Yaw Tog, Stormzy & Kwesi Arthur - Sore (Remix) (Official Video)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @yawtogyt5198
    @yawtogyt5198  3 роки тому +5582

    📌 Where My Gees yeah!!.. Your support has been crazy!! Make God bless you all, please get the audio here.. #Grrrrrrr!! --> music.empi.re/soreremix

  • @MichaelDapaah
    @MichaelDapaah 3 роки тому +12836

    Big up 🙌🏾🇬🇭

  • @kwadwosheldonstudios
    @kwadwosheldonstudios 3 роки тому +4506

    Kwesi Arthur's delivery 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @kwadwosheldonstudios
    @kwadwosheldonstudios 3 роки тому +2561

    Y3 be soreeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  • @xcsupreme9818
    @xcsupreme9818 Рік тому +19

    Kwesi's shit was the realest on this beat. I'll second this comment 7 years later.

  • @user-gj5yy6rk2q
    @user-gj5yy6rk2q 3 роки тому +2289

    Stormzy is basically an A-list celebrity over here in the UK, everyone knows him here. And for him to go back to his home country and show love to the young talents and give them a platform just shows his humbleness and mindset. Nothing but respect to stormzy

    • @DavidJones-xt6dl
      @DavidJones-xt6dl 3 роки тому +17

      Yet he hasn’t got the balls to respond to chip

    • @MrOlaray
      @MrOlaray 3 роки тому +114

      @@DavidJones-xt6dl what reply to that wack diss about his hairline, that's corny. Only little girls & boys talk about that. Chip is overated. When has he ever made a banger.

    • @psz9355
      @psz9355 3 роки тому +25

      @@MrOlaray Did U listen and fully understood Chip's diss track? I think U didn't. Chip is not overrated he is a killer mc and Stormzy can have a banger every week but that does not change a fact that skill wise and lyrically he is far behind Chip. Chip is on another level and in my opinion Stormzy didn't reply because he knows he will not win with Chip. Chip is a monster and Stormzy took an L.

    • @TheRealJesusChrist420
      @TheRealJesusChrist420 3 роки тому +18

      @@MrOlaray is that all you took in from the 3 tunes? Are you 3 years old?

    • @MrOlaray
      @MrOlaray 3 роки тому +30

      @@TheRealJesusChrist420 what did you take from it? I took nothing but over hyped Londoners looking to bring a African king down, just because stormzy is making it big. Chip can talk all is corny diss for ever I don't really care. He should go to Africa or Jamaica & make a banger, that I will respect. Like I said when was the last banger chip made with his corny voice & flow. Overated.

  • @7raceybaby825
    @7raceybaby825 3 роки тому +124

    African boy with the big drip ✊🏾🔥 🇬🇭

    • @beno7695
      @beno7695 3 роки тому


    @DJSPARKVEVOs 2 роки тому +44

    Whoever is reading this may that your talent never waste and so will your helper never rest until he or she finds you

  • @oghensatumah7867
    @oghensatumah7867 3 роки тому +372

    Shoutout to all the Ghanaian drillers. Respect from Nigeria.

  • @youngcaesar7998
    @youngcaesar7998 3 роки тому +68

    Man stormzy is just amazing grew up in uk and never forgot his origins and still came back to promote them one love from Italy 🇮🇹

  • @shamunaabdulrahman9686
    @shamunaabdulrahman9686 3 роки тому +139

    What a coup by Yaw Tog. Stormzy is serious. His humility is inspiring

    • @blackninja6643
      @blackninja6643 3 роки тому

      Humility? He calls himself the King of Grime on every track

    • @Thr33G-s
      @Thr33G-s 3 роки тому


  • @cammy8208
    @cammy8208 3 роки тому +247

    "Slide in middle like Grealish", that line was really slick, the track is fire,

    • @UnapolegeticallyAProblem
      @UnapolegeticallyAProblem 2 роки тому +1

      What does that line even mean? Lol 🙈

    • @TheAustrianPainter87
      @TheAustrianPainter87 2 роки тому +6

      @@UnapolegeticallyAProblem Grealish is a Man City midfielder

    • @loldidyoureally3246
      @loldidyoureally3246 2 роки тому +1

      What is grealish?

