10:50 watching Chloe's stream I honestly though AZKi died here and dropped her items at that moment, but then miraculously survived. Didn't realize she went down the mine and wasn't even harmed in the explosion.
I thought my JP hearing was worse than ever at 7:20 but I *think* azki is saying おうち帰る not that it literally matters at all but just for my sanity's sake. It is really nice to see how they all started on this server more in general and the JP subs you started adding more of are a really nice touch as well. thanks
言い方を変えると、「俺様(私、Marin)を守るという役割をあなた(Polka)に与えてあげるから、ありがたく思いなさい」という、selfish/bossyなキャラが言いそうなセリフ(もちろんjoke)。translationしたら、"Be grateful that I'll entrust you with the role of protecting me."になった。 「~っつってんの!」は「~と言っているんだよ!」で、これもoverbearingな言い方。
I love how it cuts to Polka still in her hole after all the chaos lol
I like the cut to Polka just in the dark making animal noises, surrounded by animals. XD
He likes stinky smell 💀
Remember kids, Take a bath everyday keep creepers away
-Sun tzu, art of wars
10:50 watching Chloe's stream I honestly though AZKi died here and dropped her items at that moment, but then miraculously survived. Didn't realize she went down the mine and wasn't even harmed in the explosion.
12:32 -- Famous last words.
I thought my JP hearing was worse than ever at 7:20 but I *think* azki is saying おうち帰る not that it literally matters at all but just for my sanity's sake. It is really nice to see how they all started on this server more in general and the JP subs you started adding more of are a really nice touch as well. thanks
0:09 (FYI) 「~もろて」(suffix)は「~もらって」のKansai dialectで、「~してもらえるとありがたい」「できれば~してほしい」の意味。Kansai areaの人でなくても、最近よく使う。
2:00 「いいの?いいの?初日から」(初日から死人が出てもいいのか、の意味)
2:30、2:38 「俺様を守らせてやる、っつってんの!」
8:47 この「埋めて」はimperative form(Bury me!)で、クリーパーが入ってこないように私を埋めてください、の意味
12:53 「可笑しい」は"funny"になってしまうので"strange"なら「可怪しい」だが、どちらの漢字も通常あまり使わず「おかしい」と書くのが一般的(novelなどのwritingでは、たまに使う)
言い方を変えると、「俺様(私、Marin)を守るという役割をあなた(Polka)に与えてあげるから、ありがたく思いなさい」という、selfish/bossyなキャラが言いそうなセリフ(もちろんjoke)。translationしたら、"Be grateful that I'll entrust you with the role of protecting me."になった。
That first day was such an energetic joy 😋 I hadn't even realized they had this many creeper scares! Amazing
what is this that i feel when i hear sakamata scream and laugh