Objectively speaking, Kowalski's sacrifice was an act of tactical genius in a situation that was highly stressful even before he got the idea. He was obviously one of the foundation's finest. Was, unfortunately.
@@eunhogarcia5293 well then you must know so much about it if you understand the meaning behind it then it's a bit deeper the foundation is about self sacrifice if need be to help keep humanity working the way it should
The SCP Foundation has quite literally found, heaven , hell , different realities and alternate worlds beyond death. I think finding a non-existent corpse would be easy work for them.
This is actually one of the easy ones to clean up. Just report that a tiger broke out of the zoo and turned into a man-eater. If necessary, spirit away a zoo tiger. It's basically the truth anyway.
@@dragonlord3376 the foundation is able to fabricate/alter memories when they apply amnestics. Since they are amnesticizing the witnesses anyway, that's not much more effort. As for footage, not really needed but also not that hard to fabricate. It's the foundation afterall.
Easily one on my favorite animal scps. There’s no force on earth or beyond (looking at you scarlet king) that could stop me from petting this pretty kitty or trying to boop the snoot!
If one had both the Reality Stone and the Mind Stone, then theoretically, their combined power should nullify 247's anomalous effect, thus allowing the wielder of the stones to see 247 for what it really is.
“These anomalous kittens can be anywhere, and they can breed further to become the most invasive urban species ever.” Ah yes. The unmistakable sounds of an XK class scenario.
@@maiquanghuy8807 I'm just saying, you put a PSA that tiger colored cats are gonna fuck up your dogs and if its contained to the U.S. where they have the base case this is not a hard fix.
The reason why I love this scp: This scp is simple, and isn't some overpowered letrich abomination given immortality by a writer who assumed it would be terminated if it wasn't. Its just a bengal tiger assuming the form of a house cat
as a cat lover with a cat of my own, i would probably be dead in an instant. i would be petting it while saying “wHoS a GOod kITTy?? yOu ArE!!”, and trying to take it home
This is awesome. Pure genius. Someone with a big budget needs to get rolling on a SCP TV series. The incredibly smart stories are already there. Would be way better than X files.
I would definitely watch that! Although, they would to simplify it and would probably have to choose whether to acknowledge just one Scp-001, or have some explanation as to why there are multiple Scp-001's, otherwise most causal viewers are just going to be very confused.
No! No! and No! it is my biggest pet peeve hearing people ask for studio produced scp films or tv. It's literally never going to happen! Scp is under a creative commons license, meaning anyone has a right to use the lore of the world but they can't profit off their creations. This is like the best case scenario because it means we already have the freedom to make whatever we want out of scp. There's multiple scp channels on yt, artists, video games, stories written in the canon. But it does mean that no company us ever going to make anything of it because they can't profit off of it. We don't want a studio getting control of scp since it means they're going to be subject to any number of changes that could interfere with the vision of the foundation. watch the cabin in the woods. Or maybe the devil below (it's from this year). both should give you an idea of what an scp movie or something would look like.
@@cmd1095 According to the file the weight seems to be the weight of a normal tiger. So then one explanation is that the cat WAS heavy as hell but the kid didn't see anything weong with that.
I think a lot of the names are selected out of irony. Like scp 682 the hard to destroy reptile. More like the impossible to destroy reptile. That thing has been melted in acid dismembered burned and reduced to bones and even struck multiple times with a atom splitting sword and it still didnt die. Not even the scarlet kings own daughters survived that last one but 682 regenerates or adapts and moves on with its day.
As a cat lover, this wouldn't stop me. I would happily pet it until I die. Day 91 of asking the O5 Council to use SCP-1968 to create a universe in which 682 doesn't exist.
One of the few cases where the foundation decided the danger was great enough that further instances were to be neutralized on discovery rather than merely contained. They got one in containment and that's more than enough, any further instances that Iota-5 (Tiger Bait) finds are to be destroyed immediately.
This would have been an incredible story with a twist, if the title and thumbnail hadn't spoiled the twist. Also, the legs of cats, either big or small, don't bend that way.
