So there's a creepy glitch in gacha club...[NOT FAKE!] (READ DESC)

  • Опубліковано 1 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 6 тис.

  • @elisascarlette329
    @elisascarlette329  4 роки тому +2452

    For people who saying it's fake
    {Pls read the description}
    *The glitch it's already fixed*
    *It doesn't work anymore*

    • @centuryowo4507
      @centuryowo4507 4 роки тому +165

      That happened to me.. i got so scared.. i believe you don’t worry…

    • @stephaniemonk3331
      @stephaniemonk3331 4 роки тому +60

      U have a point u did do this like... Well it says 3 weeks ago

    • @iitzfattypatty
      @iitzfattypatty 4 роки тому +54

      This happened to me but I DIDN'T do anything I thought it was just my phone so deleted it for a month and imma download it now

    • @-gh0styyy-
      @-gh0styyy- 4 роки тому +39

      Awh I’ve always been wanting to do a glitch =w=

    • @jessicasalinas5279
      @jessicasalinas5279 4 роки тому +25

      Guys why you think is fake it’s not that happens to me it was scary

  • @sheenaperalta9109
    @sheenaperalta9109 4 роки тому +2928

    Dont worry here in the coments we have:
    holy water:
    water? yea ofc also Bibles
    living room for living; -;
    kitchen for more foods any more ideas?

  • @Alya-hs6yn
    @Alya-hs6yn 4 роки тому +514

    Fact : the music is scarier than the glitch

  • @clint6940
    @clint6940 4 роки тому +328

    Im not scared of it i've did it for fun before

    • @aimeeb.1090
      @aimeeb.1090 4 роки тому +10

      ( me watching not knowing what this is )

    • @-Mercury-
      @-Mercury- 4 роки тому +5

      Aimee Baldwin Gacha Club

    • @fonnyfs5979
      @fonnyfs5979 4 роки тому +10

      This game is more creepier than gacha life😨😨😳

    • @itzela6920
      @itzela6920 4 роки тому +7


    • @user-ir1gx1sd4y
      @user-ir1gx1sd4y 4 роки тому +4

      @skand bedi Remember me...? :)

  • @bxrrrii
    @bxrrrii 4 роки тому +277

    The scariest thing was that my google opened up in the middle of this video •-•

    • @ttrash_h
      @ttrash_h 4 роки тому +15

      That happens to me a lot(It ruins my among us playing T^T (it's so annoying when it happens while I'm imposter)

    • @goodshot1238
      @goodshot1238 4 роки тому +6

      So scary-

    • @Ciss_hnn
      @Ciss_hnn 3 роки тому +9

      me: when I saw the pose didn’t move I was like OMG THAT IS SO CREEPY

    • @هايبرا-سان-م4ت
      @هايبرا-سان-م4ت 3 роки тому +1

      اي حتى انا ههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه

    • @Abby-eb5qu
      @Abby-eb5qu 3 роки тому


  • @luvqexes
    @luvqexes 4 роки тому +339

    The only thing creepy is the music TwT
    (Edit: wow I didn’t expect this much likes)

  • @annauc111
    @annauc111 4 роки тому +591

    I be like:*scrolling the comments *

  • @strawberrycow3442
    @strawberrycow3442 3 роки тому +143

    Me : * *Hears* *the* *music* *
    Me again : * *Runs* *and* *hides*
    *under* *the* *blanket* *

  • @jellycatislife
    @jellycatislife 4 роки тому +214

    The Only Thing That Makes It Scary Is The Music Lol
    Edit: So Umm
    I Do Not Know A Comment Similar To This, Therefore, I Did Not Copy It.
    Also, I Am Not Speaking About The In Game BGM. I Am Speaking Of The BGM The Creator Put In.

  • @quit9590
    @quit9590 4 роки тому +269

    Yea it’s not fake but it’s not really “creepy” Lol
    Edit: Thanks for the likes!

    • @sus4864
      @sus4864 4 роки тому +7

      OMg 😱 IM. Shaking AND Quaking!!!!!!!!!!!!! (In fear) *screams in gacci club *

    • @milagroromero4913
      @milagroromero4913 4 роки тому +5

      @Gacha Christie
      *I had nightmares because of you*

    • @sus4864
      @sus4864 4 роки тому +2

      •༒ღBūnnÿ Øffçįåł ÙwÚ ღ ༒• 0-0 ok......

    • @Jaydengibson120
      @Jaydengibson120 4 роки тому +1

      n-n-not creepy haha

    • @shambly7647
      @shambly7647 4 роки тому +1

      Gacha Christine yeah is true

  • @Zaydennzz
    @Zaydennzz 4 роки тому +289

    Me: hmm thats fake ima try
    *10 minutes later*
    Me: i made a huge mistake
    Edit: thanks* for the likes

    • @dango4mango11
      @dango4mango11 4 роки тому +7

      I know how to get rid of the bug

    • @dango4mango11
      @dango4mango11 4 роки тому +10

      @Abigale West when u enter gacha club it will still say error but u can go to where it says body and change the pose

    • @Viraa_aa12
      @Viraa_aa12 4 роки тому +5

      Im not scared well the song is creepy

    • @dadanpriatna6460
      @dadanpriatna6460 4 роки тому +5

      Wait- is it true it works?!

