  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ironclad-m3q
    @ironclad-m3q Місяць тому +43

    Friendly reminder, having someone that can heal you from get cut in half doesn't make the injury less serious, just like having epipen doesn't make your allergy less life threatening. be safe out there guys.

    • @KorpNic
      @KorpNic Місяць тому

      I thought her powers were reversing fate or some shit tho 😭🙏

    • @ampleoq
      @ampleoq Місяць тому +5

      @@KorpNic more like "rejecting". She rejects occurences therefore they never happened.

  • @The_BlOb
    @The_BlOb Місяць тому +76

    The fact that Damian remembers Tsubaki when half of us long time Bleach fans don't is crazy 😭

    • @guilhermenovo8967
      @guilhermenovo8967 Місяць тому +6

      I was like "who the hell is tsubaki ?" when he mentioned him lmao

    • @wangchang6082
      @wangchang6082 Місяць тому +13

      Just goes to show how much of an orihime stan he is 😂

    • @thehomiedamian
      @thehomiedamian  Місяць тому +11


  • @justsomeguywithamustache2901
    @justsomeguywithamustache2901 Місяць тому +69

    I only liked ishida's character in the soul society arc after that I didn't care much about him at all, and now I'm starting to like him again, and the fact that he has sasuke's va is wild😂

    • @nikolakrstic8079
      @nikolakrstic8079 Місяць тому +2

      I grew up on Bleach and I love it but I have to say that Kubo dropped the ball with Ishida, Chad and all the characters from the start and Ichigos squad.

    • @evantoobrazy7604
      @evantoobrazy7604 Місяць тому +1

      @@nikolakrstic8079 uryu is the most important character in the arc wym

    • @nikolakrstic8079
      @nikolakrstic8079 Місяць тому

      @@evantoobrazy7604 sure right now but until now what did he do. He was always just there like the rest of them

  • @lamcb.9476
    @lamcb.9476 Місяць тому +14

    Fun fact, Ukitaki is the only captain we’ve never seen his Bankai. Thé voice actor expressed that he felt really left out, having all thé other actors shout BANKAI all dramatic like and how he wished he could shout it as well

    • @tarabletv
      @tarabletv Місяць тому +1

      That's kinda sad 😢

    • @afscrew123
      @afscrew123 Місяць тому +3

      ey if hell verse ever happens, he could be included again :3

    • @guilhermenovo8967
      @guilhermenovo8967 Місяць тому +3

      Well we never saw Zaraki, Shunsui and Aizen's bankais also so he's not all that left out

    • @Riu97jb
      @Riu97jb Місяць тому +3

      @@guilhermenovo8967 I think they're adding Shunsui's

    • @agoodguy2230
      @agoodguy2230 Місяць тому

      @@guilhermenovo8967 We see Kenpachi's and Shunsui's

  • @UnEv3n
    @UnEv3n Місяць тому +30

    Rukia is one of three shinigami, and the only non-captain, who killed an espada in a 1v1.

    • @pepeelghetto1231
      @pepeelghetto1231 Місяць тому

      Didnt Mayuri Byakuya and Kenpachi all kill an espada? 8, 7 and 5 respectively
      Ichigo too by killing Ulquiorra
      Shunsui technically was 1v1 against starrk in the end too, the other people involved earlier didnt really do much

    • @nikolakrstic8079
      @nikolakrstic8079 Місяць тому +6

      @@pepeelghetto1231 he said NON CAPTAIN

    • @franklynjackson7359
      @franklynjackson7359 Місяць тому

      @@pepeelghetto1231 Mayuri only if you consider Nemu a part of his arsenal. Aside from him, Rukia, Kenpachi and Byakuya. Shunsui is debatable, he cheapshotted Starrk in the back when he was fighting others.

    • @pepeelghetto1231
      @pepeelghetto1231 Місяць тому

      @@nikolakrstic8079 Uhmm i think you should learn to read a lil bit. The fellas liking your comment too.
      He said Rukia was one of three shinigami to kill an espada 1v1, AND (As in, aditionally) the only non captain to achieve it.
      Only 2 non-captains defeated an espada 1v1. Ichigo and rukia.
      At least 5 shinigami defeated an espada 1v1. Not just 3.
      Learn to read.

