Funerals In The Static | An XCOM 2: MBR LoreShort

  • Опубліковано 20 жов 2019
  • Yes, a lore short. This didn't fit the next ep as this + intro'd be too long.
    Speaking of episode, that's still being recorded (the game keeps crashing and every time I reboot I have to pray the campaign save isn't bricked). Got Comic-Con this weekend & then some time off with family, I'll be chiseling at MBR as & when I can but this next one is a bigwig. Ho Boy.
  • Ігри


  • @gamer65688
    @gamer65688 4 роки тому +85

    Central, get the Flamer. The Heavy Flamer. This one will be for our boy Mike.

    • @NodDisciple1
      @NodDisciple1 4 роки тому +1

      Let me go with you...fetch me Mini(gun)-Bambi and Thumper.

  • @phoenixmage4439
    @phoenixmage4439 4 роки тому +83

    That hit like a ton of bricks.

  • @MrVauxs
    @MrVauxs 4 роки тому +55

    They may be replaced with another soldiers. But they will be remembered in our hearts. Archives. And databas-bzZt
    [Warning: This broadcast has been muted as of the ADVENT anti-radio policy, please stay still in case you were listening to this broadcast.]

  • @laziwastaken
    @laziwastaken 4 роки тому +53

    I hate it when soldiers I had for a long time just die.

  • @vitthedimensionaltraveler2627
    @vitthedimensionaltraveler2627 4 роки тому +62

    Leaves from the vine
    Falling so slow
    Like fragile tiny shells
    Drifting in the foam
    Little soldier boy
    Come marching home
    Brave soldier boy
    Comes marching home
    Those leaves did grow
    From branches overgrown
    Drifting slowly down
    Resting on the loam
    Little soldier boy
    Taken from home
    Forced to fight a war
    That's not his own
    Leaves from the vine
    Falling so slow
    Like fragile tiny shells
    Drifting in the foam
    Little soldier boy says
    "Carry me home"
    Sleeping soldier boy
    Is carried home

  • @mateosanchezaquino3829
    @mateosanchezaquino3829 4 роки тому +15

    I remember, in Hitman: Blood Money there was another assassin with the same origins as 47 who they nicknamed "El Albino" due to his white hair and pale skin. Maybe you can look him up and ask him to lend a hand on the problem with ADVENT. Your choice, Commander

  • @wertijvonbelker312
    @wertijvonbelker312 4 роки тому +21

    "we win some we lose few hundred" i always could hear from advents what by miracle survided...
    but when i saw the report.... its just.... well... i almost wanted to cry.... but well..
    we cant do anything right now... than just deal with our loss and continue the fight
    "we win some... we lose some"... its towards everyone.. not just advent.. but us as well...
    *salute and put a drawing of each of our fallen friends portraits what i made for them ealier on thier graves*

  • @yeahnope2349
    @yeahnope2349 4 роки тому +35

    Awhhh, this is pretty sad, rip Hitman. Looking forward to what happens next, though.

  • @shadowofsocialawkwardness4900
    @shadowofsocialawkwardness4900 4 роки тому +26

    Gah! I was not prepared to feel real feelings today! God bless you Mike 47. Here's hoping it wasn't in vain.

  • @EditEdward
    @EditEdward  4 роки тому +39

    Fun Facts:
    1. There’s an easter egg in there somewhere.
    2. The dictation software I was trialing thinks peace is spelt piece. Bit bad taste given his death there Dragon NaturallySpeaking. /facepalm

  • @axios4702
    @axios4702 4 роки тому +7

    The fallen shall be forever remembered as humanity's finest...

  • @robertlombardo8437
    @robertlombardo8437 4 роки тому +7

    God bless you, Tobias Rieper. May we meet again back beyond the looking glass.

