video of quran recitation

  • Опубліковано 31 січ 2025


  • @ArwaQueen
    @ArwaQueen 13 років тому

    الحمدالله على نعمه االسلام ..
    والله الواحد على الفساد الي نشوفه هذي االايام ..يحمد ربه انه مسلم ..وع االاقل يظمن الجنه..ان شااءالله طبعا..
    يااارب ياارب اجعل القران ربيع قلبي...
    وماتاخذ امانتك الا واقران متربع ف قلبي...
    واللهم اني اسألك حسن الخاتمه..
    جزاك الله خير ياصاحب المقطع ف ميزان حسناتك..
    am soo proud to be a muslm.

  • @mohamadkhaja19
    @mohamadkhaja19 14 років тому

    Alhamdhu lillah Allah is great Always&Allways.If we read qr`an insha Allah we will get right path,
    peacefull maind.masha Allah.

  • @ZainabBintMuhammed
    @ZainabBintMuhammed 18 років тому

    may allah give him the best in this life, the hereafter and grant him jannatul firdous.

  • @semarakapini
    @semarakapini 12 років тому

    I feel so light so involved and so clean every time after reciting the quran.. and I feel Allah is so close to me.. I have yet to understand the translations as I recite becos I dont know arabic.. I have taken some initiative to read the translations in utube and its a challenge and very inspiring to me.. may Allah guide me in my effort to learn arabic too inshaAllah.. ameen

  • @khanSherKhan
    @khanSherKhan 18 років тому

    mahsa Allah beautiful voice. They all the best, masha Allah

  • @lightuponlight87
    @lightuponlight87 18 років тому

    this starts in the middle of it, try listening to the whole thing. Glory be to Allah, it is a great quran.
    & Allah knows best

  • @QuranReading1
    @QuranReading1 13 років тому

    MashAllah great,,,

  • @ramiarab
    @ramiarab 16 років тому

    masha2allah 3aleik ya sheikh, baraka allah feek.

  • @19811111
    @19811111 17 років тому

    May Allah Bless this religion and guide all the people toward the truth.
    Allah Yhdeeeehom jmeee3n

  • @lightuponlight87
    @lightuponlight87 17 років тому

    Allaah will hold you to account to every thing you say, what will you say when asks you about these words?
    "thats what i heard" or "that's what it seemed like" or "thats what i assumed.
    Glory be to ALlaah, free from all faults you attribute to him. May Allaah guide you or give you what you deserve!!! AMEEN!! AMEEN!! AMEEN!!

  • @bkakar
    @bkakar 18 років тому

    when a time comes when your riches can't help in any way, then do reflect on the life you are living and the believes you are holding. Desire the perfect life and don't be led by your temptations.

  • @lightuponlight87
    @lightuponlight87 15 років тому

    I know my religion is the truth because we have something no one else has, the Quran.

  • @bkakar
    @bkakar 18 років тому

    who can't afford that nowadays? but we choose to have it then (ever-lasting)rather than now (our testing period) may God guide us all.

  • @ConsciousMuslims
    @ConsciousMuslims 18 років тому


    @JAALIUS 17 років тому

    tabaarak ALLAH mashALLAH

  • @lightuponlight87
    @lightuponlight87 15 років тому

    We obey God because we believe in his promise. To work for the great success of the hereafter means we believe in him, and his messengers, and his book.s.

  • @lightuponlight87
    @lightuponlight87 16 років тому

    Because Allaah has mentioned and valued it in the Quran, end of debate.

  • @Aneeqah
    @Aneeqah 19 років тому


  • @GODisNonProphet
    @GODisNonProphet 15 років тому

    Dearest lightuponlight87,
    What you are saying is echoed by followers of all religions. You all KNOW and can assure that you are following the "truth" and have the answers with the same conviction and sincerity.
    Clearly you are a good and kind person and I wish you well.

  • @GODisNonProphet
    @GODisNonProphet 15 років тому

    Dearest lightuponlight87,
    Your kind words reflect your the good in you.
    Go in peace brother.

  • @capgarcia
    @capgarcia 17 років тому

    ma sha Allah...does anyone know the name of this recitor?

  • @GODisNonProphet
    @GODisNonProphet 16 років тому

    Dearest pointdot09,
    Who said I am not going to "enjoy paradise forever and ever...endless peace and happiness"?
    Your belief warrants no more attention than mine.
    Can you please explain the promise of "armbands of gold" and "pearls" in the Quran if, (as you say) they are not the objective? Can you please explain why are they specifically mentioned?

