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Captain falcore can you pls reply to this. I for one belive we might see more of thr captian and mentions for the next adventure and rare is quiet FOR a reason so I'm geusing that they will bring jack sparrow back or hook. But I'm geusing it's captain jack sparrow. Cause liked you said the duchem neads a captian. So I'm thinking jack will see the captian return to the sea of thieves and warn us. But by now I'm really hoping before that we can help pendragon escape and back to the living world to help us. Cause he was there when we beaded the most now it's our time to help him.
Also, even if The Dutchman did sink in a gigantic explosion, it can still remain in the Sea of The Damned as a memory, and if The Captain is in the Sea of the Damned, and remembers The Dutchman, he could take it and sail to the Sea of Thieves with ease, thx to the fact that the nature of The Dutchman is to go from the world of the living to the world of the dead. Hmm... but why didnt he use The Dutchman already?... ... Well, this is a rough theory, and i dont have anything to back this up, but... what if the Captain is, or is related to, the thing that Brigsy didnt want to let out from the Sea of The Damned? That terrible monster that is told in one of the Tashas journals?
Potc six? Just a thought that considering fans are predicting DJ re entering in vol. 6 of the movies , that’s just another pointer towards potentially a pirates life 2 and him being more included in the game. If that is the case it’s another big reason why rare we’re hiding the Disney colab even since before the release of the game, with the cap’n ‘s main associating character potentially being DJ, like flame heart junior and senior almost.
@TimeJack going off the theory that the Captain is Captain Hook perhaps the monster is question is in fact the crocodile that chased after Hook but was twisted and changed by the magic of the Sea of the Damned into a hulking monstrosity that will wreak havoc on The Sea of Thieves leaving destruction upon the waves with the only warning being an ominous tick tock tick tock.
Wait... what if the Cap'n is the Cursed Captain from the Pirate's Life tall tale? He's an original character that appeared within those, and so far one of the ONLY original characters introduced in those tall tales (other than the Merqueen, but she was established before that). The Cursed Captain has no official name either, but he does say this after noticing a player: "Now that be what I call true pirate courage! Not like the scurvy sea devils who stole me plunder an' jailed me up here. Me own crew, a bunch of treacherous curs!" He got betrayed by his own crew, and later, after you saved him, he's seen hanging as a door spy outside the Tavern of the Damned, a place that is also seen in the cinematic for Shrouded Islands when Belle was introduced. He's one of the only (if not the only) skeleton we meet in the game that isn't immediately hostile, and even when helping him regain his body, he doesn't turn on us - exactly like how he welcomed the Servant of the Flame without hesitation. Not just that, but he is also seen often shortening words like "you" (ye), "holding" (holdin'), “do you” (d’ye), and "pulling" (pullin') - just like the Cap'n. Both characters are also currently in the Sea of the Damned. I always thought his appearance felt a bit out of place in the tall tale, since he is an entire side-quest. You came to the little town to signal the Ferry of the Damned, and then sneak on board, but then you have to help this guy because… why? His presence just doesn’t make sense on a story perspective, unless it was because he’s important later
I thought this at first too, but then I remembered something that kinda debunks the whole thing. When the Cursed Captain is reunited with his body he has a hook on his right hand, and the Cap’n’s seat in The Dark Brethren has scratch marks on the left armrest.
Maybe the Cap'n is the mysterious rat like he use the rat to see everything in the sea of thieves but hiden in the appearance of a simple animal, exactly like the reaper bone's parrot. Could be a good explanation.
I like to think that the Cap'n is actually Captain Blackeye from Banjo-Tooie. He was supposed to be the main villain of Project Dream before it became Banjo-Kazooie and he was replaced by Gruntilda the Witch. It makes sense to me that he would make his grand debut in Rare's quintessential pirate game and assert himself as the main villain. Plus, it wouldn't be the first time Rare has pulled one of their old characters into the game.
I would also like to think the main big bad they've been hinting at all this time is an original character, instead of Captain Hook. While Captain Hook WOULD be cool, if the Cap'n has such an involvement in the plot for this long, it'd be better to have an original character
Keel hauling was actually created as an homage to the good Cap'n. Is was said that dragging a body through barnacles was the only thing close enough to the pain suffered by those forced to eat the Cap'n 's cereal.