SCP-247 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-247 is kept in an enclosure of at least 20 (twenty) by 40 (forty) meters, furnished based on the plans provided by the [REDACTED] Zoo and lined with SCP-148 offset from the rest of Site-██ by at least 50 (fifty) meters in order to mitigate its psychic effect. (As per current containment procedures for SCP-148, its use in the containment of other SCPs is to be avoided if at all possible. - O5-█). SCP-247 is to be fed 18 kilograms of fresh meat on a tri-weekly basis. Feeding occurs in a separate enclosure. Cleaning staff should enter the enclosure only during designated feeding times. No other access to the enclosure is allowed. The footage resulting from any violation of this order is to be archived for use in training the cleaning and monitoring staff of SCP-247. In case of a containment breach, the entire wing must be evacuated and all live footage of the incident heavily censored. The area SCP-247 occupies will be sealed off and gassed, followed by the return of SCP-247 to containment. If for any reason this should become impossible, a retrieval team will be sent in armed with heavy tranquilizer rifles. Retrieval team Agents must be specially selected for high reflexes, excellent marksmanship, unquestioning obedience, and low empathy scores. Description: SCP-247 is a Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris; adult female) which, to all observers, appears to be a harmless cat (Felis catus; juvenile female) with an orange-and-black striped coat resembling that of a tiger. Remote feeds and still photos also show this illusion, although it is unknown whether the photo itself is affected or merely the observer. SCP-247's true nature has been confirmed by analysis of weight, water displacement, and dental moulds made from bite marks. It is unknown exactly how SCP-247 generates this illusion. There are two components to the illusion: first, a memetic effect that changes the perceived image of SCP-247 to that of a kitten, and second, a psychic component which radiates outward from the subject (diminishing according to the inverse square law and reaching half strength at █ meters). Any sentient being within this field comes under the impression that SCP-247 is completely harmless, regardless of prior knowledge or experience. Individuals in this field also show extreme reluctance to harm or allow others to harm SCP-247, even while being actively harmed by the subject. This psychic field can be blocked with SCP-148, or avoided by striking from well outside its effective range. The memetic effect is not blocked by SCP-148; as of yet, no one has been able to see SCP-247 as anything but a small striped cat. Typically SCP-247 will begin to purr or mew when approached by a human. The human will remark that this is adorable, and approach to pet the subject (this has been observed even in persons who strongly dislike cats). SCP-247 has been known to accept affection from its victims for upwards of seven minutes before disemboweling and devouring them. Genetic analysis shows slight deviation from a typical Bengal Tiger's genotype, indicating possible contamination [DATA EXPUNGED] all further breeding experiments require O5 level approval. The resulting hybrids have been designated SCP-247-1; see Experiment Log 247a-14 for more details. Addendum 247a: A series of tests in exposing SCP-247 and the Control subjects to various non-human animals. Control testing took place in an exact replica of SCP-247’s enclosure. Control A is a yellow kitten matching SCP-247’s apparent size and age. Control B is a fully grown Bengal Tiger matching SCP-247’s actual weight. Experiment Log 247a-01 Date: ██/██/2010 Test Subject: A mixed-breed dog, mostly terrier. A known cat-chaser. Control Test A: Subject immediately began barking and ran at the control, which retreated up a nearby tree. Control Test B: Subject cowered in the corner as far from the control as possible. Control took no notice of subject. Results: Subject ran toward SCP-247, barking loudly. At approximately five (5) meters away subject slowed to a halt and became silent. At this point, SCP-247 rolled over and made a ‘mewing’ sound believed to be a sign of annoyance. The subject retreated to a far corner of the enclosure with its tail between its legs. Notes: That was extremely odd. Further testing recommended. - Researcher S████ Approved. - O5-█ Experiment Log 247a-02i-ii Date: ██/██/2010 Test Subject: A male tabby kitten with the same apparent age as SCP-247. Control Test A: Subject played with the control in the manner expected of kittens. Control Test B: Subject climbed a tree and attempted to hide itself from the control, displaying visible signs of terror. Results (test i): Subject approached SCP-247 and mewed. SCP-247 responded in kind and played with the tabby kitten. The resulting footage is extremely odd; at one point SCP-247 lifts the subject (which appears to be the same size as SCP-247) with a single forepaw, while at another point SCP-247 lifts the subject with its mouth, clearly showing that its mouth is much larger than it appears to be. The leading researcher characterized this as adorable but remarked that it gave him “a headache.” Due to a faulty recorder, this test had to be repeated. Results (test ii): Subject approached SCP-247 as above. SCP-247 made a deep purring sound, analogous to a growl. Subject reacted as in control test B. Notes: This seems to indicate 247 has some degree of conscious control over its apparent appearance. - Researcher S████ Experiment Log 247a-03 Date: ██/██/2010 Test Subject: An adult male deer, a normal prey animal for a Bengal Tiger. (Control B and SCP-247 were not fed for 3 days prior to this experiment.) Control Test A: Subject grazed. Control fell asleep two minutes into the experiment. Control Test B: Control attacked, killed and devoured subject, which behaved normally for a deer trapped in an enclosed space with a large predator. Results: Subject began grazing as in control test A. SCP-247 approached it calmly and killed it with a single bite to the neck, then proceeded to devour the subject. (Test was repeated without SCP-247 being forced to fast. SCP-247 completely ignored the subject for over a day before apparently becoming hungry and killing it, again with a single bite to the neck.) Notes: SCP-247 seems to prefer humans, both as food and for entertainment. Other prey animals presented to SCP-247 were all killed in a single strike, while humans are invariably allowed to pet the