    • @pixel4849
      @pixel4849 4 роки тому +4

      Super Maxmello Nugget Bey no I got the bug twice and got rid of it you are supposed to change the glove and exit the game and your fine!

  • @dragonstar6120
    @dragonstar6120 3 роки тому +189

    This is real because it happend to more people

    • @kei_yuuji1480
      @kei_yuuji1480 3 роки тому +10

      Yea it happened to me 1 month ago and i cant open my phone so i just closed it when i opened it my gacha club is gone so when i downloaded it again its fixed

    • @melon.1308
      @melon.1308 3 роки тому +6

      I downloaded gacha club make, s acc phone died get, s back on Gacha club What Is GoNe;-;

    • @lvegore_
      @lvegore_ 3 роки тому +5

      It happened to me...

    • @melon.1308
      @melon.1308 3 роки тому +5

      @@lvegore_ why not me I will not die

    • @lvegore_
      @lvegore_ 3 роки тому +4

      @@melon.1308well after the glitch happened my mirror broke..

  • @shr00m33
    @shr00m33 4 роки тому +452

    What’s really scary tho-
    *The freaking music-*

    • @sus4864
      @sus4864 4 роки тому +6

      *Lemøn • Juicė* yup 👍

    • @hann0ii1x
      @hann0ii1x 4 роки тому +5

      The music always gives me chills

    • @uwumonstrr5355
      @uwumonstrr5355 4 роки тому +8

      What’s even creepier is that UA-cam auto captions thinks it laughter near the beginning

    • @sus4864
      @sus4864 4 роки тому +6

      UwUmonstrr Wow that pretty scary

    • @darl1ng483
      @darl1ng483 4 роки тому +4

      @@uwumonstrr5355 i-

  • @techeyer6616
    @techeyer6616 4 роки тому +342

    Me: Hears creepy music
    Also me: Instantly turn on bedroom lights

  • @evenwhenthesunisgone
    @evenwhenthesunisgone 4 роки тому +224

    This glitch most likely because Luni tests poses with the default props in hand to make sure it works (explains why the glove changed back it its original state). It will crash the game because that glitch breaks the coding of the game.

    • @hhs0004
      @hhs0004 4 роки тому +3

      o ok

    • @luismorett9541
      @luismorett9541 4 роки тому +2

      Oof I’m scared I have the app gacha club

    • @SiddharthAnilKumar
      @SiddharthAnilKumar 4 роки тому +3

      @Aesthetic_Sloth UwU
      Teachers: s
      Kids: s
      Teachers: e
      Kids: e
      Teachers: n
      Kids: n
      Teachers: s
      Kids: s
      Teachers: e
      Kids: e
      Teachers: sense
      Kids: sensen

    • @rainiiqx
      @rainiiqx 4 роки тому +4

      That explains it

    • @glitchyyt4282
      @glitchyyt4282 4 роки тому +3


  • @mihaigheorghiu9071
    @mihaigheorghiu9071 3 роки тому +94

    everyone: *getting scared bc of the music*
    me: *this music is peaceful!i need to find it now!*
    edit: please send help what did my 9 year old self write. 💀💀

    • @hanaokosan4548
      @hanaokosan4548 3 роки тому +11

      Hon you’re not special :D

    • @h4trwdd
      @h4trwdd 3 роки тому

      @@hanaokosan4548 OwO

    • @Veli582
      @Veli582 3 роки тому +3

      You are saying fake because its happiness to my friend who loves kawaiiworld

    • @Tw1st3d_F1gur3
      @Tw1st3d_F1gur3 3 роки тому +1

      This is the music I'd listen to when going to sleep.

    • @lynetteaudellia536
      @lynetteaudellia536 3 роки тому +3

      Stfu :)

  • @aliceworld5950
    @aliceworld5950 4 роки тому +246

    Plot twist: I am just scared of her eyes, looking at me ->-
    Edit: Thanks for so many likes! You can subscribe to me also if you want!

    • @andrealillie2247
      @andrealillie2247 4 роки тому +1

      Meh to

    • @maruati1223
      @maruati1223 4 роки тому +1

      Plot twist: wow that was soo scary............ ahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahaahahahhaahahhahahahaahhaahhaahahahahahahajahahahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahaahahshshahahahshahahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahajahahhahahahaahhahahaahhaahahhahahaahhahaahahahhahaahhahahahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahhaahahajhhaahhahaahahhahahajajhahahahahhaaahahshshahahahshahahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahajahahhahahahaahhahahaahhaahahhahahaahhahaahahahhahaahhahahahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahhaahahajhhaahhahaahahhahahajajhahahahahhaaahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahaahahahhaahahhahahahaahhaahhaahahahahahahajahahahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahaahahahhaahahhahahahaahhaahhaahahahahahahajahahahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahaahahshshahahahshahahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahajahahhahahahaahhahahaahhaahahhahahaahhahaahahahhahaahhahahahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahhaahahajhhaahhahaahahhahahajajhahahahahhaaahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahaahahahhaahahhahahahaahhaahhaahahahahahahajahahahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahaahahshshahahahshahahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahajahahhahahahaahhahahaahhaahahhahahaahhahaahahahhahaahhahahahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahhaahahajhhaahhahaahahhahahajajhahahahahhaaahahshshahahahshahahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahajahahhahahahaahhahahaahhaahahhahahaahhahaahahahhahaahhahahahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahhaahahajhhaahhahaahahhahahajajhahahahahhaaahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahaahahahhaahahhahahahaahhaahhaahahahahahahajahahahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahaahahahhaahahhahahahaahhaahhaahahahahahahajahahahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahaahahshshahahahshahahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahajahahhahahahaahhahahaahhaahahhahahaahhahaahahahhahaahhahahahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahhaahahajhhaahhahaahahhahahajajhahahahahhaaahahshshahahahshahahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahajahahhahahahaahhahahaahhaahahhahahaahhahaahahahhahaahhahahahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahhaahahajhhaahhahaahahhahahajajhahahahahhaaahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahaahahahhaahahhahahahaahhaahhaahahahahahahajahahahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahaahahahhaahahhahahahaahhaahhaahahahahahahajahahahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahaha

