LYRICS : You came in like an angel, everyday was lookin right, oh yeah. Got my my heart on the table, got me high like it was heaven sent. In with the midnight, he was a goner. Come the Wednesday, i tried to call ya. Saw the headlights, i knew i lost ya. Stole my kisses, its gonna cost ya. (CHORUS) Thief looks like an angel. i saw it coming but he blinded me. Now i see a different angle, he came and took it like a robbery. Oh no, no, no, no, no Runnin in circles, runnin in circles. Thief looks like an angel, i tried to catch him but he got away. away, away, away, away away, away, away, away away, away, away, away away, away, away, away He walked out like a monster, left a cold pillow in my bed. Red-handed, i caught ya, but you got nothin to say. In with midnight he was a goner, come the Wednesday i tried to call ya. Saw the headlights, i knew i lost ya. Stole my kisses its gonna cost ya. (CHORUS) (away 4×4) (Spanish?) (CHORUS) (AWAY 4×4) its the way u can tell that i got lazy towards the end lmao
They’re getting leaked, certain songs have gotten taken down due to copyright ppl are saying them songs were supposed to be on CC3. I don’t know weather to enjoy these or what cause I kinda feel bad.
I wish this song actually got released cuase its so amazing and l love the part of thief looks like an angel . Maybe some other parts she could update but l love this song . The vocals , the beat everything is perfect . Too bad this song was one of those that went away and never got released
deja de difundir las canciones, camila ya dijo que si ella no lanzaba una canción era por algo y no sabes si la iba a sacar en algún momento, te estás cagando en su trabajo.
Español: No filtres las canciones que Camila no saca man eso está súper mal dónde queda todo el esfuerzo que hace si ella aún no las saca es por algo Inglish: Do not filter the songs that Camila does not release man that is super bad where is all the effort she makes if she still does not release them is for something Francés: Ne filtrez pas les chansons que Camila ne sort pas mec c'est super mauvais où est tout l'effort qu'elle fait si elle ne les sort toujours pas est pour quelque chose Portugués: Não filtra as canções que Camila não liberta homem que é super mau onde está todo o esforço que ela faz se ainda não as liberta é para alguma coisa Chino: 它不会过滤掉Camila不会释放非常糟糕的男人的歌曲,如果她仍然不释放的话,她所做的一切努力是为了什么 Haber si con todos esos idiomas entienden 🙄
You came in like an angel, everyday was lookin right, oh yeah.
Got my my heart on the table, got me high like it was heaven sent.
In with the midnight, he was a goner.
Come the Wednesday, i tried to call ya.
Saw the headlights, i knew i lost ya.
Stole my kisses, its gonna cost ya.
Thief looks like an angel.
i saw it coming but he blinded me.
Now i see a different angle, he came and took it like a robbery.
Oh no, no, no, no, no
Runnin in circles, runnin in circles.
Thief looks like an angel,
i tried to catch him but he got away.
away, away, away, away
away, away, away, away
away, away, away, away
away, away, away, away
He walked out like a monster,
left a cold pillow in my bed.
Red-handed, i caught ya,
but you got nothin to say.
In with midnight he was a goner,
come the Wednesday i tried to call ya.
Saw the headlights, i knew i lost ya.
Stole my kisses its gonna cost ya.
(away 4×4)
(AWAY 4×4)
its the way u can tell that i got lazy towards the end lmao
thanks babes
to the “come to wednesday” part. i think its “got no answer”
I heard her songs were leaked. Now my ears have been blessed
Why didn't these leaked songs make it on any of her albums! This one is soooo gooood!
Poor Camila, this could have been release, now it get leaked
No man
This is I don't know what!
How could this be leaked
I am confused
Omg I hope she release this SO BAD 😭🙌
this song sounds like a single
Kinda mad they leaked all her work but this is beautiful
Damn this is fire
Love all her music... she is one of the best top singers!!!! She is just amazing!!!! 👏🏻😍😍😍😍👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😍😍🙏🏻
This song is so good
I frickin love this
"Thief leaking her singles"
hahahaaa lol
literally jfc
They’re getting leaked, certain songs have gotten taken down due to copyright ppl are saying them songs were supposed to be on CC3. I don’t know weather to enjoy these or what cause I kinda feel bad.
@@taytay9418 most of them were songs she wrote and recorded in 2017 and 2018 so I don’t think that these were for CC3
@@Unknown-om3vf I’m saying what others are saying which is why you can’t find all the song about 6 got leaked and I can only find 2
@@taytay9418 I found 5 of them.
Camila Cabello Latina girl !
Help i cant stop listening to this
Pls don't upload her leaked songs , they might be for cinderella or CC3 and if they are streamed she'll never release them
i love the caribbean vibes
Right 👏🏾👏🏾
Why are there so many C unrealeased songs had be leaked recently?
I wish this song actually got released cuase its so amazing and l love the part of thief looks like an angel . Maybe some other parts she could update but l love this song . The vocals , the beat everything is perfect . Too bad this song was one of those that went away and never got released
Wowwwwwwwww 🤘🖐😮💕😱
una alma bondadosa y la suba subtitulada xfa
Wtf 3 canciones filtradas en un día esto no es mormal
Why are there so many unreleased songs and where are you findin' this??? hHAHH
deja de difundir las canciones, camila ya dijo que si ella no lanzaba una canción era por algo y no sabes si la iba a sacar en algún momento, te estás cagando en su trabajo.
If this one gets deleted can you pls put it again???🙏🙏🙏💗💗💗
Está es una señal para que nos preparemos porque vendrá algo🙁
Krai Camila você por acaso escuta as coisas q vc descarta?
Where do y'all find her leaked songs??
it sounded like I don't care by Ed in the beginning👀
No dejen que sigan escu hando más las filtradas :"(
Have you any information about the song
this kind of sounds like Lauren's I don't miss ya
it’s just the reggaeton genre
just the same genre lol
Gnt de onde tá saindo tanta música descartada?
Noooo no filtren sus canciones plis😢🙏🙏
stop uploading songs that camila not speaking delete
No filtres las canciones que Camila no saca man eso está súper mal dónde queda todo el esfuerzo que hace si ella aún no las saca es por algo
Do not filter the songs that Camila does not release man that is super bad where is all the effort she makes if she still does not release them is for something
Ne filtrez pas les chansons que Camila ne sort pas mec c'est super mauvais où est tout l'effort qu'elle fait si elle ne les sort toujours pas est pour quelque chose
Não filtra as canções que Camila não liberta homem que é super mau onde está todo o esforço que ela faz se ainda não as liberta é para alguma coisa
Haber si con todos esos idiomas entienden 🙄
why do all her songs get leaked?
Dari mana lagu ini bocor?
gebte o vazamento
Please delete it