How to Grow from 0 to 75 Properties in 3 Years

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @mattmagnolia5747
    @mattmagnolia5747 21 день тому +14

    Building wealth from nothing involves consistent saving, disciplined spending, and strategic investments. Begin by creating a budget to track expenses and identify areas for savings. Prioritize paying off high-interest debt and establishing an emergency fund. As you build a foundation, start investing in low-cost options like index funds, and focus on continuous learning and improving your skills for better income opportunities

    • @cyrillevine7105
      @cyrillevine7105 21 день тому

      It's often true that people underestimate the importance of financial advisors until they feel the negative effects of emotional decision-making. I remember a few summers ago, after a tough divorce, when I needed a boost for my struggling business. I researched and found a licensed advisor who diligently helped grow my reserves despite inflation. Consequently, my reserves increased from $275k to around $750k.

    • @cyrillevine7105
      @cyrillevine7105 21 день тому

      He is actively on telegrams always

    • @cyrillevine7105
      @cyrillevine7105 21 день тому


    • @avasloan752
      @avasloan752 21 день тому

      Impressive insights! For beginners like me, managing and staying updated can be overwhelming. Are you an experienced investor or do you have a strategic approach for staying informed?

    • @natashatrovs6447
      @natashatrovs6447 21 день тому

      My expectation for 2024 is that markets starts to broaden out more, with the rates cut i have a couple of questions....can I safely invest $220k in the markets? What should I do differently?

  • @Davidteppercoach
    @Davidteppercoach 3 місяці тому +37

    The best way to get 6 figures is by learning the secrets strategies behind the foreign and Stock exchange markets. Goals come true.

    • @Davidteppercoach
      @Davidteppercoach 3 місяці тому +3

      $260k just now.
      God bless Elvin Greg

    • @Artist-jz8ky
      @Artist-jz8ky 3 місяці тому +3

      How possible is it? I'm from the Us.
      Please how can I reach you and learn the secret?

    • @Davidteppercoach
      @Davidteppercoach 3 місяці тому +3

      His name is Elvin Greg

    • @Davidteppercoach
      @Davidteppercoach 3 місяці тому +3

      Newbies, Wire (Messenger) only.

    • @Artist-jz8ky
      @Artist-jz8ky 3 місяці тому +3

      I just downloaded the wire app.

  • @Leroycharnandez
    @Leroycharnandez Місяць тому +70

    I Hit 250k today. Appreciate you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months. Started with 24k in July 2024

    • @Dashabell-k9o
      @Dashabell-k9o Місяць тому +1

      Sounds good, how do you do that? I'm interested, how do I go about getting started?

    • @Dashabell-k9o
      @Dashabell-k9o Місяць тому

      Do you invest with a broker??I'd appreciate it if you show me how to go about it.

    • @Leroycharnandez
      @Leroycharnandez Місяць тому

      It's Patricia V Vesely doing she's changed my life. A BROKER- like her is what you need.

    • @HakanKurt-mg5zq
      @HakanKurt-mg5zq Місяць тому

      Her top notch guidance and expertise on digital market changed the game for me.

    • @DoganZata
      @DoganZata Місяць тому +1

      YES!!! that's exactly her name (Mrs Patricia Vesely ) so many people have recommended highly about her and I'm just starting with her from United States'of America, Florida 🇺🇸

  • @raheem035
    @raheem035 16 днів тому +1

    Nice, it shows how the mentorship makes a difference. Look at me started with the same goal but stuck with only 2 properties after 5 years (though 100% paid)

    • @AndrewHolmesRealEstate
      @AndrewHolmesRealEstate  15 днів тому

      Yes, mentorship is the fast track to success! You can check out more of our free content on our social media pages @andrewholmesrealestate on Facebook and @andrewholmesre on Instagram. You can also go to and register for one of our free upcoming weekly meetings. You can attend in person or virtually online. Hope to see you there!

  • @bigdrip8266
    @bigdrip8266 3 місяці тому +3

    This channel is going to blow up! Maybe stay silent for a bit longer after they stop answering to see if they remember anything else

  • @JamesOliverr7s
    @JamesOliverr7s 15 днів тому +2

    "Building wealth is like climbing a mountain; investing is the steady ascent, retirement is the summit."

