Biology of DSDs (3) Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @majewda
    @majewda 3 роки тому +22

    Thank you so much for this! I'm a woman living with MRKH. It's not easy but this video explains it beautifully. It can be very hard and lonely growing up knowing you can't have kids and seeing everyone around you like family and friends start their family while you're left out. Some days you're happy and celebrate with them and some days you're overcome with emotions. Even years after diagnosis.

    • @PepsiMagt
      @PepsiMagt 3 роки тому

      There was a woman with MRKH in Gothenburg Sweden that had a son after getting a uterus transplant from her sister. It was reported here in Denmark, I remember. I hope you are well.

    • @sukhman11thmed46
      @sukhman11thmed46 2 роки тому

      Plz go and watch videos of (RSA Institute english channel) maybe u can get a hope from there.

    • @abvqdabvqd5412
      @abvqdabvqd5412 Рік тому

      @@PepsiMagtUşaqlıq neqli mümkündürmü?

  • @thunder_2124
    @thunder_2124 4 роки тому +17

    This is the one that I used to be confused about the most. Thanks for the video.

    • @timbags3856
      @timbags3856 3 роки тому

      Is this part of the college syllabus or medical school

  • @opiumbrella3351
    @opiumbrella3351 4 роки тому +8

    thanks zach, for your voice, and for using it too speak up about this, when so many men are happy to stay silent, or enthusiastically redefine women, and give away our rights.

  • @philipmathew7940
    @philipmathew7940 4 роки тому +5

    Amazing keep it up man

  • @jayowenrobinson9992
    @jayowenrobinson9992 3 роки тому +2

    nice work on this series, the visuals will help people alot, thank you!

  • @kimberleywarren5785
    @kimberleywarren5785 4 місяці тому

    As a woman with this, all j can say is thank you MRKH! No periods or babies?! I could have celebrated right there in the dr office.

  • @cartoongamess1
    @cartoongamess1 3 роки тому

    Thank you so much!

  • @JohnW-hm3eg
    @JohnW-hm3eg 11 місяців тому

    Do all males have WNT4, FOXL2, RSPO1?

  • @pseudonamed
    @pseudonamed 4 роки тому

    very clear info

  • @lacleymurrow4968
    @lacleymurrow4968 3 роки тому

    MRKH is dreadful. I have never known the details before I met a friend of mine. She was dx on it yrs ago. I even cannot imagine how painful it can be just to get to know one day you will not be able to give a birth to a baby on your own.. And without surrogate's help it will never happen.. Poor thing. I remember I advised her looking onto the clinic we were using at that time. BTC had a variety of surrogacy packages for a different pocket. She once wrote they are going to have an initial consultation with them. Time passed since then. They currently parenting a LO. I want this year bring more happiness to struggling
    families. May luck be always on your side.

  • @briiibriiibooo
    @briiibriiibooo 4 роки тому

    Such great work you do!! I know you don’t claim to be gender critical but I think deep down you are and low key that makes me happy 😂😝

  • @kaiyodei
    @kaiyodei Рік тому

    should we just consider this to be intersex variation, and not make this a medical issue? or treat it as we just treat having green eyes or something?

    • @jankywanky6594
      @jankywanky6594 9 місяців тому

      It should be treated as a medical issue as it is a medical disorder that occurs in females; a gynecological issue, particularly a malformation of the female reproductive tract. I really don't know why it should be treated otherwise nor do I see how this helps any of us with MRKH.
      Many women with this condition want assistance and more options to comfortably have sex and have children, not be treated like some "variation in sex" & "celebrated for biological diversity" when it isn't. Women with MRKH are entirely female with a reproductive condition, which women are allowed to have without someone doubting their sex as it only occurs in females. I'm not directing this at you when I say this, but I cannot believe I have to say this: having a reproductive condition does not necessarily make one intersex.
      It's not an intersex "variation," and for it to be an intersex condition at all, it will have to meet the criteria of presenting with mismatched sex characteristics. MRKH does not present with mismatched sex characteristics as no male characteristics are present. I don't get the "green eyes" thing because usually people use the "common as red hair" statistic, which isn't accurate either because the 1.7% figure is wrong.

    • @Gingerblaze
      @Gingerblaze 4 місяці тому

      A variation does not impede function. A difference which impedes function is what makes it a disorder.

    @ITSjustTJPRODUCTiONs 3 роки тому

    im still confused about this

    • @PepsiMagt
      @PepsiMagt 3 роки тому +1

      Its a complex subject.

  • @EllaAndrophobia
    @EllaAndrophobia 4 роки тому +3

    !!!! THANK YOU :)