Kenneth Copeland and the Prosperity Gospel

  • Опубліковано 17 жов 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,2 тис.

  • @fineartbymattphilleo
    @fineartbymattphilleo 5 років тому +67

    God is not a divine vending machine. He does choose to bless in response to faith in His promises. But it is His call, when and how He chooses to do it. My wife and I had given generously to my church and charity for years. Yet, we lived in poverty, trying to take care of three children in a tiny apartment in a bad part of town, one of which has special needs...
    Does that mean God was unfaithful? Certainly not!
    Sometimes we didn't have money for rent. We would pray and God would miraculously provide. But there were times when I got tired of being poor and desperate all the time. I told the Lord about it. I guess you could say I complained.
    "God, it's not fair! I tithe and give offerings and I'm just barely making ends meet. Others are blessed, but I am not. What gives?"
    Then He spoke to me, using my own words. I said, "Lord, maybe it's such a thing that I don't even deserve to be saved, and yet you did that. I deserve to go to hell, but you forgave my sins through Jesus Christ, and set me on a course to heaven."
    As I spoke these words, I felt the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit. I thought, "That's good preaching!"
    God was confirming that what I said was true. With tears of joy and gratefulness, I said, "Why do I give to you then, Lord?"
    He spoke to me, "Because I'm the King!"
    Wow. "That's good enough for me. Yes, you are the King, and you deserve my very best. Praise Your Holy Name! " I replied.
    That revelation saved me from bitterness and jealousy. Fast forward eight years later. In response to years of prayer and standing on scriptural promises, the Lord has blessed my family with a beautiful home out in the country, where I can do art full time for a living. He is good! But God was good to me when I was in poverty as well. I made a habit of thanking God daily for food, clothing and shelter, which was more than I deserved. And that is the secret: being content and thankful in all situations.

    • @ejiroubas3920
      @ejiroubas3920 5 років тому +3

      Thank you kindly for sharing Matt. I can relate to some of the struggles. I pray to get to the place where I can do what I love full time too.

    • @Danny-BigD
      @Danny-BigD 5 років тому +4

      What is GODS will? Its His word. You do the classic like the song "thy will be done". Do you know how many Promises are ours in Gods word? THOUSANDS. Now.. God ALREADY spoke them. So we remind Him of His word. Those words have to do what HE ALREADY spoke. And THINK. those words are NOT in this TIME bubble.. they are life..they are alive.. NEVER OLD.
      And.. we receive what we believe. Know this.. "if you doubt let not that man think he will get anything from God". Did you get a word in that? ANYTHING. Jesus goes into some town and ll this GOD could do was lay hands a few and teach.. because of? Doubt. And WOW is this all about POOR OL' Jesus? How many times did He "Go back home"..what.. oh it HAS to mean.. back to the STREETS. And how many people 12 that have NO MONEY put one of them in charge. And then all of them that are so poor someone has been taking from it and no one new.
      And Jesus.. the 5 thousand were coming. What did they ask? Go look it up.. is that what you would say if you had no money about feeding 5 thousand? What did the 3 kings bring? Do you know how much all that was? What did that woman brake on His feet? Gee where did that come from.
      And your Father made streets of GOLD..hello? The wealth of the wicked is laid up for US! So.. think about YOU. How are YOU living for Christ. See Copeland and all the rest.. never come here to read this never will. And they have gave MILLIONS.. and thousands get saved every week. Sorry what are you doing? They take TRUCK loads of food and what not to people in storms earthquakes.. .on and on.. Sorry you or ME do what?
      See the GOOD ..what GOOD do they do. Love them forgive them and pray for them

    • @crazymountain777
      @crazymountain777 5 років тому +3

      So in other words you finally found out how to believe the Word and God prospered you.
      No different than what Kenneth Copeland did. He stands on the Word and God prospers him.

    • @wolves201
      @wolves201 5 років тому +2

      @@crazymountain777 Except in Copeland's case it is a million times easier. As it would be when someone is the head of a ministry telling everyone giving and/or tithing to their ministry is the way to get back 100 fold or more. Its an excellent method of fundraising. If he wasn't a minister he would no doubt be in sales but it is much easier making money out of folk who believe someone is giving them a message from God.

    • @crazymountain777
      @crazymountain777 5 років тому

      And it proves He doesn’t want any of His children living in poverty.

  • @ChiSoter_2024
    @ChiSoter_2024 4 місяці тому +1

    I always listen to dr. Brown... Hes the best... May God bless you more dr. and may He take care of you

  • @LeifHetlandMinistries
    @LeifHetlandMinistries 2 роки тому +4

    Honor your wisdom , power, and love. Since 1995 you have been a source of Kingdom revelation .

  • @jlar1984
    @jlar1984 5 років тому +20

    I’m a fan of your teaching. However Paul or any other Apostle would not be friendly towards teachers of heresy. They would confront and denounce publicly. Even though you don’t teach what those people teach you are sending a message of acceptance by not calling them out and calling them brothers.

  • @larryseaman5185
    @larryseaman5185 3 роки тому +3

    Your have such integrity in the way you minister in the body of Christ and deal with criticism and differences. Thank you Dr Brown for your example!

  • @kingjesuscomes
    @kingjesuscomes 5 років тому +138

    "The greatest deception in modern church today is this matter of using God's Word to put a badge of approval on covetousness." (D.Wilkerson)

    • @victoriacharlesworth7099
      @victoriacharlesworth7099 5 років тому +3

      kingjesuscomes wow! So true 😊✝️🙌💕

    • @llllllllllllllIIlIllIIllIIIIll
      @llllllllllllllIIlIllIIllIIIIll 5 років тому +3

      No it’s not.

    • @kingjesuscomes
      @kingjesuscomes 5 років тому +6

      @@llllllllllllllIIlIllIIllIIIIll What do you think is the greatest? At least this one is there at the top... not alone of course... there are other great deceptions too. But lets not trivialize the danger of this one. Paul said:
      "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
      (1 Timothy 6:10)

    • @adamgrigsby6798
      @adamgrigsby6798 5 років тому +8

      Having money isn't covetousness...

    • @kingjesuscomes
      @kingjesuscomes 5 років тому +5

      @@adamgrigsby6798 thats true! The core question is: WHO is the Lord of your life and money? You or the Lord? Covetousness is first of all a matter of HEART... also poor people might be covetous. How do we know if we have covetousness or not? Being CONTENT (ultimately in Jesus alone! 1Tim.6:6). Word of God says: "Let your conduct be without covetousness; BE CONTENT with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebr 13:5 NKJV)
      And: "And having food and clothing, WITH THESE WE SHALL BE CONTENT. BUT THOSE WHO DESIRE TO BE RICH fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition." (1Tim 6:8‭-‬9 NKJV)
      And: “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor ANYTHING that is your neighbor’s.” (Exodus 20:17 NKJV)
      Paul knew the full contentment in Jesus Christ: "I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."
      (Philippians 4:12‭-‬13 KJV)

  • @gp00a
    @gp00a 5 років тому +4

    Dr Brown I am a Calvinist, but boy do I respect you and your views/opinions. God bless you, I look forward to meeting you and shaking your hand in eternity if not before.

  • @jesusfreak7777
    @jesusfreak7777 3 роки тому +10

    Kenneth copeland saids! MONNNEEEYY COMETH TO ME NOOOOOWW!!!!. Can't be any clear then that. Mathew 7:22-23
    Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?
    And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

  • @jackjones3657
    @jackjones3657 5 років тому +85

    I've watched many of your videos Dr. Brown and respect and care for you as a fellow believer. I've also watched many of Justin Peter's, John MacArthur, Todd Friel's and others' videos. I agree that "Hypercriticism" can be a real issue in the church as it pertains to slander or disrespect of fellow believers. However, I agree with Costi Hinn, Benny's nephew, that the prosperity gospel, among other unbiblical teachings, must be called out to protect the integrity of God's Word and serve as clarification to those who are otherwise deceived.

    • @JewandGreek
      @JewandGreek 4 роки тому +10

      Justin Peters has no idea what he's talking about. I've done ten videos rebutting his horse apples. As for Costi, the man became famous off his uncle's name. He had no credentials at all for becoming an author or any kind of authority on theology. And his mentor was Justin Peters, which means that he also doesn't know what he's talking about. He's now a rabid 5 point Calvinist who doesn't believe that Jesus died for everybody.

    • @timestealr2967
      @timestealr2967 4 роки тому +18

      @@JewandGreek Peter's has had first-hand accounts with these people and his own exposing of these false teachers is on par with scripture. The same cannot be said of these men who distort the gospel and seek after riches for themselves.

    • @AncientApparatus
      @AncientApparatus 4 роки тому +4

      @@JewandGreek JESUS did die for everyone but only those who are drawn to HIM by the will of The FATHER will accept the free gift of salvation. If we are born into sin with a depraved nature which desires the lust of the flesh (which we are), how is it possible for us to make a decisions to turn from that nature without the intervention of The FATHER & the Power of The HOLY SPIRIT?

    • @wesleygordon1645
      @wesleygordon1645 4 роки тому +4

      @@AncientApparatusThe Holy Spirit & him alone draws people. His job is to.convict of sin,righteousness & judgment to come.Apart from those who do respond to the Spirits drawing,there are many who are strongly convicted yet run away in rebellion & fear. This I have seen first hand & talked to some who have turned their back on God even when the HS is convicting.Therefore l quite strongly disagree with the Calvanistic teaching of irresistible grace !

    • @AncientApparatus
      @AncientApparatus 4 роки тому

      @@wesleygordon1645 I am happy to hear of your conversion but I think you may misunderstand TULIP.
      Your reply actually affirms it because those who are dead in sin would not or could not come to GOD
      unless they are drawn & converted by the Power of The HOLY SPIRIT.

  • @mike1967sam
    @mike1967sam 5 років тому +96

    What worries me the most is how you can be an intelligent man and unable to look at Copeland for 20 seconds and not see what even a blind man could see - That is truly frightening.