SCP for some time before being killed and are sometimes mauled and ‘played’ with the way a cat will play with a mouse. Furthermore, the SCP has killed every human it has had the opportunity to kill, regardless of hunger. - Researcher S████ Experiment Log 247a-08 Date: ██/██/2010 Test Subject: An adult female chimpanzee. Control Test A: Subject and control ignored one another. Control Test B: Subject retreated to a tree, showing some signs of unease. Control displayed some curiosity towards the subject but did not attack. Results: Subject approached SCP-247, made noises identified as signs of affection, and began to groom SCP-247. SCP-247 allowed the subject to groom it for over an hour, then messily killed and devoured it. Notes: This seems to be its typical reaction to unfamiliar prey animals. It seems to prefer to prey on apes with advanced social behaviour. Experiments with gorillas and other social apes have shown similar results. Essentially, SCP-247 is a large predator that has somehow adapted to take advantage of the largest available food source - humans. We should investigate all future reports of man-eating tigers in case there are more of these things. - Researcher S████ Experiment Log 247a-12 Date: ██/██/2010 Test Subject: An adult female grizzly bear. Control Test A: Control fled up a tree in terror. Subject ignored it. Control Test B: Subject and control acted nervously and gave one another as large a berth as possible. Results: Initially subject and SCP-247 ignored one another. At one point subject came very close to SCP-247, resulting in SCP-247 giving a warning growl. Subject responded with hostility. Test aborted due to possible harm to SCP-247; subject tranquilized by Foundation personnel and subsequently killed by SCP-247. Notes: Future tests involving animals potentially capable of killing or injuring a Bengal Tiger are cancelled. - Researcher S████ Experiment Log 247a-13 Date: ██/██/2010 Test Subject: An adult female Bengal Tiger Control Test A: Control fled up a tree in terror. Subject ignored it. Control Test B: Subject and control greeted one another, established the order of social dominance, then both fell asleep. Results: Identical to control test B. Notes: Interestingly, SCP-247 was the beta animal in this interaction. - Researcher S████ Experiment Log 247a-14 Date: ██/██/2010 Test Subject: An adult male Bengal Tiger Control Test A: Control fled up a tree in terror. Subject ignored it. Control Test B: Omitted, record of normal Bengal tiger mating behaviour substituted. Results: As expected based on control B. [DATA EXPUNGED]. Notes: Researcher S████ has been removed from this project for lax security in his experiments, although in light of his injuries, further disciplinary measures have been deemed unnecessary. [DATA EXPUNGED], which seems to have benefited from a form of ‘hybrid vigor’, has been designated SCP-247-1. Considering that SCP-247 is likely to have bred naturally in the wild, Mobile Task Force Iota-5 ("Tiger Bait") has been formed and assigned to hunt down and contain or destroy all incidences of the hybrid SCP-247-1. - O5-█
@@MorNloR A shit ton of island birds and small mammals. Just because they aren’t a big threat to humans doesn’t mean domestic cats aren’t dangerous to most other species.
Everyone: *pays attention to the cat* Me: What about the child? Where will he go if his mother is gone? What will the foundation do? What will be their excuse?
Im gonna be honest, since the cats on this animation looked so cute, i really was hoping for the test kitties not to die, luckily they didnt and now im more than pleased
What if there was an inverse? A small innocent housecat, who's anomalous ability makes humans and humanoid creatures run in fear because it is perceived as a Bengal Tiger? Pin would be awesome 👌
This... Would it be better to just terminate them instead of containing? Actually, what happens to them after killing them? Will they lose all their properties? Can they be taked and used? Day 24 of asking for a video of "The Things Dr Bright Is Not Allowed To Do At The Foundation" with some backstories and explanations to some of them
Mobile Task Force Iota-5 (Tiger Bait) is currently assigned to hunt down and terminate uncontained instances of SCP-247-1. "Terminate" not "contain" the foundation isn't screwing around with this one.
The irony of this situation is that my ability to meow like an actual cat could be used against this SCP to confuse it and get it to leave me alone. Since I've actually had a conversation in cat with a stray cat before (without injury to me or the cat), this could actually be used against this SCP to get it to leave me alone and not try to kill me.
Holy crap. I thought I was the only one who could do that! Also, I think that the SCP would just try to play probably. Either that, or it would give us all the "wth" look
@@hoarderofduckies Well, fellow cat-meowing expert, appartently this is at least a two person thing. If the SCP Foundation wants we could probably tag-team this situation and/or take turns for experiments there!!
I hope they keep both the parents and their cub in containment so they could be a happy tiger family (curse my love and defensive To any animals and right to make sure they stay happy even in ScP universes
"247 would allow the child to play for so long before something terrible happened."
Yup, sounds like a cat to me
I mean, I love cats, but... You're not wrong 😅
That’s why I love cats. However the indestructible dog scp was good 👍
@@user-nh5zd3ic8r they should put them in the same room and see what happens
@@kingkidtmgaming NOO NOT THE KITTY
Objectively speaking, Kowalski's sacrifice was an act of tactical genius in a situation that was highly stressful even before he got the idea. He was obviously one of the foundation's finest. Was, unfortunately.
Kowalski analysis
@@spideyawesome6498 I would appear to be dead Skipper
*This scp is just a setup for this joke*
@@spideyawesome6498 XD
Kowalski's final analysis
"we die in the dark so other can live in the light" damn that's hit hard
Edgy quote
It's pretty interesting if you think about it they do stuff that no one else could handle
@@thepleasednutlord cringe
@@eunhogarcia5293 well then you must know so much about it if you understand the meaning behind it then it's a bit deeper the foundation is about self sacrifice if need be to help keep humanity working the way it should
@@thepleasednutlord It's fiction also i was joking
Corporal Rico?
Private Kowalski?
I'm sensing a theme here.
A penguin theme !