Personally, I can foresee The Cap’n being someone similar to Cutler Beckett. The emergence of the sovereigns and the secretive notes they hold to the Sea of Thieves equivalent to the East India Trading Company leads one to believe that the pirate way of life could be in jeopardy, similarly to how it happens in the movies. Although this might follow too closely to that storyline, and The Cap’n has been defined as an entity since before Rare and Disney collaborated to bring the POTC films to the game
Now that you said the captain is a great chess player reminds me of the mysterious captain who we saved in a pirates life to get on the ferry of thr dammed cause he is good with chess.
@@dawnkryxelhey its a time tested way to win. But no the funny talking skull is part of the pirates of the carribean disney ride and as such not an original character
The problem with the captain being hook is you're basically handing the game to Disney. This is why it's NOT Hook, not saying we won't see Hook, but I doubt they will hand over the game to Disney like that.
The thing is Captain Hook isn’t a Disney character. He was a character created for the original Peter Pan and there are many different interpretations of him.
I still think the captain is the talking skull. Think about the tall tale, he's locked away until you released him. His crew let's saying "sorry captain" yes can just be due to bein a captain but he knows how the sea of the damd works and what would happen when you put the soul flam would do the the ferry when you light it
I think its hook from the Jake and the Neverland pirates, i know that seems unlikely but remember from the show the jolly Rodger is crewed by 4 people and Jake and all them have a crew of 3 and the jolly Rodger is much larger than than Jake's ship which is very similar to sea of their es brig and galleon.
Image you're sailing minding your own business then the dutchman comes out of the water twice the size of a galleon and opens up like pirates of the Carribean and starts eating your ship
Considering the partnership with Disney, it would make sense for the Cap'n to be Hook and be revealed in the next month or two. Disney is releasing a new, live action Peter Pan movie on Disney+ at the end of this month (April 28th) with Jude Law starring as Hook. The chance to leverage the prior partnership for promoting the film is too good to miss.
Oh it’s Capn Hook from the movie Hook for sure. The pirate emporium gave it away years ago with the lost boy emotes from the movie and Hook was eating by the croc at the end of that movie also which in theory would be how he got to the sea of the damned. Yarr! It be true =)
Maybe the villain is the pirate legend we meet in the tutorial… we only see home every once in awhile and it’s possible he may not be as nice as he comes across I think maybe he is secretly recruiting pirates to takes out the skeleton of his betrayer
I keep wondering what Falcore's tropical marimba background music is, and despite all searching I can't find a single lead. Does anybody have a few clues to spare? (in this video, it starts around 6:30)
If the Capt'n ruled the Sea of the Damned and wanted to end Flameheart. He would need to turn him mortal again. And the Dark Brethren are seeking a cure for the skelly curse.
Personally I fell like this is a Palpatine type situation where he’s fighting a war against himself, but rather than complete control, we just don’t know his agenda
When exploring the tavern at New Golden Sands to the right of the bar is a barrel that lets you place a trinket on it. I have never seen that anywhere outside of a ship so I'm curious if putting a specific trinket on there triggers something. Or it's just a place to show off your trinkets for the 1% of players who use the bars to socialise.
I'm itching to see this Cap'n finally rear his head. We've heard whispers of his dealings within the Sea Of Thieves. Reputation is only as believable as those who are around to share his story. Sooner or later that validity is going to run dry.
I know Captain Hook was portrayed as weak in originality, I still feel like he was really powerful and would be an absolutely epic thanos style villain, and ruling not by force but by manipulation is such a Captain Hook thing
so, this is coming from somebody who has not read the novelizations of SoT, nor do i have the full understanding of every character in the game. The proposed "Cap'n" to me may be some form of equivalent to Death itself, or the grim reaper. Not only has it set sights hard on characters that have somehow came back from the dead to walk amongst the living, like Flameheart, But of course theres the targetted sights of the flying dutchman, and maybe even the fort of the Damned. Maybe this Cap'n is some form of eldritch being wanting to basically eradicate the undead force that has overtaken the Seas, both Ghostly and Skeletal, in order to create a world entirely in his control, and a world where no human in the Sea of Thieves, are given a second chance at life.
