Belajar sejarah walau itu pahit ,namun masalahnya orang indonesia sudah diberikan hati yg paling sabar di dunia dan tdk ada kata dendam,karna orang indonesia yakini manusia itu sama akan mati dan dunia ini hanya sementara.
Another fact, the Dutch exchanged islands in the Maluku region (British Ownership) with Manhattan, New york (2 February 1653, Dutch Nieuw Amsterdam) under the Treaty of Breda on 31 July 1667.
Salam hormat dari seorang rakyat Indinesia. Saya kagum dan menaruh hormat kepada anda, karwna punya niat untuk bisa mempromosikan Indinesia agar dunia tahu kalau Indinesia itu ada, dengan terus membuat video reacti tentang Undinesia. Salam damai .
This is why I like & support your channel Mr. D... because it is not only entertaining but can also increase knowledge & insight [at least for me personally]. ... about the video: Whatever the reason, all forms of 'colonization' are strongly opposed [stated in the 'Preamble to the Constitution' of our country] because it is not in accordance with humanity & justice. 🙏
Itulah indonesia sampai sekarang akan menentang sebuah penjajahan Didunia ... Indonesia akan selalu menyebarkan Perdamaian .. Itu kenapa indonesia adalah negara non blok alias netral ...
Ask the people in Papoua New Guinea, former East Timor and the Mollucans how they think about colonialism you hypocrite. Your corrupt governments did EXACTELY the same.
Well Mr. D ... here's a bit info of Indonesia's bacground : 1). around 1800s, the Dutch ever said that "The idea of Indonesia State is only the locals' utopia. It would never happen, it's just in some elites' imagination" ... why did they say this ? bc Dutch clearly understood the great diversities in the region - it was like unifying Western Europe into one country - but paradoxically it's actually the Dutch themself who unified the locals - under its racist and slavery policy, saying that all locals (inlanders) were the 3rd class in society, while Europeans were the 1st class, and Eastern Asians (Chinese, Indians, and Arabs) were 2nd. 2). bc of this policy ... nationalism movement rose up in early 19th - some elites were getting more educated, and learnt that the people should be united to take Nusantara back - Nusantara is an ancient name for Indonesia, btw there's historic event in 1928, when the youths that represent each region around Nusantara, gathered and held a congress, named The Youth Congress 1928 which resulted an oath or a pledge of nationalism ... it is the first time, the locals from many different backgrounds understood the idea of "Unity in Diversity" The youths made an oath saying that "We (the people of Nusantara) are One Nation, One People, and use One (unifying) Language, named Indonesia" this was the first time, word Indonesia, was mentioned to describe the entire Dutch territory ... and first time, idea of nationalism came up which then spread out through the entire region ... till 1945 of independence 3). During WW II around 1940s, Japan came and ruled the entire region of Southeast Asia - especially in the archipelago bc it's part of the pacific ... and Japan wanted to control this region - remember Pearl Harbour attack ?? according to Vienna "international" Law during WW II ... the loser of the war should give their colony lands to the winner - which obviously the law didn't even care the locals' right of the land So ... after the attack of Pearl Harbour, Japan already knew (or at least had a feeling) that the US would definitely strike them back ... and there's a chance Japan's gonna lose the war bc of that ... Japan promised to Sukarno - because he had strong influence of nationalism around the locals - that Japan would give independence to Indonesia in September 1945, with the hope that Indonesia would join as Japan ally to do so ... Japan then helped Indonesia to prepare their independence - the constitution, coat of arms, flag, national motto, basic principle, territory, etc (everything that related to "forming a new nation") were discussed in a forum held and watched by Japan, attended by all representatives of each ethnicity and local region However, yes Japan promised Sukarno to give independence, but actually not all Indonesians believed Japan, plus they wanted to have "real freedom" and not given by the ruler So 'blessing in disguise' ... after the nuke of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as US attacked Japan back, Japan surrendered so technically ... Indonesia was a free land after the bomb, with no authority - because Japan had lost, but the Dutch not yet came to overruled the land (again) Just 10 days after the bomb (17 August 1945) Indonesia declared its independence as a free nation/ppl - it's kind of saying that the Indonesians really used its momentum but the Dutch felt being fooled, they didn't recognize the independence and British backed them up there were great wars everywhere till 1949, called the Independence War, when finally UN stated that Indonesia had the right to be independent, so the Dutch had to let the country go The next chapter of this video will probably feature some historical events I mentioned above, and after the independence ... we'll continue in the next video 😁🙏 Thank you so much for your reaction Mr. D ... hopefully I don't bore you with my long comment
Uncle D, I really appreciate you and the reaction videos you have made even though it is only to learn the history of Indonesia which of course is not a viral and popular video that will have a big impact on the number of your video's views. Uncle, Indonesia's struggle to achieve independence was very long long time. Event France, Spain, Portuguese, British also colonized part of Indonesia for a short time.
