The third "fear" effect is death coil and technically it's not a fear. The result is the same as a fear effect, but it's I think a horror effect, I think the main difference is that horror effects do not count for diminishing returns on fear effects. For people who don't want to play a warlock, when it comes to portals, be polite and don't assume that the warlock has to teleport you. When a dungeon group is complete, either ask the warlock or start moving to the dungeon anyway, it's very likely that the warlock will port the last two on his own just to start the dungeon quicker, even then thank him. But it shouldn't happen that the warlock is the furthest away from a dungeon and still the first to arrive there (that happened to me sometimes). The same obviously goes for food, water and portals from mages or any utility that a class offers to other players.
Warriors being harder to level, but become OP at max with some decent gear was a great mechanic and I loved it. Its like a delayed gratification thing, Yeah it takes you longer to get there, but its better for you once you are there, I thought it was a great idea.
Would like to add on the warrior bit... first couple raids for the horde, 2h fury is better due to windfury, instead of dual wield. Also to note private servers miscalculated boss party chance, offhand rage production, and crit chance... so dual wield is less strong than 2h for horde first two raids
I was pissing around with 2H fury on Retro-Wow. Just farming elites solo you chew shit up. Though you are strongest staying in battlestance for the improved overpower.
I was going to roll a hunter first to farm Devilsaur Leather, but a fury warrior can farm 55 elites in pre-raid no problem. And even a green gear warrior can farm one devilsaur every 30 minutes with retaliation.
Yeah I started a paladin first as well with the hope of going healer at 60, but it was so boring. Plus I've realized classic is a different game and I don't think I want to be stuck as a healer at level 60, so I've gone Hunter as well.
I think the advice of not using slice and dice on rogue is horrible. You can use a 1point snd right off the bat and seeing a few of your fights you shoulda had it on because they lasted a while. Also leveling dual wield fury is horrible advice at low levels because of the lack of +hit. You miss a lot.. 2h fury or arms is best.
Mage for me. Cheap to level, AOE grinding is effective, and you get to leave all that sweaty grunty stuff to the melee types, stand in the back with the other sensible folks and keep your stylish robes clean.
Well, you can definitely do somewhat competitive single-target DPS as far as I've seen with regards to private servers, but it'll take far more effort on your part. If you do give it a go, I hope you like hanging out in Gnomeregan.
Yeah, druid single target dps is pretty competitive for the early raids as some of their BiS items come from dungeons. Problem is that doesn't scale well after bwl/mc, the items are too time consuming to farm for every fight and you are there to be carried for most of the time. If the aspiring ferals dont plan to go much further than the first 1-2raids and want to spend 2 hours more than others prepping for every raid, then go for it :/ Odds are your guildies would rather have a regular dps who does more damage on the raid as a whole than a feral who comes online for 1.5minutes per boss.
I think its a shame that for warriors, arms PvE spec is disregarded and never mentioned when it comes to DPS guides. There is pros and cons with both kind of DPS builds, but i think such things should be mentioned so people can decide on their own what they want, instead of just looking at "one" option. I was arms PvE spec in vanilla, in one of the top PvE guild for our server, and this is my experience with Arms DPS build. Fury DPS had a large advantage on some boss fights, but this is vanilla, and some builds and classes just had a major advantage when it comes to DPS, so who is in the top will change alot depending on the mechanics you encounter for each fight. However even if Fury DPS had advantages more often then Arms DPS, played correctly Arms DPS was not far behind the Fury DPS in these fights. Also in our guild, who had our faction server first Nefarian kill in BWL. My Arms DPS build always came out on top of the damage meter, beating fury DPS and other classes every time. I know fury is more efficient most of the time, but for people who wants to DPS and use 2 handers in raiding, or mix between PvP and raiding without paying the respec cost everytime. It is very possible to do so.
the main issue is that youre making some boss encounters harder with the mortal strike debuff. apart from that the mortal strike IS a debuff on the boss compared to bloodthirst which just affects you -> one debuff slot less out of the max 16. im sure youll find a casual minded guild that takes you in if youre dedicated. in preparation for classic ive talked with 4 semi-hardcore raiding guilds which are forming up before release. non of those guilds were fine with taking an arms warrior to a raid and im happy it is that strict.
