide. When they do collide, a huge Abyss will open and consume all universes. Then my Father will bring forth the New Zion and New Jerusalem. These are Two Kingdoms with Two Kings that only the Children of God will inherit. It is there that my Father will finally walk amongst us.

      @THEGATESOFMORDEHAY  Місяць тому

      @@jfmudeyYour Father said explicitly that even when His Nation Of Yisrael will be in exile among the nations He will never leave them or be disgusted by them nor annul His covenant with them

  • @KingDavidTheOrderOfMelchizedek
    @KingDavidTheOrderOfMelchizedek Місяць тому

    Malki-Tzedek ❤⚡

  • @yodidya
    @yodidya Місяць тому

    כי אנכי ידעתי את־מריך ואת־ערפך הקשה הן בעודני חי עמכם היום ממרים היתם עם־יהוה ואף כי־אחרי מותי
    Listen Moti, read the torah and count the times benei yaaqov rejected elohim, even after the miracles of egypt. You think this generation is different? If you live in USA you obviously dont trust elohim, you trust in uncle Lavan and little brother Esauv. I dont blame you tho, i lived in the kibbutzim. talk about communism at its finest

      @THEGATESOFMORDEHAY  Місяць тому

      At this time uncle Lavan and Esav are nicer than the Erev Rav Kibbutzim 😜🤣
      You’re brave my friend for giving it a try 💪

    • @yodidya
      @yodidya Місяць тому

      @@THEGATESOFMORDEHAY בני ישראל appears 376 times in the torah.
      שלום = 376 = עשו
      the founding fathers went back to the true israel, we dont want a human king to rule over us. our king is the creator.
      בורא את השמים ואת הארץ. back in the day, yale professors needed to know hebrew to work at the university. if you follow the mother, revkah was sister of lavan, leah and rachel daughters of lavan. talk about a "close" family

      @THEGATESOFMORDEHAY  Місяць тому

      @@yodidyadeep secrets going on there…

    • @yodidya
      @yodidya Місяць тому

      @@THEGATESOFMORDEHAY בן רבקה = שטן = משיחא
      יעקב בן רבקה = ישר אל
      who gave yaaqov the name "yisrael"
      חית כף מם הי = בתורה

    • @yodidya
      @yodidya Місяць тому

      @@THEGATESOFMORDEHAY when you say the "mixed multitude" erev rav, its derogatory, racist and very antisemitic. you yourself are worshipping the golden calf and you accuse others. you need more torah akhi moti. אש מים
      אתה יש הערב רב בדמך