Here for a Win - Herbalife Crit

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • Спорт


  • @jacquiskelly4433
    @jacquiskelly4433 7 місяців тому +1


  • @sk8er7757
    @sk8er7757 7 місяців тому

    Wouldn't have been so aggressive in the start when John Paul disrupted everything. Had you saved a few matches you could have held that lead. Consistently dipping into zone 5 will kill your maximum power output by the end of the race.

    • @newtypecycling
      @newtypecycling  7 місяців тому

      What’s your @ let us pay you for this coaching

    • @sk8er7757
      @sk8er7757 7 місяців тому

      @newtypecycling , just an observation. Wouldn't take my words too seriously.