Thats not how it works (1) Murdering someone doesn't solve the problem you believe you're describing (2) Paying for Private healthcare is a consumer choice (3) Corporations don't privatise "health care". They provide for it through funds supplied by customers/fund members.
lol oh get bent! Make your own health care system, you are such a dumb scum bag. That ceo had it coming and so do the rest, or did you not notice how immediately after the shooting, every insurance company who announced they would be capping their services again decided to say just kidding!!! This one event has made a huge ripple into the world of previously untouchable criminals who benefit from killing us or letting us die. You wanna hate a Hitler?? That ceo was Hitler!!! He ACTUALLY has a body count! And the fact he approved it instead of did it himself doesn’t make him any less of a scum bag. How bout you go create a healthcare system that doesn’t screw over poor people to benefit the rich? And THEN you can complain about their ceo being shot! When they actually aren’t a cancer to the nation! Idiot.
@@IdahoFatTireBikeFun no one asked to be born a shithole of a country dickhead. rlly hope whatever country you're from will have your boomers and genz get radicalized by right wing media and choose to elect a stupid businessman, erecting policies to tear your country's healthcare system to shreds to have his "business buddies" erect a for-profit healthcare. i wish you nothing but the worst, sir.
The bigger problem is that justice had to be done through vigilantism rather than the court of law. If the U.S. Government and health insurance companies weren't in the same financial business of exploiting sick americans to death, then the government would be able to correctly arrest and try these CEO's for the mass scale murder and manslaughter that they deliberately impose for profit. I wish we had law and order in this country but people work with the tools of the time and culture I suppose until law and order is finally re-established in the healthcare industry. Right now our health insurance industry is pure shakedown capitalistic punch your face for a dime barbarianism. Kinda like the tea tax way back when, but instead of taxing tea, they're robbing cancer patients.
The entire city of New York should be fuming right now. They spent the last ten years watching cops let criminals completely take over the city and make law abiding citizens not even feel safe in their own homes cuz criminals can break in and if you defend yourself, YOU go to jail (only if you’re white though) they’ve spent years being harassed assaulted and stabbed on public transportation while the police do nothing, then in two weeks, they watch their do nothing government suddenly jump into gear and blow MILLIONS of tax dollars and law enforcement effort!! To track down ONE guy, and try imprisoning a hero who stopped a criminal from killing people on a train. So every single victim of violent crime in New York who got the middle finger every time the police just take a report and roll their eyes. Just watched the ENTIRE system show us how they COULD defend all of us normal people, but then instead choose to try prosecuting the first person to stop a crime in New York in about ten years, while chasing down ONE guy who shot ONE person, how many families in New York do you think have lost children to gun violence?? Multiple? We see it on the news all the time!! Look at this poor woman! All three of her kids were killed in their teens by gun violence. Nobody in jail, nobody held accountable, nobody cares, BLM ain’t there cuz they’re counting on defending the criminal when he eventually kills a white person. The entire system is trash and they just spit on the face of every New Yorker in a matter of two weeks and stupid children online living in a puritan delusion are helping the media try to shame everyone into compliance with their mentality of only rich people matter the rest can go die. This is about way more than one murder and the fact that’s what every person defending the ceo keeps saying. Thinking it’s just about the ceo getting shot, is completely ignorant to how the world works
I understand your frustration but I cannot fathom that you feel that “Justice” was achieved by vigilantism. Before you speak in any way to condone this you may want to consider who the self-appointed judge/jury/executioners might be.
@@lizaellenk Would you support the U.S. remaining a british colony because it's unjust to rise against murderous oppressors? Would you consider the Union to be unjust for their murderous intent against the southern slaveowners? Would you consider it unjust for us to have sent troops over during WWII because the nazis were people too? A first time apologetic killer killed a far more prolific government sanctioned serial killer. One used paperwork, policy, and corrupt A.I. systems as a deadly weapon to indifferently yet directly cause the death and prolonged suffering of millions for money, one used a single gun. His choice directly saved peoples lives because of the immediate reversal of blue cross blue shields new policy of overcharging/denying coverage for anaesthesia that was used longer than the private insurance death panels allow. This is a direct application wherein lives were saved and justice was done because of this man's actions. I can't fathom how you can possibly think that Justice was not done in this situation. It's sad it happened the way it did. It's good that something happened at all. Man I sure wish we could successfully debate evil monoliths into not being evil, but the financial incentive structure these corporations operate under requires exploitation and death to remain sustainable, just like our former practice of legalized slavery. What is your alternative? Allow these corporate psychopaths to continue to kill in the shadows? If this status quo is your justice, you need to reexamine the foundation of your moral beliefs, because they are incredibly naive. I sincerely hope you find within you a reason to stand up to people who stomp their boots on the necks of the unfortunate for the sole sake of money. Learn who you need to have sympathy for. Learn who UHC's victims are before you say such words.