    • @loldidyoureally3246
      @loldidyoureally3246 2 роки тому +3

      @@TheAustrianPainter87 well wtf is that too lol

    • @Joot_Doctor
      @Joot_Doctor 2 роки тому +6

      @@TheAustrianPainter87 He was at Villa when this song was made. Was when he was actually performing every match being the main man.

  • @potbelly258
    @potbelly258 3 роки тому +119

    Yaw Tog and Opoku Ware School has set a record for life.

  • @makaamaka
    @makaamaka 3 роки тому +455

    Stormzy it's nice to see you gone to your place of origin and beginning to do such awesome work with the talents there. Its important you make people know you Ghanaian bruh, jus like all them Nigerians proudly repping where they from. Help mk gh great bruh 👊🏼

    • @Thr33G-s
      @Thr33G-s 3 роки тому +2


    • @alexandraayirebi-acquah9571
      @alexandraayirebi-acquah9571 3 роки тому +13

      He's Ghanaian?

    • @mf1457
      @mf1457 3 роки тому +2

      His place of origin is Uk

    • @onpoint.6335
      @onpoint.6335 3 роки тому +24

      We are Africans! Lets forget about the artificial boundaries created by whites to further divide us

    • @eliahtisben4085
      @eliahtisben4085 3 роки тому +4

      @@alexandraayirebi-acquah9571 yp Ghanaian

  • @benkeenan8101
    @benkeenan8101 3 роки тому +478

    Can't lie, I just spent half an hour reading up on Kwame Nkrumah cos he's not someone I'm familiar with and it's fascinating - all because of Stormzy's bar. Never let anyone tell you rap isn't educational!

    • @papakofiassan4525
      @papakofiassan4525 3 роки тому +39

      His vision would have seen all blacks come back to a better African with a great economy for our brothers and sisters in the diaspora.

    • @NderituNduhiu
      @NderituNduhiu 3 роки тому +25

      The first generations of Black presidents and warlords were just too dangerous for Western governments. Kwame Nkrumah, Thomas Sankara, Patrice Lumumba, Dedan Kimathi, Gaddafi, etc

    • @mrsevelync6900
      @mrsevelync6900 3 роки тому +14

      Love this comment!

    • @youngsenex6534
      @youngsenex6534 3 роки тому +6

      @@papakofiassan4525 it could still happen...

    • @MultiMicheal14
      @MultiMicheal14 3 роки тому +1


  • @jesusbcolon
    @jesusbcolon 3 роки тому +212

    “I don’t do beef I do karma”
    I respect that shit right there

  • @FAVVIB3Stv
    @FAVVIB3Stv 3 роки тому +235

    Naija 🇳🇬 loves their brother Ghana 🇬🇭
    Priodt 🤗

    • @frankshamatey2883
      @frankshamatey2883 3 роки тому +10

      Stop that naija don't play Ghanaian music

    • @mrbiggtj
      @mrbiggtj 3 роки тому +10

      One love from Ghana 🇬🇭 my 🇳🇬 brothers

    • @Ekow_Gh
      @Ekow_Gh 3 роки тому +5

      Love back 🇬🇭

    • @planetstrength8798
      @planetstrength8798 3 роки тому +4

      @@frankshamatey2883 you guys are practically the same 🤣🤣

    • @nmg1909
      @nmg1909 3 роки тому +1

      @@frankshamatey2883 How would they play it when you all are full of hate.

  • @nhlanhla_Ngubo
    @nhlanhla_Ngubo 3 роки тому +94

    🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦 respek all the way from South Africa 🇿🇦

  • @Ryantaylorbmx
    @Ryantaylorbmx 3 роки тому +551

    biggggggggggg!!!! Ghana to the world!!!!!