    • @jimmyc1518
      @jimmyc1518 5 років тому +3

      That's because Copeland like Dr brown are both judiazers. Birds of a feather flock together.

    • @kako191919
      @kako191919 5 років тому +5

      That’s because you don’t know Copeland. You don’t know about the conversations between him and God. You don’t know. You simply judge by not knowing a thing. You haven’t seen Him in His mother’s womb nor did you see him as a child. Nor how he came to faith. You didn’t see the beginning. You see King David, but you do not see the shepherd boy.

    • @jimmyc1518
      @jimmyc1518 5 років тому +3

      @@kako191919 that's right he will have to answer to God.

    • @Savedbygrace60
      @Savedbygrace60 Рік тому +2


    • @edge2sword186
      @edge2sword186 Рік тому

      Dr. Brown is far more dangerous than any WOF teacher . He knows that Ken Copeland teaches that Jesus died spiritually .meaning Jesus became a sinner and was tormented in hell by demons for 3 days until father God could no longer stand the sight and Father then raised Jezus from the dead . I am a full gospel born again believer and see the danger of this man . He belongs to the New Apostolic Reformation movement that teaches another gospel . Justin Peter's doesn't believe what the bible teaches and he is in the same league as the prosperity preachers . Hey Mike Obama is in his third term right now through Joe Biden !

  • @M89-z2d
    @M89-z2d 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you Dr.Micheal brown for your humble approach on this subject Justin peters just talks about people more than he preaches the good word. Love you brother

  • @PatriotMomof5
    @PatriotMomof5 5 років тому +7

    I so appreciate your teachings and your thoughtful patience for those who are in disagreement with you. If only all Christians could be this kind to others who they disagree with 🌹

  • @KevinShipp1
    @KevinShipp1 3 роки тому +1

    Very well said Dr. Brown. Thank you for your humble and wise analysis. I just found you online and am blessed by your comments. Christians desperately need this wisdom and balance.

  • @joelpelton7027
    @joelpelton7027 5 років тому +59

    Dr. Brown, I agree with Justin's letter to you. If you say that Justin is a brother, and a creditable brother, it would be worth your valuable time to research his claims against Copeland before you call Copeland a brother. This is an important issue. I am asking you Dr. Brown as one who mediates between the two camps. Your clear voice is needed.

    • @JewandGreek
      @JewandGreek 5 років тому +9

      Justin Peters has zero credibility. I can't blame Dr. Brown for dismissing his whining.

    • @berniemckean2991
      @berniemckean2991 5 років тому +5

      Jew and Greek is it a whin? How is Justin peters not credible. Please explain.

    • @nancymcdougall5844
      @nancymcdougall5844 5 років тому +2
      Matthew 7:21-24
      King James Version (KJV)
      21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
      22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
      23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
      24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
      Matthew 6:20
      “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:”
      King James Version (KJV)
      Matthew 7:15 KJV
      Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

    • @nancymcdougall5844
      @nancymcdougall5844 5 років тому +3

      Matthew 7:21-24
      King James Version (KJV)
      21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
      22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
      23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
      24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
      Matthew 6:20
      “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:”
      King James Version (KJV)
      Matthew 7:15 KJV
      Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

    • @paulbortolazzo2831
      @paulbortolazzo2831 4 роки тому +4

      Copeland and Peters are both false teachers!

  • @dianewachtler6721
    @dianewachtler6721 2 роки тому +3

    You are so gracious, Dr. Brown. I thank God for you and your ministry.

  • @reformedcatholic457
    @reformedcatholic457 5 років тому +4

    Dr. Michael Brown, you are a brother in Christ and I love the Jewish people, but there are essential doctrines that if one messes around with its really dangerous.
    Kenneth Copeland teaches a false gospel one that God wants you healthy, wealthy and happy, is this the Gospel? No. Gal 1:7-9 let him be anathema as St. Paul stated. The Gospel is Christ's death and resurrection 1 Cor 15:2-4. I love the Gospel therefore I hate false gospels that decieve people. People follow Mr. Copeland believe his false gospel, he is leading people astray, this is serious. Mr Copeland believes he is a god, loves money so much that he yells out "money cometh to me now" etc.. it cannot be most obvious. Peoples souls are at stake.

  • @brookslanding2624
    @brookslanding2624 4 роки тому +15

    I love Dr. Brown. He is the real deal. A calm , wise and intelligent voice in the body of Christ.

    • @D.W.C935
      @D.W.C935 Рік тому

      Amen Friend 🙏

    • @truthseeker9975
      @truthseeker9975 10 місяців тому

      It's not wise to fail to see the evil at work in the false teachers and preachers that are Copeland and Bentley.

  • @johnroyevio592
    @johnroyevio592 Рік тому +3

    God bless you Dr Brown. You have given the world the light of truth by your ministry. God gives you wisdom and knowledge with facts and strength through Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @kareneaton4052
    @kareneaton4052 5 років тому +9

    I am sending up an emergency flare. I am begging all true brothers and sisters in Messiah Yeshua to bring my friend to Heavenly Father's attention. Whose first name is David. I cannot put all his business out on Front Street but the Lord knows what is going on. Please pray for my friend to get saved and to be delivered from the horrible problems that are perplexing him in his life. I thank you very very much from the bottom of my heart for doing this for my dear friend.

  • @annikaelisaa1879
    @annikaelisaa1879 Рік тому +9

    I’m charismatic myself but wow, do I agree with Justin on this one. I came to Christ last year, not having any prior knowledge about all the different theologies at that point; but watching half an hour of footage from Copeland was enough to come to the conclusion he is a false teacher. I felt so disturbed by him that I couldn’t even look/listen to him. I Basically felt the Holy Spirit cringe the entire time I was watching Copeland, but at that time I didn’t fully understand why yet. Now I’ve had a whole year of bible study, the more I know the more I can be certain that Kenneth is a false teacher.
    I am accountable for God too, and I know calling Copeland a false teacher is a righteous judgement. People need to be warned, this man is a danger to christians that aren’t well versed in the bible yet. I’m glad the Holy Spirit gave me the gift of discernment so I didn’t fall for it. I don’t call anyone a false teacher for simply disagreeing. I call people false teachers when they are clearly false teachers, Like Kenneth Copeland is.
    Dr Brown, your love and grace for others is beautiful but I do wonder.. WHERE is your discernment? It’s either a lack of discernment or you are not completely honest here. I know you know Scriptures so that can’t be it. God actually does tell us to call out false teachers. Please be more responsible about this dr Brown. I genuinely adore you and respect you; but I hope and pray the Lord will continue to work on your discernment❤

    • @ethanweber6744
      @ethanweber6744 Рік тому +1

      I am not charismatic but I agree with you. I believe God has been trying to get me to be more loving and humble with different teachers, but with Copeland I feel no prompting to do so.

  • @sekimuliandrew2223
    @sekimuliandrew2223 5 років тому +90

    Dear Dr. Brown... Why don't you address Kenneth's prosperity using scripture instead of your opinion....

    • @agnesdei2846
      @agnesdei2846 5 років тому +9

      He used biblical teachings to test his views which is as it should be. Ultimately, Mr Copeland will answer for himself. Personally, I don't think the prosperity gospel or the Catholic teachings on poverty are right. God tests us and blesses us. We go through seasons and I have strong personal evidence to believe in a heavenly economy. God is our provider and we are stewards. I have a problem with people being asked to give on credit with a motivation of personal gain - I reach for the off switch. That message is out there and takes biblical cherry picking to support it. I'd like to thank Dr Brown for his balanced and Berean view. He is a teacher, not a judge so perhaps we can stop asking him to pass judgment.

    • @adamgrigsby6798
      @adamgrigsby6798 5 років тому +2

      Why don't yiu test your views against scripture...

    • @PeterLaman
      @PeterLaman 5 років тому +6

      To mention just one thing: Kenneth claims Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden because they didn't tithe... You don't need much scripture to refute that! It simply contradicts Gen. 3 and invents something the scripture doesn't even gives a hint to.

    • @adamgrigsby6798
      @adamgrigsby6798 5 років тому +1

      @@PeterLaman you have him on video actually saying that?? I doubt it

    • @adamgrigsby6798
      @adamgrigsby6798 5 років тому +3

      There's over 1000 scriptures on prosperity.. Guess what poverty is a curse not a blessing in the Bible.. If you disagree then why don't you go live in poverty

  • @joanandrew4954
    @joanandrew4954 6 місяців тому

    Thank you so much for your fair, accurate critique of the Kenneth Copeland Ministries. I've followed them for 44 years. My back has been healed from severe scoliosis and many other afflictions, and I'm so grateful for his ministry. They have never missed phoning me on my birthday and prayed for me. I'm only one of millions of people who follow this ministry. He has had a happy marriage for 60 years with no fighting. Their family all follow the Lord and respect and honor their parents. He was a pilot BEFORE he became a Christian. His ministry is the first to go into disaster areas with help with planes full of supplies with no restrictions. They own their own television station, the Victory Channel, which goes all over the world, with Flashpoint bypassing the heretics who try to sensor them. I've learned more about the Bible through this ministry than any other. They train people to pray on the phone all over the world. Justin Peters is the heretic trying to destroy everything he doesn't agree with with his false teaching of cessationism beliefs.

  • @EULB12
    @EULB12 3 роки тому +6

    Dr Brown thank you for your ministry! You are one of the few “critics” that sought to love people and those in Christ who interpreted the Bible differently from you. It’s really sad that the Church is divided and calling one another unsaved or false Teachers because of disagreement. Thank you for reaching out to so many people especially those who have a different perspective as yours. Would love to meet you one day.