  • @Nofsleft
    @Nofsleft 4 роки тому +8

    Sorry if this is somewhat chaotic, but it is nearly 5 A.M here and i had trouble seeing through the tears, but here is my tribute to Hitman: A short story that is below this paragraph. Maybe I will post this or another version on my Fanfiction Account one day, but for now I am going to lay down for a while. It is a little long, and it is far from my best, but I hope you all enjoy it. Have a great day/evening/night.
    And Commander...Give.Them.Hell.
    Short Story Begins Below:
    He knew it was the end...flames licking at his skin and smoke filling his lungs as the resistance fort burned under the combined force of an all out assault from what amounted to an entire army's worth of firepower. Plasma bolts smashed into the sand, turning it into glass that shattered under his heel as he sprinted across it, mace held in one hand and gun in the other, the scores of ADVENT corpses that he left in his wake and the blood and fluid that seeped from their wounds, be they the mangled corpses of chryssalids or the wreckages of Andromedons or even the clone soldiers of ADVENT, soaking into the ground and making the glassed sand slick, the nauseating pallet of colors would have made a lesser man lose his lunch, that is if the stench didn't do the job first. Yet still he charged forward, heedless of the bolts of super-heated death that atomized and glassed the land that they touched, taking down one soldier after another his mind running at speeds that seemed impossible, m,ore than likely due to a large amount of adrenaline of perhaps it was pure focus and experience, and yet...deep in his heart this man born and bred for the sole purpose of killing knew...that this would be the end. He could feel exhaustion starting to creep up on him, and even as he left more and more bodies in his wake...he knew it was only a matter of time. One after another the bodies piled up, heaps so large he doubted the sun would be visible come morning, both friend and foe alike laying there on the ground or strewn across battlements or reduced to naught but ash. Some comrades he had worked with for what felt like years, some strangers from the Resistance, and some the unlucky pawns of the Elders who had crossed their path this day. Long ago he had been made to forsake his emotions, long ago he had lost his heart, and yet...and yet he felt something stream from the corners of his eyes as he fought on, hearing the anguished cry of one of the only other two soldiers left standing as a blast struck her side, her distorted voice wailing in pain piercing his ears even as the other soldier let out a roar of such rage that had they been foes his heart would more than likely have frozen in his chest as his blood ran chill under such naked killing intent. Despite the logic in his mind telling him to take cover...I-Doll and Dickens needed him to fight on the front...the Commander needed him on the front, and so he would fight on the front, he would buy them as much time as he could, lessen the numbers of ADVENT as much as he could...and if he fell...well at least he wouldn't be going alone.
    He didn't know when it hit him, he doubted he even knew what hit him, one moment he was standing mace swinging down onto the skull of a chryssalid...and the next he lay on the cool sand, the heat of flames licking at one side of his rapidly numbing body as a sharp pain lanced through his chest...
    'So this is it,' he thought. 'No way I'm getting out of this one...'...he breathed in, the acrid air was unusually pleasant, perhaps because some part of him knew that this was the last breath that he would take in this world, or maybe it was because he could smell the dead ADVENT on the it, and if he had killed enough that even amidst the smoke of the burning fort he could make out their fetid stench of death, maybe, just maybe, he had killed enough of them for I-Doll and Dickens to survive...maybe...
    'Lord,' he thought once more, tears beginning to spill once more from his eyes as years of conditioning shattered under the weight of a re-awakened heart, 'I have never prayed to you before, in fact I doubt you exist...but if you do...if you are out there looking down on us right them. You can send me to wherever it is I go, the deepest pit of Hell or the blackness of Oblivion, just them, that is all i ask for you. That is all this foolish son asks his
    ...One last cough left his torn lungs, the blood spilling around him vaguely forming the shape of a scarlet halo as a man who had taken more lives than there were stars in the night sky breathed his last in the mortal world, a soft smile gracing a tear stained face.
    "Hello, Mike," the voice was soft, gentle in a way he had not heard before, a father welcoming a son long away home, a mother greeting a long lost child, a friend reunited with one who had gone away...all of these and more came to mind as a means of explaining the soft male voice that echoed in his ears.
    He tried to speak, to move his mouth and yet he found that he could not, and yet the voice seemed to know what he wanted to say.
    "No, I am not the one you call 'God', I am something a little bit older than the Creator...but enough about me. I suppose that it was too much to hope your group would avoid knocking on my door for one day heh." The voice sounded oddly amused at the end of it's sentence, it's tone one of patience and kindness, a thinly veiled hint of sympathy and compassion as it continued to address the fallen Hitman. "I have gone by many names, but please feel free to call me Lucius, it is the name I have taken for myself, and yes before you ask," the voice seemed to be suppressing its amusement, and he found himself wanting to chuckle as well, the humor of the being oddly infectious, "I am aware of the irony of my chosen name. Believe me, I have heard about how it is wholly inappropriate for someone like me to have a name with that meaning given just *What* i am. But enough of that." The tone of the voice was calm now, the gentleness still present, but the compassion far greater in strength now as the humor left. "I assume you are wondering why you cannot see me? Or perhaps you are wondering where we are? To answer both of your questions, you can think of this place as a...'waiting room' of sorts a place where you may catch up on your rest while you wait to meet with me or in your case, " There was the humor again, and a feeling of pride that would have made him stand as tall as the mountains if he could stand, "Meet with you. But, you see I have about 60 or so others just from this one battle to review and then send on their way... and while I would normally this task to one of my children...but for your group," there was genuine warmth in it's tone when the voice spoke up again, an almost paternal pride lacing it's words, if he could have he imagined that he would have wept at such naked emotion being broadcast, "I will take care of such matters personally, you have more than earned my respect for all of the work you have done in helping me deal with this old problem. I apologize for letting it get this bad, but i couldn't risk accidentally causing more damage to your Universe if I interfered." There was regret there, irritation as well, and the faintest hint of self loathing. "But enough about that," There was a calmness to the voice once more, a surety in the words it spoke next that let the Hitman feel a weight lift from his body as he felt himself drifting along...into a place of wonder, and of peace. As he floated along on a fleeing of bliss he felt the weight of his life catch up to him, and with the promise of this being echoing in his ears he decided to take it's advice and get some rest while it dealt with the others who had could take it's time while he caught up on some sleep. And this place felt more comfortable than the best bed he had ever slept in.
    The words echoed in his mind one last time as he drifted off to a peaceful sleep; lifetimes would pass in seconds and eons in moments, as he dreamt of lives long lived and of adventures long had, as old friends came and visited a soul they knew would join them soon in their brief rest on an eternal journey he felt himself smile.
    "I'll keep an eye on your fellows, and I'll help when I can. So for now, rest easy Mike, and let old friends from lives long past tell you their tales and here yours while we wait to speak about what you wish to do next. Fear not sins long forgiven, or crimes long forgotten, for a heroes sacrifice has washed the debt clean."
    'Take care everyone, we'll meet again one day and until then...I'll be alright.'
    Rest in peace Hitman.