  • @bmerlett1290
    @bmerlett1290 3 роки тому +92

    First African drill song I ever heard.. Straight fire 🔥!!!!!🔥🔥

    • @idkidkykyk
      @idkidkykyk 2 роки тому +5

      Bruh all UK rapers are africans😐

    • @carolinenduta7914
      @carolinenduta7914 2 роки тому +1

      You should listen to more of our music

    • @obornyi2407
      @obornyi2407 2 роки тому +1

      @@carolinenduta7914 any suggestions? listening to tog, flick,black sherif, jay bahd mostly

    • @Master_spooky
      @Master_spooky 2 роки тому +2

      @@idkidkykyk bro u slow not all uk rappers black

    • @dwcLDN
      @dwcLDN Рік тому +1

      @@Master_spooky 90% of them are aswell as american rappers

  • @njper123
    @njper123 3 роки тому +1603

    Yo much respect to stormzy for showing up and going so hard on this track. Stand up guy. No games, just real love

    • @001lightning1
      @001lightning1 3 роки тому +13

      He should respond to Chip though if he’s really the king of Grime.

    • @yayagaya5269
      @yayagaya5269 3 роки тому +21

      @@001lightning1 a rude boy SHUT UP!

    • @Taishaacuity
      @Taishaacuity 3 роки тому +8

      God bless him he did a good job

    • @001lightning1
      @001lightning1 3 роки тому +4

      @@yayagaya5269 He don’t want it with that man!

    • @whyareyouusinglightmode2098
      @whyareyouusinglightmode2098 3 роки тому +2

      Stormyz skin so dark, he looks like a local rapper here

  • @kwadwoappiah1739
    @kwadwoappiah1739 3 роки тому +76

    Stormzy killed his part no lie🤩
    So did Yaw Tog✊🏾🤩🤩

  • @ghchic2568
    @ghchic2568 3 роки тому +170

    Stormzy is such a chill person, I love eveything about him.

    • @anonymousanonymous2319
      @anonymousanonymous2319 3 роки тому +4

      Chill people don't pull up like that 😂 I have respect for him other than that

    • @Thr33G-s
      @Thr33G-s 3 роки тому +1


    • @ghchic2568
      @ghchic2568 3 роки тому +2

      @@anonymousanonymous2319 😐😐😐😐 ookkkayyy

      @AJRAGES22MUCH 3 роки тому

      @@ghchic2568 its true tho lol

    • @igyoutubechannel
      @igyoutubechannel 3 роки тому +3

      Until he slaps you and you feel it😂

  • @legallyblonde5929
    @legallyblonde5929 3 роки тому +96

    “Slide in the middle like grealish” best part ever !!!

  • @liyadances
    @liyadances 3 роки тому +98

    This is bloody HARDDDD can’t even lie!

  • @kingbobbi949
    @kingbobbi949 3 роки тому +67

    Yaw Tog will be the first Ghanaian Artist to reach bout 500k on UA-cam in 24 hours.i can feel its on the way

  • @kevinmensah1058
    @kevinmensah1058 3 роки тому +119

    Who is here before a million views 🇬🇭

  • @stoffkasper
    @stoffkasper 3 роки тому +89

    I love the beat, the vibe and their spirit. Greetz from Berlin, Germany.

  • @snarttv8163
    @snarttv8163 3 роки тому +57

    Sending love to my Ghanaian brothers 🇳🇬🇬🇭

  • @raniascott5593
    @raniascott5593 3 роки тому +60

    Grr KWESI Arthur be too much chaly 💥💥🔥🔥🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭🧢

    • @beno7695
      @beno7695 3 роки тому


  • @afrikan__child
    @afrikan__child 3 роки тому +45

    Ghana 🇬🇭 music to the world 🌍 🌎 🌏 🔥🔥🔥

  • @SouthAh
    @SouthAh 3 роки тому +42

    Zimbabwe approves. This should be played at every African event!