    • @maruati1223
      @maruati1223 4 роки тому


    • @totallywatchable2799
      @totallywatchable2799 4 роки тому +3

      @@maruati1223 long comment gurl

    • @maruati1223
      @maruati1223 4 роки тому +1

      @@totallywatchable2799 . ∞×1¶ ≈?

  • @setyorini-ll8kp
    @setyorini-ll8kp 4 роки тому +222

    Why is no one talking about how she has nezuko as her wallpaper
    Edit: if you like drama chek out my replies
    Another edit: geez i was only talking about Nezuko ;-;

    • @babygod9109
      @babygod9109 4 роки тому +4

      setyorini 1953 idk lol

    • @ActualPsychosis
      @ActualPsychosis 4 роки тому +7

      because we shouldn't care.
      what's so special about it.
      it's just a goddamn nezuko.

    • @deliveringm4il
      @deliveringm4il 4 роки тому +5

      @@ActualPsychosis chill- They were just pointing it out-

    • @ActualPsychosis
      @ActualPsychosis 4 роки тому +1

      @@deliveringm4il bruh, i'm chill, what , you blind or something? are you that sensitive?

    • @deliveringm4il
      @deliveringm4il 4 роки тому +5

      @@ActualPsychosis Never did yell, or scream in caps. No I'm not sensitive. You're comment was just a bit rude.

  • @sarah__9
    @sarah__9 4 роки тому +338

    People : "The only thing that's scary is the music tho"
    Me : **laughing in mute speaker**

  • @safaabegum
    @safaabegum 3 роки тому +30

    Keep going down :)
    The music gives me the chills.-.

    • @moonlightdarkoceanstars5924
      @moonlightdarkoceanstars5924 3 роки тому


    • @ankanaguha8713
      @ankanaguha8713 3 роки тому

      @•Siimply Alex• it actually happened to me a year ago so the glitch is real

    • @sweetkakes875
      @sweetkakes875 3 роки тому

      @•Siimply Alex• If u say she is a 6 yr old- Then check ur grammar before u say that dude- *Believe

  • @alpacapizza
    @alpacapizza 4 роки тому +91

    I don’t really see why everyone is scared of this in the comments. It’s not really that scary. I mean, sure some people’s immune system is different than others, but it’s simply just an error message.

    • @keeleyrasche4039
      @keeleyrasche4039 4 роки тому +2

      What does your immune system have to do with this

    • @alpacapizza
      @alpacapizza 4 роки тому +4

      AWeirdKiwi lmao not “immune system” I forgot the word so I put what ever came to mind. I meant Like- Mental health. Depending on the person and issue, some things can bring a person down so easily, while others, it wouldn’t really matter.

    • @sadburrito9394
      @sadburrito9394 4 роки тому

      Alpaca Stories yeah

    • @pocky6002
      @pocky6002 4 роки тому +1

      I think it's cuz of the background music lmao

    • @xloisx4603
      @xloisx4603 4 роки тому


  • @sir.peaches4086
    @sir.peaches4086 4 роки тому +162

    I’m iOS so hopefully it doesn’t happen to me...but I’m still scared

  • @i_like_cheese809
    @i_like_cheese809 4 роки тому +84

    This is glitch is like gacha life when the screen freezes and shows a weird person

  • @aub.reyann
    @aub.reyann 3 роки тому +43

    Me be over here gonna get nightmares of the song itself

  • @nantiakokkoraki712
    @nantiakokkoraki712 4 роки тому +255

    It happened to me as well, i was trying to find out if someone else did it too and now i saw dis video .-_.-" but good job!

    • @buggy4212
      @buggy4212 4 роки тому +3

      Well I have a cross with a small knife on le end 🤣 jk don’t aresst me

    • @mitskiluver123
      @mitskiluver123 4 роки тому +4

      @@buggy4212 ooo can i have it i have a use for it :>

    • @buggy4212
      @buggy4212 4 роки тому +3

      I’m just use ing it now 🤣

    • @asreal-exe1639
      @asreal-exe1639 4 роки тому +2

      Me ttoo

    • @teskasmeier9301
      @teskasmeier9301 4 роки тому +3

      ok ima try it

  • @vixenz8931
    @vixenz8931 4 роки тому +116

    Wow!Is it true?
    Like if ots ACTUALLY true
    And comment if it's fake!