  • @abdohawaii
    @abdohawaii 17 років тому

    You must Check this wonderful Quran's recitation
    by typing in the search box:

  • @lightuponlight87
    @lightuponlight87 18 років тому

    surat Hajj, Chapter 22, but it starts from the middle

  • @lightuponlight87
    @lightuponlight87 18 років тому

    surat Hajj, chapter 22

  • @PARVEZ16
    @PARVEZ16 17 років тому

    Subanallah may the kufar recieve the harsh punishment of jehenam for denying the words of God all mighty !!!

  • @pointdot09
    @pointdot09 16 років тому

    The luxuries of this world will continue in paradise...But the ones in paradise are not like the ones on this planet. These are just means of letting us know whats goin to be there. No one has ever seen, felt or smelt the paradise....It is an unseen world beyond our imagination. And everyone in paradise is going to have all of there is no jealousy or anything...Since we will be living there in luxury we will have all of these things to enjoy. There will be no rich or poor there...

  • @warorislam
    @warorislam 16 років тому

    spikesmith: i'm sure you have heard some nice recitation for an arabic illeterate...every recitor is different

  • @pointdot09
    @pointdot09 16 років тому

    Muslims, true Jews who followed the teachings of Prophet Moses (pbuh) and Christians who followed the teachings of Jesus (pbuh) will go to heaven. Come on brother. you are old now and you will be under he ground soon. Die as a believer and you will enjoy paradise forever and ever...endless peace and happiness. Say the Shahadah with true belief and you will be sinless before you die. That is how easy it is.

  • @lightuponlight87
    @lightuponlight87 16 років тому

    Ibn 'abas(May Allaah be pleased with him) said "there is nothing of this world present in jannah except for the names." We call it pearls, but it is nothing like the pearls of this world, and it has value because Allaah has created it for the believers.
    Are you more knowledgable than Allaah, that you think he should remove the mention of the material pleasures of jennah from his book?

  • @lightuponlight87
    @lightuponlight87 15 років тому

    The only reason God sent us on this earth was to test us. And I assure you, our beliefs are part of this test, and it means everything.
    You are practically guessing the answers to life. yet we were given a book with all the answers. Check out the video in my favorites "devine speech" and see how we KNOW that it is the true words of God himself.

  • @GODisNonProphet
    @GODisNonProphet 16 років тому

    Dearest pointdot09,
    Thank you for your note.
    I hold myself fully accountable and run from nothing.
    Peace and tranquility come from truth.
    Do you think that what you choose to believe or not believe has any more relevance than what I believe?
    All Muslims, Jews, Christians etc. believe they will go to heaven and the others are doomed.
    This makes no sense.

  • @GODisNonProphet
    @GODisNonProphet 16 років тому

    Dearest lightuponlight87,
    Do you not find it odd that Allah would promise silk? Silk may have been highly valued in the time of Mohammed (PBUH) but surely Allah would know of its relative worthlessness in our time.
    And pearls can now be had very cheaply.
    My point is, Allah does not need to promise trinkets; He is enough.

  • @lightuponlight87
    @lightuponlight87 15 років тому

    Thank you for your kind words. I hope to be a good and kind person, and I also wish you well.
    Everyone thinks they have the true religion. But logically, there can only be one truth. If he says jesus wasn't real, the other says he was the son of God, and some say he was a messenger of God, while others say he existed, but was a liar. Historically, only one of these beliefs could be correct. So everyone is saying they're correct. Yet, one of them MUST be correct.

  • @GODisNonProphet
    @GODisNonProphet 16 років тому

    Dearest pointdot09,
    This makes no sense.
    What are the "luxuries of this world"? Gold, pearls, silk?
    How can anything, any object, luxurious or not be desired when compared to the pleasure of God?
    Why is it necessary to promise anything but the pleasure of God?
    If everyone has it, what's it worth? Why value it?

  • @lekhssassi1
    @lekhssassi1 17 років тому

    mashallah akhi i love him so much here is an other video of tawfeeq

  • @pointdot09
    @pointdot09 16 років тому

    If you are running away from accountability after death, you are running away from the truth. There is a injustice in this world. And God is All Just and All Wise. Justice will be done to everyone. It is common sense to want peace and tranquility for yourself. You won't be very smart if you go around looking for trouble, would you? Not believing or believing in heaven and hell, will not change the reality. You are heading toward one of them and you have the free will to make that choice.

