i know im years late on this reply. but holy shit your comment made me sad. That poor care less lil fucker sure as shit misses Dunn 😢😭 we ALL do! RIP Random H.
I fucking love this story!♥ Just shows you how down to earth he was. Most celebrities/millionaires wouldn't leave their door open in a normal neighborhood, hell most celebrities/millionaires wouldn't live in a normal neighborhood to begin with! Let alone let a kid just run through their house, and find it entertaining. Why do we always have to lose the nice, down to earth people in the world!? RIP Random Hero!
:( i'm actually sad about the loss of dunn. I usually don't give a shit when someone i don't know dies.. I grew up watching him on the CKY videos and jackass. this fucking sucks
This was always my favorite radio bam story and I've listened to every radio bam episode atleast 8-9 times. Fuck alchohal I'm never touching that shit all it does is lead to bad things.
@DSkehan2004 January last year they stopped seeing each other there not devoiced but they said they were on a break and Bams now got a new girl her names Tammy
I always think about these radio bam stories out of nowhere. Always gotta come back and listen to em'.
The Unknown Psycho he just wears a helmet, and he’s got chocolate on his face
The neighbor kid probably missed him when he died :(
If this episode was made in 2009, and he was 8 then, that kid is 19/20 years old now. Would love to see him interviewed.
poor kid prolly misses dunn :(
i know im years late on this reply. but holy shit your comment made me sad. That poor care less lil fucker sure as shit misses Dunn 😢😭 we ALL do! RIP Random H.
@@stacypare7955 Ryan "Random Hero" Dunn will forever live on in our hearts
"Hey Ry!!"
Happy memories listening to these.
I fucking love this story!♥
Just shows you how down to earth he was. Most celebrities/millionaires wouldn't leave their door open in a normal neighborhood, hell most celebrities/millionaires wouldn't live in a normal neighborhood to begin with! Let alone let a kid just run through their house, and find it entertaining.
Why do we always have to lose the nice, down to earth people in the world!?
RIP Random Hero!
wow im pretty new to radio bam, didnt realize dunn could tell storys this well. this was hilarious
RIP Ryan "Random Hero" Dunn.. You still are an inspiration for me.
LMFAO. dunns stories are the best.
I bet this poor kid misses Ryan Dunn
i would give anything if we could find out how this kid is doing now
you can just hear that ryan has the heart on the right place rip random hero
haha "Apparently he can!"
damn i miss dunn. rip
great shit..
RIP Random Hero!
Aparently he can! I've seen him do it!
rip ryan ...
that neighbour kid prob misses him : (
whats the neighbor kid going to do now :(
:( i'm actually sad about the loss of dunn. I usually don't give a shit when someone i don't know dies.. I grew up watching him on the CKY videos and jackass. this fucking sucks
lmfao ghost riding into a car
What ep is this?
@Sparkoda12 when was that?
This was always my favorite radio bam story and I've listened to every radio bam episode atleast 8-9 times. Fuck alchohal I'm never touching that shit all it does is lead to bad things.
Justin D. Did you keep your "promise", anout avoiding the alcohol?
Fuck, four years ago? Shit, im still drinking.
that kid would crack me up lol!
when did missy stop being on radio bam?
Ooooh Dunn ..Why couldn't it have been Ehren?!!?!!!!!!
Background Guy-"rrraderrol"
this littel girl tht i used to live by did tht to me she would just walk in out of NOWHERE lol
@DSkehan2004 January last year they stopped seeing each other there not devoiced but they said they were on a break and Bams now got a new girl her names Tammy
yeah but
@Sparkoda12 ok
Why couldn't it be you...?
@DSkehan2004 since bam and her broke up
@RcUniverseGuy im just saying why would u waste ur valueble time commenting if this is real or fake people like it so who cares