  • @Sarah-iv9yu
    @Sarah-iv9yu 4 роки тому +83

    I'm actually scared to the music lol

  • @cheezycheeseball
    @cheezycheeseball 3 роки тому +23

    Me thinking I was going to get Rick rolled: *oh wait I didnt👁👄👁👌🏽*

  • @moth2776
    @moth2776 4 роки тому +50

    But the only scariest thing in this video for me was the music lmao

  • @itsarie2917
    @itsarie2917 4 роки тому +75

    Me : Is this a furneal or somethin? | Luni : Put ur eyes on the prize.

  • @Cat-vp8vt
    @Cat-vp8vt 4 роки тому +56

    The only thing that made it scary was the music

    • @sus4864
      @sus4864 4 роки тому +1

      I thought it was scary it wasn’t XD

    • @xkeilkox7201
      @xkeilkox7201 4 роки тому


    • @auksiac6454
      @auksiac6454 4 роки тому


    • @artixmochii
      @artixmochii 4 роки тому

      I kinda like the music no mi is not a demon

    • @Cat-vp8vt
      @Cat-vp8vt 4 роки тому

      • Foofie • I really liked the music LOL I like creepy things, and then get nightmares, and be like “I DonT KnOw Why?”

  • @lovejesusalways.03
    @lovejesusalways.03 3 роки тому +2

    Ayo, its litterally over 45 minutes night, and i hear the music, like the music is even more terrifying😭😭😂 yall people scare the heck outta me😭😭
    Keep going :>
    Imange we got RICK ROLLED😂😂😂😭😂🤣🤣😭😂🤣😂😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @chrisafton8263
    @chrisafton8263 4 роки тому +84

    Everyone: *talking on how creepy it is*
    Me: *looking at the character*

    • @mythicalcane7935
      @mythicalcane7935 4 роки тому +6

      You think the character creepy? *evil laughs* say that again and...

    • @mythicalcane7935
      @mythicalcane7935 4 роки тому +2

      I actually don't know what I was thinking at that moment. 😂

    • @chrisafton8263
      @chrisafton8263 4 роки тому +4

      I meant that the character is pretty but okay buddy.

    • @silliestsharks111
      @silliestsharks111 4 роки тому +2

      @@mythicalcane7935 Well Chris does deal with nightmares using flashlights every single night so he’ll beat you probably...

    • @imatcpell1987
      @imatcpell1987 4 роки тому +2

      It is a good carictor i'm not gonna lie

  • @Mc_Qiqi
    @Mc_Qiqi 4 роки тому +25

    People find the music scary..
    But it’s peaceful for me

  • @oliversszx
    @oliversszx 4 роки тому +112

    Why u be scaring me like dis girl
    TwT I feel stupid rn being scared of this but it be creepay

  • @crinjj
    @crinjj 3 роки тому +7

    Great background music 🎵🎶

  • @shoupye
    @shoupye 4 роки тому +89

    *People making jokes in the comments*
    Also them: thanks for the likes!

  • @mz00f88
    @mz00f88 4 роки тому +68

    Her: You should do the glitch it not fake.
    Me: Maybe not I'm fear of Horror.

    • @-venusx
      @-venusx 4 роки тому +1

      same here

    • @mayumiumi2392
      @mayumiumi2392 4 роки тому +1


    • @dango4mango11
      @dango4mango11 4 роки тому +1

      I tried it it worked

    • @Coy..
      @Coy.. 4 роки тому +1

      I not fake it really works

    • @mz00f88
      @mz00f88 4 роки тому +1

      @@Coy.. Yes yes I know but I don't want to try it I don't want to delete Gacha Club!

  • @ahyeensg3278
    @ahyeensg3278 4 роки тому +31

    we learned something new:never post a glitch on gacha club if you still want it to work

  • @JustAGrain0fRice
    @JustAGrain0fRice 3 роки тому +5

    WAIT, Stop- My friend actually got a glitch where there is creepy music every time she plays gacha club!! I AM TELLING THE TRUTH!! I ACTUALLY HEARD THE MUSIC FOR MYSELF!!!

  • @kamechimo
    @kamechimo 4 роки тому +66

    People: ITS FAKE GUYS me:no it's not it's real it was just fixed ;-;

    • @ellena8999
      @ellena8999 4 роки тому +4


    • @VMS633
      @VMS633 4 роки тому +3

      yeee ,_,

    • @hikaruakyusmi5275
      @hikaruakyusmi5275 4 роки тому

      yeah i know its not fake cuz mine is always get glich i am s

    • @hikaruakyusmi5275
      @hikaruakyusmi5275 4 роки тому

      but i try to make mine but nothing happent
      i try on ginna and nothing happents i am still awake on 3:am

    • @sea2656
      @sea2656 4 роки тому

      @@hikaruakyusmi5275 it got fixed lmao

  • @thisisender5432
    @thisisender5432 4 роки тому +36

    Me: *scrolling in the comments if its real*
    Still me: *sees some of the comments saying "The only makes me scary is the music" *
    Also me: Same :^ but sometimes that glitches on me too -_-' but meh I dont care about glitches lol XD