Kowalski analysis.
Kowalski couldn't analyze that cat
Just smile and wave boys
@@thePhoenixQueen Just smile and wave
I’ve never had this much respect for a fictional character. He resolved to die, kicked a tiger, and thought only of his creed when he did it. Good man
Plot twist: It was actually a normal kitten, it just decided to not hold back its true power.
It's shaggy's cat
@@asurashun9695 oh no….
@Gerinko’s Chaos Im pretty sure life is a jojo reference at this point
“Dr.Bright is not allowed to assign SCP-247 for a “play date” with foundation staff”
But I'm not Dr.Bright
@@gerinkoschaos6688 Gerinko's Chaos is no longer allowed to do anything Dr Bright isn't allowed to do
But im not Dr Bright or Gerinko's Chaos -Proceed's to force SCP 682 to watch the all the parts of jojo's Bizzaire Adventure-
@@SukunaJJKaisen and what did 682 takeaway from the show??
@@nobodyknowsforsure what's JoJo? I'm so confused?
4:48 They found corpses that had been entirely eaten? Now that's an impressive feat, even for the SCP foundation.
I don't think it would eat the bones
The SCP Foundation has quite literally found, heaven , hell , different realities and alternate worlds beyond death. I think finding a non-existent corpse would be easy work for them.
Blood. But no body.
@@Top2BottomGaming That's not a corpse, that'd be a confirmed murder
@@kaynines5996 I didn't knew they have hell in scp series.
As a kitten lover, this SCP is the new lego brick under my feet
I. Hate. Cats💩💩💩
@Lugzz472 if I die petting it, its worth its
@@shneaevans207 i. hate. dogs.
This is why I prefer dogs.
Still love cats
A dog isn't a tiger.
And wolves can at least be trained.
This is actually one of the easy ones to clean up. Just report that a tiger broke out of the zoo and turned into a man-eater. If necessary, spirit away a zoo tiger.
It's basically the truth anyway.
Yeah, but they'd also have to fabricate footage of the escape and evidence to explain why nobody saw a man-eating tiger in the streets
@@dragonlord3376 the foundation is able to fabricate/alter memories when they apply amnestics. Since they are amnesticizing the witnesses anyway, that's not much more effort.
As for footage, not really needed but also not that hard to fabricate. It's the foundation afterall.
@@dragonlord3376 Even then, it would be an easy one for the foundation to cover up. The footage is only optional.
Its a harmless cat: Kalm
It turns out it isn’t: PANIK
You are a tiger tamer: Kalm
@@kittenthesmol7373 cat don't care: PANIK
@@cctproductions6976 neither do you: kalm
@@kittenthesmol7373 it turns out to be an imposter: panik
@@cctproductions6976 you call an emergency meeting: kalm
Easily one on my favorite animal scps.
There’s no force on earth or beyond (looking at you scarlet king) that could stop me from petting this pretty kitty or trying to boop the snoot!
I cant help but agree.
I think The Scarlet King wants you to pet the cat, actually. XD
Do you dare defy the King, kid?
I wouldn't do it ...
XD now I hear the king both encouraging and raging at my determination to pet a dam cat.
get mauled in the process 👀
No comments talking about how much of a solid, heroic dude Kowalski was smh. Rip Kowalski
He was the hero we need but don’t deserve
I though Kowalshi is a Female
@@ahmedaliyu1495she's an MTF
If one had both the Reality Stone and the Mind Stone, then theoretically, their combined power should nullify 247's anomalous effect, thus allowing the wielder of the stones to see 247 for what it really is.
Reality would be all you need cause it changes your perception
@@sanicinapanic4264 The memetic effect will still make you want to pet it though so you would need both stones.
*One stone is SCP-247's cousin*
Your right
But why
iota-5 be like:
"Come here, Kitty Kitty Pspspsps!"
This is what I was thinking too. XD
Scp foundation: contains eldritch Gods that can destroy reality and everything in it.
Also scp foundation: defeated by a tiger
Sounds like Skill Issue
why dont they terminate it, its only a tiger and its way more trouble than its worth for something that would die to conventional heavy arms fire
“These anomalous kittens can be anywhere, and they can breed further to become the most invasive urban species ever.”
Ah yes. The unmistakable sounds of an XK class scenario.
That's a lot of dog owners with shotguns fixing the problem.
Its an anomalous tiger but nothing says a few shotgun shells don't work, so yes
@@maiquanghuy8807 I'm just saying, you put a PSA that tiger colored cats are gonna fuck up your dogs and if its contained to the U.S. where they have the base case this is not a hard fix.
Considering how fast cats can reproduce too, it definitely sounds like an XK class scenario.
Cats and humans live together as friend for 10 000years or more,that's not an XK just new cat type....
"the chances for a harmless SCP to kill you is low, but never zero."
The reason why I love this scp:
This scp is simple, and isn't some overpowered letrich abomination given immortality by a writer who assumed it would be terminated if it wasn't. Its just a bengal tiger assuming the form of a house cat
Me reading the title knowing full well that it isn't just a harmless kitten
By kittens standards, it is harmless.
