Little girl’s redemption allowed billionaire CEO 15 years later to commit his life to her

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Zzz_bbl
    @Zzz_bbl 2 місяці тому +22

    The boy is also good ❤🎉 child actors are amazing

  • @BlessingPatt-k8s
    @BlessingPatt-k8s Місяць тому +6

    Please I want the full movie... Very interesting ❤

    • @gillove189
      @gillove189 25 днів тому

      Drama title: Shining Days 2013. UA-cam only has 57 of the 80 episodes. I've only located it elsewhere without the English subtitles, which stinks. If you find the 80 episodes with English subtitles, let me know.

  • @reyahgalang1198
    @reyahgalang1198 15 годин тому

    Amazing Movie to much drama i can't stop crying the Kids are awesome acting❤❤❤

  • @aqeelslamang8305
    @aqeelslamang8305 2 місяці тому +42

    drama name: brilliant days / shining days

  • @SundaySharon-un7uu
    @SundaySharon-un7uu 2 місяці тому +54

    The little girl is so good i just don't know how to control the tears and the uncle he's too good i love them both they did very well in their various roles

  • @mayamaya3381
    @mayamaya3381 Місяць тому +4

    The child acting is great

  • @yelitzayepez9222
    @yelitzayepez9222 2 місяці тому +6

    Me gusta mucho❤ porque lloro😢 son buenos actores

  • @watashinooni
    @watashinooni 2 місяці тому +83

    Omg this main character little girl is an amazing actress amzing!!! She got all the actions and subtle body language that gose exactly what a girl would be like in her situations. Absolute amazing❤❤

    • @EmpresaPeniel-AsfaDeAbuf
      @EmpresaPeniel-AsfaDeAbuf 2 місяці тому +3

    • @x_isaka
      @x_isaka 2 місяці тому +2

      She is bai lu lol😂😂😂 she is the best chinese actresss now

    • @pingm5734
      @pingm5734 2 місяці тому


  • @QuinterElizaphan-r3l
    @QuinterElizaphan-r3l 2 місяці тому +32

    Best uncle ever I can't stop crying this kid made the story amazing

    • @christineartilado71
      @christineartilado71 Місяць тому +1

      What is the movie title I want to watch with English sub

  • @marielaleon583
    @marielaleon583 2 місяці тому +8

    Si me saco luchas lágrimas 😢😢😢v💔💔💔

  • @marilouperez155
    @marilouperez155 2 місяці тому +200

    ❤I’m just wondering if these little girl ever win child best actress award damn, she’s so good.she made me cry and made my heart broken 💔 when she trying to promise to her mom and sorry for everything just to wake her mom up 😢she’s superb I hope the critics recognize her acting I hope she will get best child actress award 👏 👏 👏 ❤❤❤ 🙏!

    • @ShahShah-tp3ho
      @ShahShah-tp3ho 2 місяці тому

      ❤❤❤❤ and yes we will let you guys I know you guys know when you are good with you get here please and then I got and then send I will let him know I can get it tomorrow I have a long weekend I will let her know that good at least it is not a long 3

    • @terryem
      @terryem 2 місяці тому +5

      My thought too.. What is her real name and her moms😊

    • @مهاخالد-ب5ش
      @مهاخالد-ب5ش 2 місяці тому +3

      This movie us my situation am dieing inside my heart ask my self mama why dad why but no one to give me answers

    • @WulandariWulan-jp7ld
      @WulandariWulan-jp7ld 2 місяці тому +1


    • @josephineadu3067
      @josephineadu3067 Місяць тому

      Oh hmm I've cried so much that my head is aching badly 😂😂😂

  • @bluesky-jr7fm
    @bluesky-jr7fm 2 місяці тому +2

    Ampun... Aktingnya sangat pro untuk anak seusia xiao fei.
    Gak terasa menetes pula air mata ku ini. 😅😅.