I’m glad the people feel sorry for him, that means they’re fortunate enough to have not lost their loved ones due to a denied claim. But just understand that those who have do not feel sorry in the slightest
I think that there a lot of Americans that feel the same way, the man was profiting from other peoples suffering in order to make profits. So I have no sympathy for him whatsoever, moral of the story is Don’t profit from other people’s suffering, when you are in the business of insuring them to be able to receive medical care , then turn around and deny them the medical treatment they need despite the fact they paid insurance for it
No the moral of the story is the guy who did this is going to jail, because in this country, murdering people on the streets is not how we solve problems. Lynching ended a long time ago. There’s a lot of people responsible for the messed up healthcare problem we have in this country…not just the guy who became CEO 3 years ago…it extends to many many people…even to our former presidents.
Then make your own health care system and run it better for humanity. If not, let those healthcare professionals work as well as they can for a good wage.
@@IdahoFatTireBikeFunyeah just stop complaining about insurance companies doing everything in their power to deny a claim and just challenge their monopoly by making your own insurance company it’s that simple 😔
lol again, you stupid inbred. It is not on civilians to do a health insurance company’s job. How old are you? 17?? Never had to even make a doctor appointment for yourself before have you? lol you’re pathetic. Maybe YOU should go do something if you hate death so much, instead of selectively choosing which death to care about based on how the media shames you into compliance. Grow up
@ most people who lost loved ones bc of denied claims, went into bankruptcy bc of medical bills and suffer from inadequate healthcare even with insurance coverage I mean
He's a husband and a father?? What about the other husband and fathers that got denied and died cuz of this jerk? This man was not innocent. The world is better of without him.
@randyneumeyer9103 he denied people life saving procedures. If the Judge who gave Jeffrey Epstein a slap on the wrist was murdered you would had defended him. You would had told me that I didn't even know him.
ventolin in America cost $286 (447.63 in Australia dollars) in Australia cost $12 ($18 in American) in the UK £7.99 ( $15.95 Australia & $10.20 American Dollar) That is crazy
@ how long does it take you to see a doctor? Yes you can see a doctor for free. As a nurse I have never seen anyone turned away because they couldn’t pay. My grandkids pay nothing for their healthcare. Neither do I.
Newsflash, its the care providers making the massive profits, not the insurance companies . They're the stand-ins who get the blame. Their profit margins are in the low single digits, while hospitals, pharma, tech suppliers, labs etc rake it in. When the vast majority of profits are flowing to these provider industries it seems disingenuous, or just ignorant, to exclusively focus on their stand-ins, who are there to cover for them, while extracting a fraction of what the provider industry makes.
Good little serf. Good work prognosis. Tell us all what you do for a living again? Oh that's right. Good little sheep. Now go lick Murdoch's boots you pathetic excuse for oxygen. Good thing you never passed on your pathetic genes.
All these people who defend this ceo are trash. I don believe for a second any of them don’t have skin in the game. They don’t feel bad for a murderous ceo they feel bad because they themselves work in health care or somebody in their family does, and told themselves that being a mass murderer requires more than a pen stroke unless you’re Hitler or Trump or anybody they don’t like, those people are bad. But this ceo is an angel? lol it’s all greed and fear. Nobody has empathy for this sorry sack, they have fear of retribution for the lives lost that they’ve been ignoring this whole time. The same way the justice system in New York releases violent criminals and tells the victims to eat it on a daily basis, now they just spent god knows how much tax payer money hunting ONE guy through like three different states. While simultaneously spending even more trying to hold Daniel penny for being a hero. New Yorks entire government is scum and needs to be flushed, if the kid were black he’d have al sharpton making the points everybody on here has to make.
It’s no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. In our super sane world, We have Christians making excuses for war and peasants making excuses for rampant greed that hurts themselves, their families and the planet they live on.
He wasn’t. Are you knew to America or something? The way the media takes advantage of you idiots is hideous. News flash, people are shot every single day in New York and nobody cares. The cops don’t care, the government doesn’t care. This is a city where gangs 40 strong will run into a store in the middle of the day and steal thousands of dollars worth of stuff, and the cops just shrug and don’t do anything. People are attacked, people are robbed, car jacked, shot, and local businesses have to close down because of all the crime that NOBODY does anything about, just to be called racist for not willingly staying open and letting black people rob them at gun point. If you care about one ceo? You are spitting in the face of an entire city. Our government is supposed to help US, work for US. Not shrug their shoulders take our money and only use it when a rich a hole is killed. Wake the hell up.