  • @collinseze7749
    @collinseze7749 3 роки тому +68

    U see this Kwesi Arthur of a guy,,he's rapping is on another level keep it up bro 🇳🇬🤗,,we love the whole song 😍💣💣

  • @natty_lee
    @natty_lee 3 роки тому +71

    Those watching outside Ghana
    Let's gather here and chill with it SoRe 🔥

  • @pascalagbemabiese6412
    @pascalagbemabiese6412 3 роки тому +37

    Stormzy fans we are voting here 🔥.

  • @neokoshane4458
    @neokoshane4458 2 роки тому +25

    Much respect all the way from SA🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🤘🤘🤘

  • @nzekwesikenneth3106
    @nzekwesikenneth3106 3 роки тому +263

    Ghana becoming lit everyday with this Afro hip-hop shit.love from 🇳🇬

  • @FrankCalindorf
    @FrankCalindorf 3 роки тому +384

    This music was playing on one of the greatest RADIO in BELGIUM NRJ this morning.. YAW TOG is a superstar⭐⭐⭐

  • @sheriffmohammed8463
    @sheriffmohammed8463 3 роки тому +41

    I pray everyone win his /her silent battles....soreeee 🔝

  • @Handsome.Liberian.African
    @Handsome.Liberian.African 3 роки тому +3

    Faya faya 🔥🔥🔥 dis Kyan bi anymore beautiful ma Breda and sista blessings for unu abeg oooh!🤩🤩🤩🤲🙏❤️🇱🇷❤️🇬🇭❤️🇱🇷❤️🇬🇭

  • @williambaffoegyan7075
    @williambaffoegyan7075 3 роки тому +106

    We hitting over 1 MILLION by Monday. I am a proud Bantama / North boy. One love 🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭

  • @alhenzyemma2957
    @alhenzyemma2957 3 роки тому +48

    Am a Nigerian 🇳🇬 in Qatar 🇶🇦, am feeling the song. Nice 👍

  • @steveruigu130
    @steveruigu130 3 роки тому +69

    This is pure flames.🔥Big Love from Kenya 🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪

  • @tagorsterling1513
    @tagorsterling1513 2 роки тому +65

    Kwesi Arthur verse on repeat all day. It slaps harder than daddy's belt 🔥🔥🔥🥵

  • @_zeemina9487
    @_zeemina9487 3 роки тому +44

    Ghana🇬🇭 to the world😍😍😍..one love from 🇳🇬

  • @issifuhawa7534
    @issifuhawa7534 3 роки тому +55

    I'm proud to be a Ghanaian 🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭

  • @biancaihua5841
    @biancaihua5841 3 роки тому +642

    The fact that Stormzy is so humble and he's having fun makes me happy ❤️❣️😍.

    • @anthonymartial2832
      @anthonymartial2832 3 роки тому +16

      And he went off!!! Fuck.. that's a harrdddd verse..

    • @donathan2933
      @donathan2933 3 роки тому +1

      @@anthonymartial2832 facts

    • @fadil_kz5
      @fadil_kz5 2 роки тому +1

      @@donathan2933 Jégo

    • @soy_sweet99
      @soy_sweet99 Рік тому +1

      This is just my song !!!

    • @Phriffo
      @Phriffo 11 місяців тому

      @@cindyapeah7871Ah, Accra people no Dey hear pidgin ooo. Naija Dey carry Dey first. Always!!🔥🔥🇳🇬🇳🇬🇳🇬

  • @chrispusshake569
    @chrispusshake569 2 роки тому +38

    Respect to Ghanaian rappers🇬🇭🔥....I would also love it if Stormzy reaches our Kenyan rappers🇰🇪 too 🔥

  • @nghifikekandjengo2845
    @nghifikekandjengo2845 3 роки тому +41

    I just discovered Stormzy two days ago, big ups Ghana👊. Respect & Love from 🇳🇦🇳🇦

  • @abdulsegs
    @abdulsegs 3 роки тому +112

    Fire jam 🤯, respect from Nigeria 🇳🇬.