Just a quick note: If Flameheart's son sailed the Silver Blade into the Shroud and got stranded on the same island as the Cap'n, maybe he is not on the Sea of the Damned. He said "I'll make sail on the fastest tide." If he is saying in literal sense, his lair is outside of the Sea of Thieves indeed, but not on the boundaries between worlds but outside of the actual territory. Maybe i'm wrong. But, who knows?
Though I would be absolutely enthralled with Captain Hook to be this "above all" villain, I was also pondering if Rare would use one of their old, unreleased IPs for this. Just like how they brought back one of their oldest games Blackwyche into the narrative and world of Sea of Thieves, I think they'd eventually use pieces from their unfinished and cancelled game "Project Dream" (Dream: Land of Giants). More than anything, it's mostly just for the sake of possibly seeing Captain Blackeye again. :B
It has to be Blackbeard, because get this, in the sea of thieves skeleton concept art you can find a skeleton with the matches on the beard, and besides that. Blackbeard died irl but he could probably come back as a skeleton. Because that’s sea of thieves logic I guess
If the Cap'n is Captain Hook, it wouldn't be anything like Flameheart Jr or Sr. It would be turning an original character who we've been waiting for for years into a crossover. If you can't see how lame that is, you're not a Sea of Thieves fan.
the Dutchman is still in the sea of thieves, just waiting to be found by an enterprising crew or aquatic folks. The question is if she is resting on the sea bed or cruising around, searching for it's captain.
what if the captain is the skeleton on the cover of the game, it is the same skeleton whose skull is used in the ritual for the fort of the damned, which is a connection to the sea of the damned because it brings backs graymarrows GHOST and not just graymarrow
While I agree there is evidence to support the idea that the Captain is Hook, I really really hope they dont go down that route. SoT lore is strong enough on its own. It does not need cheesy help from Disney IP. Maybe the Captain is Ramsey? Or simply someone we have not met yet. Leader of the Grand Maritime Union maybe. I hope so.
so the Ferryman, has a hook, and he has been influencing the sea of thieves for a long long time.. not in hiding able to return anytime just as he allows us to go and live out his plot.
What if The Cap’n is actually Blackbeard? He’s probably the most well known real-world pirate of all time and I think it would be sick to see a Sea of Thieves take on him. Just a thought.
yeah me too but I think it was pretty obvious and it was easy to figure, I’m awful at lore/mysteries and that stuff and I connected those dots before falcore, so my idea is that it is the captain from a pirates life and by making it hide in plain sight people will think it’s too obvious for the theory to be true and if it is true rare would’ve hid it better, but since it’s obvious people ignore that theory
Crazy theory capn is pendragon . Hear me out before you aim your flintlocks at me. he been pulling a lot of string lately in the stories. He set out to free himself from a painting to put himself back to the world of the damned willingly. Now say the Dutchman is still in play for the story. If the ship doesn’t have a captain what would stop pendragon from easily taking over that ship?he can easy use the Dutchman for his own deeds and the swords of soul he uses can easy trap souls just as much as free them. Fair thing to note also the good guys are not always the good guy duke is a perfect example of a “good guy” that uses the player to set motion to something for him it was the start of the reapers just like stitcher Jim a trader who was once good then betrayed everyone. So yeah I would need to flesh out a few thing but my guess is the capn in pendragon and we been blinded by his loyal cuase
I think the Capt Hook idea holds a bit of weight and people are overlooking some easter egg foreshadow play here. So there was a game called Epic Mickey (saw my god kid playing it) and he was fighting "animatronic hook" on a ship, I did not think much of it at fist but lo and behold the capt had green eyes. You know who else has green eyes.... That damn mouse that keeps popping up as an Easter egg, what is the mouse synonymous with, Disney. That combined with the sea serpent ship set they just added what if the serpent isnt really a serpent they are adding but a giant crocodile... Or both.. Id like to see both.
As an avid player and huge fan of the Epic Mickey game, I'm afraid to say that Animatronic Hook has green eyes becouse of Thinner: the game's color scheme associate Blue with paint, goodness and the "right way", where Green is thinner, evilness and bad, so a lot of enemies have green eyes/color schemes
Now I'm thinking about the possibility of the ferryman being the cap'n and the more I think about it it actually could be him but at the same time might not be
If that’s the case then if flame heart were to succeed and become the pirates king then the captain can over throw him take over the rank. And there no other pirate ruthless enough to do the job.