  • @RihanatYusuf-cg1dl
    @RihanatYusuf-cg1dl 2 місяці тому +6

    Title please

  • @amarachiawo8046
    @amarachiawo8046 2 місяці тому +31

    Haaaa I couldn't hold back my tears, this girl I wish to meet u one day chaiiii

  • @Amungwiyati
    @Amungwiyati 2 місяці тому +24

    Akting Xiao fei sangat bgs

  • @nabbzfaddykansii550
    @nabbzfaddykansii550 2 місяці тому +3

    I wish it's English 😢😢😢am tired of reading 😢 though nice movie 🎥🇺🇬 I

  • @antalwyn8738
    @antalwyn8738 2 місяці тому +2

    How old is this drama? Looks like it was made in the late 90's early 2000's?

  • @jenvu-id3ue
    @jenvu-id3ue Місяць тому +3

    What self fish mother. This little girl should win the best drama ever. ❤

  • @asihmurti3904
    @asihmurti3904 27 днів тому +2

    This girl veri smart..

  • @lichen9995
    @lichen9995 2 місяці тому +4


  • @aqeelslamang8305
    @aqeelslamang8305 2 місяці тому +24

    a significant part of this drama is omitted and that's the beginning, from the time when the mother is pregnant... and the reason why the girl's mother doesn't show her much affection. (a whole hour of the drama omitted up until where it starts here with the two kids).

    • @dra0220
      @dra0220 2 місяці тому +1


    • @gillove189
      @gillove189 25 днів тому

      Drama title: Shining Days 2013. UA-cam only has 57 of the 80 episodes. I've only located it elsewhere without the English subtitles, which stinks. If you find the 80 episodes with English subtitles, let me know.

  • @PaulAmanda
    @PaulAmanda 2 місяці тому +15

    I cried my eyes out this girl make me cry a lot 😭😭😭😭

  • @陳美玉-x9x
    @陳美玉-x9x 2 місяці тому +3


  • @chonadoyasan
    @chonadoyasan 2 місяці тому +16

    I really like the story... Tittle pls

    • @ShannonEster
      @ShannonEster 2 місяці тому +3

      Shining Days 2013

    • @gillove189
      @gillove189 25 днів тому

      Drama title: Shining Days 2013. UA-cam only has 57 of the 80 episodes. I've only located it elsewhere without the English subtitles, which stinks. If you find the 80 episodes with English subtitles, let me know.

  • @押山光-r4y
    @押山光-r4y 21 день тому +6


  • @johannarodriguez5568
    @johannarodriguez5568 27 днів тому +2

    Buenas tardes,como se llama esta historia

    • @gillove189
      @gillove189 25 днів тому

      Drama title: Shining Days 2013. UA-cam only has 57 of the 80 episodes. I've only located it elsewhere without the English subtitles, which stinks. If you find the 80 episodes with English subtitles, let me know.

  • @dorenkhnanisho537
    @dorenkhnanisho537 2 місяці тому +33

    its a beautiful story and this girl she's the best actress ever

    • @janetmichaels5331
      @janetmichaels5331 2 місяці тому +5

      I got sucked into watching like 5 episodes of this bec of that little girl. (i didn’t realize there’s 80 episodes of this drama series) anyway, I’ve seen some of her later works when she’s older. But Wendy zhang aka Zhang ZiFeng is really such a good actress.

    • @Orezi_Diamond
      @Orezi_Diamond 2 місяці тому +4

      This child is the best actress, she made me cry like a baby😂😂😂😂😂 the beginning was something else 😂😂😂

    • @dorenkhnanisho537
      @dorenkhnanisho537 2 місяці тому +3

      from beginning when I was watching the show I felt the pain and what she was going through and she makes me crying with her

    • @Orezi_Diamond
      @Orezi_Diamond 2 місяці тому +3

      @@dorenkhnanisho537 same here 😂😂😂

    • @劉玉英-p8z
      @劉玉英-p8z 2 місяці тому +2


  • @陳美玉-x9x
    @陳美玉-x9x 2 місяці тому +3


  • @段念資-z4t
    @段念資-z4t Місяць тому +2


  • @normajaraysa7210
    @normajaraysa7210 2 місяці тому +16

    Title: return of happiness 2015

    • @Meme-l5i
      @Meme-l5i 17 днів тому

      return of happiness 2015

  • @silverlinenkereuwem3374
    @silverlinenkereuwem3374 Місяць тому +2

    I hope this drama have part 2, because it didn't end well🙎🥲

    • @gillove189
      @gillove189 25 днів тому

      Drama title: Shining Days 2013. UA-cam only has 57 of the 80 episodes. I've only located it elsewhere without the English subtitles, which stinks. If you find the 80 episodes with English subtitles, let me know.