@@144fpsjunkie6 That is ofcourse true, and a fine observation on the debuff issue. I would not say our guild back then was casual minded though. The Guild managers were trading players which they didnt think performed well enough left and right like it was some kind of WoW raid manager game xD :b.. And we ended up being the top raid guild on our server until BC was released. I wont go for Arms PvE this time around though, gonna go for tanking to experience something new :)
Just a comment on people who keep saying he forgot Enhancement Shaman and Retribution Paladin. Sorry guys. Those meme specs. Not only is the shaman better utilized for their chain heal, but their damage in a raid setting is sub optimal. So why waist a spot on them that would be far easier to fill by a Rogue or Warrior? As for Ret Paladins, they have ONLY Judgement for inflicting damage, except in Naxramus. But by the time guilds get to Nax, the Paladin will be in so much healing/crit gear they will have near infinite mana for flash of light. They literally get their mana refunded every time they crit heal making them the MOST EFFICIENT HEALERS IN THE GAME. No sane guild would swap a holy paladin for a ret paladin with that in mind. If you want to play these meme specs, you're gonna have to START the guild AND BE THE RAID LEADER. But know, you're actually holding your raid back trying to be these specs wasting a raid spot that would be better on a real melee class/build. Relax guys. Your classes are healers in classic, embrace it. Or play a real melee class.
I was laughing when you got to gimmicks for warlock and went on for a long while. They have the most utility in the game. You want to meet people in wow? Tank, healer, or warlock.
Wait what, no mention of daggers rogues? Unless you're going full on world first/tryhard then daggers lets you pull off very good single target DPS while still being able to PVP effectively. You're also able to gear slightly faster due to not having to compete with warriors for swords and trust me rogues could use all the help they could get with gearing. Also dagger leveling is pretty fun. Ambush > GS > Evis = dead. You can include a macro to change to swords once you have ambushed. Improved stealth lets you hunt quest mobs more efficiently too and prevent being ganked (or do the ganking). I feel like a lot of your tips are aimed at people trying to minmax and get world first (who have likely already been designated a class and spec already by their guilds anyway)
Its insignificant but the hunter with improved aspect of the cheetah only has 36% increase run speed plus that 100% daze if hit. Shamans have ghost wolf which is 40% speed as do druids which is a 40% speed.
For hunter, you need as slow a bow as possible, there's very few crossbows and guns (and no bows) you want while leveling, particularly the lvl 16 vendor crossbow. Also as slow a 2h as possible. The most important stats you have your weapons speeds. The rotation is just auto shot and raptor strike/auto attack inbetween, but i like to multishot for fun. This does more damage than serp sting/arcane shot and uses virtually no mana if you dont multishot so you can ACTUALLY go from mob to mob endlessly.
Shaman. Shaman is love, Shaman is life. Any Shaman. Any Shaman will do the job better than anyone else. Closely followed by the Ret Paladin. More seriously though, I am honestly looking forward to all the Warrior and Rogue infighting over weapons.
"Warriors are mainly a dps class not much else" Look at all their teir 1,2, and 3 gear. All warriors were used for in vanilla is a pure tank role in pve.
Metagoblin: if you’re here you have decided you’re not playing tank/healer Me: *hides my priest/pally builds and my intent to watch this for entertainment only* yeah, fuck healers
@@joedarling5175 while enhancement is great for leveling you will consistently be at the bottom of the DPS meter in a rating environment. I was referring to the one shot KO Elemental PVP spec. But I do feel your pain I wish enhancement was viable.
Shaman would run outta mana in about 30s; any fight that lasts longer than that they become useless white hitting bots. Same trouble with shadow priests and balance druids... Incredible burst but then absolutely nothing
@@bombchus too true. It's not a viable dps but the 30% increase windfury totem and grace of air swap is a huge dps spike for melee groups. Its viable for the utility only hence if a guild does take a enhancement shaman itll be the one ans only enhancement shaman raiding in that guild. I do plan on doing just that. Just gotta find a guild willing enough to take me.
@@cosmicarmor2426 you can be a try-hard rouge or warrior ... if you want to compare a try-hard ret to a noob warrior the ret might be fine but if you compare him to a try-hard warrior the ret is garbage
Emre Yetim I too cant decide between. Very similar classes. About even in every way but dps (in early raids anyways). Mages do more dps than locks all the way till the end. Then locks keep up. Both spam one ability in raids. Both good at pvp and can really outplay people. Ugh cant decide
Both have awesome farming potential. Going back and farming old dungeons with arcane explosion is a massive money maker. While Warlock is great at pulling one mob after another for farming needs. Warlocks are amazing in PvP with a easier skill ceiling than Mages imo. I’m going Warlock for good old fashioned DoTs to the face in PvP.