Indonesia negara mayoritas muslim,sehingga kehidupan masyarakatnya tidak jauh dari ajaran yang kita anut.jadi di ajaran Islam apapun yang kita miliki besar atau kecil harus kita syukuri.kata syukur adalah benteng dari rasa rakus,rasa iri dengki dan rasa sombong akhirnya dengan rasa syukur tersebut menimbulkan hati yang bersih sehingga memancarkan rasa bahagia walaupun hidup dalam kekurangan.aku bangga lahir di INDONESIA tercinta.
The statement that Indonesia was colonized for 350 years is closely linked to the speeches and rhetoric of Bung Karno (Soekarno). The primary purpose of this statement was not to provide an accurate historical account, but rather to ignite the spirit of nationalism and the struggle of the Indonesian people against colonialism. Soekarno often used the figure of 350 years to highlight the length of Dutch colonization and the importance of unity and the fight for Indonesian independence. Although historically not all parts of Indonesia were colonized by the Dutch for 350 years, this figure became a symbol of oppression and the long struggle against colonialism. By stating "350 years," Soekarno aimed to emphasize the extent and duration of the suffering experienced by the Indonesian people under Dutch colonial rule. It was used as political rhetoric to unite the people in the spirit of revolution and the struggle for independence. At the time, this message was highly effective in stirring emotions and fueling national pride amid the fight against the remnants of colonial power after the proclamation of independence in 1945
Ingat kolonial Eropa kami sangat benci sejarah itu harus ada, sangat pahit tapi bukan Majapahit. Tapi karena penjajahan eropa itu sekarang Indonesia bisa terwujud secara utuh. Bisa bersatu. Mungkin kalau masih jaman kerajaan dulu akan berperang terus dan kekuasaan Akan terus berganti raja. Indonesia banyak sekali raja, di Jawa saja banyak sekali kerajaan . Dan susah bersatu karena egois nya para raja. Kami Indonesia mengambil hikmahnya saja dari penjajahan eropa itu Sriwijaya di Sumatra dan Mataram kuno di Jawa adalah kerajaan terbesar pertama di Indonesia, Majapahit dan Demak adalah kerajaan terbesar kedua di Indonesia, sekarang kerajaan ketiga terbesar adalah Nusantara Indonesia. Sekarang kerajaan NEGARA KESATUAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA ❤🎉
According to historical records in several ancient manuscripts, during the era of the great kingdoms in the Nusantara (the name of our region before the colonial era came), one great kingdom as big as Majapahit with all the small kingdoms under it had a population of 30 million people, and remember that in the 14th-16th centuries it was only in the territory of the Majapahit Empire, not to mention other kingdoms outside its control. In the longest colonial era (Dutch) the entire territory of Indonesia from the time the Dutch were able to conquer almost the entire territory of present day Indonesia in the 1900s the population at that time was around 40 million people. more or less the same when the Dutch came in the 1600s. Can you imagine, the small population growth, it is not due to the low birth rate, but many victims of genocide and massacre due to war, some starvation and economic conditions that do not allow survival because there was a time when the Dutch implemented forced labor with low wages.
That seems old data. The last time i read, india is now having the biggest number of population. The speaker himself is a dutch. So, we should have expected the dutch bias out of him. As a start, we already utilized the power of gunpoweder during those kingdoms era. The dutch wasnt as strong as history book pictured them back then, i guess. But "divide et impera" was the real problem back then (and its still, i would argue). The dutch maintained that very well. And bro, if you look at whats happening in Ga z. A, You know that the madness is still happening, right?
imagine when colonialism reached the archipelago, they were also greeted with a smilee, pretty sure they does,,, anyway,,, Indonesian people live and life side by side with nature, by nature i mean volcano, flood, eathquake, landslide, tsunami, tornado, wildfire, cigarete, mosquito, sumanto and many other, nothing can scare them. like they said: "Jauh Sebelum India berusaha membuat film Di BULAN, Jauh Sebelum China ingin mengirim imigran Ke BULAN, Jauh Sebelum Amerika dan USSR balapan Ke BULAN, Indonesia sudah menguasai cara hidup dari BULAN Ke BULAN dengan senyuman."