    • @pepeelghetto1231
      @pepeelghetto1231 Місяць тому

      @@franklynjackson7359Even then there's still Ichigo.

  • @WeyardWiz
    @WeyardWiz Місяць тому +34

    0:49 fan favorite...ganju 😂😂
    1:48 the meme of the soldiers and clown 😂
    5:20 according to gol d Roger plan 😂
    6:01 phizer vaccine 💀💀
    12:03 ishida hate counter 😂
    13:32 that ost 👌🔥🔥🔥
    14:09 ep30 was 🔥🔥 the ishida ganju chad orihime fights were anime original
    16:09 the fact ganju made them use their vollstandig is crazy 😂
    18:03 "the way it should be? He's gonna make anime girls real?" 😂
    20:06 "ywach will be defeated in part3 and part4 ichigo will fight orihime as the new soul queen" 😂

  • @adiasa00
    @adiasa00 Місяць тому +10

    2:35 didn't bro already see this in second cour?

  • @wangchang6082
    @wangchang6082 Місяць тому +12

    12:46 nah this is INSANE 😭😭😭

  • @foxyrapper
    @foxyrapper Місяць тому +3

    I was not expecting that jug

  • @aayushsrivastava9520
    @aayushsrivastava9520 Місяць тому +3

    Bro you are for a feast when you see his bankai

  • @AnubisVoid
    @AnubisVoid Місяць тому +7

    This was fun!
    Ah and jokes aside there is more to Uryu's power that likely played a role in why Ichigo got it (We obviously saw Ichigo dodge and easily parry them the whole time so)

  • @skippi99r32
    @skippi99r32 Місяць тому +6

    Mizuiro using a touch screen phone and twitter 3 years before they existed, mfs stronger than yhwach

  • @sharangsharu5079
    @sharangsharu5079 Місяць тому +5

    I never hated uryu or liked him, but i was curious to see what he can do with his sternritter power. Aside from jokes of sasuke naruto situation . I think uryu isida needs to prove how strong he is cuz he is underestimated. There is no talk no jutsu bs here in bleach so lets him prove, hating over ishida is lame cus it doesn't make any difference bro actually joined quencies even though yhwach killed his mother for just to become more powerful. So round 1 ichigo vs ishida, ichigo ended with the hole and really waiting for ichigo vs ishida round 2 . And ichigo 's true bankai

  • @154Mamba
    @154Mamba Місяць тому +2

    9:44 WORD TO HIYORI!

  • @xj4yc3x92
    @xj4yc3x92 Місяць тому +5

    You should put the Fortnite shield sound when you drink your water

  • @nightlydata2181
    @nightlydata2181 Місяць тому +10

    I hate that I agree wit all those predictions😭😭

  • @hyphensmixtape
    @hyphensmixtape Місяць тому

    “they like the 2014 spurs” BROOOOO

  • @walltaco5165
    @walltaco5165 Місяць тому +5

    where are the reactions to my wife turned into an elementary school student

  • @tophfan
    @tophfan Місяць тому

    bro didn't get off his chair when Orihime showed up, 0/10 reaction

  • @Grayson-Winchester
    @Grayson-Winchester Місяць тому +3

    Uryu’s character was rather irrelevant for me throughout the series.
    TYBW is giving him everything in a Quincy focused arc.
    Though I don’t know if his character will live up to its fullest potential at the end of the anime

  • @anonisnoone6125
    @anonisnoone6125 Місяць тому +1

    The Ishida hate is uncalled for.

  • @NeroPiroman
    @NeroPiroman Місяць тому +1

    So we get a video about part 3 of tybw before part 2?

  • @LeoLikesLamb
    @LeoLikesLamb Місяць тому +2

    Im surprised your not milking every single episode for what it's worth since I myself would eat it up 🗣️

  • @pepeelghetto1231
    @pepeelghetto1231 Місяць тому +2

    Uryu is my favorite character, I have no idea why I watch this lmaoo 😅

    • @tarabletv
      @tarabletv Місяць тому +1

      Same, I just think his non-stop hating is funny honestly. It doesn't feel as malicious to me as the hate Ichiruki shippers have for Orihime

  • @tinfoilslacks3750
    @tinfoilslacks3750 Місяць тому +5

    The school kids having a smart phone is wrong. Bleach is set in the 00s, TYBW only takes place like 17 months after Aizen's defeat.