    • @henokbrehanu
      @henokbrehanu Рік тому

      You can't be tolerant on the Word of God taken out of its context for once purpose that's earthly not heavenly, we are warned by Jesus Christ and its disciples no to, there can't be a disagreement among the the churchs of Christ we shate one sprite, but you only know this if you study the wodd of God

  • @samuelpopoola1830
    @samuelpopoola1830 10 місяців тому +1

    Just began listening to you recently, Dr. Brown -- and I've gained a lot of respect for your thoroughness and sincerity of heart. Now, I agree that saying Jesus died to make us financially rich is terrible, face value. But I believe what I've heard brother Copeland and others teach is simply that, wealth and blessings are implicit in the atonement - because there is the curse of the law that includes labouring hard and yet never having anything to show for it (Deuteronomy 14 paraphrased). They never say he died to make billionaires period. Secondly, to say because there are many beloved saints who have lived for the Lord wholeheartedly and yet died in abject poverty, is the reason prosperity isn't part of the effects of Atonement, is like saying because there are many great godly saints who died without experiencing the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit or died without ever getting out of the trap of legalism for a day, means that these graces are not a result of the atonement. The error is overemphasis on material wealth to the extent of either becoming greedy or misinterpretation of scriptures which erodes the value of the verses being twisted and misleads the flock. I'm just observing your premise sir, and I'm don't assume I qualify to correct you. Thank you for all you do here.

  • @milesmcloughlin1767
    @milesmcloughlin1767 5 років тому +4

    The Prosperity Gospel is bad enough. What's worse is the little gods doctrine, what Jesus suffered at the hands of the Roman guards and Jesus suffered in Hell while dead for 3 days. Dr. Brown, how do you respond to that?

  • @tango400016
    @tango400016 3 роки тому +12

    The Kenneth Copeland part starts at 22:00

    • @kevink9938
      @kevink9938 8 місяців тому

      he first needs 21:59 to talk about himself

  • @IdaBoisKristitynvaellus
    @IdaBoisKristitynvaellus 5 років тому +15

    Even tho I do think some ministers focus too much of their time on rebuking others, sometimes you just gotta say things as they are. Copeland is clearly lost and in need of serious repetence. It doesn't matter how much good someone does, if they do more evil. Oprah is donating lots of money to poor too, but still lost.
    I was involved with that prosperity crap for years, and finally set free. Thank God I found amazing and freeing teachers, who taught that it's not about me, it's about Jesus. For a while I was so afraid to listen to any of the charismatics, because I felt that they all silently agreed with humancentered false-doctrine that kept me captive for so long. Then I found late Wilkerson, David Pawson, Francis Chan and Dr. Brown etc. They gave me hope, that there is men out there with the courage to call out heresies, but still be loving, broken hearted over sin and believing everything that the Bible says.
    Dr. Brown: You don't need to focus on rebuking others all the time, but don't be afraid to tell things as they are. I'm from Finland, and this American prosperity stuff is everywhere. Even here. People need leaders, with hearts of a lion, not to be afraid to warn others of the things that are not edifying for the body. Like saying: "heads up brothers and sisters. What Copeland and Dollars teaches AT THE MOMENT (hope they repent), is not leading you to become a lover of Jesus, but a lover of self..."

    • @waynemanoffaith34
      @waynemanoffaith34 5 років тому


    • @ivetaf3855
      @ivetaf3855 5 років тому

      Hear , Hear . ..Folks . .
      O People of Jesus !

    • @chlonh
      @chlonh 5 років тому +1

      Amen! I share in this experience.

  • @GTMGunTotinMinnesotan
    @GTMGunTotinMinnesotan 5 років тому +5

    You can do whatever you want on your channel, and I enjoy much of your content. I'll say though, as a pastor, I do warn my people against such individuals as KC. By name. I'm like you, I don't address every single person who comes up, but I try to have discernment through the Holy Spirit and often times it seems to me that God encourages me to strongly rebuke many of these false teachers. Paul and the disciples handled bad teachers pretty openly and without much sympathy for their position.

  • @Iffmeister
    @Iffmeister 5 років тому +36

    Does God provide?
    Can we create formulas through which we can guarantee God's provision? No
    Does God heal?
    Does that mean that if someone isn't healed they don't have enough faith? MAYBE (it's possible), but this issue depends on the person and it is not gracious at all to assume so (I'd lean more towards NO).
    Does the law of sowing and reaping work?
    This DOES NOT mean that we can pimp God and make him give us what we want, he blesses us cause we're his children.
    Do trials come? Yes. Will God be faithful? Yes.
    God provides, blesses, and redeems us.

    • @peterhussey-yeo9041
      @peterhussey-yeo9041 5 років тому

      First of all the gospel is prosperity and secondly He only responds to faith

    • @Iffmeister
      @Iffmeister 5 років тому +5

      @@peterhussey-yeo9041 true. But faith isn't a force we can manipulate or use to get what we want from God. Faith is something God gives. The gift of faith is the supernatural endowment of belief that God gives us when he is preparing us for something he wants to do. That's why, when Jesus says we can move mountains with faith, the only reason that happens is because God is already intending to move those mountains, and he gives us the faith to believe that that is his will.

    • @johnvirgilio5323
      @johnvirgilio5323 5 років тому +1

      I agree again Ify, we even see faith on a gift list of Paul's.
      It seems to me God speaks to people first. "Faith comes by hearing... "
      I don't see "Get yourself a new heart." as part of the New Covenant, either. (Compare Ezekiel 18 on Israel then, and Ezekiel 11 and 36 in the New Covenant prophecies, like Jeremiah 31:31.) It's sovereign, as we see when Jesus speaks in John 3 about being born of the Spirit. "The wind blows where it wills... "
      We choose to follow and how well.
      And since when do Christian's not believe in "Moderation in all things."?

    • @saintejeannedarc9460
      @saintejeannedarc9460 5 років тому +4

      @@Iffmeister The claim that these predatory prosperity preachers impose of vulnerable sheep that their faith isn't enough if they don't get healed or abc... falls under imposing on the people burdens that are grievous to be borne. I may not agree w/ Justin Peters on everything since he's a cessationist, but that group of cessationist pastors speaking out against the new age and prosperity infiltration in the church are doing the saints a service. One thing Justin Peters said that really resounded as a simple but profound truth is that if you've accepted Christ as savior then you already have enough faith to be healed, if in fact God means to heal you. Derek Prince was a mighty man of God that did deliverance and healing ministries, but was strong on Bible teaching too, none of this fluffy carnel stuff being peddled now. He admitted that some people did not get healed, that God is sovereign.

    • @Iffmeister
      @Iffmeister 5 років тому +1

      @@saintejeannedarc9460 I completely agree with you.

  • @maurdib
    @maurdib 5 років тому +10

    I noticed a pattern with critics, they almost never believe in the spiritual gifts, nor any kind of Christ like walk. They believe criticizing other Christians, and handing out tracks. They don't believe in the power of God, so they don't have to pray for anyone or do any works of faith. Volunteering or Giving to the poor doesn't take faith as any ungodly person can do it. Our faith is worked when we have enough of it to actually believe we can lay hands and see the miraculous.

    • @cstone2011
      @cstone2011 5 років тому

      Maurdib Mansions on earth should be a clue.

    • @maurdib
      @maurdib 5 років тому +1

      @@cstone2011 So it's ok to be waiting for our Mansion in heaven though right? Also don't you think it's funny that she never asked how much he sows? She only spoke about what he reaps. If he has sowed over 40 million dollars, should anyone care what he reaps? If the jets are being used to preach the Gospel and has brought tens of thousands to the Lord, perhaps You would need a Jet, if you were converting that many people, but critics whom haven't converted anyone bash them

    • @TrumpProphecies
      @TrumpProphecies 5 років тому

      @@cstone2011 Mansions on earth are a clue... but... aren't there mansions in heaven? Maybe we should revise the "on earth as it is in heaven" part of the Lord's prayer. "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, except for the mansions. We definitely don't want those, Father, for mansions are extravagant and wasteful, like pouring expensive perfume on the feet of Jesus (Should've given it to the poor!). Give us this day our daily crumb, nothing more, and forgive us our sinful middle-class indulgences in electricity, hot water, high-speed communications, and modern plumbing that exceed many luxuries of King Solomon in his glorious mansion. For we desire to live on the dung heap like Job, cursed of Satan, in holy poverty, for having mansions and abundant children and livestock are the sinister clues of a false prophet. Amen." Okay, I took this a bit far, but you get the point: Mansions on earth are a clue to nothing. Man looks at outward appearances. God looks at the heart. Judas complained about the wasted perfume. When something looks wasteful and extravagant to us, the only clues available are in the mind of Christ. Forget what Judas thinks. What does Jesus think, right now? If you really want to know, ask Him. "My sheep hear my voice."

    • @darkincognito3826
      @darkincognito3826 3 роки тому

      @@TrumpProphecies On point

    • @michaelnewzealand1888
      @michaelnewzealand1888 Місяць тому

      That is a largely true generalisatioon, but as someone who does believe in the spiritual gifts and gets sick of the Calvinist heresy hunters, i will say this Kenneth copeland is very deceitful and shameful for what he says, does, the way he brags, boasts, lives lavishly etc and speakes to people who oppose him. And his false teachings are horrible. And I am not a 1, 2 or 5 point Calvinist saying this.

  • @oneagleswings8456
    @oneagleswings8456 2 роки тому +11

    If Kenneth Copeland is not a false teacher than there is no such thing as a false teacher.

    • @Savedbygrace60
      @Savedbygrace60 Рік тому +2

      Totally agree.
      Dr. Brown, why can't you see this?😢

  • @susanthroop7041
    @susanthroop7041 5 років тому +3

    Thanks Dr. Brown...per the usual you give a sound balanced discussion on these topics. I have no problem whatsoever. Brother Copeland has been such a help over the years for me in my understanding of not only prosperity but biblical topics from Genesis to Revelation...thanks again!!