What if the cap'n is not any NPC but a player like us... someone with Captain in his name... Someone who is Sea of thieves Partner and could manipulate his watchers to do specific things at the decision points like golden sands and flamehearts resurrection... we would never expect to be him especially if he would talk about speculations of the cap'n all the time... *staring at Cap'n Falcore*
Can the Cap'n be Captain Flint? I mean, in the book is said he died after drinking too much rum (the cursed chalice) and Flameheart can be a wanna be Long Jhon Silver
Thanks for watching peeps!
Buy one of my PC's
Captain falcore can you pls reply to this. I for one belive we might see more of thr captian and mentions for the next adventure and rare is quiet FOR a reason so I'm geusing that they will bring jack sparrow back or hook. But I'm geusing it's captain jack sparrow. Cause liked you said the duchem neads a captian. So I'm thinking jack will see the captian return to the sea of thieves and warn us. But by now I'm really hoping before that we can help pendragon escape and back to the living world to help us. Cause he was there when we beaded the most now it's our time to help him.
I think, like Flameheart to Le Chuck, the Cap'n is A NOD to Captain Hook, rather than him himself.
Hey fartcore I made a video about you
i love your content
And I hate your content 😡😡😡
I got really nervous and excited at the end because Falcore isn't wrong. The Dutchman needs a captain
Also, even if The Dutchman did sink in a gigantic explosion, it can still remain in the Sea of The Damned as a memory, and if The Captain is in the Sea of the Damned, and remembers The Dutchman, he could take it and sail to the Sea of Thieves with ease, thx to the fact that the nature of The Dutchman is to go from the world of the living to the world of the dead.
Hmm... but why didnt he use The Dutchman already?...
Well, this is a rough theory, and i dont have anything to back this up, but... what if the Captain is, or is related to, the thing that Brigsy didnt want to let out from the Sea of The Damned? That terrible monster that is told in one of the Tashas journals?
Potc six? Just a thought that considering fans are predicting DJ re entering in vol. 6 of the movies , that’s just another pointer towards potentially a pirates life 2 and him being more included in the game. If that is the case it’s another big reason why rare we’re hiding the Disney colab even since before the release of the game, with the cap’n ‘s main associating character potentially being DJ, like flame heart junior and senior almost.
It's has a Capt Decken. The real capt
I love the story but I can't anymore.....
@TimeJack going off the theory that the Captain is Captain Hook perhaps the monster is question is in fact the crocodile that chased after Hook but was twisted and changed by the magic of the Sea of the Damned into a hulking monstrosity that will wreak havoc on The Sea of Thieves leaving destruction upon the waves with the only warning being an ominous tick tock tick tock.
Wait... what if the Cap'n is the Cursed Captain from the Pirate's Life tall tale? He's an original character that appeared within those, and so far one of the ONLY original characters introduced in those tall tales (other than the Merqueen, but she was established before that).
The Cursed Captain has no official name either, but he does say this after noticing a player: "Now that be what I call true pirate courage! Not like the scurvy sea devils who stole me plunder an' jailed me up here. Me own crew, a bunch of treacherous curs!"
He got betrayed by his own crew, and later, after you saved him, he's seen hanging as a door spy outside the Tavern of the Damned, a place that is also seen in the cinematic for Shrouded Islands when Belle was introduced. He's one of the only (if not the only) skeleton we meet in the game that isn't immediately hostile, and even when helping him regain his body, he doesn't turn on us - exactly like how he welcomed the Servant of the Flame without hesitation. Not just that, but he is also seen often shortening words like "you" (ye), "holding" (holdin'), “do you” (d’ye), and "pulling" (pullin') - just like the Cap'n.
Both characters are also currently in the Sea of the Damned.
I always thought his appearance felt a bit out of place in the tall tale, since he is an entire side-quest. You came to the little town to signal the Ferry of the Damned, and then sneak on board, but then you have to help this guy because… why? His presence just doesn’t make sense on a story perspective, unless it was because he’s important later
He does feel oddly placed to not be important, I think you're on to something.