In term of PvE, mage is the most effective at end game damage by a pretty big margin. Warlocks will always be brought to raids however as their utility spells such as health stones, summoning portals, banish elementals/demons and curse of elements/recklessness are vital for every group. Their DPS will remain substantially worse than mages until you get a lot of gear from AQ and Naxx, at which point you'll be only slightly worse than an equally geared/skilled mage. Most of the time a warlock won't get to use their pets and damaging debuffs in raids, so unless you're okay with being a shadow bolt dispenser in PvE content and aren't in love with the warlock class fantasy, I'd go for mage personally. When it comes to PvP, both classes are absolutely fantastic. They have many different viable specs each to suit your play style and all of them wreck faces. Soul Link demonology warlocks are considered one of the absolute best 1v1 classes in the entire game (along with shadow priests), so much so that most organized dueling competitions will outright ban them from participating. In the end you should go with the class you like the most from a fantasy standpoint, as both are needed in PvE (mages for raw damage and food/water, warlocks for their utility) and both are absolute monsters in PvP.
I started classic as a warlock, then one day i saw a fire mage and rerolled! 😂 Destruction isn't that great for pvp so if seeing a huge shatter or pyroblast crit is your thing roll a mage. But if youd rather demonic pets, being a cloth tank and dotting absolutely everything you come across roll a lock.
@@ayalosh100 i mean its up to you, every class was very different in vanilla so if you werent playing back then, i still think youll get that new game feeling.
Nature or death? If you want to play world of pokemon go hunter. If you want to be a damge over time god play warlock. Both are great, warlocks scale much better than hunters. Hunters are more fun to play in raids.
leveling dual wield fury? gonna have a bad time. Using heroic strike? gonna have a worse time. Your warrior-knowledge needs updating, sorry i dont mean to be rude. Leveling warrior is all about slow 2h weapons with arms specc. You hit once, apply hamstring and kite until your swing timer resets. Rage is used for sunder armor/hamstring/rend and when pooled high enough you pull 2 mobs and use sweeping strikes (last part is obviously after 30). Facetanking is extremely inefficient. After 40 you start using mortal strike ofc
@@MetaGoblin it is fair to assume that's what you mean as that is what you're showing in the video though. But still, using heroic strike is a big no-no, and the current consensus is arms all the way (especially on classic where /sit to pop enrage doesnt work).
@@321Crispo nobody will let you raid with arms build. 2h fury is the way to play as a horde dps warrior until Naxx. for lvling actually def is quite good if you dont want to run away all the time but yeah if you want to kite arms until lvl 60 and fury for raidcontent.
1.Warrior (but really, roll something else because there's way too many of these fuckers) 2. Mage (same thing) 3. Rogue 4. Warlock 5. Hunter 6. Shaman 7. Shadow Priest (weak af but skilled player can preform like subpar Warlock) 8. Feral Druid (just do yourself a favor and roll Rogue) 9. Balance Druid (completely useless) 10. Ret Paladin (why it's even in the game)
NE hunter is more than fine. This is no Dwarf Priest decision, choosing Dwarf or NE hunter is a toss-up and depends on what you like. Shadowmeld is great!
I want to PVP warrior and NE may actually be the best meta, after Orc. Combat range is pretty short, you can vanish if you get it off before spells hit. Only problem is its a bad tank compared to humans.
They're good damage, and the synergy with warlocks is juicy. But they have problems sustaining that damage with a quickly depleted mana pool, and with how limited boss debuff slots are in classic/vanilla at 16. You wont see a lot of shadow priests stacking up in your raids dps slots, but they do have a solid place in the raid comp. They're great leveling, dps and perfectly capable of healing a 5/10 man dungeon, so you'll always be able to get a group. I'm looking forward to giving the class a spin in August, I only ever played my warrior and a twink paladin in vanilla, so this will be a fresh and exciting experience.
@@thepopeisdope559 I did make my priest, did a little leveling but felt kinda bored and frustrated with Classic before Christmas. So I canned my sub and haven't been back. Making a return now with BWL out, but I need some upgrades for my PC first, graphics card may be on its last legs.
hunter/huntress seems to be interesting. how much of a hunters/huntress dmg in percent is done by his/her pet and how can one improve this dmg? (yeah, i value gender equal language..^^)
@Not Drunk James thanks for the support:) though i don't think it's a wast of time to use gender equal language. our language has a great impact on the way we think. in order for male and female to be equal i consider it elemental for us to adjust the way we use our language.
@@The2ndhandsock You do you, but I agree with the above person. I think just using Hunter for both instead of using a separate specialized term would show being equal.
Fury leveling is worse than arms leveling, your dual wielding hit chance is garbage without hit gear. Also hamstring kiting is working fine on the beta.
Personally, i find hamstring kiting to be very fun. Pushing the game to its absolute limits can be fun at times, but I can understand why some people may not enjoy it.