Narrator: “Private Kowalski...”
as a cat lover with a cat of my own, i would probably be dead in an instant. i would be petting it while saying “wHoS a GOod kITTy?? yOu ArE!!”, and trying to take it home
This is awesome. Pure genius. Someone with a big budget needs to get rolling on a SCP TV series. The incredibly smart stories are already there. Would be way better than X files.
I would definitely watch that! Although, they would to simplify it and would probably have to choose whether to acknowledge just one Scp-001, or have some explanation as to why there are multiple Scp-001's, otherwise most causal viewers are just going to be very confused.
No! No! and No! it is my biggest pet peeve hearing people ask for studio produced scp films or tv. It's literally never going to happen! Scp is under a creative commons license, meaning anyone has a right to use the lore of the world but they can't profit off their creations. This is like the best case scenario because it means we already have the freedom to make whatever we want out of scp. There's multiple scp channels on yt, artists, video games, stories written in the canon. But it does mean that no company us ever going to make anything of it because they can't profit off of it. We don't want a studio getting control of scp since it means they're going to be subject to any number of changes that could interfere with the vision of the foundation.
watch the cabin in the woods. Or maybe the devil below (it's from this year). both should give you an idea of what an scp movie or something would look like.
Ive heard about a show called warehouse 13 that was vaguely scp like but it hasnt seemed like a huge sensation so idk how good it is
@@iBenjamin1000 technically all scp UA-cam channels that are big enough break that rule since even a cent is breaking it
@@DarthZ01 I really liked Warehouse 13, but I really didn’t ever get an SCP vibe from it.
Dude… that’s just life with a cat.
I still find it cute and funny that SCP 247 and a Bengal Tiger actually birthed another SCP 247.
So did the kid not notice how friggin' heavy the kitten in his lap was?
cause of the anomalous effect making it impossible to perceive it as anything other than the kitten.
The anamoulus effect.
✨the anomalous effect✨
Good point
According to the file the weight seems to be the weight of a normal tiger.
So then one explanation is that the cat WAS heavy as hell but the kid didn't see anything weong with that.
"where is the kitten"
"But sir you're gonna die"
1:10 idk why but i laughed at how the classic SCP Explained scream sound effect was shown as a soundwave on a screen
New researcher: “Aw what a cute kitty!”
Dr bright: *smacking the researchers clipboard* “NO TOUCH KITTY.”
"But.......,it looks like a 'harmless kitten'"
@@pixl5500 watch out pix it's has a knife
You kidding me? Bright would goad EVERYONE to touch it!
“A Harmless Kitten” Whoever names these files needs to be escorted to a dark room with no windows and terminated immediately.
I guess I whoud call it this way if it really existed...
I mean I already call tigers this way xD
i think in a meta kind of way it draws you onto the file name, same as its effect irl
I think a lot of the names are selected out of irony. Like scp 682 the hard to destroy reptile. More like the impossible to destroy reptile. That thing has been melted in acid dismembered burned and reduced to bones and even struck multiple times with a atom splitting sword and it still didnt die. Not even the scarlet kings own daughters survived that last one but 682 regenerates or adapts and moves on with its day.
“Don’t worry just look at the pretty space butterflies”
Ah yes, no one questions the attack helicopter with missiles and guns hovering over a building. Its the perfect disguise-
As a cat lover, this wouldn't stop me. I would happily pet it until I die.
Day 91 of asking the O5 Council to use SCP-1968 to create a universe in which 682 doesn't exist.
Can't wait to see it
Just go inside Ooo Death cave xD
Yes... and possibly accidentally spread O Death to our world... no thxs
What does SCP 1968 do exactly?
My last words...here kitty kitty
“Me seeing a tabby cat and realizing it could be a tiger” …..still worth it
One of the few cases where the foundation decided the danger was great enough that further instances were to be neutralized on discovery rather than merely contained. They got one in containment and that's more than enough, any further instances that Iota-5 (Tiger Bait) finds are to be destroyed immediately.
me looking at my ginger cat that sits on my lap as I watch this: 👁👁
If you had been petting it for over 7 minutes then it is real
kill it
Kick it
Me :Harmless kitten
A new Scp fan: The thumbnail says otherwise
Me :(laughing) bro this is why it is harmless coz this is the SCP foundation
so like, does the kitty have the same hitbox of a lion or...
It would be a nightmare if the cat’s hitbox was the size of the kitten…
Ah hell nah
SCP-247 got the janky ass hotbox
Since the kid pet the cat like petting normal cat, yes
The hitbox is that of a cat.
maybe it can change its hitbox to its liking
Well, I’d be dead within seconds, even if I knew about it. I’d just have to pet the kitty 🐱
This would have been an incredible story with a twist, if the title and thumbnail hadn't spoiled the twist. Also, the legs of cats, either big or small, don't bend that way.
This is one of those SCP that just seems so much easier to kill and be done with
If I was the strike team I would of thought the child had powers! That, “good kitty” was creepy!