    • @johannajacobs2552
      @johannajacobs2552 5 років тому

      Kenneth Copeland ministries has help me during a diagnose of lung cancer 2006. Send me books call me.. Send me emails.. The church which I belong to in London where I tied monthly were not supporting me. But KCM was there for me. Today after the operation I still work full time. Thank God for his ministry

    • @wadepippin
      @wadepippin 5 місяців тому

      I don't understand how someone who claims to be a prophet and claims to know the Bible such as Kenneth Copeland Jesse duplantis can actually say out of there own mouth we are as equal as God compare us as the same as God. and turn around and say God is the biggest loser of all in the Bible how is that possible that the holy Spirit dewells in them . Jesus said there none rictours not not one. Wouldn't that be blasphemy according to the scriptures. you have to ask yourself is this a man after God own heart t hardly think so I questioned everything that comes out of this man mouth. Unbelievable the stuff I heard him preach. our God is a merciful God for sure if he wasn't God would of struck him down right where he stood that's just my thought if you were truly a God fearing man. If that not blasphemy then I might not be understanding the Bible at all just me

  • @matthewpaolini
    @matthewpaolini 5 років тому +8

    I've watched many of your videos recently and I think you're spot on. Some Christians refute on the most ridiculous things that have nothing to do with the spreading of the Gospel. I have been a Christian for over 30 years. I believe in Christ Crucified and his resurrection. I would never pass divine judgement on any person because I do not know their hearts. People refute things like, "Are tongues from the Devil", "Once saved always saved", These things do not concern me because I know that I am saved because the Holy Spirit tells me so. If someone is questioning these things, then they should take the time to re-evaluate their walk with Christ and "MAKE SURE" they are walking with God. Then, these points become moot. I don't belong to any particular denomination. Yes, I speak in tongues and believe in the gifts of the HS. If you don't, that is fine. The important thing is, have you surrendered your life to Christ? Do you believe in our sole purpose which is to spread the Gospel? Those things are important. I am not concerned with mundane things that some Christians get all worked up about. I don't need to know what it's going to be like in Heaven because I will be happy just to be there. Nobody knows what it will be like. I don't listen to testimonials about people going to Hell and back or they died and came back to tell what they've seen. Well, if your souls has not left your body, then you were not dead. I don't believe anyone who says they were in hell or the near death experiences. It's garbage. So, we as Christians should stop creating confusion among the body of Christ. It's gossip and slander and we know how God feels about these things. It causes confusion and division.

    • @michaelnewzealand1888
      @michaelnewzealand1888 Місяць тому

      You make some great points and I totally respect what you say. Well spoken. But I think on big things we shouldn't be afraid to call them out. Whether someone speaks in tongues or not, or believes in a pre/post/mid trib rapture etc are moot points. Fleecing the flock and distorting the basic gospel is important to address though - just my opinion.

  • @daridorremi7457
    @daridorremi7457 5 років тому +2

    Dr Brown I love your consistent biblical message/wisdom: Be careful whom you damn. There is one Judge of all, Yeshua HaMashiach

  • @waynerobicheau7661
    @waynerobicheau7661 5 років тому +10

    Thank you Dr. Michael -Brown , for sharing this understanding . I praise God - for your uncondemning heart ! Michael , DON'T LET ANYONE - TURN YOU INTO A SPIRITUAL-POLICEMAN ! THATS NOT OUR JOB ! God - Bless From your brother-in Christ

  • @chrislapeyrouse7138
    @chrislapeyrouse7138 2 роки тому +2

    That was excellent and greatly appreciated. I always love to hear Dr. Brown preach and he did an excellent job responding to Justin Peters. I agree with a lot of what Justin Peters says but I also feel like he is very judgmental and his view of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are on a level with the Sadducees. I want to start reading Dr. Browns books. I would love to be his student because I believe he is one of the most sincere people preaching the gospel today. So I need to look him up and get an index of his books and possibly start supporting his ministry.

  • @DavidFlores-md2fy
    @DavidFlores-md2fy 5 років тому +16

    I want to use this as an avenue to vent some of my frustrations. I grew up in a charismatic Assemblies of God church. Long story short, I left the faith when I was 12 and came back at 16. When I came back to Christianity a went to a hyper-charismatic church. I then went to bible college, and in my first year I was exposed to cessationism. I was shocked. I thought every church was a tongue speaking church who believed in the power of God. I began looking into reformed theology. Needless to say, at the time I was then convinced of reformed theology. I then began to get stooped into the reformed tradition. I listen to wretched almost every day and the only study bible I trusted was the MacArthur study bible. However, I felt so much conflict. The reformed movement wanted me to believe that everything I grew up in was wrong. All the music was wrong, all the preachers I liked are heretics, and the only good churches are hymn singing reformed churches. Worst of all, the movement that I grew up in and saw many people come to faith in was all deception. I then listened to Michael's interview with Bill Johnson. This to me began to break my esteem of reformed theology. I then realized that it's a modern day witch hunt that the reformed movement is in. For me, the reformed movement lost so much credibility. This lead me to begin to question my Calvinism. I then began to get into serious scholarship and I realized how wrong the reformed movement is. I am not trying to be divisive. I know many people who believe that cessationists are going to hell because they're committing the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. I do believe they are indeed saved. I am very grieved by the reformed folks. I pray that God will lead them out of divisiveness.

    • @simoNay1215
      @simoNay1215 5 років тому +3

      I found your comment most helpful amongst all the slinging

    • @glennishammont7414
      @glennishammont7414 Рік тому

      In the core of it teachings, Calvisnism concerns soteriology, if you get that fundamentally wrong, you are a heretic, election, (double-) predestination replacing the conditional message of the Gospel. Until recently Calvinism is the greatest undetected concealed heresy ‘within’ the Body of Christ but that is about to change.

    • @allendodd4844
      @allendodd4844 8 місяців тому

      Its interesting as we walk with God, the thing that guides us many times into truth or error is the state of our love and obedience to God. Hyper grace really suits someone when they are in a state of non repentant continual sin. Then one day, they by Gods grace repent and get a fire baptism and begin to see all of the divine election predestination sovereignty ideas. Then if they are real obedient for a long time and all habitually "sinless" but cold hearted they are all about man needs to make his freewill choice to obey God. Its all crazy but part of the walk. Hopefully we will all come to the unity of faith and know His love intimately. He is beautiful, maybe we will be too.

  • @citamora
    @citamora 2 роки тому +4

    We need more people like him in charismatic church. He made want to read my Bible more and adresse the errors and abused in chararistmatic and WOF movement. Quiet frequently the critics are brutal and questioning

  • @mikenicholson7465
    @mikenicholson7465 5 років тому +62

    I respect Dr. Brown but this entire episode was a missed opportunity to call a spade a spade and put many detractors to rest on this matter.

    • @davidbrainerd1520
      @davidbrainerd1520 5 років тому +2

      Why did he even bring it up at all? What an idiot. Its like "People want me to condemn the heretic Kenneth Copeland, but instead I'm gonna defend my fellow snakehandler." Why do this? Its stupid.

    • @mikenicholson7465
      @mikenicholson7465 5 років тому +7

      @@davidbrainerd1520 It would have been better for Dr. Brown to not even bring up KC on the program. Just as gentle advise, I would refrain from calling Dr. Brown an idiot though to be in obedience to Christ's teachings in the sermon on the mount. But yes, this is very problematic.

    • @JewandGreek
      @JewandGreek 5 років тому +4

      @@joshportie Is there anybody that Servus Christi hasn't condemed?

    • @thebluecollarbrotherpodcas5211
      @thebluecollarbrotherpodcas5211 5 років тому +1

      Jew and Greek here we go, Dr Brown won’t agree with them and now they’re throwing a tantrum! BABY! Grow up.....

    • @paulbortolazzo
      @paulbortolazzo 5 років тому +13

      How damaging is it when Theologian Michael Brown, after exposing their heretical beliefs, boldly insisting Joseph Prince, Bill Johnson, Benny Hinn, and Ken Copeland, are his brothers in Christ?

  • @rosei10
    @rosei10 5 років тому +2

    I truly respect you Dr. Brown and you stayed true to your calling. This video was very helpful for me and I will love to learn more about what you have to say about prosperity preaching.

  • @Laura-Lee
    @Laura-Lee 4 роки тому +4

    I completely understand your feeling. About 2 months ago I came home from a lengthy hospital stay with paralysis (almost 2 years) and discovered on the internet this storm you are discussing and have been amazed by it. I'm in the middle too. Led by HS to Wretched, Justin Peters, Living Waters (massively judgemental). Their theology doesn't bother me like their Judgemental spirit disturbs me. Then found the Copeland, Hinns and their heresy have just EXPLODED in their followers. And I've been writing and pleading with the Judgementals that Pentecostal is NOT Word faith/Prosperity Gospel all the time. Now everyone is angry with me from both side. I believe Jesus sent me to you after God showed me all these other Ministries. This little PAOC Pentecostal for 35 years has just given a huge sigh of relief. I'm not sure exactly what Jesus wants me to do. But I'm so glad and relieved to discover you. You are now at the top of my prayer list from this moment. I just wrote EXACTLY the things you said on Justin Peters' youtube channel about 1 hour ago. Encouraging him to talk to you and accept your invitation to debate. I suggested he was making mere assumptions about you from a TWEET. I told him he was making a bunch of assumptions about you but wouldn't even speak to you. I told him it was wrong to refuse to speak you because of who you called Brother. Or who you called friend. Jesus prompted me to write these things but I didn't even know who you were. Also, I spent the last two days analyzing the Copeland interview. (I'm a behaviorist). All BEFORE I saw THIS video. The Holy Spirit has confirmed many things to me thru you. and what you've said here. I've said the EXACT same words. Jesus has confirmed that He is talking to me. Loud and clear. I hope this confirms you are hearing from Jesus. Two Pentecostal Bible Believing Christians who know nothing about each other and never met are saying the same thing! It is amazing and freaky (in a good way) to hear MY words come out of your mouth for almost an hour! PTL. I am not exaggerating. We have spoken the SAME words! Keep going. You have encouraged me and I hope this little confirmation will encourage you. Love Laura-Lee

  • @llllllllllllllIIlIllIIllIIIIll
    @llllllllllllllIIlIllIIllIIIIll 5 років тому +11

    Speak the truth in love my brothers and sisters , be meek .. speak life .. please...