    • @lunerwolf6588
      @lunerwolf6588 4 роки тому

      Where can I find your fanfiction account like what website this good

  • @lordsenorslowmo5866
    @lordsenorslowmo5866 4 роки тому +2

    Though the pain may fade in time, the memory of the man named Mike never shall. He, along with many have given all they had. Those who are left, shall bear the torches of their wills, and shall strike with all the pain that they feel in their hearts, in the memory of those who can fight no longer. Though he was known as 47, there will ever be one like him

  • @manman-oy2mc
    @manman-oy2mc 4 роки тому +18

    I'd like to see more short content like this.
    Could be a good brake from the other content.

  • @crookedhood4610
    @crookedhood4610 4 роки тому +3

    For each grave that we bury for our brave soldiers, we’ll make entire cemeteries out of advent, the chosen and the elders. We got your back, Commander, now bring the bastards straight into Hell. Or retail, it’s kinda interchangeable.

  • @bezerker2173
    @bezerker2173 4 роки тому +1

    Godammn. I knew it would hurt but fuck. I love how xcom and you in particular make you care for the soldiers, and create a narrative with them

  • @razgriz245
    @razgriz245 4 роки тому +2

    He died knowing his death would bring new solders into the fight
    his spirit will be in one of those fighters

  • @sirderp2343
    @sirderp2343 4 роки тому +13

    Loved it. It was so earnest, and I felt it. I watched all of the campaign so far, and 47 here was one of the best, especially among Rangers. Sad he died, but I’m glad he put up a good fight regardless.