Couldnt imagent how is the situation back then,maybe they living under immerse stress,probaly had to give an cooperation althought they dont wanna do so.. its certainly devastasting experiance cos gotta facing those days while they're been terrorise and slaughter by the colonial force..but all that circumstance now is ended finally, after that era its resulting the freedom.
our history is not as simple as that. Dutch used politic De Vide et Impera. divide and conquer. my ancestors were pitted by the dutch since 1800s. the irony was my maternal great great grand mother was half dutch in my family this incident was considered as a disgraced to entire family so when she died she was burried in an undisclose place. in a way she was trashed out
Except they didn't conquer, only in the late 19th century they decided to rule the whole of Indonesia instead of just tiny bits and the seas around it.
But when Japan entered, fought with the Netherlands and its allies in 1942s, won the war and conquered the Dutch, took over Indonesia in just 3.5 years before they surrendered unconditionally to the US & allies due to the dropping of 2 atomic bombs on their territory. But 3.5 years of Japanese occupation is equal to 350 years of Dutch occupation in terms of population, when Japan entered the population of Indonesia was around 60 million people, and when Japan lost the war in World War II and left Indonesia in 1945 the population of Indonesia returned to 42 million people, once again, can you imagine? That is the dark story of the cruelty of the Japanese occupation in our history. The era of independence from 1945-2024 (79 years) the population of Indonesia has reached 285 million people. But we were taught by our ancestors not to harbor hatred and revenge, we have been independent, and fought for and defended independence in 1945-1949, when the Dutch came back to invade to take over this region again because Japan had surrendered. Millions of lives were lost, we have buried our revenge. Our founding father said after our independence "1 enemy is too many, 1000 friends are too few" and then in our constitution it is stated, made to participate in implementing world peace with our foreign policy of "Non Alignment Country & Zero Enemy", all disputes, and conflicts of interest are resolved through diplomacy, the military is only intended to maintain defense and territorial sovereignty. What happened in this land in the past, we use that history as a provision for our better future. Like the philosophy in a Javanese language "Seng wes yo wes" thats means everything happened, let be left behind.. but as a reminder for us to the next generation and so on. That's why the reasons that our patriotic spirit is so high until this day and beyond. Thanks for your wise opinions too in this video. 🙏
This Dutch Johnny Harris wannabee believes he's got to virtue signal by replacing the facts with even worse made up stuff. There was no plan or ambittion for imperial control of Indonesia. Empire was deemed to expensive, only in the late 19th century the Dutch deccided to start to rule the whole of Indonesia and 'civilize' it. The Banda massacre wasn't as bad he suggests either. It was not unprovoked, as the Bandanese had slaughtered a Dutch crew before and this was retaliation. They killed 1200 men, which was a bit too rough according to the VOC board but they were very happy with JP Coen's results in general. He shipped out the rest of the island population to Java and got other people in, to prevent future conflicts. Much worse stuff happened all over the world that same year.
But officially the ducth government occupied east indische (Indonesia) is only for 35 years 1907 - 1942 and the rest of it before, it was a trading monopoly by VoC ( a Dutch trading association) in this time they are trying to divide politics and destroy the political power in here by doing political propaganda issue. While in Netherlands it self they are being busy & for being colonized by the French power ( Napoleon's power) and also in 1942 they are being invade by Hitler & Japan. They are trying to came back but this time they are failed because they are too weak
Nonsense. The VOC ended in 1795 and it's very limited rule was replaced by the new Dutch state, the Dutch Republic was no more around the same time. They almost regained full control after WWII but the USA told them to accept Indonesian independence immediately or lose the much needed Marshall plan.
