I've never quite decided it it's the phaser effect or if it was the guitar tuning itself, but the higher strings always sounded flat to me on the recording... you've caught the sound bang on there. So much of it is in the right hand too, Summers is pretty percussive. Always thought he had great skill in constructing chord shapes too. Nice job as ever JJ!
Even the songs that I don't wanna learn are fun watching. We sure appreciate you here in Maine. Let us know if you're ever in our neck of the woods. We'll feed you some lobsters. :)
Went right home to learn this one!! Rock on, that is awesome!!
Great job JJ! Andy Summers a great,underrated talent imho! Loved his use of chords,JC-120,echoplex and Roland space echo!
He used an electric mistress flanger rather than a chorus
I have always had problems figuring this song out.Thank you!!
Nice shirt.
I've never quite decided it it's the phaser effect or if it was the guitar tuning itself, but the higher strings always sounded flat to me on the recording... you've caught the sound bang on there. So much of it is in the right hand too, Summers is pretty percussive. Always thought he had great skill in constructing chord shapes too. Nice job as ever JJ!
excellent!!! you're sooooo good!!!
Nice Police song, thanks
Well done! I noticed that tele actually sound like tele even with humbuckers. Is that because of the metal bridge plate? Thank you!
Nice shirt 👍 renn Porsche
Great job!
Even the songs that I don't wanna learn are fun watching.
We sure appreciate you here in Maine.
Let us know if you're ever in our neck of the woods.
We'll feed you some lobsters.
hey James, new axe??? I don't recall seeing that before. I like the look.
Freat video!
Nice job ,James
precious sound
Great again JJ.
May I ask for your opinion on the Australian band 'Tame Impala'?
Nice one again JJ! When will you feature your brothers on Guitar?
New Tele?
good cover, where did you find the BT please ? thx
The BT?
hello, yes : the backing track, thx for your answer
It's not a backing track, I'm just playing over the song.
nice t shirt
Fuck yeah man. Beautiful
Is that a Carvin T?
is that guitar a tele. Haven't seen one in that color
Schecter Pete Townshend.
Fan of the Who "farewell" tour in 82? I watched the movie on HBO a million times as a 13 year old. Thought those were the coolest guitars ever.
I'm not a huge fan of anything after Moon died, but there were some decent shows in 82.