One handed 100% base dps x 95% hit does 95% base dps plus attackpower multiplikator 1. Two handed weapons of the same level got about 25% more dps, which means 125% base damage x 95% hit = 118.75% base dps. Attackpowermultiplikator is 1. 2 weapons of the same level are 150% unskilled x 76% hit = 114 base dps. Attackpowermultiplikator is 1.5. Choose the netter option for your playstyle. I personally really hate it when you hit the enemie to 1% and then miss, miss, parry with a slow two handed. This can happen with 2 one-handed too, but you hit much more often.
@Not Drunk James Some one has to say some thing. Having played paladin in og wow, I think I know what I'm talkin about. Rets a joke, and the devs are the ones laughing when people decide to take it.
@@shii5795 Cleanse doesn't reset the swing timer. Imp Judgment of Might. Blessing of Protection for that 1337 rogue or mage who can't control their aggro.
"Mage is pretty tanki" - Enemy Rogue: "hold my thistle tea"
The third "fear" effect is death coil and technically it's not a fear. The result is the same as a fear effect, but it's I think a horror effect, I think the main difference is that horror effects do not count for diminishing returns on fear effects.
For people who don't want to play a warlock, when it comes to portals, be polite and don't assume that the warlock has to teleport you. When a dungeon group is complete, either ask the warlock or start moving to the dungeon anyway, it's very likely that the warlock will port the last two on his own just to start the dungeon quicker, even then thank him. But it shouldn't happen that the warlock is the furthest away from a dungeon and still the first to arrive there (that happened to me sometimes).
The same obviously goes for food, water and portals from mages or any utility that a class offers to other players.
I love how nobody ever mentions shadow priests only few people know the secret that shadow priests are most powerful class ever
for 1vs1 maybe. For all the rest, they are just oom after 30 sec.
Need one shadow weaver for the warlocks
Feral druid.
There are dozens of us.
Hey we protest by the several! you know it!
We raise our collective voices as if we were one... Literally one....
@@scottagon Haha! you got it!
Making rogues salty for decades.
Warriors being harder to level, but become OP at max with some decent gear was a great mechanic and I loved it. Its like a delayed gratification thing, Yeah it takes you longer to get there, but its better for you once you are there, I thought it was a great idea.
Can anyone tell me what addon is what shows dmg of spells on action bar in 1:05 ? please?
Would like to add on the warrior bit... first couple raids for the horde, 2h fury is better due to windfury, instead of dual wield.
Also to note private servers miscalculated boss party chance, offhand rage production, and crit chance... so dual wield is less strong than 2h for horde first two raids
I was pissing around with 2H fury on Retro-Wow. Just farming elites solo you chew shit up. Though you are strongest staying in battlestance for the improved overpower.
I was going to roll a hunter first to farm Devilsaur Leather, but a fury warrior can farm 55 elites in pre-raid no problem. And even a green gear warrior can farm one devilsaur every 30 minutes with retaliation.
Was gonna say been playing Hunter and my 2H axe does as much damage as ranged shot just on auto crits.
Nice content yet again mate 👌 keeping the hype alive. Warlock main for me!
I've gotten to level 18 on a paladin, I'm bouta make a new character and go hunter, pally is so boring imo
I might have enjoyed the paladin so much back in 2005 because it is a very durable class. It certainly is slow and monotonous.
Unkillable gods of pvp when geared tho
Yeah I started a paladin first as well with the hope of going healer at 60, but it was so boring. Plus I've realized classic is a different game and I don't think I want to be stuck as a healer at level 60, so I've gone Hunter as well.
I'm having fun on my mage. Leveling straight frost is a money saver and pretty fun.
Is your name really Meta Goblin?
I think the advice of not using slice and dice on rogue is horrible. You can use a 1point snd right off the bat and seeing a few of your fights you shoulda had it on because they lasted a while.
Also leveling dual wield fury is horrible advice at low levels because of the lack of +hit. You miss a lot.. 2h fury or arms is best.
At 16:10 why does your imp doesnt lose any mana ?
Mage is number 1 in both PVP and PVE, AOE farming etc, so there is that.
@metalfaust19 Maybe warlock and hunter beat mage, but rogue is getting blinked and frost novaed/cone of cold.
My focus is Battlegrounds, I am not into duels, so may bias me on Mages who have a huge effect on aoe slows in a large battle.
My shadow Priest disagrees...
Short answer. Mage. The goat
I don’t even have to watch the video...the answer is Shadow Priest!!
Haha! I feel vindicated... I call it 'blueberry' too! :'D 12:58
Mage for me. Cheap to level, AOE grinding is effective, and you get to leave all that sweaty grunty stuff to the melee types, stand in the back with the other sensible folks and keep your stylish robes clean.