  • @arthxrr0
    @arthxrr0 3 роки тому +30

    Love from South Africa shoutouts to my fellow Ghanaians 🇬🇭❤️

  • @rappacinni7088
    @rappacinni7088 3 місяці тому +42

    Yaw Tog goes in soo hard on this right here! Only reason he is getting more hits is cuz he is just watching that short on my channel explaining how all these rappers out here be blowing up so big💖💖💖

  • @cutetv9135
    @cutetv9135 3 роки тому +852

    My Uk 🇬🇧 people should gather here

  • @djexitkenya881
    @djexitkenya881 3 роки тому +60

    Proudly kenyan🇰🇪

  • @zacheusmimba7279
    @zacheusmimba7279 3 роки тому +325

    Kenya 🇰🇪 we respect OGs from Ghana 🇬🇭

  • @skuterkid...
    @skuterkid... 3 роки тому +43

    This is by far the most fun, high energy drill video I've ever seen. awesome vibes

    • @mxderate
      @mxderate Рік тому +1

      Yeah didn’t expect Stormzy to be on a Drill beat

  • @mrsaynomore338
    @mrsaynomore338 3 роки тому +28

    9ja boy 🇳🇬so in love with kumerica🇬🇭 vibe , with stormzy, it's another level

  • @aantwi66
    @aantwi66 3 роки тому +136

    Respect to our Black kings👑 🇬🇭🇬🇧.This song is everything for us in the diaspora.🇺🇸🇬🇭👑

    • @Thr33G-s
      @Thr33G-s 3 роки тому


  • @sage5503
    @sage5503 3 роки тому +48

    Stormz killed this like crazzzy🔥

  • @BillionPounds-m8e
    @BillionPounds-m8e 11 днів тому +1

    God bless everyone out there ❤

  • @kwadwosheldonstudios
    @kwadwosheldonstudios 3 роки тому +2818


    • @nanatutu777
      @nanatutu777 3 роки тому +15

      Sheldon quick break down

    • @King.Sweetness
      @King.Sweetness 3 роки тому +7

      Waiting for your breakdown

    • @jessejones9413
      @jessejones9413 3 роки тому +7

      Eii Sheldon's dey hear😂🔥🔥🔥💣💣

    • @smilestudio2442
      @smilestudio2442 3 роки тому +6

      make the breakdown no keep oh..................in fact do am now.........duku gang.......

    • @thegoa2328
      @thegoa2328 3 роки тому +4

      Don't come n be laughing saa o

  • @brytsarfo7965
    @brytsarfo7965 3 роки тому +226

    Ghana To The World 🌎🇬🇭
    Kumerican Vibes

    @KAFFMANPRODUCTIONS 3 роки тому +66

    Yaw Tog - 💯
    Stormzy - 💯
    Kwesi Arthur - 💯
    Remix Track - 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯

    • @nanaadjoa1451
      @nanaadjoa1451 3 роки тому

      They killed it🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭💃💕💕

  • @jordangallant8551
    @jordangallant8551 3 роки тому +44

    Watching from British Columbia, Canada🇨🇦 Cant lie this shit go haaard 💪🏼

  • @tdecourte
    @tdecourte 3 роки тому +75

    Stormzy’s flow IS TOOO COLDD!! 😲🥶

  • @davidoposh1787
    @davidoposh1787 3 роки тому +33

    Ghana, much love from K.e 254 🇰🇪🇰🇪

  • @damilolajaji8067
    @damilolajaji8067 3 роки тому +63

    This is heavy, we gotta make this viral in Nigeria, Dope. 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    • @Troy917
      @Troy917 3 роки тому +3


    • @sir_harvey
      @sir_harvey 3 роки тому +2

      You have to 🇬🇭 We one blood

  • @cameronavon1337
    @cameronavon1337 2 роки тому +3

    If other black artists actually connected with their roots like stormzy these African guys would be so much bigger

  • @potbelly258
    @potbelly258 3 роки тому +939

    If you are watching this may you become a humble millionaire.