  • @EliNuraeni-t3m
    @EliNuraeni-t3m 2 місяці тому +4

    menggantung. tidak ada lanjutannya?

  • @azmerijimmy7181
    @azmerijimmy7181 2 місяці тому +2

    what the movie name plzzzzzzzzz

    @DINAFARAHDILLA 29 днів тому +3

    Amazing.....nice movie❤

    • @gillove189
      @gillove189 25 днів тому

      Drama title: Shining Days 2013. UA-cam only has 57 of the 80 episodes. I've only located it elsewhere without the English subtitles, which stinks. If you find the 80 episodes with English subtitles, let me know.

  • @lala5472
    @lala5472 2 місяці тому +10


  • @陳美玉-x9x
    @陳美玉-x9x 2 місяці тому +11


  • @MohamedmSow-ko1by
    @MohamedmSow-ko1by Місяць тому +14

    Who else crying with me?😭😭😭

    • @yarelisdiaz9868
      @yarelisdiaz9868 23 дні тому

      Yo lloro con Tigo súper actuación parece vida real

  • @CindyElla-s8u
    @CindyElla-s8u 2 місяці тому +6

    It movie is really emotional 😭😭😭😭

    • @gillove189
      @gillove189 25 днів тому

      Drama title: Shining Days 2013. UA-cam only has 57 of the 80 episodes. I've only located it elsewhere without the English subtitles, which stinks. If you find the 80 episodes with English subtitles, let me know.

  • @aqeelslamang8305
    @aqeelslamang8305 2 місяці тому +34

    watch the full playlist in english sub under the name "the bright life".

    • @gerrylayungao
      @gerrylayungao 2 місяці тому +1

      Where to watch?

    • @MontanaCowGirl
      @MontanaCowGirl 2 місяці тому +1

      Thank you❤

    • @gillove189
      @gillove189 25 днів тому

      It's not the full playlist. Drama title: Shining Days 2013. Also called The Bright Life. UA-cam only has 57 of the 80 episodes. I've only located it elsewhere without the English subtitles, which stinks. If you find the 80 episodes with English subtitles, let me know.

  • @محمدالمحمد-ن9ص6ك
    @محمدالمحمد-ن9ص6ك 2 місяці тому +2

    This is so good ✌🏻✌🏻

  • @taniapimenta5265
    @taniapimenta5265 2 місяці тому +12

    Gostei 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 qual é o nome do dorama por favor, gostaria de assistir completo, obrigada!

    • @rosemerealvesdossantos2740
      @rosemerealvesdossantos2740 Місяць тому +3

      Shining Days 2013 com 80 episódios,mas ainda não achei um site que eu possa assistir de graça

    • @zhenfujiang7545
      @zhenfujiang7545 Місяць тому +1


    • @cindycastro643
      @cindycastro643 25 днів тому


    • @cindycastro643
      @cindycastro643 25 днів тому

      ​@@rosemerealvesdossantos2740en ese link

    • @gillove189
      @gillove189 25 днів тому

      Drama title: Shining Days 2013. UA-cam only has 57 of the 80 episodes. I've only located it elsewhere without the English subtitles, which stinks. If you find the 80 episodes with English subtitles, let me know.

  • @GeorgePritchardPritchard
    @GeorgePritchardPritchard 2 місяці тому +2

    This is best movies, I wise English!!❤😂😢

    • @gillove189
      @gillove189 25 днів тому

      Drama title: Shining Days 2013. UA-cam only has 57 of the 80 episodes. I've only located it elsewhere without the English subtitles, which stinks. If you find the 80 episodes with English subtitles, let me know.