@@DenUitvreter In between the Dutch there was the French, the English Periode the Dutch not only alone here. 1800-1811 was the French period, and 1811-1816 was the British period, also Dutch is didn't colonise completely for all area they do it part by part they conquer Aceh in 1904 so in every region have their own calculation because colonialism came at the different time,, why nonsense you cannot generalized history it's fooling
Yeah the wrong way understand what India in the past, Nusantara (old names of Indonesia) is Indian. In America Indian it's a wrong tribe, in India who's originally India (as a country names current time) is authorized by United Kingdom. Dutch Kingdom wanted spice too and the wrong island (they are searching for India (United Kingdom) why you go to Nusantara? 😂 but thank you for introducing coffee, tea, and another non domestic plant, introduce army's system so Indonesia have a national army's with KOPASSUS as special force, united Nusantara as one nation, united bahasa Indonesia as one languages because Dutch language is just for specific ordinary people, many infrastructure build, company being nationalized (praying for the lost from war victimized and national heroes) Japanese kingdom coming to destroy Dutch Kingdom, United States coming to Japan with Enola Gay special delivery package, Japanese Kingdom surrender, young people of Indonesian kidnapping Sukarno's and Hatta's as a national president and vice president to declare of proclamation on no status quo authorized, Dutch Kingdom came in again with military aggression because don't want to loose a land, Indonesia fight back, United States and United Nations make a deal with Dutch for stay away from Indonesia, Dutch looking support but every nation knowing Indonesia as a freedom nations, Dutch Kingdom make a agreement, Indonesia agreeing to pay Dutch Kingdom for infrastructure has build, road, company have own by Dutch company, and all become just like a investor who's looking payback money not a colonization. But we are freedom, that's more important. 😂
Indonesia is no longer the biggest muslim majority country in the world. Pakistan took the spot now. And India is number 1 now as the most populous country in the world and also the 3rd position as the biggest muslim population country after Indonesia.
Am dutch and am proud .. every country every states made mistakes but when ppl says we colonized indonesja for 350 years am disagree .. Back then indonesia didnt existed, yet. There were kingdoms who fought each others for land, power and money. Greedy did existed before the dutch came until today.
indonesia belom wujud tapi kan ada kerajaan di sini,emang kamu pikir tanah kosong..? banyak orang tak berdosa di bantai macam binatang.. orang eropa adalah bangsa pelanggar hak asasi manusia terberat. dan bangsa pecundang berani cuma beramai ramai saja,jika 1 vs 1 tidak berani,sebagai contoh sekarang NATO....wkwkwkwkwk
Hai kau orang belanda... rasa dendam ku pada mu tak pernah padam... bila kau menjajah kembali aku siap mencarimu dan bahkan akan menhancurkan bendungan laut belanda biar belanda tenggelam.. indonesia bersatulahh
Kerajaan² di Nusantara saling berperang karena adu domba ulah dari negaramu juga. Indonesia kala itu Nusantara , jadi negaramu sudah menjajah negara kami 350 tahun , Ratumu sudah mengakuinya , jangan menyangkal !!!
Yes indeed, Indonesia didn't exist back then. But that doesn't mean there is no civilization in the archipelago. Your kingdom robbed natural sources just like other kingdoms from europe. They were exploited another land for their prosperity. That's the fact and you must admit it instead of deny it. But it's all over now and I hope we can respect each other and embrace it. Beside the long history of colonialism hundred of years ago, we have unique relationship now. So many mix-blood between us. Just like me, my grand grandfather is a pure Dutch. And half of my family still speaking Dutch fluently until now. The era has changed and so the people. What we should do right now is to respect each other and make peace. No more denial, no more colonialism.
Amerika sampai sekarang belum bayar hutang emas dari Indonesia sebanya 78 ton emas waktu itu presiden Amerika dipegang J.F Kenedy yang tewas tertembak.... Amerika maju karena punya cadangan emas 78 ton milik Indonesia....masih gak percaya....? Cari referensi nya sendiri.
Belajar sejarah walau itu pahit ,namun masalahnya orang indonesia sudah diberikan hati yg paling sabar di dunia dan tdk ada kata dendam,karna orang indonesia yakini manusia itu sama akan mati dan dunia ini hanya sementara.
I really like this series. He’s dutch. I love the detail of the story. Next part 2 let’s go!!!!
Another fact, the Dutch exchanged islands in the Maluku region (British Ownership) with Manhattan, New york (2 February 1653, Dutch Nieuw Amsterdam) under the Treaty of Breda on 31 July 1667.
Greed in a better way to say is "Good" hehe. Thank you for dig up more about Indonesia
Thanks Mr D , you had react the History of Indonesia.., thank you very much... 🙏🏻🙏🏻😊
Salam hormat dari seorang rakyat Indinesia.
Saya kagum dan menaruh hormat kepada anda, karwna punya niat untuk bisa mempromosikan Indinesia agar dunia tahu kalau Indinesia itu ada, dengan terus membuat video reacti tentang Undinesia.