  • @youngyuppie667
    @youngyuppie667 3 роки тому +406

    The Chorus says " Yɛbɛ Sɔre ehu" means "We gone rise up, it's scary".

  • @legonwifi3477
    @legonwifi3477 3 роки тому +44

    Arrrrttthhhuurrr is soooo gangster he should be doing songs with Asakaa boys🔥🔥🔥

  • @mkoorea
    @mkoorea 3 роки тому +36

    Listening straight outta Kenya 🇰🇪🇰🇪 man this song got bars ✌️🎶🎶

  • @douglasboateng1916
    @douglasboateng1916 3 роки тому +96

    Yaw tog 100%
    Stormzy 100%
    Kwesi 100%
    Sore remix 100

  • @rakghana
    @rakghana 3 роки тому +491

    This is fire 🔥

  • @enocharhin4588
    @enocharhin4588 3 роки тому +63

    Who has been watching this video for like thousand times in a day...🇬🇭🇬🇧 Is a big tin unno.....I think this Yaw Tog guy is a big vision for the world and I'm sure he's gonna win a BET away by all means

    • @Ekua_Assamo
      @Ekua_Assamo 3 роки тому +1


    • @sir_harvey
      @sir_harvey 3 роки тому +2

      Don't say Sure.... He is Bro.... It's Been Forthcoming... Remember the same thing With Kwesi Arthur making the Grind Day Hit, later Sark and Medikal hoped on top... He went to BET.... Now Yaw Tog shook the world with Asaaka Geng and now Same Kwesi and Stormzy is on ..Bro... It's a done deal

  • @tamesagamble-adiamo6541
    @tamesagamble-adiamo6541 Рік тому +2

    🇬🇭African boy with a big drip 💧 did it for me 🧘🏽‍♀️🙏🏽💗🇺🇸🇳🇬

  • @phillyngelephillyngele261
    @phillyngelephillyngele261 3 роки тому +56

    Too proud of u my fellow Africans, lots of love from South Africa 🇿🇦

  • @bill2841
    @bill2841 3 роки тому +106

    That Kwesi Arthur flowwwww..... can’t get enough of it 🔥🔥🔥

  • @theonly6359
    @theonly6359 3 роки тому +65

    Much respect Stormzy for remembering your home 🇬🇭 young talents ❤️❤️🇿🇦🇬🇧

  • @rokchol4964
    @rokchol4964 2 роки тому +10

    Big up mad respect from Minneapolis making all African proud 👏 👏🙌🙏👌💯

  • @lauriemyles2010
    @lauriemyles2010 3 роки тому +278

    Kwesi Authur was truly the finisher! His flow was EVERYTHING!!! 🇬🇭💯🔥

  • @juujee_international
    @juujee_international 3 роки тому +82

    Yaw Tog had the vibe , Stormzy's voice was soothing , and Kwesi Arthur's lines were wow ! Bigups y'all ! Putting Ghana on the map . Be good ! 💖💖💖

  • @moses_ironside3920
    @moses_ironside3920 3 роки тому +84

    Zambia 🇿🇲 approves this banger🙌🏿kumasi to the world 🗺

  • @hexagonoctogon3140
    @hexagonoctogon3140 Рік тому +12

    Wow this is what American drill is supposed to be I'm speechless they are really good they took the drill gangsta component and paired it with flow and are actually saying something 💯💯

  • @wh0s_kayyy
    @wh0s_kayyy 3 роки тому +50


  • @paulhenrydesormes
    @paulhenrydesormes 3 роки тому +206

    Haiti 🇭🇹 approves this remix.

    • @Handsome.Liberian.African
      @Handsome.Liberian.African 3 роки тому +23

      We africans love our cousins in Haiti ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️

      @WIXNGFRMLUVOKC 3 роки тому +3

      Some of y’all Haitians hate y’all own African roots

    • @paulhenrydesormes
      @paulhenrydesormes 3 роки тому +2

      @@WIXNGFRMLUVOKC not me brother.