  • @WendySyron_10.
    @WendySyron_10. 4 роки тому +14

    I love how secure you are. Very good example- Thank you.

  • @cstone2011
    @cstone2011 5 років тому +16

    A problem I see is using God as a means to financial gain. Why do prosperity preachers quote Scriptures about Abraham’s wealth blessing, but never quote Jesus’s teaching about storing our treasure in heaven? It is simple, whenever you have out of balance teaching we should be suspect of the teacher or preacher’s actions. Creating a god or fashioning a god out of gold seemed to be a problem during Moses’s time as well as today. This is “Dominion Theology” and you will find man seems to elevate himself at almost equal to God. That was Satan’s problem and it got him kicked out of heaven.

    • @Danny-BigD
      @Danny-BigD 5 років тому

      Holy Jesus.. you know I dont follow Copeland.. but I KNOW his teaching. When ever I wondered questioned... I dont go out tell others. I dont speak evil or negative about them. I reach out to them.. yeah.. See I live in I have NO EXCUSES. I can call email go to that church meeting..and ask. And I have. The love the lord.. Jesus is the ONLY way to the Father.. they believe the gospel. And as Issac ARE the Children of promise. There are what 7 thousand promises in Gods word for those that love Him? The wealth of the wicked.. unrighteous is laid up for the righteous?
      So.. try it.. try to help 3rd world nations.. try to help those in earth quakes storms etc.. go for it. Should be easy

    • @ThisIsGonnaBFine
      @ThisIsGonnaBFine 5 років тому

      I Can See You Don't Understand the WORD OF FAITH; You are like the many who have heard "bits and pieces" of what is taught.....and not THE WHOLE MESSAGE. Nearly Everything You said it NOT FILTERED By What the TRUE WORD OF FAITH TEACHERS TEACH. Not Going To Argue With You, just making an Honest Observation. God Bless You My Friend.

    • @ThisIsGonnaBFine
      @ThisIsGonnaBFine 5 років тому

      I Can See You Don't Understand the WORD OF FAITH; You are like the many who have heard "bits and pieces" of what is taught.....and not THE WHOLE MESSAGE. Nearly Everything You said it NOT FILTERED By What the TRUE WORD OF FAITH TEACHERS TEACH. Not Going To Argue With You, just making an Honest Observation. God Bless You My Friend.

    • @cstone2011
      @cstone2011 5 років тому +2

      I know the inns and outs of it and the teaching focuses more on money than anything else.

    • @ThisIsGonnaBFine
      @ThisIsGonnaBFine 5 років тому +1

      I don't for a minute think or "believe" the whole teaching of the WORD OF FAITH is based merely on money. Is it more so that way since Bro. Hagin(He Had the Perfect Balance On All of This) Went on to Glory; probably, but on the Other Hand, I've Heard Kenneth Copeland Turn Right Around and Teach and Preach Some Powerful Things around the Blood of Christ and The Name Of Christ. If We're All Honest, We'd Simply Quit Pestering(hint, inside edition) and let them be; wether We Agree With Them or not. The Fact Is, their Financial Records are Impeccable. The IRS and the Senate Found Out they couldn't Touch Them back in the Late 90's. So To Keep Trying to EXPOSE Them is A Waste of Time. By The Way, Copeland's Premise Concerning Money is Correct......has it been taken to Far? Maybe, not sure though. God Bless.

  • @altaclark9041
    @altaclark9041 5 років тому +13

    “Knowing their thoughts, he said to them, "Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand.”
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭12:25‬ ‭ESV‬‬
    Let us not be divided in the Name of Jesus!

    • @AncientApparatus
      @AncientApparatus 4 роки тому +1

      Amen! It's sad to see so much division in GOD's Church but at the same time I also realize that we could spend our entire lifetime studying HIS Word & still not fully comprehend it's depth & complexity. One thing I'm sure of though is that without the help, guidance, & indwelling of The HOLY SPIRIT there can be no understanding at all.

    • @LEUNN_
      @LEUNN_ 4 роки тому

      Umm no. Truth will always divide false from authentic.

    • @ASmith-jn7kf
      @ASmith-jn7kf 4 роки тому

      @@AncientApparatus I don't really understand that, a lot of false beliefs are about things clearly spoken against or for.

    • @AncientApparatus
      @AncientApparatus 4 роки тому

      @@LEUNN_ I guess I should have been more clear in my reply. Of course "truth always divide false from authentic" my point was really how sad it is that not only has Satan infiltrated the Church with his lies but has also deceived so many into believing them.

    • @AncientApparatus
      @AncientApparatus 4 роки тому

      @@ASmith-jn7kf I hear what you are saying but GOD's truth always stands firm along with revealing Satan's lies.

  • @ianfrancis777
    @ianfrancis777 5 років тому +8

    Frankly, I got nothing out of this. Disappointing.

  • @marilynmiller5075
    @marilynmiller5075 4 роки тому +3

    Kenneth Copeland said that he had to have a private jet because he didn't want to get into a tube full of demons on a commercial flight. This is his attitude about the sinners he's praying for?

  • @bobrowiczjoseph4118
    @bobrowiczjoseph4118 9 місяців тому +1

    Thank you for your comments Brother Brown.

  • @Shofargirl1
    @Shofargirl1 5 років тому +14


  • @NickPapalazarou-iv1vg
    @NickPapalazarou-iv1vg 8 місяців тому +1

    1timothy 6:3-5 " avoid those teachers....who think that godliness is a meana to financial gain"

  • @juanestebansavinonsantiago8262
    @juanestebansavinonsantiago8262 5 років тому +20

    I don't know why is it so difficult to stand on a position and be clear on whether you think someone is a true believer or not. Keneth, Bill, Benny Him, Dollar, are not true believers and that is it. You either believe they are or not. But being lame a ambiguos view never gets anywhere. It's not about condemming all the time but being accurate.
    The Apostle Paul would not hesitate calling out wolves and condem them, that's for sure.

    • @ToOpen6seven
      @ToOpen6seven 5 років тому +2


    • @alijones5742
      @alijones5742 5 років тому +2

      This is what I struggle with too. They either teach the true gospel or they don’t. Too many people pick and choose what they take from these teachers. It’s either right or it’s wrong.
      There’s only one Jesus.

    • @paulniewulis9189
      @paulniewulis9189 5 років тому

      Amen brother! Paul would indeed!

    • @jasonharkness2992
      @jasonharkness2992 5 років тому

      Amen exactly it’s cowardly that’s why John MacArthur cares about what God thinks about him and not man, can’t say the same thing about dr brown

    • @Danny-BigD
      @Danny-BigD 5 років тому

      Maybe because...a YOU and EVERYONE else cant read the heart of any one? Maybe because YOU dont know them other then some UA-cam bashing video. that has no life in them. And some WORLDLY TV NEWS station.
      best we love them pray FOR THEM.. since our LIVE is not ANY better in Gods eyes. Maybe we need to get that BEAM out of our eye.. then help take that speck out our brothers. Man you cant even help or save your own parents. or spouse or kids.. maybe focus on our OWN life out sins 1st... and LET GOD take care of HIS not yours HIS Children.
      And I PRAISE GOD that YOU and I have NO SAY what so ever on who the FATHER writes in HIS BOOKS! He wont ask you what you think.. but He will ask you about YOUR OWN LIFE! Why you KNEW they were in error and how many HOURS DAYS WEEKS MONTHS did you pray for them.
      Let me guess..oh you LOVE JESUS Huh.. you cant even love a man that misses it gets it wrong.. you bash make fun of.. call them LOST.. but you LOVE JESUS?

  • @selpingos
    @selpingos 4 роки тому +16

    Thank you Dr Brown for your pastoral approach. May the Lord prosper your ministry that it may reach the church everywhere

  • @bobbyjohnson4243
    @bobbyjohnson4243 5 років тому +3

    No issue with Dr. Brown but this felt so vague & inconclusive. Why did we not deal with what Copeland says biblically? Instead it felt like a personal defense. I don’t know about Copelands salvation but I do know he teaches serious error.

  • @satpalhans2393
    @satpalhans2393 4 роки тому +3

    Dr. M. Brown really you are spreading the True and original light of the word of God. Our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth have entrusted you a great job which you are performing faithfully. May God bless you abundantly Amen.

  • @herald2570
    @herald2570 5 років тому +11

    Isaiah 8:20 King James Version (KJV)
    20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

  • @branch9422
    @branch9422 5 років тому +1

    I respect your ministry Dr. Brown. I understand the tensions balanced. Copeland recently publicly agreed with Pope Francis to now consider Catholics and Protestants as one body united. Copeland publicly supports the pope. Do you believe this is from God and that the Spirit of God is uniting the Catholic Church with the Protestant Church? Would you consider this merging a stumbling block and danger to the body of Christ and concern for damnable heresy? Or is that something that you endorse?

    • @decepticonxhunter4850
      @decepticonxhunter4850 5 років тому

      Branch The Bible warns that the Protestant churches will reunite with the RCC (Isa. 47:8). Jesus also gave 2 warnings that He will destroy both of these churches when He returns(Matt. 15:13, Rev. 2:20-23). The merging is taking place because both parties are being conditioned by Satan to be deceived by the False Prophet.

  • @michaellarrabee3811
    @michaellarrabee3811 5 років тому +4

    Justin Peters does not take issue with healing, but those that claim of some to have the gift of healing.

  • @abcd88519
    @abcd88519 Рік тому +2

    Kenneth Copeland's life story is summed up by the song, "Kenny and the Jets"!

  • @lauriesaltsgiver9902
    @lauriesaltsgiver9902 5 років тому +5

    So thankful for you Dr Brown!