Salam damai .
Indonesia🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩 ilove you❤❤❤❤ mantapppp💪💪💪👍👍👍
This is why I like & support your channel Mr. D...
because it is not only entertaining but can also increase knowledge & insight [at least for me personally].
... about the video: Whatever the reason, all forms of 'colonization' are strongly opposed [stated in the 'Preamble to the Constitution' of our country] because it is not in accordance with humanity & justice. 🙏
Thaks D... mantap ✌️👍
Itulah indonesia sampai sekarang akan menentang sebuah penjajahan Didunia ... Indonesia akan selalu menyebarkan Perdamaian .. Itu kenapa indonesia adalah negara non blok alias netral ...
Ask the people in Papoua New Guinea, former East Timor and the Mollucans how they think about colonialism you hypocrite. Your corrupt governments did EXACTELY the same.
Well Mr. D ... here's a bit info of Indonesia's bacground :
1). around 1800s, the Dutch ever said that "The idea of Indonesia State is only the locals' utopia. It would never happen, it's just in some elites' imagination" ...
why did they say this ? bc Dutch clearly understood the great diversities in the region - it was like unifying Western Europe into one country - but paradoxically it's actually the Dutch themself who unified the locals - under its racist and slavery policy, saying that all locals (inlanders) were the 3rd class in society, while Europeans were the 1st class, and Eastern Asians (Chinese, Indians, and Arabs) were 2nd.
2). bc of this policy ... nationalism movement rose up in early 19th - some elites were getting more educated, and learnt that the people should be united to take Nusantara back - Nusantara is an ancient name for Indonesia, btw
there's historic event in 1928, when the youths that represent each region around Nusantara, gathered and held a congress, named The Youth Congress 1928 which resulted an oath or a pledge of nationalism ... it is the first time, the locals from many different backgrounds understood the idea of "Unity in Diversity"
The youths made an oath saying that "We (the people of Nusantara) are One Nation, One People, and use One (unifying) Language, named Indonesia" this was the first time, word Indonesia, was mentioned to describe the entire Dutch territory ... and first time, idea of nationalism came up which then spread out through the entire region ... till 1945 of independence
3). During WW II around 1940s, Japan came and ruled the entire region of Southeast Asia - especially in the archipelago bc it's part of the pacific ... and Japan wanted to control this region - remember Pearl Harbour attack ??
according to Vienna "international" Law during WW II ... the loser of the war should give their colony lands to the winner - which obviously the law didn't even care the locals' right of the land
So ... after the attack of Pearl Harbour, Japan already knew (or at least had a feeling) that the US would definitely strike them back ... and there's a chance Japan's gonna lose the war
bc of that ... Japan promised to Sukarno - because he had strong influence of nationalism around the locals - that Japan would give independence to Indonesia in September 1945, with the hope that Indonesia would join as Japan ally
to do so ... Japan then helped Indonesia to prepare their independence - the constitution, coat of arms, flag, national motto, basic principle, territory, etc (everything that related to "forming a new nation") were discussed in a forum held and watched by Japan, attended by all representatives of each ethnicity and local region
However, yes Japan promised Sukarno to give independence, but actually not all Indonesians believed Japan, plus they wanted to have "real freedom" and not given by the ruler
So 'blessing in disguise' ... after the nuke of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as US attacked Japan back, Japan surrendered
so technically ... Indonesia was a free land after the bomb, with no authority - because Japan had lost, but the Dutch not yet came to overruled the land (again)
Just 10 days after the bomb (17 August 1945) Indonesia declared its independence as a free nation/ppl - it's kind of saying that the Indonesians really used its momentum
but the Dutch felt being fooled, they didn't recognize the independence and British backed them up
there were great wars everywhere till 1949, called the Independence War, when finally UN stated that Indonesia had the right to be independent, so the Dutch had to let the country go
The next chapter of this video will probably feature some historical events I mentioned above, and after the independence ... we'll continue in the next video 😁🙏
Thank you so much for your reaction Mr. D ... hopefully I don't bore you with my long comment
Uncle D, I really appreciate you and the reaction videos you have made even though it is only to learn the history of Indonesia which of course is not a viral and popular video that will have a big impact on the number of your video's views. Uncle, Indonesia's struggle to achieve independence was very long long time. Event France, Spain, Portuguese, British also colonized part of Indonesia for a short time.