This is just excellent.
@Not Drunk James Pretty much sums up raiding for every class.
Where's the druid love? Idc if they ain't viable.
no Ret Paladins either
Feral Druid, Ret Paladin, and Enhancement shaman are meme specs outside of PVP.
@@shii5795 you are a meme spec 😎 gottem
Well, you can definitely do somewhat competitive single-target DPS as far as I've seen with regards to private servers, but it'll take far more effort on your part. If you do give it a go, I hope you like hanging out in Gnomeregan.
Yeah, druid single target dps is pretty competitive for the early raids as some of their BiS items come from dungeons. Problem is that doesn't scale well after bwl/mc, the items are too time consuming to farm for every fight and you are there to be carried for most of the time.
If the aspiring ferals dont plan to go much further than the first 1-2raids and want to spend 2 hours more than others prepping for every raid, then go for it :/
Odds are your guildies would rather have a regular dps who does more damage on the raid as a whole than a feral who comes online for 1.5minutes per boss.
I think its a shame that for warriors, arms PvE spec is disregarded and never mentioned when it comes to DPS guides. There is pros and cons with both kind of DPS builds, but i think such things should be mentioned so people can decide on their own what they want, instead of just looking at "one" option.
I was arms PvE spec in vanilla, in one of the top PvE guild for our server, and this is my experience with Arms DPS build.
Fury DPS had a large advantage on some boss fights, but this is vanilla, and some builds and classes just had a major advantage when it comes to DPS, so who is in the top will change alot depending on the mechanics you encounter for each fight. However even if Fury DPS had advantages more often then Arms DPS, played correctly Arms DPS was not far behind the Fury DPS in these fights.
Also in our guild, who had our faction server first Nefarian kill in BWL. My Arms DPS build always came out on top of the damage meter, beating fury DPS and other classes every time.
I know fury is more efficient most of the time, but for people who wants to DPS and use 2 handers in raiding, or mix between PvP and raiding without paying the respec cost everytime. It is very possible to do so.
the main issue is that youre making some boss encounters harder with the mortal strike debuff. apart from that the mortal strike IS a debuff on the boss compared to bloodthirst which just affects you -> one debuff slot less out of the max 16. im sure youll find a casual minded guild that takes you in if youre dedicated. in preparation for classic ive talked with 4 semi-hardcore raiding guilds which are forming up before release. non of those guilds were fine with taking an arms warrior to a raid and im happy it is that strict.
@@144fpsjunkie6 That is ofcourse true, and a fine observation on the debuff issue.
I would not say our guild back then was casual minded though. The Guild managers were trading players which they didnt think performed well enough left and right like it was some kind of WoW raid manager game xD :b.. And we ended up being the top raid guild on our server until BC was released.
I wont go for Arms PvE this time around though, gonna go for tanking to experience something new :)
The way I see it:
Not hit capped? = Arms
Hit capped? = Fury
I’m going to play frost death knight
not an option lol
badmojo0777 r/whoooosh
@@greg9220 u cant
What class can i play as dps for raiding that just don't cast one spell the whole time?
Rogues have combo point generators and spenders. DPS warriors have multiple buttons to press. Warlocks debuff before throwing shadowbolts.
Just a comment on people who keep saying he forgot Enhancement Shaman and Retribution Paladin. Sorry guys. Those meme specs. Not only is the shaman better utilized for their chain heal, but their damage in a raid setting is sub optimal. So why waist a spot on them that would be far easier to fill by a Rogue or Warrior? As for Ret Paladins, they have ONLY Judgement for inflicting damage, except in Naxramus. But by the time guilds get to Nax, the Paladin will be in so much healing/crit gear they will have near infinite mana for flash of light. They literally get their mana refunded every time they crit heal making them the MOST EFFICIENT HEALERS IN THE GAME. No sane guild would swap a holy paladin for a ret paladin with that in mind.
If you want to play these meme specs, you're gonna have to START the guild AND BE THE RAID LEADER. But know, you're actually holding your raid back trying to be these specs wasting a raid spot that would be better on a real melee class/build. Relax guys. Your classes are healers in classic, embrace it. Or play a real melee class.
Well said.
