Our Birth Plan | Pregnancy Vlog Week 32 | Planned C Section UK - Elective Caesarean Section NHS

  • Опубліковано 19 жов 2024


  • @laurentierney3838
    @laurentierney3838 Рік тому +5

    My first baby was born via emergency c-section in December 2019.
    The hours leading up to the birth was a little traumatic (failed induction), but once the decision was made about going into surgery for an emergency c-section, the procedure was absolutely magical.
    I always remember Wham- Last Christmas was playing on the radio (it was the 19th Dec) and as we didn’t know the sex of the baby, it was always the plan for my husband to be the person to tell me. This was still the case even though our birth didn’t go to ‘plan’ and the surgeon signalled to my husband before the drapes were lowered so we still had the moment of him announcing we had a baby boy.
    The recovery was much better than I expected. The nurses will fully support you when it’s time to get up and moving so you won’t be left on your own.
    Baby was born at 9.30pm and the following morning I was up, walking unaided and showering.
    My second baby was due 2 years later and I opted for an elective section. I was given a day and time to be at hospital (which just felt completely bonkers!) l always remember that drive to the hospital feeling so surreal that knowing in a few hours our baby would be born.
    The whole experience of an elective section was extremely relaxed. The surgeons chatted away about their plans for the weekend while they were operating and the whole thing was so chilled.
    If Chris takes along his phone to theatre, the surgical assistants should be happy to take plenty of photos for you too!
    Recovery was tougher with the elective but I think that was down to it being the second section only 2 years apart.
    Stay on top of the pain meds!
    It’s easy in the hospital because the nurses bring you it routinely but once you get home and you adjust to your new little family routine, it can be easy to forget your pain meds until it becomes painful, so that would definitely be my biggest piece of advice.
    All the best to you both for your upcoming arrival. Soak up every single minute. It will be the most magical and utterly surreal moment of your life. 🤍

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому +1

      Thank you so much my love! Yes we definitely want some photos if possible 🥹😍xax

  • @MsFred1411
    @MsFred1411 Рік тому +2

    I had a planned c section last summer due to a naughty breech baby, it was brought forward a week when I became unwell with pregnancy related complications but it was wonderful. I am so glad he was born by c section. The team were so reassuring. The surgery itself was surreal but all very calm. Recovery was painful at times as expected but very manageable with support, taking your pain relief regularly and laxatives. The first night in hospital the staff expect you to need help with everything so don’t be afraid to use your call bell and get help. You have just the right attitude and it will be great ❤.

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому

      Thank you so much Sarah this is so reassuring 🥹xax

  • @jackiroswell
    @jackiroswell Рік тому +1

    I am so excited for you and Chris having watched you for many years - your decision is yours alone and when baby is here all safe and well this will be a complete distant memory. No one can tell you not to worry but trust your team and know that you are going to be looked after. Stay happy and positive ❤ you got this xx

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому

      It’s bonkers how it’s just one day really but it’s such a huge one! I’m trusting it will all be ok and we’ll get through 🥰🥹💕xax

  • @Ameliarv
    @Ameliarv Рік тому +4

    Just wanted to comment I had a emergency c section in 2020, although it is sore afterwards I wanna tell you that you will be fine and it will be a very special day indeed! I recommend just taking your time afterwards, the ladies on my ward were amazing and really helpful to getting me back on my feet again! I went home 2 days later, and got straight back to normal pretty much. You’ve got to do what’s right for you and bubba. Get some ecenecia tablets as it will help the bruising!! All the best xxxxx

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому +1

      Thank you lovely! Definitely going to take my time and let Chris look after me I think! It’s a huge thing but we’ve got a good team going 🥹🤗💕xax

  • @marymegamouth5166
    @marymegamouth5166 Рік тому +2

    I work in an operating theatre so am involved in elective C-sections all the time and as a team we try to make them really special for parents. Do ask to drop the drapes, i always love to see the look of pure happiness and amazement on parents faces as they see their baby for the first time, no one notices the operation site it's all about baby!

