al momento exacto en que te van a pegar, usa bloqueo, MARTIAL ARTS ES LA PERFECTA PARA ESTO, ya que hace la animación de contra ataque. Yo juego como este tipo, no es por presumir pero jugamos igual..
I never knew famlay could pop up in the second round of the free for all tournament lol but how does he fight in the tournament? I noticed that people fight differently in different areas like how mack 10 and prodigy are majorly defensive in the chop shop tournament but are pretty stupid when you fight them when they're the club bosses but does famlay reverse alot of your grapples like mack 10, prodigy, warren g and all them?
This person cant really teach you anything, just look at the way they play its all about timeing your counters if you practice on hard difficulty like this person does youll get better at it. Its not like they can do a tutorial on how they play because "everyone got ther own style" -Snowman.. ^-^
This game is just full of surprises
love youre videos
He turned Bubba's Blaze In mode into a weakness lmao
maverick what are those % above youre skills that you train? i still didnt figure that out
They're Milestones, I've already made a video about that.
I got a cheat code "newjack" endless points
+Alpha Maverick good video
i couldnt find that video.
YO MAVERICK!!! it's been a month since yo latest video and you've been taking your vacation on yo own?
Hey bro! make a video with tips for help us! thank you brotha
Alpha Maverick ¿How You Record?
does anyone know how he does these counterattacks?
please make more videos
I never knew there was a light there
What kind of pound is he and what is his weight?
oh be your character chazz?
i love this game kick ass if was ps4 me and you online
you know how many fighters I can create? i have 8..
alpha necesito que me enseñes como detener o anticipar los movimientos de la maquina... o los que sepan como se hace que me enseñen gracias
al momento exacto en que te van a pegar, usa bloqueo, MARTIAL ARTS ES LA PERFECTA PARA ESTO, ya que hace la animación de contra ataque. Yo juego como este tipo, no es por presumir pero jugamos igual..
I never knew famlay could pop up in the second round of the free for all tournament lol but how does he fight in the tournament? I noticed that people fight differently in different areas like how mack 10 and prodigy are majorly defensive in the chop shop tournament but are pretty stupid when you fight them when they're the club bosses but does famlay reverse alot of your grapples like mack 10, prodigy, warren g and all them?
He fights the same just like the 7th Heaven club fight.
Alpha Maverick oh I gotchu. I also didn't know bubba sparxxx popped up in the 3rd round of the free for all tournament lol
You use a emulador ? .-.
Recorded it from the system!
teach us how to play this game
This person cant really teach you anything, just look at the way they play its all about timeing your counters if you practice on hard difficulty like this person does youll get better at it. Its not like they can do a tutorial on how they play because "everyone got ther own style" -Snowman.. ^-^
Martial Arts.
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