    • @JosephGodwill9h
      @JosephGodwill9h 15 днів тому

      Great analogy! Climbing toward retirement takes effort, but the financial freedom at the top is worth it.

    • @SebastianNoah5e
      @SebastianNoah5e 15 днів тому

      Great point, With my adviser’s help, I’ve climbed the financial ladder, making informed decisions that support my retirement goals.

    • @MatthewAidan4ns
      @MatthewAidan4ns 15 днів тому

      Great insight! I'd love to meet a financial adviser who can help me climb the financial ladder effectively.

    • @SebastianNoah5e
      @SebastianNoah5e 15 днів тому

      My CFA NICOLE ANASTASIA PLUMLEE a renowned figure in her line of work. I recommend researching her credentials further.

    • @MatthewAidan4ns
      @MatthewAidan4ns 15 днів тому

      Thank you for this amazing tip. I just looked the name up and wrote her.

  • @shyamjethnani2066
    @shyamjethnani2066 Місяць тому +1

    Awesome inputs, simple yet robust

  • @rags5162
    @rags5162 Місяць тому

    In starting you have mentioned that, how to reduce the tax. This point not told later in the discussion. Could you please tell those. Thanks

    • @AndrewHolmesRealEstate
      @AndrewHolmesRealEstate  28 днів тому

      Owning real estate can help offset taxes you may owe because you get to claim depreciation of the real estate asset. You can talk more about it with your accountant. Also feel free to get more involved with us. We have free weekly classes that you can attend in person or virtually. Just go to We are slowing down for the Thanksgiving holiday, but we will have more weekly events posted on the website after the holiday. Hope to see you soon!

  • @DannielleRosales
    @DannielleRosales 2 місяці тому +4

    Appreciate your continued dedication to helping average folks try to build wealth and not get rekt in the process, I love your confidence so keep shrugging off the naysayers. Your experience is clear and I look forward to your pragmatic and bullish viewpoints in a world that’s increasingly easy to get caught up in the constant negativity and bearish sentiment.... Long & short-term trading is generally safer, allowing investors to weather market volatility. I have managed to grow a nest egg of around 100k to a decent 432k in the space of a few months... I'm especially grateful to Evelyn Infurna, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape.

    • @StephanieMoore-oj7vz
      @StephanieMoore-oj7vz 2 місяці тому

      As a newbie, what do I need to do? How can I invest, on which platform? If you know, please share. I'm new to this, please how can I contact her?

    • @DannielleRosales
      @DannielleRosales 2 місяці тому

      Use her name to quickly conduct an internet search.

    • @DannielleRosales
      @DannielleRosales 2 місяці тому


    • @DannielleRosales
      @DannielleRosales 2 місяці тому

      Infurnaevely she’s verified

    • @StephanieMoore-oj7vz
      @StephanieMoore-oj7vz 2 місяці тому

      This is helpful, thanks ....gotta message her right away.

  • @mariasousa-hg7kf
    @mariasousa-hg7kf Місяць тому

    I like the idea of operating from India. What the difference, if using a team from UK. How much will cost! Thanks.

    • @AndrewHolmesRealEstate
      @AndrewHolmesRealEstate  28 днів тому +1

      We don't know anyone using a team from the UK but I'd assume it would be more expensive. But that's a good question. If you research it, feel free to share what you find!

  • @vikaspal3384
    @vikaspal3384 Місяць тому

    This is good, how to join with you?

    • @AndrewHolmesRealEstate
      @AndrewHolmesRealEstate  28 днів тому

      Glad you liked it! You can get more involved with us by going to We have a lot of free weekly classes you can attend in person or virtually online. We're slowing down for the Thanksgiving weekend but we will have more weekly events posted on the website after the holiday. Hope to see you soon!

  • @NatureNurturedJourney-ov4vb
    @NatureNurturedJourney-ov4vb 3 місяці тому +1

    Strategic and impressive

  • @NiandaWardhani
    @NiandaWardhani 19 днів тому +3

    Thanks for the educative video, Bitcoin is on its way to breaking records, getting closer to hitting new high prices 100k even though it's keep fluctuating, showing that it's gaining more value and could go even higher than we've seen before. This could mean great things for people looking to invest, suggesting now might be a good time to get involved before it jumps even higher. It's an exciting moment that could change the game in general...managed to grow a nest egg of around 125k to a decent 832k.... At the heart of this evolution is Bradford, whose deep understanding of both cryptocurrency and traditional trading has been instrumental. His holistic approach to investment and commitment to staying abreast of market trends make him an invaluable ally in navigating this new era in cryptocurrency investment....