The title should How Indonesia Shape The Dutch...
1st spices.....then 2nd oils
Indonesia negara mayoritas muslim,sehingga kehidupan masyarakatnya tidak jauh dari ajaran yang kita anut.jadi di ajaran Islam apapun yang kita miliki besar atau kecil harus kita syukuri.kata syukur adalah benteng dari rasa rakus,rasa iri dengki dan rasa sombong akhirnya dengan rasa syukur tersebut menimbulkan hati yang bersih sehingga memancarkan rasa bahagia walaupun hidup dalam kekurangan.aku bangga lahir di INDONESIA tercinta.
Meskipun Indonesia di jajah, tak punya uang,kami sabar dan tetap bersyukur.. ALLAH selalu bersama anak anak Indonesia 😢🙏🙏
lawak 😂
The statement that Indonesia was colonized for 350 years is closely linked to the speeches and rhetoric of Bung Karno (Soekarno). The primary purpose of this statement was not to provide an accurate historical account, but rather to ignite the spirit of nationalism and the struggle of the Indonesian people against colonialism.
Soekarno often used the figure of 350 years to highlight the length of Dutch colonization and the importance of unity and the fight for Indonesian independence. Although historically not all parts of Indonesia were colonized by the Dutch for 350 years, this figure became a symbol of oppression and the long struggle against colonialism.
By stating "350 years," Soekarno aimed to emphasize the extent and duration of the suffering experienced by the Indonesian people under Dutch colonial rule. It was used as political rhetoric to unite the people in the spirit of revolution and the struggle for independence. At the time, this message was highly effective in stirring emotions and fueling national pride amid the fight against the remnants of colonial power after the proclamation of independence in 1945
Ingat kolonial Eropa kami sangat benci sejarah itu harus ada, sangat pahit tapi bukan Majapahit.
Tapi karena penjajahan eropa itu sekarang Indonesia bisa terwujud secara utuh. Bisa bersatu.
Mungkin kalau masih jaman kerajaan dulu akan berperang terus dan kekuasaan Akan terus berganti raja. Indonesia banyak sekali raja, di Jawa saja banyak sekali kerajaan .
Dan susah bersatu karena egois nya para raja.
Kami Indonesia mengambil hikmahnya saja dari penjajahan eropa itu
Sriwijaya di Sumatra dan Mataram kuno di Jawa adalah kerajaan terbesar pertama di Indonesia,
Majapahit dan Demak adalah kerajaan terbesar kedua di Indonesia, sekarang kerajaan ketiga terbesar adalah Nusantara Indonesia.
According to historical records in several ancient manuscripts, during the era of the great kingdoms in the Nusantara (the name of our region before the colonial era came), one great kingdom as big as Majapahit with all the small kingdoms under it had a population of 30 million people, and remember that in the 14th-16th centuries it was only in the territory of the Majapahit Empire, not to mention other kingdoms outside its control. In the longest colonial era (Dutch) the entire territory of Indonesia from the time the Dutch were able to conquer almost the entire territory of present day Indonesia in the 1900s the population at that time was around 40 million people. more or less the same when the Dutch came in the 1600s. Can you imagine, the small population growth, it is not due to the low birth rate, but many victims of genocide and massacre due to war, some starvation and economic conditions that do not allow survival because there was a time when the Dutch implemented forced labor with low wages.
Your Great uncle D
How the Indonesians taking back naturalized players from the Dutch😂
Love and hate relationship❤
That seems old data. The last time i read, india is now having the biggest number of population.
The speaker himself is a dutch. So, we should have expected the dutch bias out of him.
As a start, we already utilized the power of gunpoweder during those kingdoms era.
The dutch wasnt as strong as history book pictured them back then, i guess.
But "divide et impera" was the real problem back then (and its still, i would argue).
The dutch maintained that very well.
And bro, if you look at whats happening in Ga z. A, You know that the madness is still happening, right?
The Dutch who came to conquer Indonesia was VOC not the goverment.
imagine when colonialism reached the archipelago, they were also greeted with a smilee, pretty sure they does,,,
Indonesian people live and life side by side with nature, by nature i mean volcano, flood, eathquake, landslide, tsunami, tornado, wildfire, cigarete, mosquito, sumanto and many other, nothing can scare them.
like they said:
"Jauh Sebelum India berusaha membuat film Di BULAN,
Jauh Sebelum China ingin mengirim imigran Ke BULAN,
Jauh Sebelum Amerika dan USSR balapan Ke BULAN,
Indonesia sudah menguasai cara hidup dari BULAN Ke BULAN dengan senyuman."