  • @SariahandTimmy
    @SariahandTimmy 2 роки тому +1

    When I opened up my Dads Kenneth Copeland Study Bible and the first page says it’s dedicated the Queen Elizabeth II Queen of Light and realms….. then that’s when I knew he was a false prophet. Why would he dedicate the Holy Bible to Queen Elizabeth II? The Royal family and all of her childrens ties to Epstein and the floor of her church a Masonic checkerboard flooring. The funeral from up above formed the shape of an inverted cross. No coincidences. My family has had me going to his Ministers conferences for years as a teen and Creflo Dollar. And as an adult taking my own children to the conference’s and every time something terrible happened there. He had the Pope speaking live actually telling us we needed to bring all religions together. I’m sorry but I did not have the Holy Ghost truly fill me until I stopped following his ministry. So many unexplained horrible things happened to me then I got truly filled with the spirit at home listening to a Bible study with friends after having dreams about Kenneth Copeland and God telling me I needed to move away from his ministry and some others. I didn’t understand why I had those dreams because I truly looked up to him as my family does but now the veil has been lifted from my eyes and I’m so new thankfully.

  • @a.r.giulia2548
    @a.r.giulia2548 5 років тому +37

    This was a VERY disappointing presentation.
    I agree with Dr. Brown that we should not be quick to label someone a heretic. And we certainly should not be damning anyone to hell. God is the only judge of our eternal state.
    But a mature Christian should be able to identify good/bad, true/false, right/wrong when it comes to the Kingdom, and speak strongly about it when addressing it. We will know them by their fruits. Even unbelievers are able to discern that Kenneth Copeland somehow doesn't line up with person and teachings of Jesus Christ.
    Todd Friel and Phil Johnson dubbed Dr. Brown 'dangerous'. After watching this video and reading some of the comments below, now I understand why. Dr. Brown and some strong believers would be able to listen to pretty much any teacher and decide what to keep and what to throw out. That's not true of most Christians IMO.
    Is every single thing that Kenneth Copeland teaches wrong? Of course not. That is not the point. Strong, sober statements need to be made when dealing with ministries with egregious errors. The 'prosperity gospel' is just that. The Scriptures warn about wealth and money for a reason (Mt 6:19-21, Mk 10:25, 1 Tim 6:9-18, Lk 12:15-21, Lk 16:13-15, Heb 13:5, Dt 17:17, etc).
    It would have been better if Dr. Brown did not address this issue at all.

    • @biblicalbee2082
      @biblicalbee2082 5 років тому +4

      @A.R. Giulia I really like your reply and I feel the same. I want to give Dr Brown the benefit of the doubt but its difficult.

    • @mrniceguy3006
      @mrniceguy3006 5 років тому +2

      AR I agree with all you said and many others. I too am disappointed in Dr Brown

    • @JewandGreek
      @JewandGreek 5 років тому +2

      Phil Johnson is John MacArthur's paid lap dog. Of course he's going to side against the Charismatics. The man even claimed that Jesus Culture is ushering people into hell, and is worse than the abortion industry. Why should anybody deem him credible?

  • @denisevander-heyden1135
    @denisevander-heyden1135 5 років тому +13

    Excellent and wise attitude Dr. BROWN!!! Derek Prince also said we are not qualified to separate wheat from tares only the Angels are at the end of age. Amen!!!

    • @JukeBoxHero82
      @JukeBoxHero82 5 років тому +3

      In one way you are right.
      However you must also not forget that the Bible mandates that Christians be discerning. Acts 17:11 sets the precedent for this.
      So to polarize the debate by asking people to not judge the 'preacher and the message', would be to go against the explicit texts of the Bible that put a high value on the gift of discernment.

    • @mojo7495
      @mojo7495 5 років тому +1

      Baloney to the claim that "we are not qualified" for picking out the stink weeds. Biblically literate Christians ARE qualified --and Jesus CONGRATULATES them for doing so in Rev 2:2.

    • @gayleliman3423
      @gayleliman3423 5 років тому +2

      Derek Prince? So what he says trumps God?

    • @newaccount4772
      @newaccount4772 2 місяці тому

      The Roman Pope invited Kenneth Copeland to unite with him. He received one Jesuit in his conference with the message of the Pope. All this is on you tube. What do you think?

  • @cabeto821005
    @cabeto821005 5 років тому +31

    Brother Brown; Todd Bentley denies the gospel by living in unrepentant adultery and yet all you say is you have disagreements and do not endorse his ministry. Come on man!!

    • @GrimmGryphon
      @GrimmGryphon 5 років тому +1

      The rub is that when you cross that line of condemning people, where do you stop? That's kind of his point. (I think)

    • @frankielee5623
      @frankielee5623 4 роки тому

      @impeachchange A surgeoin is worst, he/she uses a knife and cut human skin.

    • @HISandHISAlone
      @HISandHISAlone 4 роки тому

      @impeachchange If Bentley (whom I don't know) had blaspheme Holy Spirit I think he'd hit the floor as quickly as Ananias and/or Sapphire! (Matthew 12; Luke 12; Mark 3; Acts 5)
      JMHO 😳

    • @wesleygordon1645
      @wesleygordon1645 4 роки тому

      The gifts & calling of God are without repentance,simply put, God does not change his mind or necessarily withdraw His ministry gift even at times when someone has sinned.Tragically, many believers are in that boat & personally attacking them is not always wise.However they do become targets of the enemy(Satan).Take that from someone with many years experience in the Pentecostal movement; l could explain in a lot more detail, but l'me not sure how much you understand spiritual gifts.

    • @IamGodSon
      @IamGodSon 3 роки тому

      He should kill him? what else you want him to do?

  • @anas5908
    @anas5908 3 роки тому +1

    We, as the body of Christ, need to stop pointing fingers and dig deep in the word of God. If we discuss or debate something, let the focus be the subject of the debate. We must ask the Holy Spirit to teach His truth to us individually! He is the great Teacher! Let's focus on Him and less on pointing fingers. Each one will respond to God one day.

  • @pv1767
    @pv1767 5 років тому +11

    The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything ― Albert Einstein

  • @bjornhellman8474
    @bjornhellman8474 5 років тому +1

    I thank God for DrBrown. I´m sure there are things we would not agree on as well.. But I´m so glad to hear his reasoning, his spirit. He is late to wrath, an important leader voice.

  • @kimsteel366
    @kimsteel366 5 років тому +5

    Very well spoken, Dr. Brown. Very wise and balanced approach. You run *your* race, you follow God's call and mission and directives on *your* life. Period. The detractors can detract, dissenters can dissent, critics can critique. Blessings to you, sir.

  • @jacquieh6117
    @jacquieh6117 3 роки тому +1

    Is Michael promoting Kenneth Copeland?

  • @Mel-so4ou
    @Mel-so4ou 5 років тому +6

    Fantastic, BALANCED perspective, Dr. Brown!! I'm so grateful for your ministry because it is truly unique. Particularly - since I just watched American Gospel (the documentary) - I was feeling somewhat despairing and grieved that we had gotten EVERYthing wrong in the American church (except for the Reformed "stream," of course ;) ). As someone who speaks in tongues (and is, thus, NOT a cessationist), I was starting to question so many things. Your message today really helped re-center my heart and mind on the Biblical truth, which is more nuanced and less extreme/judgmental/(needlessly)black-and-white on secondary issues. Thank you! God bless!

    • @ethanweber6744
      @ethanweber6744 Рік тому

      Not all people who hold to reformed doctrine are cessationist.

  • @shirleyanderson9041
    @shirleyanderson9041 2 місяці тому

    May God open your eyes.
    You are in error on divine healing.
    May God have mercy on you. Divine healing is real.😢😢😢

  • @Panhorst
    @Panhorst 5 років тому +5

    Praying for you brother in Christ. Thank you for your faithfulness to truth and to the integrity of the word of God.

  • @williamallen5369
    @williamallen5369 4 роки тому +1

    Romans 16:17-18
    I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.
    Ephesians 5:11
    Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.
    Praying for God to open our hearts/minds to the sin we don't even realize that we commit. Praise be to the King of King's.

  • @icyfountain9428
    @icyfountain9428 4 роки тому +10

    It's hard to tell exactly what you believe about the gospel. To say your knowledge of Copeland is scanty and there has been little contact with him. I would like to point out the vast collection of his videos that are on the same media you use. While I would never say Copeland or anyone else is hell-bound I would make a judgment on his teaching. "Test all things hold fast to that which is good". The Bereans were called noble people because they searched the scriptures daily to see if what Paul said was true. Because you are a leader in the charismatic movement I imagine you know more about Copeland's theology than you let on. If Copeland and others of his ilk represent the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement, only God knows where you are going to wind up.

    • @richardostrander4452
      @richardostrander4452 2 роки тому

      So you know your theology,do you know when they didn’t agree with Moses what happened? even when Saul judged the people of the way(Christians)he was wrong & didn’t even know it till he got knocked off his camel! you better have that sorted before you leave this earth😏 to many people judging someone they know very little of,sometimes people are so right there wrong yup.. are you ready for that?☺️

    • @Luiz__Silva
      @Luiz__Silva 2 роки тому

      @@richardostrander4452 The people did not "disagree" with Moses, they rebelled against God.
      Your comment only proves the point of how the charismatic movement is dangerous.
      Somehow you think that it's dangerous to disagree with a spiritual leader that's blatantly an apostate. Much on the contrary. If you stand with a falae teacher on his false teachings, then you are going against God. But, if you stand with the truth regardless of who opposes you, then you will be on Jesus' side.

  • @robertrondinelli8281
    @robertrondinelli8281 3 роки тому +2

    Justin Peters has done a more complete investigation on Copeland's ministry, than you provided. The interview clips you chose left out his attack upon that reporter. You also left out the number of jets he owns. He owns 20 planes, not just 1. The excesses of many of the charismatics have become notorious for excess and opulence. One female evangelists is reputed to own 4 multi- million dollar estates. Justin is doing a good work. You know, Michael, the Bible teaches emphatically to call out false prophets and false teachers. It does not instruct us to caudle them. As a Pastor, I witnessed the elderly send thousands thru a credit card to their ministries believing God would bring back a greater return. Only to come to me a ask for help in paying off a credit card. I firmly believe God does bless those who tithe, but I also believe there are wolves in sheep's clothing seeking to fleece the flock. Also did you actually see the church records showing Copeland's charity. Most of these organizations are resistant in making their records public, And if you did was it confirmed .I do respect you Michael, and see your good heart, but I also believe there is a place for apologists like Justin Peters.