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому

      Ah thank you lovely - yes it would be an absolute dream if that could happen 🤞🏻xax

  • @aimeeleighrogers1
    @aimeeleighrogers1 Рік тому +2

    If you grew a little human in your body, and that little human leaves your body either via vaginal birth or c-section…You gave birth!
    I am a paediatric critical care nurse and where I work is 90% newborns. I see mums daily who have literally just given birth and c-section recovery is tough. Most of the time tougher than vaginal, c-section mums are hero’s.
    I have only ever had a vaginal birth but I am 30 weeks with my second currently and taking it day by day as I’m consultant led too.
    You have grown a beautiful little human in your body, it’s an amazing and beautiful thing. No matter how they enter the world you’ve smashed it. Think about all the newborn snuggles you will get cuddled up on the couch, soak in every moment.
    One thing I wish I listened to 1st time round is don’t rush back to being busy/normal life routine. I am like you, I don’t sit well haha, I felt like I had to carry on with normal life as soon as I got home from hospital and the dishes can wait, the visitors can wait, nothing will happen if your laundry piles up abit and the hoover isn’t done. Children give you the gift of lowering expectations and slowing down!

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому

      Ah thank you so much and congratulations to you too! How exciting 💕🤗💕xax

  • @mollyjaybooks
    @mollyjaybooks Рік тому +1

    Congratulations on finding out when Baybet is coming (if they're not early ofc!)!!! Having not had a baby I can't offer advice, but I can definitely leave encouragement! 🙂 For anyone reading this: No one is less of a woman or mother for having a "non-traditional" birth/family dynamic etc! I know you are going to be a wonderful parent who puts their child first and just tries their best! You can do it!! And asking for help if you need it is not a bad thing either! It doesn't mean you have failed as a parent!! Good luck and much love to you and Chris Amelia and to anyone reading this who is pregnant!! Xxx

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому +1

      You’re so lovely molly - thank you 🥹🤗💕xax

  • @mariacristinacifala7977
    @mariacristinacifala7977 Рік тому +1

    As you said you need to do what’s best for your baby safety so don’t feel guilty about c section! You’re such a strong woman and beautiful soul and I’m sure you’ll be an amazing mum! ❤

  • @Joysteib
    @Joysteib Рік тому +2

    Every feeling and emotion is so so normal. I had a natural birth for my first pregnancy and my second one was breach so I had to have a scheduled c-section. Both so different but both with the same result....a healthy baby!! I do remember having a soft pillow near by while recovering when I needed to cough or laugh...it helped to put it on my incision. When the nurse told me I had to walk(my first thought was she's mad/crazy) I felt like I couldn't or wouldn't be able to do it but with help it is the best thing....walk if you can...it will only get better in my opinion . Also try to eat foods to help with your BM...also a relief. The best medicine is for you to get a lot of rest and enjoy snuggling with your little one. Chris is daddy and will enjoy being useful!! Let him!!! With your positive attitude and determination....YOU GOT THIS!!! Wishing you all the best with a healthy delivery and speedy recovery!! Take care and can't wait to find out the gender of your sweet little babe!! p.s sorry for the big paragraph! lol

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому +1

      Ah thank you Joycelyn! Yes pillow at the ready for coughing and for the journey home too! Eeeek!!!xxa

  • @nailsology_1950
    @nailsology_1950 Рік тому +1

    I’ve had 4 c sections. My first was an emergency after 36 hours of labour. My second was a “planned” section even though I wanted a vbac. I was told it was all baby & that I wouldn’t bring him myself without my scar rupturing! He ended up my smallest but I cried & cried afterwards as I felt robbed. But my other 2 were planned.
    Having others I liked the fact I knew when baby was coming & that I could have things in place.
    Having a bath with lavender oil & full fat milk helps healing & also when drying scar put towel over & lean forward & if you cough or sneeze it will pull at first so lean forward and it will help xx

  • @SoaringWhiteSpirit
    @SoaringWhiteSpirit Рік тому +1

    You’ll be great! ❤ I just wanted to offer some re-assurance as I’ve had 2 C-sections (many years ago! My daughters are now around your age 😁)
    Firstly, your first night - (and any subsequent days/night you are in hospital) the nurses will be of wonderful help to you. They were a godsend to me. So, you won’t really be all on your own 🤗
    Secondly ~ something that helped me afterward was a microwaveable cloth rice bag for my tummy for relief of gas pain. Definitely, check with your health team, but I very much appreciated the night nurse who brought this to me after my first C-Section.
    Best wishes!