    • @guilhermenovo8967
      @guilhermenovo8967 Місяць тому +1

      Wasn't there like a two years time skip after Fake Karakura ? I vaguely remember something like that before the Soulbringer arc

    • @bluemoon1716
      @bluemoon1716 Місяць тому

      ​@@guilhermenovo8967its only a 16 month time skip leading up to the fullbring arc

  • @cr1ms0n21
    @cr1ms0n21 Місяць тому

    5:30 original artist - hara_(harayutaka)

  • @VicVibez
    @VicVibez Місяць тому +1

    3:24-3:30 Like Yama did to Sternritter O on Episode 5? lol

  • @Adnyeus
    @Adnyeus Місяць тому +1

    My guy, get a damn straw

  • @Kayleenv18
    @Kayleenv18 Місяць тому

    Love the Orihime love 😆

  • @jairacosta3804
    @jairacosta3804 Місяць тому +1

    I love how much hate you have for ishida 😂

  • @Ridku13
    @Ridku13 Місяць тому +4

    Lmao why bro is hating on Ishida so much 😂 remember he's the only half blood quincy to survive Yhwach's Auswahlen so he's always been special. He got to around CAPTAIN lvl without even awakening his true powers which is insane. So him becoming this strong makes sense, and you haven't even watched his Schrift which is broken

  • @KaladinPaladin
    @KaladinPaladin Місяць тому +9

    Never watched bleach but I hate ishida

    • @WeyardWiz
      @WeyardWiz Місяць тому +12

      I'll catch u up on bleach:
      watch at least ep1, 16-20, 24, 31, 34~44, 52, 58~62, 111, 118~125, 143, 160~165, 190~192, 211-212, 218~219, 270~272, 282-283, 293~295, 305~310, 342-346, 358~366
      Then start TYBW🔥

    • @deejd5243
      @deejd5243 Місяць тому +2

      @@WeyardWizdont forget 228

    • @Nanamis_wife_fr
      @Nanamis_wife_fr Місяць тому +1

      Why💀that's just dumb

    • @The_BlOb
      @The_BlOb Місяць тому +2

      ​@@WeyardWiz Asking them to skip Ichigo's backstory is crazy

    • @WeyardWiz
      @WeyardWiz Місяць тому +1

      @@The_BlOb it's ok it's kinda redundant later anyways, all that matters is what happened to his mom

  • @RideTheGamer
    @RideTheGamer Місяць тому


  • @pepeelghetto1231
    @pepeelghetto1231 Місяць тому +1

    Wait why is bro calling Uryu a bum when chad and renji are right there 😭

    • @tarabletv
      @tarabletv Місяць тому +5

      Renji is NOT a bum get serious

  • @WolvesHead1
    @WolvesHead1 Місяць тому +1


  • @theCommentDevil
    @theCommentDevil Місяць тому

    Ishida will always suck but I like his gramps

  • @logan-zf2wr
    @logan-zf2wr Місяць тому +4

    Ishida will always be trash, TYBW just makes him the more tolerable type of trash. Like a bag full of old newspapers instead of rotten food and garbage juices, but still goes in the dumpster regardless y’know?

    • @vn9574
      @vn9574 Місяць тому +8

      No I don't know. You are alone with this thought.

    • @shubhransuoram1510
      @shubhransuoram1510 Місяць тому

      Most retarded opinion ever ..... Sorry trash hoe ( aka reffering to you ) but u are the only one with that mentality

    • @nikolakrstic8079
      @nikolakrstic8079 Місяць тому +2

      @@vn9574 I've been watching and rewatching Bleach since like 2009 and I agree with him

    • @tarabletv
      @tarabletv Місяць тому +4

      ​@@nikolakrstic8079 So have I and I disagree. Uryu was always one of my favorites, the hate needs to end

    • @nikolakrstic8079
      @nikolakrstic8079 Місяць тому

      @@tarabletv we will agree to disagree
      I just think he was kinda left behind and didn't develop at all even thi he had huge potential