  • @rogercoleman8515
    @rogercoleman8515 3 роки тому +5

    Thank you Michael, I've been wrestling with some of these exact issues and some of the very names mentioned. This is very clear, sound in mind, scriptural, encouraging, and done with obvious love and humility. We would all do well to take to heart and imitate what you have demonstrated here by the grace of God. Refreshing to hear a healthy and mature voice these days. Thank you once again and God bless you sir.

  • @taurusbme4860
    @taurusbme4860 5 років тому +1

    Most people that complain about these people don't even want to see it through scripture. Let's be honest. Plain simple don't be envious don't covet. Don't judge, don't just point the finger and wait for someone to reveal it to you. Pray truthfully, read the word without judgement and recieve.

  • @americanparser
    @americanparser 5 років тому +15

    I don't think any human should be damning any other human to Hell.

    • @linak7155
      @linak7155 5 років тому +2

      I think we can judge on whether an action is right or wrong but not condemn. That's the realm of the Father's jurisdiction.

    • @LivingMyBestAlways
      @LivingMyBestAlways 5 років тому

      @Brian Howell Truth one day I went to bed living an immoral life and no love for the ALMIGHTY ETERNAL FATHER but before I could go to bed the following night I was walking in the light

    • @americanparser
      @americanparser 5 років тому

      @@linak7155 Of course.

    • @americanparser
      @americanparser 5 років тому

      @@LivingMyBestAlways Well, there you go.

    • @linak7155
      @linak7155 5 років тому

      Sadly, not everyone gets this distinction. I know Christians who say we ought not judge anyone's behavior. I say, the Father has already judged on all moral issues.

  • @seekthetruth824
    @seekthetruth824 2 роки тому +1

    He always seems like a really good guy, and well spoken.

  • @lmorter7867
    @lmorter7867 5 років тому +9

    Jesus makes it clear how he feels about materialism, false teaching and other garbage in the church when he addressed the seven churches in Revelation.

    • @Danny-BigD
      @Danny-BigD 5 років тому

      Praise GOD glory to JESUS you and me NEVER EVER get one say in this. Only HE does..

  • @bernhardkrawczuk2269
    @bernhardkrawczuk2269 2 роки тому

    Danke Bruder Michael, für die offene Ehrlichkeit! Gott hat durch dich mir die Augen geöffnet.
    Gott Segne dich reichlich.
    Gruß Bernhard

  • @chuckd4113
    @chuckd4113 5 років тому +18

    Brown has become a contortionist providing cover for the likes of Copeland & Hinn.

    • @i-primeproductions1517
      @i-primeproductions1517 5 років тому +1

      In other words he is obeying scripture you pharisee

    • @chuckd4113
      @chuckd4113 5 років тому +1

      @@i-primeproductions1517 Always with the name calling. Very Christian of you.

    • @i-primeproductions1517
      @i-primeproductions1517 5 років тому

      @@chuckd4113 You mean like "contortionist"? Shall we add hypocrite to the list then?

    • @chuckd4113
      @chuckd4113 5 років тому

      @@i-primeproductions1517 I wouldn't object, but did choose my word carefully.

    • @Danny-BigD
      @Danny-BigD 5 років тому +1

      Chuck.. let me guess..YOU LOVE JESUS SO MUCH! Your the real believer Child of God? You have the REAL gospel? So ANYONE that does not believe like you are...what? Lost?
      Careful... those you talk about DONT belong to me.. but a GOD. His kids.. and GO FOR IT! Go before Him since you have that right..and BRING all this before the Father.. watch what happens. ALL you will how many times you STILL miss it. How your NOT doing what HE called you to. You missed the LOVE your enemys.. love each other.. 1st cor 13.. read it.. love NEVER sees faults..
      So many.. get judged.. based on how they JUDGE HIS Children. And NO WE dont have any right. This "I have a right to judge" YES..but HAS to be in LOVE.. your GOAL is to HELP to HEAL to bring back.. what if this was your baby..lost in would now talk now? POST it for the WORLD to see? You would do anything.. pray for ever..never stopping..
      And yet.. anyone that believes in JESUS are more family then flesh and blood.

  • @albertpsaros3435
    @albertpsaros3435 5 років тому +2

    I understand people's frustrations with Dr. B not calling Copeland out in clear and uncertain terms but I do take his point that he can only take a hard position depending on clear and reliable evidence. Personally speaking, my spirit grieves every time I hear the man speak.

    • @i-primeproductions1517
      @i-primeproductions1517 5 років тому

      YOUR spirit is not the Holy Spirit. And your FEELINGS are not truth. I've yet to find a single HATER that can provide a SINGLE EXAMPLE of taught heresy by Kenneth. Not even one. Just jealous pharisees.

    • @Joyyarns
      @Joyyarns 5 років тому +1

      @@i-primeproductions1517 Jesus was the first born again; we call things into existence; we are little gods. In one of his sermons he called God the biggest failure of all because he failed when he created lucifer and then when he created Adam. He said God created Adam to reproduce himself. Feel free respond but please don't call me names.

    • @i-primeproductions1517
      @i-primeproductions1517 5 років тому

      @@Joyyarns NOOOOO No No... you don't get to paraphrase pharisee. 1st off a lot of what you said isn't even wrong. You really don't know the scriptures very well at all do you? 2nd, you have to post PROOF of what he said in context. In other words you have to post the video exactly what he said and how he said it. I remember reading about your Pharisee brothers and other religious "experts" in calling all things heresy accusing Jesus of claiming if the temple was torn down he could rebuild it in 3 days. On the one hand the words themselves were true and on the other hand they were blatant lies as they were taken out of context without understanding their meaning. Also, since you claim to be such an expert as to try to armchair quarterback judge and condemn someone who has preached the gospel to MILLIONS while you've gone virtually nothing in your own life I highly suspect, either post your own sermons or give me a copy of your pastor's sermon to critique for biblical accuracy because you don't get to judge without getting judged yourself. What church do you attend a? Let's see how biblically accurate YOUR church is!

    • @Joyyarns
      @Joyyarns 5 років тому

      @@i-primeproductions1517 since you have provided no proper response to my statements I don't need to respond. It's like asking someone who attacks clavinsm to provide a proof from the TULIP.

    • @i-primeproductions1517
      @i-primeproductions1517 5 років тому

      @@Joyyarns So what you are saying is that you don't have any evidence at all and perhaps you are just repeating gossip from someone else. The Bible tells us not to entertain ANY ACCUSATION against an elder and not to listen to gossips. Paul even said he rejoiced that the gospel is preached even by those that have wrong intentions. Satan is the accuser of the brethren that seeks to sow discord. I've also noticed that not a single person that I've seen accuse any preacher in the body of Christ that preaches faith or prosperity is a spirit filled Christian. NONE of the accusers actually even have the basics of the gospel which obviously includes being filled with the Holy Spirit and the evidence of tongues. These people are carnally minded and to not understand the things of the spirit which means they also can't understand the Word in its fullness. So they partner with demons as the pharisees did to accuse others out of their own spiritual impotence. But putting out someone else's candle does it make yours any brighter it just demonstrates your own insecurity as a self righteous Christian Pharisee

  • @caitmichelle5860
    @caitmichelle5860 4 роки тому +4

    Thank you Dr. Brown for being calm and patient in the midst of the criticism. Satan is the author of confusion.. it is our job to win lost souls to Christ. The Bible is alive and active and anyone fighting over theology can absolutely be flawed in their thinking. Thank you for walking in Christ love amidst all of this. Praying for you and your ministry!

    • @ASmith-jn7kf
      @ASmith-jn7kf 4 роки тому +1

      Where does the Bible say we can win souls??

    • @caitmichelle5860
      @caitmichelle5860 4 роки тому

      ““The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed;”
      ‭‭Luke‬ ‭4:18‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      Also, the most famous words of Jesus...
      “And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”
      ‭‭Mark‬ ‭16:15‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
      Justin Peters is using these “terms” that we’ve used in Christianity to try to condemn us because they don’t match the Bible word for word. You and me both knew what scripture I was referring to when I said win souls, can we agree? If that phrase doesn’t sit right with you I could have just as easily said “our purpose on this earth is the spread the gospel” but bashing every minister or gospel message is certainly not what Christ had in mind.

  • @Judybhorne
    @Judybhorne 5 років тому +2

    Dr. Row , Rey well put. God has given you great wisdom to minister to the Church today, because God knows there’s already enough division in the church today. God bless you.

  • @waynemanoffaith34
    @waynemanoffaith34 5 років тому +5

    Which is better? Having just enough money to buy your own groceries, or to be rich( BLESSED) and help buy groceries for others that are struggling? Prosperity is just another word that means BLESSED!!

    • @JukeBoxHero82
      @JukeBoxHero82 5 років тому +3

      The debate is not about being blessed or not. The debate is about what it means to be 'blessed'.
      Blessed could mean material blessings but cannot be restricted to this one sphere.
      While your argument is true, church history teaches us that 'blessedness' has a means of leading idolatry.
      The more important argument is why don't preachers stick to the gospel message and focus on leading a life worthy of the gospel. Why is it that 'prosperous living' or 'miraculous living' take centrestage in almost every church today?
      We must not forget that the poor Lazarus was more blessed than the rich man (Luke 16:19-31)

  • @tonicraw777
    @tonicraw777 8 місяців тому

    I have listened to the teachings of Kenneth Copeland for 25 years. I totally believe sickness was defeated by the stripes of Jesus I have seen myself and my children live healthy lives standing on the Word, sickness does come but I always get the victory. I also love Dr Brown and also I am not a fan of a lot of prosperity preaching, Just before he read the email I had a check to turn it off, I wanted to guard myself against unbelief regarding healing. During the night I woke up feeling sweaty and breathless (flu). I haven't had the flu in 20 years, I laid my hands on myself declared the Word and went back to sleep listening to 101 healing scriptures by ken Copeland. Woke up this morning totally well. I will still listen to Dr Brown just not in the area of healing as it has taken me 25 years studying and fortify myself in this area and I have reaped the benefits.
    Psalm 103
    Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
    2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
    3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

  • @Vedioviswritingservice
    @Vedioviswritingservice 5 років тому +5

    Copeland makes me ill as does most of the "Prosperity" preachers. I wouldn't speculate on him being "Demon Possessed" though. That seems a little extreme. My big problem with the prosperity crew beyond them fleecing the gullible and vulnerable is the message they send out. That once you become a Christian, your life should be a bed of roses. I think the opposite is generally true. Friendship with the world is enmity with God. Yet when tragedy strikes the people that follow these charlatans ie; Cancer, loss of a job, death in the family, divorce, they think somehow it is a result of them being outside of God's will. No, it is because the rain falls on the just and the unjust. It is a shockwave I know but God is not concerned about our material comforts.