Couldnt imagent how is the situation back then,maybe they living under immerse stress,probaly had to give an cooperation althought they dont wanna do so.. its certainly devastasting experiance cos gotta facing those days while they're been terrorise and slaughter by the colonial force..but all that circumstance now is ended finally, after that era its resulting the freedom.
Manhatan dan kepuluwan maluku pernah di tukara manhatan milik indonesia dan maluku milik amerika
The King of netherlands already feelling guilty and asked apologiy from the people of indonesia because of that.
fun fact , AVATAR 2 THE WAY OF WATER based on a sea tribe in indonesia
Sing wes yo wes ..... Sabar
react part 2 uncle,,,
our history is not as simple as that. Dutch used politic De Vide et Impera. divide and conquer. my ancestors were pitted by the dutch since 1800s. the irony was my maternal great great grand mother was half dutch in my family this incident was considered as a disgraced to entire family so when she died she was burried in an undisclose place. in a way she was trashed out
Except they didn't conquer, only in the late 19th century they decided to rule the whole of Indonesia instead of just tiny bits and the seas around it.
Cukturstelsel was the beginning of curoption culture in Indonesia. Who did it? Indonesians goverment. That's the fact. Hutang but honest.
Please «Не лякай Klavdia Petrivna»
Indonesia => Indus-Nesos (Greek) => Indian Island
I'm subscribed! Please also do reaction on video: "Is Indonesia a Nation State" uploaded by the same channel. Thank you.
But when Japan entered, fought with the Netherlands and its allies in 1942s, won the war and conquered the Dutch, took over Indonesia in just 3.5 years before they surrendered unconditionally to the US & allies due to the dropping of 2 atomic bombs on their territory. But 3.5 years of Japanese occupation is equal to 350 years of Dutch occupation in terms of population, when Japan entered the population of Indonesia was around 60 million people, and when Japan lost the war in World War II and left Indonesia in 1945 the population of Indonesia returned to 42 million people, once again, can you imagine? That is the dark story of the cruelty of the Japanese occupation in our history. The era of independence from 1945-2024 (79 years) the population of Indonesia has reached 285 million people. But we were taught by our ancestors not to harbor hatred and revenge, we have been independent, and fought for and defended independence in 1945-1949, when the Dutch came back to invade to take over this region again because Japan had surrendered. Millions of lives were lost, we have buried our revenge. Our founding father said after our independence "1 enemy is too many, 1000 friends are too few" and then in our constitution it is stated, made to participate in implementing world peace with our foreign policy of "Non Alignment Country & Zero Enemy", all disputes, and conflicts of interest are resolved through diplomacy, the military is only intended to maintain defense and territorial sovereignty. What happened in this land in the past, we use that history as a provision for our better future. Like the philosophy in a Javanese language "Seng wes yo wes" thats means everything happened, let be left behind.. but as a reminder for us to the next generation and so on. That's why the reasons that our patriotic spirit is so high until this day and beyond.
Thanks for your wise opinions too in this video. 🙏
This Dutch Johnny Harris wannabee believes he's got to virtue signal by replacing the facts with even worse made up stuff. There was no plan or ambittion for imperial control of Indonesia. Empire was deemed to expensive, only in the late 19th century the Dutch deccided to start to rule the whole of Indonesia and 'civilize' it.
The Banda massacre wasn't as bad he suggests either. It was not unprovoked, as the Bandanese had slaughtered a Dutch crew before and this was retaliation. They killed 1200 men, which was a bit too rough according to the VOC board but they were very happy with JP Coen's results in general. He shipped out the rest of the island population to Java and got other people in, to prevent future conflicts. Much worse stuff happened all over the world that same year.
7:08 Israel?
kopi mana? Kopi ....
But officially the ducth government occupied east indische (Indonesia) is only for 35 years 1907 - 1942 and the rest of it before, it was a trading monopoly by VoC ( a Dutch trading association) in this time they are trying to divide politics and destroy the political power in here by doing political propaganda issue. While in Netherlands it self they are being busy & for being colonized by the French power ( Napoleon's power) and also in 1942 they are being invade by Hitler & Japan. They are trying to came back but this time they are failed because they are too weak
Nonsense. The VOC ended in 1795 and it's very limited rule was replaced by the new Dutch state, the Dutch Republic was no more around the same time. They almost regained full control after WWII but the USA told them to accept Indonesian independence immediately or lose the much needed Marshall plan.