  • @morgrimgaming7342
    @morgrimgaming7342 4 роки тому +1

    I just came here from watching the last XCOM vid... Truly sad to see him go.
    With that said, let the tragedy of his sacrifice become the warcry that Advent comes to fear most! Turn the sadness into fury, and see these bastards driven before you!

  • @kingslothii8557
    @kingslothii8557 4 роки тому +5

    In times of grief I need bad puns,

  • @dominicbrunsmeier7830
    @dominicbrunsmeier7830 4 роки тому +1

    He ain't gone yet damnit! We haven't forgotten him and I sure as hell won't! H-He's just off on a assassination mission. He won't be back for a long time so... we keep fighting while he's gone making the big guy pay for making Advent!

  • @ofyuff8972
    @ofyuff8972 4 роки тому +1

    Maybe gone, but never forgotten.

  • @scottiy6625
    @scottiy6625 4 роки тому +1

    if only you could find a clone of him in a lab of some sort. RIP Mike

  • @fujisan92
    @fujisan92 4 роки тому +1

    Rest in Peace brave old lad.

  • @TheSonicmaster08
    @TheSonicmaster08 4 роки тому +1

    lost but not forgotten, Mr. Mike Hitman. *raises Glass*

  • @dmitriwojcik210
    @dmitriwojcik210 4 роки тому +1

    If the save is bricked, you could view it as reality doing a hard reset due to the deaths.

  • @mr_vien
    @mr_vien 4 роки тому +1

    Grab your drinks boys we have some chosen to hunt down

  • @namechanged3044
    @namechanged3044 4 роки тому +6

    Ok well you just made that 10x more sad and now I'm crying dude not cool

  • @gman1362869006
    @gman1362869006 4 роки тому +3

    Oh God my feelings..

  • @johnteets490
    @johnteets490 4 роки тому +2

    It is sad to see them go. Sometimes, my mind sees events in the structure of a TV show. This feels to me like the end of a season. Like Season 2 of Avatar: the Last Airbender. Or the 2-parter in season 3, The "Day of Black Sun". Maybe episodes 2 & 5 of Star Wars, The Fellowship of the Ring, or the Desolation of Smaug. One of those ends where the good guys get brutally defeated, left fleeing and bleeding by an enemy too drunk on triumph to care for who little remains. The heroes are scattered, hurt, and even gone. And for some time, this will feel like a war of attrition and grudge as everyone tries to take up the tasks whose masters now lay silent. I'm sure Central will feel like they're back at square one. But, given strength, courage, and most of all, time, things will begin to turn for the better. A new lineage if heroes will take up the watch of the old, and I, for one, am excited to meet XCOM's next generation of heroes. The wounds will close, but scars will form in their place. Always. So at the very least, one must make sure the scar tissue becomes a tough, armor hide. You will need it in the times to come: use it until that need is gone. Awaiting your orders, Commander 👨‍✈️👩‍✈️👨‍✈️👨‍✈️👩‍✈️👨‍✈️👨‍✈️👨‍✈️👩‍✈️👩‍✈️👨‍✈️👩‍✈️👩‍✈️👩‍✈️👨‍✈️👨‍✈️👨‍✈️👨‍✈️👩‍✈️👨‍✈️👩‍✈️👩‍✈️👨‍✈️👩‍✈️👩‍✈️👩‍✈️👩‍✈️👨‍✈️👩‍✈️👨‍✈️👩‍✈️👨‍✈️.

  • @jaffajaffanen8043
    @jaffajaffanen8043 4 роки тому +2

    Lore Video:
    Lore, Lore, Lore!
    OEM lore video.

  • @roykennedy
    @roykennedy 4 роки тому +4

    SO GOOD!