    • @DanielLotus43
      @DanielLotus43 19 днів тому

      On the grand scheme of things, once you understand the potential of bitcoin, you can bet on it but I think people need the education to fully understand.

    • @LuisXhafa4
      @LuisXhafa4 19 днів тому

      I was big on gold and silver with stocks but a few months ago I discovered Bitcoin and Ethereum. Listening to lots of stuff from Expert Bradford has been really helpful in my journey.

    • @Andres870-v8u
      @Andres870-v8u 19 днів тому

      Spot on, I have tried 5 programs and pattern before reaching out to Bradford I can swear his program is the best for Now

    • @JocelyneBarthon-s5l
      @JocelyneBarthon-s5l 19 днів тому

      The first time we had tried, we invested $13400 and after a week we received $38,230. That really helped us a lot to pay our bills.

    • @baytranthi7130
      @baytranthi7130 19 днів тому

      Well said, Bradford is a very rare crypto trader, his trading course sections are awesome. Am glad to be a part of it

  • @ericksmith6126
    @ericksmith6126 28 днів тому +1

    In addition to his technical acumen, *Michael Hugh Terpin* also stands out for his integrity and transparency. He maintains open communication channels with his clients, providing regular updates, insights, and recommendations based on market trends. This level of transparency instills a sense of trust and confidence, making the trading experience with him not only profitable but also enjoyable and stress-free.

    • @berryracheal704
      @berryracheal704 26 днів тому

      Michael Hugh Terpin’s trading strategy is marked by a disciplined approach and a focus on risk management. He employs a diverse range of analytical tools and techniques to identify lucrative trading opportunities while mitigating potential risks. This meticulous approach has not only safeguarded my investments but has also generated substantial profits over time.

    • @berryracheal704
      @berryracheal704 26 днів тому


    • @berryracheal704
      @berryracheal704 26 днів тому


    • @bradsilby2421
      @bradsilby2421 26 днів тому

      It's a miracle and I would testify, $110,000 every 4 weeks! I now have a big mansion and can now afford anything and also support God's work and the church

    • @amandamorgan4982
      @amandamorgan4982 26 днів тому

      His good strategies of making large amount weekly profits for his clients are totally outstanding. Investing my $1500 with doubt and withdrawing $12,300 with happiness. I love you Michael. He had many years of experience and is a valuable resource for anyone looking to navigate the financial market.

  • @Mrkas09
    @Mrkas09 3 місяці тому

    Don't generalize Indian bro -- just because majority of them you meet happen to be Indian working in IT doesn't mean all of them doing the same thing. BTW what's your origin? was you happen to known as Arvind before Andrew?

    • @AndrewHolmesRealEstate
      @AndrewHolmesRealEstate  2 місяці тому

      It was a lighthearted comment. I'm Indian as well. And no, not Arvind :)

  • @thushyannagendram535
    @thushyannagendram535 2 місяці тому

    Where is it?

  • @jayavatar1577
    @jayavatar1577 Місяць тому

    I own 400 properties cashflowing $125k/month.

    • @AndrewHolmesRealEstate
      @AndrewHolmesRealEstate  Місяць тому +1

      Amazing! Good for you!

    • @vikaspal3384
      @vikaspal3384 Місяць тому +2

      How did you do it? Would you like to share?

    • @jayavatar1577
      @jayavatar1577 Місяць тому

      @@vikaspal3384 Used hard money lenders and private money and refinanced after 3 months and pay back my lenders and used the remaining to buy more. And I did all that in the US while I live in Canada. Anyone can do it, just need some education !

    • @jayavatar1577
      @jayavatar1577 Місяць тому

      @@AndrewHolmesRealEstate thank you.

    • @AZ-bx8yi
      @AZ-bx8yi 26 днів тому

      @jayavatar1577 I own 4,000 properties cashflowing $1.25MM/month.

  • @souravmukherjee01
    @souravmukherjee01 3 місяці тому

    Excellent 👍👍

  • @KBWFreedomthrurealestate
    @KBWFreedomthrurealestate 2 місяці тому

    I know this can occur. I did it and so can you!

