Many thanks for your wonderful work documenting your knowledge to help those of us who may not have easy access to gurus, or who want to do a little bit of extra studying, A truly remarkable archive that enables even a humble beginner in engaging with a wide range of raags
Thank you ❤️🙏
Waaaaaah ❤
Many thanks for your wonderful work documenting your knowledge to help those of us who may not have easy access to gurus, or who want to do a little bit of extra studying, A truly remarkable archive that enables even a humble beginner in engaging with a wide range of raags
thanks so much for the feedback🙏🏼🧡
Is it possible to quickly adjust the key (by use of a capo) for this instrument. Or, is it possible to tune it in the key of C sharp? Cheers!!
Hi - no capo won't work on a sitar. You need to retune the whole sitar
Right, a capo can't be used on a sitar but you can re-tune it to C#