Marilyn Monroe fotos inéditas gira - unpublished photos 1954 live (MM 3)

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • Fueron 10 presentaciones en distintas locaciones de Corea, fue una gira intensa de 4 días ante más de 100.000 soldados estadounidenses en Febrero de 1954 y a pesar de las condiciones climáticas extremas, con grados bajo cero e incluso lluvia, Marilyn Monroe cumplió profesionalmente y humanamente su trabajo sin quejarse, no suspendió ni atrasó sus presentaciones. Ella era ya una megaestrella de Hollywood, pero nunca olvidó de dónde venía y todo lo que sufrió. Ella cumplió al pie de la letra su misión. No se abrigó a pesar del intenso frío, su tenida era veraniega, un vestido sexy pero elegante que dejaba al descubierto sus hombros, su espectáculo era musical y también visual. Ella sabía muy bien que eso querían los hombres y no los defraudaría. La frágil e insegura Norma Jean quedaba abajo en el escenario y arriba subía la sexy y carismática Marilyn Monroe.
    Con esta gira Marilyn sería la primera mujer rock star en la historia? Otras mujeres famosas anteriores ya habían ido a cantar años atrás, a tropas en el frente de combate, como Marlene Dietrich o Vera Lynn, pero esas presentaciones eran parte de otra época, más conservadora. Marilyn en cambio, contemporánea de Elvis Presley irrumpía con una actitud más atrevida. En el repertorio de Marilyn no había rock and roll, pero mucho swing, jazz y baladas. Su actitud era segura en el escenario, por momentos muy eléctrica y en otras muy sensual, sus movimientos, su postura… claramente sus estudios escénicos y de danza le ayudaron a desenvolverse arriba del escenario. Sus brazos apuntando desnudos hacia el cielo como un rayo de energía o desplegados hacia los lados en forma perfectamente horizontal, hablaban de un estilo propio en esos movimientos, era el estilo Marilyn Monroe. Ninguna mujer antes se había movido así en público y tampoco lo ha vuelto hacer alguien después. Las imágenes que hay sobre esa gira son las fotos que sacaron los mismos soldados con sus cámaras, hay algunos registros de videos, pero la calidad del sonido y la imagen no son buenos.
    “Esta gira fue lo mejor que me ha pasado. Nunca antes me sentí como una estrella…” diría Marilyn al recordar este viaje. Esa alegría tendría un costo. Después de terminada las presentaciones Marilyn pagaría las consecuencias, enfermó de pulmonía y su relación con su esposo Joe DiMaggio, que no estuvo de acuerdo con este viaje, se deterioró irremediablemente hasta su divorcio meses después.
    Emebout, mayo de 2022
    here were 10 presentations in different locations in Korea, it was an intense 4-day tour in front of more than 100,000 American soldiers in February 1954 and in spite of the extreme weather conditions, with degrees below zero and even rain, Marilyn Monroe professionally and humanely fulfilled her job without complaining, she did not suspend or delay her presentations. She was already a Hollywood megastar, but she never forgot where she came from and all that she suffered. She fulfilled her mission to the letter. She did not dress warmly despite the intense cold, her outfit was summery, a sexy but elegant dress that exposed her shoulders, her show was musical as well as visual. She knew very well that this was what men wanted and she would not let them down. The fragile and insecure Norma Jean was down on the stage and the sexy and charismatic Marilyn Monroe was up.
    With this tour Marilyn would be the first female rock star in history? Other famous women had already gone to sing years before, to troops in the front line, like Marlene Dietrich or Vera Lynn, but those presentations were part of another era, more conservative. Marilyn, on the other hand, a contemporary of Elvis Presley, burst in with a more daring attitude. In Marilyn's repertoire there was no rock and roll, but a lot of swing, jazz and ballads. Her attitude was confident on stage, at times very electric and at others very sensual, her movements, her posture... clearly her stage and dance studies helped her to perform on stage. Her arms pointing naked towards the sky like a beam of energy or spread out to the sides in a perfectly horizontal way, spoke of her own style in those movements, it was the Marilyn Monroe style. No woman had ever moved like that in public before and no one has ever done it since. The images that exist about that tour are the photos taken by the soldiers themselves with their cameras, there are some video records, but the sound and image quality are not good.
    "This tour was the best thing that ever happened to me. I never felt like a star before..." Marilyn would say remembering this trip. That joy would come at a cost. After the performances were over Marilyn would pay the consequences, she fell ill with pneumonia and her relationship with her husband Joe DiMaggio, who did not agree with this trip, deteriorated irreparably until their divorce months later.
    Emebout, May 2022