I thought this at first too, but then I remembered something that kinda debunks the whole thing. When the Cursed Captain is reunited with his body he has a hook on his right hand, and the Cap’n’s seat in The Dark Brethren has scratch marks on the left armrest.
This was debunked by the devs actually unfortunately
@@spidunko9310 They could be lying
@@spidunko9310 where did you find that?
Maybe the Cap'n is the mysterious rat like he use the rat to see everything in the sea of thieves but hiden in the appearance of a simple animal, exactly like the reaper bone's parrot. Could be a good explanation.
Like the Lich's snail in Adventure Time
I hate that goddamn rat. You’ll find out why soon enough
This could mean something but the Cap'n owns a cat and i don't know i a cat could obey a mere glowing eye rat.
I like to think that the Cap'n is actually Captain Blackeye from Banjo-Tooie. He was supposed to be the main villain of Project Dream before it became Banjo-Kazooie and he was replaced by Gruntilda the Witch.
It makes sense to me that he would make his grand debut in Rare's quintessential pirate game and assert himself as the main villain. Plus, it wouldn't be the first time Rare has pulled one of their old characters into the game.
I would also like to think the main big bad they've been hinting at all this time is an original character, instead of Captain Hook.
While Captain Hook WOULD be cool, if the Cap'n has such an involvement in the plot for this long, it'd be better to have an original character
I think we need to revoke your game from you.
Nah The Cap'n is obviously Quint Scurvy
@@everettgaspar3482 I do wish Rare could bring in the Pirate Krocs from Donkey Kong Country in a way that makes sense to the lore.
It’s obviously Captain Crunch. No one manipulates people as much as he does. I mean how else can he get customers to eat his crappy cereal 👀
Keel hauling was actually created as an homage to the good Cap'n. Is was said that dragging a body through barnacles was the only thing close enough to the pain suffered by those forced to eat the Cap'n 's cereal.
He was so good as deception he convinced everyone he was a captain
He's slowing destroying the roof of everyone's mouth in the Sea of Thieves.
Personally, I can foresee The Cap’n being someone similar to Cutler Beckett. The emergence of the sovereigns and the secretive notes they hold to the Sea of Thieves equivalent to the East India Trading Company leads one to believe that the pirate way of life could be in jeopardy, similarly to how it happens in the movies. Although this might follow too closely to that storyline, and The Cap’n has been defined as an entity since before Rare and Disney collaborated to bring the POTC films to the game
Was really banking of the villain being Shelly the Crab but I guess I’ll have to wait for the next story arch
me too
i love falcore's vids. so well done and amazing graphics
Now that you said the captain is a great chess player reminds me of the mysterious captain who we saved in a pirates life to get on the ferry of thr dammed cause he is good with chess.
"good with chess"
He shot the other player to win.
@@dawnkryxelhey its a time tested way to win. But no the funny talking skull is part of the pirates of the carribean disney ride and as such not an original character
A new commodity for the merchants is .. Tin Foil. 😂
That last bit makes so much sense. The Dutchman can’t sail without a captain, and with Davy Jones being captured he could take the place.
The problem with the captain being hook is you're basically handing the game to Disney. This is why it's NOT Hook, not saying we won't see Hook, but I doubt they will hand over the game to Disney like that.
Unless he's a one and done throwaway villain like Davy Jones.
@@PlebNCA one and done would be quite disappointing for an original SOT character tbh. Especially a character that's been teased for years.
@@blitzy7961 The return of Stitcher Jim joined the chat.
I agree he may be inspired in hook but its no gonna be hook himself
The thing is Captain Hook isn’t a Disney character. He was a character created for the original Peter Pan and there are many different interpretations of him.
its gonna be plimbo
I still think the captain is the talking skull. Think about the tall tale, he's locked away until you released him. His crew let's saying "sorry captain" yes can just be due to bein a captain but he knows how the sea of the damd works and what would happen when you put the soul flam would do the the ferry when you light it
I think its hook from the Jake and the Neverland pirates, i know that seems unlikely but remember from the show the jolly Rodger is crewed by 4 people and Jake and all them have a crew of 3 and the jolly Rodger is much larger than than Jake's ship which is very similar to sea of their es brig and galleon.