  • @sandorvarga7437
    @sandorvarga7437 Місяць тому


  • @josefyuri171
    @josefyuri171 26 днів тому

    One of the most impressive aspects of Michael Hugh Terpin trading prowess is his keen understanding of market dynamics. He possesses a deep knowledge of various cryptocurrencies, their underlying technologies, and the broader economic factors influencing their value. This comprehensive understanding enables him to make well-informed investment decisions that consistently yield positive returns.

  • @rakeshkhurana-n3r
    @rakeshkhurana-n3r Місяць тому

    How to be on-board with you. Pls share contact nos..

  • @MrAlexGolovin
    @MrAlexGolovin Місяць тому

    Illinois population is decreasing significant due to awful government policies. I'm no longer willing to invest in Illinois.

  • @Benzene75
    @Benzene75 Місяць тому

    When are gonna call Dave Ramsey that you have 4 millions in debt 😅

  • @karthikarvindcs
    @karthikarvindcs 25 днів тому

    And he is IT consultant, how many believe this.?
    Just a benomy for black money flowing from India.

  • @Marley20
    @Marley20 Місяць тому

    2 minutes into your video, you sounds like two scammers, like those who call on the phone that barely speak English lol 😂

    • @AndrewHolmesRealEstate
      @AndrewHolmesRealEstate  Місяць тому

      Thanks for helping this channel grow by commenting. You're trying to be insulting but the engagement is only helping.

  • @murali1790able
    @murali1790able 26 днів тому

    Slowly slowly slowly 😂😂😂 who the heck believes he own 75 properties??

  • @BalajiMohan-h4b
    @BalajiMohan-h4b Місяць тому +2

    Scam. Pretty sure

  • @SsDd-gb2yf
    @SsDd-gb2yf Місяць тому +1

    How fake it is looking 😂

  • @murali1790able
    @murali1790able 26 днів тому +1

    Such a useless video, how did he reach 75 properties ? You didn’t answer, scammers

  • @JackFrost-wu2bq
    @JackFrost-wu2bq Місяць тому

    Slum lords

  • @casimoran
    @casimoran 10 днів тому

    I finished watching this video and never saw they explained how to go from 0 to 75 properties 👎🏻

  • @Khizzramir
    @Khizzramir 3 місяці тому +1

    This guy is stupid. Saying he buys where he feels safe to go with family and on the other hand he has no emotions attached to the property and only after number haha

    • @BrothersInArms1
      @BrothersInArms1 3 місяці тому +7

      He’s smart because he wants to attract the right tenant. It sounds like you don’t own 75 investments properties.

    • @Khizzramir
      @Khizzramir 3 місяці тому

      @@BrothersInArms1 Damn bro. You his wife ?

    • @javananderson1351
      @javananderson1351 3 місяці тому +5

      The only thing stupid here is this comment.
      He is simply stating he only buys properties in areas that not only attract the right type of tenants that won't Trash his investments but also to maintain satisfaction with tenants where they are more likely to stay long-term:
      less turnover = more profit

    • @BrothersInArms1
      @BrothersInArms1 3 місяці тому +2

      @@Khizzramir no, I run my own practice managing over 2000 investment properties.

    • @Khizzramir
      @Khizzramir 3 місяці тому

      @@BrothersInArms1 where are you based?

  • @keepdreaming227
    @keepdreaming227 Місяць тому +1

    Zero emotions about the business? Slumlord in the making.

    • @AndrewHolmesRealEstate
      @AndrewHolmesRealEstate  28 днів тому

      Zero emotions in the buying process. As in not getting attached to a property and buying it because you love it even though the numbers say it's a bad deal. That's what was meant. "Zero emotions" did not mean not caring about tenants.

    • @keepdreaming227
      @keepdreaming227 28 днів тому

      @ 90% of the business is outsourced. Wouldn’t it be better to create some jobs in USA? I mean after all this is the country that gave you the Real Estate opportunity. And I’m sure zero emotions means if by law “ I have to fix something I will do it. But that’s the extent to it. Because all I care about is the bottom line.”

    • @murali1790able
      @murali1790able 26 днів тому +1

      Scammers, just watch n laugh and move on bro

    • @praveensg
      @praveensg 10 днів тому

      ​@@keepdreaming227what device are you typing these comments on? Where was it made?