  • @soniamasapanta7102
    @soniamasapanta7102 2 роки тому +3

    Muy hermosa,y su muerte sigue siendo un misterio..!!!

  • @emanuelamanucci18
    @emanuelamanucci18 2 роки тому +3


  • @iconslegends5230
    @iconslegends5230 2 роки тому +5

    Timeless planetary icon!
    So magnetic and charismatic. She is still a source of inspiration... What a special woman!

  • @ingridmarianarodriguez8539
    @ingridmarianarodriguez8539 2 роки тому +4

    Such wonderful pic! Thanks. She'll never be forgotten it's impossible ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @titoguerrerosmreano7164
    @titoguerrerosmreano7164 Рік тому +1

    Por supuesto es una mujer maravillo
    samente hermosa, ninguna mujer puede asemejar ni comparar a ella
    hasta el dia de hoy.
    por lo tanto ella es unica y jamas tendra rivalidad.

  • @chrisjeffries2322
    @chrisjeffries2322 2 роки тому +3

    Yes, she was the First Rock Star. Thank you for all your kind words emebout.

  • @regladiaz291
    @regladiaz291 2 роки тому +3


  • @starnight6134
    @starnight6134 2 роки тому +3

    I can't take my eyes from her. Great and timeless Marilyn Monroe... Eternal star 🌟

  • @megan2878
    @megan2878 2 роки тому +1

    I have Pinterest boards that contain around 50,000 photos, licenses, x rays, letters, in fact just about everything about this ill fated, used and abused Angel. 18 biographies, and she also adorns my walls. Can't get enough, of a girl who went into her first foster home at 12 DAYS old. Molested in two of those homes, (that she would admit), first by an old English actor, the second by a foster father, she also spent time in a orphanage. A bipolar existence (me too, which adheres me more to her, knowing of her torment), and suffering borderline personality disorder, she was up against it from day one. I have created a library of references in artwork on Pinterest of this gorgeous soul, who was murdered over what she knew, and threatened to disclose, of everything told her in pillow talk. Although it was believed that he took the secret to his grave, before he died, her supposed friend Peter Lawford, brother in law of the Kennedys, admitted to being complicit in the conspiracy and death of Marilyn Monroe. It was when being interviewed for a biography of Jackie Kennedy. The only person, though he was abusive through jealousy, who loved her until the day he died, was her second husband Joe DiMaggio. He claimed her body,organised the funeral, and sent red roses twice a week to her crypt, for 20 years. His son, Joe Junior, said that on his deathbed, Joe had looked forward to seeing Marilyn again. I'm half way through another biography, and I will be continuing to create artwork of a star crossed beam of light, that was extinguished too soon. ♥️Forever

  • @iconslegends5230
    @iconslegends5230 2 роки тому +1

    I commented previously, but I forgot to say that ...I saw many photos of her in Korea, but in this video there are many really unpublished. Thanks for this precious gift

  • @nartarlyiatremaynne1239
    @nartarlyiatremaynne1239 2 роки тому +1

    My Daddy called Marilyn his no. 2 Dreamboat because my Mummy was his first dreamboat.
    My Daddy is in his 60th year on this earth and he loved seeing these gorgeous photos of Marilyn.
    My heartfelt gratitude.
    Australia 💟

  • @ivanildosilva8172
    @ivanildosilva8172 2 роки тому +2


  • @zeeldaazoonk
    @zeeldaazoonk 2 роки тому +3

    Wonderful wonderful wonderful !!!

  • @mariaaparecidapinheiro1671
    @mariaaparecidapinheiro1671 2 роки тому +2