  • @danthesilenthunter1561
    @danthesilenthunter1561 4 роки тому +4

    They were good men though they weren't real they have there point of view and we have built feelings for them may Mike and every other soilder rest in peace 👨‍✈️👨‍✈️👩‍✈️👩‍✈️

  • @doctorshark509
    @doctorshark509 4 роки тому +1

    O........ would you look at that..... It's raining.

  • @dubuyajay9964
    @dubuyajay9964 4 роки тому +1

    War...war never changes.

  • @AtariArrow
    @AtariArrow 4 роки тому +1

    Right in the effin feels first thing in the Morning. Oh cruelty! 😭😱

  • @Menyss_Ice
    @Menyss_Ice 4 роки тому +2

    May Mike be remembered but not forgotten, just another reason to kick Advents booty ya know?

  • @TheXBladeist
    @TheXBladeist 4 роки тому +1

    *Salutes with tears*

  • @bottleofgrapejuice5009
    @bottleofgrapejuice5009 4 роки тому +1

    GOD DAMMIT, I should have set the game mode to peaceful.

  • @DemonMankeyMan
    @DemonMankeyMan 4 роки тому +2

    Normally this is where I would make some sort of pithy comment deriding or praising the ongoing efforts of "The Daft, Commandy One". Yet all I can muster is a choke in the throat and a tear in my eye as I look around at phantom shadows on the floor.

    • @EditEdward
      @EditEdward  4 роки тому +1

      That was a masterful reference

    • @DemonMankeyMan
      @DemonMankeyMan 4 роки тому

      @@EditEdward Feel free to do with it as you will. I wrote that without really thinking about it, so I'm not sure if I can take credit for said 'masterful reference'

  • @Historyfan476AD
    @Historyfan476AD 4 роки тому +2

    Salute for all those Brave men and women who died this day, All those Brave Advent troops who laid down there Lives to stop those civilian killing XCOM thugs, The Aliens who also in service to the Elders and Humanity laid down there lives to guard this fragile peace we hold dear. A moment of Silence for those Brave servants of the Elders and peace, May XCOM Suffer for there heinous crimes.

    • @EditEdward
      @EditEdward  4 роки тому +1


    • @Historyfan476AD
      @Historyfan476AD 4 роки тому

      @@EditEdward Thanks, Someone's got to root for the Forces of Evil, i mean have you seen those Advent trooper Uniforms they got style.

  • @00laptop007
    @00laptop007 4 роки тому +1

    this made me a bit emotional
    good job

  • @SgtShella
    @SgtShella 4 роки тому +2

    ah here goes another hero~ agent 47 will be remember

  • @antonironstag5085
    @antonironstag5085 4 роки тому +1

    RIP Hitman

  • @ChristianBMundy
    @ChristianBMundy 4 роки тому +1

    The feels.

  • @jpghost08
    @jpghost08 4 роки тому +2

    Legend never die

  • @lordcypher5889
    @lordcypher5889 4 роки тому

    He died a Martyr, and a legend...
    **It’s time to get some revenge**
    (You’ve gained a subscriber here... now, I think it’s time to find the Ultra Marines and kick some Xeno ass)

  • @niveknaylik531
    @niveknaylik531 4 роки тому +1

    GOOOOD ! I got chills !!!

  • @drakewelch7392
    @drakewelch7392 4 роки тому +1

    Bruh my heart. Why ya gotta sucker punch it

  • @TheHellsing300
    @TheHellsing300 4 роки тому +1

    I'm crying now 😭😭😭

  • @TheScoutnation
    @TheScoutnation 4 роки тому +1

    Oof that hit harder then it should have, time to pour one out for Mike and those we lost, also we need to get the commander a new synth

  • @Ooffoop
    @Ooffoop 4 роки тому +2

    Well if only my soldiers would live longer than a money but 80% ain’t good enough chance wise apparently

    • @EditEdward
      @EditEdward  4 роки тому +2

      Xcom gonna xcom

    • @Ooffoop
      @Ooffoop 4 роки тому

      OverEnglishMan oh no I made spelling mistake UNSEE THIS

  • @Thefunnycustodian
    @Thefunnycustodian 4 роки тому +1

    rip hitman I think it's hitman but yea you will be missed 😭

  • @thedoruk6324
    @thedoruk6324 4 роки тому +1

    Okay; this is *Epic!*

  • @theblackstoneknight
    @theblackstoneknight 4 роки тому +3

    It's always the better ones that have to die first... Rest in peace, 47.
    Another thing, there is a new mod on the Workshop, that adds the shiny enemies from Spectrum if you haven't seen it. The only issue is that the mod is in Korean, but can be translated.