Thanks SCP Explained, this is exactly what I needed to see on the eve of adopting my first kitten 😊
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-247 is kept in an enclosure of at least 20 (twenty) by 40 (forty) meters, furnished based on the plans provided by the [REDACTED] Zoo and lined with SCP-148 offset from the rest of Site-██ by at least 50 (fifty) meters in order to mitigate its psychic effect. (As per current containment procedures for SCP-148, its use in the containment of other SCPs is to be avoided if at all possible. - O5-█). SCP-247 is to be fed 18 kilograms of fresh meat on a tri-weekly basis. Feeding occurs in a separate enclosure. Cleaning staff should enter the enclosure only during designated feeding times. No other access to the enclosure is allowed. The footage resulting from any violation of this order is to be archived for use in training the cleaning and monitoring staff of SCP-247.
In case of a containment breach, the entire wing must be evacuated and all live footage of the incident heavily censored. The area SCP-247 occupies will be sealed off and gassed, followed by the return of SCP-247 to containment. If for any reason this should become impossible, a retrieval team will be sent in armed with heavy tranquilizer rifles. Retrieval team Agents must be specially selected for high reflexes, excellent marksmanship, unquestioning obedience, and low empathy scores.
Description: SCP-247 is a Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris; adult female) which, to all observers, appears to be a harmless cat (Felis catus; juvenile female) with an orange-and-black striped coat resembling that of a tiger.
Remote feeds and still photos also show this illusion, although it is unknown whether the photo itself is affected or merely the observer. SCP-247's true nature has been confirmed by analysis of weight, water displacement, and dental moulds made from bite marks.
It is unknown exactly how SCP-247 generates this illusion. There are two components to the illusion: first, a memetic effect that changes the perceived image of SCP-247 to that of a kitten, and second, a psychic component which radiates outward from the subject (diminishing according to the inverse square law and reaching half strength at █ meters). Any sentient being within this field comes under the impression that SCP-247 is completely harmless, regardless of prior knowledge or experience. Individuals in this field also show extreme reluctance to harm or allow others to harm SCP-247, even while being actively harmed by the subject. This psychic field can be blocked with SCP-148, or avoided by striking from well outside its effective range. The memetic effect is not blocked by SCP-148; as of yet, no one has been able to see SCP-247 as anything but a small striped cat.
Typically SCP-247 will begin to purr or mew when approached by a human. The human will remark that this is adorable, and approach to pet the subject (this has been observed even in persons who strongly dislike cats). SCP-247 has been known to accept affection from its victims for upwards of seven minutes before disemboweling and devouring them.
Genetic analysis shows slight deviation from a typical Bengal Tiger's genotype, indicating possible contamination [DATA EXPUNGED] all further breeding experiments require O5 level approval. The resulting hybrids have been designated SCP-247-1; see Experiment Log 247a-14 for more details.
Addendum 247a: A series of tests in exposing SCP-247 and the Control subjects to various non-human animals. Control testing took place in an exact replica of SCP-247’s enclosure. Control A is a yellow kitten matching SCP-247’s apparent size and age. Control B is a fully grown Bengal Tiger matching SCP-247’s actual weight.
Experiment Log 247a-01
Date: ██/██/2010
Test Subject: A mixed-breed dog, mostly terrier. A known cat-chaser.
Control Test A: Subject immediately began barking and ran at the control, which retreated up a nearby tree.
Control Test B: Subject cowered in the corner as far from the control as possible. Control took no notice of subject.
Results: Subject ran toward SCP-247, barking loudly. At approximately five (5) meters away subject slowed to a halt and became silent. At this point, SCP-247 rolled over and made a ‘mewing’ sound believed to be a sign of annoyance. The subject retreated to a far corner of the enclosure with its tail between its legs.
Notes: That was extremely odd. Further testing recommended. - Researcher S████
Approved. - O5-█
Experiment Log 247a-02i-ii
Date: ██/██/2010
Test Subject: A male tabby kitten with the same apparent age as SCP-247.
Control Test A: Subject played with the control in the manner expected of kittens.
Control Test B: Subject climbed a tree and attempted to hide itself from the control, displaying visible signs of terror.
Results (test i): Subject approached SCP-247 and mewed. SCP-247 responded in kind and played with the tabby kitten. The resulting footage is extremely odd; at one point SCP-247 lifts the subject (which appears to be the same size as SCP-247) with a single forepaw, while at another point SCP-247 lifts the subject with its mouth, clearly showing that its mouth is much larger than it appears to be. The leading researcher characterized this as adorable but remarked that it gave him “a headache.” Due to a faulty recorder, this test had to be repeated.
Results (test ii): Subject approached SCP-247 as above. SCP-247 made a deep purring sound, analogous to a growl. Subject reacted as in control test B.
Notes: This seems to indicate 247 has some degree of conscious control over its apparent appearance. - Researcher S████
Experiment Log 247a-03
Date: ██/██/2010
Test Subject: An adult male deer, a normal prey animal for a Bengal Tiger. (Control B and SCP-247 were not fed for 3 days prior to this experiment.)
Control Test A: Subject grazed. Control fell asleep two minutes into the experiment.
Control Test B: Control attacked, killed and devoured subject, which behaved normally for a deer trapped in an enclosed space with a large predator.