Bro shut the hell up. Every single one of you pretending to make this ceo somebody that we should care about are clearly not in reality, you’re either a coward murdering ceo/work for one yourself, and you now realize killing people with the stroke of a pen may not be ok anymore. If you support this ceo then you also support OJ Neely, the crazed drug addict murderer who had to be put down by a hero. And you probably still want trump to get shot, so how bout you grow up and take a look in the mirror instead of trying to shame the world into feeling sorry for you and any other criminal apologist in the world because you have a psycho family member you don’t wanna see shot. Maybe tell them to get another job?? Stop killing and stealing from people?? But no, you’re smart. You toootally understand cause and effect
Executives get payed responsibility money, the authorities who get their power from the consent of the people failed to address his responsibility, so the people held him responsible
She does not believe in the sanctity of life. She’s a little psychopath.. even if he were not a good person it’s still atrocious that she feels that way, and that she would actually say it out loud.
Oh good, emotional women making emotional statements from their sofa. Lemme guess? Abortion is women’s rights but women should have to fight biological men off to get anything? Illegal immigrant crime is overstated? People who don’t like crime are just racist? Please, tell us what other super moral stances you have that let you know you’re better than anybody? lol cuz sympathy for a murderer is not a good look. Just because you don’t know what violent crime is doesn’t mean the rest of us aren’t experiencing it on a daily basis and being ignored by the same cops we pay to protect us so they can use our money to chase down one guy who killed one guy in New York City. If you care? That means you actively don’t care about hundreds of thousands of victims of the exact same crime in the exact same area, AND, you’re trying to shame people into believing your narrow privileged sheltered view of the world just because you don’t have to actually live in it. Go watch the view so more.
Oh? Is doxxing a victimless crime? You think you people have the right to stalk people and encourage other left wing maniacs to go to their house and incite violence?? Over words??? But you can fathom why people have zero sympathy for this ceo huh? lol yup liberal to the core.
Taylor Lorenz was following Mangione on X BEFORE the shooting!!! "The seventh clue is ex-New York Times crazy Taylor Lorenz coming down on the side of revolutionaries here, saying Thompson had it coming. Sure he did, but that isn't the weird thing in this case. The weird thing is that Lorenz is saying it. She's crazy, yes, but anyone would expect her to be crazy in the opposite pasture here. So her comments also look scripted, indicating to me she has been paid to make the event look real. If she has to do that by celebrating the fake death, well OK. Sometimes that is the best way to sell an event, you know. [Added Dec. 9: confirmation of my reading has now emerged, since it was found that Lorenz had been following shooter Mangione on X before the shooting. Why would she do that? Now you know." -Miles W. Mathis
That woman is the reason why people despised left wing politic...but Pierce Morgan as well is the reason many people despised right wing is overly hysterical, the other is so out of touch
What an idiotic statement. I hope she was fired. Killing someone is not “joyful “. As a nurse I’ve seen a lot of good that insurance companies do. She’s a hack.
You’re a moron. That ceo had a good many hearty chuckles as he killed people to watch his stock go up a fraction of a percent. Maybe tell your dad to get another job? One that isn’t killing people? Because the only people who care about this ceo are people who relate to him, aka, criminals. Just like the only people who felt bad for OJ Neely were other criminals and murderers. Your sheltered pampered view of the world is pathetic
Killing Hitler wasn’t joyful? Osama? They technically didn’t kill people with their own hands but definitely with their orders and rules… just like the CEO.
lol, and we hope more follow. One should not be able to act without regard for others or the planet without facing consequences. Since there is no gaud dealing out punishment and the system is rigged in their favor people have to take up for themselves. Why should sheep mourn the loss of a wolf?
Well and here is what is absolute BS. This woman is blaming the CEO of a Health Insurance company, but walked right into a voting booth and, guaranteed, voted to keep the same people in power that have continued to perpetuate the system in which this insurance company operates. Democrats rode in on a 'blue wave' in 2018 and led with health care. Since then they've done absolutely nothing at all related to health care. Yet we are blaming the CEO of a company, whose job is it to keep 400,000 people, most of them middle class, employed using financials, risk pools etc. to make sure the company is able to keep operating. Why isn't the rage toward congressman doing nothing? Why isn't the rage toward a medical system that charges insurance companies absurd amounts of money for things to the extent that they are running up unnecessary costs? Why isn't the rage toward pharmaceutical companies that will charge $9000 per month for a cancer drug that has been untouched since 2001. Health Insurance companies and their refusals of claims are a byproduct of a crooked health care system. They are the last on the list mentioned above that should be getting your rage.
This is what is confusing me. People are angry at the health insurance companies for not paying, but surely the hospitals that charge this much are equal if not much more to blame for charging so much in the first place? I get why people are mad at the insurance people getting rich off denials, just confused why the anger is only in one direction.