  • @jasvirdhillon2655
    @jasvirdhillon2655 Рік тому +1

    Can't believe how fast your pregnancy journey going. So excited for you and Chris.

  • @HannahJadeShaw
    @HannahJadeShaw Рік тому +2

    Despite having a successful vaginal birth, I still had to go into surgery for a retained placenta. The doctors and nurses were lovely. They had one nurse who was purely there just to talk to me and make me laugh. The whole thing was actually very positive despite not being what we expected. At the end of the day, you are going to be a mum and you have a whole host of new experiences coming your way. I remember regretting obsessively researching and not enjoying those last few weeks of the pregnancy more. I was nervous and stressed trying to plan for every eventuality. If I have any advice it would be find peace with your own story, know that you are in the best of hands and look forward to meeting your little one. Sending lots of love! Xx

  • @lizzie5671
    @lizzie5671 Рік тому +1

    Your body has done such an amazing thing already by creating a human and it’s so important that you and baby are safe so no need to feel any guilt about how baby arrives 💛
    I haven’t had kids yet but often think that booking in a cleaner to help with that side of things for the first month or so would really help take the pressure off ☺️

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому

      Ooooh yes I’d love a cleaner to come in and just keep on top of stuff. They’re hard to find round near us sadly!xax

  • @honestdez
    @honestdez Рік тому

    I had a emergency c section about 7 years ago, I was induced because baby boy did not want to come out, so I was put on pitocin and everything was going well but my nurse was pregnant and wasn’t paying attention to me, when doctor broke my water, she wasn’t changing the pads so I ended up with a fever and he ended up with his heart rate dropping, so they decided to put me under a emergency c section, my experience went great ( I was really drugged up ) so I wasn’t fully there but once I heard that cry nothing else matter ! My recovery was fairly well and my boyfriend basically took over for 2 weeks… now here I am 7 years later about to have a scheduled c section and I am so scared too, I keep thinking I’m not going to make it, but hearing positive stories helps and keeping my faith in God, because I know he blessed me with another baby boy 💙 I wish you a healthy c section delivery for you and baby and a speedy recovery ! God bless you ❤

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому

      I’m glad the positive stories are helping you too - best of luck my lovely, I’m sure you will smash it!!!xax

  • @hannahandeevee6446
    @hannahandeevee6446 Рік тому +1

    Peppermint tea is a great friend after c section and you can get a peppermint oil to put in water. Really helps, I had terrible pains in my shoulders from trapped wind.
    Take an extra pillow just to hold over your stomach not just for holding baby, but I found helpful for travelling in car on way home from hospital,especially if bumpy or when you laugh. You will smash this! Xx

  • @michelepisano-marsh8838
    @michelepisano-marsh8838 Рік тому

    I had 3 section births - 2 emergency and 1 scheduled. I was so determined to have a ‘normal’ birth but guess what? For me & my babies c sections were normal. I was completely unprepared for a surgical delivery the first time and I remember the morning after the birth needing my husband to hold me up in the shower and thinking “how will I take care of a little baby when I’m so weak.” But you rely on your partner and listen to your body and you will find that every 12 hours is better than the previous 12 hours. I found by breaking it into chunks of time I could chart and see improvement just helped me to internalize how amazing the experience was. Always nervous to be in a hospital but those 3 stays came with the BEST parting gift - still my favorite people on the planet!