Results: Subject began grazing as in control test A. SCP-247 approached it calmly and killed it with a single bite to the neck, then proceeded to devour the subject. (Test was repeated without SCP-247 being forced to fast. SCP-247 completely ignored the subject for over a day before apparently becoming hungry and killing it, again with a single bite to the neck.)
Notes: SCP-247 seems to prefer humans, both as food and for entertainment. Other prey animals presented to SCP-247 were all killed in a single strike, while humans are invariably allowed to pet the SCP for some time before being killed and are sometimes mauled and ‘played’ with the way a cat will play with a mouse. Furthermore, the SCP has killed every human it has had the opportunity to kill, regardless of hunger. - Researcher S████
Experiment Log 247a-08
Date: ██/██/2010
Test Subject: An adult female chimpanzee.
Control Test A: Subject and control ignored one another.
Control Test B: Subject retreated to a tree, showing some signs of unease. Control displayed some curiosity towards the subject but did not attack.
Results: Subject approached SCP-247, made noises identified as signs of affection, and began to groom SCP-247. SCP-247 allowed the subject to groom it for over an hour, then messily killed and devoured it.
Notes: This seems to be its typical reaction to unfamiliar prey animals. It seems to prefer to prey on apes with advanced social behaviour. Experiments with gorillas and other social apes have shown similar results. Essentially, SCP-247 is a large predator that has somehow adapted to take advantage of the largest available food source - humans. We should investigate all future reports of man-eating tigers in case there are more of these things. - Researcher S████
Experiment Log 247a-12
Date: ██/██/2010
Test Subject: An adult female grizzly bear.
Control Test A: Control fled up a tree in terror. Subject ignored it.
Control Test B: Subject and control acted nervously and gave one another as large a berth as possible.
Results: Initially subject and SCP-247 ignored one another. At one point subject came very close to SCP-247, resulting in SCP-247 giving a warning growl. Subject responded with hostility. Test aborted due to possible harm to SCP-247; subject tranquilized by Foundation personnel and subsequently killed by SCP-247.
Notes: Future tests involving animals potentially capable of killing or injuring a Bengal Tiger are cancelled. - Researcher S████
Experiment Log 247a-13
Date: ██/██/2010
Test Subject: An adult female Bengal Tiger
Control Test A: Control fled up a tree in terror. Subject ignored it.
Control Test B: Subject and control greeted one another, established the order of social dominance, then both fell asleep.
Results: Identical to control test B.
Notes: Interestingly, SCP-247 was the beta animal in this interaction. - Researcher S████
Experiment Log 247a-14
Date: ██/██/2010
Test Subject: An adult male Bengal Tiger
Control Test A: Control fled up a tree in terror. Subject ignored it.
Control Test B: Omitted, record of normal Bengal tiger mating behaviour substituted.
Results: As expected based on control B. [DATA EXPUNGED].
Notes: Researcher S████ has been removed from this project for lax security in his experiments, although in light of his injuries, further disciplinary measures have been deemed unnecessary. [DATA EXPUNGED], which seems to have benefited from a form of ‘hybrid vigor’, has been designated SCP-247-1. Considering that SCP-247 is likely to have bred naturally in the wild, Mobile Task Force Iota-5 ("Tiger Bait") has been formed and assigned to hunt down and contain or destroy all incidences of the hybrid SCP-247-1. - O5-█
You didn't just comment the entire SCP-247 article
@@yeetuszilla1663 oh they did. They did.
dude cited the entire vid.
what bro are you trying to write a story for school!?!?!?
Copy and paste
at least the redactions are still there
Containment procedures: place cardboard box next to a cat tree
Ayy good job with these videos man I love the effort you always put in to them all! Keep doing a great job
Harmless little cat?? Cats are responsile for the extinction of a bunch of different species...for fun! Nothing more terrifying than an SCP cat...
like what species cat lead to extinction?
@@MorNloR A shit ton of island birds and small mammals. Just because they aren’t a big threat to humans doesn’t mean domestic cats aren’t dangerous to most other species.
@@videogameunderappreciateda8174 As an owner of two cats I confirm. Never let their looks deceive you, they are born predators!
That's why are we here, to control them.
And pet them because at the end of the day we are their servants technically speaking :P
Humans are responsible for vastly more extinctions than cats. We are the most terrifying species on this planet.
Everyone: *pays attention to the cat*
Me: What about the child? Where will he go if his mother is gone? What will the foundation do? What will be their excuse?
"A deranged man attack a mother in her own home, leaving a kid orphaned"
Tragic,but not rare at all.
I love orange kittens, so I'm the prime target for its next victim lol
Even after this video, I fail to see how SCP-247 is different than any other cat.
Bro this entire story is just describing my cat. Orange tabby attacks everyone but one person but people still think she’s cute
Does anyone else watch a lot of these and wonder why Art Garfunkel is one of the frequently seen SCP scientists?
This brings a whole new meaning to “murder mittens”. For those of you who are not obsessive cat people, “murder mittens” are paws.
Im gonna be honest, since the cats on this animation looked so cute, i really was hoping for the test kitties not to die, luckily they didnt and now im more than pleased
i’d probably think that kitten was just normal. no one would
Welp, yup I would be dead for sure. I can’t deny an adorable little orange kitten, I would for sure pet it with hesitation 😂😭
Just because it's a cat with tiger-like traits and normal house-cat traits, doesn't mean I'd want to see both the cute cat and the tiger within.