Thats an admirable broadcaster , thank you Piers Morgan❤... What kind of influencer or reporter laugh when someone is killed ??? Are you Insane ?????? Please Taylor if you don't know what your talking don't open your mouth😂 Taylor Lorenz you need professional help 😂
Why would it make one joyful, you ask? Maybe because we’ve been victimized by the healthcare system in this country. They know we lack the time, money, or sometimes the health, to fight back against their delays and denials. Then they scrape billions in profits from our premiums. If they delay long enough, the calendar year turns over and your deductible resets! Thousands more you have to pay out all over again before you see a dime from insurance. And we are sick of monsters hiding behind “business” and the legality of what they are doing, causing the deaths of thousands for a profit. Then they use those profits to lobby our government and make it impossible for change to happen. Spare me your righteous indignation, Piers. You know nothing of the struggles of the average American. America wouldn’t exist if we didn’t tell the king “hey, you’re taking our money and giving us nothing in return, we’re done with that.” Well, Luigi was sick of our money being taken and us getting nothing in return. I normally don’t comment because it feels like screaming into a void, but seeing as there are less than 100 comments right now and this will be the longest, perhaps it can cut through the noise.
That CEO was responsible for how many deaths by denying 1/3 of insurance claims. That CEO made 10 million a year off pain and suffering of other individuals. That CEO was involved in insider trading of 15 millions worth of stock. That CEO was for Profit over Lives. That CEO should of known to have security with him especially if he was receiving threats. That CEO's colleagues continued their meeting without him, on time. They didn't even care about his ass. Look at how many other people were killed on December 4th same as that CEO. I'm pretty sure they didnt make the news. So excuse us if we find "joy", crack smiles, look the other way, or just simply do not give fleas on a rats as about that former CEO.
Thats an admirable broadcaster , thank you Piers Morgan❤... What kind of influencer or reporter laugh when someone is killed ??? Are you Insane ?????? Please Taylor if you don't know what your talking don't open your mouth😂 Taylor Lorenz you need professional help 😂
Thats an admirable broadcaster , thank you Piers Morgan❤... What kind of influencer or reporter laugh when someone is killed ??? Are you Insane ?????? Please Taylor if you don't know what your talking don't open your mouth😂 Taylor Lorenz you need professional help 😂
Thats an admirable broadcaster , thank you Piers Morgan❤... What kind of influencer or reporter laugh when someone is killed ??? Are you Insane ?????? Please Taylor if you don't know what your talking don't open your mouth😂 Taylor Lorenz you need professional help 😂
A mass murderer was killed. Corporate media demands you show some respect.
@@greg0879 what a lunatic you are , mass murderer? Talk about any excuse to commit murder - what evil
Anger. That’s what people are feeling while corporations privatise healthcare and make billions off the suffering of the every day peasant.
Thats not how it works (1) Murdering someone doesn't solve the problem you believe you're describing (2) Paying for Private healthcare is a consumer choice (3) Corporations don't privatise "health care". They provide for it through funds supplied by customers/fund members.
Then make your own medical care system and run it better.
lol oh get bent! Make your own health care system, you are such a dumb scum bag. That ceo had it coming and so do the rest, or did you not notice how immediately after the shooting, every insurance company who announced they would be capping their services again decided to say just kidding!!! This one event has made a huge ripple into the world of previously untouchable criminals who benefit from killing us or letting us die. You wanna hate a Hitler?? That ceo was Hitler!!! He ACTUALLY has a body count! And the fact he approved it instead of did it himself doesn’t make him any less of a scum bag. How bout you go create a healthcare system that doesn’t screw over poor people to benefit the rich? And THEN you can complain about their ceo being shot! When they actually aren’t a cancer to the nation! Idiot.
@@IdahoFatTireBikeFun easier said than done you sheep.
@@IdahoFatTireBikeFun no one asked to be born a shithole of a country dickhead. rlly hope whatever country you're from will have your boomers and genz get radicalized by right wing media and choose to elect a stupid businessman, erecting policies to tear your country's healthcare system to shreds to have his "business buddies" erect a for-profit healthcare. i wish you nothing but the worst, sir.
This isn't a Left or Right issue in the US. There are many on the right happy the CEO lost existence
The bigger problem is that justice had to be done through vigilantism rather than the court of law. If the U.S. Government and health insurance companies weren't in the same financial business of exploiting sick americans to death, then the government would be able to correctly arrest and try these CEO's for the mass scale murder and manslaughter that they deliberately impose for profit.
I wish we had law and order in this country but people work with the tools of the time and culture I suppose until law and order is finally re-established in the healthcare industry. Right now our health insurance industry is pure shakedown capitalistic punch your face for a dime barbarianism.
Kinda like the tea tax way back when, but instead of taxing tea, they're robbing cancer patients.