      @WIXNGFRMLUVOKC 3 роки тому +2

      @@paulhenrydesormes but every time u explain two Haitians that they have African roots then y’all wanna complain after taking y’all dna then some Haitians wanna still say they don’t have African in there roots but u good bru

    • @donathan2933
      @donathan2933 3 роки тому +3

      @@WIXNGFRMLUVOKC aye bruh. Not every Haitian is like that. From what I’ve seen, they’re proud of their African roots

  • @milejbrown3898
    @milejbrown3898 3 роки тому +91

    ride on bruh Africa to the world big up Ghana from Nigeria

  • @earnsumtin3559
    @earnsumtin3559 3 роки тому +50

    Feels good to see hip hop so powerful this starts real connection with our people at home because of division.....just imagine ✊🏿✊🏿💪🏿💪🏿✊🏿

    • @lthompson6081
      @lthompson6081 2 роки тому +1

      Yep!! I love it! Connect with the Motherland

  • @plugboy2375
    @plugboy2375 3 роки тому +511

    Literally 99% won’t see this but if ya do, God Bless You, Stay Safe and Have a wonderful Day 🙏🏽

    • @Thr33G-s
      @Thr33G-s 3 роки тому +1


    • @martinhickey8737
      @martinhickey8737 3 роки тому +3

      Right back at yeh @Plug Boy237 🙏👍🇬🇧

    • @nanapokufrefre4388
      @nanapokufrefre4388 3 роки тому

      Amen. May God bless you too

  • @thelionsbiblevevo
    @thelionsbiblevevo 3 роки тому +31

    The biggest and hottest 🔥🔥🔥 remix in town 2021.

  • @teacherkwadwoofficial6504
    @teacherkwadwoofficial6504 3 роки тому +456

    Beautiful!!! 😍

  • @tokit7216
    @tokit7216 2 роки тому +7

    Spain 🇪🇸 approves this song as a banger

  • @tejankamara2655
    @tejankamara2655 3 роки тому +509

    Shame on all dem big name African artists in the diaspora that are shying from putting on brothers back here at home. Stormzy you've earned my respect forever.

  • @osasusule9189
    @osasusule9189 3 роки тому +327

    I am Nigerian and I felt this in my bone marrows

    • @Blackfrequency7
      @Blackfrequency7 3 роки тому +10

      Then let the blood flow

    • @TriBandah
      @TriBandah 3 роки тому +5

      I sweruu Gad... and the fact they got stormzy on, wooo

  • @AkAAkib698
    @AkAAkib698 3 роки тому +196

    From somalia 🇸🇴 big respect Ghana 🇬🇭

  • @briankiptoo2420
    @briankiptoo2420 3 роки тому +22

    mad respect been playing this song for a whole month everytime i just one get hyped🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @footrs2447
    @footrs2447 3 роки тому +89

    🇵🇹Portugal, Europe /🇬🇼Guine-Bissau, West Africa approve this remix 🙌🏿💥🔥

  • @wahabibrahim2813
    @wahabibrahim2813 3 роки тому +169

    This coming Christmas I will be in Ghana for the first time to see my people.....I love Ghana so much 🇬🇭❤

    • @smartnkansah8414
      @smartnkansah8414 3 роки тому +1

      Wow.. Ghana can't wait to see you.

    • @bellalambert3319
      @bellalambert3319 3 роки тому +4

      We can’t wait too , May God bless Ghana 🇬🇭🙏🏼

    • @kvirgo5207
      @kvirgo5207 3 роки тому +1

      Me too🥰 i can’t wait!!

  • @Womaame_tw3
    @Womaame_tw3 3 роки тому +146

    Let’s gather here if y’all feeling this shiiiiiiiiddd 🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭🇬🇭😝😝🔥

  • @giovanniwalters9000
    @giovanniwalters9000 3 роки тому +12

    Can Hip Hop Just in general acknowledge Stormzy's Verse here as Verse of the year Oh my gawd 💀💀💀