Nokia Lumia 1020 video - A Summer Day

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @JionniCastillo
    @JionniCastillo 9 років тому +7

    Watching this video makes me want to get a Lumia the 1020 . Images look crisp and awesome

  • @sn0m0ns
    @sn0m0ns 9 років тому +1

    I have been looking at video tests all day from every phone in the $200 range (used or refurbished) and I have to say, this is just incredible!

  • @lennutrajektoor
    @lennutrajektoor 11 років тому

    Welcome to the club. Came to the conclusion after extensive Galaxy S2 camera usage. Especially the floating AF out of the blue in video mode.

  • @christianplummer3315
    @christianplummer3315 11 років тому

    Amazing camera for a phone . Plus a very beautiful environment

  • @jesuscota1967
    @jesuscota1967 10 років тому +8

    If this video is real!.. This is the best smartphone in the world!
    As a high end pocket camera!

  • @sjc1204
    @sjc1204 11 років тому

    This is just crazy! Production quality video from a phone.

  • @OnlyRVMC
    @OnlyRVMC 11 років тому

    Oh my god i cant believethis video is from nokia 1020, this is so perfect!

  • @Dnariobeats1289
    @Dnariobeats1289 11 років тому

    best camera phone ever

  • @RichardCraig
    @RichardCraig 11 років тому

    The colors look almost a little odd but in a really beautiful way. Everything looked like how it would after someone went back and touched it up... amazing to know it wasn't!

  • @avg1967
    @avg1967 7 років тому

    Topolino, your videos are wonderful, you are a true artist! I can hardly believe they were shot on a cell phone.

  • @artfulflower
    @artfulflower 11 років тому

    This is absolutely amazing by all standards. The scenery is peaceful and it's a place I wish I could just be in. Well done again!

  • @moimeme0123456
    @moimeme0123456 11 років тому


  • @MrDrmorbid
    @MrDrmorbid 9 років тому

    excellent, classy video. Very good work.

  • @cme887
    @cme887 11 років тому

    You are a genius! Really amazing! Always with that art vision!

  • @mistermieu
    @mistermieu 11 років тому

    How amazing. The color is great. Vietnam waits for it!!!

  • @Indignepourdeux
    @Indignepourdeux 9 років тому +2

    Dude! You're unbelievably good at filming!! Even in documentary you don't see such good quality footage! just wow; still a part of credit goes to the 1020

  • @Whoissincere
    @Whoissincere 10 років тому +1

    Nice!!!! Just got mine in the mail!!! Can't wait to use the video!! #WhoIsSincere

  • @titanirael9966
    @titanirael9966 11 років тому


  • @bennettxyz9788
    @bennettxyz9788 10 років тому

    Amazing quality.

  • @DrIEviL
    @DrIEviL 11 років тому

    Amazing || Great video || fantastic places || Nice editing || Will keep looking for other videos fro YOU || Thank you

  • @feedbackl00p
    @feedbackl00p 10 років тому +1

    I've been considering upgrading to this phone for a while as I want one with a good camera for those opportune moments. I think you just sold this to me, great video. :)

  • @YellowheadAnimations
    @YellowheadAnimations 11 років тому

    Wow! *-* awesome! The videos from the 1020 are similar to the videos from my Dslr Canon 600d :D Respect Nokia!

  • @kennypistol
    @kennypistol 11 років тому

    great job man, incredible footage! i must have this phone!

  • @storiesthroughmusic2241
    @storiesthroughmusic2241 4 роки тому +1

    It's interesting because this phone was so far ahead of the curve in 2013 for "camera phones".

  • @jwd0808
    @jwd0808 11 років тому


  • @topolino70
    @topolino70  11 років тому

    Yes, 1020 does quite impressive job. Yes, luckily we have beautiful summer to compensate dark and gloomy autumn. :)

  • @GordoFriman
    @GordoFriman 11 років тому

    You actually convinced me to buy one of these as soon as i can :)

  • @MisterRamsyChaineOfficielle
    @MisterRamsyChaineOfficielle 11 років тому

    Hello I would like to know how you make the focus while shooting? unfortunately I tried and I can not find

  • @LookingAtSteak
    @LookingAtSteak 11 років тому


  • @awienc
    @awienc 11 років тому


  • @thearyaputra
    @thearyaputra 11 років тому

    Seriously? This looks super professional.. :)

  • @angeleuss
    @angeleuss 11 років тому +1

    3.00 it's breath taking

  • @topolino70
    @topolino70  11 років тому

    Thank you for everyone of your comments on my video! I am happy to hear that so many has liked it!