    • @catrvomit
      @catrvomit 4 роки тому +3

      @William Afton
      Lol it isn’t fake it was real until luni fixed the glitch so don’t lie

    • @deku6354
      @deku6354 4 роки тому

      I believe this is fake but whatever

    • @valentine2456
      @valentine2456 4 роки тому

      @William Afton No I can assure you this is in fact real

    • @valentine2456
      @valentine2456 4 роки тому

      @William Afton 🤣Really lol that was not intentional

  • @Sgdhsbsbdb
    @Sgdhsbsbdb 4 роки тому +21

    Me: * is scared when i see this *
    Also me: * taps video *
    Also also me: * pauses screen when it starts playing *
    Also also aslo me: * *looks at comments to see if its fake lol* *

    • @linwood891
      @linwood891 4 роки тому

      I do that with videos titled SCARY to see if it’s actually scary >-

    • @sleepingjam2921
      @sleepingjam2921 4 роки тому

      LxvenderBee the music made it scary lol

    • @rosettea3810
      @rosettea3810 4 роки тому +1

      How can something in gacha be scary

    • @zw0mbigravez
      @zw0mbigravez 4 роки тому

      Yeah me to but I figured out it's not fake if it doesn't work look at description

  • @PókeD3xter
    @PókeD3xter 3 роки тому +11

    The sounds are so very creppy its making me remember my dead grandma haunting me I think

    • @thescarletwitch9122
      @thescarletwitch9122 3 роки тому +2

      Oh, my grandma also is dead.. it’s sad on how people die.

  • @Sispam1961
    @Sispam1961 4 роки тому +15

    Lumi:see this

    • @nhihybizx
      @nhihybizx 3 роки тому +2

      It's Luni not 'lumi' lol.

    • @Idrinkthebloodoftheguilty
      @Idrinkthebloodoftheguilty 3 роки тому

      Who is Lumi?

    • @tsunpie
      @tsunpie 3 роки тому +1

      bro guys chill they probably don't have good english or aren't from the UK, America, or Canada. Not everyone is from there.

  • @consequinnce3953
    @consequinnce3953 4 роки тому +27

    II tried it awhile ago, it did work.
    I'm 50% sure that it was put in by Luni to make sure people weren't making things that would be offensive (bullying, harassing, outing, etc.) Sorta like how Gacha Life had the update that took away certain skin colors on shirts from people uploading inappropriate content (we don't need examples, some people still upload that sort of stuff). Why it only worked with those gloves though, is kind of odd.
    Also for those who might wanna know, this music is called Melancholia and is played on music box, so if you want creepy music then just search Melancholia, lots of people use it for creepy music and it's sort of calming in a weird way! :D

  • @yimik103
    @yimik103 4 роки тому +21

    Me at 3:00 watching this:
    Mind:u should do it heh
    Life:NO NO N-
    Me:ima do it
    Me: hears sound
    My sister in the kitchen:...
    Me:dont scare me like th-
    Fake story in alive and didn’t test it XD •,-,•

  • @mollydoesyt7600
    @mollydoesyt7600 3 роки тому +13

    the thing that scared me the most: THE MUSIC-

  • @IzzieSoda
    @IzzieSoda 4 роки тому +13

    Number 4 in Korea is a sign of misfortune or death...just saying.. 0-0
    Prolly just the same with that Gina thing in gacha life :L

  • @ylx2777
    @ylx2777 4 роки тому +33

    People: talking about the vid
    Me: 3:10: *iS tHiS nEzUkO-cHaN??*

  • @lilalien143
    @lilalien143 4 роки тому +8

    It's either you have some amazing editing skills,
    *Or Gacha Club has been hacked by a cyber demon*

  • @rizzuku_himdor1ya
    @rizzuku_himdor1ya 3 роки тому +1

    Everyone: scared of music
    Me: scared of my best friend watching this with me

    @MAIONNAISE 4 роки тому +32

    It’s not really a glitch it’s more like a bug in the game the game is still new so things like that can happen! No hate qwq

    • @oneheart2lungs
      @oneheart2lungs 4 роки тому

      Ok...? Lol

    • @UNKNOWN-xo4ul
      @UNKNOWN-xo4ul 4 роки тому

      @@oneheart2lungs ;-; Slow... But anyways She's saying the game is still new so it will mess up duhhh

    • @oneheart2lungs
      @oneheart2lungs 4 роки тому

      @@UNKNOWN-xo4ul mmk hoMIe

    • @yamiteeh2845
      @yamiteeh2845 4 роки тому

      sAme- AND SHE CHANGED im at the part where she changed-

    • @Endiane_xmex
      @Endiane_xmex 3 роки тому

      Yeah thats true

  • @pastorjunald8821
    @pastorjunald8821 4 роки тому +21

    Me watching with my aunt: *goosebumps* me: im scared... my aunt: I know ri- the candle: *turns off* me and aunt: *being scared*

  • @souyyox
    @souyyox 4 роки тому +29

    For the ones who dislike did not trust that it is real(the glove glitch)its REAL TRY IT FOR THE ONE'S WHO DISLIKE THIS VID TwT