Image you're sailing minding your own business then the dutchman comes out of the water twice the size of a galleon and opens up like pirates of the Carribean and starts eating your ship
Considering the partnership with Disney, it would make sense for the Cap'n to be Hook and be revealed in the next month or two. Disney is releasing a new, live action Peter Pan movie on Disney+ at the end of this month (April 28th) with Jude Law starring as Hook.
The chance to leverage the prior partnership for promoting the film is too good to miss.
Rare watching captain falcores videos "write that down WRITE THAT DOWN"
*_" A new threat! "_*
It's going to be the hourglass itself isn't it? 😏
Oh it’s Capn Hook from the movie Hook for sure. The pirate emporium gave it away years ago with the lost boy emotes from the movie and Hook was eating by the croc at the end of that movie also which in theory would be how he got to the sea of the damned. Yarr! It be true =)
These video's about the SoT lore totally don't mess with my mind on the lore of the wonderful game I know and love.
Didn't u say u were gonna make a lore video about the Reaper's lair?? Still waiting on that
They just bought flame gear back and now pushing him to the side again
Now I really want to see Captain Hook sailing the Dutchmen
I really want to see the Captain stabbing his blade through his mutinous first mate lamefarts heart
Don't forget davy jones
I would love to see a skelefied Captain Hook that ruled the sea of thieves from behind the scenes
@3:30 😂
Well played Cap’n
Maybe the villain is the pirate legend we meet in the tutorial… we only see home every once in awhile and it’s possible he may not be as nice as he comes across I think maybe he is secretly recruiting pirates to takes out the skeleton of his betrayer
its gunna be that jim bird again and his pearls
Actually, the dude who had davy jones's heart was just beckett. He's at the top of the tower at the end with the *heart*
See the problem with this tho is that Davy survives unless the heart is stabbed. The captain will only be replaced once the original one dies
I wonder the captain looks like and he wants get revenge on flameheart for abandoned and stranded him on a island.
If we would see a Captain Hook, I am expecting a flying ship to figh.
Why do I now have the image of Mr Burns as the Cap`n saying: "Excellent" with his fingers touching, sitting in the chair in the cabin of his vessel?
I keep wondering what Falcore's tropical marimba background music is, and despite all searching I can't find a single lead. Does anybody have a few clues to spare? (in this video, it starts around 6:30)
Did you forget that calypso destroyed the heart, then we sunk it, even if it didn’t sunk the Dutchman goes to calypso
Perhaps it could be the cursed captain of the tall tales… it would make a lot of sense
Unfortunately, the devs said it will not be him. Which is a shame.
@@CaptainFalcore yeah, It would have been a really cool thing AND it fits with him
If the Capt'n ruled the Sea of the Damned and wanted to end Flameheart. He would need to turn him mortal again.
And the Dark Brethren are seeking a cure for the skelly curse.
Personally I fell like this is a Palpatine type situation where he’s fighting a war against himself, but rather than complete control, we just don’t know his agenda
When exploring the tavern at New Golden Sands to the right of the bar is a barrel that lets you place a trinket on it.
I have never seen that anywhere outside of a ship so I'm curious if putting a specific trinket on there triggers something.
Or it's just a place to show off your trinkets for the 1% of players who use the bars to socialise.
There’s places to put trinkets in every tavern. It is just a flex thing
I'm itching to see this Cap'n finally rear his head. We've heard whispers of his dealings within the Sea Of Thieves. Reputation is only as believable as those who are around to share his story. Sooner or later that validity is going to run dry.
It's King Kruel... the Donkey Kong villain.
Sounds an interesting thought on what may or not have been decided by the devs in the SoT.
I know Captain Hook was portrayed as weak in originality, I still feel like he was really powerful and would be an absolutely epic thanos style villain, and ruling not by force but by manipulation is such a Captain Hook thing
So flameheart is Darth Vader and the captain is the emporer. Ones the thinker and the other is the enforcer
Maybe the captain is the entity stuck in that vault brigsy locked away?