  • @topolino70
    @topolino70  11 років тому

    Yes Finland is like heaven in summer but not so much any more at november.

  • @minadas7506
    @minadas7506 8 років тому

    beautiful shootout

  • @omabdulrahmandearangely218
    @omabdulrahmandearangely218 11 років тому

    wow amazing video, I hope that lumia 1520 is good as 1020.

  • @gavtibhaya
    @gavtibhaya 11 років тому

    Seems you are living in heaven ...... and got the correct device to shoot and share.. :D

  • @topolino70
    @topolino70  11 років тому

    Both phones have their advantages and disadvantages. 808 gives generally better looking images straight from camera (I have +2 vividness and +2 contrast preset on 808), but quite often it is pain to get it in right focus. (Maybe the problem lies only with my HW). 1020 does great job on focusing automatically and one of the greatest innovations with it is possibility to focus manually. Picture quality of 1020 is quite on the level with 808.

  • @mohamessy8353
    @mohamessy8353 10 років тому

    that was amaaaaazing

  • @arihantpatel24
    @arihantpatel24 4 роки тому

    Back in those days people were creative.

  • @topolino70
    @topolino70  11 років тому

    Finland is situated at North Europe. Russia is our neighbor at east and Sweden at west and Estonia at South, Norway partly at North.

  • @jamesrc1000
    @jamesrc1000 10 років тому

    Best camera!

  • @mikyramirez9704
    @mikyramirez9704 4 роки тому

    Bello bello gracias 👍🏻

  • @drexter09
    @drexter09 11 років тому

    thanks, great videos as always

  • @fenotipobombay
    @fenotipobombay 10 років тому

    really nice.

  • @zandzgallardo8404
    @zandzgallardo8404 4 роки тому +1

    Watching in 2020.

  • @el-eezkori4l7.77
    @el-eezkori4l7.77 11 років тому


  • @dancekpt
    @dancekpt 6 років тому

    very nice video

  • @ummbasso
    @ummbasso 11 років тому

    I love your comment. "HOLY BALLSACK" made me laugh out loud, you are right its a great job.

  • @dbgoodlife
    @dbgoodlife 11 років тому

    Great videos. If only Nokia would work on allowing you to manually adjust focus while recording? That would be absolutely AMAZING!

  • @johesa1
    @johesa1 11 років тому

    upeaa työtä! vielä kun saisi tuulisuojatun ulkoisen mikin tohon kännyyn niin avot!

  • @IpankJarinto
    @IpankJarinto 11 років тому


  • @DanielValverde
    @DanielValverde 10 років тому

    Gracias por compartir! ;)

  • @drexter09
    @drexter09 11 років тому

    and also the audio setting on windy environments

  • @Haris-XIII
    @Haris-XIII 11 років тому

    i use a samsung galaxy s4 its a good camera.but this here is DAMNNNN GOOOOD

  • @lennutrajektoor
    @lennutrajektoor 11 років тому

    Agree on personal preferences just from post processing color grading perspective all the professionals advice to shoot in flat as you retain all the information for later tweaking. Yet that is also true it has to be correct right on recording and not hope for post-process magic. IMHO the less post processing the enjoyable result. The MF limitation on the 1020 is understandable. You can't have everything with first WP w/ 41MP sensor. My second camera is decided now.

  • @lennutrajektoor
    @lennutrajektoor 11 років тому

    Well, the colors are more vivid but then we should loose some contrast. Never have complained regarding the 808 default settings so I shoot flat and compensate w/ EV values. Maybe I should try tweak them as well. Does manual AF work in video mode? Honestly - I'm in love w/ my 808.

  • @benniebd3276
    @benniebd3276 11 років тому


  • @pecavallo
    @pecavallo 11 років тому

    00:42 WOW! the Lumia 1020 is an amazing phone and camera, but your country has a lot to do with the great images you are showing.

  • @topolino70
    @topolino70  11 років тому

    You are correct, I used a tripod since I like to make steady videos.

  • @topolino70
    @topolino70  11 років тому

    Thanks :) Only editing I have done for the 1020 video clips is to add crossfading between the clips. Otherwise I have not done any other editing to the clips.