    • @Coralie-San
      @Coralie-San 4 роки тому +1

      I belived already this video

    • @ronelpaculanan4696
      @ronelpaculanan4696 4 роки тому

      But i tried it. It did not work i really tried i copeid it really buti still no 😓

    • @ratyasuwu1727
      @ratyasuwu1727 4 роки тому

      @@ronelpaculanan4696 she said in desc that they fixed it

    • @ratyasuwu1727
      @ratyasuwu1727 4 роки тому

      @Penny _ Gacha ok

    • @nieronxp
      @nieronxp 4 роки тому

      @Penny _ Gacha stfu ur prob 6

  • @pig8089
    @pig8089 3 роки тому +3

    *Me watching this at night*
    Me: hugging my plush all scared

  • @kendoll987
    @kendoll987 4 роки тому +4

    This isn’t even scary, it literally just a glitch in the coding.

  • @urfavcanadian9951
    @urfavcanadian9951 4 роки тому +8

    This is a common thing to happen in new games, it skips one option sometimes, and since Gacha Club is such a big game, that’ll happen. There’s no reason to worry

  • @gachaprankster9094
    @gachaprankster9094 4 роки тому +26

    I tried the glitch and it happened!
    But I'm confused I didn't put a nose and face shadow but when the glitch appeared the nose and the face shadow appeead!

  • @kiseki4708
    @kiseki4708 3 роки тому

    Who else fast forwarded it to make sure you weren’t getting Rick rolled

  • @Gennyboy
    @Gennyboy 4 роки тому +5

    this most likely was a real glitch from back in the early development stages of gacha Club, but there's nothing spooky about it. it's just a simple error message

    • @tothe2nd
      @tothe2nd 4 роки тому +1

      *its called an opinion*

  • @sweetno7
    @sweetno7 4 роки тому +25

    **gacha club come out for iOS yesterday**
    **me** : omg why “creepy” 🙄, stuff happening already >:(((( poor luni 😭😔

    • @tothe2nd
      @tothe2nd 4 роки тому +2

      *its called an opinion*

    • @frogsarethebest2475
      @frogsarethebest2475 4 роки тому

      That’s rude saying no hate or no offense when you actually say something mean doesn’t fix it

    • @sweetno7
      @sweetno7 4 роки тому

      Tree Gods Forever wdym I said “and how is that even creepy like bruh no hate” how is that rude

    • @tothe2nd
      @tothe2nd 4 роки тому +1

      iisweetyxx *i dunno how its rude but its their opinion-*

  • @strawberry-646
    @strawberry-646 4 роки тому +16

    I'm watching at 666 dislikes help me ,_,

  • @Eh_Pathetic
    @Eh_Pathetic Рік тому +2

    2:20 Why Sometimes when I'm using a pet for an oc, why it looks like this...

  • @Sonicandmario_fan
    @Sonicandmario_fan 4 роки тому +28

    :her: you guys should try this glitch!
    :me: are you saying u want r game to crash.... .-_.-

  • @snowyyywinterrs
    @snowyyywinterrs 4 роки тому +12

    Me be like: holding my teddy have a snack and drink have le blankets And getting ready to do it until. I see it was fixed

    • @wortox1906
      @wortox1906 4 роки тому

      @Penny _ Gacha Shut up it's fixed now

  • @barley_9
    @barley_9 4 роки тому +18

    It’s not the “glitch” that’s scary it’s your graphics that I’m scared of.

    • @moonxose4594
      @moonxose4594 4 роки тому


    • @barley_9
      @barley_9 4 роки тому

      Pastel_ Skye it’s just a joke ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

    • @barley_9
      @barley_9 4 роки тому

      Abigale West ????

    • @operaspaceopera
      @operaspaceopera 4 роки тому

      Pastel_ Skye not all jokes should be funny

    • @barley_9
      @barley_9 4 роки тому

      acidiqve • what’s that supposed to mean

  • @xEzu_xx
    @xEzu_xx 3 роки тому +1

    Let’s be honest, the first moment you see this kind of vids u thought u would get Rick rolled

  • @kelynlarista7501
    @kelynlarista7501 4 роки тому +7

    I think luni/the creator don't want us to use number 4 hand while using that gloves???

  • @_ennard_5561
    @_ennard_5561 4 роки тому +40

    That happened to me and i was confused
    IRL me "Why is it not going to four?"
    gacha club - maybe we don't want it to

  • @Hanako420
    @Hanako420 4 роки тому +7

    Me watching are 8 am: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH
    Me watching at 5 am: ok....
    Me watching ya 3 am: *pees* MOMMY

  • @latenightvibes4731
    @latenightvibes4731 3 роки тому +1

    Me: watches video at night
    Tries to sleep, staring at my cursed window, me: sees glitch
    Also me: I’m cursed and never sleeping again

  • @PlutozDreamz
    @PlutozDreamz 4 роки тому +9

    That one moment when you seem to be the only person that actually finds the music calming instead of creepy and are afraid to say anything because people will probably think you're trying to be quirky or edgy, am I right?-

    • @teamsavory9247
      @teamsavory9247 4 роки тому +1

      Your right I do think your trying to be edgy and quirky

    • @PlutozDreamz
      @PlutozDreamz 4 роки тому

      @@teamsavory9247 Not really, but think what you want

    • @periquility8865
      @periquility8865 4 роки тому

      I honestly think the same about the music

  • @qwishes7796
    @qwishes7796 4 роки тому +8

    That Happened To Me Before, It's Just A Bug.

