Yoru is a Waifu! | Galatea is coming to Strinova Global!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @kierce6969
    @kierce6969  День тому +55

    "Soon" -Kierce

    • @Kacper_PG
      @Kacper_PG День тому +1

      Soon, in 1 month I Guess

    • @akumaryugu
      @akumaryugu День тому

      When strinova mobile gonna be release?

    • @Ethos-e7g
      @Ethos-e7g День тому

      I have heard you say "Soon" 10 times this week

    • @Justin_0241
      @Justin_0241 День тому

      Galatea is voiced by Rie Tanaka ( seiyuu of Mimori from Blue Archive ,Himeko from HSR and Lisa from Genshin )

    • @homurizu
      @homurizu 22 години тому

      soon is tomorrow

  • @Vince-yg2db
    @Vince-yg2db День тому +39

    Maddelena's older sister?!
    Things I like about Maddelena
    1. Her sister

  • @FoxFaeez
    @FoxFaeez День тому +23

    So has a kanami reveal, a teleport and an invisible...
    Sounds like a fun character to play as and a nightmare to go against.

  • @hiro_sekai5948
    @hiro_sekai5948 День тому +8

    Dude her intro IS SO COOL

  • @bucketofcopium
    @bucketofcopium День тому +6

    Galatea one-trick making a Galatea video
    I thought it'd be more complicated, but that's probably coming later. Hopefully one comes out, she looks fun (whee clone jank)

    • @kierce6969
      @kierce6969  День тому

      Yeah you’re correct HAHAHAH I have way too much jank for her

  • @mijikanijika
    @mijikanijika День тому +7

    Galatea my clutch queen

  • @ravensaurer2315
    @ravensaurer2315 20 годин тому

    thank you for manifesting her release with the power of "Soon", i can't wait to play her after maintenance!

  • @Vikey36
    @Vikey36 День тому +6

    I used to main Evie in a game named Paladins, when mastered, she could be an annoyance and a menace by her ability to easily enter a fight, and leaves as quick as she can enter (she was able to teleport to where she was looking at) and seems like I will have a lot of fun with galatea

    • @kirovreporting3573
      @kirovreporting3573 День тому +1

      Just a first impression though but I believe Evie is way harder mechanically

    • @Vikey36
      @Vikey36 22 години тому

      @@kirovreporting3573 most likely it is, much more squishy than anyone, considerably low dps compared to others, the need to predict your shots, and having to shot mid air most of the times, I would assume I will have a decent idea of how to play this other one since it does feel easier

  • @nbound
    @nbound День тому +1

    damn you make this character look so sick

  • @n1ghtc1ub
    @n1ghtc1ub 20 годин тому

    just going off of the awakenings alone, i really feel like she will be a powerful character to play and very fun too. cant wait to try her out (cause idk how to install CN strinova)

  • @Servalsno1fan
    @Servalsno1fan День тому +7

    If its a copy of rebelflame does that mean the recoil is as crazy?

  • @poipot9490
    @poipot9490 23 години тому

    My god the rank even more chaos.

  • @quique3676
    @quique3676 День тому +2

    as a galatea otp, what awakening u consider is the best one for her 2 or 3, i think the 2 could be fun for cheese kills, but the 3 would give more information for radar and players hitting her clone, which one u choose normally, depends in the map or team comp? or there is one u always choose

    • @kierce6969
      @kierce6969  День тому +1

      From a high level standpoint awakening 2 is her strongest, its extreme pressure on both offense and defense with no hard or guaranteed punish. It is also the only awakening that is viable on high ping. A3 is similarly strong but shoots her already high skill ceiling through the roof, as options become tremendous and decision making becomes even harder. Both are viable on every map, as Galatea is considered by many top players as one of if not the best character in the game. The only reason no one plays her as much is simply because of the aforementioned insane skill floor and ceiling.

    • @Ethereal6541
      @Ethereal6541 День тому

      @@kierce6969 kierce didnt mention this but when galatea first got released most players discounted her as a throw pick and gave up on her (even the EN players did, partially because she is the worst character in the game in relation to dealing with high ping, making her extremely tough to play at a high lvl for most en players who played >150, mostly because no one matched the skill floor she had well enough to play up to their own elo without feeding 50 games)
      then she got a whole ass awakening built into her basekit and now she's kinda really overtuned but nobody picked her up so a good gala player can just hard carry a whole lobby by playing like 3 roles in a single character

    • @isdzul89
      @isdzul89 День тому

      both awakening looks promising game changes. But need to coordinate well with teammates to further push.