I believe the Cap'n is Orlando Bloom. No, not Will Turner, the actual actor Orlando Bloom. The clues are all out there, you just have to look.
maybe we might see this captain after 10 years, because we still havent seen flameheart in the flesh tll now.
so, this is coming from somebody who has not read the novelizations of SoT, nor do i have the full understanding of every character in the game. The proposed "Cap'n" to me may be some form of equivalent to Death itself, or the grim reaper. Not only has it set sights hard on characters that have somehow came back from the dead to walk amongst the living, like Flameheart, But of course theres the targetted sights of the flying dutchman, and maybe even the fort of the Damned. Maybe this Cap'n is some form of eldritch being wanting to basically eradicate the undead force that has overtaken the Seas, both Ghostly and Skeletal, in order to create a world entirely in his control, and a world where no human in the Sea of Thieves, are given a second chance at life.
Just a quick note: If Flameheart's son sailed the Silver Blade into the Shroud and got stranded on the same island as the Cap'n, maybe he is not on the Sea of the Damned. He said "I'll make sail on the fastest tide." If he is saying in literal sense, his lair is outside of the Sea of Thieves indeed, but not on the boundaries between worlds but outside of the actual territory.
Maybe i'm wrong. But, who knows?
Though I would be absolutely enthralled with Captain Hook to be this "above all" villain, I was also pondering if Rare would use one of their old, unreleased IPs for this.
Just like how they brought back one of their oldest games Blackwyche into the narrative and world of Sea of Thieves, I think they'd eventually use pieces from their unfinished and cancelled game "Project Dream" (Dream: Land of Giants).
More than anything, it's mostly just for the sake of possibly seeing Captain Blackeye again. :B
It has to be Blackbeard, because get this, in the sea of thieves skeleton concept art you can find a skeleton with the matches on the beard, and besides that. Blackbeard died irl but he could probably come back as a skeleton. Because that’s sea of thieves logic I guess
“The Dutchman must always have a captain”
If the Cap'n is Captain Hook, it wouldn't be anything like Flameheart Jr or Sr. It would be turning an original character who we've been waiting for for years into a crossover. If you can't see how lame that is, you're not a Sea of Thieves fan.
4:15 if the ancients do comeback, it'd be logical to think they'd have their own type of ship right? given they are an entirely different culture?
There we go! Here comes our Man-o-war speculation again
It would be quite the twist if the captain was The Pirate Lord.
the Dutchman is still in the sea of thieves, just waiting to be found by an enterprising crew or aquatic folks.
The question is if she is resting on the sea bed or cruising around, searching for it's captain.
what if the captain is the skeleton on the cover of the game, it is the same skeleton whose skull is used in the ritual for the fort of the damned, which is a connection to the sea of the damned because it brings backs graymarrows GHOST and not just graymarrow
While I agree there is evidence to support the idea that the Captain is Hook, I really really hope they dont go down that route. SoT lore is strong enough on its own. It does not need cheesy help from Disney IP.
Maybe the Captain is Ramsey? Or simply someone we have not met yet. Leader of the Grand Maritime Union maybe. I hope so.
so the Ferryman, has a hook, and he has been influencing the sea of thieves for a long long time.. not in hiding able to return anytime just as he allows us to go and live out his plot.
What if The Cap’n is actually Blackbeard? He’s probably the most well known real-world pirate of all time and I think it would be sick to see a Sea of Thieves take on him. Just a thought.
I'm still convinced that it is that cursed captain from the first and third chapter of the pirates life tall tales because of falcores old video
yeah me too but I think it was pretty obvious and it was easy to figure, I’m awful at lore/mysteries and that stuff and I connected those dots before falcore, so my idea is that it is the captain from a pirates life and by making it hide in plain sight people will think it’s too obvious for the theory to be true and if it is true rare would’ve hid it better, but since it’s obvious people ignore that theory
Unfortunately, the devs said it will not be him. Which is a shame.
@@CaptainFalcore noo come on rare
What if the capn is from the Grand Maritime Union? sounds a bit like gmu.
They may NEVER tell us the LAND he’s from.
Ah yes, another video by Captain Falcore about The Cap'n
My guess is that the pirate lord was the captain all along and strived for the perfect pirate community of plundering and quarrel
The soul became the pirate lord and his corpse became the capt'n.
Beware! The one-legged man! The only man ol' Flinty feared.
they should make the next POTC movie into a SOT crossover
Well. A Peter Pan movie is close.