  • @AureliaGarciaOsorio
    @AureliaGarciaOsorio 2 місяці тому +9


  • @mariawinniesolis12
    @mariawinniesolis12 2 місяці тому +5

    What's the ending? So vague

  • @GoodLife-cj2bn
    @GoodLife-cj2bn 17 днів тому +1

    That kid cant stay calm. She keep screaming in front of emergency room. I feel so annoyed more than pity her. But her acting was so great and she is so adorable girl. She's going to be a beautiful girl ❤❤😂😂

  • @DamalieNalubwama
    @DamalieNalubwama Місяць тому +3

    ,l want the full movie ❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂

    • @gillove189
      @gillove189 25 днів тому

      Drama title: Shining Days 2013. UA-cam only has 57 of the 80 episodes. I've only located it elsewhere without the English subtitles, which stinks. If you find the 80 episodes with English subtitles, let me know.

  • @cuncun1234
    @cuncun1234 2 місяці тому +2

    Awal Drama ini mengandung bawang😭😭😭😭

  • @FaithMusili-xx1ml
    @FaithMusili-xx1ml Місяць тому +2

    This is so magazine very interesting movie ❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @Naghamka1
      @Naghamka1 Місяць тому +1

      Yes ❤😊

    • @gillove189
      @gillove189 25 днів тому

      Drama title: Shining Days 2013. UA-cam only has 57 of the 80 episodes. I've only located it elsewhere without the English subtitles, which stinks. If you find the 80 episodes with English subtitles, let me know.

  • @LydiaNorada
    @LydiaNorada 10 днів тому

    thank you lord and you saved it Amen 🙌🏽🫶🏽✝️🛐❤️‍🔥😇

  • @anHuang-m1c
    @anHuang-m1c 6 днів тому

    Sy sangat kagum melihat akting ny si xio tdi ...bnr" diniwainny ...Mantap !!!

  • @JNEsco
    @JNEsco Місяць тому +2

    The entire ending is missing. The beginning is confusing because you can tell a lot of the content was cut out. It looked interesting, and I did manage to piece together that the FL's mother is originally distant and negligent because they are not actually related. This is a baby swap story. Apparently the FL's mom had an affair with a married man (I don't know if she realized he was married). The dad maybe did not want to support his mistress and child. In her anger, the mom swapped babies with the wife. The FL grew up poor while her half-sister grew up in luxury. Despite their different backgrounds, the half-sisters grew up as close friends until the wife and husband moved out of the country. The story jumps forward to the time that the step-sister moves back into town and reconnects with the FL. With no ending, we don't know when or how they figure out they are related, that there was a baby swap, or that the FL is the ML's love interest.

  • @ChitVilla2024
    @ChitVilla2024 2 місяці тому +2

    English translation please😊

  • @MayMaySupresencia
    @MayMaySupresencia 2 місяці тому +4

    Next ipesode please ❤❤

  • @LintangDwi-p6p
    @LintangDwi-p6p 2 місяці тому +3

    lanjutannya dong kak❤

    • @gillove189
      @gillove189 25 днів тому

      Drama title: Shining Days 2013. UA-cam only has 57 of the 80 episodes. I've only located it elsewhere without the English subtitles, which stinks. If you find the 80 episodes with English subtitles, let me know.

  • @NagmaAnsari-t7f
    @NagmaAnsari-t7f 2 місяці тому +3

    Yarr isko hindi dubbed me apload karo please 🙏🥺

  • @Dellastar777
    @Dellastar777 2 місяці тому +1

    little girl is the best actress ever..

  • @rosamariagoncalves7475
    @rosamariagoncalves7475 2 місяці тому +4

    A graça salvadora.
    Tema porre😢

  • @min0kichi738
    @min0kichi738 2 місяці тому +2


  • @kimambrocio8459
    @kimambrocio8459 2 місяці тому +3

    tittle please

  • @Van3feb3
    @Van3feb3 2 місяці тому +22

    Beautiful Cute Girl & Beautiful Story & Beautiful Acting ... 🕊️...

    • @Van3feb3
      @Van3feb3 2 місяці тому +6

      ... THANKS & The Most Beautiful Moment is Little Pretty Cute Girl Saved The Boy , Whole Night With Him Telling Him Courageous Stories in Forest ...

    • @Van3feb3
      @Van3feb3 2 місяці тому +2

      ... THANKS To ALL ...

