Mui Wo is a rare gem that nobody talks about. It's only one ferry ride away from Central downtown, and the community is quite international, the housing prices is still super undervalued. Especially for young couples planning to have a family. I can see the housing prices will go up a lot in 2-8 years time tho, as it keeps getting more urbanized.
Most people of Hong Kong doesn't know that there's a awesome mountain bike trail at Mui Wo. On the other hand the typical people of Hong Kong aren't into sports like Mountain Bike or Kayaking.
Agreed! Please stop advertising Mui Wo. It is a rare gem that nobody talks about. It's only one ferry ride away from Central downtown, and the community is quite international, the housing prices is still super undervalued. Especially for young couples planning to have a family. I can see the housing prices will go up a lot in 2-8 years time tho, as it keeps getting more urbanized.
梅窩係我兒時嘅回憶, 梅窩係一個好地方👍
很多外國人搬到梅窩, 喜歡住環境 空氣 . 大排檔, 單車停位太舊太亂了. 碼頭附近要改變下.
Mui Wo is a rare gem that nobody talks about.
It's only one ferry ride away from Central downtown, and the community is quite international, the housing prices is still super undervalued. Especially for young couples planning to have a family.
I can see the housing prices will go up a lot in 2-8 years time tho, as it keeps getting more urbanized.
以我所知麥生記冰室 星期三休息。
Most people of Hong Kong doesn't know that there's a awesome mountain bike trail at Mui Wo.
On the other hand the typical people of Hong Kong aren't into sports like Mountain Bike or Kayaking.
支持選特,十 一 開戰 ,全球減共 ... 打倒教宗共 ... 😈共匪亡 中國興 😇
這晚開始全個Facebook 都係洗版式既開香檳慶祝post,但就好似完全無人/無page講 「港康碼」
港康碼即係之前提過既健康碼,正如之前所講既一樣,政府會係兩個星期後落實,為係香港市民做DNA檢疫(非強制),之後會為已做檢疫既市民發出一個二維碼以分別健康情況// -網友
第三,當大家而家已經習慣去唔同地方都要比人用槍嘟頭既時候,遲下就唔係嘟頭而係出示健康碼,慢慢會有更多人唔係迫唔洗強制既情況下都會去做DNA檢疫,為既都係方便同埋覺得佢拎你DNA無乜大不了 (用於日後活摘...???)
第四,當健康碼普遍實行之後,政府會推出更加相應措施同設備去限制及監管大家,例如係交通工具,食肆,商場,公共設施,隧道或出入境 加裝健康碼掃描器,到時佢依然唔會強制逼你做檢疫,因為只要你無健康碼,就同禁足無分別,而且你去邊都要掃健康碼,佢間接對大家既行蹤一清二楚
第五,而家政府做任何野,相信大家都唔會相信,咁健康碼到底要點先證明你係健康呢? 大概就係分 著綠燈就健康,紅燈就唔健康 咁上下喇,即係大家健唔健康(有無得出門)都掌握係政府手,咁大家覺得佢會唔會用呢個方法間接管控大家,執行一切政治任務?例如社會肅清,監控輿論。只要大家講咩光復香港,五大訴求,香港獨立之類既說話,你或者你既屋企人既健康碼就有可能無端端由綠色變紅色,久而久之,大家就會知道講咩會變紅色,被禁足禁自由,慢慢社會上就再唔會有反政府聲音出現!
勇敢國民棄共黨 人權自由生永享 4 9 建國 7 1 滅 國際覺醒中共亡
香港政府不懂保育,封了就一了百了,再唔係就拆。只識白逗人工。在香港這麼有歷使價值應做好加固 維修, 讓市民參觀而不是封了乜都唔做。人地外國或東南亞都是把洞修好再開放,讓市民參觀,而不是封。
大家驚蝙蝠NOW :S
邊到有66年老字好 豬扒包呀?= = 66年不變既環境就有!! 梅窩配套 一直都很差 ! 買野貴 食野貴 乜都貴 !基本上梅窩很難做到生意!難聽到啲真係衰過 坪洲 同 貝澳 !!
救命, 長洲已經淪陷. 宜家Mui Wo又俾你地介紹, d人又搞活動, 就快變第2個長洲. 知唔知咩叫好心做壞事? 已經打破左以前既寧靜. (ps: Mui Wo居民
Agreed! Please stop advertising Mui Wo. It is a rare gem that nobody talks about.
It's only one ferry ride away from Central downtown, and the community is quite international, the housing prices is still super undervalued. Especially for young couples planning to have a family.
I can see the housing prices will go up a lot in 2-8 years time tho, as it keeps getting more urbanized.
Living in Mui Wo