I was laughing when you got to gimmicks for warlock and went on for a long while. They have the most utility in the game. You want to meet people in wow? Tank, healer, or warlock.
orngdrnk you left out mage I’d say the rival warlocks for utility
Wait what, no mention of daggers rogues? Unless you're going full on world first/tryhard then daggers lets you pull off very good single target DPS while still being able to PVP effectively. You're also able to gear slightly faster due to not having to compete with warriors for swords and trust me rogues could use all the help they could get with gearing. Also dagger leveling is pretty fun. Ambush > GS > Evis = dead. You can include a macro to change to swords once you have ambushed. Improved stealth lets you hunt quest mobs more efficiently too and prevent being ganked (or do the ganking). I feel like a lot of your tips are aimed at people trying to minmax and get world first (who have likely already been designated a class and spec already by their guilds anyway)
Its insignificant but the hunter with improved aspect of the cheetah only has 36% increase run speed plus that 100% daze if hit. Shamans have ghost wolf which is 40% speed as do druids which is a 40% speed.
Joe Darling but only outside I still love skull of impending doom and nifty stopwatch on my slow ass warrior
Only outside and they need 2/2 imp ghost wolf for it to be instant. otherwise its a 2 sec cast
For hunter, you need as slow a bow as possible, there's very few crossbows and guns (and no bows) you want while leveling, particularly the lvl 16 vendor crossbow. Also as slow a 2h as possible. The most important stats you have your weapons speeds. The rotation is just auto shot and raptor strike/auto attack inbetween, but i like to multishot for fun. This does more damage than serp sting/arcane shot and uses virtually no mana if you dont multishot so you can ACTUALLY go from mob to mob endlessly.
3.4 is the optimal speed for a MM hunter for raids, means aimshot wont clip autoshot.
What's the name of your addon that shows average damage on your hotkeys? I use to use that and loved it but I can't remember the name
it's called DrDamage
Shadow priest
Feral druid
Ret Pala
Ench Shaman
I dont care what people says those classes can still be good!
good at being edgy - but not good at dps
Shaman. Shaman is love, Shaman is life. Any Shaman. Any Shaman will do the job better than anyone else. Closely followed by the Ret Paladin.
More seriously though, I am honestly looking forward to all the Warrior and Rogue infighting over weapons.
I'd like to add shaman, paladin, and priest on this list as they also have dps specs
And Druid
Ele shaman?
Guess he's talking about proper raid dps. Ele is oom after 1min. Nice burst on trash mobs does not real help in boss fights.
No enhance shaman? Dafuq dude
No Spreist?
Spriest? Fdruid?
Fdruid are underrated, but will never out dps a pure dps class.
A Boomkin will out dps a Feral Druid
Horrify? That would be Death Coil, sir.
"Warriors are mainly a dps class not much else"
Look at all their teir 1,2, and 3 gear.
All warriors were used for in vanilla is a pure tank role in pve.
Kris Holmes No, you had a main tank, off tank and another 4-5 dps warriors who wore non tier armor
@@grubi450 You only had 2 tanks? Ok.
Metagoblin: if you’re here you have decided you’re not playing tank/healer
Me: *hides my priest/pally builds and my intent to watch this for entertainment only* yeah, fuck healers
It sucks being a fury warrior. Everyone wants you to tank and never dps and finding groups is a pain in the ass
you don't play a goblin?
There ain't goblins (as a race to play) in classic
Planning on combat rogue or assassin
Assassin is better if you have the gear
The swag shaman is the only way to go!
That's what I'm saying. People are too quick to ignore an enhancement shammies. Them totems though.
@@joedarling5175 while enhancement is great for leveling you will consistently be at the bottom of the DPS meter in a rating environment. I was referring to the one shot KO Elemental PVP spec. But I do feel your pain I wish enhancement was viable.
Shaman would run outta mana in about 30s; any fight that lasts longer than that they become useless white hitting bots. Same trouble with shadow priests and balance druids... Incredible burst but then absolutely nothing
@@bombchus too true. It's not a viable dps but the 30% increase windfury totem and grace of air swap is a huge dps spike for melee groups. Its viable for the utility only hence if a guild does take a enhancement shaman itll be the one ans only enhancement shaman raiding in that guild. I do plan on doing just that. Just gotta find a guild willing enough to take me.
@@joedarling5175 enhancement isn't even viable boosting the melee group because you can make a Healer spec that does the same thing
Was going to check out your Discord but it’s closed or invites ended.
Weird thanks for telling me will sort it out
Maybe it was me I tried a few times. Will again today.
You should make a video like this but for pvp
hunter is not a dps class like feral-cat and oomkin is not a dps build
P.S. too much about hunter... hunter leveln +++, raid ---, dungeon ++, pvp +-
Where is ret paladin dps???
ret is useless in classic. you can consider sourself happy if you have half the dps of a rouge or warrior
@@ItVex I wouldn't go that far. They can be okay, but it requires you to be a try-hard. Super high maintenance.