@@DenUitvreter In between the Dutch there was the French, the English Periode the Dutch not only alone here. 1800-1811 was the French period, and 1811-1816 was the British period, also Dutch is didn't colonise completely for all area they do it part by part they conquer Aceh in 1904 so in every region have their own calculation because colonialism came at the different time,, why nonsense you cannot generalized history it's fooling
Avatar duplicat ndonesia
How the Eropean people came to America?
Yeah the wrong way understand what India in the past, Nusantara (old names of Indonesia) is Indian. In America Indian it's a wrong tribe, in India who's originally India (as a country names current time) is authorized by United Kingdom. Dutch Kingdom wanted spice too and the wrong island (they are searching for India (United Kingdom) why you go to Nusantara? 😂 but thank you for introducing coffee, tea, and another non domestic plant, introduce army's system so Indonesia have a national army's with KOPASSUS as special force, united Nusantara as one nation, united bahasa Indonesia as one languages because Dutch language is just for specific ordinary people, many infrastructure build, company being nationalized (praying for the lost from war victimized and national heroes) Japanese kingdom coming to destroy Dutch Kingdom, United States coming to Japan with Enola Gay special delivery package, Japanese Kingdom surrender, young people of Indonesian kidnapping Sukarno's and Hatta's as a national president and vice president to declare of proclamation on no status quo authorized, Dutch Kingdom came in again with military aggression because don't want to loose a land, Indonesia fight back, United States and United Nations make a deal with Dutch for stay away from Indonesia, Dutch looking support but every nation knowing Indonesia as a freedom nations, Dutch Kingdom make a agreement, Indonesia agreeing to pay Dutch Kingdom for infrastructure has build, road, company have own by Dutch company, and all become just like a investor who's looking payback money not a colonization. But we are freedom, that's more important. 😂
Indonesia is no longer the biggest muslim majority country in the world. Pakistan took the spot now. And India is number 1 now as the most populous country in the world and also the 3rd position as the biggest muslim population country after Indonesia.
Why the video make Indonesia skin are black bruhh we literally have so many color like TAN, Asian skin, light, and black for east side
Am dutch and am proud .. every country every states made mistakes but when ppl says we colonized indonesja for 350 years am disagree .. Back then indonesia didnt existed, yet. There were kingdoms who fought each others for land, power and money. Greedy did existed before the dutch came until today.
indonesia belom wujud tapi kan ada kerajaan di sini,emang kamu pikir tanah kosong..?
banyak orang tak berdosa di bantai macam binatang..
orang eropa adalah bangsa pelanggar hak asasi manusia terberat.
dan bangsa pecundang berani cuma beramai ramai saja,jika 1 vs 1 tidak berani,sebagai contoh sekarang
kakek n nenek ku di bantai orang belanda,dengan cara di penggal...!!
Hai kau orang belanda... rasa dendam ku pada mu tak pernah padam... bila kau menjajah kembali aku siap mencarimu dan bahkan akan menhancurkan bendungan laut belanda biar belanda tenggelam.. indonesia bersatulahh
Kerajaan² di Nusantara saling berperang karena adu domba ulah dari negaramu juga. Indonesia kala itu Nusantara , jadi negaramu sudah menjajah negara kami 350 tahun , Ratumu sudah mengakuinya , jangan menyangkal !!!
Yes indeed, Indonesia didn't exist back then. But that doesn't mean there is no civilization in the archipelago. Your kingdom robbed natural sources just like other kingdoms from europe. They were exploited another land for their prosperity. That's the fact and you must admit it instead of deny it.
But it's all over now and I hope we can respect each other and embrace it. Beside the long history of colonialism hundred of years ago, we have unique relationship now. So many mix-blood between us. Just like me, my grand grandfather is a pure Dutch. And half of my family still speaking Dutch fluently until now.
The era has changed and so the people. What we should do right now is to respect each other and make peace. No more denial, no more colonialism.
Amerika sampai sekarang belum bayar hutang emas dari Indonesia sebanya 78 ton emas waktu itu presiden Amerika dipegang J.F Kenedy yang tewas tertembak.... Amerika maju karena punya cadangan emas 78 ton milik Indonesia....masih gak percaya....?
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