I find it interesting her name is Lauren Boles because Laura Marano is Ally and Lauren Boles is Kindergarten Ally so Laura and Lauren! :) P.S. my name is also Laura
In all honesty, The Ladybug Song was a poorly-sung (although I'm pretty sure this was on purpose on the actress's part) song with lyrics that made little sense, but considering that she was a little kid with surely a wild imagination, I can't say I hate it. Ultimately, however, they'd want to sing a song that made more sense lyric-wise for a spring pageant, with that song being The Butterfly Song. Just saying.
Miyako Suzushima yeah and it being an elementary school, the pageant was probably more for educational purposes than fun/just a cute play for the parents.
@@bellaknightR597 Well, you say that the two kids you pointed out were Austin and Dez as their younger selves. And I was saying that those two kids were not them as younger selves. Mainly because I think the writers didn't intend for that.
@brocksampson3405 ok, I get that it wasn't intended. That's why I said it's one one of my headcanons because that's what headcanon means. It's Canon to me, probably me only, and I'm okay with that
@@bellaknightR597 I know what headcanons are but I understand the point. Has there been anyone else who had the same headcanon as you on this? You can't be the only one who has that headcanon.
“Have fun with no lyrics!”
“No eating in the classroom!”
Damn, Ally was savage af 😂
Kawaii Potato LOL
That was funny
My boss say something no eating no pop in the classrooms anymore 😊
Little ally was SAVAGE
🐂🐂🐂🐂🐃🐂🐃🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱o 😮😴😴🐓🐓🐓🐱🐱🐱🐱
H.hxnnxh ! This
Ally is wearing the same dress in both scenes
Kamala Dabas that’s because it all happened on the same day.
Kamala Dabas that’s kinda the point
it's not cause the one she was wearing was diffrint.
Victoria Tran-Le she meant also in the Part when she was little
Almost the same
Tilly:Have fun singing with no lyrics.*crumbles up paper*
Ally:Theres no eating in the classroom.
Tilly should have gotten a time out for throwing a tantrum in Kindergarten
@@lauracoles7507and how about also getting a timeout for pushing the school supplies off the teacher’s desk.
@@josephbruno3921 Yes. That too. The teacher should've suspended her for acting out.
1:56 me in math class
Libby Xx OMG sameeee lol
I'm like that in science 😂 she boring
Facts I’m literally in the advanced class for ela but suck at math
@@alwaysforeverstargirl NHmDfgdfzcsdxcxb fbffcc
Its funny she mentions ladybugs because didnt laura Morano the one who plays ally sing miraculous ladybugs theme song 😏
Tatyana Simmons 00 lucky
Tatyana Simmons7😘
Ye.. Good reference
Tatyana Simmons lol
really? whoa
2:33 look at Austin 's face. It was clear he loved ally's "There' s no eating in the classroom."
I loved watching Austin and Ally during my first semester of my freshman year of college.
Is that Cherry from Thundermans
Chezy N you mean Pheobes friend?
Chezy N yuppp
Chezy N yes
LPS Covers/Skits yep
LPS Covers/Skits yep
When you just realized that she is CHERRY FROM THE THUNDERMANS
Bruhh even in kindergarten Trish got fired 😂😂😂😂
I don't think you can get fired in Kindergarten
The little girl who acts for the crazy blondy Tilly is good!!!!👌👌👌👌
1:41 how you feel when you drop your ice-cream
mehdi leiaghat true😂
I would feel so mad
@@jackiewalton2094 Me too
2:31 what’s going inside my head when my math teacher says we have a test tomorrow
1:56 how YOU FEEL when YOU DONT got icecream
The tiny girl who played ally also played as Rachel berry's mini me
I remember that ep 7 season 2
Also ciara in days of our lives
Her name is Lauren Boles
I find it interesting her name is Lauren Boles because Laura Marano is Ally and Lauren Boles is Kindergarten Ally so Laura and Lauren! :)
P.S. my name is also Laura
has anyone realized that austin was that little blonde kid wearing red at the back of the classroom
Tina Dela Torre
Was it really him?
Nah it wasn’t he would have said in the future presence that he was in that class
{ELITE}Sparky_ Gar it's a cool THEORY though
Austin and Ally met in the first episode
Tina Dela Torre I chose ally
In all honesty, The Ladybug Song was a poorly-sung (although I'm pretty sure this was on purpose on the actress's part) song with lyrics that made little sense, but considering that she was a little kid with surely a wild imagination, I can't say I hate it. Ultimately, however, they'd want to sing a song that made more sense lyric-wise for a spring pageant, with that song being The Butterfly Song. Just saying.
Miyako Suzushima yeah and it being an elementary school, the pageant was probably more for educational purposes than fun/just a cute play for the parents.
Why are y'all giving such educated responses.
I think they actually literally said it was kindergarten and NOT elementary school
Ikr, I probably would've written something like the ladybug song
i love this show so much i wach i evey day mostly
Hannahjo Loiseau me too a couple of years ago i met Laura Marano she gave me a hug and we took picutres she was so nice and never got back next time
2:02 OOH NO WAY?!?! I’d be so mad if I were you! 😂💀😂💀
Tbh I feel I’d be Dez in this moment lol something I’d do but on purpose lol
I'm surprised the teacher didn't do anything when Tilly was pusher her stuff to the floor
AldinePlays Boop true
AldinePlays Boop D
AldinePlays Boop g
AldinePlays Boop i nnn
AldinePlays Boop ii
Awwwww baby Rachel
I remember this episode
Everybody hated Tilly's song and they all loved Ally's song
MarieCarrasco143 NO CRAP!!!!?