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому

      Aw that’s so lovely! Yes the end goal is that happy baby so no matter what happens, we’ve got this!xax

  • @dousethelights90
    @dousethelights90 Рік тому +1

    You are going to be an amazing mum! As you mentioned peppermint tea, I just wanted to share that peppermint can decrease milk supply (it happened to me), so it might be best to choose other tea options. You’ve got this, Amelia! Your community is rooting for you! 🎉❤

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому +1

      It’s more for the trapped gas and referred shoulder pain immediately post c-section it’s recommended for as it can cause quite the problem and pain apparently! But chewing gum also works I think! 🤗💕xax

  • @zoebrown6492
    @zoebrown6492 Рік тому

    So glad you have your birth plan sorted, you will be amazing! Your pregnancy has gone so quick cant believe it's next month. Loved watching you grow your little human, enjoy every moment as it too goes so quick. What a lucky little baby to have two lovely people for parents! Good luck!

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому

      Aw Zoe this is so nice of you to say! 🥹 thank you xax

  • @MhRdDaftPunks
    @MhRdDaftPunks Рік тому

    My sister ended up having an emergency c section and she had a great experience! Yes she couldn’t move much in hospital but once she got home, she did great and recovered quickly. Her doctors also explained that c sections are actually better for mothers as opposed to vaginal births. They’ve come a long way since back in the day. Don’t be scared, you’ll be okay!

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому +1

      Modern medicine really is incredible - it amazes me to be honest 🥹xax

  • @lindajarrell2348
    @lindajarrell2348 Рік тому +1

    As a mom who had to have an emergency c section with my first born after 20 hours of induced labor, and a planned c section with my second, I have always wondered where the guilt of or looking down on a c section mom comes from?? The star of this event is the baby; the birth into the world is the baby's not ours as mom. If it helps, consider it like not drinking alcohol during pregnancy, as you said, you are doing whatever it takes to bring you child into the world safely and no one should ever need to question that fact. You are doing a beautiful job, Momma!

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому

      20 hours! Wow, you superhero, goodness. Yes I’ve never really understood people who try to shame others for the way their birth has gone - as long as we get our babies here safely that’s all that matters ey! we do what we need to do 🤗💕xax

  • @graceyblossom
    @graceyblossom Рік тому +1

    I think you’re so brave and have the best attitude with your birth plan. The scariest part of birth as a first time mum is the unknown but you’ll be in the best of hands at the birth and at home. Also having the knowledge your research will equip and empower you in the 4th trimester.
    Hat off to you wanting to see 😅 I would be so squeamish.
    Breastfeeding is challenging but 100% worth it, hard as it sounds relaxing and trusting your body. Ask the midwives as much as you can about helping with the latch you’ll be fine ! I’ve linked you an amazing account on IG for lots of bf support ❤❤

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому

      Urgh yes it’s definitely the unknown isn’t it! It’s so hard to walk into it all blind no matter how much research you do! 🤯xax

  • @gailadams8553
    @gailadams8553 Рік тому

    Everyone has a different experience with birthing so whatever happens just go with it… lots of positive thoughts coming your way

  • @sarahvob
    @sarahvob Рік тому

    I can’t give any experience of csections… but your attitude is spot on. A birth is a birth no matter how it happens… as long as they can arrive safely. So exciting you now know date!!🎉

  • @lisamcallister7501
    @lisamcallister7501 Рік тому

    My friend had a planned C-section with a 5 day stay as baby needed help feeding and she said it was so relieving to know that they had professionals supporting them and the didn't go home until mum and baby wete perfectly well. Her partner was allowed to stay overnight (which he didn't because they have a fur baby too). They came home happy and ready!

  • @clairebennett31
    @clairebennett31 Рік тому

    Aw amelia, it will be such an amazing experience for you and Chris, you will both be amazing parents... iv had 3 sections, my first was an emergency, the recovery is hard,but just take it slow and take the help that is offered to you. X

  • @cindycollins3731
    @cindycollins3731 Рік тому

    I got to witness my best friend give birth via C-Section! Her husband and I were there, and I felt it was a very magical experience! Her husband got to be right by baby as the nurses cleaned him up and got him all wrapped up. It was a surprisingly quick process, so you should be cuddling with your baby in no time! Funny story- her husband is quite squeamish and would not cut the umbilical cord… So my BFF asked me to!! (The science nerd in me loved it!!) Hahaha!! It was quite funny. You’ve got this, Amelia! You really have the perfect attitude! 💗💗💗