I still love the scp universe till this day, because its so well made the amount of effort they put in the lore of the scp
At least it's just a tiger and not some world-ending demonic force
"has never been percived as anything other than a kitten"
wonder how a AIC would percive it
What I find scary about this video, is how the kitten’s legs keep bending the wrong way.
What if there was an inverse? A small innocent housecat, who's anomalous ability makes humans and humanoid creatures run in fear because it is perceived as a Bengal Tiger?
Pin would be awesome 👌
This... Would it be better to just terminate them instead of containing? Actually, what happens to them after killing them? Will they lose all their properties? Can they be taked and used?
Day 24 of asking for a video of "The Things Dr Bright Is Not Allowed To Do At The Foundation" with some backstories and explanations to some of them
Hey you can't kill kitties or tigers,tigers are endangered,even if it have camouflage it is still a damn big cat,don't touch it!
You can pet it!
Mobile Task Force Iota-5 (Tiger Bait) is currently assigned to hunt down and terminate uncontained instances of SCP-247-1. "Terminate" not "contain" the foundation isn't screwing around with this one.
@@atomicskull6405 untill the nature activist go after the foundation and iota-5.....
@@krivjeto then just tell the GOC what there doing and watch as they “disappear”
@@krivjeto Yeah good luck with that lol.
*_Top 5 SCP pet animals_*
5. Scp 247
4. Scp 939
3. Scp 1111
2. Scp 999
Honorable mentions
Scp 239
And now
1. Scp 682
@@Human_traain though are dandras
@@Human_traain 239? Uhhhh......?
@@julianfitter832 uh what what uh when did i type that???
What context for the honorable mention?
It's always the orange cats.
All orange cats share one single brain cell.
A normal business helicopter,
Has giant gun on front
**sweats nervously as an piranha tabby cat owner**
Ok, now people will understand why there are some who fear little kittens and call them "Cute, but Deadly!"
[THE LIVING LEGO] me: walks
Me: Nuclear explosions
The irony of this situation is that my ability to meow like an actual cat could be used against this SCP to confuse it and get it to leave me alone. Since I've actually had a conversation in cat with a stray cat before (without injury to me or the cat), this could actually be used against this SCP to get it to leave me alone and not try to kill me.
Holy crap. I thought I was the only one who could do that! Also, I think that the SCP would just try to play probably. Either that, or it would give us all the "wth" look
@@hoarderofduckies Well, fellow cat-meowing expert, appartently this is at least a two person thing. If the SCP Foundation wants we could probably tag-team this situation and/or take turns for experiments there!!
the fact that the cat was capable of kindness at all might mean something
1 mtf dead is pretty good for scp standards
If i see a kitten like that i will just make sure it follows me to the nearest filled up prison and then, and only then i ll accept my fate
The fact that ‘harmless’ was used to describe a cat in the title
Because they are relatively harmless to humans
@@anarchistmaverick9507 r/whoosh
Oh no, there’s a orange tabby in my house
I hope they keep both the parents and their cub in containment so they could be a happy tiger family (curse my love and defensive To any animals and right to make sure they stay happy even in ScP universes
Secure, Contain, Protect. They live by it so it is likely.
I'm fostering a orange tabby right now should I be worried?
7:40 I think I heard something like this before..
"We get our hands dirty so the earth can stay clean"
'We die in the dark so that others may live in the light.' very noble. Are you sure that's a *Foundation* credo?🤣🤣🤣
Its been their motto forever because that's what their jobs entail them to do
Of course?
A MTF that trained from military for 10 years Vs a smol kitten
What’s kinda creepy is that there’s a ginger cat in my neighborhood
The title reminds me of the meme "it won't bite" lul
Famous last words…………………………
this is a truly horrifying being for different reasons than most!
"It may be the last thing you ever do"
Yes, but it is worth it.
Lol, it wouldn't have to use the cognitohazard to get me to pet it. I'd just want to pet the cat
the harmless kitten :D
“Private kowalski”
*Kowalski analysis*
0:05 "Any commercial or news helicopter"
SCP Explained: Draws heavily armed military chopper.
Do a video on Marshall, Carter and Dark please.
This is why, you sould never be evil with cats, because some of us are beyond the 12 dimension, LARGELY BEYOND YOUR UNDERSTANDING
1k likes already how......edit: who would dare dislike 😡
I love how, of all the types of cats they could have given, they decided to give Garfield a Nermal.
I'm surprised that cat didn't end in Abu Dhabi.
MTF,RRT,SD and more I havent brain
Dang. It's just a Bengal tiger posing as a cute kitten.
Ok whats happening are we doing an evry day upload or is this a dream
No they are doing a Daily Upload this isnt a dream
Unless of course this universe is a Dream Universe to your universe...
@@LexiLunarpaw scp universe?
Me: *wants to pet cat*
Also me: Wait I'm allergic to cats. Oh well. *pets it anyway*
Wow I'm first
Does anyone realize 247 really just acts like a very large cat would probably act?
And this is why I'm a dog person. 🐕