The entire city of New York should be fuming right now. They spent the last ten years watching cops let criminals completely take over the city and make law abiding citizens not even feel safe in their own homes cuz criminals can break in and if you defend yourself, YOU go to jail (only if you’re white though) they’ve spent years being harassed assaulted and stabbed on public transportation while the police do nothing, then in two weeks, they watch their do nothing government suddenly jump into gear and blow MILLIONS of tax dollars and law enforcement effort!! To track down ONE guy, and try imprisoning a hero who stopped a criminal from killing people on a train. So every single victim of violent crime in New York who got the middle finger every time the police just take a report and roll their eyes. Just watched the ENTIRE system show us how they COULD defend all of us normal people, but then instead choose to try prosecuting the first person to stop a crime in New York in about ten years, while chasing down ONE guy who shot ONE person, how many families in New York do you think have lost children to gun violence?? Multiple? We see it on the news all the time!! Look at this poor woman! All three of her kids were killed in their teens by gun violence. Nobody in jail, nobody held accountable, nobody cares, BLM ain’t there cuz they’re counting on defending the criminal when he eventually kills a white person. The entire system is trash and they just spit on the face of every New Yorker in a matter of two weeks and stupid children online living in a puritan delusion are helping the media try to shame everyone into compliance with their mentality of only rich people matter the rest can go die. This is about way more than one murder and the fact that’s what every person defending the ceo keeps saying. Thinking it’s just about the ceo getting shot, is completely ignorant to how the world works
I understand your frustration but I cannot fathom that you feel that “Justice” was achieved by vigilantism. Before you speak in any way to condone this you may want to consider who the self-appointed judge/jury/executioners might be.
@@lizaellenk Would you support the U.S. remaining a british colony because it's unjust to rise against murderous oppressors? Would you consider the Union to be unjust for their murderous intent against the southern slaveowners? Would you consider it unjust for us to have sent troops over during WWII because the nazis were people too?
A first time apologetic killer killed a far more prolific government sanctioned serial killer. One used paperwork, policy, and corrupt A.I. systems as a deadly weapon to indifferently yet directly cause the death and prolonged suffering of millions for money, one used a single gun.
His choice directly saved peoples lives because of the immediate reversal of blue cross blue shields new policy of overcharging/denying coverage for anaesthesia that was used longer than the private insurance death panels allow. This is a direct application wherein lives were saved and justice was done because of this man's actions.
I can't fathom how you can possibly think that Justice was not done in this situation. It's sad it happened the way it did. It's good that something happened at all. Man I sure wish we could successfully debate evil monoliths into not being evil, but the financial incentive structure these corporations operate under requires exploitation and death to remain sustainable, just like our former practice of legalized slavery. What is your alternative? Allow these corporate psychopaths to continue to kill in the shadows? If this status quo is your justice, you need to reexamine the foundation of your moral beliefs, because they are incredibly naive.
I sincerely hope you find within you a reason to stand up to people who stomp their boots on the necks of the unfortunate for the sole sake of money. Learn who you need to have sympathy for. Learn who UHC's victims are before you say such words.
Why do you support robbing cancer patients? Is this your justice?
I’m glad the people feel sorry for him, that means they’re fortunate enough to have not lost their loved ones due to a denied claim. But just understand that those who have do not feel sorry in the slightest
I think that there a lot of Americans that feel the same way, the man was profiting from other peoples suffering in order to make profits. So I have no sympathy for him whatsoever, moral of the story is Don’t profit from other people’s suffering, when you are in the business of insuring them to be able to receive medical care , then turn around and deny them the medical treatment they need despite the fact they paid insurance for it
No the moral of the story is the guy who did this is going to jail, because in this country, murdering people on the streets is not how we solve problems. Lynching ended a long time ago. There’s a lot of people responsible for the messed up healthcare problem we have in this country…not just the guy who became CEO 3 years ago…it extends to many many people…even to our former presidents.
Then make your own health care system and run it better for humanity. If not, let those healthcare professionals work as well as they can for a good wage.
@@IdahoFatTireBikeFunyeah just stop complaining about insurance companies doing everything in their power to deny a claim and just challenge their monopoly by making your own insurance company it’s that simple 😔
lol again, you stupid inbred. It is not on civilians to do a health insurance company’s job. How old are you? 17?? Never had to even make a doctor appointment for yourself before have you? lol you’re pathetic. Maybe YOU should go do something if you hate death so much, instead of selectively choosing which death to care about based on how the media shames you into compliance. Grow up
@@IdahoFatTireBikeFunYou’re part of the problem 🐑
We live in a sick world...
Oh baby baby it's a wild world it's hard to by just upon a smile
yes, the CEO that murdered thousands are dispectable.
Taylor Lorenz is not a journalist.
Nether is Piers Morgan, by any reasonable definition of the word.
She used to be Taylor Swift
@@DisasterMaster3Kso many Taylor’s. Must have been a popular millennial name.
Piers Morgan is not a journalist.
Read the comment section of any news article about the uhc situation- most people agree with her
They are woke evil murderer supporters not normal people
They don't retard.