    • @kierce6969
      @kierce6969  23 години тому

      @@Ethereal6541 guess who saw potential in her on release on CN? ME IT WAS ME HAHAHAHA

  • @brunoracanelli777
    @brunoracanelli777 20 годин тому

    "Kierce, do you know when she will be released globally?"

  • @BellowDGaming
    @BellowDGaming День тому

    Mind games, teleport when needed to backup a comrade or to escape on her base.
    Upgrades can be stealthy and leaves clone jutsu's on the field.
    High level skilling.

  • @stapot
    @stapot День тому

    good enough, welcome back yoru

  • @kuurooii9350
    @kuurooii9350 День тому +1

    bro sounds like season 1 Phreak league of legends champion spotlights

  • @cn_cien
    @cn_cien День тому +1

    doesnt stop me, i learned reiichi and baimo at the same time. i am going to make galatea as my main

  • @Hikikomori-oz7rl
    @Hikikomori-oz7rl День тому

    been praying for this

  • @TrueHunter999
    @TrueHunter999 День тому

    So much potential I love it

  • @KalisGaming
    @KalisGaming День тому +7

    No way they added Lisa in Strinova!

    • @FrancpoeJavinDalangin
      @FrancpoeJavinDalangin День тому +3

      even has the same VA

    • @yseptpia
      @yseptpia День тому

      @@FrancpoeJavinDalangin yeah voiced by Rie Tanaka,yoru become mommy lol and have a sister too

  • @iamgats9216
    @iamgats9216 День тому +1

    Can we play her on both attack and defense like Madelenna?

    • @dantishj
      @dantishj День тому +1

      Галатея из Урбино

  • @mirai_b4n
    @mirai_b4n День тому

    soon its too long need now!
    btw mb u know whent at global will be maps with houses of other heroes like lawine and fushia? or maybe in which season it was on china server

  • @salmanzakin1355
    @salmanzakin1355 20 годин тому

    I thought the sound of the pencony was coming from the hars on my PC

  • @january7569
    @january7569 День тому

    yoru player from valorant: Finally... my new main!

  • @Dardarling-
    @Dardarling- 20 годин тому

    may i ask how to get fuchsia skin “ nightwalker” in striona global ? i already searching the skin but can’t find it . when i playing match some player already using it .. fuchsia with grey hair .... please help me :(

  • @luigiclone0286
    @luigiclone0286 День тому

    The community was in remiss, they had never seen a more threatening moveset than this

  • @Ethereal6541
    @Ethereal6541 День тому +3

    wow I wonder who that gala who got scanned is

  • @denekii1574
    @denekii1574 День тому

    She will be my next attack main, that looks so fun

  • @alter8227
    @alter8227 7 годин тому

    Now i wonder if i can master her combat skills

  • @hauntedastolfobeanplushie1956
    @hauntedastolfobeanplushie1956 День тому +1

    I really wanna play her, she seems like the kind of character I'd main! Is there a release date btw?

  • @yseptpia
    @yseptpia День тому

    Yoru become mommy and have sister? SIGN ME UP!!

  • @Ovrhyt65
    @Ovrhyt65 День тому

    Speaking of yoru i wish his va would have a voice role soon in strinova

  • @billydomingo8957
    @billydomingo8957 День тому

    man, I love HSR musics

  • @AyanamiShiroko
    @AyanamiShiroko День тому

    When will the second skill be released to global?

  • @Ascinei
    @Ascinei 18 годин тому +1

    Oh no…

  • @ventikoi
    @ventikoi День тому

    i can tell she will be such a pain in the ass to counter, it'll be fun trying to counter a Galatea once it goes global

  • @crazyrechicken7828
    @crazyrechicken7828 День тому

    When Will be released,?

  • @orangepanzer9281
    @orangepanzer9281 День тому

    I'm lucky that I save up for her.

  • @KuroTakina
    @KuroTakina День тому +4


    • @KuroTakina
      @KuroTakina День тому +1

      Here when it was uploaded 27 seconds ago :D

    • @KuroTakina
      @KuroTakina День тому +1

      BTW this is the #1 GOAT with galatea

    • @Ethereal6541
      @Ethereal6541 День тому


  • @elsolitariodrogado
    @elsolitariodrogado День тому +1


  • @kontolodon669
    @kontolodon669 День тому +1

    when is soon ? xD

    • @kawaiilittlemonster3478
      @kawaiilittlemonster3478 День тому

      Maybe after celestia legendary Skin banner?