I do think you've got it. Nice work!
Crazy theory capn is pendragon . Hear me out before you aim your flintlocks at me. he been pulling a lot of string lately in the stories. He set out to free himself from a painting to put himself back to the world of the damned willingly. Now say the Dutchman is still in play for the story. If the ship doesn’t have a captain what would stop pendragon from easily taking over that ship?he can easy use the Dutchman for his own deeds and the swords of soul he uses can easy trap souls just as much as free them. Fair thing to note also the good guys are not always the good guy duke is a perfect example of a “good guy” that uses the player to set motion to something for him it was the start of the reapers just like stitcher Jim a trader who was once good then betrayed everyone. So yeah I would need to flesh out a few thing but my guess is the capn in pendragon and we been blinded by his loyal cuase
I think the Capt Hook idea holds a bit of weight and people are overlooking some easter egg foreshadow play here. So there was a game called Epic Mickey (saw my god kid playing it) and he was fighting "animatronic hook" on a ship, I did not think much of it at fist but lo and behold the capt had green eyes. You know who else has green eyes.... That damn mouse that keeps popping up as an Easter egg, what is the mouse synonymous with, Disney. That combined with the sea serpent ship set they just added what if the serpent isnt really a serpent they are adding but a giant crocodile... Or both.. Id like to see both.
As an avid player and huge fan of the Epic Mickey game, I'm afraid to say that Animatronic Hook has green eyes becouse of Thinner: the game's color scheme associate Blue with paint, goodness and the "right way", where Green is thinner, evilness and bad, so a lot of enemies have green eyes/color schemes
ok so has anyone else noticed any differences in the skeloton forts?
We never killed Davy Jones we merely sunk his ship for all we know he could possibly return with the capn seeing as the capn is the one with his heart
I agree with you I also think it would be cook if it was Captain Hook
If you go to I think ancient spire outpost and look at whats happening to the bartender
Now I'm thinking about the possibility of the ferryman being the cap'n and the more I think about it it actually could be him but at the same time might not be
I think the captain is actually the cursed captain from pirates life, first chapter
I think he could also be either Captain Flint or Captain Long-John Silver
Or Edward Teach
@@Chimera936 Might be a tad too Pirates of the Caribbean since he was featured there as well. I mean, we already have Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones.
How does the spy relate to the captain? Or is the captain the spy?
They should add an npc outpost named falcore isle with captain Falcore npc giving out core quests with only clues and hints but no actual info.
Didn't Mike say the Cap'n wasn't Captain Hook? Idk I could be wrong. I just thought they said that. Or did he say that just to lead us astray?
The monkey island theme at the end 🥹
If that’s the case then if flame heart were to succeed and become the pirates king then the captain can over throw him take over the rank. And there no other pirate ruthless enough to do the job.
My sails are yours captain, I love the style of your videos and topic
Im clearly behind on all this i somehow thought it could be pendragon?
What if the captain is one of the npcs found around the world or maybe duke
What if the captain is non-other then Edward Teach himself? it would be all to fitting to have one of the most famous pirate of all time show up!
Wait "pulling strings"? That sounds a lot like the new 'H' guy
What about black beard? Or like a real pirate from history? That would be cool
Maybe its the unknown "Cap'n" from that cave in Mario 64🤔
What if the cap'n is not any NPC but a player like us... someone with Captain in his name... Someone who is Sea of thieves Partner and could manipulate his watchers to do specific things at the decision points like golden sands and flamehearts resurrection... we would never expect to be him especially if he would talk about speculations of the cap'n all the time... *staring at Cap'n Falcore*
It's Cap'n Crunch... The Oreo shipset is a clue
I just wanna know if Briggsy or The Cursed Captain from The Pirate's Life Tall Tales ever met him.
Can the Cap'n be Captain Flint? I mean, in the book is said he died after drinking too much rum (the cursed chalice) and Flameheart can be a wanna be Long Jhon Silver
Dud you know the 2nd best pirate game was added to xbox gamepass ultimate today
The real question regarding the Cap'n is "Why is his surname Falc're?"
Or it could be Ramsey
I truly hope there won't b another POTC crossover. 1 time was enough