    • @lilCaribbean77
      @lilCaribbean77 5 років тому

      I just need to ask you a few things. Does he make you ill because you do Not make as much money as he? When was the last time YOU contributed 50m to any one org.? When was the last time YOU prayed for someone and gotten positive results? You do not need to answer these questions on UA-cam, they were Only meant to encourage thought. God bless

    • @Vedioviswritingservice
      @Vedioviswritingservice 5 років тому +2

      @@lilCaribbean77 You missed my point entirely. Of course, God answers prayer. Where did I say he didn't? Of course, prayer makes a positive difference. Where did I say it didn't?
      $50m? No, I have never donated that much and likely never will. I wonder though how much more could have gone to the kingdom that was not squandered on Lear Jets, mansions, luxury cars, gold faucets...

  • @samuelpopoola1830
    @samuelpopoola1830 10 місяців тому +1

    This man is so objective and sincere! Thanks Dr Brown 🤎

  • @christopherc7953
    @christopherc7953 5 років тому +7

    Why do you try to apologize for everything that is branded Christian?! Being a good steward, really?! The apostles did a far better job with their own two feet. No ministers need a private jet. Business men fly commercial everyday and they accomplish their business. The utter ridiculous of not calling out these frauds out is rather weak. These men have been teaching err and covetousness.

  • @johnvanvliet2076
    @johnvanvliet2076 3 роки тому +1

    I totally agree with Dr. Brown, I have replied a number of times to Peters notes, but never got a reply, but he replies to some silly comments, that strikes me somewhat odd, I also explained to him his bias and unsubstantiated remarks regarding the Body of Christ, not a particular part but to present a fair overview of all. I am a 78year senior and have been a nondenominational Charismatic for the past 55 years, I do not agree with some teachings of Copeland but I rather throw away the bones and eat the meat, to dwell on the negative is not doing any good, but a constructive criticism I do not have a problem with.
    But we as you say we must foremost see what the bible says and not introduce some dispensational or other false doctrines that take away the power of the Gospel and of Jesus Christ.

  • @treyzfolks1
    @treyzfolks1 5 років тому +7

    Dr. Brown is in a difficult place. He is respected by me and others. However, during this controversy, he has shown himself to be a bit 'thin-skinned.'

    • @davidbrainerd1520
      @davidbrainerd1520 5 років тому +3

      He can't cross these guys or he'll lose speaking invitations most likely.

  • @buzzbbird
    @buzzbbird 5 років тому +1

    Dr Brown, I fully and TRULY understand your closing statement, but many will hear it more like this, "I am called to write parking tickets, so when I see a robbery or a rape or a murder, I will only get involved if I get a call from dispatch, otherwise, that is not my job."

    • @artbyrobot1
      @artbyrobot1 2 роки тому

      Without expounding on every statement for an hour, you are right that unstable minds will distort your message just as they distort scripture

  • @grateful1
    @grateful1 5 років тому +3

    The Gospel itself IS the "Prosperity" Gospel... There is no side gospel, or secondary Gospel of that name... Gods' "Prosperity" is in Deuteronomy, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Matthew, Mark, Luke, Etc... It is ABSOLUTELY of God, and The Word of God is the final Authority, and the FINAL lense through which all believers must view reality.

  • @Fantasytiger86
    @Fantasytiger86 Рік тому +1

    Sir this is the first time that I'm watching your channel I'd like to be open-minded and I'd like to hear people out but it took you almost 20 minutes to get to the point of your video and while it's clear you have a lot to say you're very clear you're very concise perhaps so you don't appear like clickbait start off with the point of your video go right into what you're going to discuss and then sprinkle in long drawn out points in between. I lost track of what the point of your video was 10 minutes into the first 20.

  • @ash-xx-tree9314
    @ash-xx-tree9314 5 років тому +14

    A spirited defense of Living the good life ,there was a figure quoted $14000 for a one hour flight ,wherby it could have been $180 ,when you have so many people with nothing in dire need if Duplantis had flew for 180 ,how much could the 13800 dollars have helped the poor and needy especially in their own churches ,it cant be defended . It sounds good saying it may very welll be prudent to get a jet but really? Initially outlay of say $50-1oo million dollars then the running costs etc ,it would be 10 times cheaper even to fly 1st class , Jesus told the rich man to give away all his possessions and money and follow Him ,if God wants Copeland in Africa refreshed and ready to go He will make that possible so sadly i cant agree with Dr Brown on this occasion .

    • @travishowett1189
      @travishowett1189 5 років тому +1

      Your a hundredaire. Therefore you struggle with the concepts of millions. The cost of a plane is nothing to the father. Mere pennies. Is it better to feed a man a fish or to teach him to fish. Is it better to eat the ear of corn or to sow the many kernels on the ear of corn?

    • @Danny-BigD
      @Danny-BigD 5 років тому

      A you left out part of GODS word on that story. That RICH man did all the LAW and asked Christ what else did he have to do. It was NOT about being rich. A man of the law came to Christ.. to that man He answered the same way. Well why didnt Jesus tell him.. believe on me? And there is more to this story.. keep readying. It ALL goes together. CONTEXT
      So easy to look on the out side and DUH we know right? Gee which one of them PAY for there own Jet FUEL? Pay for.. thats money that NEVER came from the Church. What everyone like this leave out is.. how many of them were RICH before they were saved? That NEVER gets on TV NEWS! Which.. a believer listens to? And holy Jesus. No matter how many times YOU or me get the Gospel wrong.. or SIN.. did you notice God never calls you out.. NEVER tells me about your sins how you missed..never tosses us under the buss and leaves.
      Say what you will...people like this DONT tell you show you the GOOD they do. Why can I do it? I can tell you..along with the bad..

    • @travishowett1189
      @travishowett1189 5 років тому +2

      @@Danny-BigD if they did tell of all they did( the orphaneges they build, the churches, the salvations)then people would say it's all about them.

    • @travishowett1189
      @travishowett1189 5 років тому +2

      They often sound like Judas. Couldn't the perfume been sold and the money given to the poor?

    • @peterhussey-yeo9041
      @peterhussey-yeo9041 5 років тому +1

      don't be offended Patrick

  • @designedforvictory
    @designedforvictory 2 роки тому +1

    Please have Kenneth Copeland on like you did with Bill Johnson. This way, everyone knows what he believes and those that have an ear to hear will hear.

  • @jtramellusa
    @jtramellusa 5 років тому +15

    It seems this more a defense of Copeland and the rest of charismatic televangelist system; in the sense we can't judge their hearts much less motive of what they teach.

    • @ianfrancis777
      @ianfrancis777 5 років тому +1

      I took it that way, as well.

    • @Joyyarns
      @Joyyarns 5 років тому +2

      I can't judge their motives but we see their behaviors. Are they in compliance with the scripture? Living lavishly is surely not a sign of a godly man

    • @cstone2011
      @cstone2011 5 років тому

      WarHammer 2000 We can judge their actions (by their fruit) which is Greed.

    • @chuckd4113
      @chuckd4113 5 років тому

      He totally wants a seat on those private jets.

    • @chuckd4113
      @chuckd4113 5 років тому

      @Cody Price He also gave us spell check

  • @caroleimani9754
    @caroleimani9754 3 роки тому +2

    I don't think having money is the main problem. Job, David, Abraham, and Solomon had money. I think COVETOUSNESS, GREED, and SELFISHNESS are the main problem. The Bible says to beware of COVETOUSNESS. Also, Jesus said that He had nowhere to lay His head.

  • @stephenboshoff8316
    @stephenboshoff8316 5 років тому +29

    How did Kenneth make his money, though covenant blessing or taking peoples tithes and offerings. He enriched him self by peddling the gospel for gain..

    • @kako191919
      @kako191919 5 років тому +9

      The land he bought, He discovered has natural gas. Let’s stop focusing on how much money he has. How’s Jesus doing? What He up to in your life?

    • @adamgrigsby6798
      @adamgrigsby6798 5 років тому +4

      Uhm... So not only are you making an assumption based on no evidence.. Your publishing that opinion.. So its slander.

    • @llllllllllllllIIlIllIIllIIIIll
      @llllllllllllllIIlIllIIllIIIIll 5 років тому +3

      Adam Grigsby amen

    • @adamgrigsby6798
      @adamgrigsby6798 5 років тому +4

      @Cheetah Car k.. Waiting for your proof of exactly what dishonest things he did to get wealthy.. Most of his money came through business.But be honest that really doesn't matter, you just don't think a Christian should have that much money regardless of how they get it.

    • @yaelrar.4460
      @yaelrar.4460 5 років тому +3

      He sells books he's written. His prosperity is legit and the fiscal groups that check for misuse found Copelands ministry on the up and up.

  • @dennisrozario7349
    @dennisrozario7349 3 роки тому

    You have reference of fly in perfume proverbs 10:1 But the verse is as follows :The proverbs of Solomon: A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son brings grief to his mother.
    Proverbs 10:1 NIV