    • @AmusedSeedlings-pe3jh
      @AmusedSeedlings-pe3jh 2 місяці тому +1

      What is the title of the movie

  • @maritzavelazquez9959
    @maritzavelazquez9959 Місяць тому +1

    Traducir a español,es muy buena la serie

  • @GopalTamang-b8u
    @GopalTamang-b8u 23 дні тому +1

    Nice movies

  • @naftaleena8112
    @naftaleena8112 2 місяці тому +2

    The title in English is Shining Days, it's has 80 episodes 😅

  • @mariawohlrabe749
    @mariawohlrabe749 23 дні тому

    what is the name of this drama and what country was it filmed at 🫰

  • @AbbasShar-v9k
    @AbbasShar-v9k Місяць тому +3

    Kon Kon Pakistan se dekh raha he😊

  • @andreareginafariasdemendon4318
    @andreareginafariasdemendon4318 2 місяці тому +10

    Qual o nome desse drama, obrigada.❤❤❤

  • @lanaviviane9773
    @lanaviviane9773 29 днів тому +2

    Chorei muito 😢 ainda nem cheguei no final

    • @gillove189
      @gillove189 25 днів тому

      Drama title: Shining Days 2013. UA-cam only has 57 of the 80 episodes. I've only located it elsewhere without the English subtitles, which stinks. If you find the 80 episodes with English subtitles, let me know.

  • @RachiratouNlaba
    @RachiratouNlaba 18 днів тому +1

    La suite svp merci

  • @juneharrigan4911
    @juneharrigan4911 2 місяці тому +47

    OMG first 1/2 hour and the little girl has me crying long tears with heart hurting for her. 😭and the second half hour was no better. Then we got the next hour and the adult Yu Fei (sp) is no better as she is still the same feisty young lady but only when she is defending others. She doesn't seem to have the fire when anyone is berating her unless it is with the ML. I felt sorry for the mom at first who seemed to be suffering from some type of trauma and then I got mad at her for taking away her daughter's dream. Her idea of protection is to stifle any type of creativity her daughter has and that to me is cruelty. The uncle is a bridge between mother and child in the first half of the drama and loves and supports them bother, but in the second half he seems to be a more troubled character and I worry that he may get his sister or niece or even himself seriously hurt. The ML is the typical driven CEO but he is searching for someone from his past and somehow managed unwittingly managed to meet and have a relationship the best friend of the girl we know he is looking for. For her part the best friend has grown up to be a pretty levelheaded person despite the wealthy upbringing she has enjoyed and the position she will takeover when her grandfather resigns as CEO of a large company. She had developed deep feelings for the ML but he pulled back I hope before anything physical happened between them because that would be really messy. There has to be a part two because it ended on what is one heck of a cliffhanger and I cannot wait to see what happens next. Hopefully there is no more crying because I can't take it! Rollercoaster of emotion and the acting is incredible especially with the young FL and the two grown up besties. Definitely going on the list and will have to rewatch again sooner rather than later.👍

  • @yobinatamang7899
    @yobinatamang7899 Місяць тому +8

    I couldn't stop my tears😢😢😢. Awesome, fantastic and my goodness acting of little girl❤❤❤

  • @edikeple
    @edikeple 2 місяці тому +2

    Full movie 😭

  • @inamalhani1178
    @inamalhani1178 2 місяці тому +1

    Beautiful drama.

  • @bopheap56
    @bopheap56 2 місяці тому

    It's pitty the story is not finished. What is the name of the film?

  • @LintangDwi-p6p
    @LintangDwi-p6p 2 місяці тому +4

    terjemahan ke bahasa Indonesia kak ❤

  • @yenifferfranco3450
    @yenifferfranco3450 26 днів тому +2

    Wow esa niña de verdad me hizo llorar, es una exelente actriz que transmite ❤❤❤ felicidades

  • @Valquiria.J
    @Valquiria.J 2 місяці тому +3

    Alguien Llorando en pleno 05/102024 😭 no fui la única verdad?

  • @RAFEDAlsned
    @RAFEDAlsned 2 місяці тому +15

    أرقى تمثيل وأجمل قصة يستحقون الجائزة الكبرى

    • @RachaBoum-k4j
      @RachaBoum-k4j 2 місяці тому +2

      اسم المسلسل بالعربي

  • @JayaKurnia
    @JayaKurnia 2 місяці тому +5

    Seorang ibu tega pisah dengan anak kandung nya,menukar anak kandung nya dengan anak orang lain,hati tidak pernah mendapatkan kebahagiaan dan ketidak tenangan suatu hukuman dari perbuatan nya😊😊😊😊

  • @MaribelCagua-ke1pg
    @MaribelCagua-ke1pg 2 місяці тому

    드라마 이름이 무엇인가요? 실례합니다.