  • @GODisNonProphet
    @GODisNonProphet 15 років тому

    Dearest lightuponlight87,
    My good deeds require nothing in return.
    If you choose to believe that your Lord requires virtuous deeds to keep his promise, so be it.
    The truth never requires faith. Never. The truth does not care what we believe, never did, never will.
    Belief in the day of judgement is a choice and requires faith. If we are both wrong, (and the Christians or Jews for example are right) let us agree to save each other a seat in hell.
    I'll bring the pearls.

  • @timanfaraji3151
    @timanfaraji3151 11 років тому


  • @GODisNonProphet
    @GODisNonProphet 15 років тому

    Dearest negaayesegaaye,
    "One plus one equals two" can be read 100 times or 10 times and it is never fresh; the truth never changes.
    That you say the quran is always fresh implies that it is vague and open to interpretations.
    All religious teaching is based on "evidence" that doesn't pass the test of proof beyond all doubt; it's called faith.
    Go in peace.

  • @GODisNonProphet
    @GODisNonProphet 16 років тому

    If it is necessary to bribe people with trinkets in heaven, (armbands of gold and pearls) and threaten the most horrid eternal hell fire if they do not follow, then how do you trust your followers?
    If you need the promise gifts and the threat of hell to be good, then you are not good.
    You either know right from wrong and good from bad or you are a mistake and have crappy parents.
    We do not need gifts or threats. We need to do what is right and good.
    Use gifts and threats to train dogs.

  • @LondonStreetDawah
    @LondonStreetDawah 16 років тому

    Petronilus no not all humans beings are equal the criminal and the innocent are not equal don't just speak think hard then speak.

  • @GODisNonProphet
    @GODisNonProphet 15 років тому

    Dearest lightuponlight87,
    You must agree that to believe in something doesn't nesscessarily make it true; (if it did, all religions would therefore be true).
    You choose to believe what you believe. Truth does not allow one to choose. The truth is, one plus one equals two. We have no choice.
    By the way, I can get you a great deal on pearls and silk right now; I promise.

  • @spikesmth
    @spikesmth 16 років тому

    THIS is what i'm fucking talking about! watch?v=jivNz_i9QTU

  • @GODisNonProphet
    @GODisNonProphet 16 років тому

    Dearest pointdot09,
    Thank you for your note.
    You may conduct yourself out of fear or hope; I do not.
    You can want and hate what you like; sometimes what is good is too costly and what is bad is necessary.
    Why bother promising gifts and paradise, (both objective) if they are not important?
    Only an idiot would put his hand in boiling oil; you do it and pray for no harm.
    Welcome to the real world; hell's existence requires your belief.

  • @GODisNonProphet
    @GODisNonProphet 14 років тому

    The Quran extols the virtue of modesty and yet promises items of earthly vanity, (gold, pearls and silk etc.) in paradise.
    This makes no sense.

  • @lightuponlight87
    @lightuponlight87 15 років тому

    No, you're saying that to do good deeds for paradise is not virtuous. I say that it is virtuous because your working for a promise OF YOUR LORD. You're showing faith IN THE TRUTH.
    Why don't you wait until the day of judgement and then tell the creator of the heavens and earth that you disagree with the holy Quran. tell him that you think that it would have been wise to remove the mention of pearls and silk from the Quran.

  • @AGBV
    @AGBV 17 років тому

    So??? Gooooooooooooo...

  • @yaron777
    @yaron777 13 років тому

    الإسلام ق سوى حفنة من الحكايات الخيالية. ويوجد منطق على الإطلاق. فقط الكثير من أعمال العنف. وكان محمد لا نبي، والإسلام هو عبادة الأوثان. صلاتك، كنت مجرد تكرار نفس الكلمات مرارا وتكرارا.

  • @salehkb
    @salehkb 17 років тому

    what r u talking about>.??
    are u ok little boy
    all of what u have been saing is bullshit
    and i can see that because of the point which u have made and it comparing Saudi arabia and Iran>
    so where r u from then
    and what do u follow

  • @pointdot09
    @pointdot09 16 років тому

    Most of the things you do in your life is out of fear or hope. It is human nature to want what is good and hate what is bad. So don't get too excited with your nonsense philosophy of life. Saan is playing tricks with you. Moreover the gifts are paradise are not the real objective, it is the pleasure of God.
    Put your hands in boiling oil for a second and then try to spit out your won't even go there my friend. Welcome to real world. All Prophets have warned about the hell fire.