    • @kierce6969
      @kierce6969  День тому +1

      soon : )

    • @kontolodon669
      @kontolodon669 День тому

      @@kawaiilittlemonster3478 i saw the post on X its coming tomorrow December 19th 0.0 AM utc it takes 3 hrs for the update to roll in xD

  • @HyphenSam
    @HyphenSam День тому +1

    Yugiri when?

  • @mikiwarrior
    @mikiwarrior 10 годин тому

    map guides for her please?

  • @morikotriesrp8378
    @morikotriesrp8378 11 годин тому

    If you think about its actually Yoru is Galatea but a guy!

  • @thanhld2402
    @thanhld2402 День тому +1

    lol truely magical girl

  • @drelouder
    @drelouder День тому

    yoru on drug

  • @Feltyland
    @Feltyland День тому +1


  • @ABYZA
    @ABYZA День тому

    when is she going to be available?

  • @vistima6681
    @vistima6681 День тому

    Why do I have a feeling that I'm going to absolutely hate playing against this character.

  • @bwegh
    @bwegh 14 годин тому

    DAMNNNN I DEFF MAINING HER. I am a yoru main LOL

  • @jericoryanenriquez3560
    @jericoryanenriquez3560 День тому


  • @imanim3than1
    @imanim3than1 День тому +1


  • @Morfen22
    @Morfen22 День тому

    When exactly will the character Galatea appear, the author?

  • @VzNtm
    @VzNtm День тому


  • @Amin-ark1
    @Amin-ark1 День тому

    Patch note says tomorrow

  • @Zelion999
    @Zelion999 День тому

    I hope they released 2 new agents

  • @Liquicitize
    @Liquicitize День тому

    It's time to get really dizzy in fights.

  • @xKingKuro
    @xKingKuro День тому

    what is that C skill for?

  • @Natron29
    @Natron29 День тому

    Next up Leona

  • @hikkicrow
    @hikkicrow День тому

    Oh 😮😮😮

  • @星詠み-g9m
    @星詠み-g9m День тому

    Can the enemy destroy galatea's clone?

    • @kierce6969
      @kierce6969  День тому

      @@星詠み-g9m yes it has 100 hp

  • @zero-uj5uf
    @zero-uj5uf День тому +2

    "oh wowzers keirce dropped a video on galatea," I uttered to myself in exitement. "maybe now he will reveal the release date."
    but to my dismay I was met with the same words i hade received three weeks ago "soon" a word that haunts me till this day. A word of torture and uncertainty.
    "N-no it cant be!" I exclaimed in despair as I searched every frame of his video for a clue, a sign anything. but still the words "soon" echoed across every message he sends. A mocking word that will take me to my grave

  • @animatrix2253
    @animatrix2253 23 години тому

    you forgot to add "how to counter Galatea" :)

  • @taptap6027
    @taptap6027 День тому

    Someone get this man a therapist

  • @Mikazoe1012
    @Mikazoe1012 День тому

    holy seems like fun but hard to master

  • @namirysu
    @namirysu 15 годин тому

    uh oh

  • @Aruzien
    @Aruzien 23 години тому

    Kierce, please never pick galatea against me in ranked matches so I can win my games...

  • @daruinosui7782
    @daruinosui7782 День тому

    the better yoru ngl

  • @sandwich-plays
    @sandwich-plays День тому

    tp is crazy wtf

  • @TypoCM
    @TypoCM День тому +4

    Great, so another annoying Bai Mo running everywhere on the map which turns up paranoia meter more

  • @arandomdude2321
    @arandomdude2321 День тому

    omen from temu

  • @th3b0stlp58
    @th3b0stlp58 День тому


  • @KatyiPup
    @KatyiPup День тому

    wait u play galatea?

  • @itssquishy3364
    @itssquishy3364 День тому

    bro I spent my tickets yesterday :(

  • @ZERO-cq7ww
    @ZERO-cq7ww День тому

    She would be perfect bully to snipers because her tp and fake clone.

  • @alies-
    @alies- День тому

    This character doesn't seem like a good sign to me. I absolutely love Strinova and i don't want it to be another game ruined be heavy powercreep of new characters. Clones and teleport's seem to be way too impactful compared what other characters have, especially when she has best assault rifle on top of that.

  • @manchester250
    @manchester250 День тому

    She's the most annoying person against a 1v1 plant situation

  • @kotoriminami2560
    @kotoriminami2560 День тому

    This champ looks cancer to playa against