  • @brajkunwar2619
    @brajkunwar2619 5 років тому

    Just wow

  • @mavenaz1975
    @mavenaz1975 11 років тому +1


  • @napolmen
    @napolmen 10 років тому +2

    reflex-killer :)

  • @Qwertworks
    @Qwertworks 11 років тому

    there is a third party camera app called "Pro Shot" that should fit your needs as far as I know!

  • @guhitph
    @guhitph 11 років тому


  • @iDudeAlmighty
    @iDudeAlmighty 11 років тому

    this is awesome :D

  • @topolino70
    @topolino70  11 років тому

    Kiitos kiitos :) Erillinen mikrofoni olisi kyllä loistava. Voisikohan sellaisen toteuttaa esim Bluetooth tekniikalla (?)

  • @ehtisham49
    @ehtisham49 6 років тому +1

    I love this video in 2018. should I buy this phone now

    • @Cris134l
      @Cris134l 6 років тому

      Bro Nokia siempre fue el rey mira esa calidad desde el 2013 mientras Sony Samsung sus celulares de ese año 2013 eran una porqueria y hasta ahora no le ganan en camara al Nokia 1020 tal vez ahora el XPERIA XZ pero si habia mucha diferencia

    • @HermannTheGreat
      @HermannTheGreat 6 років тому

      I just bought one

  • @topolino70
    @topolino70  11 років тому

    You are correct that there is no 8MP mode. Size options are 5MP and full resolution image 34MP(16:9) and 38MP(4:3)

  • @mesrapha
    @mesrapha 9 років тому


  • @topolino70
    @topolino70  11 років тому

    Furthermore I have to say that only reason to use 808 anymore is the camera. As far as user interface is concerned, I like windows phone more. So if I had to choose only one of these with me I'd pick 1020.

  • @lennutrajektoor
    @lennutrajektoor 11 років тому

    I've noticed the 808 AF struggles a lot when the contrast is not enough or when you have altered default settings. For instance with ND filter it can't AF on the same subject as it did w/o ND. This is internal camera problem. I don't think it's adjustable with firmware update. I've found myself in many situations w/ 808 where i grave for MF. Yet strangely AF in video mode is more superb on flawless focusing than in camera.

  • @topolino70
    @topolino70  11 років тому

    I hope your nick will be my brand of my next car :)

  • @islamtoghuj
    @islamtoghuj 11 років тому

    Thank you for the answer! :)

  • @MrBarclonista
    @MrBarclonista 10 років тому +1

    0:40 just WOW

  • @topolino70
    @topolino70  11 років тому

    1080p @ 30fps original, also rendered with same settings at Sony Vegas. Audio settings were default.

  • @MR9Mouhib
    @MR9Mouhib 11 років тому

    Thats not a phone, thats a beaaaaast

  • @pulDag
    @pulDag 11 років тому

    Probably used steady cam or tripod... wanna see other top end phones with this setup. Either way video quality is stunning.

  • @aoa3060
    @aoa3060 11 років тому

    الكاميرا رائعة ،، والمصور محترف

  • @topolino70
    @topolino70  11 років тому

    Thanks so much :)

  • @lennutrajektoor
    @lennutrajektoor 11 років тому

    Topolino do a low light video test clip where light is scarce with strong light and dark overtones to see the 1020 noise handling capability. In pitch Blake the 808 is good, in twilight it adds noise but it's manageable and not annoying. Probably will go for the 1020 as I need to replace my Samsung tablet.

  • @awanfilm
    @awanfilm 10 років тому

    may i have your sony vegas render setting? i mean what kind of format you use when you upload to UA-cam? Mp4?

  • @roswellgrays
    @roswellgrays 7 років тому

    is it possible to have the same quality at New Nokia models? Nokia uses Carl Zeiss in some models.. But I am not sure if I can catch the same great performance like this

    • @FAT8893
      @FAT8893 5 років тому

      It needs a large camera sensor, and ummm... there's no modern smartphone at the moment that can beat the Lumia 1020 sensor. Even the Huawei's P20 Pro and Mate 20 Pro comes close at 1/1.7" for their 40MP lens, and those two Huawei relies on AI.

  • @deepankarsen4511
    @deepankarsen4511 11 років тому

    Thanks 1020,NOW we don't need to carry DIGI Cameras.