  • @raymondganancial9012
    @raymondganancial9012 4 роки тому +12

    The pose part didnt scare me cuz ummmm i will just say “WTF-oh nvm i think its beta”

  • @luvinqDaises
    @luvinqDaises Рік тому +1

    Guys dont say its fake! This happend to me once but in a laptop ..
    So I was very excited to use my moms laptop and I downloaded gacha club I made my ocs and yeah and I putted the number 4 hand which is pointing until.. I saw it changed thr color to a green and blue glove I went to studio and it was lagging so i went back to customize ur gacha characters until.. Every characters i had had there name. 999999 or Default and. It was scary and there lvl was 666 or 99999 I got out quickly and it still had the glitch I had to ask my sister to help me so she tried changing the hand it it worked.. Luckly i didn't do it again.
    New version: They Fixed the glitch so I doesn't work now! : D

  • @xxanixariaplayzxx599
    @xxanixariaplayzxx599 4 роки тому +15

    omg I just did it and it worked ITS NOT FAKE ITS TRUE!!!
    Thats so creepy!

    • @dango4mango11
      @dango4mango11 4 роки тому

      I got rid of the bug

    • @miraculer7384
      @miraculer7384 4 роки тому

      I don’t see how it’s creepy. It’s just a small glitch. People just put music to make it look creepy

    • @xxanixariaplayzxx599
      @xxanixariaplayzxx599 4 роки тому

      @@dango4mango11 HOW DUDE I JUST RUIN MY GACHA CLUB ITS DED;-;

    • @xxanixariaplayzxx599
      @xxanixariaplayzxx599 4 роки тому

      @@miraculer7384 >:O
      try it then U-U
      to ruin it.-.

    • @miraculer7384
      @miraculer7384 4 роки тому

      {Galaxy_ sky} slight problem- I cant try it. I’m IOS

  • @Golfish1fan
    @Golfish1fan 4 роки тому +11

    Its ok my children this is what you will need if you cant claim one:
    holy water
    our lord rat
    the cross
    hiding under the blankets
    lights on
    muted music
    be safe my dear children 😔
    Now come here we shall hide✨

    • @dsm72
      @dsm72 4 роки тому +1

      I have Holy Water... Lemme get it-

    • @estella_09
      @estella_09 4 роки тому +1

      The reddy bear will actually be creepy gor me cause its just staring at u when u look at it 0-0

    • @etvrnityy
      @etvrnityy 4 роки тому +1

      Ty mother-

    • @blossomcrumble2758
      @blossomcrumble2758 4 роки тому

      Yas our lord rat 👌👀😂

  • @insidian6429
    @insidian6429 4 роки тому +4

    Am I the only one who isn’t scared of the music xd

    • @C4RTZ
      @C4RTZ 4 роки тому

      the music is more calming then scary

    • @gw0rlcl0v3r
      @gw0rlcl0v3r 4 роки тому

      yeah..........? ;-; * hands holy water * want s- some? ;-;

    • @KadenEleanor26
      @KadenEleanor26 4 роки тому

      No XD

    • @insidian6429
      @insidian6429 4 роки тому

      DaSuper Sis I'll give it to my friends ^^ ty

    • @mythicalcane7935
      @mythicalcane7935 4 роки тому

      @@C4RTZ ?! I wouldn't call it scary, but I wouldn't call it CALM!
      Check out Hislreim. That's what calm sounds like.

  • @bee5737
    @bee5737 4 роки тому

    Everyone:Scared of the music
    Me:Now this is my style of music

  • @kanae_kocho748
    @kanae_kocho748 3 роки тому +6

    Omg I absolutely love the background music I don't know why but I can literally fall asleep to it (hint: I fall asleep at exactly 3:00Am)

  • @uwumonstrr5355
    @uwumonstrr5355 4 роки тому +9

    0:25, UA-cam auto generated captions heard the word “you” and then laughter. Honestly I found that creepier than the glitch

  • @mecca03oct
    @mecca03oct 4 роки тому +7

    I already know this glitch it's called The Gloves Glitch.

  • @rikoakumu
    @rikoakumu 3 роки тому +1

    Title: NOT FAKE
    Me and my brother: Can we speak to the manager 👨‍💼

  • @stuffystudios.
    @stuffystudios. 3 роки тому +3

    0:50 it doesn’t want to go to four because Mista warned it

  • @pawsire
    @pawsire 4 роки тому +8

    Me watching this: huh interesting!
    also me: but i don't play this!