MarieCarrasco143 No really!? 😂
MarieCarrasco143 NO shit😂
*dramatic gasp*
MarieCarrasco143 Really? I never knew.
I love this year has the best thing for my birthday
I love 💕 the butterfly 🦋 song ally good
I thought the lady bug song was cute!!!
Im a little ladybug I have a polka dot I love to eat pizza and ride my bicycle! 0:56
Every Day With Sloane yeah honestly it was cute
The teacher didn’t clap for her at least how rude she is
Ladybugs don’t eat pizza or ride bicycles 🤷♀️
@@OrlandoGarza07 Yeah
Cherry from the thundermans
That girl really is insane
Audrey is from The Thundermans.
Laura Marano sang Miraculous Ladybug 🐞 theme song.
I think both little girls are cute, pretty, funny & awesome at acting 👍🏻
The Actress who played Young Ally was Young Ciara on Days of our Lives
Trish is like Jonesie from 6teen. They both get fired from jobs often.😂😂😂
That's also the girl who played young Rachel in glee
I'm watching Austin and Ally on UA-cam
Theres no eating in the classroom 😂😂
When I was in Kindergarten, we were allowed to eat
2:27That high pitch scream!!!
Tilly should have gotten a timeout
And now Austin is acting in chilling adventures of Sabrina 😍😍
lovely ally
1:56 me when I see my math homework
Love the butterfly song
This show was hilarious
Sorry, I don't remember receiving an email. Try resending.
This video is only a year younger than me
This video was posted when I was 10 years old
allys cool awsome
Hi Jeremy my names Emily.
Love it.😆😆😆
Young trish and ally were cute.
me too
Good job parents go Gold ninjas !
That’s Cherry from The Thundermans.
When I was in Kindergarten, we were allowed to eat
Back in 2007 and 2008
I'm a little butterfly, spread my colorful wings! Hopefully I don't get shot in the head, or I will be surely dead!
I met Laura Marano 4 years ago
Little Ally is so cute
Yeah I agree
The same little Alley played as little Rachel from Glee on season 2 episode 7
2:31 how it feels to chew 5 gum
I love to eat pizza and ride my bicycle me too gallll
You can't tell me the 2 kids in the back at 0:40 aren't Austin and Dez. You just can't. It's my head canon
You do know that it's not really them as their younger selves, right?
@brocksampson3405 what do you mean?
@@bellaknightR597 Well, you say that the two kids you pointed out were Austin and Dez as their younger selves. And I was saying that those two kids were not them as younger selves. Mainly because I think the writers didn't intend for that.
@brocksampson3405 ok, I get that it wasn't intended. That's why I said it's one one of my headcanons because that's what headcanon means. It's Canon to me, probably me only, and I'm okay with that
@@bellaknightR597 I know what headcanons are but I understand the point. Has there been anyone else who had the same headcanon as you on this? You can't be the only one who has that headcanon.
That ladybug song is GOLD
i like ally s childhood she looks very cute
The Trish part had me laughed my ass off
The Insane...ly talented girl who was younger, is from Sam and Cat. Daisy.
The ladybug song was nice because she was a little girl and kid's don't know about animals
That’s cherry from the thundermans
1:43 Me in Science class.
I like Austin preyt
0:34 2:28 there's no eating in the classroom
When I was in Kindergarten back in 2007-2008, we were allowed to eat
I love Dez 😭😭
Who's Eliana
Yaretzy04 Compilation Follow young Trish who is my cousin
@@rodrickmunguia4060 is eliana ur cousin I dont understand!?
What I find funny about this even when she was little Trish was not good at having a job
That girl in the orange fish costume was also on the UA-cam series "Betch"!
The awkward moment when the ladybug song was WAY more in tune.....
as so cool
"Guess who got a job as the hall monitor?!" Trish was still the same in 1st grade 😂😂😂
To be honest it's almost as if they wanted to make it look like Ally's hair got darker when she became a teen or something
2:10 me when I am mad
What does the title mean..
The girl playing little ally was on glee as little Rachel search up glee minis you might recognize her
#savage Ally
Am i the only one who slightly liked the ladybug song more? Yes? Ok. 😔
It sounds like something would write. It's cute
Thats cherry from thundermans
My name is Eliana!
The girl that played little ally was also playing little rachel berry
I used to love this show when i was little but looking back at this oH mY gOd this is terribel
Damn girl
Oh geez so much better
Is that cherry from Thundermans
My fav is Rina Rodriguez
I'm a little butterfly even though I'm small and frail and I can do any thing
I think the lady bug song so cute!! Ally didn't have an imagination when she was little
Stacie Beard atleast she's smart , unlike u😂
Stacie Beard shut up
Stacie Beard can u do any better😒
Stacie Beard Bruh are you rlly that stupid theh hired little kids to play as small ally trish and the other girl so stop begin stupid
Stacie Beard ye stfu
2:30 *TILLY RAGE!!!*
Tilly should have gotten a timeout for throwing a tantrum in Kindergarten
Its funny she mentions lady bugs became didn't laura morano the one who plays ally miraculous lady bugs theme song😄
that wasnt elliana