  • @pierluigisonsini9388
    @pierluigisonsini9388 11 років тому

    Does anyone know how to shoot videos in low light? There was a tool in the Nokia N8 that would electronically make it possible, but I haven't found anything in this phone.

  • @pascalbarreiro
    @pascalbarreiro 11 років тому +3

    Finally a video showing clearly what can do a 1020 !
    Apparently, no disturbing "floating" movements, something we can see in many other videos.
    Some saying it is due to the OIS but from what I understand here, this could be more associated with the AF which is here, I suppose, set to "manual".
    Can you confirm Mr Topolino ? :-)
    On more question : by any chance do you have 2 videos, 1 at 30fps and 1 at 24fps in order to watch the difference ? If not, could you please give us your feeling from your experience ?
    Thank you again for this simple but smart and beautiful test ! Hope you could be followed by many "video publishers" who spend their time walking with their tool...

    • @topolino70
      @topolino70  11 років тому +1

      Hi and thanks for your kind comment. 1020 OIS indeed causes floating, whether the phone is fixed to a tripod or not. Usually the floating is mostly seen when tilting or panning is ending. I just left those parts out from my video. OIS cannot be switched off, I wish it could.
      Let's see if I see time and inspriration to shoot those 30fps vs. 24 fps comparison videos. I suppose there is already something similar readily available at youtube. But let's see.

  • @aviezek3072
    @aviezek3072 7 років тому

    great video!!!
    been using 1020 for 3 the camera lens, it's just the ram not big enough and the battery life is a bit short
    how do i change focus during video shooting? i've tried, but the focus button thingy disappears from screen when shooting...

  • @SuperAlaa111
    @SuperAlaa111 11 років тому

    This is just fuckng awesome

  • @godwhomismike
    @godwhomismike 11 років тому

    Breathtaking video. Well done. How much space did these shots consume on your phone?

  • @FollowCindyLin
    @FollowCindyLin 10 років тому +2

    Great footage! Wow. Looks similar to my dslr using a 35mm f2.0. Can't believe this is a phone. Is it possible to switch focus point during video shooting ?

  • @devmogra
    @devmogra 10 років тому +2

    After watching this video I'm stunned. Now, I am more interested in place than phone. Can someone PLEASE !!! tell me the name of place where this video was filmed. Feels like visiting it. So serene, calm and mesmerizing feels like in heaven.

    • @villeeronen8263
      @villeeronen8263 10 років тому

      It looks like parts from Helsinki, Finland and maybe some other south Finland locations to me.

    • @topolino70
      @topolino70  10 років тому +1

      All clips I shot at Kangasala, Finland except the clips @ 1:16 and @ 1:58 which are from Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland.

  • @cyphercount
    @cyphercount 11 років тому

    HOLY BALLSACK! The quality is unreal! Have you done any video editing on this clip or is it just this gorgeous?

  • @crystalchai5388
    @crystalchai5388 9 років тому

    And I like the video, except if you turn down the saturation a bit, it would look more natural.

  • @speedjunk213
    @speedjunk213 11 років тому

    This Place is so beatiful where is it?. I have a another question , the pureview technology use oversampling. So if i get pictures at 3mp i get better And more Quallity pictures than 5mp Or 8mp?

  • @PsychonautTV
    @PsychonautTV 10 років тому

    I would like to see a movie made by this phone. I wonder if the quality is good enough :)

    • @zhaquiri
      @zhaquiri 10 років тому

      Check out +Andyax channel. He's a Norwegian guy who made a short film (which doubles as comparison video) using the Lumia 1020. You'll like it.

  • @chrisb103
    @chrisb103 11 років тому +1

    Where do you live, it's gorgeous! Thanks for doing this video, really helpful. Can you tell us whether there is much lag, also the shutter speed, some people were complaining about the time it takes to take a shot.

  • @ShortFuseFighting
    @ShortFuseFighting 11 років тому

    this is very good for a phone...granted theres really ideal light and the recordings are mostly stills and slow pans on a steady tripod but regardless...looks stunning
    quick question...what are the available framerates for 720p?

  • @leroilightning4458
    @leroilightning4458 7 років тому

    Is there a way to lock exposure on the 1020?

  • @lennutrajektoor
    @lennutrajektoor 11 років тому

    No you won't as 3mp size is lower resolution and you'll notice the quality degradation. Oversampling gives you a better result but the pixel size and count on smaller MP pictures is noticeable. In general they are good but bettter than 5 or 8 MP.