Kingdom Hearts // Lazy Afternoons | LyricWulf Piano Tutorial on Synthesia Collections

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @francescosorce5189
    @francescosorce5189 8 років тому +59

    First video i've EVER seen with no dislikes... i can see why, kh is so awesome!

    • @tommyvercetti891
      @tommyvercetti891 2 роки тому +2

      Well anyways no video on UA-cam has any dislikes now... So this one's no special anymore... Don't you just love UA-cam becoming like some app owned by China or Russia every year.

    • @starwarriorsZ
      @starwarriorsZ 2 роки тому +14

      Boy did this comment age well

    • @jacoblarson8113
      @jacoblarson8113 2 роки тому +14

      Still no dislikes! 😂

    • @Jotarokun2233
      @Jotarokun2233 2 місяці тому +1

      ​@@jacoblarson8113 It has 5 dislikes now...

  • @MysTeri0usMatT7
    @MysTeri0usMatT7 5 років тому +5

    Ahhh... .twilight town...
    takes me back to the strange lazy summer days of 2005-2006. Dear god how I miss my childhood and the fleeting mid 2000's sigh. Thankyou so much

  • @gororgeman
    @gororgeman 8 років тому +25

    I love your synthesia sheets. with the background and the sounds effect do that it sounds better. stay awesome!!

  • @Slow1.
    @Slow1. 7 місяців тому +1

    Very good, it is relaxing to listen to while it rains and you remember those good moments as a child when I discovered this saga

  • @rixy0310
    @rixy0310 6 років тому +6

    Really do love this game, people say sometimes it’s hard to stand the test of time, but for me, this video has, two years later and not a single dislike, but considering it came from lyricwulf, I shouldn’t be surprised.

  • @Cantendo
    @Cantendo 2 роки тому +10

    I always come back once in a while to this video because I love the song and I love this arrangement
    When I get a new room and a piano one of my goals is to play this song :)

    • @NsskMedia
      @NsskMedia Рік тому +1

      I got me one and I love it, chill play it before bed 👌🏼👍🏼

    • @Cantendo
      @Cantendo 6 місяців тому

      Still didn’t get my new room

  • @Caliko
    @Caliko 8 років тому +14

    gosh one of my favourite kingdom hearts pieces ;-; beautiful

    • @LyricWulf
      @LyricWulf  8 років тому +4

      Cover it. :3

    • @Caliko
      @Caliko 8 років тому +3

      I just might >:D But... there's something I gotta work on first
      _cough_ Heartache _cough_

    • @adamyohan
      @adamyohan Рік тому

      @@Caliko Maybe now's the the time? (that'd be so sick)

  • @somedegenerate6622
    @somedegenerate6622 2 роки тому +4

    I beat this game recently.
    Holy FUCK it was SO GOOD. I really wished I'd played it as a kid so I could have the same nostalgia everyone else in the fandom seems to have.

  • @andrewridl8929
    @andrewridl8929 Рік тому

    Kingdom hearts is one my most favorite games and this brings back so many good memories about twilight town and roxas in general.

  • @Mastercaster27
    @Mastercaster27 8 років тому +1

    I love the KH soundtrack, especially these pieces. They're so soothing and memorable.

  • @emac7050
    @emac7050 2 роки тому +1

    Reminds me of summer vacation… 😢

  • @plasmastormel5940
    @plasmastormel5940 4 роки тому

    I never thought it could sound this beautiful, one of the reasons I love this game

  • @trebledmusician
    @trebledmusician 5 років тому

    Oh my gosh. This is by far my most favourite track of Kingdom Hearts 2.

  • @Palletox
    @Palletox 8 років тому +5

    This was really well done.

  • @mustafaalsammarray3602
    @mustafaalsammarray3602 5 років тому

    i can finally play this, my favourite piece already

  • @KikonSketches
    @KikonSketches 5 років тому

    Wow this was absolutely gorgeous.. a beautiful arrangement

  • @lunabeann
    @lunabeann 2 роки тому

    It's so beautiful! I can't wait to give it a try (:

  • @felipeherrera1226
    @felipeherrera1226 4 роки тому

    I really love this arragement. I really love your job and I congratulate you

  • @whodatchannel
    @whodatchannel 8 років тому

    so glad to see a kingdom hearts song. brings memories.
    request: undead corperation - the empress

  • @zerouseless
    @zerouseless 4 роки тому

    thx for the sheet mate :) you did a great job really thanks :D

  • @panda_br1992
    @panda_br1992 8 років тому

    i love you lyricwulf! i (i can't draw in pc without hearing some type of song, and your piano is the best!)