  • @عبدالقادرعباس-ق3و
    @عبدالقادرعباس-ق3و 2 місяці тому +2

    شنو اسم هذا المسلسل

  • @maryandelo4156
    @maryandelo4156 2 місяці тому

    May I know the title of this movies?

  • @rosalinapadilla8984
    @rosalinapadilla8984 2 місяці тому +18


    • @aqeelslamang8305
      @aqeelslamang8305 2 місяці тому +2

      title: shining days (typing error) / brilliant days. (thanks though for the drama title)

    • @conceicaoamaral3157
      @conceicaoamaral3157 2 місяці тому

      Não achei esse título no UA-cam 😢​@@aqeelslamang8305

    • @felixtamayo2796
      @felixtamayo2796 2 місяці тому +2

      Where to watch

    • @Meme-l5i
      @Meme-l5i 17 днів тому

      ايام رائعة او أيام مشرقة

  • @tiratavai9669
    @tiratavai9669 2 місяці тому +4

    Wat happen to the English script????

  • @loviourallen1797
    @loviourallen1797 2 місяці тому +21

    The beginning made me tear out 😢😢

    • @gillove189
      @gillove189 25 днів тому

      Drama title: Shining Days 2013. UA-cam only has 57 of the 80 episodes. I've only located it elsewhere without the English subtitles, which stinks. If you find the 80 episodes with English subtitles, let me know.

  • @marlelahjumar924
    @marlelahjumar924 2 місяці тому +2

    the little girl make me cry😂

  • @lolav6197
    @lolav6197 2 місяці тому

    What is the name of the leading actress as an adult?

  • @gillove189
    @gillove189 25 днів тому

    Drama title: Shining Days 2013. Also called The Bright Life. UA-cam only has 57 of the 80 episodes. I've only located it elsewhere without the English subtitles, which stinks. If you find the 80 episodes with English subtitles, let me know.

  • @henrilangcao189
    @henrilangcao189 9 днів тому

    Next episode please ❤

  • @sukronmardani167
    @sukronmardani167 2 місяці тому +2

    Good like

  • @marciacristinapereiraalmei3616
    @marciacristinapereiraalmei3616 Місяць тому +1

    Porque eles volocar as legendas em português e depois tirar 😩😩😩😩😩😊

  • @Sirah-77
    @Sirah-77 2 місяці тому

    What is name of drama? There is no ending?

  • @soalathawry
    @soalathawry 10 днів тому

    هذا الفلم بيخلص دموعي 😂💔

    @CLOGGIEUSA 2 місяці тому +4

    that afro wig LOL Again the Chinese drama's need to update their wardrobe budget

  • @HinWingwan
    @HinWingwan 2 місяці тому +7


  • @classerhobi3713
    @classerhobi3713 Місяць тому +2

    Kurang lengkap, film hanya setengah

  • @PrettyLara
    @PrettyLara 2 місяці тому +15

    The beginning is really painful 😢😢😢

    • @gillove189
      @gillove189 25 днів тому

      Drama title: Shining Days 2013. UA-cam only has 57 of the 80 episodes. I've only located it elsewhere without the English subtitles, which stinks. If you find the 80 episodes with English subtitles, let me know.

  • @angieabellano7951
    @angieabellano7951 2 місяці тому +1

    wow I like it

  • @洪仁豐
    @洪仁豐 2 місяці тому +8


    • @christanaujok4319
      @christanaujok4319 2 місяці тому +1

      Ich hab es leider unter diesem Titel nicht gefunden 😢!

    • @christanaujok4319
      @christanaujok4319 2 місяці тому

      Gefunden🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😅.Danke für den Hinweis😊!

  • @rikkuskylahdy2568
    @rikkuskylahdy2568 Місяць тому

    Title of this tv series: Shining Days (2013)

  • @LeonieDreiergligoor
    @LeonieDreiergligoor 2 місяці тому +3

    The bright life