  • @melaniefoster-newton7045
    @melaniefoster-newton7045 Рік тому

    Second baby was a C-section, it was so weird as I walked into theatre and it was strange knowing that shortly after I would have my baby, it was all very quick and calm, even the spinal anaesthetic was fine, baby was born to the Moana soundtrack, I had skin to skin straight away and I cried happy tears as baby weed on me, typical. Had a lovely time before going into ward and had him breastfeeding straight away. Agree to get up and walk when you can as it does ease your recovery, little and often and take all pain relief available. Can't wait xx

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому

      Oh this is amazing! What a fantastic experience!xax

  • @emmadickinson7618
    @emmadickinson7618 Рік тому

    Hi there. Just to say don’t worry about after and being on your own in the hospital. I had a natural birth but a lot of problems came with that. So I was in hospital after for a whole. My husband went home to get some much needed sleep that first night, so I was there the first night with my little girl alone. I couldn’t get out the bed and worried so much how I would cope with feeding and changing her. But the midwives are always on hand to help you on the ward. So don’t worry about that. Xx

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому +1

      Thank you Emma! I think i'm just going to have to press the button and try not to feel bad about it! haha xax

  • @janehunting1416
    @janehunting1416 Рік тому

    I haven't gone through a c section but I know several people who have who have and had positive experiences and recovered well and quicker than is advised.
    Just in terms of colostrum harvesting don't panic if you don't get a lot, that's doesn't mean you will struggle with BF. I hardly got any and barely get any pumping but have BF two babies with no issues! x

  • @crystalisedangel
    @crystalisedangel Рік тому

    Just to add- my first baby was emergency c section ( due to him being 10 LB 2 oz)- I had him at 6.40 pm and my husband left at 9pm..... I was in a baby bubble and managed all night on my own. My hardest night was first night home because I allowed too many visitors and didn't sleep as much as I should.

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому

      Ah yes I’d imagine you’re on a bit of a high tbh - I doubt anyone sleeps that first night 😍🥹xax

  • @sophiesadds1153
    @sophiesadds1153 Рік тому

    I have had 2 planned c sections due to both my girlie's being breech. We didn't do any of the 'gentle' stuff I just wanted them here safe after previous losses and birth is magically anyway if you can't have any of that stuff. I was so grateful that I got to birth them in the same room at the same hospital.
    Take your pregnancy pillow into hospital to help prop you up after as they never have enough pillows. And overnight use your call button for them to help you get baby out of crub to feed. Drink lots and lots of water when they take catheter out as you won't be discharged till you done a nice big pee in a pan for them to see 🤣. Take snacks in case you miss lunch and dinner depending on what time u go down. Also dressing gown so ya butt not on show if you walk to the surgery rooms. Try and block out the hater/judgey people 🙄 both before you go in and after -- they can make you feel like you didn't birth proper etc that shit caused me to spiral 1st time round 2nd time I not so diplomatically told then fluff off.
    Hope all goes well ❤️ try not to worry ❤️

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому

      Thank you lovely 🤗 I don’t personally believe in the ‘us and them’ mentality of birth when it comes to these things - all births are births and happy safe babies and birthing people are the goals 💕🥰xax

  • @nermeenzaidi106
    @nermeenzaidi106 9 місяців тому +1

    Will the doctors agree if I want a C-Section instead of natural birth? I have a lot of anxiety related to natural birth.

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  9 місяців тому +1

      I believe they take these things on a case by case basis my love - have a chat to your midwife about your anxieties surrounding vaginal birth and take a look at your options 🩷

  • @nailsology_1950
    @nailsology_1950 Рік тому

    With my third c section my anaesthetist took photos of my daughter literally coming out of me! I love the pic! Not displayable but amazing xx

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому

      Amazing! I’d love one of those xax

    • @nailsology_1950
      @nailsology_1950 Рік тому

      @@xameliaxUA-cam I’m sure they would do it for you, just mention it to them when you go to have baby xx