    • @LyricWulf
      @LyricWulf  8 років тому

      Thanks! I love you too!

  • @Manuelmort
    @Manuelmort 8 років тому

    omg lyric I love you!! :3

  • @Zero-vu8se
    @Zero-vu8se 5 років тому

    Wowie. NO SINGLE DISLIKE. Boy.... I have never seen this before.

  • @samuelwood1494
    @samuelwood1494 5 років тому

    Great cover!!! Best version I could find capturing the nostalgia

  • @luigirespecter9232
    @luigirespecter9232 8 років тому


  • @edenfroze
    @edenfroze 8 років тому +1

    I hope your channel doesn't die because of youtube

  • @theomegaalpha7217
    @theomegaalpha7217 8 років тому

    Brooo kingdom hearts!!!

  • @milkyuterus4724
    @milkyuterus4724 8 років тому +4

    You should do the main theme of KH (Dearly Beloved)

    • @Ximaerror40412
      @Ximaerror40412 8 років тому

      Tacø Scrub yep you are right, Dearly Beloved is the main theme song(also best song ever)

  • @joa.barrera
    @joa.barrera 8 років тому

    Really really great work man! I'm sorry to ask but.. what's happening with the sheets from the last videos...? I can't find them in your website...

    • @LyricWulf
      @LyricWulf  8 років тому

      Just updated the sheets on my website!

  • @k4m1k4z3273
    @k4m1k4z3273 8 років тому

    Dearly Beloved next?

  • @ctrl34
    @ctrl34 8 років тому

    You should do some Pokemon Sun and Moon music!

  • @Sean17lol
    @Sean17lol 8 років тому

    Wow this was really good nice job man! I hate to keep asking but are you still doing #deep by Bo Burnham?

    • @LyricWulf
      @LyricWulf  8 років тому

      It should be out sometime this month! Got really swamped in requests recently, but you can check out my Trello board to see when arrangements are due for me:

    • @Sean17lol
      @Sean17lol 8 років тому

      Oh cool thanks for the link. Keep up the good work

    • @mr.splashteen2303
      @mr.splashteen2303 8 років тому

      How many requests are there

    • @LyricWulf
      @LyricWulf  8 років тому

      264 and counting.

    • @mr.splashteen2303
      @mr.splashteen2303 8 років тому

      OH MY STARS. That's a lot

  • @eterna3704
    @eterna3704 8 років тому

    One question left are roxas is ventus

    • @moved6380
      @moved6380 8 років тому

      Roxas and Ventus are 2 completely different people.

    • @eterna3704
      @eterna3704 8 років тому

      but in the 258 days intro i see ventus changing name into roxas

    • @domi2002
      @domi2002 7 років тому

      Tokaku Seryuu I know it's 2 months later but Birth by Sleep explains why you see his name in the beginning. I don't want to give away anything besides that.

    • @eterna3704
      @eterna3704 7 років тому

      lKirvin Oh ok thanks for that info LOL i just really confused

  • @greengaming3956
    @greengaming3956 8 років тому +1

    I am trying to try the song in real life :D btw it takes me about 3 hours to master one song XD

  • @rixy0310
    @rixy0310 5 років тому

    Whoever put the one dislike is going to hell.

  • @yuihimeko7002
    @yuihimeko7002 7 років тому

    Please don't stop the KH piano MIDI(or whatever you call a piece similar to this)

  • @joshd1071
    @joshd1071 8 років тому

    Shit yessssssssssssssss

  • @mr.splashteen2303
    @mr.splashteen2303 8 років тому

    You doing Kingdom Hearts. Know do Mario and Luigi

  • @Oldmangamess
    @Oldmangamess 4 роки тому

    Sorry guys I had to make the 420 likes to 421 it's this good
    I hope you guys forgive me

  • @peacey2025
    @peacey2025 7 років тому

    Hmm no dislikes?

  • @ScubDomino
    @ScubDomino 8 років тому

    do touhou songs you dirty. >:c

  • @denny141196
    @denny141196 4 роки тому

    Uh, this is literally just the piano collections version but worse. It already had transcribed sheets as well as a live performance. Why does this need to exist?

    • @LyricWulf
      @LyricWulf  4 роки тому +4

      Imagine a world where we have to justify everything's existence