  • @yurimeln9593
    @yurimeln9593 4 роки тому +5

    The music is creepy I'm gonna have nightmares bruh

    • @gw0rlcl0v3r
      @gw0rlcl0v3r 4 роки тому


    • @Hannah__.
      @Hannah__. 4 роки тому

      Welp, watching this with my broken headphones, i dont hear anything xD

    • @tomlow31
      @tomlow31 4 роки тому


    • @mythicalcane7935
      @mythicalcane7935 4 роки тому

      Once, I was sleeping in my cozy bed... with my door opened. Then, I heard a creak, it startled me awake. Then in the dark night. I saw...
      Two *White* eyes... they were looking at me, coming closer every moment.
      Then... I knew who it was...
      I knew I should of screamed, but my throat didn't let me make a sound. Then, a whirl pool-like wind circled through my room non stop. Then my voice came back and I yelled from the top of my lungs. My mom Rushed in just in the flick of time and...
      I was *GONE*
      I woke up in this hospital room. I looked closer,
      It looked, abandoned...
      Then, out of nowhere, Midnight man came up to me and said" *Say your last words because your going to DIE* " Then, he surgically took out my healthy body parts, and ate them. That's when I ACTUALLY CRIED and woke up. My door was shut. I was relived. But... you never know... someone could be living under your *bed* . "I hope no one has nightmares to this"

    • @mythicalcane7935
      @mythicalcane7935 4 роки тому

      @@Hannah__. your lucky

  • @gachablossoms8188
    @gachablossoms8188 3 роки тому +1

    Me at 0:6 ... this is the RickRoll glitch right T^T

  • @user-yx3xv5ql2z
    @user-yx3xv5ql2z 4 роки тому +5

    Ok i actually tried that-
    This creeped me out so much.

    • @lisaherron3719
      @lisaherron3719 3 роки тому

      Same I shivered the hole video bc the music

  • @muzhdaaaah
    @muzhdaaaah 4 роки тому +5

    My cousin did a more weird glitch that made her charater go dead and her character was wearing ripped shirt and she had blood all over ut

  • @vanessarose391
    @vanessarose391 4 роки тому +6

    I didn't wanna try the glitch AGAIN, because something pop out saying "Gacha club will kill you"

  • @aishabenson3739
    @aishabenson3739 4 роки тому +1

    Me:hears the music me:are we gonna die me:takes the water and puts on my forehead me:starts saying prayers that i dont die😅😓😢😭😱😰

  • @rosettea3810
    @rosettea3810 4 роки тому +10

    Wtf is this supposed to be scary lmao
    5 y/o’s finding this scary ._.

    • @Peach_Peachy
      @Peach_Peachy 4 роки тому

      U just insulted meh sister .-.

    • @rosettea3810
      @rosettea3810 4 роки тому

      Xx drag0 animations xX Owo i wasnt
      I dont get what the scary part it

    • @rosettea3810
      @rosettea3810 4 роки тому

      Asmi giri that doesnt not give me the right to criticize

    • @Peach_Peachy
      @Peach_Peachy 4 роки тому

      @@rosettea3810 I'm just saying

    • @rosettea3810
      @rosettea3810 4 роки тому

      Asmi giri yea im just sayin too

  • @elisascarlette329
    @elisascarlette329  4 роки тому +32

    y'all stop saying it's fake
    Watch that if you don't trust me 😜🙂

    • @gy7122
      @gy7122 4 роки тому +3

      I'm trying it I'm saying ,it's fake

    • @gy7122
      @gy7122 4 роки тому +4

      It's fake sorry I got that wrong

    • @mythicalcane7935
      @mythicalcane7935 4 роки тому


    • @camilacamarena5632
      @camilacamarena5632 4 роки тому

      Idk know if this is real

    • @annemariecruz8749
      @annemariecruz8749 4 роки тому

      Hmm, i checked it out tho, i'm gonna try it on my brothers gc, cause i dont want mine to be weird like what happened in/on the vid-

  • @sepnopok1258
    @sepnopok1258 4 роки тому +8

    That isn't even dat scary- wtf-

    • @averiee2015
      @averiee2015 4 роки тому

      It's just a video but I accept your opinion

    • @sepnopok1258
      @sepnopok1258 4 роки тому

      @@averiee2015 oh sorry :( and thanks :)

    • @averiee2015
      @averiee2015 4 роки тому

      @@sepnopok1258 it's ok and no problem

    • @sepnopok1258
      @sepnopok1258 4 роки тому

      @@averiee2015 :)

    • @sepnopok1258
      @sepnopok1258 4 роки тому

      @William Afton i know-

  • @scarasolos.
    @scarasolos. 4 роки тому +1

    Whatching this at 1:37 am,10 Percent and 0:07 sec's in video
    *life is going great* xD

  • @derpycres9617
    @derpycres9617 4 роки тому +8

    Also that happened when I was cosplaying as a witch in GC, but then when I put poses, it cannot pose, so I exit and then the error came on my screen

  • @alicethearticfox3520
    @alicethearticfox3520 4 роки тому +4

    Omg this happened to me when I was making a character! Also the character I was making was from a horror game-

    • @robin8871
      @robin8871 4 роки тому +1

      Omg lol 😂😂😂

  • @kaianimatesyt
    @kaianimatesyt 3 роки тому +6

    Honestly this isn't creepy to me. Then again, that's coming from someone who's only had like 2 nightmares in her entire life-

    • @kaianimatesyt
      @kaianimatesyt 3 роки тому

      @Milo the puppy Well I had my nightmares when I was really young so I can't really remember, sorry :( I would tell you if I could tho

  • @Craigmeowmeow
    @Craigmeowmeow 3 роки тому +1

    I’ve seen vids on the glitch and the music mentally scars me