@@cosmicarmor2426 you can be a try-hard rouge or warrior ... if you want to compare a try-hard ret to a noob warrior the ret might be fine but if you compare him to a try-hard warrior the ret is garbage
@@ItVex No shit.
Awesome info! Where can i find the artwork pictures from this video?
Cant decide between mage and warlock. can anyone advice and why to choose ?
Emre Yetim I too cant decide between.
Very similar classes. About even in every way but dps (in early raids anyways). Mages do more dps than locks all the way till the end. Then locks keep up. Both spam one ability in raids.
Both good at pvp and can really outplay people.
Ugh cant decide
Both have awesome farming potential. Going back and farming old dungeons with arcane explosion is a massive money maker. While Warlock is great at pulling one mob after another for farming needs. Warlocks are amazing in PvP with a easier skill ceiling than Mages imo. I’m going Warlock for good old fashioned DoTs to the face in PvP.
In term of PvE, mage is the most effective at end game damage by a pretty big margin. Warlocks will always be brought to raids however as their utility spells such as health stones, summoning portals, banish elementals/demons and curse of elements/recklessness are vital for every group. Their DPS will remain substantially worse than mages until you get a lot of gear from AQ and Naxx, at which point you'll be only slightly worse than an equally geared/skilled mage. Most of the time a warlock won't get to use their pets and damaging debuffs in raids, so unless you're okay with being a shadow bolt dispenser in PvE content and aren't in love with the warlock class fantasy, I'd go for mage personally. When it comes to PvP, both classes are absolutely fantastic. They have many different viable specs each to suit your play style and all of them wreck faces. Soul Link demonology warlocks are considered one of the absolute best 1v1 classes in the entire game (along with shadow priests), so much so that most organized dueling competitions will outright ban them from participating. In the end you should go with the class you like the most from a fantasy standpoint, as both are needed in PvE (mages for raw damage and food/water, warlocks for their utility) and both are absolute monsters in PvP.
What about shaman guys
I started classic as a warlock, then one day i saw a fire mage and rerolled! 😂
Destruction isn't that great for pvp so if seeing a huge shatter or pyroblast crit is your thing roll a mage.
But if youd rather demonic pets, being a cloth tank and dotting absolutely everything you come across roll a lock.
Hunter or warlock I guess what do you think
Good point but I'm a death Knight at heart haha
If your pet focused definately hunter much better in that reguard.
Its not about the pet all those years from wotlk to wod played hunter only maybe i want something different
@@ayalosh100 i mean its up to you, every class was very different in vanilla so if you werent playing back then, i still think youll get that new game feeling.
Nature or death? If you want to play world of pokemon go hunter. If you want to be a damge over time god play warlock. Both are great, warlocks scale much better than hunters. Hunters are more fun to play in raids.
Video would be a lot better if clips were related to what you're talking about
leveling dual wield fury? gonna have a bad time. Using heroic strike? gonna have a worse time. Your warrior-knowledge needs updating, sorry i dont mean to be rude. Leveling warrior is all about slow 2h weapons with arms specc. You hit once, apply hamstring and kite until your swing timer resets. Rage is used for sunder armor/hamstring/rend and when pooled high enough you pull 2 mobs and use sweeping strikes (last part is obviously after 30). Facetanking is extremely inefficient. After 40 you start using mortal strike ofc
I never said you use duel wielding while leveling, I was refering to raiding bis.
@@MetaGoblin it is fair to assume that's what you mean as that is what you're showing in the video though. But still, using heroic strike is a big no-no, and the current consensus is arms all the way (especially on classic where /sit to pop enrage doesnt work).
@@321Crispo nobody will let you raid with arms build. 2h fury is the way to play as a horde dps warrior until Naxx. for lvling actually def is quite good if you dont want to run away all the time but yeah if you want to kite arms until lvl 60 and fury for raidcontent.
@@ItVex ye, nobody is talking about raiding as arms.
1.Warrior (but really, roll something else because there's way too many of these fuckers)
2. Mage (same thing)
3. Rogue
4. Warlock
5. Hunter
6. Shaman
7. Shadow Priest (weak af but skilled player can preform like subpar Warlock)
8. Feral Druid (just do yourself a favor and roll Rogue)
9. Balance Druid (completely useless)
10. Ret Paladin (why it's even in the game)
This guy never played warrior ..m
If you never want to die just play a rogue and never pick a fight you can’t finish lame but not much of a counter to it
Gonna reroll my NE rogue and Hunter, it's not meta but idc
We have , what 60 days till launch???
NE hunter is more than fine. This is no Dwarf Priest decision, choosing Dwarf or NE hunter is a toss-up and depends on what you like. Shadowmeld is great!