Most people who rot in bed and spend all day online you mean
@ most people who lost loved ones bc of denied claims, went into bankruptcy bc of medical bills and suffer from inadequate healthcare even with insurance coverage I mean
@@MoobloonGaleyou are mentally disabled
Wait for the " we clearly need to have a complete ban on 3D printers " argument 😂😂😂😂😂
He's a husband and a father?? What about the other husband and fathers that got denied and died cuz of this jerk? This man was not innocent. The world is better of without him.
You didn't know him. What a terrible statement to make.
@randyneumeyer9103 he denied people life saving procedures. If the Judge who gave Jeffrey Epstein a slap on the wrist was murdered you would had defended him. You would had told me that I didn't even know him.
@@randyneumeyer9103I agree
@@randyneumeyer9103the insurance companies don’t know the people they let die either but it’s fine because they have the money
You’re a sick individual.
Surely that’s incitement.
Which is an abuse of the 1A.
Lorenz always looks like she’s having an allergic reaction.
ventolin in America cost $286 (447.63 in Australia dollars) in Australia cost $12 ($18 in American) in the UK £7.99 ( $15.95 Australia & $10.20 American Dollar) That is crazy
My grandson has used ventolin for years and has never paid a penny.
@MaryIannacone what county are you in?
@ the United States
@@MaryIannacone in Australia you can see a doctor for free & in the UK do you have that in America?
@ how long does it take you to see a doctor? Yes you can see a doctor for free. As a nurse I have never seen anyone turned away because they couldn’t pay. My grandkids pay nothing for their healthcare. Neither do I.
She's auditioning for The View
@@Btuls and you think you have a clue. Who else deserves to die cause someone disagrees with the job they do. What do u do, evil person
Taylor Lorenz is looking at a defamation lawsuit
I feel like I'm watching a video from 2002 with all the background music and the reading😂
Newsflash, its the care providers making the massive profits, not the insurance companies . They're the stand-ins who get the blame. Their profit margins are in the low single digits, while hospitals, pharma, tech suppliers, labs etc rake it in. When the vast majority of profits are flowing to these provider industries it seems disingenuous, or just ignorant, to exclusively focus on their stand-ins, who are there to cover for them, while extracting a fraction of what the provider industry makes.
It doesn’t matter who it is. Killing someone is wrong. What goes through the minds of these people?
Good little serf. Good work prognosis. Tell us all what you do for a living again? Oh that's right.
Good little sheep. Now go lick Murdoch's boots you pathetic excuse for oxygen. Good thing you never passed on your pathetic genes.
Isnt this the same guy that celebrated Palestinian deaths? 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
@ no
CEO did the same to other families... soooo yeaaa... so they were both wrong.
what abt when they killed hitler? how many lives does someone have to ruin before killing them is ok?
Ah the loving tolerant left
It’s about helping the people not the filthy rich that control our lives
She's only saying that because the victim is white like her & she wants to be liked by other woke dumb asses.😂😂😂😂
Ah the worthless, lazy right. How many of your children would have to die before you put down your iPad and stopped abusing your wife? 🤡
@@juanguzman3686keep simping for a billionaire who got rich off the graves of Americans you troglodyte.
The left hates people for what they do.
The right hates people for what they are.
She is using the wrong words. She understands if you do a risky job that affects people's lives, they may retaliate. Plain and simple.
She's disgusting
All these people who defend this ceo are trash. I don believe for a second any of them don’t have skin in the game. They don’t feel bad for a murderous ceo they feel bad because they themselves work in health care or somebody in their family does, and told themselves that being a mass murderer requires more than a pen stroke unless you’re Hitler or Trump or anybody they don’t like, those people are bad. But this ceo is an angel? lol it’s all greed and fear. Nobody has empathy for this sorry sack, they have fear of retribution for the lives lost that they’ve been ignoring this whole time. The same way the justice system in New York releases violent criminals and tells the victims to eat it on a daily basis, now they just spent god knows how much tax payer money hunting ONE guy through like three different states. While simultaneously spending even more trying to hold Daniel penny for being a hero. New Yorks entire government is scum and needs to be flushed, if the kid were black he’d have al sharpton making the points everybody on here has to make.
Best not to open your mouth, it will come back to bite you.
Taylor, what goes around comes around.
Sort of like the suits laughing about denying care. Or does karmic retribution only apply to the peasant class?
Her family would probably feel the same way if it happened to her.
The sick just keep getting sicker. Very sad...
It's a shame insurance companies deny so many people so they can't get well. But hey, at least they have their $90 billion dollar profit.
It’s no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
In our super sane world, We have Christians making excuses for war and peasants making excuses for rampant greed that hurts themselves, their families and the planet they live on.
How does everyone know this is over profiteering? What if he were about to expose corruption in the company to the stock holders?