    • @EditEdward
      @EditEdward  4 роки тому

      Could only take the first part as the second asks I either uninstall mercs plasma weapons (no) or that I transfer a bunch of code I’m too slow to read the walkthrough for haha

    • @theblackstoneknight
      @theblackstoneknight 4 роки тому

      @@EditEdward You'll only miss on one faction of the mod, so I say it's worth it just for the first "part".

  • @TraxOferta
    @TraxOferta 4 роки тому +2

    Well, I haven't found the easter egg, unless it's in one of your lines, not something to be seen.
    Also, better backup the saves just in case they decide to say "Screw you" and stop working
    Keep up the good work as long as you enjoy it mate, cheers.

  • @entertheunknown3554
    @entertheunknown3554 4 роки тому +1

    Much sad.

  • @Yeehim
    @Yeehim 4 роки тому +1

    Damn, your dedication to in-run 'lore' really starts to remind me of the old XCom let's play by GuavaMoment, full on roleplay storytelling mode.
    [And if you're not familliar, , it's a great read and my X-Com canon ;]

    • @EditEdward
      @EditEdward  4 роки тому

      Huh, that's awesome! No I hadn't heard of that before - good idea applying to the older less plot-written games

  • @alexsawyer60
    @alexsawyer60 4 роки тому +1

    damn, i was the first man ya lost and i got nothin', i see how it is
    *ghost noises intensify*

    • @EditEdward
      @EditEdward  4 роки тому

      You were the initial shock of “shit the rookie kid’s dead”.
      This guy had been here since the first mission. Fought back zombie hordes, felled a facility, held off the end until the enemy was thin enough to survive.
      Both are narratively impactful, just in different ways. One the horrors of war, another the loss of an old friend

    • @alexsawyer60
      @alexsawyer60 4 роки тому

      @@EditEdward i hear that man, and in case you're wondering, he's been at the shooting range up here (in heaven in case it wasn't obvious) for hours now, the man never quits.

  • @kimokarecords2060
    @kimokarecords2060 4 роки тому +2

    Hey again a longggg time ago I would always comment on your shadow of mordor vids and you would respond back and I’d find that super cool anyway just checking in after what, like 2 years

  • @AnonKiesura
    @AnonKiesura 4 роки тому +1

    question, if OEM was your synth, does that mean it's breaking your rules if you just make another version of him and just have to rank him back up all over again? also does this mean that i-doll and gracewalker are now the only surviving members of your season 1 a-team?

    • @EditEdward
      @EditEdward  4 роки тому

      The OG mission was Hitman, I-Doll, Gillian and End.
      The A-team was basically same lineup but with Gracewalker for End’s place, Toko and Unity.
      Toko, Grace, Gill and Doll live for now. But how long who knows.
      As for Synths. XCOM lacks the resources for another, sadly

  • @matthewkeen6281
    @matthewkeen6281 4 роки тому


  • @RealFeldion
    @RealFeldion 4 роки тому +1

    mike no

  • @doom7ish
    @doom7ish 4 роки тому +1

    No not the Hitman. Not him.

  • @charliehoke1956
    @charliehoke1956 4 роки тому +1

    Hold a moment isn't Jack still alive? When a soldier is left behind unconscious don't they automatically captured???

    • @EditEdward
      @EditEdward  4 роки тому

      Central said it at the end of mission.
      “Nobody else left alive down there”

    • @charliehoke1956
      @charliehoke1956 4 роки тому

      @@EditEdward damn

  • @charliehoke1956
    @charliehoke1956 4 роки тому +1
