Bang devibul, mau nanya mohon dijawab. Aku punya centu p1, kira² dia worth ngga kalo aku jadiin main dps beast sampe late? Dalam artian bakal skip spatho sama mela(kalo re run banner)
Tooth Fairy is just useless no? No one crit once. Her debuff "confusion" is basically useless. The solid red damages are affiliation, they aren't crits
Tergantung sih, karena cukup ngabisin banyak banget, tetapi buatku yg sekarang udah endgame terutama di CN, apalagi pas ada karakter baru tiap patch pasti langsung di 60 in
The fight favours Shamane over Cent due to the rule allowing characters to get moxie back from using their ults. Coupled this with Shamane's kit revolving around moxie refunds and crit overflow, he ults more than he normally would and the presence of TF makes him hit even harder. Unfortunately Cent is not able to capitalize on these due to her kit not being ult-focused.
Love how launch characters dps is still high enough to SSS Raid Boss.
Tbf the game hasn't been out for a year yet, if launch can't clear the game than there's a big problem
@@maihung5512 Yeah. But when people keep saying that this unit powercreeps that unit making me wanna say this. 😶
@@edea_oblige That is why I said old units can put up a good fight. Powercreep is but not that much.
Yep they were talking shxt about my girl being powercrept
Yeah she is😂, dont you see she dealing less damage than support?
0:00 yeah yeah mhm i perfectly understand
Hm, wonder how the new support will work differently from Shamane.
He focuses more on debuffs, shamane should have more damage.
First challenge everyone should be concerned with is surviving 30 rounds - no easy feat.
Hello, why are you using Druvis there?
No reason whatsoever, druvis can be replaced with others
Hey there, what would be your portrays on your characters?
P1 Druvis
P0 Centurion
P0 Shamane
P0 Tooth Fairy
@@devibul glad to know, thanks for the quick reply. Would you say that shamane was necessary for the sss or would a p5 bkorn work as well?
I think you can replace it with bkorn of course, if you don't have shamane that's fine too
@@devibul awesome, thanks for the answers. Really gave me some clarity on how to spend my pulls
Bang devibul, mau nanya mohon dijawab. Aku punya centu p1, kira² dia worth ngga kalo aku jadiin main dps beast sampe late? Dalam artian bakal skip spatho sama mela(kalo re run banner)
Harusnya aman2 aja, selama itu centu dah di build aja, masih oke kok buat dibawa raid
@@devibul siap bg. Naikin ke r13 sekalian aja atau gk usah bg?
Gak usah lah, R10 cukup
Sayang juga resource, tapi kalau banyak mah gakpapa
Tooth Fairy is just useless no? No one crit once. Her debuff "confusion" is basically useless. The solid red damages are affiliation, they aren't crits
How many portrays on Shamane and Centurion?
P1 Druvis
P0 Centurion
P0 Shamane
P0 Tooth Fairy
Kak, menurutlu worth it buat nge-up level sampe i3 L60?
Tergantung sih, karena cukup ngabisin banyak banget, tetapi buatku yg sekarang udah endgame terutama di CN, apalagi pas ada karakter baru tiap patch pasti langsung di 60 in
Is there any replacement for shamane?
Shamane kena powercreep gk gan
Are they all i3 60 Res10 P0?
P1 Druvis
P0 Centurion
P0 Shamane
P0 Tooth Fairy
Yeah think so, for calculating, testing etc usually theoricrafters use level 60 and R10
Why is shamane clearly out dpsing centurion xd
The fight favours Shamane over Cent due to the rule allowing characters to get moxie back from using their ults. Coupled this with Shamane's kit revolving around moxie refunds and crit overflow, he ults more than he normally would and the presence of TF makes him hit even harder. Unfortunately Cent is not able to capitalize on these due to her kit not being ult-focused.
reso 10 semua kah?
Tentu, untuk Reso 10 semua
Shamane did more dmg than Centurion, wow.