He wasn’t. Are you knew to America or something? The way the media takes advantage of you idiots is hideous. News flash, people are shot every single day in New York and nobody cares. The cops don’t care, the government doesn’t care. This is a city where gangs 40 strong will run into a store in the middle of the day and steal thousands of dollars worth of stuff, and the cops just shrug and don’t do anything. People are attacked, people are robbed, car jacked, shot, and local businesses have to close down because of all the crime that NOBODY does anything about, just to be called racist for not willingly staying open and letting black people rob them at gun point. If you care about one ceo? You are spitting in the face of an entire city. Our government is supposed to help US, work for US. Not shrug their shoulders take our money and only use it when a rich a hole is killed. Wake the hell up.
No regard for human life. She’s dangerous. Scary.
The United health CEO was killed because HE had no regard for human life.
Denying life-saving insurance, having no regard for human life. Brian Thompson’s dangerous. Scary.
Robert Kennedy Jnr needs to look into this and see why people get denied...this is the best case to start
Yea, give merit and justification to an assignation. This is not a smart post
Bro shut the hell up. Every single one of you pretending to make this ceo somebody that we should care about are clearly not in reality, you’re either a coward murdering ceo/work for one yourself, and you now realize killing people with the stroke of a pen may not be ok anymore. If you support this ceo then you also support OJ Neely, the crazed drug addict murderer who had to be put down by a hero. And you probably still want trump to get shot, so how bout you grow up and take a look in the mirror instead of trying to shame the world into feeling sorry for you and any other criminal apologist in the world because you have a psycho family member you don’t wanna see shot. Maybe tell them to get another job?? Stop killing and stealing from people?? But no, you’re smart. You toootally understand cause and effect
If these CEO's are so evil as she claims, she better watch out, there might be a contract out for her.
Executives get payed responsibility money, the authorities who get their power from the consent of the people failed to address his responsibility, so the people held him responsible
She is beyond contempt.
She does not believe in the sanctity of life. She’s a little psychopath.. even if he were not a good person it’s still atrocious that she feels that way, and that she would actually say it out loud.
Yes I agree 💯 percent
Oh good, emotional women making emotional statements from their sofa. Lemme guess? Abortion is women’s rights but women should have to fight biological men off to get anything? Illegal immigrant crime is overstated? People who don’t like crime are just racist? Please, tell us what other super moral stances you have that let you know you’re better than anybody? lol cuz sympathy for a murderer is not a good look. Just because you don’t know what violent crime is doesn’t mean the rest of us aren’t experiencing it on a daily basis and being ignored by the same cops we pay to protect us so they can use our money to chase down one guy who killed one guy in New York City. If you care? That means you actively don’t care about hundreds of thousands of victims of the exact same crime in the exact same area, AND, you’re trying to shame people into believing your narrow privileged sheltered view of the world just because you don’t have to actually live in it. Go watch the view so more.
Did you say the same when bin laden was hunted and killed,?
…. She then cried victim when she got doxxed
Oh? Is doxxing a victimless crime? You think you people have the right to stalk people and encourage other left wing maniacs to go to their house and incite violence?? Over words??? But you can fathom why people have zero sympathy for this ceo huh? lol yup liberal to the core.
She believes in life unless you are a baby
Being a ceo of healthcare doesn’t make you the ceo of all the health insurance agencies stupid woman
How the boot taste?
She felt joy because everything bad that happens in the healthcare industry will now end all of the sudden.
Taylor Lorenz was following Mangione on X BEFORE the shooting!!! "The seventh clue is ex-New York Times crazy Taylor Lorenz coming down on the side of
revolutionaries here, saying Thompson had it coming. Sure he did, but that isn't the weird thing in this
case. The weird thing is that Lorenz is saying it. She's crazy, yes, but anyone would expect her to be
crazy in the opposite pasture here. So her comments also look scripted, indicating to me she has been
paid to make the event look real. If she has to do that by celebrating the fake death, well OK.
Sometimes that is the best way to sell an event, you know. [Added Dec. 9: confirmation of my reading
has now emerged, since it was found that Lorenz had been following shooter Mangione on X before the
shooting. Why would she do that? Now you know." -Miles W. Mathis
That woman is the reason why people despised left wing politic...but Pierce Morgan as well is the reason many people despised right wing is overly hysterical, the other is so out of touch
What an idiotic statement. I hope she was fired. Killing someone is not “joyful “. As a nurse I’ve seen a lot of good that insurance companies do. She’s a hack.
You’re a moron. That ceo had a good many hearty chuckles as he killed people to watch his stock go up a fraction of a percent. Maybe tell your dad to get another job? One that isn’t killing people? Because the only people who care about this ceo are people who relate to him, aka, criminals. Just like the only people who felt bad for OJ Neely were other criminals and murderers. Your sheltered pampered view of the world is pathetic
Unless you do it with a pen in a nice suit then it’s ok to laugh about it.