I want to PVP warrior and NE may actually be the best meta, after Orc. Combat range is pretty short, you can vanish if you get it off before spells hit. Only problem is its a bad tank compared to humans.
16 hours 43 mins now
As soon bgs are released , shadow priest PvP all the way
Have fun sitting to drink 80% of the time lul
Have fun actually gettinf the gear required to be competitive. There will be 1 SP per raid if you're the lucky one
What about other dps specs like shadowpriest? Love the spec and it feels awesome in pvp 👍
They're good damage, and the synergy with warlocks is juicy. But they have problems sustaining that damage with a quickly depleted mana pool, and with how limited boss debuff slots are in classic/vanilla at 16. You wont see a lot of shadow priests stacking up in your raids dps slots, but they do have a solid place in the raid comp. They're great leveling, dps and perfectly capable of healing a 5/10 man dungeon, so you'll always be able to get a group. I'm looking forward to giving the class a spin in August, I only ever played my warrior and a twink paladin in vanilla, so this will be a fresh and exciting experience.
@@username12120 Hey man how did it go did you roll Shadow Priest ?
@@thepopeisdope559 I did make my priest, did a little leveling but felt kinda bored and frustrated with Classic before Christmas. So I canned my sub and haven't been back. Making a return now with BWL out, but I need some upgrades for my PC first, graphics card may be on its last legs.
hunter/huntress seems to be interesting. how much of a hunters/huntress dmg in percent is done by his/her pet and how can one improve this dmg? (yeah, i value gender equal language..^^)
never laughed so much at a comment
@Not Drunk James thanks for the support:) though i don't think it's a wast of time to use gender equal language. our language has a great impact on the way we think. in order for male and female to be equal i consider it elemental for us to adjust the way we use our language.
@@The2ndhandsock You do you, but I agree with the above person. I think just using Hunter for both instead of using a separate specialized term would show being equal.
Peak soy
Shadow priest auf ehrenbasis. Kuss auf Nacken. Ehre Bruder. Alla
RIP Druids and Shamans
Warlock is the most fun as a solo player.
Prove me wrong...
Why are you giving advice about rouge if you haven't even played it that much??
Fury leveling is worse than arms leveling, your dual wielding hit chance is garbage without hit gear. Also hamstring kiting is working fine on the beta.
Theta Flux the leeway mechanic was making hamstring kiting a little whack.
@@cgprojects3770 it's harder to do, but it's still possible. The technique is changed. There are a few videos of it being done properly on UA-cam
Personally, i find hamstring kiting to be very fun. Pushing the game to its absolute limits can be fun at times, but I can understand why some people may not enjoy it.
One handed 100% base dps x 95% hit does 95% base dps plus attackpower multiplikator 1.
Two handed weapons of the same level got about 25% more dps, which means 125% base damage x 95% hit = 118.75% base dps. Attackpowermultiplikator is 1.
2 weapons of the same level are 150% unskilled x 76% hit = 114 base dps. Attackpowermultiplikator is 1.5.
Choose the netter option for your playstyle. I personally really hate it when you hit the enemie to 1% and then miss, miss, parry with a slow two handed. This can happen with 2 one-handed too, but you hit much more often.
uhm, you forgot, ret paladin and shaman ?
Warloc for me
Warlock 40 mount is free, just turn in a quest.
rickwatford4573 you still got to pay to learn the riding skill
@@stick6860 no you dont you train for the spell that's all
Daniel Laminen well I had to pay for the riding skill when I levelled my account on private server
Atm i feel all of the classes are equally boring :(
You forgot Ret paladins
Because they have more than judgement to fall back on in any raid but Nax, right?
@Not Drunk James Some one has to say some thing. Having played paladin in og wow, I think I know what I'm talkin about. Rets a joke, and the devs are the ones laughing when people decide to take it.
@@shii5795 Cleanse doesn't reset the swing timer. Imp Judgment of Might. Blessing of Protection for that 1337 rogue or mage who can't control their aggro.
@Not Drunk James Think whacha like bro. I'm not the one that's go na get laughed out of raids for being a shitstain meme spec.
Why are all your videos so full of BS?
i will probly play hunter, but haven't disied at all might be an boomkin too just as i did in vanlilla ;). Just too troll everyone!
boomkin and hunter are nice pvp classes but both are useless in raids
Well im not really planning too raid so
Shaman for me
Hard to hear and understand what you are saying. Tried captions but they translate too poorly.
hunter dps class xD
Your name is metagoblin? Lol
you contradict your self more than once. slice and dice or no?
slice and dice just for raiding
Pffff dps lol... why would you play dps 😂
None, keep playing live
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