  • @andiecawood2680
    @andiecawood2680 Рік тому

    You will do amazing, Chris sounds like he's a good one so you will be well looked after. The midwives will be on hand to help during the first day(s). I've had 3 csections the 1st was planned as he was breech (it was 32 yes ago), 2bd I Laboured until 9vn dilated then I was wished off for an emergency so I had to have one with my 3rd. A rolled up towel or pillow helps if you need to cough or when you are on the loo. DO NOT OVER DO IT at least for the first few weeks even if you feel well enough you will pay for it the next day. Any questions ask away. I'm a pro 🤣🤣. X

  • @TheMisabv
    @TheMisabv Рік тому

    I am so happy that you're having a C Section🙈! It's a little selfish of me as with twins It's 95% sure its going to be a c Section. Now I have the chance to get your experience 😅
    Well seriously, what's really important is that you're ok with this type of birth ❤

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому +1

      😂 not sure how comfortable I am playing Guinea pig here haha xax

    • @TheMisabv
      @TheMisabv Рік тому

      @@xameliaxUA-cam hope you didn't take it wrong 🥺
      It was not meant to be hurtful.
      I'm 100% with you in that the most important thing for us is to bring our babies safe to this world ❤
      I'm not afraid of the C-section, but I also want to get as much info beforehand on it to be as "prepared" as possible, and as you're one of the most real UA-camrs out there (you tell it like it is), I know that whatever you share is going to be real, no sugar coating... and that's the kind of info I'm searching for 🙏

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому +1

      noooo I’m only joking! 😆 it just made me chuckle because this is what people say to me about little things like skincare or period pants and I’m like that’s ok I’ll be Guinea pig for us and ‘give it a go’…feel like it doesn’t quite work the same for surgery 😂xax

    • @TheMisabv
      @TheMisabv Рік тому

      @@xameliaxUA-cam 😂

  • @sarahm4820
    @sarahm4820 Рік тому

    I’ve had four c-sections, all amazing. My last one was a gentle cesarean and I recommend it 10/10. It was the most perfect birth. Also, I had 3 of them within 4 years- and my body/uterus is just fine! Please don’t be freaked out by the horror stories people like to share. I have nothing but positive things to say about my belly births (I’m in the US). And recovery was a week? I’ll take that over traumatizing my vagina to be honest lol.

  • @melissamoss2479
    @melissamoss2479 Рік тому

    Ive had a emergency c section and a planned c section (last one 2020) arnica tablets are great for healing post birth also Tena discreet nappy pants post birth as you can ripped them at the sides when done, the recovery for both I found good if I kept up with my pain relief moved moderately ate and drank and tried to rest when baby did X

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому

      Thank you lovely! Yes big pants and lots of rest for sure on the cards haha xax

  • @kristiwhite7191
    @kristiwhite7191 Рік тому

    Fingers crossed for my birthday next month! 😅

    • @kristiwhite7191
      @kristiwhite7191 Рік тому

      Also, adopted here 😊 no idea which way I was born, so I guess on my side I want to say it doesn’t matter. Like you said, just get baby here safely! We are all rooting for you 💙💕💙💕

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому

      Aw thank you Kristi! You should have two birthdays like the queen did! Sod it, have one every month ahah 😄💕 xax

  • @karenmarshall-harris2345
    @karenmarshall-harris2345 Рік тому

    Why are you having an elective C section ? 😮❤

  • @crystalisedangel
    @crystalisedangel Рік тому

    I'm a mum of 3 c-sections-all went well for all 3. If I could share any advice to anyone-move regularly and for very short spans as soon as possible eg walk around hospital bed and get back on the bed.

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому

      Thank you! Yes little walks and staying mobile seems key whilst not overdoing it x

  • @karenmarshall-harris2345
    @karenmarshall-harris2345 Рік тому

    Unless your private a birth plan never happens 😢

    • @xameliaxYoutube
      @xameliaxYoutube  Рік тому

      I don’t think even paying private means you can guarantee a birth goes to plan 🙈 Think it’s best to think of things as preferences rather than a plan and try and keep an open mind…which is definitely easier said than done ey!xax