Killing Hitler wasn’t joyful? Osama? They technically didn’t kill people with their own hands but definitely with their orders and rules… just like the CEO.
The man was shot down and people celebrating… weirdos.
The man sent plenty of people to the grave... weirdo
lol, and we hope more follow.
One should not be able to act without regard for others or the planet without facing consequences. Since there is no gaud dealing out punishment and the system is rigged in their favor people have to take up for themselves.
Why should sheep mourn the loss of a wolf?
Wait until someone you love needs chemo, and United delays and denies it. You might begin to understand what others already know.
Well and here is what is absolute BS. This woman is blaming the CEO of a Health Insurance company, but walked right into a voting booth and, guaranteed, voted to keep the same people in power that have continued to perpetuate the system in which this insurance company operates. Democrats rode in on a 'blue wave' in 2018 and led with health care. Since then they've done absolutely nothing at all related to health care. Yet we are blaming the CEO of a company, whose job is it to keep 400,000 people, most of them middle class, employed using financials, risk pools etc. to make sure the company is able to keep operating. Why isn't the rage toward congressman doing nothing? Why isn't the rage toward a medical system that charges insurance companies absurd amounts of money for things to the extent that they are running up unnecessary costs? Why isn't the rage toward pharmaceutical companies that will charge $9000 per month for a cancer drug that has been untouched since 2001. Health Insurance companies and their refusals of claims are a byproduct of a crooked health care system. They are the last on the list mentioned above that should be getting your rage.
This is what is confusing me. People are angry at the health insurance companies for not paying, but surely the hospitals that charge this much are equal if not much more to blame for charging so much in the first place?
I get why people are mad at the insurance people getting rich off denials, just confused why the anger is only in one direction.
Looks like she got the attention she wanted! However, FOX (allegedly) chose not to pick up her podcast because of this behavior! BYEEEEEE! 👋
Eat the rich.
He didn't slam her. Report this as clickbait
Thats an admirable broadcaster , thank you Piers Morgan❤...
What kind of influencer or reporter laugh when someone is killed ???
Are you Insane ??????
Please Taylor if you don't know what your talking don't open your mouth😂
Taylor Lorenz you need professional help 😂
lol it’s hilarious when they taster their own medicine. Just like them laughing about denying coverage we get to celebrate this.
She is a terrible person to advocate murder as a solution.
I hope his family sue her for defamation
She's sick.
Hey Piers, I heard you had a Bar Mitzvah.
Why would it make one joyful, you ask? Maybe because we’ve been victimized by the healthcare system in this country. They know we lack the time, money, or sometimes the health, to fight back against their delays and denials. Then they scrape billions in profits from our premiums. If they delay long enough, the calendar year turns over and your deductible resets! Thousands more you have to pay out all over again before you see a dime from insurance. And we are sick of monsters hiding behind “business” and the legality of what they are doing, causing the deaths of thousands for a profit. Then they use those profits to lobby our government and make it impossible for change to happen. Spare me your righteous indignation, Piers. You know nothing of the struggles of the average American.
America wouldn’t exist if we didn’t tell the king “hey, you’re taking our money and giving us nothing in return, we’re done with that.” Well, Luigi was sick of our money being taken and us getting nothing in return.
I normally don’t comment because it feels like screaming into a void, but seeing as there are less than 100 comments right now and this will be the longest, perhaps it can cut through the noise.
Be careful about advocating vigilantism - Not the same as a revolution
"How can this make you joyful", Maam sit back We in the comments got your back! lmao
That CEO was responsible for how many deaths by denying 1/3 of insurance claims. That CEO made 10 million a year off pain and suffering of other individuals. That CEO was involved in insider trading of 15 millions worth of stock. That CEO was for Profit over Lives. That CEO should of known to have security with him especially if he was receiving threats. That CEO's colleagues continued their meeting without him, on time. They didn't even care about his ass. Look at how many other people were killed on December 4th same as that CEO. I'm pretty sure they didnt make the news.
So excuse us if we find "joy", crack smiles, look the other way, or just simply do not give fleas on a rats as about that former CEO.
Thats an admirable broadcaster , thank you Piers Morgan❤...
What kind of influencer or reporter laugh when someone is killed ???
Are you Insane ??????
Please Taylor if you don't know what your talking don't open your mouth😂
Taylor Lorenz you need professional help 😂
Thats an admirable broadcaster , thank you Piers Morgan❤...
What kind of influencer or reporter laugh when someone is killed ???
Are you Insane ??????
Please Taylor if you don't know what your talking don't open your mouth😂
Taylor Lorenz you need professional help 😂
Thats an admirable broadcaster , thank you Piers Morgan❤...
What kind of influencer or reporter laugh when someone is killed ???
Are you Insane ??????
Please Taylor if you don't know what your talking don't open your mouth😂
Taylor Lorenz you need professional help 😂